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Summary Spacing and kinship of the Formosan squirrel, Callosciurus erythraeus thaiwanensis, were studied in two different habitats. One, native habitat in the woods of Kenting, southern Formosa, was rich in available food throughout the year and had several species of predators. The other, a site in Kamakura, central Japan where squirrels had been introduced, had relatively scanty food and few potential predators. 1. Home ranges among males and between sexes overlapped extensively in both habitats. 2. Females occupied exclusive home ranges in Kamakura but had small overlapping home ranges in Ken-ting. 3. Most males disappeared from their natal areas at 1 year old in both habitats (86% in Kamakura and 93% in Ken-ting), but less females disappeared (36% in Kamakura and 35% in Ken-ting). 4. In Kamakura, daughters settled adjacent to the mother or inherited the home range of the mother, but never shared the mother's home range. In Ken-ting, 35% of daughters shared the home range with their mothers. 5. Tolerance among female kin in Ken-ting was probably facilitated by the richness of available food throughout the year, and functioned to reduce predation risk via alarm calling and mobbing.  相似文献   

The flow and retention of particulate organic matter were compared in two fluvial systems under different climates: the French upper Rhone (temperate climate) and the lower Moulouya in Morocco (Mediterranean climate). In both systems, a breakdown gradient was observed. This gradient was correlated with water motion, oxygen content, richness in hyphomycete species and occurrence of their mycelia and spores on submerged leaves, invertebrate density and consumption by shredders.U.A. CNRS 1451 Ecologie des Eaux Douces et des Grands FleuvesU.A. CNRS 1451 Ecologie des Eaux Douces et des Grands Fleuves  相似文献   

To provide information for managing the captive population of endangered Guam Micronesian kingfishers (Halcyon cinnamomina cinnamomina), four biologically relevant thermal metrics were compared among captive facilities on the United States mainland and habitats used by wild Micronesian kingfishers on the island of Pohnpei (H. c. reichenbachii), Federated States of Micronesia. Additionally, aviaries where kingfishers laid eggs were compared to those in which birds did not attempt to breed. Compared to aviaries, habitats used by wild Pohnpei kingfishers had 3.2°C higher daily maximum and minimum temperatures and the proportion of time when temperatures were in the birds' thermoneutral zone was 45% greater. No differences were found in the magnitude of temperature fluctuation in captive and wild environments. In captive environments in which birds bred, daily maximum temperatures were 2.1°C higher and temperatures were within the thermoneutral zone 25% more often than in the aviaries where the kingfishers did not breed. No differences were found in the magnitude of temperature fluctuation or the daily minimum temperature. Results suggest that the thermal environment has the potential to influence reproduction, and that consideration should be given to increasing temperatures in captive breeding facilities to improve propagation of the endangered Micronesian kingfisher. Zoo Biol 23:301–308, 2004. Published 2004 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Considerable stability of beta beta- (muscular) and gamma gamma- (neurospecific) forms to the denaturing influence of neutral salts of alkali metals is shown on purified isoenzymes (alpha alpha-, beta beta-, gamma gamma-forms) of beef brain and rabbit muscle. The rate of influence of these salts on the enzymic activity of the mentioned isoenzymes corresponds to the "lyotropic" series. Km of alpha alpha- and gamma gamma-isoenzymes are determined for 2-phosphoglycerate and phosphoenolpyruvate. It is found that alpha alpha-isoenzyme has larger affinity to phosphoenolpyruvate than gamma gamma-isoenzyme and it appears to play an essential role in participation of the given isoenzymes in the glycolysis and glyconeogenesis processes.  相似文献   

This review deals with the physical and chemical properties of nitric oxide as well as with the mechanisms and enzymes synthesizing this compound in animals including humans. The cytotoxic, vasodilatory, neuromediatory, and other properties of NO are analyzed. Polyfunctionality of NO in the norm and in pathologies of different genesis is shown. It is suggested that the analysis of the mechanisms of cyclic conversion of nitric oxide and the elucidation of the role of all NO metabolism products in living organisms would allow us to approach a more profound understanding of the NO problem in biology and medicine. It is reasonable to think the knowledge obtained in the course of the studies will permit an elaboration of the strategy and tactics of medical treatment of many diseases occurring on the background of disturbance in the mechanisms of formation and utilization of this compound.  相似文献   

骆沁宇  张梦园  李晓璐  范舒欣  董丽 《生态学报》2024,44(11):4744-4757
城市中自发生长的植物在生物多样性保护和支持中扮演着重要角色。这些自生植物广泛分布于绿地中并在不同生境下形成差异化的群落特征。研究自生植物群落的功能性状组成有助于理解特定生境中自生植物多样性的形成和维持过程。研究调查了北京城市绿地中常绿落叶林地、常绿林地、落叶林地、灌丛、草地、水边、行道树种植带、硬质铺装区域8类生境下自生植物的多样性特征与功能性状组成。研究结果表明,林地和水边自生植物群落具有较高的物种丰富度与功能丰富度。不同生境类型之间自生植物的功能性状组成存在显著差异(P < 0.05),林地中分布有更丰富的自生乔、灌木植物与外来植物,草地中则以依靠自体扩散或动物扩散的自生一、二年生草本植物为主。生境中相对稀有的功能性状占比与群落水平的自生植物多样性之间存在显著相关性(P < 0.05),灌丛、草地和水边自生植物群落的功能多样性均随着C4光合途径型植物的增加而提高。研究结果有助于更好地理解不同生境类型中自生植物多样性的形成和维持机制,为基于生物多样性保护与提升的城市绿地植物景观营建提供重要的参考依据。  相似文献   

不同生境下濒危植物裸果木种群结构及动态特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
裸果木(Gymnocarpos przewalskii)为古地中海旱生植物区系孑遗种, 是砾质荒漠的主要建群种之一。通过对安西极旱荒漠国家级自然保护区内3种生境(水冲滩地、山间冲沟、平缓戈壁)条件下裸果木种群的样地调查, 编制不同生境裸果木种群的静态生命表, 绘制其存活曲线和生存分析函数的曲线, 并采用时间序列模型对种群的数量动态进行预测, 以揭示不同生境下裸果木的种群结构和动态特征。结果表明: 3种生境下裸果木种群均属增长型, 数量变化动态指数(V’ pi) > 0, 但对外界干扰比较敏感, 存活曲线趋于Deevey-II型, 表明种群各龄级的死亡率基本接近; 不同生境裸果木种群大小依次为水冲滩地>山间冲沟>平缓戈壁, 结合对种群年龄结构的分析, 进一步表明水分条件较好的水冲滩地和山间冲沟生境更加适宜裸果木生存; 生存分析和时间序列预测表明幼龄个体的缺乏是未来裸果木种群发生衰退的主要原因, 且平缓戈壁生境下的裸果木种群将先于另外两种生境下的种群发生更加快速的衰退。  相似文献   

龚堃  鲍毅新  任鹏  方平福  李海宏  王华 《生态学报》2016,36(24):8214-8223
为研究围垦后滩涂湿地不同生境中大型底栖动物的功能群及其变化,于2010年10月至2012年7月在漩门湾围垦区外滩涂湿地3种生境进行了8个季度的大型底栖动物采样调查。3种生境各选2条与海岸线垂直的带状断面,各断面布设5个样点,每个样点均选取4个样方,用定量采样器采集泥样。两周年定量采集共获得大型底栖动物49种,隶属5门5纲29科。依据食性类型将底栖动物划分为浮游生物食者(Planktophagous group,Pl)、植食者(Phytophagous group,Ph)、肉食者(Carnivorous group,C)、杂食者(Omnivorous group,O)和碎屑食者(Detritivorous group,D)5个功能群。结果表明,互花米草草滩(HH)各功能群的物种数分别为6、10、13、6、5种,共计40种;自然光滩(GT)分别为4、8、12、11、6种,共计41种;红树林泥滩(HS)分别为5、8、12、7、4种,共计36种。两周年3种生境内Pl和Ph始终为主导功能群,其密度和生物量均较高,且平均密度和平均生物量均是PlPh。对两周年各生境功能群的多样性指数(Margalef丰富度指数、Shannon-Wiener多样性指数以及Pielou均匀度指数)进行无重复双因素方差分析表明:两周年中3种多样性指数在生境间均无显著性差异;两周年中S在功能群间均有极显著差异,第1周年H'、J在功能群间均无显著性差异,第2周年H'有极显著差异,J有显著差异。  相似文献   

During a 7- year period were hunted small wild living mammals and examined by ELISA and RIA techniques for the presence of hantavirus antigen and/or antibodies by MFA. In total 3,050 animals of 16 species caught in 9 out of 10 regions of Czechoslovakia, were examined. The proportion of positive animals was 4.4%. To the positive ones with the serotype 2 (Western type) belonged the following: M. arvalis, C. glareolus, P. subterraneus, A. sylvaticus, A. flavicollis. To the Eastern serotype: A. agrarius in eastern Slovakia, A. flavicollis in North of Bohemia and A. sylvaticus in South of Moravia. The repeatedly examined localities were found to be either repeatedly positive or repeatedly negative. The antigen titres in the lungs of M. arvalis were constant irrespective of sex and season of capture. They were, however, much higher in young animals, whereas the proportion of positivities was higher in adults ones. The titres of antigen in the lungs of C. glareolus never exceeded those of M. arvalis.  相似文献   

Hordeum spontaneum shows a large genetic variation and occupies a wide range of different habitats. The aim of this study was to quantify variation in growth characteristics of H. spontaneum from different sites in Israel and to relate this variation to different environmental conditions. To this end, 84 accessions of 21 populations were grown in a growth chamber in near-optimal conditions and a range of physiological, morphological, allocation- related and chemical characteristics were measured. These parameters included rates of photosynthesis, shoot and root respiration, specific leaf area, biomass allocation and seed mass. Averaged over all traits variation explained by differences between populations was 26%, between accessions 21%, whereas that within accessions was 53%. By contrast with most genetic studies, we found variation between populations larger than between accessions. The largest between-population variation (46%) was for morphological traits. In particular, seed mass, leaf thickness and leaf width differed strongly between populations. Variation in growth characteristics between populations was poorly related to mean annual rainfall, mean humidity or January temperature at the sites of origin. We expect that differences between populations to be larger and correlation with environmental parameters stronger in plants grown in stressful conditions. According to our study, seed mass is more important than relative growth rate in determining variation in early plant biomass in H. spontaneum .  相似文献   

The Pantanal is a large savanna wetland (138,183 km2 in Brazil), important for its wildlife, fed by tributaries of the upper Paraguay River, center of South America (Brazil, touching Bolivia and Paraguay). Uplands are plateaus (250-1,200 m high, 215,000 km2 in Brazil) and flatland is the Pantanal (80-150 m high, 147,574 km2 in Brazil). Rivers are slow moving when they meet the flatland (slope 0.3-0.5 m/km east-west; 0.03-0.15 m/km north-south), periodically overflowing their banks, creating a complex seasonal habitat range. Recurrent shallow flooding occupies 80% of the Pantanal; during the dry season flooded areas dry up. Fluctuating water levels, nutrients and wildlife form a dynamic ecosystem. A flooding regime forms distinct sub-regions within the Pantanal. A mammal survey was carried out in the sub-region of the Rio Negro from April, 2003 through March, 2004 to study the diversity and abundance of terrestrial mammals during the dry and flooding seasons. A total of 36 species were observed in the field. The capybara Hydrochaeris hydrochaeris was the most frequent species, followed by the crab-eating-fox Cerdocyon thous and the marsh deer Blastocerus dichotomus. The highest abundance of species was observed during the dry season (August and September), when there is a considerable expansion of terrestrial habitats, mainly seasonally flooded grassland. Animal abundance (in terms of observed individual frequencies) varied during the dry and wet seasons and the seasonally flooded grassland was the most utilized habitat by mammals in the dry season.  相似文献   

The mammalian epidermis provides both an interface and a protective barrier between the organism and its environment. Lipid, processed into water-impermeable bilayers between the outermost layers of the epidermal cells, forms the major barrier that prevents water from exiting the organism, and also prevents toxins and infectious agents from entering. The secretory phospholipase 2 (sPLA2) enzymes control important processes in skin and other organs, including inflammation and differentiation. sPLA2 activity contributes to epidermal barrier formation and homeostasis by generating free fatty acids, which are required both for formation of lamellar membranes and also for acidification of the stratum corneum (SC). sPLA2 is especially important in controlling SC acidification and establishment of an optimum epidermal barrier during the first postnatal week. Several sPLA2 isoforms are present in the epidermis. We find that two of these isoforms, sPLA2 IIA and sPLA2 IIF, localize to the upper stratum granulosum and increase in response to experimental barrier perturbation. sPLA2F−/− mice also demonstrate a more neutral SC pH than do their normal littermates, and their initial recovery from barrier perturbation is delayed. These findings confirm that sPLA2 enzymes perform important roles in epidermal development, and suggest that the sPLA2IIF isoform may be central to SC acidification and barrier function. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled The Important Role of Lipids in the Epidermis and their Role in the Formation and Maintenance of the Cutaneous Barrier. Guest Editors: Kenneth R. Feingold and Peter Elias.  相似文献   

The circadian master clocks in the brains of mammals and insects are compared in respect to location, organization and function. They show astonishing similarities. Both clocks are anatomically and functionally connected to the optic system and possess multiple output pathways allowing synchronization with the environmental light-dark cycles as well as the control of diverse endocrine, autonomic and behavioral functions. Both circadian master clocks are composed of multiple neurons, which are organized in populations with different morphology, physiology and neurotransmitter content and appear to subserve different functions. In the hamster and in the cockroach, the master clock consists of a core region that gets input from the eyes, and a shell region from which the majority of output projections originate. Communication between core and shell, between all other populations of clock neurons as well as between the master clocks of both brain hemispheres is a prerequisite of normal rhythmic function. Phenomena like rhythm splitting and internal desynchronization can be observed under constant light conditions and are caused by the uncoupling of the master clocks of both brain hemispheres.  相似文献   

不同生境类型枣园中节肢动物群落结构特征   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
在山西太谷枣区对不同间作生境组合类型枣园的节肢动物群落结构特征进行了研究,结果表明,在有杂草的枣园与其他枣园相比,节肢动物的物种数最大(P<0.05), 而节肢动物物种的个体数最小(P<0.05),而在单作无杂草的枣园则相反(P<0.05)。植食性类群的物种数和个体数在单作无杂草的枣园显著(P<0.05)大于其间作类型的枣园,而捕食性和寄生性的物种数和个体数则明显(P<0.05)小于其间作类型的枣园,而在有杂草的枣园则相反。枣树与大豆和棉花间作枣园的捕食性和寄生性的物种数和个体数则明显(P<0.05)大于枣树与大豆间作的枣园,而枣树与大豆间作的枣园与单作无杂草枣园的寄生性的物种数和个体数则无明显差异(P>0.05),但捕食性的物种数有大豆的枣园明显(P<0.05)大于单作无杂草枣园,而个体数则无明显差异(P>0.05)。多样性均匀度和相对稳定性指数研究结果表明有杂草的枣园明显(P<0.05)大于单作无杂草枣园,枣树与大豆和棉花间作的枣园明显(P<0.05)大于枣树与大豆间作的枣园,而优势度则相反。研究结果进一步表明,在枣园合理间作多种作物或者适当保留一定的杂草,不仅可以减少天敌昆虫迁出枣园,而且还可以增加枣园天敌的物种数量和节肢动物群落结构的多样性和均匀度,同时还能有效地利用枣园的空间和自然资源,增加单位面积的产量。  相似文献   

不同生境中淫羊藿克隆构型和分株种群特征   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
为探求淫羊藿资源的保护策略,通过野外样地调查、室内测定和统计分析等方法,对林缘旷地、林缘和林下三种不同生境中淫羊藿(Epimedium brevicornum)克隆构型及其分株种群特征进行了研究,并初步分析环境因子对淫羊藿克隆构型和分株种群特征的影响.结果表明:分枝强度、间隔子长度、分枝高度、根状茎长度及分株种群密度在3种生境中差异显著,且与生境相对光强和土壤含水量有较强的回归关系.群落相对光强、土壤含水量在淫羊藿的克隆生长过程中起着重要作用.淫羊藿以地下根茎为克隆器官进行克隆生长,有着较强的克隆构型可塑性.结合克隆植物对资源的利用策略,讨论不同生境中淫羊藿克隆构型和分株种群特征可塑性的生态适应意义及淫羊藿保护机制.  相似文献   

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