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Electron microscope studies were made of retrogradely horseradish peroxidase-labeled pyramidal neurons forming transcallosal projections in layer III of the cat primary auditory cortex (Al). These showed a significant proportion of the somatic membrane to be covered with processes of astroglia, while synapses occupy 20% of the synaptic surface on average. Between 4 and 10 axosomatic synapses were identified on the profiles of callosal cell somata. All these were formed by axonal terminals containing small, flattened synaptic vesicles and had symmetrical contacts. Average length of these synaptic contacts equaled 1.6 µm. Numerous anterogradely horseradish peroxidase-labeled axonal terminals of callosal fibers were found in cortical area Al in amongst retrogradely HP-labeled neurons. The ultrastructural pattern of these is described.A. A. Bogomolets Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, Kiev. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 22, No. 4, pp. 520–526, July–August, 1990.  相似文献   

Although the excitatory effects of noradrenaline have been thoroughly studied in the central nervous system, there is relatively little known about the adrenergic effects on Ca2+ dynamics of dendrites. In the present study, we imaged basal dendrites of layer 5 pyramidal neurons in the prefrontal cortex using two-photon microscopy. In our experiments noradrenaline, applied in the bath, enhanced excitability of layer 5 pyramidal neurons. The number of evoked action potentials following current injection to the soma increased by 44.7% on average. In the basal dendrites and spines the evoked Ca2+ responses were also markedly enhanced. Noradrenaline-induced effects could be blocked by the beta-adrenergic blocker propranolol. Our data, that activation of the noradrenergic system increases excitability of layer 5 pyramidal neurons via beta-adrenergic receptors and enhances Ca2+ signaling in basal dendrites, suggest a cellular site of action for noradrenaline to improve the integrative capabilities of dendrites.  相似文献   

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Previous studies have shown that sensory and motor experiences play an important role in the remodeling of dendritic spines of layer 5 (L5) pyramidal neurons in the cortex. In this study, we examined the effects of sensory deprivation and motor learning on dendritic spine remodeling of layer 2/3 (L2/3) pyramidal neurons in the barrel and motor cortices. Similar to L5 pyramidal neurons, spines on apical dendrites of L2/3 pyramidal neurons are plastic during development and largely stable in adulthood. Sensory deprivation via whisker trimming reduces the elimination rate of existing spines without significant effect on the rate of spine formation in the developing barrel cortex. Furthermore, we show that motor training increases the formation and elimination of dendritic spines in the primary motor cortex. Unlike L5 pyramidal neurons, however, there is no significant difference in the rate of spine formation between sibling dendritic branches of L2/3 pyramidal neurons. Our studies indicate that sensory and motor learning experiences have important impact on dendritic spine remodeling in L2/3 pyramidal neurons. They also suggest that the rules governing experience‐dependent spine remodeling are largely similar, but not identical, between L2/3 and L5 pyramidal neurons. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Develop Neurobiol 76: 277–286, 2016  相似文献   

Shah MM  Anderson AE  Leung V  Lin X  Johnston D 《Neuron》2004,44(3):495-508
The entorhinal cortex (EC) provides the predominant excitatory drive to the hippocampal CA1 and subicular neurons in chronic epilepsy. Discerning the mechanisms underlying signal integration within EC neurons is essential for understanding network excitability alterations involving the hippocampus during epilepsy. Twenty-four hours following a single seizure episode when there were no behavioral or electrographic seizures, we found enhanced spontaneous activity still present in the rat EC in vivo and in vitro. The increased excitability was accompanied by a profound reduction in I(h) in EC layer III neurons and a significant decline in HCN1 and HCN2 subunits that encode for h channels. Consequently, dendritic excitability was enhanced, resulting in increased neuronal firing despite hyperpolarized membrane potentials. The loss of I(h) and the increased neuronal excitability persisted for 1 week following seizures. Our results suggest that dendritic I(h) plays an important role in determining the excitability of EC layer III neurons and their associated neural networks.  相似文献   

There was made a quantitative study of the influence of 14 days space flight ("Kosmos-2044") on dendritic spine (DS) density of the layer V pyramidal neurons of rat sensomotor cortex. There was found an increase of the number of apical DS lying in the layers III-IV in the flight group only. Number of DS on oblique dendrites was increased in the III-IV cortical layers both in the flight and tail-suspended rats. There was also an increase in the number of DS on basal dendrites in all experimental groups. Obtained data are compared with similar 7 days flight results ("Kosmos-1667") and other data of nervous tissue plasticity in weightlessness.  相似文献   

A number of recent reports implicate the differential regulation of apical and basal dendrites in autism disorders and in the higher functions of the human brain. They show that apical and basal dendrites are functionally specialized and that mechanisms regulating their development have important consequences for neuron function. The molecular identity of layer II‐III neurons of the cerebral cortex is determined by the overlapping expression of Cux1 and Cux2. We previously showed that both Cux1 and Cux2 are necessary and nonredundant for normal dendrite development of layer II‐III neurons. Loss of function of either gene reduced dendrite arbors, while overexpression increased dendritic complexity and suggested additive functions. We herein characterize the function of Cux1 and Cux2 in the development of apical and basal dendrites. By in vivo loss and gain of function analysis, we show that while the expression level of either Cux1 or Cux2 influences both apical and basal dendrites, they have distinct effects. Changes in Cux1 result in a marked effect on the development of the basal compartment whereas modulation of Cux2 has a stronger influence on the apical compartment. These distinct effects of Cux genes might account for the functional diversification of layer II‐III neurons into different subpopulations, possibly with distinct connectivity patterns and modes of neuron response. Our data suggest that by their differential effects on basal and apical dendrites, Cux1 and Cux2 can promote the integration of layer II‐III neurons in the intracortical networks in highly specific ways. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Develop Neurobiol 75: 163–172, 2015  相似文献   

Similar to maternal care, paternal care is a source of neonatal sensory stimulation, which in primates and rodents has been shown to be essential for developing structure and function of sensory cortices. The aim of our study in the biparental rodent Octodon degus was to assess the impact of paternal deprivation on dendritic and synaptic development in the somatosensory cortex. We (i) quantified the amount of paternal care in relation to total parental investment and (ii) compared dendritic and synaptic development of pyramidal neurons in the somatosensory cortex of animals raised by a single mother or by both parents. On the behavioral level we show that paternal care comprises 37% of total parent‐offspring interactions, and that the somatosensory stimulation provided by the fathers primarily consists of huddling, licking/grooming, and playing. On the morphological level we found that, compared with offspring raised by both parents (mother and father), the father‐deprived animals displayed significantly reduced spine numbers on the basal dendrites of pyramidal neurons. Furthermore, paternal deprivation induces hemispheric asymmetry of the dendritic morphology of somatosensory pyramidal neurons. Father‐deprived animals show shorter and less complex basal dendrites in the left somatosensory cortex compared with the right hemisphere. These findings indicate that paternal deprivation results in delayed or retarded dendritic and synaptic development of somatosensory circuits. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Develop Neurobiol, 2009  相似文献   

Modulation of hippocampal synaptic plasticity by estrogen has been attracting much attention. Thorns of thorny excrescences of CA3 hippocampal neurons are post-synaptic regions whose presynaptic partners are mossy fiber terminals. Here we demonstrated the rapid effect of estradiol on the density of thorns of thorny excrescences, by imaging Lucifer Yellow-injected CA3 neurons in adult male rat hippocampal slices. The application of 1nM estradiol induced rapid decrease in the density of thorns on pyramidal neurons within 2h. The estradiol-mediated decrease in the density of thorns was blocked by CNQX (AMPA receptor antagonist) and PD98059 (MAP kinase inhibitor), but not by MK-801 (NMDA receptor antagonist). ERalpha agonist PPT induced the same suppressive effect as that induced by estradiol on the density of thorns, but ERbeta agonist DPN did not affect the density of thorns. Note that a 1nM estradiol treatment did not affect the density of spines in the stratum radiatum and stratum oriens. A search for synaptic ERalpha was performed using purified RC-19 antibody. The localization of ERalpha (67kDa) in the CA3 mossy fiber terminals and thorns was demonstrated using immunogold electron microscopy. These results imply that estradiol drives the signaling pathway including ERalpha and MAP kinase.  相似文献   

Fried I  Mukamel R  Kreiman G 《Neuron》2011,69(3):548-562
Understanding how self-initiated behavior is encoded by neuronal circuits in the human brain remains elusive. We recorded the activity of 1019 neurons while twelve subjects performed self-initiated finger movement. We report progressive neuronal recruitment over ~1500 ms before subjects report making the decision to move. We observed progressive increase or decrease in neuronal firing rate, particularly in the supplementary motor area (SMA), as the reported time of decision was approached. A population of 256 SMA neurons is sufficient to predict in single trials the impending decision to move with accuracy greater than 80% already 700 ms prior to subjects' awareness. Furthermore, we predict, with a precision of a few hundred ms, the actual time point of this voluntary decision to move. We implement a computational model whereby volition emerges once a change in internally generated firing rate of neuronal assemblies crosses a threshold.  相似文献   

Human frontal cortex neurons of hydrocephalic infants were studied with electron microscope. A number of maturing neurones exhibited shrinkage and increased electron density of cytoplasmic matrix in the midst of gross hydrocephalic interstitial oedema. Remarkable preservation of growth cones and arrays of microtubules in a few neuronal perikarya and axons were discernible. Rows of normal looking neurones with parallel arrays of cisternae of rough endoplasmic reticulum were also detected. Thus, preservation of significant number of neurones was apparent even in cases of extreme hydrocephalus.  相似文献   

Neurons in the auditory cortex are believed to utilize temporal patterns of neural activity to accurately process auditory information but the intrinsic neuronal mechanism underlying the control of auditory neural activity is not known. The slowly activating, persistent K+ channel, also called M-channel that belongs to the Kv7 family, is already known to be important in regulating subthreshold neural excitability and synaptic summation in neocortical and hippocampal pyramidal neurons. However, its functional role in the primary auditory cortex (A1) has never been characterized. In this study, we investigated the roles of M-channels on neuronal excitability, short-term plasticity, and synaptic summation of A1 layer 2/3 regular spiking pyramidal neurons with whole-cell current-clamp recordings in vitro. We found that blocking M-channels with a selective M-channel blocker, XE991, significantly increased neural excitability of A1 layer 2/3 pyramidal neurons. Furthermore, M-channels controled synaptic responses of intralaminar-evoked excitatory postsynaptic potentials (EPSPs); XE991 significantly increased EPSP amplitude, decreased the rate of short-term depression, and increased the synaptic summation. These results suggest that M-channels are involved in controlling spike output patterns and synaptic responses of A1 layer 2/3 pyramidal neurons, which would have important implications in auditory information processing.  相似文献   

Feldman DE 《Neuron》2000,27(1):45-56
Experience-dependent plasticity in somatosensory (S1) and visual (V1) cortex involves rapid depression of responses to a deprived sensory input (a closed eye or a trimmed whisker). Such depression occurs first in layer II/III and may reflect plasticity at vertical inputs from layer IV to layer II/III pyramids. Here, I describe a timing-based, associative form of long-term potentiation and depression (LTP/LTD) at this synapse in S1. LTP occurred when excitatory postsynaptic potentials (EPSPs) led single postsynaptic action potentials (APs) within a narrow temporal window, and LTD occurred when APs led EPSPs within a significantly broader window. This long LTD window is unusual among timing-based learning rules and causes EPSPs that are uncorrelated with postsynaptic APs to become depressed. This behavior suggests a simple model for depression of deprived sensory responses in S1 and V1.  相似文献   

Scanning transmission electron tomography offers enhanced contrast compared to regular transmission electron microscopy, and thicker samples, up to 1 μm or more, can be analyzed, since the depth of focus and inelastic scattering are not limitations. In this study, we combine this novel imaging approach with state of the art specimen preparation by using novel light transparent sapphire specimen carrier for high-pressure freezing and a freeze substitution protocol for better contrast of membranes. This combination allows for imaging membranes and other subcellular structures with unsurpassed quality. This is demonstrated with mitochondria, where the inner and outer mitochondrial membranes as well as the membranes in the cristae appear in very close apposition with a minimal intermembrane space. These findings correspond well with old observations using freeze fracturing. In 880-nm thick sections of hemophagocytes, the three-dimensional structure of membrane sheets could be observed in the virtual sections of the tomogram. Microtubules, actin and intermediate filaments could be visualized within one sample. Intermediate filaments, however, could even be better observed in 3D using surface scanning electron tomography.  相似文献   

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