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Despite the introduction of hypoglycemic drugs, diabetes and related complications continue being a major medical problem. Diabetes long-term complications are not only related to the genesis of free radicals due to oxidation of glucose and to the non-enzymatic and progressive glycation of proteins but also to the endothelial dysfunction secondary to persistent hyperglycemia that causes cardiovascular complications. In an experimental model of streptozotocin (STZ) diabetic rats, the effect of five doses of an extract containing both an antioxidant (Rosmarinus officinalis) and folic acid were intragastrically administrated. Urine fingerprints of control and diabetic rats, both with and without treatment, were obtained by capillary electrophoresis with mass spectrometry (CE-TOF-MS). In order to have further biochemical knowledge of the effect, after treatment, rats were killed and plasma glucose, triglycerides, cholesterol, total protein, urea were analysed. Vitamin E in plasma and liver was also measured. Among the changes observed, the reduction in diuresis and plasma triglycerides, together with reduction in 2-aminobutyric, leucine/isoleucine, and dimethylglycine have shown that a short term nutraceutical treatment was able to reduce some of the complications in the STZ diabetic rats. In addition, this CE-MS metabolomic approach has permitted to identify metabolites related to metabolism of arginine, histidine, lysine and glycine in urine that can help monitoring the efficiency of treatments against the deleterious effects of type 1 diabetes.  相似文献   

The rat treated with streptozotocin has been proposed as the most appropriate model of systemic oxidative stress for studying antioxidant therapies. In that sense, rosemary extracts have long been recognized as having antioxidant properties, and folic acid may be able to improve endothelial progenitor cell function. A mixture containing both has been tested as a possible nutraceutical to improve health complications in diabetes. We have developed the methodology to evaluate metabolic changes in the urine of streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats after supplementing their diet with rosemary extract obtained with supercritical fluids (SFE) containing 10% folic acid in an acute but short-term study. It has been done with a metabolomics approach using LC-QTOF as an analytical tool. About 20 endogenous metabolites have been identified by databases and MS/MS showing statistically significant changes. Among them, several amino acids and their metabolites point to changes due to the effect of the gut microbiota. In addition, the comparison between control and streptozotocin-diabetic rats has permitted the showing of some metabolic coincidences between type 1 diabetes and other (possible) autoimmune diseases such as autism and/or Crohn's disease, and the nutraceutical intervention has succeeded in inducing changes in such biomarkers.  相似文献   

Individualized therapies for patients with biomarkers are moving more and more into the focus of research interest when developing new treatments. Hereby, the term individualized (or targeted) therapy denotes a treatment specifically developed for biomarker-positive patients. A network meta-analysis model for a binary endpoint combining the evidence for a targeted therapy from individual patient data with the evidence for a non-targeted therapy from aggregate data is presented and investigated. The biomarker status of the patients is either available at patient-level in individual patient data or at study-level in aggregate data. Both types of biomarker information have to be included. The evidence synthesis model follows a Bayesian approach and applies a meta-regression to the studies with aggregate data. In a simulation study, we address three treatment arms, one of them investigating a targeted therapy. The bias and the root-mean-square error of the treatment effect estimate for the subgroup of biomarker-positive patients based on studies with aggregate data are investigated. Thereby, the meta-regression approach is compared to approaches applying alternative solutions. The regression approach has a surprisingly small bias even in the presence of few studies. By contrast, the root-mean-square error is relatively greater. An illustrative example is provided demonstrating implementation of the presented network meta-analysis model in a clinical setting.  相似文献   

Treatment of rats with streptozotocin (STZ, 45mg/kg, i.v.,single dose) produced cardinal symptoms of diabetes mellitus including hyperglycemia, hypoinsulinemia and increase in blood pressure. Treatment with losartan--an angiotensin (AT1) receptor antagonist, 2 mg/kg, po for 6 weeks decreased the blood glucose levels by 16.5%. There was 190% increase in AUCglucose and 59.4% decrease in AUCinsulin in STZ-diabetic rats as compared to control rats. Treatment with losartan caused slight decrease in AUCglucose and slight increase in AUCinsulin. There was no significant difference in insulin sensitivity (K(ITT)) index of STZ-diabetic group as compared to control. Losartan treatment failed to alter these levels significantly. Serum cholesterol and creatinine levels were found to be increased significantly in STZ-diabetic rats. Treatment with losartan significantly prevented the rise in cholesterol and creatinine levels by 20.1 and 81% respectively. The results suggest that losartan produces some beneficial effects in STZ-diabetic rats.  相似文献   

Nutritional supplementation with dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) may be a candidate for treating diabetes-induced vascular and neural dysfunction. DHEA is a naturally occurring adrenal androgen that has antioxidant properties and is reportedly reduced in diabetes. Using a prevention protocol, we found that dietary supplementation of streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats with 0.1, 0.25, or 0.5% DHEA caused a concentration-dependent prevention in the development of motor nerve conduction velocity and endoneurial blood flow impairment, which are decreased in diabetes. At 0.25%, DHEA significantly prevented the diabetes-induced increase in serum thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances and sciatic nerve conjugated diene levels. This treatment also reduced the production of superoxide by epineurial arterioles of the sciatic nerve. DHEA treatment (0.25%) significantly improved vascular relaxation mediated by acetylcholine in epineurial vessels of diabetic rats. Sciatic nerve Na+-K+-ATPase activity and myoinositol content was also improved by DHEA treatment, whereas sorbitol and fructose content remained elevated. These studies suggest that DHEA, by preventing oxidative stress and perhaps improving sciatic nerve Na+-K+-ATPase activity, may improve vascular and neural dysfunction in diabetes.  相似文献   

The biogenic amine tyramine has been reported to stimulate in vitro glucose transport in adipocytes, cardiomyocytes and skeletal muscle, and to improve in vivo glucose utilization in rats. These effects were dependent on amine oxidation, since they were blocked by inhibitors of monoamine oxidase (MAO) and semicarbazide-sensitive amine oxidase (SSAO). We thus tested in this work whether a prolonged treatment with tyramine could improve glucose tolerance in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats. First, tyramine content of standard rodent chow was determined by HPLC and daily tyramine intake of control rats was estimated to be around 26 micromol/kg body weight. Then, tyramine was administred during 3 weeks in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats at 29 micromol/kg by daily i.p. injection alone or together with vanadate 0.02 micromol/kg. In another group of diabetic rats, tyramine was subcutaneously delivered at 116 micromol/kg/day by osmotic minipumps. All tyramine treatments resulted in a decrease of the hyperglycemic responses to an i.p. glucose load. Adipocytes isolated from either untreated or treated diabetic rats were sensitive to the stimulation of glucose uptake by tyramine. However, diabetic animals receiving tyramine for three weeks did not recover from their hyperglycemia, hypoinsulinemia and glucosuria. These results show that the improvement of glucose tolerance induced by prolonged tyramine administration occurs in an insulin-depleted model and probably results from peripheral insulin-like actions of the oxidation of MAO/SSAO substrates, such as the stimulation of glucose uptake into adipocytes.  相似文献   

Iron, the prosthetic group of haemoglobin, was found to lower serum glucose levels of diabetic rats. Its regulative mechanism and effects on enzymatic activities of glucose metabolism are still unknown. In this study, the correlation between iron supply and enzymatic activities of glucose metabolism and respiratory chain were evaluated in liver and kidney tissues of alloxan induced-diabetic rats. After FeSO4 and metformin administration, serum samples were collected for serum glucose and fructosamine level measurements. Kidney and liver tissues were excised at the end of the study for assaying enzymatic activities of isocitrate dehydrogenase, succinate dehydrogenase, malate dehydrogenase, NADH-dehydrogenase and cytochrome-c-oxidase. Results showed significantly decreased serum glucose and fructosamine levels in treatment groups and enhanced enzymatic activities of several proteins as compared with the diabetic control group. Therefore, these data suggested that FeSO4 administration could increase the supply of oxygen, enhance enzymatic activities of glucose metabolism and the respiratory chain, accelerate glucose metabolism and consequently decrease serum glucose levels.  相似文献   

The effect of corticosterone on protein turnover in skeletal muscle was investigated in growing rats. Protein synthesis was measured in vivo by the constant infusion of [(14)C]tyrosine. The extent to which any effect of corticosterone is modulated by the hyperinsulinaemia induced by steroid treatment was examined by giving the hormone not only to adrenalectomized rats but also to streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats maintained throughout the treatment period on two dosages of insulin by an implanted osmotic minipump. Approximate rates of protein degradation were also estimated in some cases as the difference between synthesis and net change in muscle protein mass. Measurements were also made of free 3-methylhistidine concentration in muscle and plasma. At 10mg of corticosterone/100g body wt. per day, growth stopped and muscle wasting occurred, whereas at 5 mg of corticosterone/100g body wt. per day no net loss of protein occurred. However, this low dose did induce muscle wasting when insulin concentration was regulated by a dose of 1.2 units/day. Protein synthesis was markedly depressed in all treated groups, the depression in the insulin-maintained rats being marginally more than in the hyperinsulinaemic adrenalectomized rats. The oxidative soleus muscle appeared to be less susceptible to the effect of the corticosterone than was the more glycolytic plantaris or gastrocnemius muscle. Any effect of the corticosterone on protein degradation was much less than its effects on protein synthesis. Where increases in the degradation rates appeared to occur in the rats treated with 10mg of corticosterone/100g body wt. per day, the increases were less than 20%. The free intracellular 3-methylhistidine concentrations were doubled in all groups treated with 5 mg of corticosterone/100g body wt. per day and increased 5-fold in the adrenalectomized rats treated with 10mg of corticosterone/100g body wt. per day, with no change in plasma concentration in any of the groups. It is therefore concluded that: (a) the suppression of protein synthesis is the main effect of glucocorticoids in muscle; (b) marked increases in insulin afford only minor protection against this effect; (c) stimulation of protein degradation may occur, but to a much lesser extent.  相似文献   

Adult rats treated with high doses of streptozocin became progressively more hyperglycemic during the first month of the diabetic condition. Treatment of these rats with the sulfonylurea glyburide halted, and in some cases, reversed this process in a high percentage of the diabetics. Associated with the glyburide-mediated improvement in fasting blood glucose levels was an increase in myocardial glucose utilization and lactate production. The stimulation of myocardial glucose utilization by insulin was greater in glyburide-treated hearts, indicating that the hyperglycemic agent increased insulin responsiveness. The sulfonylurea also partially restored insulin sensitivity to the normal range. In agreement with previous studies, myocardial mechanical function was significantly impaired in the diabetic heart. When treated with glyburide, the severity of the mechanical defect was significantly less. The sulfonylurea also promoted an increase in myosin ATPase activity and a shift in the myosin isozyme pattern in favour of the most active V1 form. These results imply that glyburide therapy can provide benefit to the diabetic heart by improving energy metabolism and promoting a shift in myosin towards the most active form.  相似文献   

Exercise training and sulfonylurea treatment, either individually or in combination, were evaluated for their effects on plasma glucose concentrations, oral glucose tolerance, and glucose clearance in the perfused hindquarter of diabetic rats. Female rats that were injected with streptozocin (45 mg/kg iv) and had plasma glucose concentrations between 11 and 25 mM were considered diabetic and divided into sedentary, glyburide-treated, exercise-trained, and glyburide-treated plus exercise-trained groups. The sedentary streptozocin-treated rats were severely diabetic, as indicated by elevated glucose concentrations, impaired insulin response during oral glucose tolerance tests, and lower rates of glucose clearance in hindlimb skeletal muscle. Neither 8 wk of exercise training nor 4 wk of glyburide treatment alone improved these parameters. In contrast, the diabetic rats that were both trained and treated with glyburide showed some improvement in glucose homeostasis, as evidenced by lower plasma glucose concentrations, an enhanced insulin response to an oral glucose load, and a decrease in the severity of skeletal muscle insulin resistance compared with the diabetic controls. These data suggest that glyburide treatment or exercise training alone does not alter glucose homeostasis in severely insulin-deficient diabetic rats; however, the combination of exercise training and glyburide treatment may interact to improve glucose homeostasis in these animals.  相似文献   

The current study was aimed to study the effect of curcumin on the expression levels of brain glucose transporter 1 protein (GLUT1) and femoral muscle glucose transporter 4 protein (GLUT4), in addition to study its possible therapeutic role in ameliorating insulin resistance and the metabolic disturbance in the obese and type 2 diabetic male albino Wistar rat model. Diabetes was induced by a high-fat (HF) diet with low dose streptozotocin (STZ). Curcumin was administered intragastrically for 8 weeks (80 mg/kg BW/day). The HF-diet group developed obesity, hyperglycemia, hyperinsulinemia, reduced liver glycogen content with significant dyslipidemia. In the diabetic control group, hyperglycemia and insulin resistance high calculated homeostasis model assessment (HOMA-IR-index score) were pronounced, with reductions in liver and muscle glycogen contents, concomitant with dyslipidemia and significantly elevated malondialdehyde levels in liver and pancreas. GLUT1 and GLUT4 were down-regulated in the obese and the diabetic control groups, respectively. Curcumin, showed glucose-lowering effect and decreased insulin resistance, dyslipidemia and malondialdehyde levels in both tissues, it increased liver & muscle glycogen contents, compared to the diabetic control. Curcumin significantly up-regulated GLUT4 gene expression, compared to the diabetic control group. In conclusions, these results indicate a therapeutic role of curcumin in improving the diabetic status, obesity and enhancing the expression of GLUT4 gene.  相似文献   

Microbial metabolism of the stereoisomers (+)-catechin and (−)-epicatechin was compared by two analytical techniques, GC/MS for quantitative targeted analysis and GC×GC-TOF for global characterization of the metabolome, using human faecal microbiota as an inoculum of converting microbiota. The ring-fission site changed when the inocula originated from two different groups of donors, but dehydroxylation progressed similarly regardless of the inoculum. Whereas GC/MS proved to be an appropriate tool for the study of specific expected metabolites of catechin stereoisomers, GC×GC-TOF-based metabolomics analysis also revealed new metabolites not included in the targeted analyses. Quantitation and verification of identification can also be performed in a metabolomics platform, if authentic standards are available.  相似文献   

Angiotensin receptor blockers provide cardiovascular protection in heart failure patients. We have studied the effect of 8 weeks treatment with telmisartan (5 mg kg(-1) day(-1)) on cardiovascular complications associated with streptozotocin (STZ) diabetic rats. Wistar rats were made diabetic with STZ (45 mg kg(-1), iv). Various biochemical and cardiac parameters were measured at the end of 8 weeks. STZ produced hyperglycemia, hypoinsulinemia, hyperlipidemia, increased blood pressure, increased creatinine, cardiac enzyme and C-reactive protein (CRP) levels, reduction in heart rate and cardiac hypertrophy. Chronic treatment with telmisartan significantly (P < 0.05) prevented STZ induced hypertension and elevated fasting glucose level with simultaneous increase in serum insulin levels. It significantly (P < 0.05) reduced the elevated cholesterol, very low density lipoprotein (VLDL) and triglyceride levels in diabetic rats and increased the lower high density lipoprotein (HDL)-cholesterol levels. Further, telmisartan produced a significant (P < 0.05) reduction in the elevated creatinine levels, CRP and levels of other cardiac enzyme markers like Lactate de-hydrogenase and creatinine kinase of diabetic rats. STZ-induced bradycardia was also prevented by telmisartan treatment and it also produced beneficial effect by preventing cardiac hypertrophy as evident from left ventricular collagen levels, cardiac hypertrophy index and left ventricular hypertrophy index of diabetic rats. Our data suggest that telmisartan prevents not only the STZ-induced metabolic abnormalities, but also cardiovascular complications.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to gain further insights into the possible nutraceutical effect on redox balance via thioredoxin (Trx) modulation and on the intrinsic susceptibility of monocytes to generate an inflammatory response. The study group consisted of thirty-two patients with compensated Child A-C, HCV-related cirrhosis. The patients were supplemented for 6 months with 6g/day of a certified fermented papaya preparation (FPP). Fifteen unsupplemented, age/gender-matched healthy subjects served as controls. The patients filled in a detailed diet-life style questionnaire, and blood samples were collected to test routine biochemistry, Trx, redox status (GSH, GSSG, GSH/GSSG ratio, 4-HNE and alpha-tocopherol). Moreover, isolated monocytes were tested for ex-vivo LPS-stimulated TNF-alpha production and TNF-alpha mRNA. As compared to control, patients with liver cirrhosis showed a significantly higher serum level of Trx. A significant correlation occurred with GSH/GSSG ratio in Child B and C patients. FPP supplementation brought about a significant reduction of Trx with levels comparable to the ones of healthy controls. Ten patients Child C (31.2 percent) showed borderline low levels of alpha-tocopherol while all cirrhotic patients, as a whole, showed a significantly abnormal redox balance. Supplementation with FPP did not modify alpha-tocopherol depletion but significantly improved redox balance parameters. Patients with liver cirrhosis showed a significantly upregulated TNF-alpha production in a time-dependent manner and this effect was more pronounced in more advanced stages of the disease and showed a significant correlation with alpha-tocopherol level. Supplementation with FPP significantly, although partially, downregulated TNF-alpha production from monocytes. Taken altogether, it would appear that the typical oxidative-inflammatory biochemical milieu of these patients is mirrored by a significant TNF-alpha upregulation at a monocyte level while a targeted nutraceutical might be a potentially amenable intervention to be part of validated scheduled treatments.  相似文献   

Cognitive dysfunction syndrome (CDS) is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder of senior dogs. Since age-related behavioural changes may be useful indicators for early diagnosis and treatment, the first purpose of the present study was to investigate the prevalence of clinical signs of CDS in a general population of aged dogs. The second aim was to evaluate the use of a neuroprotective nutraceutical (Senilife®, Innovet Italia srl, Rubano, Italy) using an open-label clinical pilot trial.Dogs were recruited from a geriatric population not referred for behavioural consultations. A questionnaire with a checklist of behaviours was filled out to evaluate behavioural items grouped in the following categories: disorientation (D), socio-environmental interaction (I), sleep–wake cycles (S), house soiling (H), general activity (A)—(DISHA). Each owner was asked to rate the frequency of the behavioural signs: never, rarely, often, or always.One hundred and twenty-four dogs were assessed in the first survey; 22 of the 124 dogs tested in the survey were ruled out based on exclusion criteria (clinically and/or sensory severe impairment), 42 dogs had alterations in one category and 33 dogs had signs in 2 or more categories. Consequently 75 dogs had signs consistent with CDS.Among this population eight dogs affected by CDS were enrolled for the second step of the project, an open-label clinical pilot trial with the neuroprotective nutraceutical Senilife®. Senilife® contains 25 mg phosphatidylserine, 50 mg of standardized Ginkgo biloba extract, 33.5 mg/d-alpha tocopherol and 20.5 mg pyridoxine per capsule and is dosed at one capsule per 5 kg body weight. The investigator asked the owners to rate the frequency of behaviours referring to DISHA using a four point frequency scale (never, rarely, often, always). Post-treatment, the owners were asked to evaluate all the signs in each category on a five point scale (much better, slightly better, the same, slightly worse, much worse). At the time of the first visit (V0) the owners were briefed verbally about the procedure; no behavioural advice was given throughout the study time and whenever appropriate therapy with Senilife® (was started. At V0, V1 (28 ± 3 days), V2 (56 ± 3 days) and V3 (84 ± 3 days) a control visit was performed and the owners were interviewed. Dogs treated with Senilife® showed a highly significant difference at V3 compared to V0 (p < 0.001).Preliminary results from dogs on Senilife® showed a marked improvement of CDS related signs, even if the dogs failed to show a complete remission of symptoms.  相似文献   

Granda TG  Velasco A 《Life sciences》2002,71(21):2475-2487
The effect of insulin treatment on the daily distribution of the urinary volume and urinary sodium and potassium excreted, as well as their clearance rhythms in rats with streptozotocin (STZ)-induced diabetes was investigated. Normal(C), uncontrolled (D) and controlled insulin diabetic rats (DI), were studied during a light-dark (12 h:12 h) cycle and given food and water ad libitum. The DI rats showed a significant reduction in the urinary sodium and potassium excreted during 24 h with respect to the D rats, though these values were significantly higher than the C ones. A loss of the normal circadian rhythmicity of diuresis and both sodium and potassium clearance was observed in the D rats, together with higher values of M (MESOR) than in the C rats. These rhythms could be reestablished with continuous insulin infusion, their orthophases occurring near the C ones. However the M values of sodium and potassium clearance in DI rats are greater than C, showing higher values than this group during the rest phase. These results in DI rats may suggest that the constant rate infusion of insulin can be responsible for the high values of clearance of both ions at the rest phase and so for the incomplete renal rhythms restoration.  相似文献   

目的:探讨黄连素对链脲佐菌素所致糖尿病大鼠胰岛素抵抗的治疗作用。方法:采用链脲佐菌素腹腔注射的方式建立大鼠糖尿病模型,将实验大鼠分为5组:分别为模型组、黄连素低(100 mg/kg)、黄连素中(200 mg/kg)、黄连素高(300 mg/kg)剂量组和阳性对照组(二甲双胍:50 mg/kg),每组10只。另取10只正常大鼠作为正常组。黄连素低、中、高剂量组小鼠每天分别灌胃100、200和300 mg/kg黄连素;对照组每天灌胃二甲双胍50 mg/kg;正常组和模型组每天给予相同体积的生理盐水进行灌胃; 1次/天,连续灌胃4周。通过测定大鼠血FBG、果糖胺水平,OGTT实验,胰岛素(FINS)水平,并计算大鼠胰岛素抵抗指数(HOMA-IR)来评价黄连素对糖尿病大鼠胰岛素抵抗作用。结果:与正常组相比,给药前模型组大鼠静脉血FBG含量显著升高(P<0.05);与模型组比较,给药2周及以后给药4周后阳性对照组、黄连素中剂量组和高剂量组大鼠静脉血FBG含量均显著下降(P<0.05);给药4周后,阳性对照组、黄连素低、中、高剂量组OGTT实验结果显示在不同时间节点的血糖值均显著低于模...  相似文献   

Kolaviron, a biflavonoid isolated from the edible seeds of Garcinia kola, lowers blood glucose in experimental models of diabetes; however, the underlying mechanisms are not yet fully elucidated. The objective of the current study was to assess the effects of kolaviron on islet dynamics in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats. Using double immunolabeling of glucagon and insulin, we identified insulin-producing β- and glucagon-producing α-cells in the islets of diabetic and control rats and determined the fractional β-cell area, α-cell area and islet number. STZ challenged rats presented with islet hypoplasia and reduced β-cell area concomitant with an increase in α-cell area. Kolaviron restored some islet architecture in diabetic rats through the increased β-cell area. Overall, kolaviron-treated diabetic rats presented a significant (p < 0.05) increase in the number of large and very large islets compared to diabetic control but no difference in islet number and α-cell area. The β-cell replenishment potential of kolaviron and its overall positive effects on glycemic control suggest that it may be a viable target for diabetes treatment.  相似文献   

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