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Epigenetic Resetting of a Gene Imprinted in Plant Embryos   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Genomic imprinting resulting in the differential expression of maternal and paternal alleles in the fertilization products has evolved independently in placental mammals and flowering plants. In most cases, silenced alleles carry DNA methylation [1]. Whereas these methylation marks of imprinted genes are generally erased and reestablished in each generation in mammals [2], imprinting marks persist in endosperms [3], the sole tissue of reported imprinted gene expression in plants. Here we show that the maternally expressed in embryo 1 (mee1) gene of maize is imprinted in both the embryo and endosperm and that parent-of-origin-specific expression correlates with differential allelic methylation. This epigenetic asymmetry is maintained in the endosperm, whereas the embryonic maternal allele is demethylated on fertilization and remethylated later in embryogenesis. This report of imprinting in the plant embryo confirms that, as in mammals, epigenetic mechanisms operate to regulate allelic gene expression in both embryonic and extraembryonic structures. The embryonic methylation profile demonstrates that plants evolved a mechanism for resetting parent-specific imprinting marks, a necessary prerequisite for parent-of-origin-dependent gene expression in consecutive generations. The striking difference between the regulation of imprinting in the embryo and endosperm suggests that imprinting mechanisms might have evolved independently in both fertilization products of flowering plants.  相似文献   

Genomic imprinting in plants: observations and evolutionary implications   总被引:19,自引:2,他引:17  
The epigenetic phenomenon of genomic imprinting occurs among both plants and animals. In species where imprinting is observed, there are parent-of-origin effects on the expression of imprinted genes in offspring. This review focuses on imprinting in plants with examples from maize, where gene imprinting was first described, and Arabidopsis. Our current understanding of imprinting in plants is presented in the context of cytosine methylation and imprinting in mammals, where developmentally essential genes are imprinted. Important considerations include the structure and organization of imprinted genes and the role of regional, differential methylation. Imprinting in plants may be related to other epigenetic phenomena including paramutation and transgene silencing. Finally, we discuss the role of gene structure and evolutionary implications of imprinting in plants.  相似文献   

Genomic imprinting is an epigenetic phenomenon whereby genetically identical alleles are differentially expressed dependent on their parent-of-origin. Genomic imprinting has independently evolved in flowering plants and mammals. In both organism classes, imprinting occurs in embryo-nourishing tissues, the placenta and the endosperm, respectively, and it has been proposed that imprinted genes regulate the transfer of nutrients to the developing progeny. Many imprinted genes are located in the vicinity of DNA-methylated transposon or repeat sequences, implying that transposon insertions are associated with the evolution of imprinted loci. The antagonistic action of DNA methylation and Polycomb group-mediated histone methylation seems important for the regulation of many imprinted plant genes, whereby the position of such epigenetic modifications can determine whether a gene will be mainly expressed from either the maternally or paternally inherited alleles. Furthermore, long non-coding RNAs seem to play an as yet underappreciated role for the regulation of imprinted plant genes. Imprinted expression of a number of genes is conserved between monocots and dicots, suggesting that long-term selection can maintain imprinted expression at some loci.  相似文献   

In flowering plants, success or failure of seed development is determined by various genetic mechanisms. During sexual reproduction, double fertilization produces the embryo and endosperm, which both contain maternally and paternally derived genomes. In endosperm, a reproductive barrier is often observed in inter-specific crosses. Endosperm is a tissue that provides nourishment for the embryo within the seed, in a similar fashion to the placenta of mammals, and for the young seedling after germination. This review considers the relationship between the reproductive barrier in endosperm and genomic imprinting. Genomic imprinting is an epigenetic mechanism that results in mono-allelic gene expression that is parent-of-origin dependent. In Arabidopsis, recent studies of several imprinted gene loci have identified the epigenetic mechanisms that determine genomic imprinting. A crucial feature of genomic imprinting is that the maternally and paternally derived imprinted genes must carry some form of differential mark, usually DNA methylation and/or histone modification. Although the epigenetic marks should be complementary on maternally and paternally imprinted genes within a single species, it is possible that neither the patterns of epigenetic marks nor expression of imprinted genes are the same in different species. Moreover, in hybrid endosperm, the regulation of expression of imprinted genes can be affected by upstream regulatory mechanisms in the male and female gametophytes. Species-specific variations in epigenetic marks, the copy number of imprinted genes, and the epigenetic regulation of imprinted genes in hybrids might all play a role in the reproductive barriers observed in the endosperm of interspecific and interploidy crosses. These predicted molecular mechanisms might be related to earlier models such as the "endosperm balance number" (EBN) and "polar nuclei activation" (PNA) hypotheses.  相似文献   

Genomic imprinting results in monoallelic gene expression in a parent-of-origin-dependent manner. It is achieved by the differential epigenetic marking of parental alleles. Over the past decade, studies in the model systems Arabidopsis thaliana and maize (Zea mays) have shown a strong correlation between silent or active states with epigenetic marks, such as DNA methylation and histone modifications, but the nature of the primary imprint has not been clearly established for all imprinted genes. Phenotypes and expression patterns of imprinted genes have fueled the perception that genomic imprinting is specific to the endosperm, a seed tissue that does not contribute to the next generation. However, several lines of evidence suggest a potential role for imprinting in the embryo, raising questions as to how imprints are erased and reset from one generation to the next. Imprinting regulation in flowering plants shows striking similarities, but also some important differences, compared with the mechanisms of imprinting described in mammals. For example, some imprinted genes are involved in seed growth and viability in plants, which is similar in mammals, where imprinted gene regulation is essential for embryonic development. However, it seems to be more flexible in plants, as imprinting requirements can be bypassed to allow the development of clonal offspring in apomicts.  相似文献   

Imprinted genes are expressed predominantly from either their paternal or their maternal allele. To date, all imprinted genes identified in plants are expressed in the endosperm. In Arabidopsis thaliana, maternal imprinting has been clearly demonstrated for the Polycomb group gene MEDEA (MEA) and for FWA. Direct repeats upstream of FWA are subject to DNA methylation. However, it is still not clear to what extent similar cis-acting elements may be part of a conserved molecular mechanism controlling maternally imprinted genes. In this work, we show that the Polycomb group gene FERTILIZATION-INDEPENDENT SEED2 (FIS2) is imprinted. Maintenance of FIS2 imprinting depends on DNA methylation, whereas loss of DNA methylation does not affect MEA imprinting. DNA methylation targets a small region upstream of FIS2 distinct from the target of DNA methylation associated with FWA. We show that FWA and FIS2 imprinting requires the maintenance of DNA methylation throughout the plant life cycle, including male gametogenesis and endosperm development. Our data thus demonstrate that parental genomic imprinting in plants depends on diverse cis-elements and mechanisms dependent or independent of DNA methylation. We propose that imprinting has evolved under constraints linked to the evolution of plant reproduction and not by the selection of a specific molecular mechanism.  相似文献   

哺乳动物印记基因的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
哺乳动物印记基因是指只表达亲本一方的遗传信息,而另一方处于关闭状态的一类基因。约80%的印记基因呈串出现在染色体上;在哺乳动物品种之间,印记基因具有较高的保守性;印记基因的复制通常表现为不同时性;一些印记基因具有印记遗传的时空性;少数印记基因只转录为mRNA而不翻译成蛋白质;印记基因的反意链通常表达,表达产生具有调节印记基因的作用。哺乳动物印记基因的调控序列的DNA甲基化、组蛋白乙酰酸化和组蛋白甲基化等引起其印记表达,其中DNA分子的甲基化是关键,它在生命周期中可被清除,也可被标记。印记基因之间的调控表达通常是相互作用的。克隆动物作为印记基因研究的实验动物模型,已获得许多有意义的研究结果。  相似文献   

Imprinting evolution and human health   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Genomic imprinting results in parent-of-origin-dependent, monoallelic expression of genes. The functional haploid state of these genes has far-reaching consequences. Not only has imprinting been implicated in accelerating mammalian speciation, there is growing evidence that it is also involved in the pathogenesis of several human conditions, particularly cancer and neurological disorders. Epigenetic regulatory mechanisms govern the parental allele-specific silencing of imprinted genes, and many theories have attempted to explain the driving force for the evolution of this unique form of gene control. This review discusses the evolution of imprinting in Therian mammals, and the importance of imprinted genes in human health and disease.  相似文献   

Genomic imprinting, representing parent-specific expression of alleles at a locus, is mainly evident in flowering plants and placental mammals. Most imprinted genes, including numerous non-coding RNAs, are located in clusters regulated by imprinting control regions (ICRs). The acquisition and evolution of genomic imprinting is among the most fundamental genetic questions. Discoveries about the transition of mammalian imprinted gene domains from their non-imprinted ancestors, especially recent studies undertaken on the most ancient mammalian clades — the marsupials and monotremes from which model species genomes have recently been sequenced, are of high value. By reviewing and analyzing these studies, a close connection between non-coding RNAs and the acquisition of genomic imprinting in mammals is demonstrated. The evidence comes from two observations accompanied with the acquisition of the imprinting: (i) many novel non-coding RNA genes emerged in imprinted regions; (ii) the expressions of some conserved non-coding RNAs have changed dramatically. Furthermore, a systematical analysis of imprinted snoRNA (small nucleolar RNA) genes from 15 vertebrates suggests that the origination of imprinted snoRNAs occurred after the divergence between eutherians and marsupials, followed by a rapid expansion leading to the fixation of major gene families in the eutherian ancestor prior to the radiation of modern placental mammals. Involved in the regulation of imprinted silencing and mediating the chromatins epigenetic modification may be the major roles that non-coding RNAs play during the acquisition of genomic imprinting in mammals. Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 30830066), the Ministry of Education of China and Natural Science Foundation of Guangdong Province (Grant No. IRT0447, NSF-05200303) and National Key Basic Research and Development Program of China (Grant No. 2005CB724600)  相似文献   

Parental genomic imprinting is an epigenetic phenomenon causing the expression of a gene from one of the two parental alleles. Imprinting has been identified in plants and mammals. Recent evidence shows that DNA methylation and histone modifications are responsible for this parent-of-origin dependent expression of imprinted genes. We review the mechanisms and functions of imprinting in plants. We further describe the significance of imprinting for reproduction and discuss potential models for its evolution.  相似文献   

Deeper into the maize: new insights into genomic imprinting in plants   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Current models for regulation of parent-specific gene expression in plants have been based on a small number of imprinted genes in Arabidopsis. These present repression as the default state, with expression requiring targeted activation. In general, repression is associated with maintenance methylation of cytosines, while no role has been found in Arabidopsis imprinting for de novo methylation--unlike the case in mammals. A recent paper both reinforces and challenges the model drawn from Arabidopsis. Methylation patterns of two imprinted loci in maize were tracked from gametes to offspring, enabling an exploration of the timing of imprinting. For one gene, fie1, the results were as expected: parent-specific methylation patterns were inherited from the three types of gamete: egg, central cell and sperm. The behaviour of fie2, however, was a surprise: no alleles were methylated in the gametes, although paternally contributed fie2 is methylated and silent in the endosperm, indicating that, in some cases, plant imprinting requires de novo DNA methylation. This work significantly broadens our understanding of plant imprinting and points to a greater diversity in imprinting mechanisms than has previously been appreciated.  相似文献   

Parental genomic imprinting is characterized by the expression of a selected panel of genes from one of the two parental alleles. Recent evidence shows that DNA methylation and histone modifications are responsible for this parent-of-origin-dependent expression of imprinted genes. Because similar epigenetic marks have been recruited independently in plants and mammals, the only organisms in which imprinted gene loci have been identified so far, this phenomenon represents a case for convergent evolution. Here we discuss the emerging parallels in imprinting in both taxa. We also describe the significance of imprinting for reproduction and discuss potential models for its evolution.  相似文献   

Genomic imprinting (or imprinting) refers to an epigenetic phenomenon by which the allelic expression of a gene depends on the parent of origin. It has evolved independently in placental mammals and flowering plants. In plants, imprinting is mainly found in endosperm. Recent genome-wide surveys in Arabidopsis, rice, and maize identified hundreds of imprinted genes in endosperm. Since these genes are of diverse functions, endosperm development is regulated at different regulatory levels. The imprinted expression of only a few genes is conserved between Arabidopsis and monocots, suggesting that imprinting evolved quickly during speciation. In Arabidopsis, DEMETER (DME) mediates hypomethylation in the maternal genome at numerous loci (mainly transposons and repeats) in the central cell and results in many differentially methylated regions between parental genomes in the endosperm, and subsequent imprinted expression of some genes. In addition, histone modification mediated by Polycomb group (PcG) proteins is also involved in regulating imprinting. DME-induced hypomethylated alleles in the central cell are considered to produce small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) which are imported to the egg to reinforce DNA methylation. In parallel, the activity of DME in the vegetative cell of the male gametophyte demethylates many regions which overlap with the demethylated regions in the central cell. siRNAs from the demethylated regions are hypothesized to be also transferred into sperm to reinforce DNA methylation. Imprinting is partly the result of genome-wide epigenetic reprogramming in the central cell and vegetative cell and evolved under different selective pressures.  相似文献   

Endosperm gene imprinting and seed development   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Imprinting occurs in the endosperm of flowering plants. Endosperm, produced by fertilization of the central cell in the female gametophyte, is essential for embryo and seed development. Several imprinted genes play an important role in endosperm development. The mechanism of gene imprinting involves DNA methylation and histone modification. DNA methylation is actively removed at the imprinted alleles to be activated. Histone methylation mediated by the Polycomb group complex provides another layer of epigenetic regulation at the silenced alleles. Endosperm gene imprinting can be uncoupled from seed development when fertilization of the central cell is prevented. Imprinting may be a mechanism to ensure fertilization of the central cell thereby preventing parthenogenic development of the endosperm.  相似文献   

H19 and Igf2--enhancing the confusion?   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Genomic imprinting, whereby certain genes are expressed dependent on whether they are maternally or paternally inherited, is restricted to mammals and angiosperm plants. This unusual mode of gene regulation results from the complex interplay between cis-regulatory elements, leading to parent-of-origin-dependent epigenetic modifications and tissue-specific patterns of imprinted gene expression. Many studies of imprinting and imprinted genes have focused on epigenetic effects, such as DNA methylation and chromatin structure. However, it is equally important to explore the interconnected role of regulatory elements at imprinted domains by genetic experiments, including the use of transgenes and deletions.  相似文献   

Although the majority of genes are expressed equally from both alleles, some genes are differentially expressed. Monoallelic gene expression, the differential gene expression of the alleles such as genomic imprinting, is reported in several organisms and plays significant roles in proper development and diversity in gene expression and phenotypic variation. Recent studies in flowering plants have greatly increased our understanding of the underlying mechanisms of monoallelic gene expression. They indicate that machineries of gene silencing such as DNA methylation, histone modifications, and noncoding RNAs function in monoallelic gene expression. A combination of genetics and high-throughput technologies expands the scope of study on monoallelic gene expression in flowering plants.  相似文献   

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