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1. Measurements of larval growth rates were used to produce an empirical model for examining factors influencing patterns of size structure and emergence period for populations of the leptophlebiid mayfly Deleatidium ( lillii group) in two high-country streams (South Island, New Zealand). Growth rates were measured in situ by enclosing groups of larvae and natural stream substrata in growth chambers.
2. Multiple regression analysis showed that temperature explained most variation among growth rates in both streams. Growth rates were also significantly related to larval size, although the effect was minor compared with temperature. A significant relationship between larval biomass per chamber and growth rate was shown at only one site.
3. Growth models based on multiple regression equations ( R 2 = 0.70–0.84) simulated the extended emergence period and complex size structure observed for populations of Deleatidium in the field. Larvae hatching from eggs deposited before mid-February (austral summer) probably emerge as adults before May (minimum cohort duration ≈ 3 months). Larvae hatching after mid-February probably do not emerge as adults until the following summer because of low growth rates during winter (maximum cohort duration ≈ 11 months).
4. On average, there are probably two generations of Deleatidium per year (bivoltine) at the study sites. The presence of numerous overlapping cohorts throughout summer, however, results in an extended emergence period and complex size structure.  相似文献   

1. Measurements of larval growth rates were used to produce an empirical model for examining factors influencing patterns of size structure and emergence period for populations of the leptophlebiid mayfly Deleatidium ( lillii group) in two high-country streams (South Island, New Zealand). Growth rates were measured in situ by enclosing groups of larvae and natural stream substrata in growth chambers.
2. Multiple regression analysis showed that temperature explained most variation among growth rates in both streams. Growth rates were also significantly related to larval size, although the effect was minor compared with temperature. A significant relationship between larval biomass per chamber and growth rate was shown at only one site.
3. Growth models based on multiple regression equations ( R 2 = 0.70–0.84) simulated the extended emergence period and complex size structure observed for populations of Deleatidium in the field. Larvae hatching from eggs deposited before mid-February (austral summer) probably emerge as adults before May (minimum cohort duration ≈ 3 months). Larvae hatching after mid-February probably do not emerge as adults until the following summer because of low growth rates during winter (maximum cohort duration ≈ 11 months).
4. On average, there are probably two generations of Deleatidium per year (bivoltine) at the study sites. The presence of numerous overlapping cohorts throughout summer, however, results in an extended emergence period and complex size structure.  相似文献   

The diets and feeding periodicities of two small, riffle-dwelling fish, the torrentfish, Cheimarrichthys fosteri , and the bluegilled bully, Gobiomorphus hubbsi , were investigated in an unstable, braided New Zealand river from May 1985 to April 1986. Aquatic insect larvae dominated diets of all fish and dietary overlap between species was high in 10 of 12 months. Nevertheless, the relative importance of prey items, as assessed by the index of relative importance (IRI), differed between species. Gobiomorphus hubbsi fed almost exclusively on larval Deleatidium (Ephemeroptera), whereas C. fosteri consumed a greater variety of prey items, with Deleatidium and trichopteran, elmid and chironomid larvae numerically dominant. A dietary switch from Deleatidium to chironomid larvae occurred in both species during December 1985, when total and relative abundances of mayfly and other benthic macroinvertebrate larvae were severely reduced by two consecutive floods. A diel sampling programme indicated that the feeding periodicity of the two species differed: C. fosteri was a nocturnal feeder, whereas G. hubbsi exhibited a strong crepuscular peak in feeding activity. Overall, the two fish partition their food resource weakly by consuming prey items in different proportions and sizes and more strongly by utilizing the food resource at different times.  相似文献   

The size frequency distributions and foods of the larvae of Archichauliodes diversus (Megaloptera: Corydalidae) and Stenoperla prasina (Plecoptera: Eustheniidae) were studied for a year in the Glentui River, South Island, New Zealand. These two species are the largest invertebrate predators inhabiting streams and rivers in New Zealand, where they are the only carnivorous members of their respective orders. Both species occupied the same habitat with A. diversus being slightly more abundant in most months. Many small larvae occurred within the sediments of the stream bed, whereas more larger larvae were found on stones lying on the surface. A wide size range of larvae was present throughout the year and the median size (in terms of head width) of both species was similar in most months. Larval growth could not be determined from field data and the life cycles of both species can be described as non-seasonal. Quantitative sampling in 5 months provided estimates of population densities. These were maximal in December when values of 136/m2 for A. diversus and 114/m2 for S. prasina were obtained. Larval Chironomidae and mayflies of the genus Deleatidium were the most frequently taken prey of both predators in all months, and no strong relationship between size or species of predator and size of prey was found. Caseless trichopteran larvae formed a less important component of the diets of both species and detritus was ingested by some individuals. No instances of cannibalism and only one example of cross-predation by each predator was seen. Diel sampling in November showed that large Deleatidium larvae were relatively more abundant in the guts of insect predators and in nocturnal drift samples than in the benthos. This suggests that their greater activity at night may increase their susceptibility to predation by nocturnal feeders. No clear ecological segregation of the two species with respect to habitat or prey utilization was found and there was no obvious interspecific competition for food, which appeared to be abundant at all times. Finally, the prevalence of non-seasonal life cycles in New Zealand aquatic insects is discussed in relation to the low degree of speciation in several groups.  相似文献   

The day‐night vertical distribution, diel feeding activity and diet of fourth instar of Chaoborus larvae were analyzed in lacustrine zone of a neotropical reservoir which shows seasonally contrasting hypolimnetic oxygen conditions. Larvae stayed in sediment and water bottom during day and ascended to surface during night. Results indicate that feeding activity is limited mainly to the plankton population. Phytoplankton, rotifers or remains of Chaoborus larvae were not found in crops. With the exception of ostracods, all crustacean prey available in the zooplankton occurred in the guts. Ceriodaphnia cornuta and Moina micrura were the most frequent food items (about 75% of occurrence frequency) and were positively selected. The remainder crustacean zooplankton taxa were negatively selected by larvae. The most intense feeding activity in larvae occurred near midnight and sunrise, in dates when the hypolimnion was anoxic. When oxygen was available on the bottom, a higher and not changing diel feeding activity was detected. Our results indicate that vertical migration may promote a spatial separation between larvae and zooplankton, and feeding activity of larvae occurred only when both overlapped. (© 2005 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Ixodes scapularis Say was the only species of tick found on white-tailed deer, Odocoileus virginianus, collected at Long Point, Ontario from October 1972 to August 1973. Adults were most abundant from September 1972 to April 1973. Larvae were found throughout the study period except during February. Nymphs were scarce during winter months but fairly common during spring and summer. Most adults were found on the neck and shoulders. Larvae occurred mainly on lower regions of the body and nymphs mainly on the head, shoulders, forelegs and brisket.  相似文献   

The diet of juvenile chinook salmon and the foods available to them were studied during spring and summer in a large, braided, New Zealand river. During both sampling periods fish and potential prey were collected at dawn and dusk. Analysis showed that in spring the feeding rate increased at dawn, when aquatic taxa comprised the majority of their prey. Prey of terrestrial origin dominated the diet at dusk in summer but formed only about 1% of the diet during spring, when few such prey were available.
During spring the fish selectively preyed upon larger nymphs of the mayflies Deleatidium spp. However, in summer chironomids, other dipterans, and trichopterans were consumed to the exclusion of Deleatidium . Most of the chironomids and trichopterans taken were pupae or emerging adults and it is suggested that this may reflect differences in vulnerability during the diurnal emergence period.  相似文献   

Infection of annual ryegrass (Lolium rigidum) by Anguina sp. resulted in replacement of seeds by bottle-shaped galls, each containing several hundred quiescent, second-stage larvae. The biology of the nematodes, including the emergence of larvae from galls, survival in soil, and movement into and development within the host plant, has been examined. Larvae were not able to leave the galls during the dry summer, but emerged within soil 2–6 wk after normal autumn rains and following partial decay of the gall rind. Emergence took place over several months, and not all larvae emerged in any one year; they were able to survive over summer in soil both within and outside the galls. Under suitable moisture conditions, host plants were infested by larvae which climbed up the outer surfaces, became lodged within leaf sheaths, and then gradually moved towards the centre of the plant. Larvae which reached the central or axillary meristems prior to flowering were carried up with the elongating inflorescence, and attacked developing floret primordia. The nematodes developed rapidly to the adult stage, and eggs were being laid within galls by the time the inflorescence had emerged. Second-stage larvae hatched quickly and were the only live stage remaining after the ryegrass had died.  相似文献   

SUMMARY. 1. The life cycle of a predatory insect, Protohermes grandis (Megaloptera: Corydalidae), was compared in four streams in central Japan. The effects of annual temperature regime and prey availability on life history characteristics were also assessed.
2. The larval period was 2 years and small adults emerged in the Morito River, where summer water temperature was high and large prey scarce.
3. In the Nagura River, rich in large prey, the larval period was also 2 years in spite of slightly lower temperature, and the adult size was largest among the streams.
4. In Anado Fork with a low summer temperature, the larval development took 3 years, and large adults emerged. Large prey were abundant in this stream.
5. Seasonal abundance of large prey also affected the time large larvae left the stream to pupate. Larvae emigrated earlier in streams where the density of large prey sharply decreased after spring, than in streams where large prey were available throughout the year.  相似文献   

Abstract. 1. Three species of Tanypodinae (Chironomidae) were found in an acid and iron-rich stream in southern England. Maximum abundance was achieved in summer and they were sparse at other times. Individuals were aggregated on the stream bed and were overrepresented in accumulations of leaf litter.
2. The diets of all three species consisted of a mixture of prey (prominently detritivorous chironomid larvae) and detritus. More detritus and fewer prey were taken in winter than in summer.
3. When comparing large tanypod species with small and, intraspecifically, late instars with early, the proportion of guts containing prey increased with increasing body size.
4. Stonefly larvae were more prominent in the diet of Zavrelimyia barbatipes (Kieffer) in summer than in winter but for the other two species the reverse was true. A bigger proportion of Trissopelopia longimana (Staeger) guts contained prey in early summer than in August whereas more Macropelopia goetghebueri (Kieffer) guts contained prey in August. This was apparently a consequence of seasonal differences in the distribution of body size among the populations of these two species.
5. The stream contains two further common predators, Plectrocnemia conspersa (Curtis) and Sialis fuliginosa Pict. These are important predators of tanypod larvae but might also compete with them since they severely deplete populations of prey taken in common.
6. Analysis of the food-web in Broadstone Stream reveals remarkably high values of connectance (C and Cmax) and of species richness times connectance (SCmax). Such characteristics are theoretically associated with fragile and dynamically unstable food webs, and may be found in 'constant' environments. There is also an apparently unusual prevalence of omnivory in the community.  相似文献   

洞庭湖光泽黄颡鱼食性研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
根据2004年4月至2005年2月在洞庭湖逐月采集到的胃含物样品,对光泽黄颡鱼摄食习性进行了研究。结果表明,光泽黄颡鱼全年摄食,在繁殖期摄食强度下降。共鉴定17类饵料生物,食物多样性指数春季最高,冬季最低。水生昆虫幼虫和甲壳类为其主要食物,二者在食物中所占重量百分比为90.6%。摄食的水生昆虫主要为蜉蝣目稚虫(数量百分比:24.2%;重量百分比:41.1%)、双翅目幼虫(数量百分比:58.4%;重量百分比:7.5%)和蜻蜓目稚虫(数量百分比:3.2%;重量百分比:22.8%)。光泽黄颡鱼的食物组成在季节上存在明显差异。从数量百分比看,春季和冬季均以双翅目(秋季64.6%;85.0%)为主,夏季以双翅目(28.2%)和蜻蜓目(22.3%)为主,秋季以蜉蝣目(45.7%)为主;从重量百分比看,春季以双翅目(53.0%)为主,夏季以蜻蜓目(55.7%)为主,秋季和冬季以蜉蝣目(秋季53.7%;冬季76.6%)为主。分析表明,光泽黄颡鱼食物组成的季节差异与食物资源的季节动态紧密相关。    相似文献   

Gut evacuation of walleye pollock larvae in response to feeding conditions   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Gut residence times of first-feeding walleye pollock larvae were measured at 6°C in continuous and discontinuous feeding regimes. Larvae fed tagged copepod prey evacuated their guts more quickly in continuous feeding as compared to the discontinuous feeding treatment. The mean gut residence time was estimated to be 5.0 h for larvae feeding continuously. Gut evacuation by larvae fed tagged prey and then isolated without food (discontinuous treatment) was slower and more variable, with an estimated gut residence time exceeding 8.0 h. Field and laboratory observations suggest that the larval fish gut may be modeled as an intermittent plug-flow reactor (PFR) in response to diel feeding patterns. The cyclical nature of gut dynamics has implications for gut content analyses and the estimation of daily food rations.  相似文献   

Larvae and juveniles of the roughskin sculpin Trachidermus fasciatus were collected during four cruises in March and April 2001 to study the distribution and diet of the fish in the Chikugo estuary in the northern Ariake Bay, Japan. Sampling was conducted at seven stations covering an area approximately 30 km in length along the estuary, with salinity ranging from nearly 0 to about 30 PSU. Gut contents were analyzed by separating, identifying, and counting the prey organisms. Plankton samples were collected during each cruise to study the numerical composition and abundance of copepods in ambient water. A total of 1790 larvae and juveniles of T. fasciatus were collected; they were distributed in the five uppermost stations, covering approximately 20 km and ranging in salinity from 0.4 to 27.4 PSU. The fish fed almost exclusively on a single calanoid copepod species, Sinocalanus sinensis, which was numerically the most abundant in the ambient water at the upper part of the Chikugo River. At the lower part of the river, the fish positively selected S. sinensis while negatively selecting other species. T. fasciatus larvae experienced a high proportion of empty guts and low feeding intensity at around 9.0 mm body length, which appears to be associated with commencement of exogenous feeding. The proportion of empty guts reduced sharply at subsequent stages and was accompanied by an increase in feeding intensity. The oligohaline and mesohaline areas are important nursery grounds, and S. sinensis is an important prey copepod species for the larval and juvenile T. fasciatus in the Chikugo estuary.  相似文献   

SUMMARY. 1. The life history was compared between mainland and island congeners of Protohermes (Megaloptera: Corydalidae) and also between those of Euphaea (Odonata: Euphaeidae). Larvae of these genera coexisted in stream riffles, and prey availability for them was assessed to examine the effects on their body size at maturation.
2. Body size of P. costalis on the 'mainland'. Taiwan, was larger than that of an insular congener, P . sp., on Iriomotc and Ishigaki Islands about 200 km east from Taiwan. Insular dwarfism also occurred between E. formosa on the mainland and E. yayeyamana on the islands. All species had an annual life cycle.
3. Prey availability was much lower in the island streams than in mainland streams throughout the year. Convergence of insular dwarfism in these phylogenetically distant but ecologically similar taxa (both predatory insects) suggested that prey availability is an important factor affecting their body size determination.
4. Seasonal changes in body size occurred within a population of Euphaea which lacked synchronous emergence. Adults emerging from larvae spending their late instars in the warm season were smaller than those in the cold season. However, the size differences between species always exceeded the range of such intraspecific variation.
5. Dwarfism in E. yayeyamana was probably achieved by decreasing the size of first-instar larvae without changing the number of instars and with the size ratio at each moult constant. The mechanisms producing the dwarf form of Protohermes are also discussed.  相似文献   

Synopsis Feeding of and food availability for larvae of Hypoatherina tropicalis were investigated in One Tree Lagoon, Great Barrier Reef, Australia, during November 1981 and January 1982. These surface-dwelling larvae and their microzooplankton prey were sampled as near to simultaneously as possible on 12 occasions during the daytime. Larvae of all sizes (5–17 mm SL) fed successfully over the observed range of mean prey densities (12–235 per liter), and the overall feeding incidence was 98.9%. Larger larvae consumed greater numbers and more categories of prey than did smaller larvae. Larvae selected copepods of all sizes, and nauplii, gastropods, bivalves, and foraminiferans that were greater than 75 ¢s mm in width. Tintinnids (mostly 37–74 µm in width) were generally avoided by larvae, but were occasionally important in the diets when they constituted more than 60% of the total available prey, regardless of the density of the selected prey categories. Larvae less than 14 mm SL ingested meroplankton (gastropods, bivalves, foraminiferans, and polychaetes) in direct relation to the densities available, and without regard to the densities of copepods available. However, the largest larvae (14–17 mm SL) ingested meroplankton in inverse relation to the density of copepods available, indicating that larvae consumed more meroplankton when the concentration of copepods was low. Such flexibility and opportunism in feeding behavior may increase the larvae's chances of obtaining adequate nutrition during periods of suboptimal feeding conditions.  相似文献   

The chironomid larvae of the Rouge River, Ontario, Canada, showed a longitudinal zonation which may have been influenced by water temperature and substrate composition. Species of Orthocladiinae predominated in the cooler headwaters while species of Chironomini dominated the comparatively warmer water near the estuary. In the middle section the chironomid assemblage was of a more mixed nature.
Differences occurred in both food availability and feeding between sites along the river. Within genera, there were differences in the proportions of major food items between the larval guts and the available food material sampled from the same area. In most cases (e.g. Cryptochironomus, Polypedilum and Orthocladius ) larvae selected detritus over diatoms. Some genera (e.g. Microtendipes ) changed the proportions of food items ingested seasonally, while others (e.g. Psectrocladius ) exhibited a more stable diet throughout the year. Second instar larvae appeared to seasonally adjust their diet most often (e.g. Cricotopus. Tanytarsus and Eukiefferiella ), however these changes were not just in the types of food eaten, but also in the proportions of food types consumed. Larvae of all genera continued feeding throughout the cold water conditions (<5°C) of winter. Incidence of predation was very low, for example <10% in the Tanypodinae. In the laboratory, species of Chironomini ingested and assimulated, to varying degress, isolated populations of diatoms, detritus and bacteria.  相似文献   

A widely recognized pathway for uptake and accumulation of organic contaminants by demersal fishes is through consumption of infaunal organisms (i.e., those having direct contact with contaminated sediments). Recent studies indicate that demersal fishes near a large sewage outfall in southern California consume larvae of a terrestrial fly, Clogmia albipunctata, which are entrained with the treated effluent and discharged to the ocean. Fly larvae consumption represents a possible method for accumulation of organic contaminants that is unique to marine fishes with non-selective feeding habits that occur near the ocean outfall. An estimated 37–138kg (wet weight) of fly larvae are discharged daily during summer to the ocean via the Orange County Sanitation Districts (OCSD) wastewater outfall; winter discharges are expected to be lower due to lower production and temperature limitations of the fly life cycle. Fly larvae were present in the guts of ten demersal and pelagic fish species collected near the outfall between July 1993 and August 1998. The highest frequencies of fly larvae (up to 100%) occurred in the guts of white croaker, Genyonemus lineatus, and chub mackerel, Scomber japonicus. Because infauna are still abundant and diverse near the outfall, fly larvae consumption appears to represent a feeding preference instead of a response to lower prey abundances. Fly larvae tissues collected at the wastewater treatment plant contained sub-part-per-million levels of organochlorine compounds, including PCB and DDT. However, lipid-normalized organochlorine concentrations in fly larvae tissues were not appreciably higher than levels in infauna or zooplankton tissues. Although the study design provided only limited sample sizes for some sample types, this initial study suggests that fish consumption of fly larvae represents a mechanism for direct transfer of contaminants and may contribute to uptake and accumulation of lypophyllic organochlorines in fish near the outfall.  相似文献   

This study describes the fauna of predator insects, parasitoids and ants associated with aphids on kale (Brassica oleracea L. var. acephala D.C.) in organic system. The aphid was identified as Lipaphis pseudobrassicae Davis, and this is the first record of the species attacking kale in Brazil. Primary parasitism by Diaeretiella sp. and Aphidius sp. and hyperparasitism by Aphydencyrtus sp., Alloxysta sp., Pachyneuron sp. and Syrphophagus sp. were observed. Twenty species of Coccinellidae were collected, and eight of them were observed in adult and larval stages attacking the aphid: Hyperaspis (Hyperaspis) festiva Mulsant, which was the most abundant (72.5% of all predator insects obtained), Cycloneda sanguinea (L.), Eriopis connexa Germar, Coleomegilla maculata DeGeer, Hippodamia convergens Guérin, Heterodiomus sp., Scymnus (Pullus) sp.1 and Scymnus (Pullus) sp.2. Aphidophagous Syrphidae larvae collected on leaves ofkale infested by L. pseudobrassicae belong to the species Allograpta exotica (Wiedemann) and Ocyptamus gastrostactus (Wiedemann). Larvae and pupae of Syrphidae were parasitized by Pachyneuron sp., Syrphophagus sp. and Diplazon laetatorius Fabricius. Larvae of Chrysopodes sp. were observed feeding on L. pseudobrassicae. Species of ants associated with the colony of this aphid were Ectatomma quadridens Fabricius and Pheidole sp.  相似文献   

We studied habitat choice, diet, food consumption and somatic growth of Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus) and brown trout (Salmo trutta) during the ice-covered winter period of a subarctic lake in northern Norway. Both Arctic charr and brown trout predominantly used the littoral zone during winter time. Despite very cold winter conditions (water temperature <1°C) and poor light conditions, both fish species fed continuously during the ice-covered period, although at a much lower rate than during the summer season. No somatic growth could be detected during the ice-covered winter period and the condition factor of both species significantly declined, suggesting that the winter feeding rates were similar to or below the maintenance requirements. Also, the species richness and diversity of ingested prey largely decreased from summer to winter for both fish species. The winter diet of Arctic charr <20 cm was dominated by benthic insect larvae, chironomids in particular, and Gammarus lacustris, but zooplankton was also important in December. G. lacustris was the dominant prey of charr >20 cm. The winter diet of brown trout <20 cm was dominated by insect larvae, whereas large-sized trout mainly was piscivorous, feeding on juvenile Arctic charr. Piscivorous feeding behaviour of trout was in contrast rarely seen during the summer months when their encounter with potential fish prey was rare as the small-sized charr mainly inhabited the profundal. The study demonstrated large differences in the ecology and interactions of Arctic charr and brown trout between the winter and summer seasons.  相似文献   

The relationship between the complexity of the feeding apparatus and prey selection through ontogeny was examined in Amphiprion clarkii larvae. Larvae were reared from 1 to 10 days post-hatch (dph) on a diet of rotifers, wild-caught plankton and newly hatched Artemia sp. nauplii. Results were compared with available data on the relationship between functional morphology and prey selection of Amphiprion frenatus to establish patterns of functional morphology and prey selection between the larvae of two species of coral-reef fishes. Larvae of both species exhibited an increase in selection of larger prey through ontogeny coincident with an increase in the complexity of the feeding apparatus. The first elements to ossify in larvae of both species were the pharyngeal teeth ( A. clarkii : 5 dph, near ± s.d. Standard length, L S,4· 3 ± 0· 2 mm; A. frenatus : 5 dph, L S5· 0 ± 0· 4 mm) which, in combination with the development of a more functional feeding apparatus, may have permitted larvae to better process new types and sizes of prey. Prey items, however, were selected differentially between the two fish species, which could not be fully explained by the functional state of the feeding apparatus. While prey selection is influenced by the functional state of the feeding apparatus, all aspects of larval fish biology (morphology, behaviour and physiology) should be considered.  相似文献   

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