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HERMAN VAN  DAM 《Freshwater Biology》1988,20(2):157-176
SUMMARY. 1. Relations between acidification by atmospheric deposition, water depth and the occurrence of dry summers in this century, as well as their effects on chemistry, macrophytes and diatoms in three moorland pools, are described.
2. Direct observations and biological data indicate a decrease of pH by c. 0.5 unit over a period of seven decades in a pool where 20% of the bottom desiccates in extremely dry years, and 2 pH units over the same period in a pool where 70% of the bottom is exposed to the atmosphere in such years.
3. Acidification promotes the growth of Juncus bulbosus L., Sphagnum and the acidobiontic diatom Eunotia exigua (Bréb.) Rabenh. and suppresses the growth of isoetids (e.g. Lobelia dortmanna L.) and of acidophilus and circumneutral diatoms. Also the acidobiontic Frustulia rhomboides var. saxonica (Rabenh.) Toni and Navicula subtilissima Cleve, characteristic of humic waters, decline by acidification.
4. In two pools where more than half of the bottom desiccated in 1976, observed concentrations of sulphate were highest in 1977–78 and decreased later on. Juncus bulbosus had a maximum in 1977–80. Eunotia exigua became the dominant diatom after 1976 and decreased after 1981 in the pool with the shortest residence time (3 years).
5. In desiccating pools the long-term decrease of pH is apparently much larger than in softwater lakes in Scandinavia and North America. During the last 50 years, pH dropped rapidly after dry summers, probably due to oxidation of sulphur and nitrogen compounds which were originally derived from the atmosphere, reduced and stored in the sediments. Rapid falls in pH were followed by an increase, presumably due to alkalinity production during sulphate reduction and denitrification.  相似文献   

Moorland pools originally are shallow, often hydrologically isolated, soft-water bodies, with a low productivity. Some thousands of moorland pools originated from the late Pleistocene onwards in the heathland landscape in The Netherlands and adjacent areas, where soils have a poor buffering capacity. As the pools are largely fed by atmospheric precipitation, they are very vulnerable to changes in the environment, e.g. eutrophication and acidification. Moorland pools are exposed to very high rates of wet atmospheric deposition: 44–50 mmol m−2 yr−1 sulphate and 84–103 mmol m −2 yr−1 ammonium. Mass budgets indicate that 20–70% of the input of sulphate by precipitation is reduced, 40–100% of the ammonium input escapes to the air or sediments, apparently due to nitrification, and 90–100% of incoming nitrate disappears. The production of alkalinity ranges from 12 to 52 meq m−2 yr−1. The efficiency of these processes augments with pH-values of surface water increasing from 4.1 to 5.4. The accumulation of reduced sulphur compounds in the sediments is a threat in extremely dry summers, when desiccation causes oxydation of these compounds, resulting in very low pH-values (≤ 3.7). Acidification by acid atmospheric deposition and eutrophication by agricultural acidification are the main threats to the moorland pool ecosystems and affect the species composition of assemblages of aquatic macrophytes, desmids, diatoms, macrofauna, fishes and amphibians, as has been shown by comparison of old and recent records on their distribution and paleolimnological methods. Afforestation exacerbates acidification and also reduces wind dynamics. Particularly the decrease of isoetids and desmids by both processes indicate the biological impoverishment of the pools. Reductions of (potential) acid atmospheric deposition to less than 40 mmol m−2 yr and of ammonia to less than 30 mmol m−2 yr are necessary for recovery of the moorland pools. Methods for the addition of buffering material to a number of moorland pools, to counteract acidification until these deposition rates have lowered sufficiently, are given, as well as other methods for restoring the biological quality of moorland pools.  相似文献   

The diatoms of plankton samples taken between 1916 and 1929 and in 1975 from shallow pools, which were originally oligotrophic, are compared. Data about the past and present distribution of macrophytes were gathered from the literature and by field studies. Eutrophication caused by agriculture and recreation, and acidification from precipitation led to important changes in the biocenoses of the moorland pools during the last fifty years.  相似文献   

Surface diatom samples were collected from two saltmarshes in the Seymour–Belize Inlet Complex on the mainland coast of British Columbia to examine the controls on diatom distribution and provide training sets for regional studies of sea-level change. Cluster analysis and detrended correspondence analysis (DCA) were used to examine diatom distributions within and between the two marshes whilst canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) and partial canonical correspondence analysis (pCCA) were used to analyse species–environment relationships. The diatom assemblages were shown to be quite different between the two marshes, Waump and Wawwat'l. Q-mode cluster analysis separated the diatom assemblages from Waump into three zones corresponding to recognized vegetation zones; diatom zone C corresponds to the high marsh and is dominated by Pinnularia obscura, Caloneis bacillum and Diploneis ovalis, zone B spans the high- and mid marsh and is characterised by Fragilaria exigua, Nitzchia palea and D. ovalis, whilst zone A from the low marsh/tidal flat includes high frequencies of Diploneis smithii, Ctenophora pulchella and F. exigua. Three different diatom zones were recognised at Wawwat'l; two upper zones, E and F, corresponding to the mid-marsh which are dominated by mixed abundances of N. palea and Fragilaria construens var. venter, Navicula peregrina and Navicula clementis and zone D from the low marsh/tidal flat with increased frequencies of F. exigua and Achnanthes delicatula. At Waump, the major controls on diatom distribution were found to be elevation and to a lesser extent pH, whilst at Wawwat'l, the primary controls were grain size/organic content, conductivity and elevation. The results confirm that saltmarsh diatoms may have potential for future sea-level studies in this region. However, caution must be exercised as the significant difference in the diatom assemblages between the two marshes suggests that the diatoms are responding to a number of environmental variables on a local scale. Some of this variation may reflect highly seasonal changes in sedimentation and salinity resulting from the proximity of the marshes to adjacent streams which are subject to spring freshet. Local differences in elevation between the collected samples may also account for some of the assemblage variability. The results emphasize the great diversity and high sensitivity of intertidal diatom species to environmental controls.  相似文献   

1. Acid‐base status has major effects on diatoms, but there is little information on their short‐term response to changing acidity. This is despite the use of diatoms as bioindicators in streams where acid episodes are important during rainstorms (hours to days) or snowmelt (days to weeks). In the Llyn Brianne experimental catchments (Wales, UK), we attempted to mimic the effects of short‐term acidification by (i) reciprocally transplanting diatoms between two streams of contrasting acidity and (ii) using acid‐diffusing substrates. 2. Diatom diversity decreased rapidly on substrata transplanted from the circumneutral into the acidic stream, and increased in the reciprocal transplantation. Changes in dominant taxa occurred within three days in the acidic stream because of the rapid growth of Eunotia exigua, and by nine days in the circumneutral stream because of the proliferation of Achnanthidium minutissimum. Transplants were near indistinguishable from ambient assemblages by day 12. 3. There were no effects of enclosures on assemblage composition, but diatoms responded more rapidly to altered chemistry in enclosures with coarse mesh (26 × 50 mm) than finer mesh (320 μm). 4. Chemical diffusing substrates comprised terracotta tiles attached to dosing reservoirs that created locally acid (using H2SO4) or metal‐rich conditions (using MnSO4) in the circumneutral stream over 26 days. Diatom responses were compared with reference substrates dosed with deionised or circumneutral stream water, and we also assessed whether effects were moderated by macroinvertebrate grazers. 5. Surface pH was lower by 1–2 pH units on acid‐dosed substrates than on reference tiles or in surrounding streamwater. Grazed assemblages on acid‐dosed substrates differed significantly from ungrazed reference assemblages, acquiring significantly greater relative abundance of Eunotia spp. However, the magnitude of response was less than in the between‐stream transplantations either because (i) metal exposure and base cation concentrations differed between the transplants and dosing substrates or (ii) diatom response to reduced pH on the diffusing substrates was restricted by the scarcity of acidobiontic diatoms in the circumneutral stream. Similar filter, founder or dominance effects might also affect diatom responses to real acid episodes. 6. These data show that diatom assemblages can respond rapidly and directly to changes in acid‐base status, but short‐term acidification might affect diatoms more rapidly than subsequent recovery. Because the experimental methods used were imperfect representations of episodic effects, diatom response to real acid events requires further field evaluation.  相似文献   

Old (ca 1920) and recent (1978) diatom assemblages from sixteen pristine moorland pools are compared by analysis of pH-spectra, diversity (Hill's index), (dis)similarity (number of species in common, Dyer dissimilarity) and principal component analysis. The pH-spectra of clear water pools indicate that the formerly wide range of pH (4–6) is very narrow now (3.7–4.6). No significant change of pH (ca 4.5) is observed in brown water moorland pools. Diversity significantly declines in clear water pools and has a tendency to rise in brown water pools. The number of species in common does not change. The Dyer dissimilarity significantly decreases in clear water lakes, no change is found in brown water lakes. The first principal component (PC 1) explains 61% of total variance between samples and is nearly completely determined byEunotia exigua. PC 1 has a strong positive correlation with both the absolute and relative sulfate concentration and other factors related to acidification (Ca2+, Al3+, Mg2+, electrical conductivity). PC1 has a negative correlation with factors characterizing humic acid waters (K MnO4-consumption, Fe, (Na+ + K+)/ (Ca2++Mg2+) etc.). Old samples have low scores on PC 1. Recent samples from clear waters have high scores on PC 1. The original variation, caused by regional factors, is replaced by a sulfate controled variation. The factors which are responsible for the recent differences in sulfate concentrations between pools are discussed (sulfate reduction, accumulation by dry deposition in adjacent pine forests and drought). Some observations contribute to the opinion that acidification may be considered as eutrophication and not as oligotrophication.  相似文献   

In 1987, there was an episode of shellfish poisoning in Canada with human fatalities caused by the diatom Pseudo-nitzschia multiseries, which produced the toxin domoic acid. In order to examine whether domoic acid in this diatom serves as a grazing deterrent for copepods, we compared feeding rates, egg production rates, egg hatching success and mortality of the calanoid copepods Acartia tonsa and Temora longicornis feeding on unialgal diets of the toxic diatom P. multiseries and the similarly-sized non-toxic diatom Pseudo-nitzschia pungens. Copepods were collected in summers of 1994, 1995 and 1996 from Shediac Bay, New Brunswick, Canada, near Prince Edward Island, the site of the 1987 episode of domoic acid shellfish poisoning. Rates of ingestion of the toxic versus the non-toxic diatom by A. tonsa and T. longicornis were similar, with only one significantly different pair of values obtained in 1994, for which A. tonsa had a higher mean rate of ingestion of the toxic than the non-toxic diatom. Thus, domoic acid did not appear to retard grazing. Analyses of copepods with high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) revealed that copepods accumulated domoic acid when feeding on P. multiseries. Egg production rates of copepods when feeding on P. multiseries and P. pungens were very low, ranging from 0 to 2.79 eggs female–1 d–1. There did not appear to be differential egg production or egg hatching success on diets of the toxic and non-toxic diatoms. Mortality of females on the toxic diet was low, ranging from 0 to 20%, with a mean of 13%, and there was no apparent difference between mortality of copepods feeding on toxic versus non-toxic diatoms. Egg hatching success on both diets, although based on few eggs, ranged between 22% and 76%, with a mean percentage hatching of 45%. Diets of the non-toxic diatom plus natural seawater assemblages supplemented with dissolved domoic acid, revealed similar rates and percentages when compared to previous experiments. In summary, none of the variables measured indicated adverse effects on copepods feeding on the toxic compared to the non-toxic diatom.  相似文献   

Although benthic diatoms are used to assess river water quality, there are few data on the rate at which diatom assemblages react to changes in water quality. The aim of this study was to assess the reaction time of diatoms and to discuss the changes occurring during water quality improvement on the basis of their autecological characteristics. In order to simulate this improvement, diatom-dominated biofilms grown on artificial sandstone substrata were transferred from several polluted rivers to an unpolluted river. They were sampled three times: before transfer and 1 and 2 months after transfer. The ecology and growth-forms of the taxa explained most of the changes in species composition observed during the experiment. Adnate diatoms gradually replaced motile and stalked taxa. Gomphonema parvulum, a stalked diatom positioned vertically in the biofilm, is adapted for light and space competition in high-density algal biofilms. When transferred to an unpolluted site, this growth-form is less competitive and does not tolerate the high grazing pressure. Fistulifera saprophila is a single celled motile diatom, living in organic matrices. When the artificial substrata were transferred to the unpolluted site, this particular ecological niche disappeared quickly. On the other hand, Achnanthidium minutissimum, which is considered to be cosmopolitan and an early colonizer, increased during the first month of transfer and then decreased. It was gradually replaced by A. biasolettianum, which was the taxon best suited to this pristine stream. The changes observed differed between treatments depending on the species composition and architecture of the biofilms. In particular, biofilms dominated by stalked and motile diatoms were more quickly modified than those dominated by small motile diatoms. The diatom index reflects these changes, and its values showed that about 60 days following a water quality improvement were necessary for transferred diatom assemblages to reach diatom index values similar as those at the unpolluted river.  相似文献   

Sediment samples and environmental data were collected from November 1973 to August 1974 to analyze the distribution of sediment-associated diatom assemblages relative to vertical, horizontal, and seasonal gradients in Yaquina Estuary, Oregon. The distribution of diatoms was regulated primarily by mean salinity and characteristics of the sediment, i.e., mean sediment size and percentage of organic carbon. Prominent taxa in the river above Yaquina Bay exhibited overlapping distributions along the salinity gradient to a location in brackish water where the mean salinity was approximately 5%o. At this salinity, a relatively sharp discontinuity in the diatom flora existed which appeared to represent the biochemical and biophysical mechanisms involved in the osmotic regulation of fresh- and brackish-water diatoms. Relatively large disparities m the structure of diatom assemblages were found within relatively small areas of Yaquina Bay. These differences were attributed to properties of the sediment. Differences in diatom assemblages relative to variations in light intensity, water temperature and exposure to intertidal emergence were not apparent from the analysis of field data.  相似文献   

Summary The diatoms of two Dutch lowland streams were studied. The stream Beerze is heavily polluted by the effluent of a sewage treatment plant, causing a change in the pH from less than 4 to more than 6. The acidobiontic diatomEunotia exigua is replaced by more alkaline and eutraphentic species such asGomphonema parvulum, Cyclotelia meneghiniana andFragilaria capucina. The Simpson diversity index rises from 0.2 in the upper course to 0.9 in the middle course and maintains this level in the lower course.From stream Rosep samples of 1919–1930 and recent ones were studied. This stream is polluted now by agriculture. In the earlier samples oligo-mesotraphentic species dominated (Eunotia spp.,Melosira distans). In 1976 the species of organically polluted waters were most abundant. The oligo-mesotraphentic species were hardly recovered.In spite of the severe pollution the number of rare species in both streams is still high, compared with that in stagnant waters. Only in mesotrophic moorland pools and mesotrophic quivering bogs, which are situated in trophic gradients just like both streams, a comparable number of rare species may be found.  相似文献   

Over the course of 3 years (1997–1999), 72 stream sites were sampled for epilithic diatom communities. The analysis of these samples has led to the identification of over 325 species of diatoms. In addition to sampling the diatom community, selected physical and chemical parameters were recorded from each stream reach. These parameters included pH, specific conductance, current velocity, SRP, nitrate, silica, and total alkalinity. Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA) was used to identify influential environmental parameters and to assess the response of the diatom community to prominent anthropogenic inputs in the region (i.e. coal mine drainage, eutrophication). The initial analyses indicate that pH was the most influential environmental parameter along the first CCA axis. This shift was not unexpected, as acid mine drainage (AMD) in the region leads to a wide range of pH values (2.8–7.93). The highly acidic sites were characterized by species of the genus Eunotia (specifically E. exigua and E. steineckei), Frustulia rhomboides, and Pinnularia subcapitata. Furthermore, Achnanthidium minutissimum was the most widely distributed of the diatom species encountered, being found at 94% of the sites sampled. Streams that fluctuated between acidic and circumneutral pH (termed “teeter‐totter”) had greater abundances of Brachysira vitrea than other streams in this survey. Further implications for the use of these diatom communities as biomonitoring tools and the distribution of assemblages within the Western Allegheny Plateau will be discussed.  相似文献   

The depth distribution of photosynthetic pigments and benthic marine diatoms was investigated in late spring at three different sites on the Swedish west coast. At each site, sediment cores were taken at six depths (7–35 m) by scuba divers. It was hypothesized that (1) living benthic diatoms constitute a substantial part of the benthic microflora even at depths where the light levels are <1% of the surface irradiance, and (2) the changing light environment along the depth gradient will be reflected in (a) the composition of diatom assemblages, and (b) different pigment ratios. Sediment microalgal communities were analysed using epifluorescence microscopy (to study live cells), light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy (diatom preparations), and HPLC (photosynthetic pigments). Pigments were calculated as concentrations (mg m–2) and as ratios relative to chlorophyll a. Hypothesis (1) was accepted. At 20 m, the irradiance was 0.2% of surface irradiance and at 7 m, 1%. Living (epifluorescent) benthic diatoms were found down to 20 m at all sites. The cell counts corroborated the diatom pigment concentrations, decreasing with depth from 7 to 25 m, levelling out between 25 and 35 m. There were significant positive correlations between chlorophyll a and living (epifluorescent) benthic diatoms and between the diatom pigment fucoxanthin and chlorophyll a. Hypothesis (2) was only partly accepted because it could not be shown that light was the main environmental factor. A principal component analysis on diatom species showed that pelagic forms characterized the deeper locations (25–35 m), and epipelic–epipsammic taxa the shallower sites (7–20 m). Redundancy analyses showed a significant relationship between diatom taxa and environmental factors – temperature, salinity, and light intensities explained 57% of diatom taxa variations.  相似文献   

This study examines distributional patterns of benthic diatom assemblages in relation to environmental characteristics in streams and rivers in the California Central Valley ecoregion. Benthic diatoms, water quality, and physical habitat conditions were characterized from 53 randomly selected sites. The stream sites were characterized by low mid-channel canopy cover and high channel substrate embeddedness. The waters at these sites were enriched with minerals and turbidity varied from 1.3 to 185.0 NTU with an average of 13.5 NTU. A total of 249 diatom taxa were identified. Average taxa richness was 41 with a range of 7–76. The assemblages were dominated by Staurosira construens (11%), Epithemia sorex (8%), Cocconeis placentula (7%), and Nitzschia amphibia (6%). Multivariate analyses (cluster analysis, classification tree analysis, and canonical correspondence analysis) all showed that benthic diatom assemblages were mainly affected by channel morphology, in-stream habitat, and riparian conditions. The 1st CCA axis negatively correlated with mean wetted channel width (r = −0.66) and thalweg depth (r = −0.65) (Table 4). The 2nd axis correlated with % coarse substrates (r=0.60). Our results suggest that benthic diatoms can be used for assessing physical habitat alterations in streams.  相似文献   

The results are presented of a survey of diatom assemblies in a number of moorland pools and lakes in the Dwingeloo area of Drenthe. Four assemblies, with some intermediate ones, are described. (1) An assembly characterized by an abundance ofFrustulia rhomboides var.saxonica, Eunotia lunaris, E. veneris var.rhomboidea andTabellaria flocculosa and found in oligotrophic water with a pH in the range 3.1–4.2 (2) An assembly solely consisting ofEunotia exigua which occurs in oligo-minerotrophic pools with brownish deposits of iron compounds and a pH of about 3.5. (3) An assembly consisting of 100%Eunotia paludosa found in the ombrotrophic habitat of emerged stands ofSphagnum with a pH averaging 3.1. This species was found in nearly all localities sampled. (4) An assembly characterized by the sympatric occurrence ofMelosira italica, Nitzschia gandersheimiensis, Gomphonema parvulum andTabellaria flocculosa and found in mesotrophic, disturbed habitats with an average pH of about 4.5. For the delimitation of these assemblies a cluster analysis was carried out by means of the TABORD computerprogram.  相似文献   

Light and scanning electron microscopy were utilized to quality diatom colonization in Oak Creek, Arizona. Aluminum SEM stubs with and without plexiglass discs were anchored into rocks. Early colonization on five stub microzones was examined at hourly intervals; weekly intervals of up to 3 wk were employed to record community development in pool find riffle. Plexiglass was more suitable for microbial colonization than aluminum. Organic matter and bacteria were important surface pre-conditioning agents while fungi were instrumental in trap/ting cells during early stages of colonization in the riffle. Diatom colonization was initialed within 1 h on the upstream side of substrata in riffles, while the tap face was colonized first in pools. Colonization moved rapidly to the perimeter in each system. Early colonization of-side microzones was considerably more asymmetric in the riffle than, pool. At Idler stages (2 wk) diatoms with their associated mucilage and algal filaments contributed to the stability of the microbial communities. Horizontally positioned species (Achnanthes, Cocconeis) were early colonizers in both systems while vertically positioned species (Gomphonema, Nitzschia) were more important in later successional stages (3 wk) in the riffle. Horizontally positioned species remained dominant throughout the 3 wk period in the pool. After 3 wk, diversity was normally greater in the pool while density was higher in the riffle. Detrital microcosms containing viable microbiol assemblages frequently collected on tin-upstream face of substrata in the riffle. The random nature by which these detrital microcoms contact downstream substrata greatly contribute to the spatial variation of periphyton in streams. These detrital microcosms expedite repeated colonization in lotic systems.  相似文献   

Diatoms are important components of the marine food web and one of the most species-rich groups of phytoplankton. The diversity and composition of diatoms in eutrophic nearshore habitats have been well documented due to the outsized influence of diatoms on coastal ecosystem functioning. In contrast, patterns of both diatom diversity and community composition in offshore oligotrophic regions where diatom biomass is low have been poorly resolved. To compare the diatom diversity and community composition in oligotrophic and eutrophic waters, diatom communities were sampled along a 1,250 km transect from the oligotrophic Sargasso Sea to the coastal waters of the northeast US shelf. Diatom community composition was determined by amplifying and sequencing the 18S rDNA V4 region. Of the 301 amplicon sequence variants (ASVs) identified along the transect, the majority (70%) were sampled exclusively from oligotrophic waters of the Gulf Stream and Sargasso Sea and included the genera Bacteriastrum, Haslea, Hemiaulus, Pseudo-nitzschia, and Nitzschia. Diatom ASV richness did not vary along the transect, indicating that the oligotrophic Sargasso Sea and Gulf Stream are occupied by a diverse diatom community. Although ASV richness was similar between oligotrophic and coastal waters, diatom community composition in these regions differed significantly and was correlated with temperature and phosphate, two environmental variables known to influence diatom metabolism and geographic distribution. In sum, oligotrophic waters of the western North Atlantic harbor diverse diatom assemblages that are distinct from coastal regions, and these open ocean diatoms warrant additional study, as they may play critical roles in oligotrophic ecosystems.  相似文献   

Periphytic diatoms are potentially powerful indicators of environmental change in climatically‐sensitive high latitude regions. However, only a few studies have examined their taxonomic and ecological characteristics. We identified and enumerated diatom assemblages from sediment, rock, and moss habitats in 34 ultra‐oligotrophic and highly transparent lakes and ponds on Victoria Island, Arctic Canada. The similar limnological characteristics of the sites allowed us to examine the influence of habitat, independent of water chemistry, on the diatom assemblages. As is typical in shallow arctic water bodies, benthic taxa, including species of Achnanthes, Caloneis, Cymbella, Navicula, and Nitzschia, were most widely represented. Minor gradients in our measured environmental variables did not significantly explain any variance in diatom species, but there were marked differences in diatom assemblages among sites. Pond ephemerality seems to explain some diatom variation, because aerophilic taxa such as Achnanthes kryophila Petersen and A. marginulata Grunow were dominant in shallow sites that had undergone appreciable reductions in volume. We identified several taxa that exhibited strong habitat preferences to sediment, moss, or rock substrates and also found significant differences (P < 0.01) in diatom composition among the three habitats. In comparisons with three similar diatom surveys extending over 1200 km of latitude, we determined that surface sediment assemblages differed significantly (P < 0.001) among all regions examined. Diatom species diversity was inversely related to latitude, a result likely explained by differences in the lengths of growing seasons. These data contribute important ecological information on diatom assemblages in arctic regions and will aid in the interpretation of environmental changes in biomonitoring and paleolimnological studies.  相似文献   

1. Samples for the analysis of attached diatoms and surface water chemistry were taken at thirty-five stations in sixteen soft-water streams in the Netherlands during autumn 1990. Most were located in pine forest and heathland catchments, fed by deep groundwater (median residence time 87 years), with no direct influence of agricultural or urban drainage water. 2. The chemical data from sixteen stations were compared with data collected in 1974 and 1981. There were no significant increases in pH (6.3 in 1974, 6–4 in 1990) or in sulphate (200 mmol m?3 in 1974, 229 mmol m?3 in 1990). Over the same period nitrate increased significantly from 17 to 158 mmol m?3, while alkalinity decreased significantly from 355 to 251 meq m?3. 3. The most important correlates with the distribution of diatoms, as revealed by canonical correspondence analysis, were pH, nitrate, cross-sectional area of the stream and the Ca/(Ca + Cl) ratio. 4. Diatom assemblages of upstream stations indicated more acid conditions than those of downstream stations. Also there was considerable variation in the diatom assemblages of different habitats, 5. A diatom-pH transfer function was developed using the weighted-averaging method. The function was applied to comparable pairs of samples which were collected in 1974 and 1990 at ten stations. There was a significant decrease in the median diatom-inferred pH from 6.78 in 1974 to 6.55 in 1990. 6. The diatom assemblages are diverse and contain a high proportion of filamentous diatoms, particularly Aulacoseira crenulata and A. alpigena, which are rare in Western Europe. This is a response to the low current velocity (median 5 cm?1) and the relatively constant deep groundwater discharge.  相似文献   

In the context of a main project that aims to recover modern data on diatom distribution applicable to paleosalinity reconstructions in coastal areas of Southern South America, the composition and distribution of dead diatom assemblages in the littoral zone of the Quequén Salado estuary (Argentina) were studied. Diatom zones were defined along the estuarine gradient by cluster analysis and related to the salinity range and sediment composition by Canonical Correspondence Analysis. Four diatom zones were identified. A mixture of marine, brackish and freshwater diatoms, probably allochthonous, characterized the inlet (zone I). Marine/brackish taxa, represented mainly by Paralia sulcata dominated zone II, characterized by polyhaline conditions and sandy sediments. Zone III was characterized by mesohaline conditions, muddy sediments and the dominance of the estuarine diatom Amphora helenensis. Brackish/freshwater and freshwater diatoms dominated the headwaters (zone IV), where salinity was always below 5‰. The comparison of Quequén Salado diatom assemblages with previous results from the Quequén Grande estuary showed a similar taxonomic composition between both estuaries. However, differences in the salinity ranges of the estuaries (related to differences in the degree of human impact and tidal range) lead to a displacement in their spatial distribution along the longitudinal estuarine axis. This paper contributes to the knowledge of the ecological requirements of South American estuarine diatoms and provides useful data for paleosalinity reconstructions in the region. Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available in the online version of this article at and is accessible for authorized users Handling editor: J. Padisak  相似文献   

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