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A new species of lace-bug Sinaldocader ponomarenkoi sp. nov. (Tingidae: Phatnomatini) is described from the Lower Cretaceous Transbaikalian locality Baissa. The new species differs from the type species S. drakei Popov, 1989 from the Lower Cretaceous of Mongolia in the well-developed lateral carinae of pronotal disc and in the details of hemelytral venation.  相似文献   

报道中国蝽科(Heteroptera: Pentatomidae)3个中国新记录属:库蝽属 Cuspicona Dallas、赫蝽属Hermolaus Distant、昂角蝽属 Oncinoproctus Breddin,以及6个新记录种:绿库蝽 Cuspicona antica Vollenhoven、赫蝽 Hermolaus typicus Distant、笑曼蝽 Menida atkinsoni Distant、昂角蝽 Oncinoproctus griseolus Breddin、斑卷蝽 Paterculus aberrans Distant 和短线鳖蝽 Rolstoniellus malacanicus (Yang)。并给出各种的虫体背腹面照片和生殖节结构图。除绿库蝽的观察标本保存在中国科学院动物所(IZCAS)以外,其余研究观察标本保存在南开大学昆虫研究所标本馆(NKUM)。  相似文献   

Thomas J. Henry 《ZooKeys》2012,(220):1-114
The phyline plant bug genus Tytthus Fieber, previously containing 19 species, is revised. Isoproba Osborn and Drake, 1915, incorrectly placed in the subfamily Bryocorinae, tribe Dicyphini, is synonymized as a junior synonym of Tytthus Fieber, syn. n.; the only included species, Isoproba picea Osborn and Drake is transferred to Tytthus, comb. n., as the senior synonym of Tytthus hondurensis Carvalho, syn. n.; and Tytthus koreanus Josifov and Kerzhner, 1972 is synonymized with Tytthus chinensis (Stål 1860), syn. n.; and a lectotype for Tytthus parviceps is designated. The six new species Tytthus femoralis from Cuba, Ecuador, Guatemala, Jamaica, Mexico, and Peru,Tytthus fuscicornis from New Mexico (USA), Tytthus mexicanus from Mexico, Tytthus pallidus from Brazil and Panama, Tytthus uniformis from Arizona and New Mexico (USA), and Tytthus wheeleri from the eastern United States are described, bringing the total number of species for the genus to 24. A color adult habitus illustration of Tytthus wheeleri, color photographs for each species (except Tytthus juturnaiba Carvalho and Wallerstein), illustrations of male genitalia, scanning electron photomicrographs of selected structures of certain species, and an identification key are provided to facilitate species recognition. A phylogenetic analysis is offered to help infer relationships.  相似文献   

随着PCR技术的发展以及大量DNA序列的累积,昆虫分子系统学近年来快速发展。线粒体DNA(mtDNA)序列相对于核内DNA序列进化速率较快,常被用于昆虫的系统发育研究。本文综述了国内外学者利用各种线粒体DNA序列来研究半翅目异翅亚目昆虫系统发育的研究概况。总结发现,COⅠ、COⅡ、12S rDNA、16S rDNA、Cytb、ND1、ND2和ND5等线粒体区段被用于半翅目异翅亚目系统发育的研究,其中以COI、COⅡ、16S rDNA和Cytb应用最广泛,但目前尚缺乏不同分子标记间的联合分析。进一步的研究最好在选定半翅目异翅亚目昆虫的分类阶元(如科间、亚科间、科内属间、种间或种内)后,集中测定线粒体某几个区段的DNA序列,然后进行单一分析和联合分析,并与传统形态学研究结果进行比较,可望全面分析半翅目异翅亚目昆虫的系统发育关系。  相似文献   

Ernst Heiss 《ZooKeys》2013,(319):137-151
As an addition to the presently poorly known aradid fauna of Ecuador, 3 new genera and 4 new species are described: Osellaptera setifera gen. n., sp. n.; Kormilevia ecuadoriana sp. n. both belonging to Mezirinae; and Carventinae Cotopaxicoris cruciatus gen. n., sp. n. and Onorecoris piceus gen. n., sp. n. An updated key is provided for all species of the Neotropical genus Kormilevia Usinger & Matsuda, 1959.  相似文献   

五种蝽科昆虫的细胞分类学研究(半翅目:异翅亚目)   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
研究了5种中国蝽科昆虫的核型和染色体的减数分裂行为,并采用核型分析软件对第一次减数分裂中期的染色体进行核型分析。结果表明:驼蝽Brachycerocoris camalus Costa、滴蝽Dybowskyia reticulata(Dallas)和红玉蝽Hoplistodera pulchra Yang3个种的染色体组成均为2n(♂)=14,具有X-Y性别决定机制;减数分裂行为比较一致,但在中期-Ⅰ时,常染色体和性染色体的排列方式各不相同,可为蝽科昆虫的形态分类及系统发育提供有用的证据。二星蝽Eysarcoris guttiger(Thunberg)的染色体组成为2n(♂)=15,具有X1X2Y性别决定机制,进一步证明了在半翅目昆虫的性染色体进化中碎片化过程起着很重要的作用;黑斑二星蝽Eysarcoris fabricii(Kirkaldy)的染色体组成为2n(♂)=16,具有X-Y性别决定机制。后2种的核型结果,可为二星蝽属分类的进一步研究提供参考。  相似文献   

Tibial combs in representatives of the family Cydnidae are described in detail for the first time. The structure was studied in 98 species of 58 genera representing all the subfamilies, among them 16 species were investigated using scanning electron microscopic (SEM) techniques. In addition, Parastrachia japonensis (Scott, 1880) of the family Parastrachiidae, and two species of Dismegistus Amyot and Serville, 1843 (a genus of uncertain systematic position within Pentatomoidea) have also been studied. Morphological terminology is proposed for all the structures connected with tibial combs and the term 'the tibial comb complex' is suggested; its functional, taxonomic and phylogenetic significance is also discussed. The genera of Cydnidae can be classified into two groups depending on differences in the tibial comb complex, when it is present; moreover, its absence in the tribe Scaptocorini (Cephalocteinae) is demonstrated for the first time and is regarded as an autapomorphy of this tribe. Data on the occurrence of tibial combs in other families of true bugs (Hemiptera: Heteroptera) are also briefly reviewed, and an anagenetic trend in their evolution in terrestrial Heteroptera is hypothesized. The presence of tibial combs on all legs is regarded as the most plesiomorphic state.  相似文献   

The structure and composition of Hemiptera communities of tropical rain forest in Dumoga-Bone National Park, Sulawesi, Indonesia were investigated over a 1-year period. The aim was to investigate the extent to which insect samples, obtained using six different techniques, were representative of the whole community, and to explore temporal and spatial variation in Hemiptera community composition. Sampling techniques employed were Rothamsted light trapping, canopy fogging, malaise trapping at both ground and canopy level, flight interception trapping and yellow water pan trapping. Overlap between faunas collected using different techniques was surprisingly low emphasizing the limitations of using any single method to sample and thereby describe the Hemiptera community. Differences were observed at the species, family and suborder levels. Similarly, there were major differences in faunal composition between sites and diversity appeared to peak at elevations between 600–1000 m. Seasonal changes were also significant but generally lower than between methods or sites. Results are discussed in relation to factors such as food availability and host specialization and the efficacy of each sampling method is reviewed in relation to the biology of the different Hemiptera groups and the composition of the samples obtained.  相似文献   

Data on natural enemies of psyllids are rare and can usually be found in papers about economically significant species. During an investigation of psyllid fauna in Serbia, natural enemies were investigated, too. True bugs were the most numerous among them. From 28 psyllid species, 21 species of true bugs from families Anthocoridae and Miridae were reared. Seven species of Anthocoridae were identified: Anthocoris amplicollis (Horváth, 1839), Anthocoris confusus Reuter, 1884, Anthocoris nemoralis (Fabricius, 1794), Anthocoris nemorum (Linnaeus, 1761), Orius majusculus Reuter, 1884, Orius minutus (Linnaeus, 1758) and Orius niger Wolff, 1811. The following 14 species of Miridae were identified: Atractotomus mali Meyer-Dür, 1843, Campylomma verbasci (Meyer-Dür, 1843), Deraeocoris flavilinea (A. Costa, 1862), Deraeocoris ruber (Linnaeus, 1758), Deraeocoris lutescens (Schilling, 1836), Heterocordylus genistae (Scopoli, 1763), Hypseloecus visci (Puton, 1888), Malacocoris chlorizans Panzer, 1794, Miris striatus (Linnaeus, 1758), Orthotylus marginalis Reuter, 1884, Psallus assimilis Stichel, 1956, Psallus quercus Kirschbaum, 1856, Psallus flavellus Stichel, 1933 and Pseudoloxops coccinea (Meyer-Dür, 1843). The aim of the research was to provide list of true bugs recorded as predators of psyllids in order to preserve their diversity and significance, especially on cultivated plants.  相似文献   


Six genera and 11 species of Orthotylinae are now known from New Zealand. Zanchius Distant is newly recorded. One new genus, Tridiplous, and seven new species of endemic New Zealand Orthotylini are described and illustrated. Four new species are described in Tridiplous: T. burrus, T. parvapiatus, T. penmani, and T. virens, and three new species are described in Zanchius: Z. ater, Z. rubicrux, and Z. totus. Keys are provided to identify New Zealand taxa of the tribes of Orthotylinae, genera and species of Halticini, genera of Orthotylini, and species of Tridiplous and Zanchius. The bugs are illustrated with colour habitus photos, and drawings including male and female genitalia. Economic importance is discussed.  相似文献   

Cahara Ghauri from China with three species is reviewed here. Two of them, Cahara incisura sp. n. and Cahara nodula sp. n. are described here. Key to the three Chinese species, habitus photographs and illustrations of genitalia are also provided. All examined materials including the types of three species mentioned are deposited in the Institute of Entomology, Nankai University, Tianjin, China (NKUM).  相似文献   

The Cimicomorpha is one of the largest and highly diversified infraorders of the Heteroptera. This group is also highly diversified cytogenetically and demonstrates a number of unusual cytogenetic characters such as holokinetic chromosomes; m-chromosomes; multiple sex chromosome systems; post-reduction of sex chromosomes in meiosis; variation in the presence/absence of chiasmata in spermatogenesis; different types of achiasmate meiosis. We present here a review of essential cytogenetic characters of the Cimicomorpha and outline the chief objectives and goals of future investigations in the field.  相似文献   

In this paper, two Korean Compsidolon species, C. salicellum (Herrich-Schaeffer) and C. elaegnicola Yasunaga, were treated. Of these, C. elaegnicola Yasunaga, 1999, which was previously known only from Japan, is reported from Korea for the first time and diagnosed. A dorsal habitus image and illustrations of the male genitalia are provided.  相似文献   

Adelphocorisella australis sp. n. is described from north Queensland. This, the first representative of the genus known from Australia, is compared with the two previously described species, both from Japan.  相似文献   

Mainly based on collections from Willershausen (Lower Saxony, North Germany), the Pliocene Heteroptera fauna of West Europe is briefly revised. The present compilation includes a checklist with taxonomic and systematic corrections ofJordan’s (1967, 1969) type materials. Naucoroid water bugs of the family Aphelocheiridae are distinguished and the extinct species of the genusAphelocheirus are redescribed. The new genusWillershausenia n.gen. (type species:Nabis strausi Jordan, 1969) is defined and transferred to the coreoid family Alydidae.   相似文献   

Orthotylus pallen (Mastumura, 1911) is recorded for the first time from Korea and is diagnosed. An image of its dorsal habitus as well as illustrations of the male and female genitalia are provided. A key to and checklist of Korean Orthotylus species are given.  相似文献   

In Argentina, five genera and 14 species are recorded in the subfamilies Prostemmatinae and Nabinae: Hoplistoscelis sordidus Reuter, Lasiomerus constrictus Champion, Metatropiphorus alvarengai Reuter, Nabis argentinus Meyer-Dür, Nabis (Tropiconabis) capsiformis Germar, Nabis faminei Stål, Nabis paranensis Harris, Nabis punctipennis Blanchard, Nabis roripes Stål, Nabis setricus Harris, Nabis tandilensis Berg, Pagasa (Pagasa) costalis Reuter, Pagasa (Lampropagasa) fuscipennis Reuter and Pagasa (Pagasa) signatipennis Reuter.  相似文献   

A new hemipteran subfamily, Parastrachiinae , is proposed in the Cydnidae for the single genus Parastrachia Distant 1883. There are two included species, P. japonensis (Scott 1880) and P. nagaensis Distant 1908. The morphology, relationships, and taxonomic history of Parastrachia are discussed  相似文献   

The aquatic and semi-aquatic Heteroptera, consisting of the infraorders Leptopodomorpha, Gerromorpha, and Nepomorpha, comprise a significant component of the world’s aquatic insect biota. Within these three infraorders as a whole there are currently 23 families, 343 genera and 4,810 species group taxa considered valid, of which 20 families, 326 genera and 4,656 species inhabit freshwater. In addition, more than 1,100 unequivocally diagnosed species remain to be described. Aquatic Heteroptera occur on all continents except Antarctica, and are most numerous in the tropical regions, although there are many distinctly cold-adapted genera. Overall species richness is highest in the Neotropical and Oriental regions, which harbor 1,289 and 1,103 species, respectively. In comparison to these core tropical regions, species richness is significantly lower in the Afrotropical (799 species), Australasian (654 species), Palearctic (496 species), Nearctic (424 species) and Pacific (37 species) regions. Aquatic Heteroptera are notable for utilizing an exceptionally broad range of habitats, from marine and intertidal to arctic and high alpine, across a global altitudinal range of 0–4,700 m. Species may be found in almost every freshwater biotope, and many exhibit striking morphological adaptations to their aquatic environment, making them excellent subjects for ecological and biogeographic studies. Guest editors: E. V. Balian, C. Lévêque, H. Segers & K. Martens Freshwater Animal Diversity Assessment  相似文献   

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