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Octopine-type Ti plasmids such as pTi15955, pTiA6 and pTiR10 direct the catabolism of at least eight compounds called opines that are released from crown gall tumours. Four of these compounds are denoted mannityl opines, each of which possesses a D -mannityl substituent on the nitrogen atom of either glutamate or glutamine. We have analysed a 20 kb region of the Ti plasmid pTi15955 that is required for the catabolism of two such opines, mannopinic acid and agropinic acid. A total of 12 genes in four operons were identified by DNA sequence analysis. Transposons Tn 5lacZ and MudK were used to mutagenize these genes and to create aga–lacZ and moa–lacZ translational fusions. The expression of all fusions was induced by agropinic acid and by mannopinic acid. One of these four operons encodes an agropinic acid permease, whereas a second one encodes a mannopinic acid permease. A third operon contains three genes encoding probable catabolic enzymes, two of which (AgaF and AgaG) are thought to convert agropinic acid to mannopinic acid, while the third (AgaE) probably converts mannopinic acid to mannose and glutamate. AgaE resembles a bacterial amino acid deaminase, whereas AgaF and AgaG resemble two bacterial proteins that together catabolize substituted hydantoins, whose chemical structure resembles that of agropinic acid. The remaining operon encoded the MoaR protein, a negative regulator of itself and of the other three operons.  相似文献   

The nucleotide sequence of 42 775 bp of the vir-region from the Agrobacterium tumefaciens octopine Ti plasmid pTi15955 is reported here. Although the nucleotide sequences of several parts of this region from this or closely related plasmids have been published previously, the present work establishes for the first time the complete arrangement of all the essential virulence genes and their intergenic regions of an octopine Ti plasmid. The disruption of some of the intergenic areas by insertion (IS) elements is typical for the octopine Ti plasmids. Several new ORFs were identified, including ORFs immediately downstream of virD4 and virE2, which probably represent new genes involved in virulence.  相似文献   

Catabolic mannopine (MOP) cyclase encoded by certain Agrobacterium Ti and Ri plasmids lactonizes MOP to agropine (AGR). The enzyme, purified to homogeneity from a recombinant clone, has a molecular mass of 45 kDa as measured by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and size exclusion chromatography. The enzyme catalyzed the lactonization of MOP to AGR without the need for any cofactors. The enzyme also converted AGR to MOP with the lactonizing activity being predominant over the reverse reaction. MOP cyclase is specific for imine conjugates of D-hexose and L-glutamine and was not inhibited by sugars or amino acids. The enzyme lactonized deoxyfructosyl glutamine, a natural intermediate of MOP synthesis and catabolism, to a product indistinguishable from chrysopine, a newly discovered crown gall opine. The enzyme also lactonized N-l-(1,2-dideoxy-D-mannityl)-L-glutamine, indicating that a hydroxyl group at carbon atom 2 of the sugar moiety is not required for the enzymatic reaction.  相似文献   

Summary The genetic organization of functions responsible for mannityl opine catabolism of the Ti plasmid of Agrobacterium tumefaciens strain 15955 was investigated. A partial HindIII digest of pTi15955 was cloned into a broad host range cosmid and the clones obtained were tested for ability to confer mannityl opine degradation upon Agrobacterium. Inserts containing genes for catabolism of mannopinic acid, mannopine, agropine, and agropinic acid were obtained, spanning a segment of 43 kb on the Ti plasmid. Two clones conferring upon Agrobacterium the ability to catabolize the mannityl opines were mobilized to several Rhizobium sp., to Pseudomonas putida and P. fluorescens and to Escherichia coli. The catabolic functions were phenotypically expressed in all Rhizobium sp. tested, and in P. fluorescens, but not in P. putida or in E. coli.  相似文献   

Octopine-type strains of Agrobacterium tumefaciens degrade the opine mannopinic acid through a specific pathway which involves cleavage of the molecule at the C--N bond between the amino acid and the sugar moieties. Mannose was identified as a product of the reaction. This pathway was inducible by mannopinic and agropinic acids, but not by mannopine or agropine, the two other mannityl opines. The transport system for this pathway appeared to be specific for mannopinic acid. A second, nonspecific pathway for mannopinic acid degradation was also identified. This involved some of the catabolic functions associated with the metabolism of mannopine and agropine. This second pathway was inducible by mannopine and agropine but not by mannopinic or agropinic acids. The transport system for this pathway appeared to have a broad specificity. Transposon Tn5 insertion mutants affected in the specific catabolic pathway were isolated and analyzed. These mutants continued to catabolize mannopine and agropine. Both mapped to a region of the Ti plasmid previously shown to be associated with the catabolism of mannopinic acid. Restriction enzyme analysis of the Ti plasmid from strain 89.10, an octopine strain that is naturally unable to utilize mannopinic acid, showed a deletion in this same region encoding the specific mannopinic acid degradation pathway. Analysis of recombinant clones showed that the second, nonspecific pathway was encoded in a region of the Ti plasmid associated with mannopine and agropine catabolism. This region shared no structural overlap with the segment of the plasmid encoding the specific mannopinic acid degradative pathway.  相似文献   

Site-specific insertion and deletion mutations affecting all six of the eukaryotic-like genes in the TR-DNA region of the octopine-type Ti plasmids pTil5955 or pTiA6 have been generated. None of the mutations affected virulence or tumor morphology on sunflower. Mutations in the coding regions of two of the genes resulted in tumors without any detectable mannopine, mannopinic acid or agropine, and mutations in either the coding region or in the 3′ untranslated region of a third gene eliminated biosynthesis of agropine, but not mannopine or mannopinic acid. Detection of two previously unobserved silver nitrate-positive substance in tumors incited by one of the mutant strains, together with data on the presence of opines in tumors incited by coinoculation with mixtures of different mutant strains, allowed us to propose the functional order of all three genes involved in the biosynthesis of mannopine, mannopinic acid and agropine. TR-DNA was absent in tumors incited by anAgrobacterium tumefaciens strain harboring a Ti plasmid in which the right border of the TR-DNA region was deleted.  相似文献   

A series of small plasmids has been derived from the octopine plasmid pTi-B6 by in vitro manipulation. The smallest plasmid that is able to replicate in Agrobacterium tumefaciens contains the ampicillin-resistance determinant from Tn1, coupled to a piece of DNA that is homologous to HpaI fragment number 11 of the octopine Ti plasmid pTi-Ach 5. The incompatibility functions are also specified by this region.  相似文献   

Summary After co-cultivation of diploid Nicotiana plumbaginifolia protoplasts with an octopine-type Agrobacterium tumefaciens strain (LBA 4013) putative transformants were selected for hormone-independent growth, and were tested for T-DNA markers. The number of transformants expressing only TL-DNA markers, i.e. phytohormone autotrophy and octopine synthase, was an order of magnitude higher than that of the cell lines which were simultaneously positive for both TL- and TR-DNA markers (the latter being mannopine and agropine). In one transformant, line no. 101, only the TR-DNA markers were found. Not each of the TL-, or TR-DNA markers were expressed in each transformant resulting in a variety of phenotypes. It included the unorganized or the shoot-teratoma type of growth combined with the presence or absence of opines; e.g. agropine was absent from some of the transformants containing its precursor, mannopine. 5-Azacytidine did not induce agropine synthesis in these lines. Southern blot analysis showed that the TR-DNA region coding for agropine synthesis was rearranged or absent in one of these lines. Similar variation in the expression of agropine and mannopine production was observed in transformants obtained with the leucinopine-type strain A281.From line 101 plants could be easily regenerated with the ability to synthesize agropine and mannopine. The segregation in the self-progeny fitted to a 3:1 ratio, indicating that the TR-DNA was carried by a single chromosome. The Southern blot analysis showed that only opine-positive plants contained TR-DNA. It also confirmed the absence of the TL-DNA, demonstrating the independent integration of the TR-region of the octopine-type Ti plasmid pTi Ach5.  相似文献   

Arginine catabolism in Agrobacterium strains: role of the Ti plasmid.   总被引:6,自引:6,他引:6  
We present a study of the enzymatic activities involved in the pathway for arginine catabolism by Agrobacterium tumefaciens. Nitrogen from arginine is recovered through the arginase-urease pathway; the genes for these two activities are probably chromosomally born. Arginase was found to be inducible during growth in the presence of arginine or ornithine. Urease was constitutively expressed. Ornithine, resulting from the action of arginase on arginine, could be used as a nitrogen source via transamination to delta 1-pyrroline-5-carboxylate and reduction of the latter compound to proline by a reductase (both enzymatic activities are probably chromosomally encoded). Ornithine could also be used as a carbon source. Thus, we identified an ornithine cyclase activity that was responsible for direct conversion of ornithine to proline. This activity was found to be Ti plasmid encoded and inducible by growth in medium containing octopine or nopaline. The same activity was also chromosomally encoded in some Agrobacterium strains. In such strains, this activity was inducible during growth in arginine-containing medium.  相似文献   

We sequenced the virD-virE, virE-virF, and virF-T-DNA intergenic regions of an octopine Ti plasmid. Four newly described genes were induced by the vir gene inducer acetosyringone, two of which are conserved in the nopaline-type Ti plasmid pTiC58. One gene resembles a family of phosphatase genes. Each of these genes is dispensable for tumorigenesis.  相似文献   

We isolated a crown gall tumor-inducing nopaline type Ti plasmid from Agrobacterium tumefaciens on a Sakura Japanese cherry tree, and designated it as pTi-SAKURA. By primer walking sequencing with long PCR and a newly developed PCR subcloning technique for long insert DNA, we completed DNA sequencing of the most important functional unit, the virulence (vir) region of pTi-SAKURA, which is indispensable for T-DNA transfer into the plant's chromosomes. By homology searches with the vir genes of other bacterial plasmids, we identified 11 open reading frames (orfs) and 31 genes and 11 vir box, which are 6 bp regulatory sequences. In total, 26 vir genes, including the putative virF and virK and the main vir region, were present as the vir gene cluster. The presence of vir box, GC content, codon usage and expression analysis in these genes led us to propose a new vir region.  相似文献   

Summary A 1.9 kb clone of the T-DNA region of the Agrobacterium tumefaciens Ti plasmid Bo542 which exhibited homology to the isopentenyl transferase (ipt) locus of pTiA6 was identified by low stringency DNA hybridization. Introduction of this segment of pTiBo542 DNA into cells of Nicotiana tabacum or N. glauca caused tumor formation in vivo, and allowed hormone independent growth in vitro. Furthermore, this DNA segment complemented ipt mutant strains of A. tumefaciens, restoring their ability to cause tumors on Kalanchöe leaves and tomato stems. The complete DNA sequence of this segment has been determined, revealing an open reading frame homologous to other known Agrobacterium ipt genes.  相似文献   

We have determined the DNA sequences of two unlinked regions of octopine-type Ti plasmids that contain genes required for conjugal transfer. Both regions previously were shown to contain sequences that hybridize with tra genes of the nopaline-type Ti plasmid pTiC58. One gene cluster (designated tra) contains a functional oriT site and is probably required for conjugal DNA processing, while the other gene cluster (designated trb) probably directs the synthesis of a conjugal pilus and mating pore. Most predicted Tra and Trb proteins show relatively strong sequence similarity (30 to 50% identity) to the Tra and Trb proteins of the broad-host-range IncP plasmid RP4 and show significantly weaker sequence similarity to Vir proteins found elsewhere on the Ti plasmid. An exception is found in the Ti plasmid TraA protein, which is predicted to be a bifunctional nickase-helicase that has no counterpart in IncP plasmids or among Vir proteins but has homologs in at least six other self-transmissible and mobilizable plasmids. We conclude that this Ti plasmid tra system evolved by acquiring genes from two or three different sources. A similar analysis of the Ti plasmid vir region indicates that it also evolved by appropriating genes from at least two conjugal transfer systems. The widely studied plasmid pTiA6NC previously was found to be nonconjugal and to have a 12.65-kb deletion of DNA relative to other octopine-type Ti plasmids. We show that this deletion removes the promoter-distal gene of the trb region and probably accounts for the inability of this plasmid to conjugate.  相似文献   

The pTiC58 plasmid noc genes of Agrobacterium tumefaciens C58 code for nopaline oxidase (nocC), nopaline permease (nocP), the inducible periplasmic protein n1 (nocB), and a function(s) required for ornithine catabolism (nocA). In addition, strains C58 and Ach-5 of A. tumefaciens have chromosomal ornithine catabolism genes. The chromosomal orc gene codes for ornithine dehydrogenase. Strain C58 is normally orc, but orc+ mutants can be selected. We have characterized both chromosomal orc and pTiC58 nocA plasmid genes. Complementation of most chromosomal orc mutants by pTiC58 restored growth on both nopaline and L-ornithine but did not restore ornithine dehydrogenase activity. We conclude that ornithine is an intermediate of nopaline degradation and that the Ti plasmid and chromosome both code for ornithine-degradative enzymes. A model for nopaline catabolism is presented.  相似文献   

Although the majority of genes required for the transfer of T-DNA from Agrobacterium tumefaciens to plant nuclei are located on the Ti plasmid, some chromosomal genes, including the recently described acvB gene, are also required. We show that AcvB shows 50% identity with the product of an open reading frame, designated virJ, that is found between the virA and virB genes in the octopine-type Ti plasmid pTiA6. This reading frame is not found in the nopaline-type Ti plasmid pTiC58. acvB is required for tumorigenesis by a strain carrying a nopaline-type Ti plasmid, and virJ complements this nontumorigenic phenotype, indicating that the products of these genes have similar functions. A virJ-phoA fusion expressed enzymatically active alkaline phosphatase, indicating that VirJ is at least partially exported. virJ is induced in a VirA/VirG-dependent fashion by the vir gene inducer acetosyringone. Primer extension analysis and subcloning of the virJ-phoA fusion indicate that the acetosyringone-inducible promoter lies directly upstream of the virJ structural gene. Although the roles of the two homologous genes in tumorigenesis remain to be elucidated, strains lacking acvB and virJ (i) are proficient for induction of the vir regulon, (ii) are able to transfer their Ti plasmids by conjugation, and (iii) are resistant to plant wound extracts. Finally, mutations in these genes cannot be complemented extracellularly.  相似文献   

We have isolated and characterized Tn3HoHo1- and Tn5-induced mutants of a cosmid clone, pYDH208, which encodes the mannopine (MOP) cyclase-associated catabolism of MOP and agropine (AGR). Characterization of the transposon-induced lacZ fusion mutants by beta-galactosidase activity and mannityl opine utilization patterns identified at least 6 genetic units associated with the catabolism of these opines. Functions for the catabolism of MOP and mannopinic acid are encoded by a 16.4-kb region, whereas those for AGR are encoded by a 9.4-kb region located within the MOP catabolic locus. The induction pattern of catabolism shown by transposon insertion derivatives suggests that the catabolism of MOP, AGR, and mannopinic acid encoded by pYDH208 is regulated by at least two independent control elements. Kinetic uptake assays indicate that the clone encodes two transport systems for MOP and AGR, one constitutive and slow and the other inducible and rapid. Analysis of beta-galactosidase activities from lacZ reporter gene fusions indicated that expression of mannityl opine catabolic genes is not strongly repressed by sugars but is repressed by succinate when ammonium is the nitrogen source. The repression exerted by succinate was relieved when MOP was supplied as the sole source of nitrogen. This suggests that genes for opine catabolism encoded by pYDH208 are regulated, in part, by nitrogen availability.  相似文献   

Acinetobacter calcoaceticus RJE74 contains a large transmissible catabolic plasmid, pWW174, of about 200 kb, which encodes its ability to grow on benzene (Bzn+). pWW174 was unstable in Acinetobacter hosts and was lost at high frequency in the absence of selection for Bzn+. The catabolic pathway appeared to be via benzene cis-glycol, catechol and the beta-ketoadipate (ortho) pathway. pWW174 encodes a catechol 1,2-oxygenase which is significantly more thermolabile than the chromosomally determined enzyme. pWW174 was able to complement all cat mutants (catechol to central metabolites) of A. calcoaceticus ADP1 (BD413) tested. Two regions of the plasmid were cloned, one carrying catA, the gene for catechol 1,2-oxygenase, and another carrying catBCDE, the subsequent four enzymes of the beta-ketoadipate pathway: these two regions appeared to be separated by at least 10 kbp. Hybridization indicated homology between the plasmid cat genes and the corresponding chromosomal genes of ADP1.  相似文献   

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