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组胺H4受体是最近在基因库内筛选寻找新的G蛋白偶联受体时发现的,其cDNA序列与组胺H1、H2受体的同源性很低,与组胺H3受体有很高的同源性。很多组胺受体的配体与组胺H4受体有亲和性,但该受体表现出独特的药理学性质。组胺H4受体激动后可影响细胞内Ca^2 浓度和cAMP的生成,推测其与Gi或Go蛋白相偶联。组胺H4受体主要分布于骨髓、肺、脾脏、小肠和中枢,可能与机体的免疫反应和精神活动有关。  相似文献   

组胺受体有H_1、H_2两种亚型。最近又发现,组胺还有一种新型的受体,即H_3受体,它主要分布在中枢神经和外周神经末梢,参与组胺的合成和释放的负反馈调节过程。H_3受体的功能、性质类似于H_2受体,但它对组胺的敏感性要比H_1、H_2受体强。H_3受体的发现,为进一步研究组胺的生理、病理生理作用提供了新的基础。  相似文献   

豚鼠心交感神经末梢突触前膜存在组胺H3受体   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文首次报道豚鼠心肌存在一种新型突触前抑制性受体-组胺H3受体,选择性H3受体激动剂α-MeHA可抑制电场刺激诱发的离体豚鼠右心房交感性正性变力效应,以及去甲肾上腺素的释放。以上效应可被H3受体拮剂所拮抗。N-乙基马来酰亚胺可取消α-MeHA的作用。增加或减少心肌内源性组胺含量,可分别抑制或增强电场刺激诱发的心交感性反应。以上结果表明,组胺H3受体参与调节心交感神经冲动的传递,H3受体可能与G0-  相似文献   

组胺H2受体激动剂和拮抗剂对WEHI3细胞增的殖的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

组胺1型受体(H1R]受体作为组胺最主要的受体亚型,广泛分布于中枢和外周神经末梢,随着各类新型H1受体桔抗剂的发现和基因敲除动物的应用,H1R的功能研究及其活化调节机制研究也不断深入.组胺通过H1R参与调节机体多种重要的生理病理功能,如参与炎症反应、疼痛反应、血管调节、认知功能、睡眠清醒节律、饮食节律和肥胖等.H1R活化可激活磷脂酶C(PLC),PLC水解1,4,5-磷脂酰二磷酸盐产生甘油二酯(DAG)和肌醇三磷酸(IP3),后者激活细胞内Ca2+通道,活化氮氧化物合成酶,最终生成NO和鸟苷酸环化酶(cGMP),并引起钾通道开放,导致超极化;也可激活磷脂酶A2(PLA2)形成花生四烯酸(AA).H1R可通过活化其基因转录水平进行上调.本文就近十年来国外相关进展情况做一综述.  相似文献   

Qi Y  Qian ZB  Wu ZH 《生理学报》2008,60(3):397-402
本研究探讨组胺H1和H2受体在新生大鼠基本节律性呼吸的发生和调节中的作用.以改良的Kreb's液恒温灌流新生Sprague-Dawley大鼠离体延髓脑片标本,稳定记录与之相连舌下神经根的呼吸节律性放电活动(respiratory-related rhythmical discharge activity, RRDA).实验分为5组:第1、2、3组分别单独给予组胺(histamine, HA)、 H1受体特异阻断剂pyrilamine和H2受体特异阻断剂cimetidine;第4组分别先后给予HA和HA pyrilamine;第5组分别先后给予HA和HA cimetidine,观察舌下神经根RRDA的变化.结果显示,单独给予HA后呼吸周期(respiratory cycle, RC)及呼气时程(expiratory time, TE)明显缩短,而吸气时程(inspiratory time, TI)及放电积分幅度(integral amplitude, IA)无明显变化;给予pyrilamine后RC、 TE明显延长,TI、 IA也无明显变化,且HA的作用可以被pyrilamine逆转;给予cimetidine后RC、 TE、 TI、 IA均无明显变化,且HA的作用不能被cimetidine逆转.结果提示,H1受体参与哺乳动物基本呼吸节律的产生和调节,H2受体对哺乳动物基本节律性呼吸的调控无明显影响.  相似文献   

中枢组胺H3受体对哮喘豚鼠呼吸运动的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:探讨中枢组胺H3受体与哮喘发病的关系。方法:动物经侧脑室插管给药后,记录膈肌放电活动(DA)和呼吸频率(RR)。免疫组织化学方法检测下呼吸道内SP样免疫反应物的含量。荧光分光光度法测定脑内组胺含量。结果:①静脉注射卵蛋白(0.1mg/kg)诱发哮喘急性发作后,动物RR加快,DA幅度减小,同时下呼吸道内SP样免疫反应物的数量明显增加(P<0.01),下丘脑和皮质内组胺含量增多(P<0.01)。②哮喘急性发作后,侧脑室注射H3受体激动剂RAMH(5μg)后,与哮喘组相比,RR明显降低,DA幅度明显增加(P<0.01)。下呼吸道内SP样免疫反应物的数量明显减少(P<0.01)。③哮喘缓解期,侧脑室注射组胺H3受体拮抗剂THIO(20μg)后,RR明显加快,DA幅度减小。下丘脑和皮质内组胺含量均高于对照组(P<0.05)。结论:脑内组胺H3受体参与了对哮喘发作的神经性调控过程。  相似文献   

摘 要 目的 建立基于报告基因的组胺H3受体(H3R)激活剂的高通量筛选模型,用此模型对收集到的中草药化合物组分进行筛选,以发现新的组胺H3R激活剂。 方法 将H3R基因质粒(H3R/pCDNA3.1-hygro)与报告基因质粒(3XCRE-LUC)按3:1的比例共转染入HEK293细胞,建立了稳定的H3R配体的报告基因筛选细胞株。激活剂与细胞表面H3R结合后,激活相应的信号通路,调节Forskolin刺激后的报告基因的表达,通过测定荧光素酶报告基因表达水平的变化,评估激活剂影响H3受体的生物活性。 结果 通过对筛选条件,如激活剂孵育时间、Forskolin终浓度、化合物溶剂的选择、溶剂DMSO终浓度等的优化,建立了可靠的筛选方法,并对多种中草药萃取物进行了筛选,找到了两种对H3R有活性的中药组分。结论 建立的细胞模型可以有效的应用于以组胺H3受体为靶点的高通量药物筛选。  相似文献   

近年来研究表明组胺及其受体在正常造血调控中起着重要作用。本研究用琼脂半固体培养技术观察了特异性组胺H2受体激动剂英普咪定和拮抗剂西咪替丁对髓系粒-单核细胞白血病干细胞株WEHI3细胞生长的影响。结果表明不同浓度的英普咪定(10-8─10-4mol/L)对集落数呈明显剂量依赖性抑制,与对照组比较p<0.01。10-10─10-9mol/L英普咪定对集落数无明显影响。10-4─6×10-4mol/L的英普咪定对集落产率的抑制作用趋于饱和。最大抑制效能为对照组的54%(p<0.01)。10-4mol/L西咪替丁能完全阻断10-8mol/L英普咪定的集落抑制作用。对≥10-6mol/L英普咪定的作用西咪替丁均有部分阻断作用,与对照组比较P<0.01。单用西咪替丁对WEHI3细胞无明显直接作用。这提示WEHI3细胞株上存在有组胺H2受体,激动H2受体可抑制细胞增殖。  相似文献   

目的:研究胃癌腺癌(gastric adenocarcinoma,GAC)中组胺H4受体的表达水平及其临床意义。方法:60例GAC组织(病例组)与配对癌旁组织(adjacent normal tissue,ANT)中应用免疫组织化学技术检测组胺H4受体的表达,应用实时荧光定量RT-PCR方法检测组胺H4受体mRNA的表达,统计分析组胺H4受体表达与临床病理特征之间的关系。结果:①胃腺癌组织中组胺H4受体蛋白的阳性表达率(11.7%)显著低于癌旁正常组织(96.7%)。②胃腺癌组织中组胺H4受体mRNA水平较癌旁组织明显降低(p〈0.001)。③组胺H4受体蛋白和mRNA表达异常和肿瘤的病理分级有相关性(p=0.0027和p=0.0011),也与有无胃周淋巴结转移有关(p〈0.001和p=0.0049)。结论:组胺H4受体在胃腺癌组织有表达异常,表达量与病理分期相关。组胺H4受体表达异常和组胺水平紊乱可能在胃癌发生发展过程中有重要作用。  相似文献   

The histamine H(3) receptor is a constitutively active G protein-coupled receptor for the neurotransmitter histamine that serves a negative feedback function. A role for the histamine H(3) receptor has been suggested in neurodegenerative diseases, such as Parkinsons disease and Alzheimer's disease. Mice deficient in apolipoprotein E (apoE), a protein involved in development, regeneration, neurite outgrowth, and neuroprotection, show increased measures of anxiety and reduced sensitivity to effects of histamine H(3) receptor antagonists on measures of anxiety. In this study, we tested whether in mice lacking apoE (Apoe-/-) histamine levels and histamine release in brain areas involved in the regulation of anxiety are altered. H(3) receptor antagonist-induced histamine release was lower in the amygdala of Apoe-/- than wild-type mice. In contrast, there were no genotype differences in histamine release in the hypothalamus. Consistent with these data, histamine immunohistochemistry revealed lower total and synaptic histamine levels in the central nucleus of the amygdala of Apoe-/- than wild-type mice. Such changes were not seen in the hypothalamus, hippocampus, or cortex. In Apoe-/- mice, chronically decreased histamine levels and reduced histamine release in the amygdala might contribute to increased measures of anxiety.  相似文献   

Drugs targeting the histamine H(3) receptor (H(3)R) are suggested to be beneficial for the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease. The H(3)R activates G(i/o)-proteins to inhibit adenylyl cyclase activity and modulates phospholipase A(2) and MAPK activity. Herein we show that, in transfected SK-N-MC cells, the H(3)R modulates the activity of the Akt/Glycogen synthase kinase 3beta (GSK-3beta) axis both in a constitutive and agonist-dependent fashion. H(3)R stimulation with the H(3)R agonist immepip induces the phosphorylation of both Ser473 and Thr308 on Akt, a serine/threonine kinase that is important for neuronal development and function. The H(3)R-mediated activation of Akt can be inhibited by the H(3)R inverse agonist thioperamide, and by Wortmannin, LY294002 and PTX, suggesting the observed Akt activation occurs via a G(i/o)-mediated activation of phosphoinositide-3-kinase. H(3)R activation also results in the phosphorylation of Ser9 on GSK-3beta, which acts downstream of Akt and has a prominent role in brain function. In addition, we show the H(3)R-mediated phosphorylation of Akt at Ser473 to occur in primary rat cortical neurons and in rat brain slices. The discovery of this signaling property of the H(3)R adds new understanding to the roles of histamine and the H(3)R in brain function and pathology.  相似文献   

Histamine H3 receptor (H3R), one of G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs), has been known to regulate neurotransmitter release negatively in central and peripheral nervous systems. Recently, a variety of intracellular proteins have been identified to interact with carboxy (C)-termini of GPCRs, and control their intracellular trafficking and signal transduction efficiencies. Screening for such proteins that interact with the C-terminus of H3R resulted in identification of one of the chloride intracellular channel (CLIC) proteins, CLIC4. The association of CLIC4 with H3R was confirmed in in vitro pull-down assays, coimmunoprecipitation from rat brain lysate, and immunofluorescence microscopy of rat cerebellar neurons. The data from flowcytometric analysis, radioligand receptor binding assay, and cell-based ELISA indicated that CLIC4 enhanced cell surface expression of wild-type H3R, but not a mutant form of the receptor that failed to interact with CLIC4. These results indicate that, by binding to the C-terminus of H3R, CLIC4 plays a critical role in regulation of the receptor cell surface expression.  相似文献   

Histamine H2 receptor (H2R) is a member of G protein-coupled receptor family. Agonist stimulation of H2R results in several cellular events including activation of adenylate cyclase and phospholipase C, desensitization of the receptor, activation of extracellular signal-regulated kinases ERK1/2, and receptor endocytosis. In this study, we identified a GTPase dynamin as a binding partner of H2R. Dynamin could associate with H2R both in vitro and in vivo. Functional analyses using dominant-negative form of dynamin (K44E-dynamin) revealed that cAMP production and the following H2R desensitization are independent of dynamin. However, the agonist-induced H2R internalization was inhibited by co-expression of K44E-dynamin. Furthermore, activation of extracellular-signal regulated kinases ERK1/2 in response to dimaprit, an H2R agonist, was attenuated by K44E-dynamin. Although H2R with truncation of 51 amino acids at its carboxy-terminus did not internalize after agonist stimulation, it still activated ERK1/2, but the degree of this activation was less than that of the wild-type receptor. Finally, K44E dynamin did not affect ERK1/2 activation induced by internalization-deficient H2R. These results suggest that the agonist-induced H2R internalization and ERK1/2 activation are partially dynamin-dependent. Furthermore, ERK1/2 activation via H2R is likely dependent of the endocytotic process rather than dynamin itself.  相似文献   

用体外细胞液体培养法研究组胺H_2受体激动剂4-甲基组胺(4-MH)、H_2受体拮抗剂西咪替丁和钙调素拮抗剂三氟啦嗪(TFP)对小鼠粒单白血病WEHI_3细胞增殖的影响。结果表明:4-MH呈剂量依赖性抑制WEHI_3细胞增殖。10 ̄(-4)mol/L西咪替丁可阻断这种效应。10 ̄(-5)─10 ̄(-4)mol/LTFP阻断WEHI_3细胞增殖,10 ̄(-6)mol/LTFP对细胞影响不大,但与高浓度4-MH合用有协同抑制效应。  相似文献   

Changes in various histamine (HA) H3 receptor-mediated responses and H3 receptor binding in brain were investigated in mice receiving single or repeated administration of ciproxifan, a potent brain-penetrating and selective H3 receptor antagonist. Blockade of the H3 autoreceptor was nearly as effective in enhancing levels of tele-methylhistamine (t-MeHA), a major HA metabolite, in brain areas when ciproxifan was administered once either at 7 a.m. or 8 p.m., in spite of the large differences of basal levels at these two phases of the circadian cycle. Blockade after a single ciproxifan administration was, however, followed by a transient decrease in striatal t-MeHA levels, possibly reflecting rapid development of autoreceptor hypersensitivity. Following a 5-day administration of ciproxifan and a 2-day drug-free period, basal t-MeHA levels were significantly decreased (approximately -20%) in three brain areas, and the ED50 values of the drug to enhance t-MeHA levels were increased by 5-15 times without significant change in maximal response, indicating that H3 autoreceptor hypersensitivity had developed. However, in synaptosomes from the cerebral cortex of these animals, the H3 receptor-mediated inhibition of K+-induced [3H]HA release was not significantly modified. Subchronic administration of ciproxifan for 10 days also resulted in an increased binding of [125I]iodoproxyfan to the H3 receptor of striatal and hypothalamic membranes by 40-54%. Hypersensitivity at H3 somatodendritic autoreceptors and at heteroreceptors attributable to an increased number of HA binding sites could account for the various changes observed in this study.  相似文献   

A 3D model of the canine H2 receptor was built and analysed. This model was constructed using primary sequence comparisons and three-dimensional homology building with bacteriorhodopsin serving as a template. The energy analysis of the interaction between the N3H+ form and the N1H+ form of histamine with the receptor shows that both have the same binding affinity for the H2 receptor, but only the N3H+ form provokes structural changes. The calculated potential energies are consistent with the published binding data and suggest that Asp 98 is the principal residue for ligand recognition. On the basis of sequence alignment studies we postulate that Glu 270 in helix 7 may be important for activation of the H2 receptor. Docking studies of the N3H+ folded conformation in our model show that an intramolecular hydrogen bond between N3 and the amino group of the histamine molecule is broken, and the histamine then adopts a conformation similar to the N3H+ extended form to interact optimally with the H2 receptor. Mutations were made in the H2 receptor model to mimic published experimental point mutations. The interactions of the mutated receptor models with histamine are consistent with the experimental data.  相似文献   

Histamine is an important mediator of immediate hypersensitivity for both animals and humans. The action of histamine on target tissues is believed to be mediated by specific cell surface receptors, especially H1 and H2 receptors for hypersensitivity and inflammatory reactions, which involve stimulation of smooth muscle contractility, alterations in vascular permeability, and modifications in the activities of macrophages and lymphocytes. Although the nature of histamine receptors in the brain and peripheral tissues has been studied extensively by many laboratories, the molecular mechanism of histamine receptor-mediated reactions is not fully understood, mainly because histamine receptors are incompletely characterized from the biochemical point of view. In previous studies, we have found that the cultured smooth muscle cell line DDT1MF-2, derived from hamster vas deferens, expresses low-affinity histamine H1 receptors and responds biochemically and functionally to H1-specific stimulation (Mitsuhashi and Payan, J Cell Physiol 134:367, 1988). This cell line provides a model for analyzing the biochemical responses of H1 receptor-mediated reactions in peripheral tissues. In this review, we summarized our recent progress in the study of low-affinity H1 receptors on DDT1MF-2 cells.  相似文献   

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