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Shin RM  Tsvetkov E  Bolshakov VY 《Neuron》2006,52(5):883-896
Input-specific long-term potentiation (LTP) in afferent inputs to the amygdala serves an essential function in the acquisition of fear memory. Factors underlying input specificity of synaptic modifications implicated in information transfer in fear conditioning pathways remain unclear. Here we show that the strength of naive synapses in two auditory inputs converging on a single neuron in the lateral nucleus of the amygdala (LA) is only modified when a postsynaptic action potential closely follows a synaptic response. The stronger inhibitory drive in thalamic pathway, as compared with cortical input, hampers the induction of LTP at thalamo-amygdala synapses, contributing to the spatial specificity of LTP in convergent inputs. These results indicate that spike timing-dependent synaptic plasticity in afferent projections to the LA is both temporarily and spatially asymmetric, thus providing a mechanism for the conditioned stimulus discrimination during fear behavior.  相似文献   

Hong I  Kim J  Lee J  Park S  Song B  Kim J  An B  Park K  Lee HW  Lee S  Kim H  Park SH  Eom KD  Lee S  Choi S 《PloS one》2011,6(9):e24260
It is generally believed that after memory consolidation, memory-encoding synaptic circuits are persistently modified and become less plastic. This, however, may hinder the remaining capacity of information storage in a given neural circuit. Here we consider the hypothesis that memory-encoding synaptic circuits still retain reversible plasticity even after memory consolidation. To test this, we employed a protocol of auditory fear conditioning which recruited the vast majority of the thalamic input synaptic circuit to the lateral amygdala (T-LA synaptic circuit; a storage site for fear memory) with fear conditioning-induced synaptic plasticity. Subsequently the fear memory-encoding synaptic circuits were challenged with fear extinction and re-conditioning to determine whether these circuits exhibit reversible plasticity. We found that fear memory-encoding T-LA synaptic circuit exhibited dynamic efficacy changes in tight correlation with fear memory strength even after fear memory consolidation. Initial conditioning or re-conditioning brought T-LA synaptic circuit near the ceiling of their modification range (occluding LTP and enhancing depotentiation in brain slices prepared from conditioned or re-conditioned rats), while extinction reversed this change (reinstating LTP and occluding depotentiation in brain slices prepared from extinguished rats). Consistently, fear conditioning-induced synaptic potentiation at T-LA synapses was functionally reversed by extinction and reinstated by subsequent re-conditioning. These results suggest reversible plasticity of fear memory-encoding circuits even after fear memory consolidation. This reversible plasticity of memory-encoding synapses may be involved in updating the contents of original memory even after memory consolidation.  相似文献   

Epigenetic mechanisms, including histone acetylation and DNA methylation, have been widely implicated in hippocampal-dependent learning paradigms. Here, we have examined the role of epigenetic alterations in amygdala-dependent auditory Pavlovian fear conditioning and associated synaptic plasticity in the lateral nucleus of the amygdala (LA) in the rat. Using Western blotting, we first show that auditory fear conditioning is associated with an increase in histone H3 acetylation and DNMT3A expression in the LA, and that training-related alterations in histone acetylation and DNMT3A expression in the LA are downstream of ERK/MAPK signaling. Next, we show that intra-LA infusion of the histone deacetylase (HDAC) inhibitor TSA increases H3 acetylation and enhances fear memory consolidation; that is, long-term memory (LTM) is enhanced, while short-term memory (STM) is unaffected. Conversely, intra-LA infusion of the DNA methyltransferase (DNMT) inhibitor 5-AZA impairs fear memory consolidation. Further, intra-LA infusion of 5-AZA was observed to impair training-related increases in H3 acetylation, and pre-treatment with TSA was observed to rescue the memory consolidation deficit induced by 5-AZA. In our final series of experiments, we show that bath application of either 5-AZA or TSA to amygdala slices results in significant impairment or enhancement, respectively, of long-term potentiation (LTP) at both thalamic and cortical inputs to the LA. Further, the deficit in LTP following treatment with 5-AZA was observed to be rescued at both inputs by co-application of TSA. Collectively, these findings provide strong support that histone acetylation and DNA methylation work in concert to regulate memory consolidation of auditory fear conditioning and associated synaptic plasticity in the LA.  相似文献   

The relay of extracellular signals into changes in cellular physiology involves a Byzantine array of intracellular signaling pathways, of which cytoplasmic protein kinases are a crucial component. In the nervous system, a great deal of effort has focused on understanding the conversion of patterns of synaptic activity into long-lasting changes in synaptic efficacy that are thought to underlie memory. The goal is both to understand synaptic plasticity mechanisms, such as long-term potentiation, at a molecular level and to understand the relationship of these synaptic mechanisms to behavioral memory. Although both involve the activation of multiple signaling pathways, recent studies are beginning to define discrete roles and mechanisms for individual kinases in the different temporal phases of both synaptic and behavioral plasticity.  相似文献   

Human cancer, PTEN and the PI-3 kinase pathway   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
The PI-3 kinase pathway is a major driving force for human cancer. One common way of stimulating the PI-3 kinase pathway occurs through inactivation of the PTEN tumor suppressor. The mechanisms of PTEN inactivation include mutation, epigenetic silencing and post-translational modification. Improved insight into the regulation of PTEN is leading to a richer understanding of the contribution of PTEN and the PI-3 kinase pathway to human tumors. Understanding the pathology of PI-3 kinase signaling in tumors improves knowledge of cancer etiology and provides novel therapeutic targets.  相似文献   

Zheng JW  Wu XH  Li L 《生理科学进展》2007,38(3):269-273
恐惧性条件化学习的行为范式是研究情绪信息编码和储存的神经生物学机制的一个重要手段。杏仁核,尤其是外侧杏仁核(lateral nucleus of amygdala,LA),在恐惧性条件化的建立、恐惧信息的表达,以及恐惧性事件信息的存贮过程中起着非常重要的作用。本文着重论述外侧杏仁核在恐惧性条件化学习过程中的神经可塑性变化和相关的LTP机制,以及决定这种可塑性变化的分子信号转导通路。  相似文献   

Previously we have shown that PDGF receptor mutants that do not bind PI- 3 kinase internalize after ligand binding, but fail to downregulate and degrade. To define further the role of PI-3 kinase in trafficking processes in mammalian cells, we have investigated the effects of a potent inhibitor of PI-3 kinase activity, wortmannin. At nanomolar concentrations, wortmannin inhibited both the transfer of PDGF receptors from peripheral compartments to juxtanuclear vesicles, and their subsequent degradation. In contrast, the delivery of soluble phase markers to lysosomes, assessed by the accumulation of Lucifer yellow (LY) in perinuclear vesicles after 120 min of incubation, was not blocked by wortmannin. Furthermore, wortmannin did not affect the rate of transferrin uptake, and caused only a small decrease in its rate of recycling. Thus, the effects of wortmannin on PDGFr trafficking are much more pronounced than its effects on other endocytic events. Unexpectedly, wortmannin also caused a striking effect on the morphology of endosomal compartments, marked by tubulation and enlargement of endosomes containing transferrin or LY. This effect was somewhat similar to that produced by brefeldin A, and was also blocked by pre-treatment of cells with aluminum fluoride (AlF4-). These results suggest two sites in the endocytic pathway where PI-3 kinase activity may be required: (a) to sort PDGF receptors from peripheral compartments to the lysosomal degradative pathway; and (b) to regulate the structure of endosomes containing lysosomally directed and recycling molecules. This latter function could be mediated through the activation of AlFt4-)-sensitive GTP-binding proteins downstream of PI-3 kinase.  相似文献   

Regulated trafficking of AMPA receptors (AMPARs) is an important mechanism that underlies the activity-dependent modification of synaptic strength. Trafficking of AMPARs is regulated by specific interactions of their subunits with other proteins. Recently, we have reported that the AMPAR subunit GluR1 binds the cGMP-dependent kinase type II (cGKII) adjacent to the kinase catalytic site, and that this interaction is increased by cGMP. In this complex, cGKII phosphorylates GluR1 at serine 845 (S845), a site known to be phosphorylated also by PKA. S845 phosphorylation leads to an increase of GluR1 on the plasma membrane. In neurons, cGMP is produced by soluble guanylate cyclase (sGC), which is activated by nitric oxide (NO). Calcium flux through the NMDA receptor (NMDAR) activates neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS), which produces NO. Using a combination of biochemical and electrophysiological experiments, we have shown that trafficking of GluR1 is under the regulation of NO, cGMP and cGKII. Moreover, our study indicates that the interaction of cGKII with GluR1, which is under the regulation of the NMDAR and NO, plays an important role in hippocampal plasticity.  相似文献   

Regulated trafficking of AMPA receptors (AMPARs) is an important mechanism that underlies the activity-dependent modification of synaptic strength. Trafficking of AMPARs is regulated by specific interactions of their subunits with other proteins. Recently, we have reported that the AMPAR subunit GluR1 binds the cGMP-dependent kinase type II (cGKII) adjacent to the kinase catalytic site, and that this interaction is increased by cGMP. In this complex, cGKII phosphorylates GluR1 at serine 845 (S845), a site known to be phosphorylated also by PKA. S845 phosphorylation leads to an increase of GluR1 on the plasma membrane. In neurons, cGMP is produced by soluble guanylate cyclase (sGC), which is activated by nitric oxide (NO). Calcium flux through the NMDA receptor (NMDAR) activates neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS), which produces NO. Using a combination of biochemical and electrophysiological experiments, we have shown that trafficking of GluR1 is under the regulation of NO, cGMP and cGKII. Moreover, our study indicates that the interaction of cGKII with GluR1, which is under the regulation of the NMDAR and NO, plays an important role in hippocampal plasticity.  相似文献   

In the auditory system, inhibitory transmission from the medial nucleus of the trapezoid body (MNTB) to neurons of the lateral superior olivary nucleus (LSO) undergoes activity-dependent long-term depression, and may be associated with developmental elimination of these synapses [Sanes DH, Friauf E (2000). Review: development and influence of inhibition in the laterial superior olivary nucleus. Hear Res 147:46-58]. Although GABA(B) receptor activation and postsynaptic free calcium are implicated in this depression, little is known about intracellular signaling mechanisms in this or other forms of inhibitory plasticity. In this study, we asked whether the calcium dependency of inhibitory depression was associated with the activation of calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (CaMKII), protein kinase C (PKC), and/or cAMP-dependent protein kinase A (PKA). Whole-cell voltage-clamp recordings were obtained from LSO neurons in a brain slice preparation, permitting for the selective pharmacologic manipulation of individual postsynaptic LSO neurons. Inclusion of a CaMKII antagonist (KN-62) in the internal pipet solution blocked inhibitory synaptic depression. A second CaMKII inhibitor (autocamtide peptide fragment) significantly decreased inhibitory depression. Inclusion of a specific antagonist of protein kinase C (PKC fragment 19-36) in the internal recording solution also blocked inhibitory depression. To test involvement of a cAMP-dependent intracellular cascade, two different manipulations were performed. Inclusion of PKA antagonists (Rp-cAMPS or a cAMP dependent protein kinase inhibitor peptide) prevented inhibitory depression. In contrast, when a nonhydrolyzable cAMP analog (Sp-cAMPS) was permitted to enter the postsynaptic cell, the MNTB-evoked IPSCs became depressed in the absence of low-frequency stimulation. Thus, three key postsynaptic kinases, CaMKII, PKC, and PKA, participate in the activity-dependent depression of inhibitory MNTB-LSO synapses during postnatal development.  相似文献   

The tyrosine phosphorylation sites in the human alpha PDGF receptor (alpha PDGFR) required for association with PI-3 kinase have been identified as tyrosines 731 and 742. Mutation of either tyrosine substantially reduced PDGF-induced PI-3 kinase activity but did not impair the receptor-mediated mitogenic response. We sought to determine whether PDGF-induced PI-3 kinase activity could be further ablated so as to exclude a low threshold requirement for PDGFR signal transduction. Thus, we mutated both tyrosine 731 and 742 and expressed the double mutant (Y731F/Y742F) in 32D hematopoietic cells. In such transfectants, PDGF induced no detectable receptor-associated or anti-P- Tyr recoverable PI-3 kinase activity. Under the same conditions, neither mobility shift of raf-1 nor tyrosine phosphorylation of either PLC gamma or MAP kinase was impaired. 32D transfectants expressing the double mutant showed wild-type alpha PDGFR levels of mitogenic and chemotactic responses to PDGF. To examine the effect of the double mutation in cells that normally respond to PDGF, we generated chimeras in which the cytoplasmic domains of wild-type alpha PDGFR, Y731F, and Y731F/Y742F were linked to the extracellular domain of colony- stimulating factor-1 (CSF-1) receptor (fms). After introduction of the chimeric receptors into mouse NIH/3T3 fibroblasts, the ability of CSF-1 to stimulate growth of these transfectants was examined. Our data show that all these chimeric receptors exhibited similar abilities to mediate CSF-1-stimulated cell growth. These findings lead us to conclude that PDGF-induced PI-3 kinase activity is not required for PDGF-stimulated mitogenic pathway in both NIH/3T3 fibroblasts and 32D hematopoietic cells.  相似文献   

Auditory information critical for fear conditioning, a model of emotional learning, is conveyed to the lateral nucleus of the amygdala via two routes: directly from the medial geniculate nucleus and indirectly from the auditory cortex. Here we show in the cortico-amygdala pathway that learned fear occludes electrically induced long-term potentiation (LTP). Quantal analysis of the expression of LTP in this pathway reveals a significant presynaptic component reflected in an increase in probability of transmitter release. Conditioned fear also is accompanied by the enhancement in transmitter release at this cortico-amygdala synapse. These results indicate that the synaptic projections from the auditory cortex to the lateral amygdala are modified during the acquisition and expression of fear to auditory stimulation, thus further strengthening the proposed link between LTP in the auditory pathways to the amygdala and learned fear.  相似文献   

Voltage-gated sodium channels (VGSCs) play an important role in the control of membrane excitability. We previously reported that the excitability of nociceptor was increased by hypotonic stimulation. The present study tested the effect of hypotonicity on tetrodotoxin-sensitive sodium current (TTX-S current) in cultured trigeminal ganglion (TG) neurons. Our data show that after hypotonic treatment, TTX-S current was increased. In the presence of hypotonicity, voltage-dependent activation curve shifted to the hyperpolarizing direction, while the voltage-dependent inactivation curve was not affected. Transient Receptor Potential Vanilloid 4 receptor (TRPV4) activator increased TTX-S current and hypotonicity-induced increase was markedly attenuated by TRPV4 receptor blockers. We also demonstrate that inhibition of PKC attenuated hypotonicity-induced inhibition, whereas PKA system was not involved in hypotonic-response. We conclude that hypotonic stimulation enhances TTX-S current, which contributes to hypotonicity-induced nociception. TRPV4 receptor and PKC intracellular pathway are involved in the increase of TTX-S current by hypotonicity.  相似文献   

Protein acetylation is a reversible posttranslational modification, which is regulated by lysine acetyltransferase (KAT) and lysine deacetyltransferase (KDAC). Although protein acetylation has been shown to regulate synaptic plasticity, this was mainly for histone protein acetylation. The function and regulation of nonhistone protein acetylation in synaptic plasticity and learning remain largely unknown. Calmodulin (CaM), a ubiquitous Ca2+ sensor, plays critical roles in synaptic plasticity such as long-term potentiation (LTP). During LTP induction, activation of NMDA receptor triggers Ca2+ influx, and the Ca2+ binds with CaM and activates calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase IIα (CaMKIIα). In our previous study, we demonstrated that acetylation of CaM was important for synaptic plasticity and fear learning in mice. However, the KAT responsible for CaM acetylation is currently unknown. Here, following an HEK293 cell-based screen of candidate KATs, steroid receptor coactivator 3 (SRC3) is identified as the most active KAT for CaM. We further demonstrate that SRC3 interacts with and acetylates CaM in a Ca2+ and NMDA receptor-dependent manner. We also show that pharmacological inhibition or genetic downregulation of SRC3 impairs CaM acetylation, synaptic plasticity, and contextual fear learning in mice. Moreover, the effects of SRC3 inhibition on synaptic plasticity and fear learning could be rescued by 3KQ-CaM, a mutant form of CaM, which mimics acetylation. Together, these observations demonstrate that SRC3 acetylates CaM and regulates synaptic plasticity and learning in mice.  相似文献   

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