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D. Sharp 《Plant Ecology》1976,31(2):103-119
Summary The vegetation of cultivated, fallow and ‘old’ fields of Scotland County, N.C. was both randomly and subjectively sampled throughout the growing season of 1973. Relevés were placed in each of the above management units, and the data collected in this relevé analysis were sorted into phytosociological charts, with the aid of the digital computer. Weed associations delimited in the charts reflected the importance of edaphic factors, time (aspect), and man's agricultural activities as causal factors in the determination of characteristic assemblages of weeds. Several character and differential species were denoted, in a tentative classification of the weed associations. The cultivated and fallow stands in the spring aspect were noted to be dominated by a group of spring annuals. Summer annuals were more prevalent in homologous situations in the summer. It was determined that perennials, appearing mainly as seedlings in cultivated and fallow fields, attained dominance in ‘old’ fields, one to five years in age. Within each of the major spheres of management, and in each season, associations of weeds mainly reflected differences in edaphic factors. Many character species were noted to maintain affinities to an assortment of soil types that ranged from moist loams to xeric, sterile sands. A study of roadsides, hedgerows, field margins and other ecotonal areas inhabited by weeds was carried throughout the growing season of 1973, also. Species presence was documented in each of these habitat types and reported in Sharp (1974). The weed flora of Scotland County was found to be rich in species. A total of 506 species representing 248 genera and 80 families were encountered throughout the study. Of the total number of species listed, approximately 25 percent were of foreign origin, and 28 percent represented additions to the flora of Scotland County. This paper is the short version of a masters thesis for the Department of Botany, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. The author would like to extend his appreciation and gratitude to Professors H. Lieth, A. E. Radford and J. Hardin for their generous advice and encouragement extended through the duration of the study.  相似文献   

Summary A phytosociological study of Majella's summits by the use of multivariate methods has allowed to discover the following new associations:Gnaphalio-Plantaginetum atratae on humocarbonatic soils in snowy depressions,Leontopodio-Elynetum on rendzina in wind exposed and stony places,Saxifrago-Papaveretum julici andCrepidi-Leontodontetum montani on protorendzina with gravel.Gnaphalio-Plantaginetum atratae andLeontopodio-Elynetum might be classified inElyno-Seslerietea, although the former presents character species ofSalicetea herbaceae; Saxifrago-Papaveretum julici andCrepidi-Leontodontetum montani are classified inThlaspidion stylosi (foeder. nova) ofThlaspidietea.Comparisons between some clustering methods and between ordination methods based on the mathematics of principal component analysis are discussed. The efficiency of sum of squares agglomeration when the plant communities vary in a continuum and the importance of a linearizing transformation in principal component analysis are stressed.The research was supported by a grant from the Italian CNR to Prof. D. Lausi. We wish to thank also Prof. L. Orlóci, Dr. E. van der Maarel and Prof. S. Pignatti for reading and discussing the text, and Mr. A. Zampar, S. Sedmak and T. Ubaldini for technical assistance.  相似文献   


In Italy, Corynephorus communities are distributed along the medium course of the Ticino river and Sesia river and the internal sand dunes of Lomellina (through the Vercelli, Novara and Pavia provinces); these stations represent the southern limit of European distribution of this habitat. A phytosociological study was carried out to gain better knowledge of their composition; of their affinity or diversity against the central European communities; of their distribution and of the main threats to their conservation. Original and literature relevés (114) were elaborated producing a cluster analysis; correspondence analysis (CA), principal component analysis and Kruskal–Wallis test were carried on to characterize the clusters of relevés taking into consideration biological forms, chorological groups, Ellenberg indicator values and floristic groups. Italian Corynephorus communities can be attributed to the following syntaxa: Spergulo vernalis-Corynephoretum canescentis, Spergulo vernalis-Corynephoretum canescentis cladonietosum, Spergulo vernalis-Corynephoretum canescentis silenetosum nutantis and Spergulo vernalis-Corynephoretum canescentis artemisietosum campestris. Italian Corynephorus communities are included in the Habitat 2330 of the EU Habitat Directive. They are threatened by different factors (such as restricted areas of occurrence, alien plant invasion and natural dynamics) and they need to be managed if we want to conserve them.  相似文献   

This paper presents a floristic and vegetation study of the serpentinised territories of the Dominican Republic, corresponding to the Yamasá and Prieta mountains, Dajabón, Puerto Plata and Gaspar Henández. These sites are very important at a local level as they act as speciation centres and have a specific ultramafic flora with a high endemicity rate. The floristic analysis revealed the existence of 219 species, of which 54 (24.7%) are endemic. Twenty-one plots of vegetation distributed in five areas dominated by serpentines have been analysed in this study. The phytosociological approach is based on the Braun-Blanquet method. The study was combined with statistical techniques such as multivariate analyses. The results revealed three different kinds of forests, one dominated by the endemic Bignoniaceae, Tabebuia berterii (CC.) Britton, which is peculiar to the subhumid–humid environments of the Caribbean-Cibensean territory. The second type of forest is dominated by the serpentinophyte Polygonaceae, Leptogonum buchii Urb. which thrives in the humid ombrotype of the north territory. Finally, the third one adopts the form of the pine forest of Dajabón, dominated by Pinus occidentalis Sw. Four associations and three alliances are proposed as new syntaxa based on statistical and phytosociological analyses.  相似文献   

The halophilous vegetation in the Po Delta region (north Adriatic) has been studied with the Braun-Blanquet method. Vegetation types have been defined by numerical classification of vegetation data. Their ecology has been studied by indirect gradient analysis. The following three main groups of phytocoena have been recognized. (1) Perennial halophytic vegetation (class Puccinellio-Salicornietea) including 7 associations: Spartinetum maritimae, Puccinellietum palustris, Salicornietum radicantis, Salicornietum fruticosae, Agropyro-Inuletum crithmoidis, Halimionetum portulacoidis, are quoted according to an approximate gradient of decreasing soil moisture. The Juncetum maritimi is conditioned by soil erosion. (2) Therophytic vegetation settled on soils subject to natural or artificial disturbance (class Thero-Salicornietea), including 3 associations: Suaedo-Kochietum hirsutae, Salicornietum herbaceae s.1. and the Aster tripolium-Suaeda maritima community. (3) Halotolerant vegetation (class Artemisietea vulgaris), including only the Atripliceto-Elytrigietum pungentis settled on soils with a low salt content.Nomenclature of species follows Pignatti (1982).The research was supported by a grant of the Istituto per i Beni Artistici, Culturali e Naturali, Regione Emilia-Romagna (Italy) and by a grant of the Italian C.N.R. (Research Group for Naturalistic Biology).  相似文献   

This paper reports on a detailed phytosociological analysis of forests in the NW catchment of the Gola River in Kumaun Himalaya, 29°19–29°27N and 79°32–79°42E. Fourteen sites and 56 stands at elevations ranging from 1200 to 2523 m and covering the following five forest types were investigated: Pinus roxburghii, mixed, Quercus leucotrichophora, Q. lanuginosa, and Q. floribunda. The basal cover of the forests differed according to slope position and aspect. The three oak forests had more basal cover than the other two, and Q. lanuginosa had the most. The performance of individual tree and shrub species and the number of saplings and seedlings differed according to slope position and aspect. The mixed forest had the greatest tree diversity, and among the others diversity increased with increasing basal cover. The diversity of trees, saplings, and herb layer was greatest on aspects with intermediate temperature and moisture conditions; whereas that of shrubs and seedlings increased towards the cooler (and wetter) and warmer (and drier) exposures. There was a positive relation between the diversity of shrubs plus seedlings and trees plus saplings in P. roxburghii and mixed forests; whereas this relationship was inverse in the three oak forests. In general, the dominance-diversity curves for the tree layer followed a geometric series conforming to the niche pre-emption situation in communities of low diversity. Among the forests, the regeneration was best in Q. lanuginosa and worst in Q. leucotrichophora.Nomenclature follows: Osmaston (1926).Finacial support from the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, New Delhi and the Indian Space Research Organisation, Banglore is gratefully acknowledged.  相似文献   

A new species of Alboglossiphonia (Hirudinea: Glossiphoniidae) from Egypt   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A new Alboglossiphonia species from Egypt is described and figured. This leech is placed in the genus Alboglossiphonia on the basis of having three pairs of eyes, diffuse salivary glands, seven pairs of crop caeca, and the attachment of its eggs to the venter. It differs from other Alboglossiphonia species with seven pairs of crop caeca in its combination of very prominent dorsal papillae, two annuli between the gonopores, lobed first six pairs of crop caeca, and paired ducts of male system at peak of activity with conspicuously differentiated sperm duct, seminal vesicle and ejaculatory duct regions.  相似文献   

Peinado  M.  Aguirre  J. L.  de la Cruz  M. 《Plant Ecology》1998,137(2):151-202
A survey of syntaxa of vegetation of North American boreal forests (class Vaccinio-Piceetea) is presented. This phytosociological survey, carried out combining the Braun-Blanquet method with numerical syntaxonomical analyses (cluster and correspondence analysis), describes the associations of the North American boreal forests, which have several species, varieties or vicariant species in common with their Eurasian counterparts, and can be placed in the class Vaccinio-Piceetea. By means of tabular and multivariate analyses, 2084 North American relevés were compared with 3273 relevés from European, Japanese and Korean boreal forest, to describe and typify 4 orders, 10 alliances and 37 associations. Diagnostic tables, ordination, clustering, and climatic, edaphic and biogeographical data were used to show floristic affinities among these syntaxa and interpret their distribution areas. Syntaxa were briefly characterized by their floristic composition, physiognomy, succession, zonation, and biogeographical distribution.  相似文献   

A vegetation survey was carried out in the Ujung Kulon nature reserve (West Java, Indonesia). Particular attention was paid to the altitudinal zoning of the vegetation, to succession and to the applicability of the phytosociological approach in forests of the humid tropics. The altitudinal zoning provides a clear example of the telescope effect: low, isolated mountain complexes surrounded by sea reflect the vegetation zoning of higher mountains in a condensed, telescoped way. The pattern of primary forests, secondary forests and rattan-dominated shrublands can be explained by the former shifting cultivation practice and the impact of ash rains following the notorious eruption of the nearby volcano Krakatau in 1883. The arguments against the phytosociological approach in the humid tropics are found to be invalid. The minimal area concept does not cause great problems if used in a practical sense and if plants of all age classes and all terrestrial growth forms are included in the relevé.  相似文献   

In the past 20 years, fauna and ecology of horse flies (Tabanidae) were intensively studied in Croatia, especially in the Ramsar sites as wetlands of international importance. Different habitat requirements of larvae were recognised and adults of 78 species in 10 genera were recorded. The true aquatic and semiaquatic larvae are represented by several species of the genera Chrysops Meigen, 1803 Hybomitra Enderlein, 1922. Some species from this ecological group are typical inhabitants of saline biotopes. In the Croatian fauna three halophilous species were recorded: Chrysops italicus Meigen, 1804, Hybomitra acuminata (Loew, 1858) and H. expollicata (Pandellé, 1883). The distribution of these species in Croatia covers 7, 17 and 3 UTM (Universal Transverse Mercator) grids, respectively. Specimens were primarily collected in habitats with brackish water along the Adriatic coast, such as Vransko Lake, the mouth of the River Cetina, the delta of the River Neretva and Mljet Island. Only specimens of H. acuminata were recorded in the continental part of Croatia. They were sporadically collected on localities along the Danube floodplain and on four localities near the river Drava. The distribution of H. acuminata in the continental part indicates otherwise rare saline habitats along the Drava and Danube rivers (1.38% of the total catch of the Hybomitra – species from the floodplain).  相似文献   

A survey was carried out of the macrophytic vegetation in running waters of Western Lower Saxony. Three hundred and eighty-two phytosociological relevées were classified by common table work to 30 vegetation types of different phytosociological validity. The vegetation types are described and floristically characterized. Most of them belong to the complex Sparganium emersum community, which is characterized by the dominant occurrence of the nymphaeid species Sparganium emersum Rehm., Nuphar lutea (L.) Sm., Sagittaria sagittifolia L. and Potamogeton natans L., but magnopotamid-, parvopotamid-, batrachiid- and pleustophyte-dominated communities also occur. Similarity between the different vegetation types was checked by multivariate techniques, one classification technique (minimum variance clustering) and one ordination technique (principal components analysis). Additionally, syndynamical relations between the types were studied by observing the vegetation changes of 46 sample points within 2 years. The relations between different vegetation types are shown by combination of the different approaches. Finally, some more general statements are made regarding the handling of such data sets, as well as the consequences of the results for the classification of macrophytic vegetation in Central European rivers.  相似文献   

Mark Dale 《Plant Ecology》1997,34(3):137-154
Summary A method employing samples of variable size is assumed and shown to be useful in the detection of unidirectional associations of one species with another, whether caused by direct influence or by coincidence of ecological requirements. The pattern of these associations from a signed digraph (directed graph), the graph theoretical properties of which give insight into the phytosociological structure of the plant community. The properties of transitivity, balance, homogeneity, reachable sets and types of subgraphs are examined.From a thesis submitted to the University of Toronto in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science.  相似文献   

Six flavonoid glycosides: quercetin 3-glucoside, quercetin-3-rutinoside; 3-glucoside, 3-rutinoside, 3-7-diglucoside and 3-rhamnogalactoside of isorhamnetin were extracted and identified from the leaves and branches of Egyptian material ofBalanites aegyptiaca. Only isorhamnetin: 3-rutinoside and 3-rhamnogalactoside were recorded from the fruits of the same plant.—Phytochemical aspects ofBalanites aegyptiaca and some genera ofZygophylaceae s. l. viz.Nitraria, Fagonia, Zygophyllum, Seetzenia andTribulus support its affinities with that family.  相似文献   

J. S. Song 《Plant Ecology》1992,98(2):175-186
Previous classification systems of the subalpine coniferous forests, belonging to the class Vaccinio-Piceetea Br.-Bl. 1939, in northeastern Asia were reviewed based on phytosociological data of Korea and Japan. A new order, the Abieti nephrolepidis-Piceetalia jezoensis was proposed for the subalpine coniferous forests in the continental part of northeastern Asia. Its distribution range and subordinate vegetation units are as follows:Order Abieti nephrolepidis-Piceetalia jezoensis ordo nov.In Korea:Alliance Abieti nephrolepidis-Piceion jezoensis Song 1991Association Taxo-Pinetum pumilae Song et Nakanishi 1985Association Thujo-Abietetum nephrolepidis Song 1991Association Abieti koreanae-Piceetum jezoensis Song 1991Alliance Abietion koreanae Song 1991Association Saso-Abietetum koreanae Song et Nakanishi 1985Association Betulo saitoanae-Abietetum koreanae (Song et Nakanishi 1985) em. Song 1991In northeast China and Maritime Province of Siberia, U.S.S.R.: (one separate alliance level or the same alliance as Abieti nephrolepidis-Piceion jezoensis)Formation Abies nephrolepis form. (Wu 1980)Formation Picea jezoensis-Abies nephrolepis form. (Wu 1980)Generally the Abieti nephrolepidis-Piceetalia jezoensis develops under the dry and cool continental climate and on the monophylogenic Dark Brown Conifer Soil Group derived mostly from granite and granitic gneiss. The subalpine or subarctic coniferous forests in Hokkaido, Sakhalin and Southern Kuriles may also belong to the Abieti nephrolepidis-Piceetalia jezoensis because of their floristic composition and the historical relevance of plant geography. The subordinate vegetation units are as follows:Alliance Piceion jezoensis Suz.-Tok. ex Jinno et Suzuki 1973Association Piceo-Abietetum sachalinensis Ohba 1967Association Piceetum glehnii Suz.-Tok. ex Miyawaki 1988The Abieti veitchii-Piceetalia jezoensis hondoensis Miyawaki et al. 1968 seems to fit only to the subalpine coniferous forests of Honshu and Shikoku of the Japanese Archipelago.  相似文献   

The vegetation of the sandy hills ("lomas") constitutes the main originality of the Peruvian and Chilean desert with a high number of endemics that shapes the vicarious associations. In this work, a phytosociological view of sandy environments of the Peruvian coastal desert is presented. According to the Braun-Blanquet method, we have made up 32 phytosociological inventories and added 138 ones from others authors. In each inventory, we have analyzed its floristic composition and ecological parameters, as altitude, soil and geomorphology. All releves were synthesized in a table to deduce the different associations, higher phytosociological units, and the distribu tion of its flora along the Peruvian coast and the Andean Cordillera. Using the Shannon-Wiener diversity index, the diversity of this flora is discussed making a comparison with historical data about the use of the territory with livestock during pre-Inca and Inca cultures, and Spanish invasion. As a result, two associations from Southern Peru -Nolanetum scaposo-spathulatae and Palauetum camanensis-weberbaueri-, two alliances -Nolanion humifusae from central Peru, and Nolanion spathulatae from the Southern Peru- and a new order -Tetragonio crystallinae-Plantaginetalia limensis- are described. In Nolanetum scaposo-spathulatae, Dictyophragnus englerianus, Leptoglossis lomana, Nolana scaposa, N. spathulata, Palaua velutina and Tetragonia vestita are the main characteristics, while in Palauetum camanensis-weberbaueri association N. scaposa and P. velutina are replaced by Palaua camanensis and P. weberbaueri. Nolanion humifusae alliance integrates species as Geranium limae, Hymenocallis amancaes, Nolana humifusa, N. latipes, Palaua rhombifolia or Villanova oppositifolia. Likewise, Cistanthe weberbaueri, Cryptantha parviflora, Hoffmannseggia miranda, Lupinus mollendoensis, Nolana confinis, N. pallidula, N. scaposa, N. spathulata, Palaua camanensis, P. velutina, P. weberbaueri, Tetragonia vestita and Weberbauerella brongniartioides are the characteristic species of Nolanion spathulatae alliance. The Tetragonio crystallinae-Plantaginetalia limensis order presents characteristic plants don't linked with eutrophic soils, as Calandrinia alba, Cryptantha limensis, Dyschoriste repens, Monnina macrostachya, Oxalis lomana, Palaua malvifolia, Pectocarya lateriflora, Plantago limensis or Tetragonia crystallina, with a distribution that claps the geographical area of the new alliances. On the other hand, the vegetation of the desert ravines is discussed in the context of the coastal river plant communities and its disturbance by the dunes. After the application of the Shannon-Wiener diversity index on the synthetic table columns, we can deduce that an increase in Andean and European ruderal species is linked to an intensive livestock activity. The transhumance between the Andes and the coast from pre-Inca times until now, produces the plant dispersion of high Andean plants toward the coast; the Spanish colonization was the origin of the presence of European plants in the "lomas" vegetation of Peru.  相似文献   

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