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Third instar larvae of Heliothis virescens and Helicoverpa zea could be distinguished based on the hydrocarbons of their surface lipids. Hydrocarbons were the major components of the surface lipids and a distinctive capillary gas chromatographic profile could be obtained from a hexane extract of the surface lipids of a single larva. Analysis of hexane extracts of the surface lipids by capillary gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (CGC-MS) showed several obvious differences between the two species: (1) in their gas chromatographic profiles; (2) in the presence of a major alkene, hentriacontene, only in H. zea; (3) in H. virescens the CGC-MS peak with a KI of approximately 2860 was 2-methyloctacosane, but in H. zea it was a mixture of 4-methyloctacosane plus 9,13- and 8,12-dimethyloctacosanes; and (4) in the methyl branch positions of dimethyl-branched alkanes with carbon backbones of C31, C33, C35, C45, C47, C49 and C51. The methyl branch points of H. virescens dimethylalkanes were separated by seven or nine methylenes, while in H. zea the methyl branch points of the dimethylalkanes were separated by three and sometimes five methylenes.  相似文献   

Larvae of the tobacco budworm,Heliothis virescens, are resistant to high levels of ingested 20-hydroxyecdysone which could cause potential inhibition to the development of many other lepidopteran species. This resistance is attributed to the ability of the larvae to metabolize this molting hormone to its 22-acyl ester forms. When tobacco budworm larvae were fed large quantities of 20-hydroxyecdyone, the hormonal metabolites were found in gut and fat body tissues. When incubated with 20-hydroxyecdysone gut tissue converted 20-hydroxyecdysone into its 22-acyl ester metabolites. Lumen site of the midgut was found to be the major location of this bio-transformation. In contrast, fat body tissue failed to convert 20-hydroxyecdysone to 22-acyl ester metabolitesin vitro. After the oral injection of3H-ecdysone, the major metabolites formed were ecdysone 22-acyl esters whereas the majority of3H-ecdysone was transformed to polar metabolites after it was injected into the hemocoel of the larvae. Similar distributions of ecdysteroid 22-O-acyltransferase and alkaline phosphatase activity in subcellular fractions demonstrates the co-localization of these enzymes in plasma membrane of the gut epithelial cells. These results suggest that gut brush border membrane is the major site of ecdysteroid 22-acyl ester formation inH. virescens larvae.  相似文献   

We examined longevity, fecundity, and oviposition strategies ofEucelatoria bryani Sabrosky (Diptera: Tachinidae), a gregarious endoparasitoid ofHelicoverpa zea (Boddie) andHeliothis virescens (F.) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). Longevity of adult femaleE. bryani was not related to body size. In contrast to longevity, largerE. bryani females had greater potential fecundity than smaller females, as determined by the number of embryonated eggs present in the common oviduct. However, female parasitoid size did not affect primary clutch size (number of eggs deposited in a host). Because embryos in eggs located in the ovisac were larger than those located elsewhere in the common oviduct, maximum primary clutch size may be physiologically limited by the number of fully mature eggs a female has available at one time.E. bryani females adjusted primary clutch size in response to host size, for bothH. zea andH. virescens. This adjustment appears to be adaptive because females did not overexploit hosts by depositing more larvae than a host could support. Adult emergence was not related to host size. Although host weight positively influencedE. bryani progeny weight, increases in progeny size with host size were counterbalanced by increases in primary clutch size with host size.  相似文献   

We have developed a monoclonal antibody that recognizes the larval and adult stages ofMicroplitis croceipes(Cresson) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) andCotesia marginiventris(Cresson) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae), two principal endoparasitoids of the polyphagous pestsHelicoverpa zea(Boddie) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) andHeliothis virescens(F.) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). The antibody has been incorporated into an indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay that can be used to distinguish parasitized from unparasitized pests. The antibody cross-reacts with several different hymenopteran parasitoids, but not with any of the noctuid pests we have assayed. An immunoassay based on a broadly reactive antibody such as this one enables comprehensive detection of hymenopteran parasitism with a single antibody reagent.  相似文献   

An olfactometer was used to determine the effect of pheromones released by females of the bollworms Heliothis armigera (Hübner) and H. zea (Boddie) on females of the same species. Four combinations of virgin and mated females were tested for repellency of one to the other. Evidence is presented that females of the two bollworms were repelled by females of the same species. In addition, extracts of virgin female abdomens of each species repelled virgin females of the other species.
Résumé L'examen en olfactomètre a porté sur les réactions face à d'autres femelles de la même espèce, de femelles vierges ou ayant copulé d'Heliothis armigera Hübner et H. zea Boddie. Le lot comprenait 8 femelles, vierges ou ayant copulé en présence d'une femelle vierge ou ayant copulé. Les 4 combinaisons possibles de femelles vierges et de femelles ayant copulé ont été examinées avec 12 répétitions pour chaque espèce. Un extrait de l'extrémité de l'abdomen de femelles vierges d'une espèce a été présenté aux femelles de l'autre espèce pour examiner les possibilités de réactions interspécifiques aux phéromones.Pour chaque espèce, les réactions interspécifiques de répulsion entre femelles ont été hautement significatives par rapport aux témoins, à l'exception toutefois des réactions de femelle ayant copulé face à des femelles ayant elles aussi copulé. Les répulsions moyennes chez H. armigera et H. zea pour les 8 femelles de chaque expérience ont été: a) vierges en présence d'une vierge: 7,33 et 7,66; b) vierges en présence d'une femelles ayant copulé: 5,76 et 5,58; c) femelles ayant copulé en présence d'une vierge: 4,67 et 4,83. Les différences sont hautement significatives entre chaque paire de moyennes et entre chaque paire et le lot témoin; 3,17; 3,17; 3,42; 4,00 pour H. armigera; 3,17; 3,50; 2,83 et 3,75 pour H. zea.Les femelles vierges des deux espèces, H. armigera et H. zea ont présenté une réaction de répulsion en présence d'un extrait de l'abdomen de l'autre espèce; les répulsions moyennes étant respectivement 5,53 et 5,33 contre 3,83 et 3,58 pour le lot trémoin.On peut en conclure que ces répulsions doivent entraîner une tendance à la répartition uniforme.

Perception of the oviposition deterring pheromone by contact chemoreceptors in female Pieris brassicae was studied employing a tip recording technique. Electrophysiological responses of tarsal taste hairs to eggwash solutions show a marked increase in frequency of spikes originating from only one sensory cell. This suggests that in foretarsal taste hairs females, apart from the glucosinolate cells also possess sense cells specifically sensitive to the oviposition deterring pheromone.Morphological studies by means of the scanning electron microscope revealed that the ovipositor of P. brassicae is provided with two groups of contact chemoreceptors. Electrophysiological recordings from these sensilla indicate the presence of at least three sensory cells, one of them being a mechanoreceptor. Stimulation with eggwash evokes a slight increase in spike frequency which cannot be ascribed to one particular sense cell. This indicates that abdominal taste hairs in some way may participate in the perception of the oviposition deterring pheromone. Responses to glucosinolates do not differ significantly from control stimulations.
Résumé Une technique d'enregistrement apical a été utilisée pour examiner la perception d'une phéromone dissuadant la ponte par les poils récepteurs chimiques de contact des femelles de Pieris brassicae. Les réponses électrophysiologiques des poils gustatifs des tarses en présence de solutions de rinçage d'oeufs présentent une fréquence marquée des potentiels d'action provenant principalement d'une cellule sensorielle. Ceci suggère que les poils gustatifs des tarses des pattes antérieures des femelles possèdent, en plus de cellules répondant aux glucosinolates, des cellules sensorielles sensibles spécialement à la phéromone dissuadant la ponte.Des études morphologiques au microscope à balayage révèlent que l'oviposition de P. brassicae est pourvu de deux groupes de chimiorécepteurs de contact. Des enregistrements électrophysiologiques de ces sensilles révèlent la présence d'au moins trois cellules sensorielles, l'une d'entre elles étant un mécanorécepteur. La stimulation avec la solution de rinçage des oeufs évoque un léger accroissement de la fréquence des potentiels d'action qui ne peut être attribué à une cellule sensorielle particulière. Ceci indique que les poils gustatifs abdominaux peuvent participer d'une certaine façon à la perception de la phéromone dissuadant la ponte. Les réponses aux glucosinolates ne diffèrent pas significativement des stimulations témoin.

Susceptibility of laboratory and field colonies of Helicoverpa zea (Boddie) and Heliothis virescens F. to Vip3A insecticidal protein was studied in diet incorporation and diet overlay assays from 2004 to 2008. Responses of field populations were compared to paired responses of University of Arkansas laboratory susceptible H. zea (LabZA) and H. virescens (LabVR) colonies. After 7 d of exposure, observations were made on number of dead larvae (M) and the number of larvae alive but remaining as first instars (L1). Regression estimates using M (LC50) and M plus L1 (MIC50) data were developed for laboratory and field populations. Susceptibility of laboratory and field populations exposed to Vip3A varied among different batches of protein used over the study period. Within the same batch of Vip3A protein, susceptibilities of laboratory colonies of both species (LabZA and LabVR) were similar. Field colonies were significantly more susceptible to Vip3A than the respective reference colonies of both species. Within field populations, susceptibility to Vip3A varied up to 75-fold in H. zea and 132-fold in H. virescens in LC50 estimates. Variabilities in MIC50s were up to 59- and 11-fold for H. zea and H. virescens, respectively.  相似文献   

Expression of cry1Ac gene from Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) was evaluated under the control of a wound-inducible AoPR1 promoter from Asparagus officinalis in transgenic tobacco plants. The leaves of transgenic plants were mechanically wounded to evaluate the activity of the AoPR1 promoter in driving the expression of Cry1Ac protein at the wound site. Our results indicate that mechanical wounding of transgenic plants was effective in inducing the expression of Cry1Ac protein. As a result of this induction, the accumulated levels of Cry1Ac protein increased during 6–72 h post-wounding period. The leaves of transgenic tobacco plants were evaluated for resistance against Heliothis virescens and Manduca sexta in insect bioassays in two different ways. The detached tobacco leaves were either fed directly to the insect larvae or they were first mechanically wounded followed by a 72 h post-wounding feeding period. Complete protection of mechanically wounded leaves of transgenic plants was observed within 24 h of the bioassay. The leaves of transgenic plants fed directly (without pre-wounding) to the larvae achieved the same level of protection between 24 and 72 h of the bioassay.  相似文献   

O-caffeoyltyrosine is a host recognition kairomone forAphytis melinus DeBach (Aphelinidae) found in the covers of its host, California red scale,Aonidiella aurantii (Maskell) (Diaspidae). This study tests the hypothesis that the concentration ofO-caffeoyltyrosine and scale cover size are reliable indicators of scale body size, an important component of host quality forA. melinus, over a range of scale rearing conditions. Both scale cover area andO-caffeoyltyrosine concentrations were only qualitatively related to scale body size during the third instar, the scale life stage most suitable forA. melinus. Scale cover area andO-caffeoyltyrosine concentrations were reduced, relative to scale body size, when scale were reared on bark and leaves compared to fruits. Scale cover area andO-caffeoyltyrosine concentration were also relatively reduced when scales were reared in mid-summer compared to spring and fall, and when reared on orange cultivars compared to lemon cultivars in the field. Finally, scale cover area andO-caffeoyltyrosine concentration were reduced when scale were reared at 52% compared to 100% humidity in the laboratory. Scales appear to be chemically conspicuous toA. melinus for a short period of the time in which they are physiologically susceptible. Scales that minimize their cover size and maximize the incorporation rate ofO-caffeoyltyrosine into covers may minimize their conspicuousness toA. melinus. Minimizing scale cover size, but not necessarily incorporation rates, may make scales more vulnerable to predators, however.  相似文献   

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