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The transmembrane protein Crumbs (Crb) and its intracellular adaptor protein Pals1 (Stardust, Sdt in Drosophila) play a crucial role in the establishment and maintenance of apical-basal polarity in epithelial cells in various organisms. In contrast, the multiple PDZ domain-containing protein Pals1-associated tight junction protein (PATJ), which has been described to form a complex with Crb/Sdt, is not essential for apical basal polarity or for the stability of the Crb/Sdt complex in the Drosophila epidermis. Here we show that, in the embryonic epidermis, Sdt is essential for the correct subcellular localization of PATJ in differentiated epithelial cells but not during cellularization. Consistently, the L27 domain of PATJ is crucial for the correct localization and function of the protein. Our data further indicate that the four PDZ domains of PATJ function, to a large extent, in redundancy, regulating the function of the protein. Interestingly, the PATJ-Sdt heterodimer is not only recruited to the apical cell-cell contacts by binding to Crb but depends on functional Bazooka (Baz). However, biochemical experiments show that PATJ associates with both complexes, the Baz-Sdt and the Crb-Sdt complex, in the mature epithelium of the embryonic epidermis, suggesting a role of these two complexes for the function of PATJ during the development of Drosophila.  相似文献   

This review addresses our current understanding of the regulatory mechanism by which N-cadherin, a classical cadherin, affects neural progenitor cells (NPCs) during development. N-cadherin is responsible for the integrity of adherens junctions (AJs), which develop in the sub-apical region of NPCs in the neural tube and brain cortex. The apical domain, which contains the sub-apical region, is involved in the switching from symmetric proliferative division to asymmetric neurogenic division of NPCs. In addition, N-cadherin-based AJ is deeply involved in the apico-basal polarity of NPCs and the regulation of Wnt-β-catenin, hedgehog (Hh), and Notch signaling. In this review, we discuss the roles of N-cadherin in the maintenance, proliferation, and differentiation of NPCs through components of AJ, β-catenin and αE-catenin.  相似文献   

The adherens junction (AJ) densely associated with actin filaments is a major cell-cell adhesion structure. To understand the importance of actin filament association in AJ formation, we first analyzed punctate AJs in NRK fibroblasts where one actin cable binds to one AJ structure unit. The accumulation of AJ components such as the cadherin/catenin complex and vinculin, as well as the formation of AJ-associated actin cables depended on Rho activity. Inhibitors for the Rho target, ROCK, which regulates myosin II activity, and for myosin II ATPase prevented the accumulation of AJ components, indicating that myosin II activity is more directly involved than Rho activity. Depletion of myosin II by RNAi showed similar results. The inhibition of myosin II activity in polarized epithelial MTD-1A cells affected the accumulation of vinculin to circumferential AJ (zonula adherens). Furthermore, correct zonula occludens (tight junction) formation along the apicobasal axis that requires cadherin activity was also impaired. Although MDCK cells which are often used as typical epithelial cells do not have a typical zonula adherens, punctate AJs formed dependently on myosin II activity by inducing wound closure in a MDCK cell sheet. These findings suggest that tension generated by actomyosin is essential for correct AJ assembly.  相似文献   

Morphological and biochemical analyses have identified a set of proteins which together form a structure known as the adherens junction. Elegant experiments in tissue culture support the idea that adherens junctions play a key role in cell-cell adhesion and in organizing cells into epithelia. During normal embryonic development, cells quickly organize epithelia; these epithelial cells participate in many of the key morphogenetic movements of gastrulation. This prompted the hypothesis that adherens junctions ought to be critical for normal embryonic development. Drosophila Armadillo, the homologue of vertebrate beta-catenin, is a core component of the adherens junction protein complex and has been hypothesized to be essential for adherens junction function in vivo. We have used an intermediate mutant allele of armadillo, armadilloXP33, to test these hypotheses in Drosophila embryos. Adherens junctions cannot assemble in the absence of Armadillo, leading to dramatic defects in cell-cell adhesion. The epithelial cells of the embryo lose adhesion to each other, round up, and apparently become mesenchymal. Mutant cells also lose their normal cell polarity. These disruptions in the integrity of epithelia block the appropriate morphogenetic movements of gastrulation. These results provide the first demonstration of the effect of loss of adherens junctions on Drosophila embryonic development.  相似文献   

Homophilic cell adhesion mediated by classical cadherins is important for many developmental processes. Proteins that interact with the cytoplasmic domain of cadherin, in particular the catenins, are thought to regulate the strength and possibly the dynamics of adhesion. beta-catenin links cadherin to the actin cytoskeleton via alpha-catenin. The role of p120/delta-catenin proteins in regulating cadherin function is less clear. Both beta-catenin and p120/delta-catenin are conserved in Drosophila. Here, we address the importance of cadherin-catenin interactions in vivo, using mutant variants of Drosophila epithelial cadherin (DE-cadherin) that are selectively defective in p120ctn (DE-cadherin-AAA) or beta-catenin-armadillo (DE-cadherin-Delta beta) interactions. We have analyzed the ability of these proteins to substitute for endogenous DE-cadherin activity in multiple cadherin-dependent processes during Drosophila development and oogenesis; epithelial integrity, follicle cell sorting, oocyte positioning, as well as the dynamic adhesion required for border cell migration. As expected, DE-cadherin-Delta beta did not substitute for DE-cadherin in these processes, although it retained some residual activity. Surprisingly, DE-cadherin-AAA was able to substitute for the wild-type protein in all contexts with no detectable perturbations. Thus, interaction with p120/delta-catenin does not appear to be required for DE-cadherin function in vivo.  相似文献   

Anchoring junctions are cell adhesion apparatus present in all epithelia and endothelia. They are found at the cell-cell interface (adherens junction (AJ) and desmosome) and cell-matrix interface (focal contact and hemidesmosome). In this review, we focus our discussion on AJ in particular the dynamic changes and regulation of this junction type in normal epithelia using testis as a model. There are extensive restructuring of AJ (e.g., ectoplasmic specialization, ES, a testis-specific AJ) at the Sertoli-Sertoli cell interface (basal ES) and Sertoli-elongating spermatid interface (apical ES) during the seminiferous epithelial cycle of spermatogenesis to facilitate the migration of developing germ cells across the seminiferous epithelium. Furthermore, recent findings have shown that ES also confers cell orientation and polarity in the seminiferous epithelium, illustrating that some of the functions initially ascribed to tight junctions (TJ), such as conferring cell polarity, are also part of the inherent properties of the AJ (e.g., apical ES) in the testis. The biology and regulation based on recent studies in the testis are of interest to cell biologists in the field, in particular their regulation, which perhaps is applicable to tumorigenesis.  相似文献   

Changes in cell shape and position drive morphogenesis in epithelia and depend on the polarized nature of its constituent cells. The spectrin-based membrane skeleton is thought to be a key player in the establishment and/or maintenance of cell shape and polarity. We report that apical beta(Heavy)-spectrin (beta(H)), a terminal web protein that is also associated with the zonula adherens, is essential for normal epithelial morphogenesis of the Drosophila follicle cell epithelium during oogenesis. Elimination of beta(H) by the karst mutation prevents apical constriction of the follicle cells during mid-oogenesis, and is accompanied by a gross breakup of the zonula adherens. We also report that the integrity of the migratory border cell cluster, a group of anterior follicle cells that delaminates from the follicle epithelium, is disrupted. Elimination of beta(H) prevents the stable recruitment of alpha-spectrin to the apical domain, but does not result in a loss of apicobasal polarity, as would be predicted from current models describing the role of spectrin in the establishment of cell polarity. These results demonstrate a direct role for apical (alphabeta(H))(2)-spectrin in epithelial morphogenesis driven by apical contraction, and suggest that apical and basolateral spectrin do not play identical roles in the generation of apicobasal polarity.  相似文献   

The molecular mechanisms that regulate invertebrate visual pigment absorption are poorly understood. Studies of amphioxus Go-opsin have demonstrated that Glu-181 functions as the counterion in this pigment. This finding has led to the proposal that Glu-181 may function as the counterion in other invertebrate visual pigments as well. Here we describe a series of mutagenesis experiments to test this hypothesis and to also test whether other conserved acidic amino acids in Drosophila Rhodopsin 1 (Rh1) may serve as the counterion of this visual pigment. Of the 5 Glu and Asp residues replaced by Gln or Asn in our experiments, none of the mutant pigments shift the absorption of Rh1 by more than 6 nm. In combination with prior studies, these results suggest that the counterion in Drosophila Rh1 may not be located at Glu-181 as in amphioxus, or at Glu-113 as in bovine rhodopsin. Conversely, the extremely low steady state levels of the E194Q mutant pigment (bovine opsin site Glu-181), and the rhabdomere degeneration observed in flies expressing this mutant demonstrate that a negatively charged residueat this position is essential for normal rhodopsin function in vivo. This work also raises the possibility that another residue or physiologic anion may compensate for the missing counterion in the E194Q mutant.  相似文献   

Both in Drosophila and vertebrate epithelial cells, the establishment of apicobasal polarity requires the apically localized, membrane-associated Par-3-Par-6-aPKC protein complex. In Drosophila, this complex colocalizes with the Crumbs-Stardust (Sdt)-Pals1-associated TJ protein (Patj) complex. Genetic and molecular analyses suggest a functional relationship between them. We show, by overexpression of a kinase-dead Drosophila atypical PKC (DaPKC), the requirement for the kinase activity of DaPKC to maintain the position of apical determinants and to restrict the localization of basolateral ones. We demonstrate a novel physical interaction between the apical complexes, via direct binding of DaPKC to both Crb and Patj, and identify Crumbs as a phosphorylation target of DaPKC. This phosphorylation of Crumbs is functionally significant. Thus, a nonphosphorylatable Crumbs protein behaves in vivo as a dominant negative. Moreover, the phenotypic effect of overexpressing wild-type Crumbs is suppressed by reducing DaPKC activity. These results provide a mechanistic framework for the functional interaction between the Par-3-Par-6-aPKC and Crumbs-Sdt-Patj complexes based in the posttranslational modification of Crb by DaPKC.  相似文献   

Photoreceptors are non-spiking neurons, and their synapses mediate the continuous release of neurotransmitters under the control of L-type voltage-gated calcium channels (VGCCs). Photoreceptors express endogenous circadian oscillators that play important roles in regulating photoreceptor physiology and function. Here, we report that the L-type VGCCs in chick cone photoreceptors are under circadian control. The L-type VGCC currents are greater when measured during the subjective night than during the subjective day. Using antibodies against the VGCCalpha1C and VGCCalpha1D subunits, we found that the immunofluorescence intensities of both VGCCalpha1C and VGCCalpha1D in photoreceptors are higher during the subjective night. However, the mRNA levels of VGCCalpha1D, but not VGCCalpha1C, are rhythmic. Nocturnal increases in L-type VGCCs are blocked by manumycin A, PD98059, and KN93, which suggest that the circadian output pathway includes Ras, Erk, and calcium-calmodulin dependent kinase II. In summary, four independent lines of evidence show that the L-VGCCs in cone photoreceptors are under circadian control.  相似文献   

Epithelial tubes of the correct size and shape are vital for the function of the lungs, kidneys, and vascular system, yet little is known about epithelial tube size regulation. Mutations in the Drosophila gene sinuous have previously been shown to cause tracheal tubes to be elongated and have diameter increases. Our genetic analysis using a sinuous null mutation suggests that sinuous functions in the same pathway as the septate junction genes neurexin and scribble, but that nervana 2, convoluted, varicose, and cystic have functions not shared by sinuous. Our molecular analyses reveal that sinuous encodes a claudin that localizes to septate junctions and is required for septate junction organization and paracellular barrier function. These results provide important evidence that the paracellular barriers formed by arthropod septate junctions and vertebrate tight junctions have a common molecular basis despite their otherwise different molecular compositions, morphologies, and subcellular localizations.  相似文献   

Spectrins are major proteins in the cytoskeletal network of most cells. In Drosophila, βHeavy‐Spectrin encoded by the karst gene functions together with Crb during photoreceptor morphogenesis. However, the roles of two other Spectrins (α‐ and β‐Spectrins) in developing photoreceptor cells have not been studied. Here, we analyzed the effects of spectrin mutations on developing eyes to determine their roles in photoreceptor morphogenesis. We found that the Spectrins are dispensable for retinal differentiation in eye imaginal discs during larval stage. However, photoreceptors deficient in α‐ or β‐Spectrin display dramatic apical membrane expansions including Crb and show morphogenesis defects during pupal eye development, suggesting that α‐ and β‐Spectrins are specifically required for photoreceptor polarity during pupal eye development. Karst localizes apically, whereas β‐Spectrin is preferentially distributed in the basolateral region. We show that overexpression of β‐Spectrin causes a strong shrinkage of apical membrane domains, and loss of β‐Spectrin causes an expansion of apical domains, implying an antagonistic relationship between β‐Spectrin and Karst. These results indicate that Spectrins are required for controlling photoreceptor morphogenesis through the modulations of cell membrane domains. genesis 47:744–750, 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Retinitis pigmentosa is a leading cause of blindness and a progressive retinal disorder, affecting millions of people worldwide. This disease is characterized by photoreceptor degeneration, eventually leading to complete blindness. Autosomal dominant (adRP) has been associated with mutations in at least four ubiquitously expressed genes encoding pre-mRNA splicing factors—Prp3, Prp8, Prp31 and PAP1. Biological function of adRP-associated splicing factor genes and molecular mechanisms by which mutations in these genes cause cell-type specific photoreceptor degeneration in humans remain to be elucidated. To investigate the in vivo function of these adRP-associated splicing factor genes, we examined Drosophila in which expression of fly Prp31 homolog was down-regulated. Sequence analyses show that CG6876 is the likely candidate of Drosophila melanogaster Prp31 homolog (DmPrp31). Predicted peptide sequence for CG6876 shows 57% similarity to the Homo sapiens Prp31 protein (HsPrp31). Reduction of the endogenous Prp31 by RNAi-mediated knockdown specifically in the eye leads to reduction of eye size or complete absence of eyes with remarkable features of photoreceptor degeneration and recapitulates the bimodal expressivity of human Prp31 mutations in adRP patients. Such transgenic DmPrp31RNAi flies provide a useful tool for identifying genetic modifiers or interacting genes for Prp31. Expression of the human Prp31 in these animals leads to a partial rescue of the eye phenotype. Our results indicate that the Drosophila CG6876 is the fly ortholog of mammalian Prp31 gene.  相似文献   

Fasciclin II (FASII) is a cell adhesion molecule that participates in axonal pathfinding, fasciculation and divergence in the Drosophila nervous system. Here, we examined spatio-temporal control of fasII expression during the development of adult mushroom body (MB) and found that suppression of fasII in alpha'/beta' neurons is essential for the formation of adult alpha'/beta' and alpha/beta lobes. Of gamma, alpha'/beta' and alpha/beta neurons, which are derived sequentially from the same four MB neuroblasts, only gamma and alpha/beta neurons expressed fasII. When fasII was misexpressed in developing MB neurons, defects resulted, including loss or misdirection of adult alpha'/beta' lobes and concurrent misdirection of alpha/beta lobes. Although no gross anatomical defects were apparent in the larval MB lobes, alpha'/beta' lobes collapsed at the pupal stage when the larval lobe of gamma neurons degenerated. In addition, alpha/beta lobes, which developed at this time, were misdirected in close relationship with the collapse of alpha'/beta' lobes. These defects did not occur when fasII was overexpressed in only gamma and alpha/beta neurons, indicating that ectopic expression of fasII in alpha'/beta' neurons is required for the defects. Our findings also suggest that the alpha'/beta' lobe play a role in guiding the pathfinding by alpha/beta axons.  相似文献   

Defects in the gene encoding carboxypeptidase E (CPE) in either mouse or human lead to multiple endocrine disorders, including obesity and diabetes. Recent studies on Cpe-/- mice indicated neurological deficits in these animals. As a model system to study the potential role of CPE in neurophysiology, we carried out electroretinography (ERG) and retinal morphological studies on Cpe-/- and Cpe fat/fat mutant mice. Normal retinal morphology was observed by light microscopy in both Cpe-/- and Cpe(fat/fat) mice. However, with increasing age, abnormal retinal function was revealed by ERG. Both Cpe-/- and Cpe fat/fat animals had progressively reduced ERG response sensitivity, decreased b-wave amplitude and delayed implicit time with age, while maintaining a normal a-wave amplitude. Immunohistochemical staining showed specific localization of CPE in photoreceptor synaptic terminals in wild-type (WT) mice, but in both Cpe-/- and Cpe fat/fat mice, CPE was absent in this layer. Bipolar cell morphology and distribution were normal in these mutant mice. Electron microscopy of retinas from Cpe fat/fat mice revealed significantly reduced spherule size, but normal synaptic ribbons and synaptic vesicle density, implicating a reduction in total number of vesicles per synapse in the photoreceptors of these animals. These results suggest that CPE is required for normal-sized photoreceptor synaptic terminal and normal signal transmission to the inner retina.  相似文献   

Null mutations in the Drosophila gene, slowmo (slmo), result in reduced mobility and lethality in first-instar larvae. Slowmo encodes a mitochondrial protein of unknown function, as do the two other homologs found in Drosophila. Here, we have studied a hypomorphic P-element allele of slmo demonstrating its effects on germline divisions in both testes and ovaries. Using in situ studies, enhancer-trap activity, and promoter fusions, we have shown that slmo expression in testes is found in the somatic cyst cells (SCC). The hypomorphic allele for Slmo revealed apoptotic loss of germline cells in the larval germline, culminating in a complete absence of the germline in adult flies. In females, a similar degeneration of the germarium is observed, while reporter gene expression is found in both germline and somatic cells. Using a null mutation in female germline clones, we find slmo is dispensable from the germline cells. Our results suggest that Slowmo is not required in germline cells directly, but is required in SCCs responsible for maintaining germline survival in both sexes.  相似文献   

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