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Patterns of herbivore browse at small scales, such as the rate of leaf consumption or plant preferences, drive the impact of herbivores on whole-plant processes, such as growth or survival, and subsequent changes in plant population structure. However, herbivore impacts are often non-linear, highly variable and context-dependent. Understanding the effect of herbivores on plant populations therefore requires a detailed understanding of the relationships that drive small-scale processes, and how these interact to generate dynamics at larger scales. We derive a mathematical model to predict annual rates of browse-induced tree mortality. We model individual plant mortality as a result of rates of foliage production, turnover and herbivore intake, and extend the model to the population scale by allowing for between-tree variation in levels of herbivore browse. The model is configurable for any broadleaved tree species subject to vertebrate or invertebrate browse, and is designed to be parameterized from field data typically collected as part of browse damage assessments. We parameterized and tested the model using data on foliage cover and browse damage recorded on kamahi trees (Weinmannia racemosa) browsed by possums (Trichosurus vulpecula) in New Zealand forests. The model replicated observed patterns of tree mortality at 12 independent validation sites with a wide range of herbivore densities and browse damage. The model reveals two key thresholds; in plant foliar cover, indicating when individual trees may be at high risk from browse-induced mortality, and in herbivore intake, leading to high rates of mortality across the whole population.  相似文献   

Conservatism in species interaction, meaning that related species tend to interact with similar partners, is an important feature of ecological interactions. Studies at community scale highlight variations in conservatism strength depending on the characteristics of the ecological interaction studied. However, the heterogeneity of datasets and methods used prevent to compare results between mutualistic and antagonistic networks. Here we perform such a comparison by taking plant–insect communities as a study case, with data on plant–herbivore and plant–pollinator networks. Our analysis reveals that plants acting as resources for herbivores exhibit the strongest conservatism in species interaction among the four interacting groups. Conservatism levels are similar for insect pollinators, insect herbivores and plants as interacting partners of pollinators, although insect pollinators tend to have a slightly higher conservatism than the two others. Our results thus clearly support the current view that within antagonistic networks, conservatism is stronger for species as resources than for species as consumer. Although the pattern tends to be opposite for plant–pollinator networks, our results suggest that asymmetry in conservatism is much less pronounced between the pollinators and the plant they interact with. We discuss these differences in conservatism strength in relation with the processes structuring plant–insect communities.  相似文献   

When plants are sequentially attacked by multiple herbivores, herbivore identity and host specialization can greatly influence the patterns of herbivore–herbivore and plant–herbivore interactions. However, how prior herbivory and the resulting induced plant responses potentially affect subsequent herbivores deserves further investigation. In this study, we conducted a common-garden experiment that manipulated sequential herbivory by the specialist caterpillar Gadirtha fusca Pogue (Lepidoptera: Nolidae) and the generalist caterpillar Spodoptera litura (Fabricius) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) on Chinese tallow, Triadica sebifera (L.) Small (Euphorbiaceae). We tested how prior exposure to herbivores with different levels of host specialization affected the performance of subsequently arriving con- and heterospecifics, as well as plant growth and defense responses under subsequent herbivory. We found that prior exposure to the specialist G. fusca facilitated the performance of subsequent conspecifics, resulting in a significant decrease in the growth (height and stem diameter at ground level) of tallow plants. However, prior exposure to the generalist S. litura did not affect the feeding of subsequent con- or heterospecifics or the growth of tallow plants. Sequential herbivory by specialist and generalist conspecifics resulted in lower levels of tannins and flavonoids, respectively, in leaves of tallow plants, whereas sequential herbivory by the two species did not affect the levels of tannins or flavonoids, compared to a single damage event. We conclude that herbivore species-specific plant responses appear to be more important than herbivore identity or specialization in determining herbivore–herbivore interactions and plant responses to sequential herbivore attack.  相似文献   

In this paper we study the effects that woody plant chemical defenses may have on interactions between boreal hares that in winter feed almost entirely on twigs. We focus particularly on the fact that toxin concentration often varies with the age of twig segments. The model incorporates the fact that the woody internodes of the youngest segments of the twigs of the deciduous angiosperm species that these hares prefer to eat are more defended by toxins than the woody internodes of the older segments that subtend and support the younger segments. Thus, the per capita daily intake of the biomass of the older segments of twigs by hares is much higher than their intake of the biomass of the younger segments of twigs. This age-dependent toxicity of twig segments is modeled using age-structured model equations which are reduced to a system of delay differential equations involving multiple delays in the woody plant-hare dynamics. A novel aspect of the modeling was that it had to account for mortality of non-consumed younger twig segment biomass when older twig biomass was bitten off and consumed. Basic mathematical properties of the model are established together with upper and lower bounds on the solutions. Necessary and sufficient conditions are found for the linear stability of the equilibrium in which the hare is extinct, and sufficient conditions are found for the global stability of this equilibrium. Numerical simulations confirmed the analytical results and demonstrated the existence of limit cycles over ranges of parameters reasonable for hares browsing on woody vegetation in boreal ecosystems. This showed that age dependence in plant chemical defenses has the capacity to cause hare-plant population cycles, a new result.  相似文献   

Plant defences can reduce herbivore fitness and may promote cycles in some herbivore populations. In this study, we model the interaction between plant defences and herbivores and include seasonal forcing, a ubiquitous environmental influence in natural systems. We compare the impacts of two different seasonal mechanisms on the dynamics of the herbivore–plant defence system. The first mechanism involves a fixed breeding season length and a variable birth rate within the breeding season; the second involves a variable breeding season length and a fixed birth rate within the breeding season. When parameterised for a specific cyclic system, namely field voles and silica, our model predicts that a variable season length gives multi-year cycles for a larger region in parameter space than a variable birth rate. Our results highlight the complexity of the dynamical effects of seasonal forcing and that these effects are strongly dependent on the type of seasonal mechanism.  相似文献   

Mechanisms that affect a host plant’s ability to face herbivory are subjects of ongoing interest. Plant reproductive phenology plays a key role in the dynamics of communities in many ways. In ant–plant–herbivore interactions, host-plant phenology affects traits of its herbivores which in turn determine what traits ants must have to benefit the host-plant. Diversity of plant phenological traits could influence the ecological diversity of coevolved ant–plant mutualisms.  相似文献   

Plant–herbivore interactions have strong ecological and evolutionary consequences, but have been traditionally overlooked in marine higher plants. Despite recent advances in seagrass ecology that highlight the importance of herbivory, the mechanisms that regulate the feeding behaviour of seagrass consumers remain largely unknown. Herbivores have been shown to reduce the sexual reproductive success of seagrasses through direct consumption of inflorescences and seeds, but we know little about intraspecific variation in susceptibility to grazing of different seagrass tissues. We contrasted the relative palatability of reproductive and vegetative tissues of the temperate seagrass Posidonia oceanica in the field, and we assessed the feeding preferences among these tissues of the main consumers of the plant, the fish Sarpa salpa and the urchin Paracentrotus lividus. Moreover, we identified the plant traits that explained the observed feeding behaviour. We provide strong evidence for herbivore selectivity among seagrass tissues. In the field, 70–90% of inflorescences were damaged by herbivores compared to 3–60% of leaves of similar age. In feeding assays, the urchin P. lividus showed over a twofold preference for reproductive tissue at various stages of development. By contrast, we detected no feeding activity on either leaves or inflorescences from the fish S. salpa, which is known to migrate to deeper waters soon after flowering starts and during the period of fruit maturation. Despite being the preferred food of urchins, inflorescences were chemically defended, had higher levels of phenolics and lower nutrient and calorific content than leaves. We experimentally demonstrated that leaf structural defences are the primary factor in determining urchin feeding preferences. Removal of plant structure results in a drastic shift in urchin selectivity towards the most nutritious and less chemically defended leaf tissue, indicating that multiple mechanisms of defence to herbivory may coexist in seagrasses.  相似文献   

The continuing spread of exotic plants and increasing human land-use are two major drivers of global change threatening ecosystems, species and their interactions. Separate effects of these two drivers on plant–pollinator interactions have been thoroughly studied, but we still lack an understanding of combined and potential interactive effects. In a subtropical South African landscape, we studied 17 plant–pollinator networks along two gradients of relative abundance of exotics and land-use intensity. In general, pollinator visitation rates were lower on exotic plants than on native ones. Surprisingly, while visitation rates on native plants increased with relative abundance of exotics and land-use intensity, pollinator visitation on exotic plants decreased along the same gradients. There was a decrease in the specialization of plants on pollinators and vice versa with both drivers, regardless of plant origin. Decreases in pollinator specialization thereby seemed to be mediated by a species turnover towards habitat generalists. However, contrary to expectations, we detected no interactive effects between the two drivers. Our results suggest that exotic plants and land-use promote generalist plants and pollinators, while negatively affecting specialized plant–pollinator interactions. Weak integration and high specialization of exotic plants may have prevented interactive effects between exotic plants and land-use. Still, the additive effects of exotic plants and land-use on specialized plant–pollinator interactions would have been overlooked in a single-factor study. We therefore highlight the need to consider multiple drivers of global change in ecological research and conservation management.  相似文献   

H.-B. Shao  L.-Y. Chu 《Plant biosystems》2013,147(4):1163-1165
Plants and soil are the base for sustainably surviving human beings on the globe as the role of materials, energy, resources and environment (Shao & Chu 2008; Shao et al. 2008, 2009, 2010, 2012a,b; Liu & Shao, 2010; Ruan et al. 2010; Xu et al. 2010, 2012; Shao 2012; Huang et al. 2013). This topic has been extensively investigated for 100 years with more achievements in many sectors and practical significance in conducting high-efficient agriculture and eco-environmental construction. The plant–soil interaction is the core issue of this topic, which has been given much attention for the past 30 years (Wu et al. 2007, 2010; Zhang et al. 2011, 2013; Xu et al. 2012, 2013).  相似文献   

Resource regulation occurs when herbivory maintains or increases plant susceptibility to further herbivory by the same species. A review of the literature indicates it is a widespread plant–animal interaction involving a diverse array of herbivores. At least three mechanisms can produce this positive feedback cycle. First, phytophagous insect and mammalian herbivore damage can stimulate dormant buds to produce vigorous juvenile growth, which is preferred for further attack. Juvenilization cycles may have repeatedly evolved because herbivores are able to take advantage of a generalized plant compensatory response to any type of damage. Second, herbivores can manipulate plant source–sink relationships to attain more resources, and this alteration of plant growth may benefit subsequent herbivore generations. Third, herbivory can alter plant nutrition or defensive chemistry in a way that makes a plant susceptible to more herbivory. Resource regulation probably occurs because damage to resources preferred by the herbivores induces a generalized plant response that produces more preferred resources. Alternatively, manipulation of plant resources to induce resource regulation may have evolved in herbivores with a high degree of philopatry due to selection to alter plant resources to benefit their offspring. Resource regulation can stabilize insect population dynamics by maintaining a supply of high-quality plant resources. It can also increase the heterogeneity of host-plant resources for herbivores by altering the physiological age structure and the distribution of resources within plants. Resource regulation may have strong plant-mediated effects on other organisms that use that host plant, but these effects have not yet been explored.  相似文献   

Enhanced ultraviolet-B (UV-B) radiation may have multiple effects on both plants and animals and affect plant–herbivore interactions directly and indirectly by inducing changes in host plant quality. In this study, we examined combined effects of UV-B and herbivory on the defence of the mountain birch (Betula pubescens ssp. czerepanovii) and also the effects of enhanced UV-B radiation on a geometrid with an outbreak cycle: the autumnal moth (Epirrita autumnata). We established an experiment mimicking ozone depletion of 30% (a relevant level when simulating ozone depletion above Northern Lapland). Both arctic species responded only slightly to the enhanced level of UV-B radiation, which may indicate that these species are already adapted to a broader range of UV-B radiation. UV-B exposure slightly induced the accumulation of myricetin glycosides but had no significant effect on the contents of quercetin or kaempferol derivatives. Mountain birch seedlings responded more efficiently to herbivory wounding than to enhanced UV-B exposure. Herbivory induced the activities of foliar oxidases that had earlier been shown to impair both feeding and growth of moth larvae. In contrast, the contents of foliar phenolics did not show the same response in different clones, except for a decrease in the contents of tannin precursors. The induction of foliar phenoloxidase activities is a specific defence response of mountain birches against insect herbivory. To conclude, our results do not support the hypothesis that the outbreak cycle of the autumnal moth can be explained by the cycles of solar activity and UV-B.  相似文献   

Producing food, transportation, and energy for seven billion people has led to large and widespread increases in the use of synthetic nitrogen (N) fertilizers and fossil fuel combustion, resulting in a leakage of N into the environment as various forms of air and water pollution. The global N cycle is more severely altered by human activity than the global carbon (C) cycle, and reactive N dynamics affect all aspects of climate change considerations, including mitigation, adaptation, and impacts. In this special issue of Biogeochemistry, we present a review of the climate–nitrogen interactions based on a technical report for the United States National Climate Assessment presented as individual papers for terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems, agriculture and human health within the US. We provide a brief overview of each of the paper’s main points and conclusions is presented in this foreword summary.  相似文献   

Olfaction is an important sense for many animals, yet its role in foraging by herbivores is poorly known. Many plants contain volatile compounds, such as terpenes, that are not only volatile but can be toxic if ingested. Volatile terpenes can be used by herbivores to assess leaf quality, but there is little evidence for whether they are also used as a searching cue. We applied the giving-up density (GUD) framework to examine fine-scale foraging by two free-ranging mammalian herbivores, the brush-tail possum (Trichosurus vulpecula) and the swamp wallaby (Wallabia bicolor), using patches with food and an inedible matrix that varied in content of a volatile terpene, 1,8-cineole. We tested the effect of (1) increasing dietary cineole concentration, and (2) masking the food odor by adding cineole to the inedible matrix, thus overriding the smell released by the diet. In both species GUD was affected by dietary cineole; a high cineole concentration raised GUD, consistent with its role as a toxin. There was a significant effect of masking on GUD for wallabies but not for possums, suggesting that odor was an important foraging cue at the feeding patch only for the former. Differences in ecological niche and diet may explain this pattern. We suggest that herbivores, such as the swamp wallaby, opportunistically eavesdrop on plant volatiles, i.e., take advantage of the signal proffered for a different function. The cost of this eavesdropping for plants, however, is presumably counteracted by other ecological benefits of these volatiles, including a reduction in leaf consumption as a function of toxicity.  相似文献   

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The roles of ABA in plant–pathogen interactions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Defence against abiotic and biotic stresses is crucial for the fitness and survival of plants under adverse or suboptimal growth conditions. The phytohormone abscisic acid (ABA) is not only important for mediating abiotic stress responses, but also plays a multifaceted and pivotal role in plant immunity. This review presents examples demonstrating the importance of crosstalk between ABA and the key biotic stress phytohormone salicylic acid in determining the outcome of plant–pathogen interactions. We then provide an overview of how ABA influences plant defence responses against various phytopathogens with particular emphasis on the Arabidopsis–Pseudomonas syringae model pathosystem. Lastly, we discuss future directions for studies of ABA in plant immunity with emphasis on, its role in the crosstalk between biotic and abiotic stress responses, the importance of distinguishing direct and indirect effects of ABA, as well as the prospect of utilizing the recently elucidated core ABA signaling network to gain further insights into the roles of ABA in plant immunity.  相似文献   

Lemons A  Clay K  Rudgers JA 《Oecologia》2005,145(4):595-604
Mutualisms can strongly affect the structure of communities, but their influence on ecosystem processes is not well resolved. Here we show that a plant–microbial mutualism affects the rate of leaf litter decomposition using the widespread interaction between tall fescue grass (Lolium arundinaceum) and the fungal endophyte Neotyphodium coenophialum. In grasses, fungal endophytes live symbiotically in the aboveground tissues, where the fungi gain protection and nutrients from their host and often protect host plants from biotic and abiotic stress. In a field experiment, decomposition rate depended on a complex interaction between the litter source (collected from endophyte-infected or endophyte-free plots), the decomposition microenvironment (endophyte-infected or endophyte-free plots), and the presence of mesoinvertebrates (manipulated by the mesh size of litter bags). Over all treatments, decomposition was slower for endophyte-infected fescue litter than for endophyte-free litter. When mesoinvertebrates were excluded using fine mesh and litter was placed in a microenvironment with the endophyte, the difference between endophyte-infected and endophyte-free litter was strongest. In the presence of mesoinvertebrates, endophyte-infected litter decomposed faster in microenvironments with the endophyte than in microenvironments lacking the endophyte, suggesting that plots differ in the detritivore assemblage. Indeed, the presence of the endophyte in plots shifted the composition of Collembola, with more Hypogastruridae in the presence of the endophyte and more Isotomidae in endophyte-free plots. In a separate outdoor pot experiment, we did not find strong effects of the litter source or the soil microbial/microinvertebrate community on decomposition, which may reflect differences between pot and field conditions or other differences in methodology. Our work is among the first to demonstrate an effect of plant–endophyte mutualisms on ecosystem processes under field conditions.  相似文献   

Traditionally population genetics precludes the use of the same genetic individual more than once in Hardy–Weinberg (HW) based calculations due to the model''s explicit assumptions. However, when applied to clonal plant populations this can be difficult to do, and in some circumstances, it may be ecologically informative to use the ramet as the data unit. In fact, ecologists have varied the definition of the individual from a strict adherence to a single data point per genotype to a more inclusive approach of one data point per ramet. With the advent of molecular tools, the list of facultatively clonal plants and the recognition of their ecological relevance grows. There is an important risk of misinterpretation when HW calculations are applied to a clonal plant not recognized as clonal, as well as when the definition of the individual for those calculations is not clearly stated in a known clonal species. Focusing on heterozygosity values, we investigate cases that demonstrate the extreme range of potential modeling outcomes and describe the different contexts where a particular definition could better meet ecological modeling goals. We emphasize that the HW model can be ecologically relevant when applied to clonal plants, but caution is necessary in how it is used, reported, and interpreted. We propose that in known clonal plants, both genotype (GHet) and ramet (RHet) based calculations are reported to define the full range of potential values and better facilitate cross‐study comparisons.  相似文献   

Gymnosperms and angiosperms can co-occur within the same habitats but key plant traits are thought to give angiosperms an evolutionary competitive advantage in many ecological settings. We studied ontogenetic changes in competitive and facilitative interactions between a rare gymnosperm (Dioon sonorense, our target species) and different plant and abiotic neighbours (conspecific-cycads, heterospecific-angiosperms, or abiotic-rocks) from 2007 to 2010 in an arid environment of northwestern Mexico. We monitored survival and growth of seedlings, juveniles, and adults of the cycad Dioon sonorense to evaluate how cycad survival and relative height growth rate (RHGR) responded to intra- and interspecific competition, canopy openness, and nearest neighbour. We tested spatial associations among D. sonorense life stages and angiosperm species and measured ontogenetic shifts in cycad shade tolerance. Canopy openness decreased cycad survival while intraspecific competition decreased survival and RHGR during early ontogeny. Seedling survival was higher in association with rocks and heterospecific neighbours where intraspecific competition was lower. Shade tolerance decreased with cycad ontogeny reflecting the spatial association of advanced stages with more open canopies. Interspecific facilitation during early ontogeny of our target species may promote its persistence in spite of increasing interspecific competition in later stages. We provide empirical support to the long-standing assumption that marginal rocky habitats serve as refugia from angiosperm competition for slow-growing gymnosperms such as cycads. The lack of knowledge of plant–plant interactions in rare or endangered species may hinder developing efficient conservation strategies (e.g. managing for sustained canopy cover), especially under the ongoing land use and climatic changes.  相似文献   

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