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白血病患者的肤纹研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文分析了l70名经骨髓检查确诊的白血病患者肤纹形态的手纹部分,数据经电子计算机进行判别分析,指纹类型的判对率为52.58±2.67%。根据掌褶类型判别时,其判对率为57±3.8%。指纹类型在判别急非淋患者及正常人时有显著性。掌褶类型的判别力对急非淋及慢粒患者有显著性。慢粒患者猿线出现率高于正常组。急淋患者右手悉尼线出现率高于正常组。此悉尼线在判别分析中有显著意义。急性白血病患者的弓斗指数高于对照组。白血病患者组掌纹白线的出现率也高于正常组。  相似文献   

太行山猕猴掌面肤纹研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

新疆柯尔克孜族肤纹初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
金刚  王燕 《人类学学报》1990,9(1):41-44
本文报道新疆柯尔克孜族肤纹参数的正常值,样本中有男女各500例,本文的研究包括13类,它们是:指纹总嵴数,a-b间嵴数,指纹,指间花纹,大鱼际纹,小鱼际纹,猿线,掌指c三叉缺失,多个t三叉点,(足母)趾球部纹,足小鱼际纹,趾间纹,足跟纹。  相似文献   

山西上党地区汉族肤纹研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
报道中国中原山西省上党地区汉族群体肤纹模式样本的参数。样本包括500名男性和500名女性。技术分类用《ADA标准-CDA版本》, 项目参数用《CDA标准》。分析了指纹总嵴线数(TFRC)、指三角a和b间嵴线数(a-bRC)、手掌轴三角t到指三角a和d角度(atd)、轴三角t百分距离(tPD)、指纹、指间纹、手大小鱼际、猿线、指三角等项目的二级模式样本。还分析了同名指指纹对应的情况,非随机组合的现象。山西东南部自古称为"上党", 地处黄河流域中下游广大的中原地带的中心区域,在远古时期就有原始人类聚集生息, 是中华民族发祥地之一, 是研究中原汉族肤纹参数的较具代表性地域。我们建立中原汉族肤纹的模式样本, 为体质人类学等学科研究提供较完整的资料。  相似文献   

本文首次详细报道了巴藏门巴族正常人群的肤纹参数,样本包括101名男性和116名女性。本样本和中国其他14个民族肤纹参数作了比较,并绘制了聚类图。本样本与白色人种作对比,见到人种间肤纹有明显的差异。  相似文献   

西藏1000例藏族肤纹参数的研究   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
汪宪平  张海国 《遗传学报》1991,18(5):385-393
本文报道了西藏1000例藏族14项肤纹参数。藏族与汉族的肤纹参数接近,与美国明尼苏达州白人的差异较大;在与12个民族的对比中与哈尼族、汉族的差异较小,与维吾尔族差异较大;在不同的地区,与四川平武地区的藏族差异较小,与甘肃甘南地区的藏族差异较大。本文提示肤纹参数在不同人种、不同民族、甚至同一民族不同地区人群间均不可混用。  相似文献   

肤纹参数在52个中国人群中的分布   总被引:7,自引:4,他引:7  
根据11项肤纹参数对28个民族的52个群体进行分析表明:指纹W频率在每一个群体中都是女性不显著多于男性或少于男性,指纹L″频率都是男性不显著多于女性或少于女性;在L_2距离的系统树上可以看到南方群、北方群、混合群,混合群中又各包括了南、北方民族的小聚类群;L_2距离与地理位置有平行关系,南、北群间以长江或北纬30°—33°为界带。  相似文献   

本文利用济南市206名正常及弱智男性儿童的肤纹观测资料使用多元分析方法组建了弱智儿童的判别模型,它提供了一种早期、简便地判断弱智儿童的辅助方法。文章通过对错判概率的分析进一步改进了提出的模型。利用慎判区间有效地提高了判别效率,使得所提出的模型和方法更加实用。  相似文献   

本文报道了珞巴族正常人群的12项肤纹参数.样本包括了142名男性和190名女性.参数与汉族及其他少数民族作了比较,用聚类分析法算出各民族间的距离,并绘制了聚类图.结果提示民族间的肤纹参数均有显著差异.  相似文献   

西藏珞巴族的肤纹参数的聚类分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
本文报道了珞巴族正常人群的12项肤纹参数,样本包括了142名男性和190名女性,参数与汉族及其他少数民族作了比较,用聚类分析法算出各民族间的距离,并绘制了聚类图。结果提示民族间的肤纹参数均有显著差异。  相似文献   

Analysis of the dermatoglyphics of a sample of Kung Bushmen living in the Kalahari of north-east Namibia is presented, and the results are compared with those of other Bushmen studies. A high frequency of arches, a low ridge count, and high frequencies of pattern reduction forms, appear characteristic.  相似文献   

The dermatoglyphic characteristics on the fingertips, palms and soles of 100 Polish children with proven diagnosis (urine test and blood serum tests) of PKU and of the parents of 23 of them were studied. Our results confirm that PKU is not characterized by dermatoglyphic differences. An apparent diminution in complexity of finger pattern type in patients is shown to be due to the genetic relationship between the parents and their offspring rather than the influence of the PKU disorder itself.  相似文献   

The Apaches and Navajos, both members of the Athapascan Family, have lived in the Southwest for several hundred years. Finger and palmar dermatoglyphics were collected from 94 Apaches and 102 Navajos. Both tribes exhibited characteristics similar to those generally reported for American Indians, such as, high whorl frequencies, high total ridge counts, longitudinal alignment of main lines, and high frequencies of absent C lines. Absence of significant intertribal differences indicates close genetic relationship between these tribes.  相似文献   

Data on digital and palmar dermatoglyphics in 40 males hospitalized at the Urological Clinic of the University of Cagliari are given. Data on hypospadias patients are compared to those of 106 apparently healthy Sardinian males for digital dermatoglyphics and of 180 for palmar dermatoglyphics In hypospadias patients there is a significant decrease of patterns in the hypothenar area and an increase of radial arches in hypothenar area, while for other characteristics the differences are always not significant.  相似文献   

本文采用随机整体抽样的方法分析了先天性心脏病患者129例(男性59例, 女性70例) 和正常对照人群133例(男性69例, 女性64例) 13项皮纹波动不对称性(Fluctuating asymmetry, FA)的分布特征。结果表明: (1)先天性心脏病患者组与正常对照组在13项皮纹波动不对称性指标中均未出现显著性别差异; (2)先天性心脏病患者组与正常对照组在FAⅥ(P<0.05)和FAⅦ(P<0.01)两项有显著性差异, 表现为患者组明显增高, 提示先天性心脏病患者在胚胎发育早期易受到环境因素影响, 具有较高的发育不稳定性。  相似文献   

The dermatoglyphics of 709 individuals from three Hungarian populations living near each other but of different origin were analyzed. In dermatoglyphic traits the three populations present but slight differences from one another.  相似文献   

Hypertension is a major contributor to the global burden of disease and mortality. A major medical advancement would be a better means to ascertain which persons are at higher risk for becoming hypertensive beforehand. To that end, there have been a number of studies showing that certain dermatoglyphic markers are associated with hypertension. This association could be explained if the risk toward developing hypertension later on in life is somehow connected with fetal development of dermatoglyphics. It would be highly valuable from a clinical standpoint if this conjecture could be substantiated since dermatoglyphic markers could then be used for screening out individuals who might be at an elevated risk of becoming hypertensive. The aim of this review was to search for and appraise available studies that pertain to the association between hypertension and dermatoglyphics.A systematic literature search conducted using articles from MEDLINE (PubMed), Trip, Cochran, Google scholar, and gray literature until December 2014. Of the 37 relevant publications, 17 were included in the review. The review performed according to the preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analyses (PRISMA) statement.This review showed a fairly consistent finding of an increased frequency of whorl patterns along with a higher mean total ridge count in digital dermatoglyphic results in hypertensive samples compared to controls. However, it was imperative to discuss several limitations found in the studies that could make this association as yet unsettled.  相似文献   

The finger and palmar prints of 118 women with breast cancer and of 37 women with cervix carcinamo were studied. The results were compared with two groups of healthy women, the first consisted of aged women (average age of 78.94) and the second of young women. Only four differences out of ten (40%) were significant between women with breast cancer and young women. One difference out of ten (10%) was significant in the comparison between women with carcinoma of the cervix and elderly women and two (20%) in the comparison to young women. In general, compared with the healthy women the sick women present an increase in whorls and a decrease in a-b ridge count. The results obtained seem to demonstrate that dermatoglyphics are not a good diagnostic tool in the study of these two types of cancer.  相似文献   

Dermatoglyphic data on 17 traits (digital arches, ulnar loops, whorls, patterns on the hypothenar and thenar/I,II,III, and IV interdigital areas, main line C absence and its incompleteness, mean digital ridge-count, a–b, b–c, and c–d ridge–counts, atd angle, pattern intensity index, and main line index) are presented in this paper for 194 males and 224 females from the Taimir Peninsula. Also presented is a population analysis of the Taimir aborigines based on quantitative traits, and comparisons of this population with some Siberian and North American populations.  相似文献   

为获得广东汉族皮纹密度的基本参数, 在知情同意原则基础上采集18—21岁在校学生掌纹307例(男157人,女150人), 体视显微镜下测量掌纹嵴线, 计算皮纹密度。结果表明a-bRC、b-cRC、c-dRC、a-dRC和t-dRC分别是36.19±5.58、25.86±5.21、32.83±5.57、75.43±13.11和90.66±13.50,除c-dRC外,都是男>女。a-bDD、b-cDD、c-dDD、a-dDD、t-dDD和ΔatdDD分别是16.76±1.98、17.68±2.39、16.89±1.85、14.49±2.24、14.42±1.67和5.54±0.75,均为女>男。广东汉族皮纹密度与江西汉族和西藏藏族有一定差异。广东汉族皮纹密度有自己的特点, 这与民族渊源和生活环境的差异有关。  相似文献   

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