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Two Korean species of the genus Bisnius Stephens are studied. Bisnius macies (Sharp), found along the seashore of some islands, is introduced for the first time in Korea.  相似文献   

Two species of the subtribe Staphylinina ( Platydracus vicarius Sharp and Ocypus lewisius Sharp) are identified for the first time in Korea. Diagnoses and illustrations of the habitus and male genitalia are presented.  相似文献   

Two quediine species (Quedius samuraicus Bernhauer and Schubert, and Velleius elongatus Naomi) were identified for the first time in Korea. Diagnoses and illustrations of the habitus and male genitalia are presented.  相似文献   

A taxonomic study of Korean Myrmecopora Saulcy is presented. Myrmecopora (Lamproxenusa) rufescens (Sharp) previously reported by Ahn was an incorrect identification of M. (L.) reticulata Assing. Diagnoses, habitus photographs and line drawings of diagnostic characters are provided.  相似文献   

The genus Ochthephilus Mulsant and Rey and two species –O. antennatus (Watanabe and Shibata) and O. vulgaris (Watanabe and Shibata) – are identified for the first time in Korea. A key, illustrations of the habitus, and line drawings of diagnostic characters are presented.  相似文献   

Three littoral Athetini species –Adota magnipennis (Bernhauer), Atheta ririkoae Sawada and Atheta tokiokai (Sawada) – are reported for the first time in Korea. Diagnoses, illustrations of the habitus and line drawings of diagnostic characters are provided.  相似文献   

Two pselaphine staphylinid species –Stipesa rudis Sharp and Tainochus nitidus Nomura – are identified for the first time in the Korean peninsula.  相似文献   

A review of 21 species of Scaphidium Olivier from East China is presented, including 6 new species: S. jinmingi sp. n. (Zhejiang, Anhui, Chongqing), S. crypticum sp. n. (Zhejiang, Fujian, Jiangxi, Guangxi), S. varifasciatum sp. n. (Zhejiang, An’hui), S. robustum sp. n. (Fujian, Guizhou, Chongqing, Guangxi, Yunnan), S. connexum sp. n. (Zhejiang, Fujian, Guangxi), and S. bayibini sp. n. (An’hui). New province records for S. comes Löbl, S. grande Gestro, S. sauteri Miwa & Mitono, S. formosanum Pic, S. carinense Achard, S. sinense Pic, S. delatouchei Achard, S. biwenxuani He, Tang & Li, S. klapperichi Pic, S. stigmatinotum Löbl, S. wuyongxiangi He, Tang & Li, and S. direptum Tang & Li as well as some biological notes are reported. Habitus and diagnostic characters of all species are photographed and a key to Scaphidium species of East China is provided.  相似文献   

A taxonomic study of the genera Porocallus Sharp and Rhomphocallus Assing in Korea is presented. The genus Rhomphocallus and two species, Rhomphocallus princeps (Sharp) and Rhomphocallus maruyamai Assing, are reported for the first time in Korea. Porocallus insignis Sharp is recorded for the first time in South Korea. Diagnoses, illustrations of habitus and line drawings of diagnostic characters are provided.  相似文献   

A taxonomic note of the littoral Aleochara Gravenhorst species in Korea is presented. Five species are recognized from intertidal zone. Aleochara trisulcata Weise and A. fucicola Sharp are reported for the first time in Korea and southern Korea, respectively. A key, a checklist of Korean littoral Aleochara species, and drawings of median lobes and spermathecae are provided.  相似文献   

Three Gabrius species, Gabrius mandschuricus Bernhauer, G. praesignis Schillhammer and G. zerchei Schillhammer, are identified for the first time in Korea. A taxonomic key of Korean Gabrius species is provided.  相似文献   

Two coastal species in the tribe Athetini, Osakatheta yasukoae Maruyama, Klimaszewski and Gusarov, and Psammostiba hilleri (Weise), are newly discovered from the Korean fauna. Diagnoses, habitus photographs and line drawings of median lobe are provided.  相似文献   

Two aleocharine species, Autalia rivularis (Gravenhorst) and Brachida clara (Weise), are identified for the first time in Korea. Diagnoses, habitus illustrations, and line drawings of diagnostic characters are provided.  相似文献   

Three new species of the mycophagous aleocharine genus Gyrophaena Mannerheim are described in Korea. The types and paratypes of the new species are designated. Illustrations of the diagnostic characters and habitus photographs of new species are provided with a key to Korean species of Gyrophaena.  相似文献   

记述采自我国浙江省龙王山自然保护区和天目山自然保护区的盗隐翅虫属Lesteva 1新种——黄盗隐翅虫Lesteva ochra,sp.nov.。新种与Rougemont(2000)记载于同一产地的Lesteva elegantula在斑纹上较相似,但根据体形的差异可与后者区分;新种在体形上与记载于同一产地的Lesteva flavopuctata较相似,但根据阳茎的侧叶短于中叶可与后者区分;新种的阳茎形状与记载于同一产地的Lesteva submaculata较相似,但侧叶内侧没有柔毛可与后者区分。正模:♂,浙江省龙王山,2004-Ⅳ-24,朱礼龙采;副模:1♂,2♀♀,采集地点同正模,2004-Ⅳ-23,汤亮采;1♀,采集地点及日期同正模,胡佳耀采;1♂,1♀,浙江省临安市天目山,2001-Ⅴ-02,宋晨祖采。  相似文献   

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