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X Yang  X Han  C Cross  S Bare  Y Sanghvi  X Gao 《Biochemistry》1999,38(39):12586-12596
The solution structure of an antisense DNA.RNA hybrid duplex, d(CGCGTT-MMI-TTGCGC).r(GCGCAAAACGCG) (designated R4), containing an MMI backbone linker [3'-CH(2)N(CH(3))-O5'], is elucidated. The structural details of the MMI linker, its structural effects on the neighboring residues, and the molecular basis of the MMI effects are examined. The lipophilic N-methyl group of MMI is peripheral to the helix, assuming a conformation that is most stable with regard to the N-O torsion angle. The MMI linker promotes a 3'-endo conformation for the sugar moieties at both 3'- and 5'-adjacent positions and a backbone kink involving distant residues along the 3'-direction. Comparison of R4 with other analogous hybrid duplexes previously studied in this laboratory reveals a new family of low-energy helical conformations that can be accommodated in stable duplexes and a common feature of C3'-modified sugars for adopting a C3'-endo pucker. The results of these studies emphasize the interplay of several factors that govern the formation of stable hybrid duplexes and provide a basis for the understanding of the biological role of the MMI modifications, which are important building blocks for a family of promising chimeric antisense oligonucleotides.  相似文献   

Gene 1 of bacteriophage T7 early region--the RNA polymerase gene--is very actively translated during the infectious cycle of this phage. A 29 base pair fragment of its ribosome binding site containing the initiation triplet, the Shine-Dalgarno sequence (S-D), 10 nucleotides (nt) upstream and 6 nt downstream of these central elements was cloned into a vector to control the expression of the mouse dihydrofolate reductase gene (dhfr). Although all essential parts of this translation initiation region (TIR) should be present, this fragment showed only very low activity. Computer analysis revealed a potentially inhibitory hairpin binding the S-D sequence into its stem base paired to vector-derived upstream sequences. Mutational alterations demonstrated that this hairpin was not responsible for the low activity. However, addition of 21 nt of the T7 gene 1 upstream sequence to the 29 base pair fragment were capable of increasing the translational efficiency by one order of magnitude. Computer analysis of this sequence, including nucleotide shuffling, revealed that it contains a highly unstructured region lacking mRNA secondary structures but with a hairpin at its 5' end, here formed solely by T7 sequences. There was not much difference in activity whether the mRNA included or lacked vector-derived sequences upstream of the hairpin. Such highly unstructured mRNA regions were found in all very efficiently expressed T7 genes without any obvious sequence homologies. The delta G values of these regions were higher, i.e. potential secondary structural elements were fewer, than in TIR of genes from E. coli. This is likely due to the fact that T7 as a lytic phage is relying for successful infection on much stronger signals which a cell cannot afford because of the indispensable balanced equilibria of its interdependent biochemical processes. When the 5' ends of efficient T7 gene mRNA are formed by the action of RNase III they generally start with an unstructured region. Efficiently expressed T7 genes within a polycistronic mRNA, however, always contain a hairpin preceding the structure free sequence. We suggest that the formation of this 5' hairpin is releasing enough energy to keep the unstructured regions free of secondary RNA structures for sufficient time to give ribosomes and factors a good chance for binding to the TIR. In addition, sequences further downstream of the start codon give rise to an additional increase in efficiency of the TIR by almost two orders of magnitude.  相似文献   

The replication frequency of plasmid R1 is regulated by an antisense RNA, CopA, which inhibits the synthesis of the rate-limiting initiator protein RepA. The inhibition requires an interaction between the antisense RNA and its target, CopT, in the leader of the RepA mRNA. This binding reaction has previously been studied in vitro, and the formation of a complete RNA duplex between the two RNAs has been demonstrated in vitro and in vivo. Here we investigate whether complete duplex formation is required for CopA-mediated inhibition in vivo. A mutated copA gene was constructed, encoding a truncated CopA which is impaired in its ability to form a complete CopA/CopT duplex, but which forms a primary binding intermediate (the 'kissing complex'). The mutated CopA species (S-CopA) mediated incompatibility against wild-type R1 plasmids and inhibited RepA-LacZ fusion protein synthesis. Northern blot, primer extension and S1 analyses indicated that S-CopA did not form a complete duplex with CopT in vivo since bands corresponding to RNase III cleavage products were missing. An in vitro analysis supported the same conclusion. These data suggest that formation of the 'kissing complex' suffices to inhibit RepA synthesis, and that complete CopA/CopT duplex formation is not required. The implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

In order to provide a structural basis for the unusual properties of 2',5' nucleic acids, especially their unsuitability as information molecules, we report here a high resolution NMR structure of a 2',5' RNA fragment r(GCCGCGGC). It forms an A type duplex with C2'endo compact nucleotide repeat, instead of the familiar C3'endo compact nucleotide (seen in RNA) supporting the deductions made earlier from stereochemical considerations. This data together with the observation that 2',5' nucleic acids require mandatory slide and displacement for duplex and triplex structure formation suggest their reluctance to form the biologically relevant B type duplex. It is argued that this lack of flexibility for helical polymorphism and other inadequacies as a consequence of this may be a contributing factor for the rejection of 2',5' links by nature. The structure exhibits interesting features such as the syn glycosyl conformation for the terminal guanine and a hydrogen bond between O3' hydroxyl and anionic oxygen of the phosphate.  相似文献   

Translational efficiency of an AUG, CUG, GUG, or UUG initiation codon was measured for the naturally leaderless cI mRNA from bacteriophage lambda. In a cI-lacZ translational fusion, only AUG supported a high level of expression; GUG supported a low level of expression, while UUG and CUG expression was barely above background levels. Addition of an untranslated lac leader and Shine-Dalgarno sequence to cI increased expression but still showed a dependence on an AUG for maximum expression. cI-lacZ mRNA with an AUG initiation codon showed a greater in vitro ribosome binding strength and a higher level of full-length in vivo mRNA, suggesting that the initiation codon is an important determinant of ribosome binding strength and translational efficiency for mRNA with or without the 5' untranslated leader.  相似文献   

The isomerization of phosphodiester functionality of nucleic acids from 3′,5′- to a less common 2′,5′-linkage influences the complex interplay of stereoelectronic effects that drive pseudorotational equilibrium of sugar rings and thus affect the conformational propensities for compact or more extended structures. The present study highlights the subtle balance of non-covalent forces at play in structural equilibrium of 2′,5′-linked RNA analogue, 3′-O-(2-methoxyethyl) substituted dodecamer *CG*CGAA*U*U*CG*CG, 3′-MOE-2′,5′-RNA, where all cytosines and uracils are methylated at C5. The NMR and UV spectroscopic studies have shown that 3′-MOE-2′,5′-RNA adopts both hairpin and duplex secondary structures, which are involved in a dynamic exchange that is slow on the NMR timescale and exhibits strand and salt concentration as well as pH dependence. Unusual effect of pH over a narrow physiological range is observed for imino proton resonances with exchange broadening observed at lower pH and relatively sharp lines observed at higher pH. The solution structure of 3′-MOE-2′,5′-RNA hairpin displays a unique and well-defined loop, which is stabilized by Watson–Crick A5·*U8 base pair and by n → π* stacking interactions of O4′ lone-pair electrons of A6 and *U8 with aromatic rings of A5 and *U7, respectively. In contrast, the stem region of 3′-MOE-2′,5′-RNA hairpin is more flexible. Our data highlight the important feature of backbone modifications that can have pronounced effects on interstrand association of nucleic acids.  相似文献   

The genome of all retrovirus consists of two copies of genomic RNA which are noncovalently linked near their 5' end. A sequence localized immediately upstream from the splice donor site inside the HIV-1 psi-RNA region was identified as the domain responsible for the dimerization initiation. It was shown that a kissing complex and a stable dimer are both involved in the HIV-1Lai RNA dimerization process in vitro. The NCp7 protein activates the dimerization by converting a transient loop-loop complex into a more stable dimer. The structure of this transitory loop-loop complex was recently elucidated by Mujeeb et al. In work presented here, we use NMR spectroscopy to determine the stable extended dimer structure formed from a 23 nucleotides RNA fragment, part of the 35 nucleotides SL1 sequence. By heating to 90 degrees C, then slowly cooling this sequence, we were able to show that an extended dimer is formed. We present evidence for the three dimensional structure of this dimer. NMR data yields evidence for a zipper like motif A8A9.A16 existence. This motif enables the surrounding bases to be positioned more closely and permit the G7 and C17 bases to be paired. This is different to other related sequences where only the kissing complex is observed, we suggest that the zipper like motif AA.A could be an important stabilization factor of the extended duplex.  相似文献   

It has previously been proposed that Escherichia coli ribosomal protein S1 is required for the translation of highly structured mRNAs. In this study, we have examined the influence of structural features at or near the start codon of different mRNAs. The requirement for ribosomal protein S1 for translation initiation was determined when (i) the ribosome-binding site (RBS) was either preceded by a 5' non-translated leader sequence; (ii) the RBS was located 5' proximal to a mRNA start codon; and (iii) the start codon was the 5' terminal codon as exemplified by leaderless mRNAs. In vitro translation studies revealed that the leaderless lambda cl mRNA is translated with Bacillus stearothermophilusribosomes, naturally lacking a ribosomal protein S1 homologue, whereas ompA mRNA containing a 5' leader is not. These studies have been verified by toeprinting with E. coli ribosomes depleted for S1. We have shown that S1 is required for ternary complex formation on ompA mRNA but not for leaderless mRNAs or for mRNAs in which the RBS is close to the 5' end.  相似文献   

Antisense-RNA mediated gene regulation has been found and studied in detail mainly in prokaryotic accessory DNA elements. In spite of different regulatory mechanisms, in all cases a rapid interaction between antisense and target RNA has been shown to be crucial for efficient regulation. Recently, a sequence comparison revealed in 45 antisense RNA control systems a 5' YUNR motif indicative for the formation of a U-turn structure in either an antisense or a target RNA loop and confirmed in the case of the hok/sok system of plasmid R1 its importance for regulation.Here, we demonstrate the importance of the 5' YUNR motif in the target RNA (RNAII) loop L1 of the replication control system of plasmid pIP501. The effect of four individual mutations in L1 was studied in vivo and in vitro. Mutations that maintained the putative U-turn or swapped it from sense to antisense RNA were silent, whereas mutations that eliminated the 5'-YUNR motif showed two- to threefold elevated copy numbers in vivo in correlation with three- to fourfold reduced inhibition rate constants of the complementary RNAIII species in vitro, whereas the half-lives of all RNAIII species were not affected. ENU probing experiments confirmed the U-turn structure for the silent mutation (N-C) and disruption of this structure upon alteration of the invariant U or inversion of the YUNR motif-containing loop. RNA secondary structure probing excluded loop size alterations as a reason for altered inhibition rates. Implications for the pathway and efficiency of RNAII/RNAIII interaction, and hence, pIP501 copy-number control, are discussed.  相似文献   

An AUG start codon is an important determinant of ribosome binding and expression of leaderless mRNAs in Escherichia coli. Using reporter constructs encoding mRNAs where the AUG start codon is preceded by untranslated leaders of various length and sequence, we find that close proximity of the start codon to the 5' terminus and the leader sequence are strong determinants of both ribosome binding and expression.  相似文献   

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