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We tested the effects of inhibitors of protein and RNA synthesis on the disaggregation-mediated destabilization of prespore mRNAs in Dictyostelium discoideum. Incubating disaggregated cells with daunomycin to inhibit RNA synthesis prevented the loss of prespore mRNAs, whereas the inhibitor decreased or did not affect levels of the common mRNAs CZ22 and actin. Protein synthesis inhibitors varied in their effects. Cycloheximide, which inhibited protein synthesis almost completely, prevented the loss of the prespore mRNAs, but puromycin, which inhibited protein synthesis less well, did not. These results indicate that the process of specific mRNA destabilization requires the synthesis of RNA and possibly of protein.  相似文献   

Starvation for amino acids initiates the developmental cycle in the cellular slime mold, Dictyostelium discoideum. Upon starvation one of the earliest developmental events is the selective loss of the ribosomal protein mRNAs from polysomes. This loss depends upon sequences in the 5' non-translated leader of the ribosomal protein (r-protein) mRNAs. Here evidence is presented which indicates that those cells which will become prestalk cells express the ribosomal protein genes during development under starvation conditions. Cells which enter the prespore pathway shut off r-protein synthesis. The promoter and 5' non-translated leader sequences from two ribosomal protein genes, the rp-L11 and the rp-S9 genes, are fused to the Escherichia coli beta-galactosidase reporter gene. While beta-galactosidase enzyme activity is detected in situ in most growing cells, by 15 h of development beta-galactosidase enzyme activity is largely lost from the prespore cells although strong beta-galactosidase enzyme activity is present in the prestalk cells. These observations suggest the possibility that the ribosomal protein mRNAs are excluded from polysomes in a cell-type-specific manner.  相似文献   

During development of Dictyostelium, four adhesion systems have been identified and adherens junction-like structures have been discovered in the fruiting body. The temporal and spatial expression of cell adhesion molecules (CAMs) is under stringent developmental control, corresponding to major shifts in morphological complexity. Genetic manipulations, including over-expression and knockout mutations, of the adhesion genes, cadA (encoding DdCAD-1), csaA (gp80) and lagC (gp150), have shed light on new roles for cell adhesion molecules in aggregate size regulation, cell-type proportioning, cell differentiation and cell sorting. As cell-cell interactions remain highly dynamic within cell streams and aggregates, mechanisms must exist to facilitate the rapid assembly and disassembly of adhesion complexes. Studies on gp80 have led to a model for the rapid assembly of adhesion complexes via lipid rafts.  相似文献   

The development of Dictyostelium discoideum may proceed by two pathways, macrocyst or fruiting-body formation, the former being the sexual and the latter the asexual cycle. The pathway of development depends on the presence or absence of zygote giant cells which are produced through fusion of opposite mating-type cells in a population, in heterothallic strains. During the early stages of macrocyst development the patterns of developmentally regulated proteins were noted to differ considerably from those during fruiting-body development. Furthermore, the haploid cells around zygote giant cells synthesized a large number of specific proteins for macrocyst development through the influence of giant cells.  相似文献   

盘基网柄菌发育中的细胞粘附分子及其信号转导   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
侯连生  华燕  马宁莎  韩轶 《生命科学》2004,16(4):221-225
在盘基网柄菌发育早期,DdCAD-1和csA调节了变形虫细胞间的粘着,调控该过程的机制类似于胚胎发育中上皮细胞层的闭合。完成网柄菌发育的一个必需分子是gpl50异嗜性粘附分子。盘基网柄菌β-连环蛋白同源物Aardvark(Aar)的缺乏使细胞间失去粘着连接,Aar也有信号转导功能,调控了前孢子细胞基因的表达。因此,细胞间的粘着是盘基网柄菌发育的一个重要组成部分,并与调控形态发生过程的信号转导有密切相互作用关系。  相似文献   

A microcinematographic analysis of the behaviour and movements of cells and cell masses in mated cultures (NC4 X VI2) of Dictyostelium discoideum indicates that a chemotactic process directs cell aggregation during macrocyst development. Zygote giant cells form before aggregation begins and act as the aggregation centres. Young multicellular macrocyst stages are sources of cyclic AMP, and amoebae from macrocyst cultures orient chemotactically to cyclic AMP. The data, coupled with other characteristics such as pulsatile streaming, suggest that the aggregation process leading to macrycyst development is the same as that occurring during fruit construction. Other aspects of sexual development are also discussed. Based upon these data, we propose a model for the sequence of events leading to macrocyst development in D. discoideum.  相似文献   

5′-AMP nucleotidase activity accumulates during the culmination stage of development in a thin layer of cells at the prestalk-prespore interface of Dictyostelium discoideum. In this report we characterize a highly purified preparation of this enzyme in an attempt to determine the physiological significance of the accumulation and localization of the activity during cellular differentiation. A pH optimum of 9.5 was determined using nine different buffer systems tested over a range of pH from 3 to 13.5. The Michaelis constants for p-nitrophenylphosphate (NPP) and 5′-AMP were 1.8 and 1.2 mm, respectively. Substrate concentrations of 5′-AMP in excess of 2.5 mm were found to inhibit the activity. Little or no effect on the activity of the enzyme was observed in the presence of EDTA, Mg2+, Mn2+, Ca2+, Fe2+, or Zn2+ ions. However, the enzyme appears to be a zinc metalloprotein as evidenced by its inhibition with 1,10-phenanthroline and recovery of activity in the presence of zinc. Other inhibitors of enzymatic activity include dithiothreitol and imidazole. The enzyme was bound by calcium phosphate, but could not be immobilized on matricies containing other substrate or product analogs, including 5′-AMP, cyclic AMP, ATP, phenylalanine, blue dextran, and Procion Red HE3B. The hydrophobicity of 5′-AMP nucleotidase was demonstrated by its strong affinity for immobilized alkyl and ω-amino alkyl ligands, as well as phenyl Sepharose. Isoelectric focusing of the enzyme in granulated gel required both the presence of detergent to prevent aggregate formation and precipitation of the enzyme, and the addition of zinc after focusing to reverse Ampholine inhibition. Apparently, Ampholine chelates zinc away from the enzyme much like 1,10-phenanthroline. Using this method, the isoelectric point of 5′-AMP nucleotidase was found to be 4.5–4.9, with a 30% recovery of the applied activity.  相似文献   

Many developmental processes involve chemotactic cell movement up or down dynamic chemical gradients. Studies of the molecular mechanisms of chemotactic movement of Dictyostelium amoebae up cAMP gradients highlight the importance of PIP3 signaling in the control of cAMP-dependent actin polymerization, which drives the protrusion of lamellipodia and filopodia at the leading edge of the cell, but also emphasize the need for myosin thick filament assembly and motor activation for the contraction of the back of the cell. These process become even more important during the multicellular stages of development, when propagating waves of cAMP coordinate the chemotactic movement of tens of thousands of cells, resulting in multicellular morphogenesis. Recent experiments show that chemotaxis, especially in response to members of the FGF, PDGF and VEGF families of growth factors, plays a key role in the guidance of mesoderm cells during gastrulation in chick, mouse and frog embryos. The molecular mechanisms of signal detection and signaling to the actin-myosin cytoskeleton remain to be elucidated.  相似文献   

During the sexual cycle of Dictyostelium discoideum, zygote giant cells develop and serve as foci for further development by chemoattracting and cannibalizing hundreds of local amoebae. Previous work has shown that the phagocytic process bears similarities to and differences from asexual endocytosis. In the present study, sexual phagocytosis in D. discoideum was found to be species and developmental stage specific. It was inhibited selectively by glucose and concanavalin A. Although a partial, inhibitory effect of mannose on phagocytosis was not statistically significant, alpha-methylmannosamine, like alpha-methyl-glucose, significantly restored the phagocytic competence of giant cells treated with concanavalin A. Other sugars (N-acetyl-glucosamine, N-acetylgalactosamine, and galactose) and lectins (wheat germ agglutinin, Ulex europus type I, and Ricinis communis agglutinin type I) had no significant effect on sexual phagocytosis. Together these data indicate that a glucose-type receptor is involved in selective uptake of D. discoideum amoebae by giant cells.  相似文献   

Cyclic AMP is known to function as the chemotactic signal during aggregation of single-celled amoebae of the cellular slime mold Dictyostelium discoideum. Evidence from several laboratories has accumulated suggesting that cAMP also acts as a regulatory molecule during Dictyostelium multicellular differentiation. We have used ultramicrotechniques and a sensitive radioimmunoassay in the localization of adenylate cyclase, the cAMP synthetic enzyme, during the development of Dictyostelium. We demonstrate that adenylate cyclase activity is localized in the prespore cells of the culminating individual with no activity detectable in the prestalk region. We show that this lack of activity in the stalk may be due to a masking by an endogenous inhibitor of the enzyme. Within the spore mass we found an increasing gradient of enzyme activity toward the base. These data, along with that from the localization of cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase, indicate that an enzymatic potential exists for the creation of cAMP gradients during development in the organism. Such a gradient may provide positional information necessary to direct the terminal differentiation of spore and stalk cells.  相似文献   

Abstract. Cyclic AMP is known to function as the chemo-tactic signal during aggregation of single-celled amoebae of the cellular slime mold Dictyosteliwn discoideum. Evidence from several laboratories has accumulated suggesting that cAMP also acts as a regulatory molecule during Dictyostelium multicellular differentiation. We have used ultra-microtechniques and a sensitive radioimmunoassay in the localization of adenylate cyclase, the cAMP synthetic enzyme, during the development of Dictyostelium. We demonstrate that adenylate cyclase activity is localized in the pre-spore cells of the culminating individual with no activity detectable in the prestalk region. We show that this lack of activity in the stalk may be due to a masking by an endogenous inhibitor of the enzyme. Within the spore mass we found an increasing gradient of enzyme activity toward the base. These data, along with that from the localization of cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase, indicate that an enzymatic potential exists for the creation of cAMP gradients during development in the organism. Such a gradient may provide positional information necessary to direct the terminal differentiation of spore and stalk cells.  相似文献   

Upon starvation, individual Dictyostelium discoideum cells enter a developmental program that leads to collective migration and the formation of a multicellular organism. The process is mediated by extracellular cAMP binding to the G protein-coupled cAMP receptor 1, which initiates a signaling cascade leading to the activation of adenylyl cyclase A (ACA), the synthesis and secretion of additional cAMP, and an autocrine and paracrine activation loop. The release of cAMP allows neighboring cells to polarize and migrate directionally and form characteristic chains of cells called streams. We now report that cAMP relay can be measured biochemically by assessing ACA, ERK2, and TORC2 activities at successive time points in development after stimulating cells with subsaturating concentrations of cAMP. We also find that the activation profiles of ACA, ERK2, and TORC2 change in the course of development, with later developed cells showing a loss of sensitivity to the relayed signal. We examined mutants in PKA activity that have been associated with precocious development and find that this loss in responsiveness occurs earlier in these mutants. Remarkably, we show that this loss in sensitivity correlates with a switch in migration patterns as cells transition from streams to aggregates. We propose that as cells proceed through development, the cAMP-induced desensitization and down-regulation of cAMP receptor 1 impacts the sensitivities of chemotactic signaling cascades leading to changes in migration patterns.  相似文献   

DdrasG gene expression during the early development of Dictyostelium discoideum has been examined in detail. The amount of DdrasG-specific mRNA increased approximately twofold during the first 2 to 3 h of development and then declined rapidly, reaching negligible levels by the aggregation stage. The increase in mRNA levels that occurred during the first 2 to 3 h of development also occurred during differentiation in cell suspensions and was enhanced when cells were shaken rapidly. This initial increase was unaffected by cell density. When cells were set up to differentiate on filters, the addition of a glucose-amino acid mixture slightly delayed differentiation and had a similar effect on the expression of the gene. The decline in DdrasG expression during development did not occur when cells were treated with cycloheximide, suggesting that the expression of a developmentally regulated gene product is essential for the reduction of DdrasG gene mRNA. There was no decrease in DdrasG mRNA level during differentiation in shake suspension, but the decrease did occur upon application of pulses of cyclic AMP to shaking cultures. The application of a continuously high level of cyclic AMP delayed the increase in expression of the gene and did not result in the subsequent decline. These results suggest that the induction of a functional cyclic AMP relay system is important in reducing DdrasG gene mRNA levels.  相似文献   

Of the several known Dictyostelium G protein subunits, the Galpha4 and Galpha5 subunits are the most closely related pair based on phylogenetic analysis and expression patterns, but these subunits perform different roles during development. To investigate potential relationships between these subunits with respect to cell differentiation, chimeric organisms composed of strains lacking or overexpressing either subunit were created and examined for developmental morphogenesis and spore production. Chimeras of galpha4 null and galpha5 null strains or Galpha4 and Galpha5 overexpression strains displayed compensatory morphogenesis, implying that the subunits promote complementary developmental processes. However, chimeras composed of galpha4 null and Galpha5 overexpression strains or galpha5 null and Galpha4 overexpression strains displayed distorted tip morphogenesis, suggesting the strains of these chimeras share common developmental deficiencies. Cells lacking the Galpha5 subunit localized to the prespore region of chimeras similar to the pattern observed for cells overexpressing the Galpha4 subunit, and cells overexpressing the Galpha5 subunit displayed localization patterns similar to galpha4 null mutants. A strain overexpressing both subunits displayed a partial suppression of morphology, gene expression, and cell localization phenotypes associated with the overexpression of the individual Galpha subunit genes, suggesting that each Galpha subunits can inhibit signaling mediated by the other subunit. Overexpression of the Galpha5 subunit inhibited chemotaxis and cGMP accumulation in response to folic acid, indicating that the Galpha5 subunit can inhibit early steps in the Galpha4-mediated signal transduction pathway. The contrasting phenotypes of the Galpha mutants suggest the Galpha4 and Galpha5 subunits provide opposing functions in cell differentiation, localization, and chemotactic responses to folic acid.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Starving amoebae of Dictyostelium discoideum communicate by relaying extracellular cAMP signals, which direct chemotactic movement, resulting in the aggregation of thousands of cells into multicellular aggregates. Both cAMP relay and chemotaxis require the activation of PI3 kinase signaling. The spatiotemporal dynamics of PI3 kinase signaling can be followed in individual cells via the cAMP-induced membrane recruitment of a GFP-tagged PH domain-containing protein, CRAC, which is required for the activation of adenylylcyclase.RESULTS: We show that polarized periodic CRAC-GFP translocation occurs during the aggregation and mound stages of development in response to periodic cAMP signals. The duration of CRAC translocation to the membrane is determined by the duration of the rising phase of the cAMP signal. The system shows rapid adaptation and responds to the rate of change of the extracellular cAMP concentration. When the cells are in close contact, it takes 10 s for the signal to propagate from one cell to the next. In slugs, all cells show a permanent polarized PI3 kinase signaling in their leading edge, which is dependent on cell-cell contact.CONCLUSIONS: Measuring the redistribution of GFP-tagged CRAC has enabled us to study the dynamics of PI3 kinase-mediated cell-cell communication at the individual cell level in the multicellular stages of Dictyostelium development. This approach should also be useful to study the interactions between cell-cell signaling, cell polarization, and movement in the development of other organisms.  相似文献   

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