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In animal-pollinated plants with unisexual flowers, sexual dimorphism in floral traits may be the consequence of pollinator-mediated selection. Experimental investigations of the effects of variation in flower size and floral display on pollinator visitation can provide insights into the evolution of floral dimorphism in dioecious plants. Here, we investigated pollinator responses to experimental arrays of dioecious Sagittaria latifolia in which we manipulated floral display and flower size. We also examined whether there were changes in pollinator visitation with increasing dimorphism in flower size. In S. latifolia, males have larger flowers and smaller floral displays than females. Visitation by pollinators, mainly flies and bees, was more frequent for male than for female inflorescences and increased with increasing flower size, regardless of sex. The number of insect visits per flower decreased with increasing floral display in males but remained constant in females. Greater sexual dimorphism in flower size increased visits to male inflorescences but had no influence on the number of visits to female inflorescences. These results suggest that larger flower sizes would be advantageous to both females and males, and no evidence was found that females suffer from increased flower-size dimorphism. Small daily floral displays may benefit males by allowing extended flowering periods and greater opportunities for effective pollen dispersal.  相似文献   

We investigated the effect of flowering time, display size, and local floral density on fruit set in Tolumnia variegata, a pollination-limited orchid that offers no reward to its pollinator(s). During 1990, natural variation in flowering time, display size, and fruit set were monitored in 508 plants at one locality in Puerto Rico. The following season, orchid floral abundance per host tree (Randia aculeata) was manipulated to investigate its effect on fruit set. Four floral abundance treatments were established (700, 500, 300, and 100), each replicated four times. Flowering time was the most important trait affecting fruit set. The proportion of plants setting at least one fruit was significantly high early and late in the season, but low during the flowering peak. Thus, strong disruptive selection differential on flowering phenology was found. Display size had little effect on fruit set. A weak, but significant disruptive selection differential on display size was found. Orchid floral abundance per host tree had a significant effect on fruit set. Early in the season, T. variegata flowers with intermediate number of conspecific flowers exhibited a greater probability of setting fruit than those in host trees with fewer or more flowers. Our results show that flowering phenology may be evolutionarily unstable, possibly a consequence of the deception pollination system. Furthermore, a deception strategy would be relatively unsuccessful in populations where plants are found in either very dense or sparse patches.  相似文献   

We tested one of the predictions of Brunet and Charlesworth (1995) that relative floral sex allocation will vary temporally with the mating environment and that the form of dichogamy (protandry vs. protogyny) will select for the pattern of variation in male versus female resource allocation. In many hermaphroditic plant species, allocation to female function (ovule number) decreases from early to late flowers within inflorescences as a result of resource limitation or ontogenetic changes. This pattern may obscure the effects of the mating environment and dichogamy on selection for allocation patterns in protandrous species (male allocation increases regardless). By examining a protogynous species the alternative pattern of temporal variation in resource allocation is predicted, namely that allocation to male function should decrease (or female allocation increase) throughout the flowering sequence. This pattern was observed in protogynous Aquilegia yabeana (Ranunculaceae), in which ovule number per flower remained constant whereas pollen number decreased in sequentially blooming flowers. These observations support the temporal sex allocation hypothesis of Brunet and Charlesworth (1995).  相似文献   

The effect of flowering time and anthesis stage on fecundity of Gentiana pneumonanthe L. (Gentianaceae) in a greenhouse experiment was studied. The species is self-compatible, not apomictic, and rarely self-pollinates spontaneously. On average, flowers lived for 11.4 days, starting with a male stage of 3.6 and continuing with a female stage of 7.9 days. Pollen viability was highest during the first two days of the male stage, but never exceeded 50%. Seed-set from cross-pollination was higher earlier in the flowering period (77%) than later (63Vo). For self-pollinations, no significant difference was observed. The success of hand-pollinations declined dramatically after the fourth day of the female stage. Self-pollination yielded lower seed-set on the first day of the female stage than on the following three days. Also, there was a significant difference in seed-set between self- and cross-pollinations (25% vs 55%, respectively) only on the first day. This suggests that selection against self pollen was stronger during the first stage of the female phase and weakened as the stylar tissue aged. In conclusion, two different ways to enhance outcrossing were observed: (1) within the population's flowering period, and (2) within an individual flower's lifespan. Both may have important effects on the genetic variability of G. pneumonanthe offspring under unfavourable conditions. Wese include small population size (associated with reduced pollinator service), general pollinator scarcity, or rainy summers.  相似文献   

Variation among the leaves, flowers or fruit produced by a plant is often regarded as a nuisance to the experimenter and an impediment to selection. Here, we suggest that within‐plant variation can drive selection on other plant‐level traits. We examine within‐plant variation in floral sex allocation and in fruit set and predict that such variation generates variation in male success among plants, thereby driving selection on flowering time. We tested this prediction in a simulation model estimating selection on flowering time through male fitness when floral sex allocation and/or fruit set vary directionally among flowers on plants. We parameterized the model through a quantitative literature survey of within‐plant change in sex allocation. As predicted, within‐plant variation in floral sex allocation and in fruit set probability can generate selection on flowering time through male fitness. Declining fruit set from first to last flowers on plants, as occurs in many species, selected for early flowering onset through male fitness. This result was robust to self‐incompatibility and to varying returns on male versus female investment. Selection caused by declining fruit set was strong enough to reverse the selection for late flowering that can be caused by intrafloral protandry. Our model provides testable predictions regarding selection on flowering time through male fitness. The model also establishes the intriguing possibility that within‐plant variation may influence selection on other traits, regardless of whether that variation is under selection itself.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

The number of flowers blooming simultaneously on a plant may have profound consequences for reproductive success. Large floral displays often attract more pollinator visits, increasing outcross pollen receipt. However, pollinators frequently probe more flowers in sequence on large displays, potentially increasing self-pollination and reducing pollen export per flower. To better understand how floral display size influences male and female fitness, we manipulated display phenotypes and then used paternity analysis to quantify siring success and selfing rates.


To facilitate unambiguous assignment of paternity, we established four replicate (cloned) arrays of Mimulus ringens, each consisting of genets with unique combinations of homozygous marker genotypes. In each array, we trimmed displays to two, four, eight or 16 flowers. When fruits ripened, we counted the number of seeds per fruit and assigned paternity to 1935 progeny.

Key Results

Siring success per flower declined sharply with increasing display size, while female success per flower did not vary with display. The rate of self-fertilization increased for large floral displays, but siring losses due to geitonogamous pollen discounting were much greater than siring gains through increased self-fertilization. As display size increased, each additional seed sired through geitonogamous self-pollination was associated with a loss of 9·7 seeds sired through outcrossing.


Although total fitness increased with floral display size, the marginal return on each additional flower declined steadily as display size increased. Therefore, a plant could maximize fitness by producing small displays over a long flowering period, rather than large displays over a brief flowering period.  相似文献   

Pollination systems differ in pollen transfer efficiency, a variable that may influence the evolution of flower number. Here we apply a comparative approach to examine the link between pollen transfer efficiency and the evolution of inflorescence size in food and sexually deceptive orchids. We examined pollination performance in nine food‐deceptive, and eight sexually deceptive orchids by recording pollen removal and deposition in the field. We calculated correlations between reproductive success and flower number (as a proxy for resources allocated during reproductive process), and directional selection differentials were estimated on flower number for four species. Results indicate that sexually deceptive species experience decreased pollen loss compared to food‐deceptive species. Despite producing fewer flowers, sexually deceptive species attained levels of overall pollination success (through male and female function) similar to food‐deceptive species. Furthermore, a positive correlation between flower number and pollination success was observed in food‐deceptive species, but this correlation was not detected in sexually deceptive species. Directional selection differentials for flower number were significantly higher in food compared to sexually deceptive species. We suggest that pollination systems with more efficient pollen transfer and no correlation between pollination success and number of flowers produced, such as sexual deception, may allow the production of inflorescences with fewer flowers that permit the plant to allocate fewer resources to floral displays and, at the same time, limit transpiration. This strategy can be particularly important for ecological success in Mediterranean water‐deprived habitats, and might explain the high frequency of sexually deceptive species in these specialised ecosystems.  相似文献   

Trade-offs between flower size and number seem likely to influence the evolution of floral display and are an important assumption of several theoretical models. We assessed floral trade-offs by imposing two generations of selection on flower size and number in a greenhouse population of bee-pollinated Eichhornia paniculata. We established a control line and two replicate selection lines of 100 plants each for large flowers (S+), small flowers (S-), and many flowers per inflorescence (N+). We compared realized heritabilities and genetic correlations with estimates based on restricted-maximum-likelihood (REML) analysis of pedigrees. Responses to selection confirmed REML heritability estimates (flower size, h2 = 0.48; daily flower number, h2 = 0.10; total flower number, h2 = 0.23). Differences in nectar, pollen, and ovule production between S+ and S- lines supported an overall divergence in investment per flower. Both realized and REML estimates of the genetic correlation between daily and total flower number were r = 1.0. However, correlated responses to selection were inconsistent in their support of a trade-off. In both S- lines, correlated increases in flower number indicated a genetic correlation of r = -0.6 between flower size and number. In contrast, correlated responses in N+ and S+ lines were not significant, although flower size decreased in one N+ line. In addition, REML estimates of genetic correlations between flower size and number were positive, and did not differ from zero when variation in leaf area and age at first flowering were taken into account. These results likely reflect the combined effects of variation in genes controlling the resources available for flowering and genes with opposing effects on flower size and number. Our results suggest that the short-term evolution of floral display is not necessarily constrained by trade-offs between flower size and number, as is often assumed.  相似文献   

Reproductive strategies, sexual selection, and their relationship with the phenotype of individuals are topics widely studied in animals, but this information is less abundant for plants. Variability in flowering phenology among individuals has direct impact on their fitness, but how reproductive phenology is affected by the size of the individuals needs further study. We quantified the flowering intensity, length, and reproductive synchronization of two sympatric dioecious Wild Nutmeg tree species (Virola, Myristicaceae) in the Brazilian Atlantic forest, and analyzed its relationships with tree size. Two distinct strategies in flowering timing and intensity were found between species (annual versus biennial flowering), and among individuals in the annual flowering species (extended versus peak flowering). Only for the annual flowering species the reproductive output is related to tree size and large trees present proportionally higher flower coverage, and lower synchronization than smaller ones. Flowering is massive and highly synchronized in the biennial species. Sex ratios are not different from 1:1 in the two species, and in the two segregated reproductive subgroups in the biennial flowering species. The biennial flowering at individual level is a novelty among reproductive patterns in plants, separating the population in two reproductive subgroups. A proportional increase in the reproductive output with size exists only for the annual flowering species. A biennial flowering can allow resource storage favouring massive flowering for all the individuals diluting their relationship with size.  相似文献   

The degree to which fine‐scaled variation in floral symmetry is associated with variation in plant fitness remains unresolved, as does the question of whether floral symmetry is in itself a target of pollinator‐mediated selection. Geranium robertianum (Geraniaceae) is a broadly distributed species whose five‐petaled flowers vary widely with respect to their degree of rotational asymmetry. In this study, we used a naturally occurring population of plants to investigate whether floral rotational asymmetry and leaf bilateral symmetry were phenotypically correlated with a series of fitness‐related traits, and also used an experimental array with model flowers to investigate the preference of insect visitors for varying degrees of floral size and symmetry. We found that leaf asymmetry was not associated with any of the phenotypic traits measured, and that the degree of floral rotational asymmetry was strongly associated with decreased flower size and decreased pollen production. Our experimental arrays showed that insect visitors did not discriminate among model flowers on the basis of size or symmetry alone; however, insect visitors preferentially visited smaller, symmetric model flowers over larger, severely asymmetric model flowers. Taken together, our results suggest that floral and leaf symmetry in G. robertianum are not likely strong indicators of phenotypic quality, and that floral symmetry is unlikely to be a target of pollinator‐mediated selection. However, the relationship between floral asymmetry and pollen production may provide a role for fecundity selection on symmetry in this species. These data importantly add to the growing literature on the adaptive nature of floral symmetry in the wild.  相似文献   

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