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Spinal cords from clinically affected newborn lambs, each with muscular spasms (‘shaking’) and a ‘hairy’ birth coat, were found to be deficient in DNA and to contain less myelin and various lipid components, suggesting retarded CNS development equivalent to about 124 days conceptual age. Cerebrosides were notably deficient in whole cord and isolated myelin and contained more saturated and less unsaturated fatty acids than normal. The rate of cerebroside synthesis assayed in vitro was enhanced and taken with the very low tissue concentrations this indicated faster cerebroside turnover and a less stable myelin in the spinal cords of lambs affected with Border Disease. Marked decreases in plasmalogen concentrations, the redistribution of phospholipid fractions, the presence of about 8 per cent cholesterol in the esterified form and the characteristic fatty acid composition of these esters strongly suggest that degeneration is concomitant with myelin immaturity. Hypocupraemia, low concentrations of copper in the cerebrum and increased concentrations in spinal cord myelin are additional features of the clinical disease. The latter result may be related to myelin immaturity.  相似文献   

Abstract— In a neurochemical study of experimental Border Disease in lambs it was found that the fresh weights of four parts of the CNS (cerebrum, cerebellum, brain stem and spinal cord) from clinically affected lambs were significantly smaller than those of controls at birth but by 20 weeks of age the cerebrum, cerebellum and brain stem had reached near normal weights. The spinal cord was still considerably smaller, however. Clinical symptoms of the disease (muscular spasms and'hairy'birthcoat) had disappeared during this period, accompanied by a regression in the neurochemical abnormalities seen at birth. Thus the deficiency of myelin lipids was partially made up by the rapid deposition of cerebrosides and by 20 weeks differences in the fatty acid composition of this lipid fraction were no longer apparent. Myelin degeneration as indicated by the presence of elevated levels of esterified cholesterol was apparently absent at 20 weeks of age and this was parallelled by a fall in the level of'anti-myelin'antibodies in the sera of affected lambs. The altered distribution of copper in spinal cord myelin seen at birth had also become nearly normal at the end of the period.  相似文献   

Congenital tremor, type A-IV is an inherited abnormality of British Saddleback piglets characterized by the presence of poorly myelinated axons throughout the CNS. This is reflected by a general lowering of the spinal cord lipid content to about half control values. In particular, cerebroside and plasmalogen levels are markedly reduced. Changes in the fatty acid composition of total lipid extracts and two isolated cerebroside fractions suggest that there is a metabolic defect in which fatty acid chain elongation, desaturation and hydroxylation are sub-optimal. Cholesterol esters accumulate, make up about 30 per cent of total sterols and contain more than 90 per cent of C16 and C18 fatty acids. These may have arisen through the breakdown of cerebrosides containing abnormal proportions of these acids. Slightly increased levels of acid hydrolase activity appear to confirm that abnormal or immature myelin is disposed of by enhanced macrophagic activity. Differences between this and type A-III, the sex-linked inherited form of cerebrospinal hypomyelinogenesis are discussed and comparisons made with two forms of murine leuko-dystrophy.  相似文献   

Abstract— In piglets affected with congenital tremor type AII the CNS was not morphologically underdeveloped; spinal cord weight, total DNA content and fat-free dry matter differed little from control values. However the total lipid extractable from affected spinal cords was only about 63% of values established for normal newborn piglets. In particular, the cerebroside content (a myelin-specific lipid) was reduced to about 30% of the 'normal' value. This was parallelled by the results of an in vitro assay of cerebroside synthesis from [3H]galactose which indicated a metabolic impairment. The altered fatty acid profile of isolatcd cerebrosides further suggested a derangement of fatty acid synthesis. Unlike the spinal cords of normal newborn piglets, tissues from affected piglets contained significant amounts of cholesterol esters carrying the characteristic fatty acids associated with demyelination. This implied that the reduced quantities of possibly abnormal myelin were unstable. Abnormal swollen oligodendrocytes were commonly present in the spinal cords of affected piglets and this was consistcnt with the observed impairment of myelin formation.  相似文献   

脊髓内源性物质对脊髓神经元在体外存活的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
神经元在体外的存活是衡量一种营养因子有无神经营养作用的重要指标之一。我们用人胚制备脊髓提取液,并用Centricon(Millipo-re)将粗提取液分成<10KD、10-30KD及>30KD三种组份,研究了粗提取液及这三种组份对体外培养中的脊髓神经元存活的影响,结果表明加粗提取液及<10KD的实验组比对照组活性要好,表现在线粒体中琥珀酸脱氢酶活性高(MTT法),神经元中NSE活性高(NSE-ELISA法)及细胞生长合成的总蛋白的量高等方面。但以<10KD组份对细胞的促活作用最强,与对照组相比有显著性差异。以上结果显示人胚脊髓中存在对脊髓神经元有促进存活的物质。  相似文献   

大白鼠脊髓、脑干和海马乙酰胆碱脂酶活性的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用乙酰胆碱酯酶(AChE)组织化学方法,观察了大白鼠脊髓、脑干和海马等脑区AChE阳性神经元的活性。结果显示:(1)脊髓;脊髓前角、后角神经元AChE均为中等阳性(++),脊髓中间外侧核AChE呈强阳性(+++)。(2)脑干:延髓中的三叉神经脊束核、舌下神经核AChE均呈强阳性(+++),中缝大核AChE呈中等阳性(++);脑桥的蓝斑核AChE呈强阳性(+++),而三叉神经中脑核等核团AChE呈中等阳性(++);中脑的非脑神经核团红核、黑质AChE呈阳性(+)或中等阳性(++),脑神经核团动眼神经核和动眼神经副交感核AChE呈强阳性(+++)。(3)海马:海马CA3区AChE为强阳性(+++),CA2和CA1区为中等阳性(++),本实验表明AChE阳性神经元广泛分布于中枢神经系统不同脑区,为进一步探讨ACh在中枢神经系统中的作用提供了形态学资料。  相似文献   

Abstract— Spinal cords of 5-8 week-old lambs affected with the delayed or spinal form of swayback were deficient in myelin lipid components such as cholesterol, cerebrosides and phospholipids and contained less water than cords obtained from clinically and histologically unaffected lambs. The rate of synthesis in vitro of cerebrosides containing hydroxy fatty acids was reduced but the fatty acid composition of this and of the "non-hydroxy cerebroside' fractions were quite normal. Isolated myelin was deficient in copper compared with healthy controls and there was a deficiency in one of its basic protein constituents. This suggested an inherent instability of myelin in affected lambs while the presence of some 4 per cent of cholesterol in the esterified form (none normally present) was indicative of degenerative changes. Five out of eight clinically unaffected lambs obtained from the same flocks proved to be sub-clinical cases when the spinal cord was examined histologically and showed some of the neurochemical abnormalities of the overt clinical disease. When affected lambs were kept at the laboratory until 16 weeks old and fed a copper sufficient diet some of the spinal lesions showed signs of regression and there were fewer neurochemical abnormalities. In particular, cholesterol esters could not be detected in the spinal cord lipids.  相似文献   

This report presents ultrastructural observations on the cytological events that attend myelin formation occurring in the wake of demyelination in adult cat spinal cord. Lesions were induced in subpial cord by cerebrospinal fluid (c.s.f.) exchange (1, 2). Tissue from eleven cats at nine intervals from 19 to 460 days was fixed in situ by replacing c.s.f. with buffered OsO4 and embedded in Araldite. After demyelination, axons are embraced by sheet-like glial processes. An occasional myelin sheath is first seen at 19 days; by 64 days, all axons are at least thinly myelinated. The cytoplasm of the myelin-forming cells, unlike that of either oligodendrocyte or fibrous astrocyte in normal cord, is dense with closely packed organelles and fine fibrils. Many of the myelinogenic cells become scarring astrocytes and at 460 days the lesion teems with their fibril-filled processes. Oligodendrocytes appear in the lesion after remyelination is under way. Phagocytes disappear gradually. A myelin sheath is formed by spiral wrapping of a sheet-like glial process around an axon. Where the first turn of the spiral is completed, a mesaxon is formed. As cytoplasm is lost from the process, the plasma membrane comes together along its outer and cytoplasmic surfaces to form compact myelin. Only a small amount of cytoplasm is retained; it is confined to the paramesaxonal region and, on the sheath exterior, to a longitudinal ridge which appears in profile as a small loop. This outer loop has the same rotational orientation as the inner mesaxon. These vestiges of spiral membrane wrapping are also found in normal adult and new-born cat cord. Nodes are present in all stages of remyelination and in normal adult cat and kitten cord. These observations suggest that myelin is reformed in the lesion in the same way it is first formed during normal development. The mechanism of myelin formation is basically similar to that proposed for peripheral nerve and amphibian and mammalian optic nerve; it does not agree with present views on the mechanism of myelinogenesis in mammalian brain and cord. This is the first demonstration of remyelination in adult mammalian central nervous tissue.  相似文献   

应用免疫组织化学方法观察猕猴颈髓的γ-氨基丁酸(GABA)能神经元的分布,观察结果:除第X层外,在脊髓RexedⅠ-Ⅸ层可见GABA样免疫反应的胞体和纤维,标记的GABA胞体为卵圆形,三角形和多角形,可分为大、中、小型,在Ⅲ、Ⅳ、Ⅴ、Ⅶ、Ⅸ层GABA阳性胞体较多,GABA阳性纤维以后角处最多,白质内也有GABA免疫反应阳性的胶质细胞和神经纤维。结果提示GABA能神经元不仅调节感觉信息的传导而且也调节运动信息的传导。  相似文献   

本文用低压舱模拟不同海拔高度,测定横断脊髓大鼠脊髓反射兴奋性恢复曲线。断脊髓组和对照组自海拔2000m以后脊髓反射兴奋性逐渐增高,但两组出现差异有显著性的海拔高度不同,断脊髓组为海拔4000m,对照组为海拔3000m。对照组与断脊髓组在同一海拔高度上比较,除海拔3000m时差别有显著性(P<0.05)外,在其它各海拔高度上两组间差异无显著性(P>0.05)。结果表明,低氧时脊髓以上中枢和脊髓都参与脊髓反射兴奋性升高的调节  相似文献   

Isolated frog spinal cords equilibrated from 3 to 24 h in Ringer's solution maintained steady state conditions with regard to electrolyte composition. Total sodium and chloride contents measured on the same spinal cords were found to be nearly equivalent (Na = 46.6 ± 1.4μmol/g wet wt vs Cl = 46.2 ± 1.2μmol/g wet wt). Calcium and magnesium contents were 3.0 ± 0.5 and 4.8 ± 0.2pμol/g wet wt respectively for fresh spinal cords and 2.1 ± 0.4 and 5.5 ± 0.9pmol/g wet wt respectively for spinal cords equilibrated for 24 h. Zinc content was 0.29 ± 0.01 μmol/g wet wt. Insulin space was found to be smaller than sucrose space (0.24 ml/g vs 0.37 ml/g). Sodium and chloride spaces were slightly higher than sucrose space. Sodium and chloride in the non-sucrose space was 4.8 and 9.5 μmol/g wet wt. Residual radioactive sodium, or sodium content of spinal cords washed out for 180 min in non-radioactive Ringer's solution or in choline or lithium Ringer's solution, was 4.2 ± 0.4μmol/g wet wt (n = 9). The agreement between residual sodium content and sodium in the non-sucrose space suggests that the mean intracellular sodium content of the spinal cord neurons is low.  相似文献   

陶元祥  魏锋 《动物学报》1996,42(3):244-246
采用地高辛标记生长抑素反意RNA探针经原位杂交和显色后,光学显微镜下观察生长抑素mRNA在大鼠脊髓内的定位。结果显示:脊髓内含有大量呈紫蓝色的生长抑素mRNA阳性神经细胞,岍性磷酸酶反应产生  相似文献   

Abstract— Experimental hind-limb rigidity of spinal origin was produced in cats by temporary occlusion of thoracic aorta and internal mammary arteries. In the lumbar segments (L6- S1) of these rigid cats, the monosynaptic reflex recorded from ventral roots was enhanced whereas the polysynaptic reflexes as well as the dorsal root reflexes were almost abolished. On morphological examination of the lumbar spinal cord, the number of interneurons was greatly reduced, whereas the small sized cells, presumably glial cells, were increased by about two times. Ventral horn motoneurons were also reduced. The lumbar spinal cords of the rigid cats were analysed for amino acid and substance P contents. Four major amino acids, aspartate, glutamate, glycine and GABA, were definitely reduced in both grey and white matter except that the glutamate level in the dorsal white was within the normal range. Content and distribution pattern of substance P were not altered in the lumbar cord of the rigid cats. These results are consistent with the notions that GABA occurs in the dorsal horn interneurons subserving primary afferent depolarisation, and that substance P is concentrated in primary afferent fibre terminals. The implications of the decrease of aspartate, glutamate and glycine in the spinal cord of rigid cats are discussed.  相似文献   

过去用3H胸腺嘧啶标记细胞核DNA的方法,已经证明脊椎动物中枢神经系统的许多部位在细胞增殖过程中存在着时空上的顺序(spatiotemporal gradient)。至于在神经系统的进一步发生过程中,如神经元分化、突触形成乃至功能发挥等~系列过程,是否也存在一个时空上的顺序,则是发育神经生物学中尚  相似文献   

吗啡降低大鼠脊髓内cAMP的含量   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
席正雄  张桂林 《生理学报》1991,43(4):389-393
有资料表明,吗啡或脑啡肽可影响脑内 cAMP 与 cGMP 的含量,但对脊髓内 cAMP 与cGMP 的含量有何影响,未见报道。本实验采用放射免疫分析(RIA)方法研究的结果表明,吗啡可使大鼠离体与在体脊髓内 cAMP 的含量明显降低;而对脊髓内 cGMP 的含量则无明显影响;纳洛酮可特异阻断吗啡对脊髓内 cAMP 含量的抑制效应。提示:吗啡的上述作用是通过大鼠脊髓内阿片受体所介导。脑和脊髓内 cAMP 含量的变化可能部分介导了吗啡作用的中枢机制。  相似文献   

神经生长因子样免疫反应在鸡胚脊髓发育期的配布   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
探讨神经生长因子(NGF)对脊髓和背根节(DRG)发育的影响。取Hamburger 30期和40期鸡胚腰段脊髓及DRG。制作20μm厚冰冻切片。用2.5S NGF抗体进行ABC免疫组化染色,观察NGF样免疫阳性反应(NGF-IR)在两时相脊髓和DRG的配布,结果在30期,强NGF-IR呈现在白质,且腹侧较强,灰质未阳生细胞。40期时,除白质显NGF-IR和背侧白质NGF-IR增强外,脊髓灰质和DRG内亦出现了一些NGF阳性细胞,特别是在背角细胞可见强NGF-IR。结果表明NGF与脊髓和DRG的发育有关。  相似文献   

运用电子显微镜观察分析原代分离培养鼠胚脊髓的固有神经元的突触构筑。培养中主要可见中、小型神经元,彼此之间可形成大量的突触,以非对称性突触占多数,有轴-树突触和轴-体突触,树-树突触为少见。根据以前学者分类标准将终扣分成S、F、M、和G四型。超微结构有利于提示固有神经元经过简单突触从脊髓固有神经纤维接受突触传入,表示它们的冲动只是突触后机制控制信息传递。  相似文献   

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