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Mallarino  A. P.  Wedin  W. F. 《Plant and Soil》1990,124(1):137-140
Losses of soil N through leaching and N2 fixation by legumes often are related to soil nitrate concentration. The seasonal distribution of soil ammonium and nitrate concentrations under ungrazed legume-grass and grass swards were evaluated on two experiments that were established in 1983 (Exp. 1) and in 1984 (Exp. 2). Treatments were white clover (Trifolium repens L.) (WC), red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) (RC), and birdsfoot trefoil (Lotus corniculatus L.) (BT), each grown with tall fescue (Festuca arundicacea Schreb.) (TF) at two legume proportions, and a pure stand of TF. The concentrations of both forms of N were measured in the top 20-cm layer during 2 years in Exp. 1 and for 1 year in Exp. 2. The concentrations of nitrate and ammonium were least in winter and spring, and greatest in summer. The concentration of nitrate for the mixtures decreased in the order WC-TF, RC-TF, and BT-TF in both summers of Exp. 1 but there were no mixture differences in Exp. 2. The concentration of soil ammonium was not affected by the treatments applied. We conclude that the concentration of soil nitrate usually was small for these swards but became greater and often dependent on species and legume proportion during summer. The concentration of soil ammonium also was greater in summer but was not affected by species or legume proportion. Journal of Paper no. J.-13359 of the Iowa Agric. and Home Econ. Exp Stn., Ames. Project 2281. Supported in part by the Facultad de Agronomía, Montevideo, Uruguay. Journal of Paper no. J.-13359 of the Iowa Agric. and Home Econ. Exp Stn., Ames. Project 2281. Supported in part by the Facultad de Agronomía, Montevideo, Uruguay.  相似文献   

Ledgard  S.F.  Sprosen  M.S.  Penno  J.W.  Rajendram  G.S. 《Plant and Soil》2001,229(2):177-187
Effects of rate of nitrogen (N) fertilizer and stocking rate on production and N2 fixation by white clover (Trifolium repens L.) grown with perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) were determined over 5 years in farmlets near Hamilton, New Zealand. Three farmlets carried 3.3 dairy cows ha–1 and received urea at 0, 200 or 400 kg N ha–1 yr–1 in 8–10 split applications. A fourth farmlet received 400 kg N ha–1 yr–1 and had 4.4 cows ha–1.There was large variation in annual clover production and total N2 fixation, which in the 0 N treatment ranged from 9 to 20% clover content in pasture and from 79 to 212 kg N fixed ha–1 yr–1. Despite this variation, total pasture production in the 0 N treatment remained at 75–85% of that in the 400 N treatments in all years, due in part to the moderating effect of carry-over of fixed N between years.Fertilizer N application decreased the average proportion of clover N derived from N2 fixation (PN; estimated by 15N dilution) from 77% in the 0 N treatment to 43–48% in the 400 N treatments. The corresponding average total N2 fixation decreased from 154 kg N ha–1 yr–1 to 39–53 kg N ha–1 yr–1. This includes N2 fixation in clover tissue below grazing height estimated at 70% of N2 fixation in above grazing height tissue, based on associated measurements, and confirmed by field N balance calculations. Effects of N fertilizer on clover growth and N2 fixation were greatest in spring and summer. In autumn, the 200 N treatment grew more clover than the 0 N treatment and N2 fixation was the same. This was attributed to more severe grazing during summer in the 0 N treatment, resulting in higher surface soil temperatures and a deleterious effect on clover stolons.In the 400 N treatments, a 33% increase in cow stocking rate tended to decrease PN from 48 to 43% due to more N cycling in excreta, but resulted in up to 2-fold more clover dry matter and N2 fixation because lower pasture mass reduced grass competition, particularly during spring.  相似文献   

It was the aim of this study to determine the way in which low temperature modifies the effect of a competing grass on nitrogen fixation of a forage legume. White clover (Trifolium repens L.) was grown in monoculture or in different planting ratios with timothy (Phleum pratense L.) or perennial ryegress (Lolium perenne L.) in growth chambers at either 7.5/5°C (LoT) or 15/10°C (HiT) average day/night temperatures, and with 2.5 or 7.5 mM 15N-labelled nitrate in the nutrient solution.Competition with grass led to a marked increase in the proportion of clover nitrogen derived from symbiosis (% Nsym). This increase was slower at LoT where % Nsym was reduced considerably; it was closely related to the reduction in the amount of available nitrate as a result of its being utilized by the grass.Nitrogen concentration in white clover herbage and dry matter yield per clover plant were reduced, for the most part, when a competing grass was present. The amount of nitrogen fixed per plant of white clover decreased markedly with temperature. Low temperature consequently accentuated competition for nitrate. The capacity of white clover to compete successfully was limited by its slower growth and nitrogen accumulation.  相似文献   

Boller  B. C.  Nösberger  J. 《Plant and Soil》1988,112(2):167-175
The temporal N-uptake patterns of white clover (Trifolium repens L.) mixed with perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) and of red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) mixed with Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.) were determined in successive harvests of herbage within the growth cycles of a ley established near Zürich (Switzerland). Rooting patterns were examined by injecting15N-fertilizer at soil depths ranging from 10 to 40 cm. The results were analyzed to determine the effect of variations in time and depth of N-uptake on the15N-based measurement of N from symbiosis (Nsym) and N from transfer (Ntrans).Grasses in mixture appeared to have deeper rooting systems than grass monocultures, which led to an overestimation of N transfer from white clover to perennial ryegrass if15N was spread on the soil surface.White clover generally lagged behind grass in soil N- uptake. Soil N-uptake of red clover slowed down before that of the grass because % Nsym almost reached 100% during the second half of each growth cycle. However, the effect of these dissimilarities on the seasonal average of %Nsym did not exceed 2%.It is concluded that at the observed high levels of N2 fixation, failure to account for the N-uptake patterns of the test and reference crops only slightly affected the estimates of % Nsym and % Ntrans, and did not invalidate the observed differences between species.  相似文献   

Nitrogen fixation in perennial forage legumes in the field   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
Nitrogen acquisition is one of the most important factors for plant production, and N contribution from biological N2 fixation can reduce the need for industrial N fertilizers. Perennial forages are widespread in temperate and boreal areas, where much of the agriculture is based on livestock production. Due to the symbiosis with N2-fixing rhizobia, perennial forage legumes have great potential to increase sustainability in such grassland farming systems. The present work is a summary of a large number of studies investigating N2 fixation in three perennial forage legumes primarily relating to ungrazed northern temperate/boreal areas. Reported rates of N2 fixation in above-ground plant tissues were in the range of up to 373 kg N ha–1 year–1 in red clover (Trifolium pratense L.), 545 kg N ha–1 year–1 in white clover (T. repens L.) and 350 kg N ha–1 year–1 in alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.). When grown in mixtures with grasses, these species took a large fraction of their nitrogen from N2 fixation (average around 80%), regardless of management, dry matter yield and location. There was a large variation in N2 fixation data and part of this variation was ascribed to differences in plant production between years. Studies with experiments at more than one site showed that also geographic location was an important source of variation. On the other hand, when all data were plotted against latitude, there was no simple correlation. Climatic conditions seem therefore to give as high N2 fixation per ha and year in northern areas (around 60°N) as in areas with a milder climate (around 40°N). Analyzing whole plants or just above-ground plant parts influenced the estimate of N2 fixation, and most reported values were underestimated since roots were not included. Despite large differences in environmental conditions, such as N fertilization and geographic location, N2 fixation (Nfix; kg N per ha and year) was significantly (P<0.001) correlated to legume dry matter yield (DM; kg per ha and year). Very rough, but nevertheless valuable estimations of Nfix in legume/grass mixtures (roots not considered) are given by Nfix = 0.026DM + 7 for T. pratense, Nfix = 0.031DM + 24 for T. repens, and Nfix = 0.021DM + 17 for M. sativa.  相似文献   

Summary Sodium nitrate applications ranging from 0.36 to 22.84 mM N were shown to depress rates of nodule formation and reduce total nitrogen fixation (acetylene reduction) in white clover plants grown in aseptic test tube culture.Low nitrate levels gave an initial depression in symbiotic activity but the reduction was of short duration and these treatments were subsequently associated with enhanced rates of nodule formation and nitrogen fixation. As a result, phenotypic variation appeared to be strongly differentially affected by the amount of nitrate present. A subsequent experiment suggested that much of the variation was a consequence of early enhancement of plant growth rates by low levels of nitrate followed by rapid depletion thus giving a transitory inhibitory effect. This was confirmed in a third experiment in which the range of nitrate concentration was held constant. Differential effects on variability in nodule formation and nitrogen fixation were then greatly reduced but there was still a residual level of plant-to-plant variation. The results have clear implications for selecting genetic variants capable of fixing di-nitrogen in the presence of combined N. The provision of a single limiting dose of combined nitrogen to a population containing individuals with inherently different growth rates can bring about variations in the phenotypic expression of symbiotic characters. These variations are unlikely to be based on genetic factors which have a direct and stable effect on nodule development and nitrogenase activity. The implications of the results for plant breeding are discussed.  相似文献   

The effect of tall fescue turf on growth, flowering, nodulation, and nitrogen fixing potential of Lupinus albifrons Benth. was examined for greenhouse and field grown plants. No allelopathic effect was observed for lupine plants treated with tall fescue leachates. The nitrogen-fixing potential measured by nodule dry weight and acetylene reduction rates was not significantly affected by tall fescue turf.Both the greenhouse and field studies showed that the growth, sexual reproductive allocation and number of inflorescences were significantly reduced when lupine plants were grown with tall fescue. The root-length densities of tall fescue turf and lupine monoculture were measured. The tall fescue turf had 20 times higher root-length density (20 cm cm-3 soil) than the lupine plant monoculture. This suggests that intense competition at the root zone may be a dominant factor which limits the growth of the lupine plants.The flowering characters of the lupine plants were improved by phosphorus fertilization. Transplanting of older lupine plants into the turf substantially alleviated the tall fescue turf competitive effect.  相似文献   

Six white clover genotypes and eight grass varieties belonging to four different species were grown both in monoculture and as grass-legume binary mixtures in dense swards for two years under a mowing regime and a management including N fertilization. Dry matter yield and yield-related traits were recorded to investigate some aspects of inter-specific interference in white clover-based mixtures and to define a methodology for selecting genotypes of this clover suited to conditions of association. Clover was at a competitive disadvantage in most mixtures. Differences among grasses for aggressiveness were related more to variety vigour than to species. Clover compatibility proved specific only in relation to grass vigour. Variation among clovers for tolerance to competitive stress involved significant cross-over interactions passing from monoculture to severe stress conditions for clover yield and other traits, and was related positively to stolon density and negatively to yield and leaf gigantism traits recorded in monoculture. Clover selection for high levels of competitive stress seems possible either by genotype assessment in stress conditions or by a combination of high yield and stolon density assessed in monoculture.  相似文献   

P. J. Goodman 《Plant and Soil》1988,112(2):247-254
The stable isotope15N is particularly valuable in the field for measuring N fixation by isotope dilution. At the same time other soil-plant processes can be studied, including15N recovery, and nitrogen transfer between clover and grass. Three contrasting sites and soils were used in the present work: a lowland soil, an upland soil, and an upland peat. Nitrogen fixation varied from 12 gm–2 on lowland soil to 2.7 gm–2 on upland peat. Most N transfer occurred on upland soil (4.2 gm–2) which, added to nitrogen fixed, made a total of 8.7 gm2 input during summer 1985.15N recovery for the whole experiment was small, around 25%.Measurement of dead and dying leaves, stubble and roots, suggests that plant organ death is the first stage in N transfer from white clover to ryegrass, through the decomposer cycle. Decomposition was fastest on lowland soils, slowest on peat. On lowland soil this decomposer nitrogen is apparently subverted before transfer, probably by soil microbes.Variations in natural abundance of15N in plants were found in the two species on the different soils. These might be used to measure nitrogen fixation without adding isotope, but the need for many replicates and repeat samples would limit throughput.  相似文献   

Summary Studies under growth cabinet conditions investigated the effect of source and concentration of nitrogen and timing of nitrogen application on the growth and nitrogen fixation byLotus pedunculatus cv. Maku andTrifolium repens cv. S184. KNO3, NaNO3 and NH4NO3 were added at transplanting at the following rates: 3.33, 7.78 and 13.33 mg N/plant. KNO3 was added at 3.33 and 7.78 mg N/plant at 0, 6, 12, 18, 24 or 30 days after transplanting.Lotus shoot weight increased with all increasing nitrogen sources but clover only responded to KNO3 and NaNO3. The root weight of both species increased with increasing KNO3 and NH4NO3. The percentage increase in lotus and clover shoot growth was greater than that of root growth when KNO3 was added within a week of transplanting. Increases in growth by both species resulted from added nitrogen except with lotus when NaNO3 was applied where increased nitrogen fixation also contributed to increased growth.Weight and number of effective nodules on both species were increased with 3.33 mg N per plant as KNO3 but nitrogen fixation was not affected. Addition of 13.33 mg N as NaNO3 reduced weight and number of effective nodules in both species and also nitrogen fixation by lotus.KNO3 increased growth and nodulation of both species when applied within one week after transplanting. Nodulated lotus plants responded to KNO3 by increasing growth but not nodulation.KNO3 appeared to affect infection and development of nodules on lotus and may affect the growth of existing nodules on clover.  相似文献   

Pasture swards containing perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) alone or with one of five different white clover (Trifolium repens L.) cultivars were examined for production and transfer of fixed nitrogen (N) to grass under dairy cow grazing. Grass-only swards produced 21% less than mixed clover-grass swards during the second year after sowing. Production from grass-only plots under a mowing and clipping removal regime was 44% less than from grass-only plots under grazing. Much of this difference could be attributed to N transfer. In swards without clover, the ryegrass component also decreased in favour of other grasses.The average amount of fixed N in herbage from all clover cultivars was 269 kg N ha–1 yr–1. Above-ground transfer of fixed N to grasses (via cow excreta) was estimated at 60 kg N ha–1 yr–1. Below-ground transfer of fixed N to grasses was estimated at 70 kg N ha–1 yr–1 by 15N dilution and was similar for all clover cultivars. Thus, about 50% of grass N was met by transfer of fixed N from white clover during the measurement year. Short-term measurements using a 15N foliar-labelling method indicated that below-ground N transfer was largest during dry summer conditions.  相似文献   

Soybeans (Glycine max L.) are being introduced as a cash crop to small scale farmers in Zambia for rotation in their farming systems. The objectives of this study were to compare and select the most approriate non-fixing reference crop for estimating N2 fixation by soybeans and assess yields and N2 fixation of soybeans in Zambia. Nitrogen isotope dilution techniques using15N-labelled organic or inorganic materials were utilized. Two nonnodulating soybean cultivars, Clark RJ1 and N77 or in their absence Pearl millet (Panicum glaucum L.) were judged to be appropriate reference crops. A local soybean fixing cultivar (Glycine max L. cv. Magoye) rated highest among three cultivars tested for its ability to support symbiotic N2 fixation byB. japonicum under the experimental conditions. Values of percent N derived from atomosphere for this cultivar were in the order of 65 to 70%.deceased.Contribution no R531 of the Saskatchewan Institute of Pedology. Present address (REK): Esso Chemical Canada, P.O. Box 3010, Lethbridge, Alberta Canada T1J 4A9.  相似文献   

The amount of nitrogen fixed byLeucaena leucocephala (Lam.) de Wit was assessed on an Alfisol at the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture located in southwestern Nigeria. Estimated by the difference method, nitrogen fixation of leucaena inoculated with Rhizobium strain IRc 1045 was 133 kg ha–1 in six months. Inoculation with Rhizobium strain IRc 1050 gave a lower nitrogen fixation of 76 kg ha–1. Fertilization with 40 and 80 kg N ha–1 inhibited nitrogen fixation by 43–76% and 49–71%, respectively. Estimates with the15N dilution method gave nitrogen fixation of 134 kg ha–1 in six months when leucaena was inoculated with Rhizobium strain IRc 1045 and 98 kg ha–1 for leucaena inoculated with Rhizobium strain IRc 1050. This nitrogen fixation represented 34–39% of the plant nitrogen. Inoculated leucaena derived 5–6% of its nitrogen from applied fertilizer and 56–54% from soil.  相似文献   

Nitrogen fixation was measured in four subarctic streams substantially modified by beaver (Castor canadensis) in Quebec. Acetylene-ethylene (C2H2 C2H4) reduction techniques were used during the 1982 ice-free period (May–October) to estimate nitrogen fixation by microorganisms colonizing wood and sediment. Mean seasonal fixation rates were low and patchy, ranging from zero to 2.3 × 10–3 µmol C2H4 · cm–2 · h–1 for wood, and from zero to 7.0 × 10–3 µmol C2H4 · g AFDM–1 · h–1 for sediment; 77% of all wood and 63% of all sediment measurements showed no C2H2 reduction. Nonparametric statistical tests were unable to show a significant difference (p > 0.05) in C2H2 reduction rates between or within sites for wood species or by sediment depth.Nitrogen contributed by microorganisms colonizing wood in riffles of beaver influenced watersheds was small (e.g., 0.207 g N · m–2 · y–1) but greater than that for wood in beaver ponds (e.g., 0.008 g N · m–2 · y–1) or for streams without beaver (e.g., 0.003 g N · m–2 · y–1). Although mass specific nitrogen fixation rates did not change significantly as beaver transform riffles into ponds, the nitrogen fixed by organisms colonizing sediment in pond areas (e.g., 5.1 g N · m–2 · y–1) was greater than that in riffles (e.g., 0.42 g N · m–2 · y–1). The annual nitrogen contribution is proportional to the amount of sediment available for microbial colonization. We estimate that total nitrogen accumulation in sediment, per unit area, is enhanced 9 to 44 fold by beaver damming a section of stream.  相似文献   

Clonal plants of white clover (Trifolium repens L.) were grown in a controlled environment with either low or high rates of applied nitrate-N (providing, notionally, insufficient or sufficient N for unrestricted growth), or in the absence of applied N. Plants receiving no nitrate-N were inoculated with Rhizobia and fixed their own N2. All plants were maintained with a maximum of three fully unfolded leaves per apex (lenient defoliation) until day 68 when half of the plants were severely defoliated. The export and translocation of carbohydrates from the first fully unfolded main stolon leaf was measured three days later using 14C.Reduced carbon translocation to stolon tissue and roots, and increased translocation to young branches, occurred following severe defoliation in all three nitrogen treatments. However, N-deficient plants showed large reductions in total export of carbohydrates (44 vs. 17% of 14C assimilated for lenient vs. severe defoliation) whereas N-sufficient plants (either receiving nitrate-N or fixing their own N2) showed small increases in total export (means of 54% vs. 62% in the respective defoliation treatments). Furthermore, carbohydrate translocation to old branches ceased altogether in severely defoliated, N-deficient plants, but increased in severely defoliated, N-sufficient plants, illustrating that plant responses to multiple-factor stresses may differ greatly from those seen as the result of single-factor stresses. Interactions between nitrogen nutrition and defoliation in total carbohydrate export, and in carbohydrate supply to old branches, could have serious negative effects on the short-term C economy and physiological integration, and hence on the adaptability, of clonal plants growing with a mineral deficiency in the presence of grazing animals.  相似文献   

Summary Growth of pollen tubes and seed set were compared after hand pollination in situ and in vitro in two self-incompatible species, Trifolium pratense and Trifolium repens. Adhesion of pollen grains to the stigma was greater in vitro for both species. After cross-pollination, in vitro culture gave a significant increase in the cumulative growth of pollen tubes in pistils of T. pratense compared to in situ conditions. After selfing in T. repens, pollen tube growth was significantly increased by in vitro culture of florets. Seed set after crossing in situ and in vitro was similar for both species. Seed set after selfing in vitro was not increased in T. pratense. Several genotypes of T. repens were classified as very good, good and poor selfers based on their capacity for seed set following selfing in situ. In vitro pollination increased self seed formation by 1.7-, 18.0- and 31.0-fold for each class, respectively. Ovules located nearest to the style were fertilized more often after selfing than after crossing.  相似文献   

In order to improve the basis for utilising nitrogen (N) fixed by white clover (Trifolium repens L.) in northern agriculture, we studied how defoliation stress affected the N contents of major plant organs in late autumn, N losses during the winter and N accumulation in the following spring. Plants were established from stolon cuttings and transplanted to pots that were dug into the field at Apelsvoll Research Centre (60°42′ N, 10°51′ E) and at Holt Research Centre (69°40′ N, 18°56′ E) in spring 2001 and 2002. During the first growing season, the plants were totally stripped of leaves down to the stolon basis, cut at 4 cm height or left undisturbed. The plants were sampled destructively in late autumn, early spring the second year and after 6 weeks of new spring growth. The plant material was sorted into leaves, stolons and roots. Defoliation regime did not influence the total amount of leaf N harvested during and at the end of the first growing season. However, for intensively defoliated plants, the repeated leaf removal and subsequent regrowth occurred at the expense of stolon and root development and resulted in a 61–85% reduction in the total plant N present in late autumn and a 21–59% reduction in total accumulation of plant N (plant N present in autumn + previously harvested leaf N). During the winter, the net N loss from leaf tissue (N not recovered in living nor dead leaves in the spring) ranged from 57% to 74% of the N present in living leaves in the autumn, while N stored in stolons and roots was much better conserved. However, the winter loss of stolon N from severely defoliated plants (19%) was significantly larger than from leniently defoliated (12%) and non-defoliated plants (6%). Moreover, the fraction of stolon N determined as dead in the spring was 63% for severely defoliated as compared to 14% for non-defoliated plants. Accumulation in absolute terms of new leaf N during the spring was highly correlated to total plant N in early spring (R2 = 0.86), but the growth rates relative to plant N present in early spring were not and, consequently, were similar for all treatments. The amount of inorganic N in the soil after snowmelt and the N uptake in plant root simulator probes (PRSTM) during the spring were small, suggesting that microbial immobilisation, leaching and gas emissions may have been important pathways for N lost from plant tissue.  相似文献   

Summary The15N-substratum labeling technique and other indirect methods were used to compare nitrogen (N2) fixation in soybean varieties grown in the field in Greece and Romania. Significant variation in the amount (Ndfa) and proportion of N derived from fixation (% Ndfa) was found in different varieties. With 20 kg N/ha applied to soil, N2 fixed ranged from 22 to 236 kg N/ha in Greece and from 17 to 132 kg N/ha in Romania. In general, varieties or treatments with higher dry matter yield supported greater fixation. Also, varieties with high Ndfa had high % Ndfa andvice versa. Breeding N2-fixing legumes for high yields at low soil N levels therefore appears to be a reasonable strategy for enhancing N2 fixation. Heavy applications of inorganic N fertilizer severely depressed N2 fixation in two out of the three varieties used in Romania. One variety, F 74–412, however, derived slightly higher amounts of N2 from fixation at 100 kg N/ha rate than when fertilized with 20 kg N/ha. In Greece, Chippewa, Williams and Amsoy-71 inoculated with a Nitragin inoculant fixed similar amounts of N2 at both 20 and 100 kg N/ha fertilizer rates. However, when Chippewa and Williams were inoculated with amother, locally-isolated Rhizobium strain, N2 fixation was substantially depressed at the higher N rate.  相似文献   

Hardarson  Gudni  Atkins  Craig 《Plant and Soil》2003,252(1):41-54
Whether grown as pulses for grain, as green manure, as pastures or as the tree components of agro-forestry systems, the value of leguminous crops lies in their ability to fix atmospheric N2, so reducing the use of expensive fertiliser-N and enhancing soil fertility. N2 fixing legumes provide the basis for developing sustainable farming systems that incorporate integrated nutrient management. By exploiting the stable nitrogen isotope 15N, it has been possible to reliably measure rates of N2 fixation in a wide range of agro-ecological field situations involving many leguminous species. The accumulated data demonstrate that there is a wealth of genetic diversity among legumes and their Rhizobium symbionts which can be used to enhance N2 fixation. Practical agronomic and microbiological means to maximise N inputs by legumes have also been identified.  相似文献   

Summary Two experiments were carried out with two nodulating and non-nodulating soybean isolines, with three different levels of N as (15NH4)2SO4 at the equivalent of 0, 25 and 50 kg N/ha. In the first experiment three seeds were sown in each pot and the plants harvested at 35, 55 and 75 days. In the second experiment only one seed was sown per pot and harvested at 75 days.Isotope dilution technique and in certain cases natural isotope variation (15N) was used to determine directly the origin of nitrogen in the plant, whether from soil, fertilizer or biological N2-fixation. The use of nodulating and non-nodulating isolines enabled comparison with the classical method of estimating N2-fixation by difference from total plant N. Results at the 75 day harvest were similar for either method, but at the earlier harvests, particularly at 35 days, the total-N method was inadequate. The isotope method appeared more sensitive while the total-N method suffered from greater variability with correspondingly high standard errors and significant differences.It was found that by the 35 and 55 day harvests hardly any N2-fixation had taken place, plant nitrogen being almost entirely derived from soil or fertilizer N. Plants in competition used up soil fertilizer N more rapidly, thus stimulating symbiotic nitrogen fixation. When only one plant was grown in each pot it had a greater proportion of N derived from soil or fertilizer, and less N derived from fixation. In general the15N data showed that only about 25% of the applied fertilizer N was absorbed by the plant.The nodulating isoline absorbed more N than the non-nodulating plants. This suggests a possible synergistic effect of N2-fixation on N derived from other sources, giving an increase in total-N content of nudulated plants. The N derived from N2-fixation was scarcely detectable in the roots but appeared to be translocated almost entirely to shoots and pods.With 25 kg N/ha the greater proportion of the nitrogen in the pods was derived from N2-fixation. Even with 50 kg N/ha the nitrogen in the pods derived from fixation remained high, that being derived from fertilizer being less than 15%. About 80% of the nitrogen in the nodules was due to fixation.In the present experiment the application of 25 kg N/ha appeared sufficient to give maximum N absorption by both isolines. At this level symbiotic fixation by Rhizobium remained high in nodulating plants, while the proportion of total N due to fixation was reduced with 50 kg N/ha.UNDP/IAEA Project BRA 78/006.  相似文献   

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