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中国兰科植物属的界定:现状与展望   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
<正>兰科植物是被子植物的最大科之一,全世界约有736属28,000种(Chase et al.,2015,Dressler,1993),广泛分布于大部分的陆地生态系统中,尤其以热带地区最为丰富。兰科植物是生物学研究的热点类群之一,也是生物多样性保护中的"旗舰"类群,全世界所有的野生兰科植物均被列为《野生动植物濒危物种国际贸易公约》(CITES)的保护范围,占该公约保护植物种类的90%以上。中国是野生兰科植物最为丰富的国家之一,  相似文献   

兰科( Orchidaceae)植物是一类特殊且具有较高研究价值的植物类群[1],物种数量多、生活型多样且进化水平高,中国分布有兰科植物194属1388余种[2]1,是单子叶植物中种类数量最多的一个科;同时,野生兰又是受威胁最为严重的类群之一,全部种类都被列入《野生动植物濒危物种国际贸易公约》,约占该公约涵盖的保护植物数量的90%以上,是名副其实的保护植物中的“旗舰”类群[3]。  相似文献   

广西雅长林区野生兰科植物资源丰富,约有52属156种,其中雅长保护区几乎每座山头都有兰科植物的分布,但其种类与居群基株数量等分布不均匀,且不连续,呈现出破碎化现象,其中面积较大的局部密集分布区有16处.文中根据野生兰科植物的资源现状及生物生态学特性,针对目前兰科植物保育存在的问题,分析人畜干扰及自然条件变化等不利因素,从兰科植物维持机制角度出发,提出雅长野生兰科植物的保护应以就地保护为主、迁地保育为辅的保育措施与策略:保护区应加快建设的步伐,构建野生兰科植物种质资源基因库,同时对密集分布区在人畜干扰大的区域,优先拉设铁丝网围护,并派专人巡护,重点保护,确保野生兰科植物及基因库安全.  相似文献   

海南岛野生兰科植物多样性及其保护区域的优先性   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
兰科是显花植物中的一个大类群,世界约有800属25 000种,全世界所有野生兰科植物均被列入《濒危野生动植物物种国际贸易公约》的保护范围,是植物保护中的“旗舰”类群。中国是野生兰科植物最重要的多样性中心之一,约有171属1 247种。作为中国的典型热带地区,海南岛具有丰富的野生兰科植物资源。该文系统地收集和整理了海南岛野生兰科植物资源信息,以海南岛19个行政县为基本分布区,构建海南岛野生兰科植物数据库,采用特有性简约分析(Parsimony analysis of endemicity)和互补分析(Complementarity analysis)两种方法,探讨海南岛野生兰科植物多样性保护的最低保护区组合和区域保护优先序问题。结果表明:海南岛约分布有野生兰科植物77属202种(30个中国特有种),其多样性保护的关键区域为南部和西南部地区;基于物种相似性,两个区域被建议作为优先保护区域:一个是以保亭、三亚和陵水为代表的区域,另一个区域以昌江和乐东为代表;基于互补性原理,最低保护区组合为10个分布区,按照其保护优先序依次排列为保亭、三亚、五指山、陵水、白沙、乐东、琼中、东方、昌江和琼山等地,其中陵水、保亭、琼中、乐东、三亚和五指山等6个分布区就包含了30个特有科在内。我们认为,基于海南岛野生兰科植物建立优先保护区域,利用有限的资源达到最优的保护,是一个较为合理、科学和高效的保护策略。  相似文献   

为了使广东省的兰科植物及其遗传多样性得到有效的保育, 保存我国重要野生植物资源, 在2017-2019年间, 采用样线和样地相结合的调查手段、专家快速评估和野外调查相结合的评估技术以及Wilcoxon符号秩检验和Friedman检验的统计方法, 对广东省自然分布的兰科植物进行了全面的调查和濒危等级评估, 并对其在广东省自然保护区中的就地保育情况和全国植物园中的迁地保育情况进行了综合分析。结果表明, 广东省分布有兰科植物80属235种, 其中广东特有种20种; 广东兰科植物受威胁物种有186种, 其中极危11种、濒危114种、易危61种; 就地保育的兰科植物有111种, 迁地保育的兰科植物有156种, 就地和迁地共同保育的兰科植物有96种, 保育的有效程度较低; 另外, 就地、迁地、就地和迁地共同保育的兰科植物之间没有体现出明显的差异, 保育工作缺乏选择性和针对性。基于此, 我们建议广东兰科植物的保育工作应重视基础数据的收集和持续的野外监测、提高保育物种的数量、优化迁地保育物种的选择性和针对性、完善迁地保育和就地保育之间的协同性, 同时也应重视立法和公众教育, 并构建广东兰科植物保育的网络系统。  相似文献   

濒危兰科植物再引入技术及其应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
稀有、濒危植物的再引入,是在条件成熟时,把经过迁地保护的人工繁殖体重新放回到它们原来自然和半自然的生态系统或适合它们生存的野外环境中去,重建较为完善的生态系统。再引入技术的目标在于提高生态系统生物多样性及群落稳定性,建立可自我维持种群,它是继就地保护和迁地保护等保护策略之外的一种新兴的珍稀濒危植物保育方式。国际上再引入技术的研究刚起步,高度成功的还不多,目前可借鉴的成熟经验较少。通过分析国内外已经开展的若干珍稀濒危植物再引入技术案例,重点介绍国内外濒危兰科植物再引入的研究现状、技术体系和评价标准,讨论了再引入技术的类型和方法,并总结了可能影响再引入成败的制约性因素,分析了适用于兰科植物的再引入技术要素。由此提出濒危兰科植物再引入的重要现实意义,为今后的规模化人工栽培提供科学依据,同时有利于指导其他濒危植物再引入技术规程的制定。  相似文献   

高越  郭顺星  邢晓科 《菌物学报》2019,38(11):1808-1825
自然环境下,兰科植物种子细小无胚乳,需要和适宜的真菌共生才能萌发,因而与真菌有天然的共生关系。自身繁殖率低加之近年来栖息地环境破坏导致兰科植物资源更加濒危,而通过筛选适合的真菌进行种子的共生萌发可以有效地实现兰科植物的种质保育及濒危种类野生居群的生态恢复。本文对地生型、附生型以及腐生型等兰科植物已发现的萌发真菌的多样性进行了系统地梳理,发现担子菌门的胶膜菌科、角担菌科以及蜡壳耳目真菌为已报道共生萌发真菌的主要类群;同时对兰科植物种子的共生萌发机制,包括形态学机制、营养机制和分子机制等方面的相关研究进行了归纳论述,但是当前关于兰科植物和真菌互作机制方面的研究还相对较少,许多问题需要进一步明确。本文对共生萌发真菌在兰科植物保育和繁育中的应用以及共生萌发机制的研究等方面具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

在对雅鲁藏布江下游地区兰科(Orchidaceae)植物资源进行调查的基础上,结合资料收集和标本查阅,利用多个评价指标定量计算各濒危植物的优先保护值,确定该区域珍稀濒危兰科植物的濒危等级和优先保护序列。结果表明:对雅鲁藏布江下游地区的60属156种濒危兰科植物濒危等级进行评价,其中处于极危(CR)状态的有15种,处于濒危(EN)状态的有46种,处于易危(VU)状态的有78种,处于近危(NT)状态的有17种;优先保护范围值为0.853 9~0.416 8,其中被划分为Ⅰ级保护植物有45种,Ⅱ级保护植物有72种,Ⅲ级保护植物有39种。该研究结果与各种保护植物名录的濒危程度和优先保护级别存在较大差异,大部分兰科植物在该区受威胁程度加强,与这些兰科植物在雅鲁藏布江下游地区现实生存状态基本保持一致,对该区域兰科植物的保护迫在眉睫,应引起足够重视。  相似文献   

兰科菌根的生态学研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
兰科植物(Orchidaceae)是典型的菌根植物,自然条件下其种子的成功萌发和生长的早期阶段对菌根真菌有绝对的依赖性,在有些成年兰科植物中菌根真菌仍起着重要的作用。目前大部分兰科植物已为濒危物种,鉴于兰科植物天然的菌根共生关系,开展兰科植物和菌根真菌互作的生态学研究不仅具有极高的科研价值,更有助于兰科植物的物种保护和野生种群的生态恢复。近年研究表明,兰科植物对真菌的选择和二者共生关系的建立与菌根真菌的空间分布和丰度密切相关,然而当前对自然环境中兰科菌根真菌的实际分布还了解甚少,因此文章从生态学角度系统分析兰科植物与菌根真菌的关系,探讨该领域的研究热点,旨在为兰科菌根的生态学研究提供参考。  相似文献   

兰科植物菌根真菌研究新见解   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
兰科(Orchidaceae)在地球生命系统演化中占有十分重要的地位,几乎全部兰科植物均处于不同程度的濒危状态,研究兰科菌根真菌对于保护珍稀濒危兰科植物具有重要意义.该文在对菌根真菌相关的概念及研究方法进行综述的基础上,对兰科菌根真菌的主要类群、特异性及其与兰科植物稀有性之间的关系,以及兰科菌根真菌与兰科植物之间的营养...  相似文献   

叶超  刘锋  安明态  杨焱冰 《广西植物》2022,42(2):240-246
兰科(Orchidaceae)植物是植物界中最进化、种类最丰富的类群之一,有较高的环境要求和较强的生态系统依存性.由于很多兰科植物具有较高的观赏价值和药用价值,各地采挖频繁,导致其受威胁十分严重,已成为保护植物中的"旗舰"类群.该文基于文献资料和近年来课题组野外调查数据,分析贵州省野生兰科植物的地理分布状况、就地保护现...  相似文献   

兰科(Orchidaceae Juss.)是被子植物最大科之一,广泛分布于各种陆地生态系统中,具生态、观赏、药用、食用、文化、科研等多重价值,一直以来都是备受关注的重点保护类群。中国是野生兰科植物资源最为丰富的国家之一,具有从原始类群到高级类群的一系列进化群以及复杂多样的地理分布类型。对中国野生兰科植物资源现状和濒危、保护情况进行综合阐述、分析,并针对未来兰科植物资源的可持续利用进行展望。新版《国家重点保护野生植物名录》的发布打开了我国兰科植物保护新局面,加强对我国源远流长的兰文化和散落民间的相关传统知识的归纳整理及科学普及,重视兰科生物文化多样性的保护工作,并根据传统知识线索,探索兰花新品种和药食新资源,不仅可能成为兰科资源保护和利用的新思路和新动力,也将有助于我国生态文明建设和经济社会可持续发展。  相似文献   

About a quarter of Chinese wild orchid species are used in traditional medicine or as health food supplements. The market demand for some species, such as those in the epiphytic genus Dendrobium, has diminished many wild populations to local extinction or dangerously small numbers. Conservation of these heavily exploited orchids currently relies on a two-pronged approach: establishing nature reserves and encouraging massive commercial cultivation in artificial settings. We argue that these measures are not sufficient to restore or maintain healthy wild populations, and augmentation and reintroduction of these species in natural forests are needed. We argue for an unconventional reintroduction approach, in which populations planted in natural forests are allowed to be sustainably harvested (restoration-friendly cultivation). Because Dendrobium orchids are epiphytic, restoration-friendly cultivation of these species will not be at the expenses of other native plants. In addition, market premiums on wild-collected medicinal plants will generate incentives for farmers who participate in restoration-friendly cultivation to preserve natural forests. With proper policy and oversight, the restoration-friendly cultivation of medicinal Dendrobium orchids will facilitate the conservation of these threatened species, encourage protection of natural forests, and benefit marginalized rural communities. Adding this restoration-friendly cultivation into the current mix of conservation approaches has the potential to turn deeply-entrenched traditional uses of orchids from a conservation challenge to a conservation success.  相似文献   

Zeuxine gracilis, Zeuxine strateumatica, and Eulophia sinensis are wild orchids with different breeding systems and colonizing abilities. Zeuxine gracilis is an outcrosser with restricted distribution, whereas S. strateumatica is an apomictic colonizer found only in newly available open habitats. Eulophia sinensis is an outcrossing colonizer. This study investigates the levels of genetic variation and patterns of population structure in these wild orchids to provide genetic information for the development of suitable conservation strategies. Lack of allozyme variation was characteristic of all three species, especially in populations of the two colonizing orchids, Z. strateumatica and E. sinensis. More variable markers, randomly amplified polymorphic DNAs (RAPDs), were further employed to characterize population structure of these species. Substantial genetic variation was found at the RAPD loci within populations of Z. gracilis (p = 21.65 ± 15.88%, A = 1.217 ± 0.159, and H = 0.076 ± 0.054) and E. sinensis (p = 17.82 ± 20.97%, A = 1.179 ± 0.209, and H = 0.070 ± 0.084), but little variation existed within populations of Z. strateumatica (p = 2.84 ± 2.58%, A = 1.029 ± 0.026, and H = 0.011 ± 0.011). Regardless of the breeding system, the total gene diversity at the species level was partitioned primarily between populations, as shown by high G(ST) values, in all three species. An extremely high level of population differentiation (G(ST) = 0.924) was found in the apomictic colonizer Z. strateumatica. The patterns of genetic variation in these wild orchids are apparently related to their differences in breeding system and colonizing ability. Different conservation strategies are needed for the long-term survival of these species.  相似文献   



Wild orchids are illegally harvested and traded in Nepal for use in local traditional medicine, horticulture, and international trade. This study aims to: 1) identify the diversity of species of wild orchids in trade in Nepal; 2) study the chain of commercialization from collector to client and/or export; 3) map traditional knowledge and medicinal use of orchids; and 4) integrate the collected data to propose a more sustainable approach to orchid conservation in Nepal.


Trade, species diversity, and traditional use of wild-harvested orchids were documented during field surveys of markets and through interviews. Trade volumes and approximate income were estimated based on surveys and current market prices. Orchid material samples were identified to species level using a combination of morphology and DNA barcoding.


Orchid trade is a long tradition, and illegal export to China, India and Hong Kong is rife. Estimates show that 9.4 tons of wild orchids were illegally traded from the study sites during 2008/2009. A total of 60 species of wild orchids were reported to be used in traditional medicinal practices to cure at least 38 different ailments, including energizers, aphrodisiacs and treatments of burnt skin, fractured or dislocated bones, headaches, fever and wounds. DNA barcoding successfully identified orchid material to species level that remained sterile after culturing.


Collection of wild orchids was found to be widespread in Nepal, but illegal trade is threatening many species in the wild. Establishment of small-scale sustainable orchid breeding enterprises could be a valuable alternative for the production of medicinal orchids for local communities. Critically endangered species should be placed on CITES Appendix I to provide extra protection to those species. DNA barcoding is an effective method for species identification and monitoring of illegal cross-border trade.

Viable populations of threatened orchids can be re‐established in the wild through integrated conservation that combines a scientific understanding of species ecology with applied knowledge of horticultural requirements. Previously abundant in South China, Pecteilis susannae has declined due to habitat loss and collection, both for its magnificent flowers and its fleshy tubers, which are of purported medicinal value. To illustrate the steps being taken for the conservation of this and other orchids in Hong Kong, the history, taxonomy and ecology of P. susannae are discussed, and information on its propagation and culture are provided.  相似文献   

The conservation of few plants produces such an emotive response as that of hardy slipper orchids of the genus Cypripedium. The genus, comprising 45 species and two varieties, is holarctic in distribution with the centre of diversity in China. Much is known about the status of some species and their populations in Europe and North America, but little information is available on the Asiatic and Mexican species. Most cypripediums are showy orchids and are well represented in herbaria, allowing an estimate of the present distribution, frequency and conservation status of the known species to be made. The authors conclude that having considered the number of herbarium specimens, nearly half of the genus may be considered threatened and in need of some legal protection if the plants are to survive in the wild. They identify a need to examine the conservation status of the taxa in in this genus more closely, and outline two important conservation tools that may help efforts to this end: the IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria for the Amendment of the Appendices of CITES (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora).  相似文献   

初论中国兜兰属植物的保护策略及其潜在资源优势   总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27  
兜兰属植物是最受人们喜爱的兰科植物之一 ,中国是兜兰属植物的主要产地。与世界其他地区一样 ,我国兜兰属植物也面临持续的商业采集压力。本文回顾了世界兜兰属植物的贸易、栽培和育种的历史 ,认为有菌播种方法可以更有效地保护兜兰属植物的多样性 ,同时也能够为兜兰属植物的人工栽培和育种提供新的手段。目前我国兜兰属植物一方面仍遭受各种人为因素的干扰 ,急需采取措施加以保护 ;另一方面对我国兜兰属植物的认识还不够全面和深入 ,还不能对人为因素影响的程度和范围作出客观的评价 ,特别是有关兜兰属植物的繁育技术还很薄弱。针对这种现状 ,作者提出在较长时期内我国兜兰属植物的保护策略宜以原地保护 (insituconservation)为主 ,同时积极开展有关兜兰属植物保护生物学的基础研究 ,大力发展和完善迁地保护 (exsituconservation)技术体系。最后 ,讨论了我国兜兰属植物的潜在资源和生态等方面的优势。  相似文献   

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