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Rabbit populations in Iberia remain at low densities in several areas in which their endangered predators still coexist, and the recovery of these populations is therefore urgent if the integrity of Iberian Mediterranean ecosystems is to be maintained. The enhancement of wild rabbit populations has been attempted through the use of in situ extensive rabbit captive breeding enclosures (restocking plots), which reduce mortality caused by terrestrial predators and dispersal movements and permit the breeding of young individuals which can then naturally disperse to settle in the surrounding areas. However, their effectiveness, the role of its size, the optimal habitat management that should be promoted around them and the habitat features remains uncertain. Here, we show results from a four year study of an ambitious rabbit restocking plan on a landscape scale. We measured rabbit abundance in a vast area in which thirty-two restocking plots were built to create an initial rabbit population for further dispersion, in addition to an intensive habitat management program. We also compared rabbit abundance between managed and unmanaged UTM cells of 2.5 km × 2.5 km. Our results showed that rabbit abundance was three times higher in managed cells, but four years after restocking, rabbit abundances had only reached the threshold needed to support stable Iberian lynx presence (at least 10 latrines per km?1) in 9 of the 23 managed cells. Rabbit abundance was strongly affected by habitat treatment and scrub coverage. The increase of shelter was useful in low cover areas but ineligible in places with high scrub cover, where the increase of refuge plus scrub clearing to create pastures improve rabbit abundance more effectively. In the light of our results, restocking plots should be built only in places with suitable habitat, whereas pastures should be created in dense scrublands and refuge in low cover areas.  相似文献   

Abstract How to maximize the conservation of biodiversity is critical for conservation planning, particularly given rapid habitat loss and global climatic change. The importance of preserving phylogenetic diversity has gained recognition due to its ability to identify some influences of evolutionary history on contemporary patterns of species assemblages that traditional taxonomic richness measures cannot identify. In this study, we evaluate the relationship between taxonomic richness and phylogenetic diversity of angiosperms at genus and species levels and explore the spatial pattern of the residuals of this relationship. We then incorporate data on historical biogeography to understand the process that shaped contemporary floristic assemblages in a global biodiversity hotspot, Yunnan Province, located in southwestern China. We identified a strong correlation between phylogenetic diversity residuals and the biogeographic affinity of the lineages in the extant Yunnan angiosperm flora. Phylogenetic diversity is well correlated with taxonomic richness at both genus and species levels between floras in Yunnan, where two diversity centers of phylogenetic diversity were identified (the northwestern center and the southern center). The northwestern center, with lower phylogenetic diversity than expected based on taxonomic richness, is rich in temperate‐affinity lineages and signifies an area of rapid speciation. The southern center, with higher phylogenetic diversity than predicted by taxonomic richness, contains a higher proportion of lineages with tropical affinity and seems to have experienced high immigration rates. Our results highlight that maximizing phylogenetic diversity with historical interpretation can provide valuable insights into the floristic assemblage of a region and better‐informed decisions can be made to ensure different stages of a region's evolutionary history are preserved.  相似文献   

The City of Cape Town (City) covers 2460 km2 in the southwestern corner of the Cape Floristic Region biodiversity hotspot. Established in 1654, by 1700 there were no animals larger than 50 kg within 200 km of the City. However, apart from an appreciation that timber and firewood were becoming scarce, it was only in the 1930s that the first farm near Cape Point was set aside for conservation. Table Mountain was declared a National Monument in 1958, while it was largely covered by pine and gum plantations. Conservation of the montane areas thereafter expanded, whereas the lowlands were largely ignored, except for a few bird sanctuaries. Only in 1982 was the plight of the lowlands highlighted. Although ad hoc conservation planning was undertaken subsequently, 1997 saw the first priority categorization and conservation plan. The current situation is perilous: a huge effort will be required to meet basic conservation targets for the lowland vegetation types and threatened species. Local and international partners and funders will be key to achieving this. In eight of the City's 19 national vegetation types the minimum conservation targets are not achievable. Of the 3250 plant species estimated to occur in the City, 13 are extinct and 319 are threatened according to the IUCN Red List: this is 18% of the threatened Red List species in South Africa. Now for the first time, implementation is being attempted holistically across the metropole with discussion between internal City and external stakeholders to implement the conservation plan. However, the interim plans towards achieving this — that 60% of the unproclaimed target is secured by 2014, requires that over 40 km2 be conserved per annum. This leaves 340 km2 that should be secured by 2020 when projections from City spatial growth indicate that the last critical remnants will be urbanized.  相似文献   

Mediterranean agro-silvo-pastoral systems play a key role in view of the positive contribution that they could offer to a sustainable development of European agriculture. The knowledge of the vegetation dynamics and of the processes and land uses favoring different vegetation types related to the same actual potential natural vegetation (PNV) could represent a sound reference framework for monitoring and managing plant biodiversity in these systems. The aim of the research was to evaluate plant diversity along a gradient of use intensity comparing the actual vegetation versus the PNV. The results of our research showed that in the studied Mediterranean agro-silvo-pastoral system, included in the same environmental unit, human activities enhanced plant biodiversity. Moreover, the case study presented here confirmed the effectiveness of those landscape approaches comparing actual vegetation versus the PNV for plant biodiversity monitoring and reinforced previous studies showing the effect of human activities on plant community diversity at the environmental unit scale in different biogeographical contexts.  相似文献   

In the urban landscapes, scientific understanding of the roadside vegetation is a prerequisite for better planning and designing of sustainable cities. The Srinagar city, located in the Indian Himalayas, represents an urban biodiversity hotspot but the information about the floristic diversity especially along its roadsides is lacking. In order to fill this knowledge gap, the present study using field-based plant collection surveys was undertaken to investigate the floristic diversity growing along the roadsides of Srinagar. A total of 206 vascular plant species were recorded with the proportion of alien species relatively higher (52%) than the native species (48%). Of the 108 alien species, 24 were invasive, 44 naturalized, 12 casual and 23 were cultivated. Most of the species were herbs (165 spp.) and the majority of these were wild growing (155 spp.). Based on Raunkiaer’s lifeform characterization, therophytes (94 spp.) were the most dominant. Interestingly, the therophytes harboured the highest number of alien species (50 spp.), followed by phanerophytes (29 spp.). There was significant difference between the floristic spectrum obtained during the present study and the normal Raunkiaer’s spectrum. The present study provides policy-relevant baseline data which can guide the urban planners to develop sustainable planning in this Himalayan city.  相似文献   

Recent expansion of oil palm agriculture has resulted in loss of forest habitat and forest-dependent species. However, large numbers of species—particularly insects—can persist within plantations. This study focuses on Odonata (dragonflies and damselflies): a charismatic indicator taxon and a potentially valuable pest control agent. We surveyed adult Odonata populations biannually over three years within an industrial oil palm plantation in Sumatra, Indonesia. We assessed the effects of rainfall (including an El Niño Southern Oscillation-associated drought), the role of roadside ditches, and the importance of understory vegetation on Odonata populations. To assess the impacts of vegetation, we took advantage of a long-term vegetation management experiment that is part of the Biodiversity and Ecosystem Function in Tropical Agriculture (BEFTA) Programme. We found 41 Odonata species, and communities varied between plantation core and roadside edge microhabitats, and between seasons. Abundance was significantly related to rainfall levels four months before surveys, probably indicating the importance of high water levels in roadside ditches for successful larval development. We found no significant effect of the BEFTA understory vegetation treatments on Odonata abundance, and only limited effects on community composition, suggesting that local understory vegetation structure plays a relatively unimportant role in determining communities. Our findings highlight that there are large numbers of Odonata species present within oil palm plantations and suggest that their abundance could potentially be increased by maintaining or establishing waterbodies. As Odonata are predators, this could bring pest control benefits, in addition to enhancing biodiversity within intensive agricultural landscapes.  相似文献   

Understanding the interactive effects of global change drivers on vegetation is critical for ecosystem management and restoration, particularly in the Mediterranean‐climate biodiversity hotspots of the world. Climate change, habitat loss and nitrogen deposition have been identified as the key threats to biodiversity loss in these regions, yet their combined effects are poorly understood. We measured the interactive effects of rainfall manipulation (reduction, control, addition) and nitrogen deposition (N addition, N 1 P addition, and unfertilised) on the establishment of 19 Banksia‐woodland species planted at three sites in southwestern Australia. Seedling survival and aboveground biomass was increased with water addition but was not affected by rainfall reduction. N addition alone did not impact seedling survival and growth, but interacted with rainfall manipulation and site in unpredictable ways. Treatment effects were context dependent, which we attributed to historic nutrient enrichment and competitive exotic species that prevented seedling establishment. Plant species (n 5 6) varied greatly in their water‐use efficiency and nitrogen‐use efficiency responses to the imposed treatments, which underscores the difficulty of generalising results to larger numbers of species. Despite our finding that rainfall manipulation and nutrient addition have complex, and in some cases antagonistic effects on seedling survival and growth in Banksia woodlands, our results suggest that local context (i.e. invasive species, land‐use history) will have as much influence on seedling establishment as global changes in climate and nitrogen deposition. We call for more field experiments and predictive models to explore further the importance of ecological context in determining the interactive effects of multiple global change drivers on ecosystems. Finally, to realize effective biodiversity conservation, local management interventions that address invasive species and associated habitat degradation will be as critical in the future as they are now.  相似文献   

Mountains present particular challenges for biodiversity conservation. Table Mountain is a significant mountain in a global biodiversity hotspot, the Cape Floristic Region. It has outstanding angiosperm diversity and endemism. Yet, aerial and foliage invertebrates in the area have been poorly studied, despite their importance as pollinators and predators. These plant and invertebrate assemblages are under great pressure from human disturbance. Aerial and foliage invertebrates were sampled with a range of techniques. Sites were chosen to make comparisons between vegetation structure and type, elevation and aspect. In total, 216 species from 63 families and 14 orders were recorded. Vegetation structure (fynbos or forest) and elevation were the most important environmental variables for both aerial and foliage invertebrates. Peak time for aerial invertebrate abundance was spring and summer in the fynbos and spring in the forests, while the foliage invertebrates showed very little seasonal variation. There was no correlation between the diversity of aerial and foliage invertebrates. When these results were compared with others on epigaeic invertebrates, it became clear that epigaeic and aerial invertebrates are not correlated, while epigaeic and foliage invertebrates were only partially correlated, but not sufficiently so to consider one as a reliable estimator of the other. The management pointer from this study is that sites at all elevations are vital for the conservation of biodiversity on Table Mountain. Both the aerial and epigaeic/foliage invertebrate assemblages will need to be monitored separately to maintain the mountain’s conservation status.  相似文献   

The coffee (Coffea arabica) agro-ecosystem in the Central Valley of Costa Rica was formerly characterized by a high vegetational diversity. This complex system has been undergoing a major transformation to capital-intensive monocultural plantations where all shade trees are eliminated. In this study we examined the pattern of arthropod biodiversity loss associated with this transformation. Canopy arthropods were sampled in three coffee farms: a traditional plantation with many species of shade trees, a moderately shaded plantation with only Erythrina poeppigeana and coffee, and a coffee monoculture. An insecticidal fogging technique was used to sample both canopy and coffee arthropods. Data are presented on three major taxonomic groups: Coleoptera, non-formicid Hymenoptera, and Formicidae. Data demonstrate that the transformation of the coffee agro-ecosystem results in a significant loss of biological diversity of both canopy arthropods as well as arthropods living in coffee bushes. Percentage of species overlap was very small for all comparisons. Furthermore, species' richness on a per tree basis was found to be within the same order of magnitude as that reported for trees in tropical forests. If results presented here are generalizable, this means that conservation efforts to preserve biological diversity should also include traditional agro-ecosystems as conservation units.  相似文献   

Quantifying local people's perceptions to climate change, and their assessments of which changes matter, is fundamental to addressing the dual challenge of land conservation and poverty alleviation in densely populated tropical regions To develop appropriate policies and responses, it will be important not only to anticipate the nature of expected changes, but also how they are perceived, interpreted and adapted to by local residents. The Albertine Rift region in East Africa is one of the world's most threatened biodiversity hotspots due to dense smallholder agriculture, high levels of land and resource pressures, and habitat loss and conversion. Results of three separate household surveys conducted in the vicinity of Kibale National Park during the late 2000s indicate that farmers are concerned with variable precipitation. Many survey respondents reported that conditions are drier and rainfall timing is becoming less predictable. Analysis of daily rainfall data for the climate normal period 1981 to 2010 indicates that total rainfall both within and across seasons has not changed significantly, although the timing and transitions of seasons has been highly variable. Results of rainfall data analysis also indicate significant changes in the intra-seasonal rainfall distribution, including longer dry periods within rainy seasons, which may contribute to the perceived decrease in rainfall and can compromise food security. Our results highlight the need for fine-scale climate information to assist agro-ecological communities in developing effective adaptive management.  相似文献   



Deforestation of the Atlantic Forest of eastern Paraguay has been recent but extensive, resulting in a fragmented landscape highly influenced by forest edges. We examined edge effects on multiple dimensions of small mammalian diversity.


Forest fragments of eastern Paraguayan Atlantic Forest.


We trapped small mammal species at different distances from the forest edge (DTE) in reserves and estimated multiple dimensions of diversity per site. Similarity analysis identified species clusters that best described the patterns of diversity across reserves. Multivariate ordination and linear mixed models were used to determine the influence of DTE on various dimensions of small mammal diversity.


There was an increase in richness and abundance along a DTE gradient, and remnants with higher edge:area ratios showed higher richness and abundance, independent of remnant size. Species at edges were generalists, open-habitat species or exotic species (spillover effect). We found higher phylogenetic diversity and functional richness and divergence towards forest edges. Spillover of non-forest and invasive species best explained richness, generalist forest species best explained total abundance, abundance of Hylaeamys megacephalus best explained diversity and evenness metrics and the presence of Marmosa paraguayana best explained various phylogenetic diversity models. None of the models that included megafauna or social factors were shown to be important in explaining patterns as a function of DTE.

Main Conclusions

We found strong support for a spillover effect and mixed support for complementary resource use and enhanced habitat resources associated with ecotones. Generalists characterized edge assemblages but not all generalists were equivalent. Edges showed more phylogenetically and functionally distinct assemblages than the interior of remnants. There was a conservation of functional diversity; however, open-habitat species, habitat generalists and exotic species boosted diversity near forest edges. Mechanisms governing diversity along forest edges are complex; disentangling those mechanisms necessitates the use of multiple dimensions of diversity.  相似文献   

Hotspots of biodiversity are important areas in facilitating an understanding of species richness and its maintenance. Herbivores can increase plant richness by reducing dominant plant species thus providing space for subdominant species. As small mammals are abundant in the Succulent Karoo and therefore might affect plant richness by means of herbivory, we tested if this mechanism might exist in the Succulent Karoo in southern Africa, a biodiversity hotspot due to its extraordinary plant richness. At ten ecologically different study sites we measured plant and small mammal richness and diversity and determined 11 abiotic factors including soil composition, altitude and rainfall. We found positive correlations between plant richness and the number of small mammal species. A general linear model revealed that the number of small mammal species was more important than abiotic factors in explaining variation in plant richness. To test whether small mammals might directly influence plant richness, we studied the influence of the bush-Karoo rat Otomys unisulcatus, a central place forager, on the plant community. The immediate surroundings of occupied O. unisulcatus nests showed significantly higher plant richness than control areas. We conclude that small mammals can have a positive effect on plant richness in the Succulent Karoo. While experimental data are needed to support these correlative results, the results of our study indicate that areas of high small mammal richness should be included in conservation programs of the Succulent Karoo.  相似文献   

Temperate forests of southern South America are globally important because of their high level of endemism. I argue here that within southern South America, rainforests of the Chilean Coastal Range should be the primary target for new conservation efforts. Historically, most protected areas in southern South America have been designated to preserve forests above 600 m, mainly in the Andes. However, Coastal Range forests have higher species richness and are under greater threat than Andean forests at similar latitudes. Coastal forests are characterized by the presence of numerous narrow-range endemics, among them two monotypic plant families. The higher frequency of endemic species in Coastal Range forests is attributed to its more stable biogeographic history compared to the Andes, particularly during the glacial events of the Quaternary. Due to the extent of human impact, the remaining fragments of coastal forests are quite distant from one another, and are disconnected from the larger protected areas of Andean forests. Only 439000 ha of Valdivian coastal forest still remain, including some remnants of primary forest. New private or public reserves should be created to protect the last remnants of continuous forest remaining on the Coastal Range of the Valdivian region (40–42° S). A different conservation strategy should be applied north of 40° S, where protected areas are too small and fragments are too scattered to maintain viable populations of most vertebrates. In this latter area, I recommend expanding existing reserves, restoring native forests, and interconnecting remnant forests through a corridor network.  相似文献   

Dung beetles provide important ecosystem services in the habitats where they occur. The activity of dung beetles enhances soil nutrient cycling and increases the soil’s ability to absorb and hold water. Consequently, these beetles are particularly important in semi-arid environments. This study analyses the importance of remaining wooded habitat patches (bushland) for the survival of a diverse dung beetle fauna in an otherwise cultivated landscape in semi-arid Tanzania. Dung beetles were sampled by pitfall trapping in maize fields and bushland habitats. In total, 6037 dung beetles (Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae), representing 77 species from 25 genera, were collected. Many species, particularly amongst the ball-rollers, showed a clear preference for wooded patches, species richness being significantly higher in the bushland patches than in the cultivated sites. The number of trapped specimens in bushland was also considerably higher than that found in maize fields, although the differences were not significant. In conclusion, bushland fragments appear to have an important conservation value as to maintaining a high diversity and abundance of dung beetles, thereby enhancing the ecosystem services provided by these beneficial insects.  相似文献   

Many of the macroevolutionary processes that have shaped present-day phylogenetic patterns were caused by geological events such as plate tectonics and temporary land-bridges. The study of spatial patterns of phylogenetic diversity can provide insights into these past events. Here we focus on a western Mediterranean biodiversity hotspot located in the southern Iberian Peninsula and northwest Africa, two regions that are separated by the Strait of Gibraltar. We explore the spatial structure of the phylogenetic relationships within and across large-scale plant assemblages. Significant turnover in terminal lineages tends to occur between landmasses, whereas turnover in deep lineages tends to occur within landmasses. Plant assemblages in the western ecoregions of this hotspot tend to be phylogenetically overdispersed but are phylogenetically clustered on its eastern margins. We discuss our results in the light of potential scenarios of niche evolution (or conservatism) and lineage diversification. The significant turnover between landmasses suggests a common scenario of allopatric speciation that could have been facilitated by the intermittent joining of the two continents. This may have constituted an important stimulus for diversification and the emergence of this western Mediterranean biodiversity hotspot.  相似文献   

Regions of mediterranean-type climate represent most extra-tropical biodiversity hotspots, being both highly diverse and highly endangered. Though renowned for their plant richness, these regions’ insects constitute the bulk of their alpha diversities. Data on insect distribution and rarity are generally lacking for such regions, and are often considered unattainable. Intensive field inventories combined with statistical extrapolation methods can provide a sufficient understanding of alpha, beta, and gamma diversity components for application to conservation planning. These are essential to assessing the adequacy of a regional reserve network for the conservation of insect diversity. Here the beetle faunas of three protected areas spanning three major ecoregions in the California Floristic Province were inventoried and analyzed for species richness, complementarity, and uniqueness. These surveys produced collectively nearly 1,200 species from all three sites, estimated to be about 80% of their total faunas. Diversity was highly partitioned among sites, no one site containing more than 60% of the species. Dissimilarity was moderate to high for all comparisons, and all sites contained >40% unique species. Comparison of these results with those based on species of co-occurring plants reveal incongruent species richness but congruent similarities among sites. These results provide quantitative support to the perception that mediterranean insect faunas show high spatial variability. Along with online specimen level data on distribution, rarity, and seasonality, these results will help speed the incorporation of insect data into serious conservation planning.  相似文献   

Despite increasing efforts to re-establish forest cover in landscapes that have been previously cleared, the relative ability of different styles of reforestation to contribute to conservation and support forest biota is poorly known, particularly for invertebrates. We investigated the use of different types of reforested habitat by ground-active rainforest beetle assemblages on land, which had been previously cleared of rainforest, in the tropics and subtropics of eastern Australia. Between five and ten replicate sites within each of five reforestation styles were selected in each region: un-managed regrowth, young mono-species timber plantations, young mixed-species timber plantations, ecological restoration plantings, and old mono-species timber plantations, together with reference sites in pasture and in intact rainforest. Ground-active beetles were sampled using pitfall traps, and assemblages were compared among site-types. In both regions, beetle assemblages in all styles of reforestation were intermediate in species composition between pasture and rainforest. The similarity of beetle assemblages to intact rainforest increased with the age and structural complexity of reforested sites. The most rainforest-like beetle assemblages were from older reforestation sites (38–70 year plantations in tropics, and 30–40 year regrowth in subtropics) and in younger (6–22 years) but floristically and structurally diverse ecological restoration plantings in both regions. Assemblages in younger (5–20 year) sites of regrowth, mono-species timber plantations, and mixed-species timber plantations were more similar to pasture than rainforest. We conclude that achieving high canopy cover and sufficient structural complexity are important factors associated with the restoration of rainforest-like beetle assemblages to reforested sites.  相似文献   

We determined the environmental correlates of vascular plant biodiversity in the Baetic‐Rifan region, a plant biodiversity hotspot in the western Mediterranean. A catalog of the whole flora of Andalusia and northern Morocco, the region that includes most of the Baetic‐Rifan complex, was compiled using recent comprehensive floristic catalogs. Hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA) and detrended correspondence analysis (DCA) of the different ecoregions of Andalusia and northern Morocco were conducted to determine their floristic affinities. Diversity patterns were studied further by focusing on regional endemic taxa. Endemic and nonendemic alpha diversities were regressed to several environmental variables. Finally, semi‐partial regressions on distance matrices were conducted to extract the respective contributions of climatic, altitudinal, lithological, and geographical distance matrices to beta diversity in endemic and nonendemic taxa. We found that West Rifan plant assemblages had more similarities with Andalusian ecoregions than with other nearby northern Morocco ecoregions. The endemic alpha diversity was explained relatively well by the environmental variables related to summer drought and extreme temperature values. Of all the variables, geographical distance contributed by far the most to spatial turnover in species diversity in the Baetic‐Rifan hotspot. In the Baetic range, climate was the most significant driver of nonendemic species beta diversity, while lithology and climate were the main drivers of endemic beta diversity. Despite the fact that Andalusia and northern Morocco are presently separated by the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea, the Baetic and Rifan mountain ranges have many floristic similarities – especially in their western ranges – due to past migration of species across the Strait of Gibraltar. Climatic variables could be shaping the spatial distribution of endemic species richness throughout the Baetic‐Rifan hotspot. Determinants of spatial turnover in biodiversity in the Baetic‐Rifan hotspot vary in importance between endemic and nonendemic species.  相似文献   

1. The freshwater crayfish Cherax dispar (Decapoda: Parastacidae) inhabits coastal regions and islands of South East Queensland, Australia. We hypothesised that populations of C. dispar on different islands would be more genetically divergent from each other than populations from different drainages within the same island or on the mainland. 2. Phylogenetic and phylogeographic analyses were conducted on two mitochondrial genes (cytochrome oxidase subunit I & 16S ribosomal DNA) and one nuclear gene (Internal Transcribed Spacer region 2). Phylogeographic patterns were compared with those for other freshwater organisms in the area. 3. Deep genetic divergences were found within C. dispar, including four highly divergent (up to 20%) clades. The geographic distribution of each of the clades revealed strong latitudinal structuring along the coast rather than structuring among the islands. The high genetic divergence observed among the C. dispar clades was estimated to have pre‐dated island formation and may represent ancient river drainage patterns. 4. A restricted distribution was observed for the most divergent clade, which was discovered only on two of the sand islands (North Stradbroke Island and Moreton Island). Furthermore, strong phylogeographic structuring was observed within this clade on North Stradbroke Island, where no haplotypes were shared between samples from opposite sides of the island. This low connectivity within the island supports the idea that C. dispar rarely disperse terrestrially (i.e. across watersheds).  相似文献   

Recently diverged or diverging populations can offer unobstructed insights into early barriers to gene flow during the initial stages of speciation. The current study utilised a novel insect system (order Mantophasmatodea) to shed light on the early drivers of speciation. The members of this group have limited dispersal abilities, small allopatric distributions and strong habitat associations in the Cape Floristic Region biodiversity hotspot in South Africa. Sister taxa from the diverse family Austrophasmatidae were chosen as focal species (Karoophasma biedouwense, K. botterkloofense). Population genetics and Generalized Dissimilarity Modelling (GDM) were used to characterise spatial patterns of genetic variation and evaluate the contribution of environmental factors to population divergence and speciation. Extensive sampling confirmed the suspected allopatry of these taxa. However, hybrids were identified in a narrow region occurring between the species' distributions. Strong population structure was found over short geographic distances; particularly in Kbiedouwense in which geographic distance accounted for 32% of genetic variation over a scale of 50 km (r = .56, p < .001). GDM explained 42%–78% of the deviance in observed genetic dissimilarities. Geographic distance was consistently indicated to be important for between species and within population differentiation, suggesting that limited dispersal ability may be an important neutral driver of divergence. Temperature, altitude, precipitation and vegetation were also indicated as important factors, suggesting the possible role of adaptation to local environmental conditions for species divergence. The discovery of the hybrid-zone, and the multiple allopatric species pairs in Austrophasmatidae support the idea that this could be a promising group to further our understanding of speciation modes.  相似文献   

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