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Ecological and microevolutionary perspectives were used to investigate signs of background extinction in two endemic species. We studied relict populations of the cycad Dioon caputoi, contrasting its population structure and neighborhood size with those of Dioon planifolium as a demographically healthier reference population. Population dynamics analysis was performed on two populations of D. caputoi through Integral Projection Models and genetic neighborhoods compared between species through 172 Inter Simple Sequence Repeat loci performed in one population of each of the two study species. The D. caputoi populations mostly comprised adult plants, while D. planifolium presented mainly juvenile individuals. Dioon caputoi showed equilibrium in population growth (i.e., λ ≈ 1), with low recruitment, and its genetic neighborhood revealed highly related individuals in a unique distance class (rij = 0.407, 33 m). A contrasting pattern was found in D. planifolium, which showed higher relatedness in the first distance class (rij = 0.543, 5 m), gradually decreasing to 20 m. The discrepancies between the two species reflect different strategies of persistence. Dioon caputoi conserves a relict dynamics with signs of a multigenerational, attritional loss of reproductive fitness, while D. planifolium does not. This study furthers our understanding of the background extinction process and the information will thus contribute to the management and conservation of this endangered species.  相似文献   

Granivory is an important interaction in the arid and semi-arid zones of the world, since seeds form an abundant and nutritious resource in these areas. While species of the genus Pogonomyrmex have been studied in detail as seed predators, their impact on seed abundance in the soil has not yet been explored in sufficient depth. We studied the impact of the harvesting activities of the ant Pogonomyrmex barbatus on seed abundance in the soil of the Zapotitlán valley, Mexico. We found that P. barbatus activity significantly impacts the abundance of seeds in the soil, which is lower in the sites where P. barbatus forages than it is in sites with no recorded foraging. We also found that P. barbatus distributes intact seeds of three tree species, two of which are nurse plants, and could consequently be promoting the establishment of these species. Using tools derived from graph theory, we observed that the ant-seed interactions exhibit a nested pattern; where more depredated seed species seem to be the more spatially abundant in the environment. This study illustrates the complex foraging ecology of the harvester ant P. barbatus and elucidates its effect on the soil seed bank in a semi-arid environment.  相似文献   



The interaction between ecological and evolutionary processes has been recognized as an important factor shaping the evolutionary history of species. Some authors have proposed different ecological and evolutionary hypotheses concerning the relationships between plants and their pollinators; a special case is the interaction and suspected coevolution among Agave spp. and their main pollinators, the Leptonycteris bats. Agave spp. have, in general, a pollination syndrome compatible with chiropterophily including floral shape and size, nocturnal nectar production, and nectar quality and sugar concentration. Our goal was to analyze the interaction Agave–Leptonycteris and its dynamics during three different climate scenarios.


We modeled the Agave–Leptonycteris interaction in its spatial and temporal components during the Pleistocene using Ecological Niche Models (ENMs) and three climate scenarios: Current, Last Glacial Maximum (LGM), and Last InterGlacial (LIG). Furthermore, we analyzed the geographic correlation between 96 Agave spp. and two of the Mexican Tequila bats, genus Leptonycteris.


We found that Leptonycteris spp. interact with different Agave spp. over their migratory routes. We propose an interaction refuge in Metztitlán and Tehuacán-Cuicatlán areas, where Agave- Leptonycteris interaction has probably remained active. During the nonmigratory season, both bat species consume nectar of almost the same Agave spp., suggesting the possibility of a diffuse coevolution among Agave and Leptonycteris bats.


We propose that in the areas related to migratory bat movements, each bat species interacts with different Agave spp., whereas in the areas occupied by nonmigrant individuals, both bat species consume nectar of almost the same Agave taxa.

Neobuxbaumia macrocephala is a long-lived columnar cactus endemic to the Tehuacán-Cuicatlán Valley in south-central Mexico. This plant has a very restricted distribution and few recruitment events have been detected in its populations. In this study, we analyze the N. macrocephala demographic pattern using a projection matrix in order to determine the main limiting factors of this species. To accomplish this goal, we compare our results with those obtained for another species of the same genus, N. tetetzo. Considering that both species inhabit the same valley, we believe that this comparative study will offer insights into the main demographic limitations of N. macrocephala. Results showed that these species of columnar cacti have similar demographic patterns in which survival is the process with the highest relative contribution to λ, followed by growth and reproduction. Of all the life cycle stages, seeds and seedlings have the lowest survival probabilities due to a high mortality caused by seed predation and effects of direct solar radiation on germinated seeds. The estimated growth rates indicate that populations of these species of Neobuxbaumia are in a numerical equilibrium. With respect to reproduction, N. macrocephala produce a lower number of seeds per plant than N. tetetzo. This low level of sexual reproduction may decrease the probability of establishment of new individuals in N. macrocephala populations. It is suggested that pollen limitation and pre-dispersal seed predation could be some factors that limit the distribution and abundance of this columnar cactus. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Marine organisms exhibit a wide range of egg sizes, even among closely related taxa, and egg size is widely considered to be one of the most important components of the life histories of marine species. The nature of the trade-off between egg size and number and the consequences of variation in egg size for offspring growth and survivorship have been extensively modeled. Yet, there is little empirical evidence that supports the relative importance of particular environmental parameters in engendering the tremendous variation in egg size seen in marine organisms. This study compares egg sizes between six geminate species pairs of bivalves in the family Arcidae to determine whether egg size differs in predictable directions between geminate species in the two oceans separated by the Central American isthmus, and whether the direction and timing of egg size evolution among geminates in this family is correlated with both modern and paleoceanographic patterns of oceanic productivity. In all modern members of six geminate pairs, egg size was larger in the species in the western Atlantic than in its sister species the eastern Pacific. This pattern supports the hypothesis that optimal egg size differs in the two oceans due to the low productivity and poor larval feeding environment in the western Atlantic relative to the eastern Pacific. The fossil record of one geminate pair shows that egg size has remained consistently large in the western Atlantic from the Miocene to the Recent, while egg size in the eastern Pacific has decreased to the current small size in less than 2 million years; this suggests that modern-day differences between egg sizes in the western Atlantic and eastern Pacific are due to either an increase in productivity in the eastern Pacific and subsequent selection for smaller eggs in that ocean, or differential patterns of extinction that occurred well after the rise of the isthmus. These results agree with ancestral character state reconstruction using linear parsimony, but differ from squared-change parsimony reconstructions.  相似文献   

Synopsis We examined the ontogenetic allometry of intestine length in relation to body length and body mass in 21 species of fish from forest streams in Panama. The relationships between log10 intestine length and log10 body length and mass were well described by linear regressions, although some species showed slight curvilinearity. Slopes and intercepts of the linear regressions varied considerably among species. Intestine length was positively allometric in most species, with slopes of the intestine length:body length relationship ranging from 1.09 to 2.11. Relative intestine lengths (intestine length/body length) varied by two orders of magnitude (0.39–38.44) in the data set as a whole, but the variation was about one order of magnitude when species were compared at a common body size. Species in which body mass increased more rapidly with body length had more rapid increases in intestine length with body length. Among omnivorous and carnivorous species compared at the same body length, heavier species had longer intestines. Interspecific comparisons of relative intestine length may produce misleading conclusions unless comparisons are made at a common size and account for differences in relative mass.  相似文献   

Over 11 years of study, fish species richness decreased continually and significantly in the tailwater of the Warta River (Poland). The smallest sample size required for estimating species richness of fish communities in the tailwater increased. As the rarefaction method has rarely been applied in fishery research, its strengths and drawbacks in cases similar to this are discussed.  相似文献   

Recent advances in remote sensing such as airborne laser scanning have revolutionized our ability to accurately map forest canopy gaps, with huge implications for tracking forest dynamics at scale. However, few studies have explored how canopy gaps vary among forests at different successional stages following disturbances, such as those caused by logging. Moreover, most studies have focused exclusively on the size distribution of gaps, ignoring other key features such as their spatial distribution and shape. Here, we test a series of hypotheses about how the number, size, spatial configuration, and geometry of gaps vary across a logging disturbance gradient in Malaysian Borneo. As predicted, we found that recently logged forests had much higher gap fraction compared to old-growth forests, a result of having both a greater total number of gaps and a higher proportion of large gaps. Regrowing forests, on the other hand, fell at the opposite end of the spectrum, being characterized by both fewer and smaller gaps compared to nearby old-growth forests. Across all successional stages gaps were found to be spatially clustered. However, logging significantly diluted the degree of spatial aggregation and led to the formation of gaps with much more complex geometries. Our results showcase how logging and subsequent regrowth substantially alter not just the number and size of gaps in a forest, but also their spatial arrangement and shape. Linking these emergent patterns to their underlying processes is key to better understanding the impacts of human disturbance on the structure and function of tropical forests.  相似文献   

The size of a sampling unit has a critical effect on our perception of ecological phenomena; it influences the variance and correlation structure estimates of the data. Classical statistical theory works well to predict the changes in variance when there is no autocorrelation structure, but it is not applicable when the data are spatially autocorrelated. Geostatistical theory, on the other hand, uses analytical relationships to predict the variance and autocorrelation structure that would be observed if a survey was conducted using sampling units of a different size. To test the geostatistical predictions, we used information about individual tree locations in the tropical rain forest of the Pasoh Reserve, Malaysia. This allowed us to simulate and compare various sampling designs. The original data were reorganised into three artificial data sets, computing tree densities (number of trees per square meter in each quadrat) corresponding to three quadrat sizes (5×5, 10×10 and 20×20 m(2)). Based upon the 5×5 m(2) data set, the spatial structure was modelled using a random component (nugget effect) plus an exponential model for the spatially structured component. Using the within-quadrat variances inferred from the variogram model, the change of support relationships predicted the spatial autocorrelation structure and new variances corresponding to 10×10 m(2) and 20×20 m(2) quadrats. The theoretical and empirical results agreed closely, while the classical approach would have largely underestimated the variance. As quadrat size increases, the range of the autocorrelation model increases, while the variance and proportion of noise in the data decrease. Large quadrats filter out the spatial variation occurring at scales smaller than the size of their sampling units, thus increasing the proportion of spatially structured component with range larger than the size of the sampling units.  相似文献   

S. Tanaka  H. Wolda 《Oecologia》1987,73(4):559-565
Summary Short-winged forms of the bug, Jadera aeola, were discovered during the late dry season at a study site on Barro Colorado Island, Panama. They were smaller than long-winged adults not only in elytron and hindwing sizes but also in head, thorax, rostrum and hind femur dimentions. When newly emerged adults were kept under natural photothermal conditions, short-winged females started ovipositing earlier, produced more eggs, and died earlier than did long-winged females. This was partly due to the fact that long-winged adults usually enter diapause after adult energence (Tanaka et al. 1987b). Egg size was another factor contributing to the high egg production in the short-winged form; it was significantly smaller in the short-winged form than that in the long-winged form. Wing form was apparently environmentally induced because all off-spring of short-winged adults became long-winged. No short-winged form was obtained in the laboratory when nymphs were reared on different species of seeds at different photoperiods. Although the factor(s) responsible for determination of the wing form remains unknown, the ecological significance of this short-winged form seems clear, i.e. exploitation of the food resource left in the late dry season. Wing length dimorphism in J. aeola could be a response to unpredictable availability of the food resource determined by seed production of the host plants (Sapindaceae) and by the timing of the onset of a wet season.  相似文献   

Some observations on the effect of body size on the respiratory metabolism of the tropical limpet Cellana radiata (Born) were made. In addition the tidal rhythm in the oxygen consumption of the animals was also studied.  相似文献   

H. J. Young 《Oecologia》1988,76(3):461-466
Summary Genetic neighborhood size and area were estimated from pollinator movements over 3 years in a scarab beetle-pollinated clonal herb, Dieffenbachia longispatha (Araceae) at the La Selva Biological Station, Costa Rica. This species was characterized by low densities of reproductive individuals and asynchronous flowering within the population. The pollinator flight distributions were characterized by relatively long mean distances between consecutive visits to inflorescences (83 m) and movements to the nearest neighboring inflorescence in the appropriate phase of flowering. Pollinator movement distributions between consecutive visits to inflorescences were significantly leptokurtic in 2 of the 3 years. I calculated neighborhood sizes incorporating the levels of kurtosis and found minimal estimates of N e to be 227–611 ramets and neighborhood area to be 88 000–180 000 m2. The three beetle species that made 94% of the visits (Cyclocephala gravis, C. amblyopsis, and Erioscelis columbica) varied in their flight distributions and in their contributions to the estimates of neighborhood size. Cyclocephala amblyopsis exhibited the greatest degree of kurtosis in its movement patterns, and neighborhood size based on its movement was large relative to N e calculated from movement distributions of the other two beetle species. Long-distance movements of C. amblyopsis (>300 m) accounted for 68% of the neighborhood size.  相似文献   

Novikov I  Oberman B  Freedman L 《Biometrics》2005,61(4):1123-6; discussion 1126-7
Several authors have addressed the problem of calculating sample size for a matched case-control study with a dichotomous exposure. The approach of Parker and Bregman (1986, Biometrics42, 919-926) is, in our view, one of the most satisfactory, since it requires specification of quantities that are often easily available to the investigator. However, its recommended implementation involves a computational approximation. We show here that the approximation performs poorly in extreme situations and can be easily replaced with a more exact calculation.  相似文献   

Comparisons of sympatric species inhabiting the same ecological habitat may elucidate adaptive processes. We studied the physiological patterns of two species of the genus Limicolaria (L. aurora and L. flammea) that thrive in a hot tropical habitat. We examined changes in water content, biochemical fuel reserves and haemolymph enzyme activities during aestivation and activity. Our results indicate that both species had the potential to conserve body water during aestivation. A definite pattern in foot muscle biochemical fuel reserves was observed. Both species depleted glycogen during aestivation while building up lipids. Catabolism of protein was observed during aestivation. Lactate levels and the activity of lactate dehydrogenase both decreased during aestivation, and both variables later increased at the onset of activity. Significantly higher enzyme activities were recorded during aestivation than during the active period. Stepwise discrimination analysis revealed lactate as the significant predictor of differences between the two periods, with 97.9% of the cases correctly classified. No significant correlation was observed between the measured variables and climatic data. Our results suggest that the physiological adaptation of Limicolaria is not environmentally predictable, rather it is inherently determined for ensuring physiological adjustment for survival in the tropics.  相似文献   

There are still substantial questions about whether protected areas affect the quality and biodiversity of surface waters within their borders. In this study, the size and land use of 19 protected areas of Latium Region (central Italy) were related to the biological quality of 32 streams running inside them. Additionally, the biological quality of 18 out of the 32 streams was compared with the quality recorded on the same streams outside the boundaries of the protected areas. The biological quality was assessed using the Extended Biotic Index, which indicates the macroinvertebrate community health. The quality of 32 study streams running through the protected areas was not related to the size of these areas, but it did reflect land use. On average, the 18 study sites inside protected areas had biological quality similar to external control sites. In the protected areas, the biological quality of streams was higher than for the same streams in the surrounding territory provided that anthropogenic changes were fewer. These data indicate that the creation of protected areas per se does not increase freshwater biodiversity and that land use has a major impact on the biological quality of the stream in a protected area. As a consequence, a higher number of reserves or landscape designations specifically created for aquatic conservation is necessary and recovery programs aimed at restoring physical habitats and reducing sources of impact to aquatic life have to be pursued. Also, where the anthropogenic impact is high (e.g., as in the case of strongly urbanised areas), the creation of effective protected areas might improve the biological quality of water courses.  相似文献   

The abundance, population structure, and growth of the Pen-shell Atrina maura in the Corralero-Alotengo tropical lagoon system in Oaxaca, Mexico, were studied from February to September of 1997. An abundance analysis showed significant temporal and spatial differences (Kruskal-Wallis, p < 0.001). Two spatial groups of abundance were found in the area, one from the mouth of the lagoon system to the middle of the Pen-shell bank, and the other between the middle of the Pen-shell bank and the head of the system. Three temporal periods of abundance were found (February-April-May; July-August; March-June-September). The distribution of population size showed that benthic recruitment of A. maura occurred from February to July. Length frequency of A. maura is commonly wide-ranging; nevertheless, in this study Pen-shell organisms with a valve length of 15 cm were frequently found. The growth rate length was 3.7 cm/month during the dry season (February to May), and 3.5 cm/month during the rainy season (June to September). Sex ratio was maintained at 1:1 from February to May, but males were dominant from June to August, and the minimum length for reproduction was registered at 10 cm valve length.  相似文献   

Synopsis We examined the relationship between the intestine length and the amount of plant material in the diet of 21 species of fish from forest streams in Panama. Alimentary tract analyses supplemented by literature reports showed that four loricariid catfish species and one poeciliid were specialized herbivores consuming almost exclusively periphyton and detritus. Four species, including one erythrinid, one characid, one trichomyctycterid and one eleotrid, were carnivores consuming almost entirely food of animal origin. Twelve species, including five characids, one lebiasinid, two pimelodelids, three cichlids and one poeciliid, were omnivores consuming food of both plant and animal origin, but the average proportion of food of plant origin (detritus and algae plus higher plant parts) varied from 4–60%. Most omnivores increased plant food consumption with increasing size. Because intestine length increases allometrically with body size and the pattern of increase differs considerably among species and is influenced by length:mass relationships, we compared species at the same size and took both length and mass into account. At a given size, intestine lengths of herbivores were longer than those of omnivores, and these were longer than those of carnivores. Differences in intestine length among the dietary categories were greater at larger body sizes and when the common size was defined by body mass than when it was defined by body length. There was no trend for the average proportion of plant material consumed to be related to intestine length among the omnivores, when confounding effects of body mass were taken into account. The slopes of the allometric equations relating log10 intestine length to log10 body size for herbivores tended to be higher than for omnivores and higher for omnivores than for carnivores, but both herbivores and omnivores showed extensive variation and overlap with the other dietary categories. Among the omnivores, there was no trend for slopes to be steeper for species consuming more plant material on average or for species showing larger ontogenetic increases in plant consumption. These results permit increased precision in describing diet-intestine length relationships, but indicate that the widely held belief that intestine length reflects diet in fishes should only be applied to broad dietary categories and not to finer divisions among omnivores.  相似文献   

The conditions for the establishment of a tetraploid in a diploid population were investigated by means of a deterministic model, on the assumption that the diploid cytotype produces some 2n gametes. If the fertility and viability of both cytotypes were the same and the initial population was diploid, then a mixed population would occur if the production of 2n gametes was below 17.16%. The tetraploid excluded the diploid above this limit. By modifying the fertility and the viability of the polyploid this threshold varied, dropping to 10% when one of the two parameters was twice that of the diploid, and falling to as low as 6% if both fertility and viability were double that of the diploid. The conditions for the establishment of a polyploid are therefore quite restrictive under the assumptions of this model. In nature, such processes would probably allow the spread of the polyploid only if the immigration of polyploids considerably enhanced the frequency of tetraploids, or if genetical or environmental changes, or chance processes in small populations caused a substantial increase in the frequency of 2n gametes produced by the diploid.  相似文献   

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