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A clonal derivative of a transfectant of the SP2/O myeloma cell line producing a chimeric monoclonal antibody was maintained in steady-state, continuous culture at dilution rates ranging from 0.21 to 1.04 day(-1). The steady-state values for nonviable and total cell concentrations increased as the dilution rate decreased, while the viable cell concentration was roughly independent of the dilution rate. At steady state, the specific growth rate increased and the specific death rate decreased as the dilution rate increased. The maximum specific growth rate was 1.15 day(-1). Antibody production was growth associated and the specific rate of antibody production increased linearly as the specific growth rate increased.  相似文献   

Transient expression of recombinant proteins in mammalian cell culture in a 100-L scale requires a large quantity of plasmid that is very labour intensive to achieve with shake flask cultures and commercially available plasmid purification kits. In this paper we describe a process for plasmid production in 100-mg scale. The fermentation is carried out in a 4-L fed-batch culture with a minimal medium. The detection of the end of batch and triggering the exponential (0.1 h(-1)) feed profile was unattended and controlled by Multi-fermenter Control System. A restricted specific growth rate in fed-batch culture increased the specific plasmid yield compared to batch cultures with minimal and rich media. This together with high biomass concentration (68-107 g L(-1) wet weight) achieves high volumetric yields of plasmid (95-277 mg L(-1) depending on the construct). The purification process consisted of alkaline lysis, lysate clarification and ultrafiltration, two-phase extraction with Triton X-114 for endotoxin removal, anion-exchange chromatography as a polishing step, ultrafiltration and sterile filtration. Both fermentation and purification processes were used without optimisation for production of four plasmids yielding from 39 to 163 mg of plasmids with endotoxin content of 2.5 EU mg(-1) or less.  相似文献   

Abstract The stability of a selection of single-stranded DNA plasmids was compared in continuous culture of Bacillus subtilis 168-CU267. Plasmid pUB110 and its derivatives were found to be 100% stable in long-term cultures with carbon, nitrogen, potassium, sulfur or magnesium as limiting nutrients. In phosphate-limited culture, pUB110 showed only slight instability, but its derivatives pPL603, pPL608 and pSM112 were rapidly lost from the cultures after a lag of variable length during which no plasmid-free bacteria were detected. The proportion of plasmid-bearing bacteria in the culture sometimes showed temporary recovery prior to ultimate loss. Plasmids pHV33 and pC194 were lost rapidly without a preceding lag phase. Chemostat experience (800 generations in phosphate-limited continuous culture) of the host bacterium greatly enhanced the retention of pC194-carrying bacteria in phosphate-limited cultures, but effects on retention of the other plasmids were not significant.  相似文献   

V. Larionov  N. Kouprina  T. Karpova 《Gene》1984,28(2):229-235
The mitotic stabilities of hybrid plasmid Rcp21/11, which contains the replicator of yeast rDNA, have been compared for four yeast host strains of different origins. In two related strains, Saccharomyces cerevisiae A62-1G-P188 and 1A-P3812 from the Peterhof genetic stocks, the plasmid was much more stable than in strains DC5 and GRF18 from the USA stocks.The enhanced mitotic stability of Rcp21/11 in these two yeast strains is obviously attributable to a higher rate of integration of the plasmid into the chromosomal rDNA repeats of the hosts.The centromeric locus CEN3 was inserted into Rcp21/11 because it provides high mitotic and meiotic stability of plasmids with yeast replicators, due to an ordered distribution of plasmids throughout cell division. Using the new centromeric plasmid RcpCEN3, transformation of the four above-described yeast strains was carried out. It was found that, similarly to centromeric plasmids with other chromosomal replicators, RcpCEN3 remains in the cell as a single copy. In strains DC5, GRF18 and A62-1G-P188 the mitotic stability of RcpCEN3 was 20–50%, i.e., less than half that of plasmids containing locus CEN3 and other yeast repliiators, ars1, ars2 and the 2μ DNA replicator. The mitotic stability of RcpCEN3 in strains 1A-P3812 (from the Peterhof genetic stocks) for individual clones reached 85%, i.e. close to that of the other plasmids. Genetic analysis showed that the capacity of strain 1A-P3812 to stably retain RcpCEN3 has a recessive polygenic character. We suggest that the observed differences in mitotic stability of centromeric plasmid RcpCEN3 between various yeast strains reflects the differences in activity of rDNA replicator in these strains. The nature of extrachromosomal rDNA circles, found in some strains of S. cerevisiae, is discussed from the point of view of the data.  相似文献   

Plasmid plJ303 stability in Streptomyces lividans cultures has been studied by measuring plasmid copy number under various growth conditions. An increase in mean plasmid copy number was normally seen during early rapid growth in both shaken culture and stirred vessel fermentations at 28 degrees C. Maximum copy numbers were consistently attained in early stationary phase followed by a decline (of variable amount) upon further incubation. The imposition of environmental stress (high growth temperature, i.e., 37 degrees C, and low dissolved oxygen tension, i.e., <5% air saturation) led to a plasmid copy number of zero and a 50% reduction, respectively. Interestingly, the relative proportions of plasmid topoisomers changed with time since progressively more supercoiled forms were observed throughout the stationary phase. Plasmid dimers were also observed in some cultures, and no evidence of structural plasmid instability was found. In general, this host-vector system seemed remarkably stable under normal growth conditions. However, copious organic acid production by the host was observed and was thought to be undesirable for good heterologous gene expression of a secreted protein. (c) 1993 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Plasmids are common vectors to genetically manipulate Escherichia coli or other microorganisms. They are easy to use and considerable experience has accumulated on their application in heterologous protein production. However, plasmids can be lost during cell growth, if no selection pressure like, e.g., antibiotics is used, hampering the production of the desired protein and endangering the economic success of a biotechnological production process. Thus, in this study the Continuously Operated Shaken BIOreactor System (COSBIOS) is applied as a tool for fast parallel testing of strain stability and operation conditions and to evaluate measures to counter such plasmid loss. In specific, by applying various ampicillin concentrations, the lowest effective ampicillin dosage is investigated to secure plasmid stability while lowering adverse ecological effects. A significant difference was found in the growth rates of plasmid‐bearing and plasmid‐free cells. The undesired plasmid‐free cells grew 30% faster than the desired plasmid‐bearing cells. During the testing of plasmid stability without antibiotics, the population fraction of plasmid‐bearing cells rapidly decreased in continuous culture to zero within the first 48 h. An initial single dosage of ampicillin did not prevent plasmid loss. By contrast, a continuous application of a low dosage of 10 µg/mL ampicillin in the feed medium maintained plasmid stability in the culture. Consequently, the COSBIOS is an apt reactor system for measuring plasmid stability and evaluating methods to enhance this stability. Hence, decreased production of heterologous protein can be prevented. © 2016 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 32:1418–1425, 2016  相似文献   

Continuous culture experiments with the L-producer, Corynebacterium glutamicum, were carried out to characterize the effect of specific growth rate on fermentation yields, specific rates, productivities, and fluxes through the primary metabolism. The specific productivity of L-lysine exhibited a maximum with respect to specific growth rate, with an initial growth-associated behavior up to specific growth rates of about 0.1 h(-1), and a constant specific productivity for specific growth rates in the range of about 0.1 to 0.2 h(-1). The productivity dropped at specific growth rates larger than about 0.2 h(-1). The yield of L-lysine on glucose increased approximately linearly with decreasing specific growth rate over the entire range studied, as did the respiratory quotient. A direct relationship was established between the culture respiratory quotient and the L-lysine yield. By explicitly accounting for glucose used for biomass synthesis, it was shown that the strain synthesizes L-lysine with an intrinsic yield, or efficiency, of about 0.41 mol L-lysine/mol glucose, compared with the theoretical yield of 0.75 mol/mol. Metabolic flux modeling based on the continuous culture data suggests that the production of ATP is not likely to be a limiting factor in L-lysine production, and that a high TCA cycle activity, coupled with a tightly controlled split of metabolite flow at the PEP node, is likely the cause of the large discrepancy between theoretical and actual yields in L-lysine fermentations.  相似文献   

通过对产普鲁兰酶的重组大肠杆菌E.coli BL21(DE3)/p ET28a-s-pul菌株在发酵过程中质粒稳定性和普鲁兰酶生成量的考察,发现不同宿主对质粒稳定性及酶活性有重要影响。本文利用E.coli BL21(DE3)p Lys S菌株为宿主,构建重组菌E.coli BL21(DE3)p Lys S/p ET28a-s-pul,通过控制外源蛋白的本底表达,提高了重组菌株的质粒稳定性。优化发酵培养基和发酵条件以后,重组菌产普鲁兰酶能力由480 U/m L提高至627 U/m L,增幅为30.6%。研究结果认为,严格控制外源蛋白的本底表达,是改善重组菌稳定性的重要方法之一。  相似文献   

Aims:  Human bifidobacteria are more sensitive to external environmental factors than animal bifidobacteria, and it is difficult to ensure their stable survival in yogurt. The purpose of this investigation was to observe the survival of human bifidobacteria in yogurts produced under various production conditions.
Methods:  Frozen or lyophilized bifidobacteria starters containing Bifidobacterium longum BB536 originally isolated from an infant, and commercial lyophilized yogurt starters were used for yogurt preparation. After producing yogurts under various conditions, the survival of bifidobacteria in these yogurts over various storage periods was observed.
Results:  Although there were some differences in bifidobacterial survival in yogurt between various production conditions, more than 1·0 × 107 CFU g−1 of Bif. longum survived in yogurt after 35 days' storage at 5°C. Lower fermentation temperature (37°C) and inclusion of Lactococcus lactis in the starter significantly ( P  < 0·05) improved survival of Bif. longum in the yogurt.
Conclusion:  In this investigation, the human bifidobacterial strain Bif. longum survived adequately in yogurt, although the fermentation temperature and starter composition affect bifidobacterial survival.
Significance and Impact of the Study:  This investigation indicates that stable probiotic yogurt using human bifidobacteria can be produced by choosing optimal production conditions.  相似文献   

重组人内皮抑素工程菌菌种稳定性考察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究重组人内皮抑素突变体质粒HM-E的宿主菌E.coliBL21(DE3)在LB培养基中传代50代过程中菌种的稳定性。研究表明,重组人内皮抑素工程菌在传代50代的过程中质粒稳定性(ST)高,为98%,菌体与菌落呈典型的大肠杆菌形态,反复冻融后表达量未下降,目标蛋白在菌体超声的沉淀中质量分数为(58.75±3.78)%,同时,四甲基偶氮唑盐微量反应比色法(MTT)结果表明目的蛋白质量浓度为20μg/mL时对内皮细胞ECV-304具有很高的抑制率,达(94.72±2.10)%。  相似文献   

Aims: To investigate the production of the tumour promoter 1,2-sn-diacylglycerol (DAG) by a human gut isolate of Bifidobacterium longum biovar infantis. Methods and Results: Bifidobacterium longum biovar infantis was grown in vitro using anaerobic static batch cultures in the presence of phosphatidylcholine (PC) and trans-galactooligosaccharides (TOS). Production of DAG was found to be dependent upon the presence of PC, while TOS had a reducing effect. Considerable differences in morphology, growth and metabolic end products from the micro-organism were observed under the different culture conditions. Conclusions: Our results have provided evidence that B. longum biovar infantis can produce DAG in vitro and that a prebiotic exerted a reducing effect upon this production. Significance and Impact of the Study: The results presented in this study demonstrate an ability of ostensibly beneficial member of the colonic environment to produce unwanted compounds under certain conditions. Therefore, it may be important that a combination of substrates and other factors are assessed when studying the behaviour of any bacterial group or species, especially when designing the dietary interventions.  相似文献   

A recombinant yeast plasmid carrying the Ieu2 gene for auxotrophic complementation and a reporter gene for beta-galactosidase under the control of Gal10 promoter was studied in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Growth, product formation, and plasmid stability were studied in defined, semi-defined, and complex media. The biomass concentration and specific activity were higher in complex medium than in defined medium, which was selective for the growth of plasmid-containing cells, leading to a 10-fold increase in volumetric activity. However, plasmid instability was very high in complex media with 50% plasmid-free cells emerging in the culture within 75 h of cultivation. In order to control instability, the growth rates of the plasmid-containing and plasmid-free cells were determined in semi-defined media, which consisted of defined medium supplemented with different concentrations of yeast extract. Below a critical concentration of yeast extract (0.05 g/L), the plasmid-containing cells had a growth rate advantage over the plasmid-free cells. This was possibly because, at this concentration of yeast extract, the availability of leucine became the rate-determining factor in the specific growth rate of plasmid-free cells. A feeding strategy was designed which maintained a low concentration of the residual yeast extract in the medium and thus continuously provided the plasmid-containing cells with a competitive advantage over the plasmid-free cells. This resulted in high stability as well as high cell density under non-selective conditions, which led to a 10-fold increase in the volumetric activity compared to that achieved in defined selective media. A simple mathematical model was formulated to verify the experimental data. The important state variables and process parameters, i.e., biomass concentration, beta-galactosidase expression, sucrose consumption, yeast extract consumption, and specific growth rates of the two cell populations, were evaluated. These variables and parameters along with the differential equations based on material balances as well as the experimental results obtained were used in a mathematical model for the fed-batch cultivation. These correctly verified the experimental data and clearly illustrated the concept behind the success of the fed-batch strategy under yeast extract starvation.  相似文献   

AIMS: The effect of immobilization and long-term continuous culture was studied on probiotic and technological characteristics of lactic acid and probiotic bacteria. METHODS AND RESULTS: A continuous culture in a two-stage system was carried out for 17 days at different temperatures ranging from 32 to 37 degrees C, with a first reactor containing Bifidobacterium longum ATCC 15707 and Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis biovar. diacetylactis MD immobilized separately in gel beads, and a second reactor operated with free cells released from the first reactor. The tolerance of free cells from both strains produced in the effluent medium of both reactors to hydrogen peroxide, simulated gastric and intestinal juices, antibiotics and nisin, and freeze-drying markedly increased with culture time and was generally higher after 6 days than that of stationary-phase cells produced during free-cell batch fermentations. The reversibility of the acquired tolerance of B. longum, but not L. diacetylactis, to antibiotics was shown during successive free-cell batch cultures. CONCLUSIONS: Free cells produced from continuous immobilized-cell culture exhibited altered physiology and increased tolerance to various chemical and physico-chemical stresses. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: Continuous culture with immobilized cells could be used to produce probiotic and lactic acid bacteria with enhanced technological and probiotic characteristics.  相似文献   

Abstract The plasmid vector pAT153 was rapidly lost from carbon-limited continuous cultures of Escherichia coli HB101 (pAT153) at a dilution rate of 0.15 h−1. In one experiment, the plasmid was maintained by 80% of the host bacteria for up to 35 generations. The tetracycline-resistance gene was not expressed from the majority of the plasmid DNA in this population of E. coli HB101 due to transposition of IS1 from the bacterial chromosome into the aminoterminal region of the tet gene of pAT153. This plasmid, pLCX1, when isolated and retransformed into E. coli HB101, was more stably maintained than pAT153. Similar plasmids have been isolated from other glucose, phosphate, ammonium and sulphate-limited chemostats.  相似文献   

The optimal culture conditions for Bacillus stearothermophilus NUB3621 (BGSC 9A5) in chemostat were studied. The results obtained showed that the optimal culture conditions in terms of biomass concentration and maximum growth rate were 65 degrees C, pH 6.8 to 7.2. Dissolved oxygen became growth limiting at pO(2) levels below 10%. Furthermore, this strain was transformed with three new hybrid vectors (pPAM2, pPCH2, or pPLY2) constructed by cloning in pRP9, a plasmid based on the thermophilic replicon, pBC1, and three heterologous genes: the alpha-amylase gene from Bacillus licheniformis, the cholesterol oxidase gene from Streptomyces sp., and the lipase gene from Pseudomonas fluorescens. The influence of several fermentative conditions on segregational and structural stability of the recombinant B. stearothermophilus NUB3621 transformants was studied.The parameters of plasmid loss, that is, rate of plasmid loss (R) and specific growth rate difference (deltamu), were calculated. B. stearothermophilus NUB3621 carrying pRP9 showed great segregational stability in all the assayed conditions, exceeding more than 300 generations without significant plasmid loss, whereas NUB3621 carrying pPAM2, pPCH2, or pPLY2 exhibited relatively low plasmid stability. The segregational instability of the recombinant constructs increased by increasing the fermentation temperature, decreased by increasing the dilution rate, and was not affected by the level of dissolved oxygen. On the other hand, plasmid maintenance decreased in minimal medium if compared with the results obtained in complex medium. Restriction analyses carried out on cultures of NUB3621 carrying pRP9, pPAM2, pPCH2, or pPLY2, grown for 200 generations on nonselective media, revealed that all the clones tested contained the parental plasmids. These results indicate that the heterologous inserts did not affect the structural stability of the recombinant plasmids. (c) 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Biotechnol Bioeng 53: 507-514, 1997.  相似文献   

The halotolerant, filamentous, heterocystous cyanobacterium Anabaena sp. ATCC 33047 released, during the stationary growth phase in batch culture and, at low dilution rate, in continuous culture, large amounts of an exopolysaccharide (EPS) to the culture medium. Different environmental, nutritional and physical parameters affected production and accumulation of the EPS. The presence of either a combined nitrogen source or NaCl at high concentration led to decreased EPS production, without affecting cell growth. In contrast, generation of the EPS was markedly enhanced in response to an increase in either air flow rate, temperature or irradiance. In continuous culture, accumulation of EPS in the medium increased in response to a decrease in the dilution rate, with maximal EPS productivity being reached at a dilution rate of 0.03 h−1.  相似文献   

A numerical method to process experimental data concerning plasmid stability of a recombinant bacteria during continuous cultures with nonselective media is proposed here. This method differs from previous ones in that it uses the derivatve form of the state equation of the Imanaka-Aiba model for recombinant cultures. The methodology proposed here allows one to estimate values for the two model parameters without forcing them to be constant. Until now, this could not be done using classical analytical techniques because these parameters have been considered invariable because of the integration used in the evaluation of the model. These parameters are (1) the difference in the specific growth rates between plasmid-carrying cells and plasmid-free cells (deltamu), and (2) the probability of plasmid loss by plasmid-containing cells (rho(r) mu(+)). The derivative technique used here is completed by mathematical treatments involving data filtering and smoothing. The values of the two parameters are in agreement with those already publised. The current technique does not impose preconditions and permit us to further study related phenomena.  相似文献   

《Current biology : CB》2020,30(19):3841-3847.e4
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