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The crystal structure of rat transthyretin (rTTR) complex with the dibromoflavone EMD21388 was determined to 2.3 A resolution and refined to R = 0.203 and Rfree = 0.288. Two different orientations of EMD21388, which differ in the channel penetration by 1.6 A, were found in the A/C binding site of rTTR. The single ligand position observed in the BID site is intermediate between the two positions found in the A/C site. The position of the dibromoflavone in the B/D site is similar to that reported for dibromoaurone in human TTR. The bromine atoms of EMD21388 form strong interactions in the P3 and P3' pockets of rTTR. Due to the different molecular architectures of both ligands, dibromoflavone forms only one interaction with Lys-15 near the channel entrance, while direct interactions with the pair of Lys-15 were reported for dibromoaurone. The C3* methyl group of EMD21388 mediates the bridging interactions between two TTR subunits in the P2 pockets. The interactions of the O2* hydroxyl group of dibromoaurone with the Thr-119 side chain in the P3 pockets are not matched by similar interactions in EMD21388. Both these alternative interactions can explain the competitive binding of 3',5'-dibromoflavonoids to transthyretin.  相似文献   

The binding constants for interaction of various thryoxine analogues with the thyroxine binding site on human thyroxine-binding globulin have been determined. Equilibrium dialysis, at pH 7.4 and 37 degrees C, was used to measure the competitive effects of different iodothyronine compounds on the binding of 125I-labeled thyroxine to highly purified thyroxine-binding globulin. Relative to L-thyroxine, K = 6 . 10(9) M-1, the association constants of some important analogues were D-thyroxine, 1.04 . 10(9) M-1, 3,5-diiodo-3'-isopropyl-L-thyronine, 4.9 . 10(8) M-1; L-triiodothyronine, 3.3 . 10(8) M-1, 3,3',5'-DL-triiodothyronine (reverse triiodothyronine), 3.1. 10(8) M-1; tetraiodothyropropionic acid, 2.7 . 10(8) M-1; tetraiodothyroacetic acid, 2.6 . 10(8) M-1; 3', 5'- diiodo-DL-thyronine, 8.3 . 10(7) M-1; and 3,5-diiodo-DL-thyronine, 7.1 . 10(7) M-1. Calculation of the deltaG0 values for binding of the analogues indicates that a major contribution to the free energy favoring binding is made by the alanine side chain of thyroxine. A change in configuration of the alpha-amino group from the L to D form causes an unfavorable change of 1 kcal/mol in the free energy of binding. Removal of the alpha-amino group as in tetraiodothyropropionic acid causes an unfavorable change of 1.9 kcal/mol in the free energy of binding. With regard to ring substituents, the results indicate that the two inner 3,5-iodines make about the same contribution to binding as the two outer 3', 5'-iodines.  相似文献   

Previous results (Brouwer and van den Berg, Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol., 85 (1986) 301) indicated preferential binding of a hydroxylated metabolite of tetrachlorobiphenyl to transthyretin (TTR) a carrier of thyroxine (T4). In the present study it was investigated whether the T4 binding site of TTR could be occupied specifically by hydroxylated chlorinated aromatic compounds using chlorinated phenol congeners as model compounds in a competition assay with [125I]T4. Chlorinated aromatics such as 2,3-dichlorobenzene and 3,4,3',4'-tetrachlorobiphenyl, and phenols such as 4-hydroxybiphenyl and phenol were inefficient competitors. All chlorinated phenols tested were competitors for the T4 binding site of TTR. The ranking in competition was pentachlorophenol (PCP) greater than trichlorophenols greater than dichlorophenols greater than monochlorophenols. Structures with chlorine in both ortho positions to the hydroxyl group were more efficient competitors. The relative affinity of binding of pentachlorophenol (PCP) to TTR was about twice that of T4. Scatchard analysis showed that PCP mainly decreased the affinity constant K11 while the binding capacity R1 was not altered, indicating a competitive type of inhibition. PCP was also able to compete with T4 sites on albumin with a relative affinity of 0.25. T4 binding to thyroid binding globulin (TBG) was much less affected by interference of PCP (relative affinity 0.001). The results indicate a specific interaction of chlorophenols with the T4 binding site of TTR.  相似文献   

The tertiary structure of thyroxine binding globulin (TBG) has been modelled on the basis of its close homology to alpha 1-antitrypsin, the archetype of the serine protease inhibitor (serpin) superfamily. Energy minimization was applied to the model to refine the structure further. The putative thyroid hormone binding region suggested in previous labelling studies was found to exist within a beta-barrel structure of complementary dimensions to the thyroid hormones. The model also revealed that the binding cleft provides the hydrophobic environment and specific ionic interaction sites deemed important for thyroid hormone binding. The model is in good agreement with evidence derived from previously reported T3 and T4 binding, stability and isoelectric focussing studies of TBG and TBG variants. Finally, T4 analogue and drug binding studies have enabled us to postulate the orientation and manner of hormone binding to TBG. This may prove to be of assistance in the development of potent and specific, non-thyroidal ligands and also aid in the understanding of physiological thyroid hormone binding interactions.  相似文献   

We report evidence based on equilibrium binding, electrophoretic, autoradiographic studies, that the rat possesses a major high affinity thyroid hormone binding protein, with an electrophoretic mobility and binding properties similar to those of the human thyroxine binding globulin (TBG). We show that in the sera of postnatal developing animals, the thyroxine and the triiodothyronine binding activities increase up to 10 times over adult or foetal levels, due to a high transient post-natal surge of the rat TBG. In the adult serum, the TBG persists in decreased amounts: it then yields the predominant role as thyroxine carrier to the thyroid binding prealbumin, but retains the major role as binder of triiodothyronine i.e. of the biologically active thyroid hormone.  相似文献   

Thyroxine binding globulin (TBG) is the major carrier of the thyroid hormones triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4) in plasma. TBG is member of the serpin family of proteins although it has no proteinase inhibitory activity. In this study we show that TBG has properties typical of a metastable serpin and provide evidence that occupancy of the hormone binding site alters the conformation of the reactive center loop. After reactive center loop cleavage by endoproteinase Asp-N or neutrophil elastase the protein became more stable to guanidine hydrochloride denaturation compared to the native protein, as a result of loop insertion. In addition, incubation of the native protein with a reactive center loop peptide, caused a change in mobility on a native gel. This is consistent with the idea that thyroxine binding globulin is able to form a binary complex with the peptide as a result of beta-sheet A expansion. To assess the effect of cleavage and loop insertion on the hormone binding site we used the specific binding of a fluorophore, 1,8-anilinonaphthalene sulfonic acid (ANS). Loop insertion itself had no effect on ANS affinity, but cleavage with elastase at the P4'-P5' bond caused a reduction in affinity, presumably because this cleavage site is located within the hormone binding site. These data support the concept that cleavage of TBG by proteinases released in inflammation is a mechanism to deliver thyroid hormones to target tissues. A linkage between the occupancy state of the hormone binding site and the conformation of the reactive center loop was indicated by the observation that binding of T3 to native TBG reduced proteolytic susceptibility by both endoproteinase Asp-N and elastase.  相似文献   

Transthyretin (TTR) is an extracellular transport protein involved in the distribution of thyroid hormones and vitamin A. So far, TTR has only been found in vertebrates, of which piscine TTR displays the lowest sequence identity with human TTR (47%). Human and piscine TTR bind both thyroid hormones 3,5,3'-triiodo-l-thyronine (T(3)) and 3,5,3',5'-tetraiodo-l-thyronine (thyroxine, T(4)). Human TTR has higher affinity for T(4) than T(3), whereas the reverse holds for piscine TTR. X-ray structures of Sparus aurata (sea bream) TTR have been determined as the apo-protein at 1.75 A resolution and bound to ligands T(3) and T(4), both at 1.9 A resolution. The apo structure is similar to human TTR with structural changes only at beta-strand D. This strand forms an extended loop conformation similar to the one in chicken TTR. The piscine TTR.T(4) complex shows the T(4)-binding site to be similar but not identical to human TTR, whereas the TTR.T(3) complex shows the I3' halogen situated at the site normally occupied by the hydroxyl group of T(4). The significantly wider entrance of the hormone-binding channel in sea bream TTR, in combination with its narrower cavity, provides a structural explanation for the different binding affinities of human and piscine TTR to T(3) and T(4).  相似文献   

Nuclear Overhauser enhancement (NOESY) spectra were theoretically generated by solving the generalized Bloch equations with the appropriate initial conditions. The input to the equations were the coordinates of the protons of two similar crystal structures of basic pancreatic trypsin inhibitor. The two NOESY spectra obtained were compared to published experimental spectra of the protein in solution. It was found that the two crystal structures of basic pancreatic trypsin inhibitor give different theoretical spectra. The solution of the Bloch equations is very sensitive to small variations in the distance between protons (approx. 0.2 A), and to differences in the surrounding configurations. The method allows a detailed comparison of the crystal and solution structures of proteins. The structure of the trypsin inhibitor in solution was found to be similar to either one or the other crystal forms in different regions of the molecule.  相似文献   

Two kinds of TBG polymorphism are described in human, one found in deglycosylated TBG from individual blood donors, the other is a genetically determined polymorphism. TBG from plasma samples from a patient with toxic goiter, not autoimmune, (p)TBG, from the patient's mother (m)TBG and from individual donors (n)TBG, were labeled with [125I]T4 or [125I]T3 and submitted to isoelectric focusing (IEF), followed by autoradiography. Three faint [125I]T4 radiolabeled bands were detectable in (p)TBG while four strong [125I]T4 radiolabeled bands were detectable in (m)TBG and (n)TBG), respectively. IEF of the [125I]T3 incubated serum samples resulted in no detectable isoelectric radiolabeled band for (p)TBG while a normal pattern was found in (m)TBG and in (n)TBG, respectively. These data suggest a new intraindividual not linked to sexual chromosome X polymorphism characterized by a loss in hormone binding.  相似文献   

Fifteen freshwater samples containing significant concentrations of dissolved organic carbon-[DOC]-were titrated with copper under standardised conditions (pH 6 and 7), and concentrations of Cu(2+)-[Cu(2+)]-were measured with an ion-selective electrode. Measured values of [Cu(2+)], which were in the range 10(-11)-10(-5) moll(-1), were compared with those simulated using Humic Ion-Binding Models V and VI. It was assumed that copper speciation was controlled by the organic matter, represented by fulvic acid (FA), together with inorganic solution complexation (calculated with an inorganic speciation model). The models were calibrated by adjusting a single quantity, the concentration of FA. The optimised value-[FA](opt)-was that giving the best agreement, according to least squares, between measured and simulated [Cu(2+)]. The calculations took into account competition by other dissolved (filterable) metals (Mg, Al, Ca, Fe(II), Fe(III), Zn); in the case of Fe(III) it was assumed either that all the dissolved metal was truly in solution, or that the activity of Fe(3+) was controlled by equilibrium with Fe(OH)(3). The assumption about Fe(III) had relatively small effects on the fitting of Model V, but was significant for Model VI, because Model VI represents low-abundance, high-affinity binding sites in humic matter, which are sensitive to Fe(III) competition. Because of its inclusion of the high-affinity sites, Model VI provided better fits of the data than did Model V. Furthermore, Model VI with Fe(3+) activity controlled by Fe(OH)(3) gave smaller variation in the ratio of [FA](opt) to [DOC] than Model VI with all Fe(III) assumed to be in solution. The average [FA](opt)/[DOC] found from the Cu titrations was 1.30, which implies that 65% of the organic matter is 'active' with respect to metal binding. The average ratio of 1.30 is in reasonable agreement with ratios obtained by applying the model to field data sets for charge balance (1.22), Al speciation (1.56) and base titrations of Cu-amended waters (1.45). It is concluded that Model VI/Fe(OH)(3) provides the most reliable predictions of dissolved metal speciation in natural waters; at a total Cu concentration of 1 microM, the predicted concentration of Cu(2+) is expected to be correct to within a factor of 3.6 in 95% of cases.  相似文献   

Tissue degradation and invasion are hallmarks of the metastatic phenotype. While several extracellular matrix components can be digested by proteases, degradation of interstitial collagen is selectively initiated by collagenase. It is obvious that inhibitors of collagenase activity would be extremely useful in preventing tissue destruction and tumor cell invasion and thus prove invaluable therapeutic agents. We describe here the possible development of such inhibitors through the use of the principle of complementary hydropathy. A peptide was deduced from the nucleotide sequence complementary to that coding for the region in interstitial collagen surrounding the bond between Gly775 and Ile776 which is cleaved by the enzyme. Labeled collagen binds specifically and quantitatively to this peptide. A polyclonal mouse serum raised against this peptide recognized purified human collagenase, was able to immunoprecipitate collagenase from cultured human keratinocyte supernatants and was effective in inhibiting collagenolytic activity with a K(iapp) = 0.3 microM.  相似文献   

Here, molecular dynamics (MD) simulations are performed to study the differences of binding channel shapes of TTR with two inhibitors, flufenamic acid (FLU) and one kind of N-phenyl phenoxazine (BPD). The asymmetries of global structure including the central binding channel are found to be intrinsic. Moreover, the conformational changes of the binding channel are responsible for negative cooperativity (NC) or independent cooperativity (IC) of ligands. The results suggested a possible binding mechanism addressing NC of FLU and IC of BPD. For FLU, when the first ligand binds with TTR, it leads to expansion of the second binding site which may weaken the interaction of the second FLU with TTR. But for BPD, the first ligand's binding changes the second site's shape slightly, the second ligand has similar binding ability with TTR in the second site like the first binding event.  相似文献   

Recent advances in the experimentally determined structures and dynamics of the domains within LacI provide a rare context for evaluating dynamics calculations. A 1500-ps trajectory was simulated for a variant of the LacI DNA-binding domain, which consists of the first three helices in LacI and the hinge helix of the homologous PurR. Order parameters derived from dynamics simulations are compared to those obtained for the LacI DNA-binding domain with 15N relaxation NMR spectroscopy (Slijper et al., 1997. Biochemistry. 36:249-254). The MD simulations suggest that the unstructured loop between helices II and III does not exist in a discrete state under the conditions of no salt and neutral pH, but occupies a continuum of states between the DNA-bound and free structures. Simulations also indicate that the unstructured region between helix III and the hinge helix is very mobile, rendering motions of the hinge helix essentially independent of the rest of the protein. Finally, the alpha-helical hydrogen bonds in the hinge helix are broken after 1250 ps, perhaps as a prelude to helix unfolding.  相似文献   

An examination of the effect of dibutylchloromethyltin/chloride on the carbodiimide binding proteolipid of mitrochondrial ATPase has revealed that in the presence of the alkyltin, (1) binding of dicyclohexycarbodiimide is decreased (2) the electron spin resonance spectrum of a nitroxide analogue of dicyclohexylcarbodiimide exhibits line broadening characteristic of either an increase of polarity or a decrease in viscosity of the carbodiimide binding site (3) the rate of reduction of the nitroxide probe by ascorbate is increased threefold. These phenomena suggest a possible mode of action for the inhibition of ATP synthesis by alkyltins.  相似文献   

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