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Probabilistic methods have progressively supplanted the Maximum Parsimony (MP) method for inferring phylogenetic trees. One of the major reasons for this shift was that MP is much more sensitive to the Long Branch Attraction (LBA) artefact than is Maximum Likelihood (ML). However, recent work by Kolaczkowski and Thornton suggested, on the basis of simulations, that MP is less sensitive than ML to tree reconstruction artefacts generated by heterotachy, a phenomenon that corresponds to shifts in site-specific evolutionary rates over time. These results led these authors to recommend that the results of ML and MP analyses should be both reported and interpreted with the same caution. This specific conclusion revived the debate on the choice of the most accurate phylogenetic method for analysing real data in which various types of heterogeneities occur. However, variation of evolutionary rates across species was not explicitly incorporated in the original study of Kolaczkowski and Thornton, and in most of the subsequent heterotachous simulations published to date, where all terminal branch lengths were kept equal, an assumption that is biologically unrealistic.  相似文献   

A significant proportion of protein-encoding gene phylogenies in bacteria is inconsistent with the species phylogeny. It was usually argued that such inconsistencies resulted from lateral transfers. Here, by further studying the phylogeny of the oprF gene encoding the major surface protein in the bacterial Pseudomonas genus, we found that the incongruent tree topology observed results from a long-branch attraction (LBA) artifact and not from lateral transfers. LBA in the oprF phylogeny could be explained by the faster evolution in a lineage adapted to the rhizosphere, highlighting an unexpected adaptive radiation. We argue that analysis of such artifacts in other inconsistent bacterial phylogenies could be a valuable tool in molecular ecology to highlight cryptic adaptive radiations in microorganisms.  相似文献   

In the context of exponential growing molecular databases, it becomes increasingly easy to assemble large multigene data sets for phylogenomic studies. The expected increase of resolution due to the reduction of the sampling (stochastic) error is becoming a reality. However, the impact of systematic biases will also become more apparent or even dominant. We have chosen to study the case of the long-branch attraction artefact (LBA) using real instead of simulated sequences. Two fast-evolving eukaryotic lineages, whose evolutionary positions are well established, microsporidia and the nucleomorph of cryptophytes, were chosen as model species. A large data set was assembled (44 species, 133 genes, and 24,294 amino acid positions) and the resulting rooted eukaryotic phylogeny (using a distant archaeal outgroup) is positively misled by an LBA artefact despite the use of a maximum likelihood-based tree reconstruction method with a complex model of sequence evolution. When the fastest evolving proteins from the fast lineages are progressively removed (up to 90%), the bootstrap support for the apparently artefactual basal placement decreases to virtually 0%, and conversely only the expected placement, among all the possible locations of the fast-evolving species, receives increasing support that eventually converges to 100%. The percentage of removal of the fastest evolving proteins constitutes a reliable estimate of the sensitivity of phylogenetic inference to LBA. This protocol confirms that both a rich species sampling (especially the presence of a species that is closely related to the fast-evolving lineage) and a probabilistic method with a complex model are important to overcome the LBA artefact. Finally, we observed that phylogenetic inference methods perform strikingly better with simulated as opposed to real data, and suggest that testing the reliability of phylogenetic inference methods with simulated data leads to overconfidence in their performance. Although phylogenomic studies can be affected by systematic biases, the possibility of discarding a large amount of data containing most of the nonphylogenetic signal allows recovering a phylogeny that is less affected by systematic biases, while maintaining a high statistical support.  相似文献   



Thanks to the large amount of signal contained in genome-wide sequence alignments, phylogenomic analyses are converging towards highly supported trees. However, high statistical support does not imply that the tree is accurate. Systematic errors, such as the Long Branch Attraction (LBA) artefact, can be misleading, in particular when the taxon sampling is poor, or the outgroup is distant. In an otherwise consistent probabilistic framework, systematic errors in genome-wide analyses can be traced back to model mis-specification problems, which suggests that better models of sequence evolution should be devised, that would be more robust to tree reconstruction artefacts, even under the most challenging conditions.


We focus on a well characterized LBA artefact analyzed in a previous phylogenomic study of the metazoan tree, in which two fast-evolving animal phyla, nematodes and platyhelminths, emerge either at the base of all other Bilateria, or within protostomes, depending on the outgroup. We use this artefactual result as a case study for comparing the robustness of two alternative models: a standard, site-homogeneous model, based on an empirical matrix of amino-acid replacement (WAG), and a site-heterogeneous mixture model (CAT). In parallel, we propose a posterior predictive test, allowing one to measure how well a model acknowledges sequence saturation.


Adopting a Bayesian framework, we show that the LBA artefact observed under WAG disappears when the site-heterogeneous model CAT is used. Using cross-validation, we further demonstrate that CAT has a better statistical fit than WAG on this data set. Finally, using our statistical goodness-of-fit test, we show that CAT, but not WAG, correctly accounts for the overall level of saturation, and that this is due to a better estimation of site-specific amino-acid preferences.


The CAT model appears to be more robust than WAG against LBA artefacts, essentially because it correctly anticipates the high probability of convergences and reversions implied by the small effective size of the amino-acid alphabet at each site of the alignment. More generally, our results provide strong evidence that site-specificities in the substitution process need be accounted for in order to obtain more reliable phylogenetic trees.

Convergence has long been of interest to evolutionary biologists. Cave organisms appear to be ideal candidates for studying convergence in morphological, physiological, and developmental traits. Here we report apparent convergence in two cave-catfishes that were described on morphological grounds as congeners: Prietella phreatophila and Prietella lundbergi. We collected mitochondrial DNA sequence data from 10 species of catfishes, representing five of the seven genera in Ictaluridae, as well as seven species from a broad range of siluriform outgroups. Analysis of the sequence data under parsimony supports a monophyletic Prietella. However, both maximum-likelihood and Bayesian analyses support polyphyly of the genus, with P. lundbergi sister to Ictalurus and P. phreatophila sister to Ameiurus. The topological difference between parsimony and the other methods appears to result from long-branch attraction between the Prietella species. Similarly, the sequence data do not support several other relationships within Ictaluridae supported by morphology. We develop a new Bayesian method for examining variation in molecular rates of evolution across a phylogeny.  相似文献   

Recent studies based on different types of data (i.e., morphology, molecules) have found strongly conflicting phylogenies for the genera of iguanid lizards but have been unable to explain the basis for this incongruence. We reanalyze published data from morphology and from the mitochondrial ND4, cytochrome b, 12S, and 16S genes to explore the sources of incongruence and resolve these conflicts. Much of the incongruence centers on the genus Cyclura, which is the sister taxon of Iguana, according to parsimony analyses of the morphology and the ribosomal genes, but is the sister taxon of all other Iguanini, according to the protein-coding genes. Maximum likelihood analyses show that there has been an increase in the rate of nucleotide substitution in Cyclura in the two protein-coding genes (ND4 and cytochrome b), although this increase is not as clear when parsimony is used to estimate branch lengths. Parametric simulations suggest that Cyclura may be misplaced by the protein-coding genes as a result of long-branch attraction; even when Cyclura and Iguana are sister taxa in a simulated phylogeny, Cyclura is still placed as the basal member of the Iguanini by parsimony analysis in 55% of the replicates. A similar long-branch attraction problem may also exist in the morphological data with regard to the placement of Sauromalus with the Galápagos iguanas (Amblyrhynchus and Conolophus). The results have many implications for the analysis of diverse data sets, the impact of long branches on parsimony and likelihood methods, and the use of certain protein-coding genes in phylogeny reconstruction.  相似文献   

Whole-genome duplication (WGD) produces sets of gene pairs that are all of the same age. We therefore expect that phylogenetic trees that relate these pairs to their orthologs in other species should show a single consistent topology. However, a previous study of gene pairs formed by WGD in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae found conflicting topologies among neighbor-joining (NJ) trees drawn from different loci and suggested that this conflict was the result of "asynchronous functional divergence" of duplicated genes (Langkjaer, R. B., P. F. Cliften, M. Johnston, and J. Piskur. 2003. Yeast genome duplication was followed by asynchronous differentiation of duplicated genes. Nature 421:848-852). Here, we test whether the conflicting topologies might instead be due to asymmetrical rates of evolution leading to long-branch attraction (LBA) artifacts in phylogenetic trees. We constructed trees for 433 pairs of WGD paralogs in S. cerevisiae with their single orthologs in Saccharomyces kluyveri and Candida albicans. We find a strong correlation between the asymmetry of evolutionary rates of a pair of S. cerevisiae paralogs and the topology of the tree inferred for that pair. Saccharomyces cerevisiae gene pairs with approximately equal rates of evolution tend to give phylogenies in which the WGD postdates the speciation between S. cerevisiae and S. kluyveri (B-trees), whereas trees drawn from gene pairs with asymmetrical rates tend to show WGD pre-dating this speciation (A-trees). Gene order data from throughout the genome indicate that the "A-trees" are artifacts, even though more than 50% of gene pairs are inferred to have this topology when the NJ method as implemented in ClustalW (i.e., with Poisson correction of distances) is used to construct the trees. This LBA artifact can be ameliorated, but not eliminated, by using gamma-corrected distances or by using maximum likelihood trees with robustness estimated by the Shimodaira-Hasegawa test. Tests for adaptive evolution indicated that positive selection might be the cause of rate asymmetry in a substantial fraction (19%) of the paralog pairs.  相似文献   

The nuclear large subunit (LSU) rRNA gene is a rich source of phylogenetic characters because of its large size, mosaic of slowly and rapidly evolving regions, and complex secondary structure variation. Nevertheless, many studies have indicated that inconsistency, bias, and gene-specific error (e.g., within-individual gene family variation, cryptic sequence simplicity, and sequence coevolution) can complicate animal phylogenies based on LSU rDNA sequences. However, most of these studies sampled small gene fragments from expansion segments--among animals only five nonchordate complete LSU sequences are published. In this study, we sequenced near-complete nuclear LSU genes from 11 representative daphniids (Crustacea). The daphniid expansion segment V6 was larger and showed more length variation (90-351 bp) than is found in all other reported LSU V6 sequences. Daphniid LSU (without the V6 region) phylogenies generally agreed with the existing phylogenies based on morphology and mtDNA sequences. Nevertheless, a major disagreement between the LSU and the expected trees involved a positively misleading association between the two taxa with the longest branches, Daphnia laevis and D. occidentalis. Both maximum parsimony (MP) and maximum likelihood (ML) optimality criteria recovered this association, but parametric simulations indicated that MP was markedly more sensitive to this bias than ML. Examination of data partitions indicated that the inconsistency was caused by increased nucleotide substitution rates in the branches leading to D. laevis and D. occidentalis rather than among-taxon differences in base composition or distribution of sites that are free to vary. These results suggest that lineage-specific rate acceleration can lead to long-branch attraction even in the conserved genes of animal species that are almost morphologically indistinguishable.  相似文献   

Microsporidia branch at the base of eukaryotic phylogenies inferred from translation elongation factor 1alpha (EF-1alpha) sequences. Because these parasitic eukaryotes are fungi (or close relatives of fungi), it is widely accepted that fast-evolving microsporidian sequences are artifactually "attracted" to the long branch leading to the archaebacterial (outgroup) sequences ("long-branch attraction," or "LBA"). However, no previous studies have explicitly determined the reason(s) why the artifactual allegiance of microsporidia and archaebacteria ("M + A") is recovered by all phylogenetic methods, including maximum likelihood, a method that is supposed to be resistant to classical LBA. Here we show that the M + A affinity can be attributed to those alignment sites associated with large differences in evolutionary site rates between the eukaryotic and archaebacterial subtrees. Therefore, failure to model the significant evolutionary rate distribution differences (covarion shifts) between the ingroup and outgroup sequences is apparently responsible for the artifactual basal position of microsporidia in phylogenetic analyses of EF-1alpha sequences. Currently, no evolutionary model that accounts for discrete changes in the site rate distribution on particular branches is available for either protein or nucleotide level phylogenetic analysis, so the same artifacts may affect many other "deep" phylogenies. Furthermore, given the relative similarity of the site rate patterns of microsporidian and archaebacterial EF-1alpha proteins ("parallel site rate variation"), we suggest that the microsporidian orthologs may have lost some eukaryotic EF-1alpha-specific nontranslational functions, exemplifying the extreme degree of reduction in this parasitic lineage.  相似文献   

Sequences of two chloroplast photosystem genes, psaA and psbB, together comprising about 3,500 bp, were obtained for all five major groups of extant seed plants and several outgroups among other vascular plants. Strongly supported, but significantly conflicting, phylogenetic signals were obtained in parsimony analyses from partitions of the data into first and second codon positions versus third positions. In the former, both genes agreed on a monophyletic gymnosperms, with Gnetales closely related to certain conifers. In the latter, Gnetales are inferred to be the sister group of all other seed plants, with gymnosperms paraphyletic. None of the data supported the modern "anthophyte hypothesis," which places Gnetales as the sister group of flowering plants. A series of simulation studies were undertaken to examine the error rate for parsimony inference. Three kinds of errors were examined: random error, systematic bias (both properties of finite data sets), and statistical inconsistency owing to long-branch attraction (an asymptotic property). Parsimony reconstructions were extremely biased for third-position data for psbB. Regardless of the true underlying tree, a tree in which Gnetales are sister to all other seed plants was likely to be reconstructed for these data. None of the combinations of genes or partitions permits the anthophyte tree to be reconstructed with high probability. Simulations of progressively larger data sets indicate the existence of long-branch attraction (statistical inconsistency) for third-position psbB data if either the anthophyte tree or the gymnosperm tree is correct. This is also true for the anthophyte tree using either psaA third positions or psbB first and second positions. A factor contributing to bias and inconsistency is extremely short branches at the base of the seed plant radiation, coupled with extremely high rates in Gnetales and nonseed plant outgroups.  相似文献   

Many species across taxa select habitat based on conspecific presence, known as conspecific attraction. Studies that document conspecific attraction typically provide social information (i.e., cues that indicate the presence of a given species) and then determine if a given species is more likely to settle at locations where the social information is provided compared to those locations that do not. Although the number of studies examining conspecific attraction has grown in recent years, a comprehensive review has not yet been undertaken. Here, we conducted a review of the literature and found 151 studies investigating conspecific attraction across eight taxa. We found that conspecific attraction is widespread with between 80% and 100% of studies, depending on taxa, documenting positive associations between habitat selection and the presence of conspecific cues. Conspecific attraction has been documented more frequently in bird and fish species with less attention given to invertebrate and mammal species. We use the patterns we found to (a) provide an overview of the current state of research on conspecific attraction and (b) discuss how important factors, such as cue characteristics and life history traits, may play a role in shaping conspecific attraction patterns within and across taxa.  相似文献   

Pheromones have been detected in all fungal phylogenetic lineages. This came as a surprise, as the general role of pheromones in mate attraction was not envisioned for some fungi. Pheromones and pheromone receptor genes have been identified, however, in members of all true fungal lineages, and even for mycelia forming organisms of plant and amoeba lineages, like oomycetes and myxomycetes. The mating systems and genes governing the mating type are different in fungi, ranging from bipolar with two opposite mating types to tetrapolar mating systems (with four possible mating outcomes, only one of which leads to fertile sexual development) in homobasidioymcetes with more than 23,000 mating types occurring in nature. Pheromones and receptors specifically recognizing these pheromones have evolved with slightly different functions in these different systems. This review is dedicated to follow the evolution of pheromone/receptor systems from simple, biallelic bipolar systems to multiallelic, tetrapolar versions and to explain the slightly different functions the pheromone recognition and subsequent signal transduction cascades within the fungal kingdom. The biotechnological implications of a detailed understanding of mating systems for biological control and plant protection, in medicine, and in mushroom breeding are discussed.  相似文献   

Although 1-alkanols have long been known to act as penetration enhancers and anesthetics, the mode of operation is not yet understood. In this study, long-time molecular dynamics simulations have been performed to investigate the effect of 1-alkanols of various carbon chain lengths onto the structure and dynamics of dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine bilayers. The simulations were complemented by microcalorimetry, continuous bleaching and film balance experiments. In the simulations, all investigated 1-alkanols assembled inside the lipid bilayer within tens of nanoseconds. Their hydroxyl groups bound preferentially to the lipid carbonyl group and the hydrocarbon chains stretched into the hydrophobic core of the bilayer. Both molecular dynamics simulations and experiments showed that all 1-alkanols drastically affected the bilayer properties. Insertion of long-chain 1-alkanols decreased the area per lipid while increasing the thickness of the bilayer and the order of the lipids. The bilayer elasticity was reduced and the diffusive motion of the lipids within the bilayer plane was suppressed. On the other hand, integration of ethanol into the bilayer enlarged the area per lipid. The bilayer became softer and lipid diffusion was enhanced.  相似文献   

The majority of fossil primates and human archeological sites are recovered from sedimentary rocks, but obtaining radioisotopic dates directly from rocks of this type is generally difficult. Paleomagnetism offers an alternative dating approach. Specific applications of paleomagnetism in the field of anthropology range from dating late Eocene fossil anthropoids to determining human archeological site use and occupation. This single dating technique is not restricted to a specific time range, but can be used across the entire span of primate evolution. When linked with other dating techniques, such as radioisotopic or astrochronologic methods, paleomagnetism offers a high level of temporal resolution in unraveling questions of the past.  相似文献   

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