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Flight initiation distance (FID) procedures are used to assess the risk perception animals have for threats (e.g., natural predators, hunters), but it is unclear whether these assessments remain meaningful if animals have habituated to certain human stimuli (e.g., researchers, tourists). Our previous work showed that habituated baboons displayed individually distinct and consistent responses to human approaches, a tolerance trait, but it is unknown if the trait is resilient to life‐threatening scenarios. If it were consistent, it would imply FIDs might measure specific human threat perception only and not generalize to other threats such as predators when animals have experienced habituation processes. We used FID procedures to compare baseline responses to the visual orientation distance, FID, and individual tolerance estimates assessed after a leopard predation on an adult male baboon (group member). All variables were consistent despite the predation event, suggesting tolerance to observers was largely unaffected by the predation and FID procedures are unlikely to be generalizable to other threats when habituation has occurred. FID approaches could be an important tool for assessing how humans influence animal behavior across a range of contexts, but careful planning is required to understand the type of stimuli presented.  相似文献   

Visual neuroscience has long sought to determine the extent to which stimulus-evoked activity in visual cortex depends on attention and awareness. Some influential theories of consciousness maintain that the allocation of attention is restricted to conscious representations [1, 2]. However, in the load theory of attention [3], competition between task-relevant and task-irrelevant stimuli for limited-capacity attention does not depend on conscious perception of the irrelevant stimuli. The critical test is whether the level of attentional load in a relevant task would determine unconscious neural processing of invisible stimuli. Human participants were scanned with high-field fMRI while they performed a foveal task of low or high attentional load. Irrelevant, invisible monocular stimuli were simultaneously presented peripherally and were continuously suppressed by a flashing mask in the other eye [4]. Attentional load in the foveal task strongly modulated retinotopic activity evoked in primary visual cortex (V1) by the invisible stimuli. Contrary to traditional views [1, 2, 5, 6], we found that availability of attentional capacity determines neural representations related to unconscious processing of continuously suppressed stimuli in human primary visual cortex. Spillover of attention to cortical representations of invisible stimuli (under low load) cannot be a sufficient condition for their awareness.  相似文献   

In primates the retina is connected with different targets in the brain via several parallel pathways, the largest of which is that going to the lateral geniculate nucleus of the thalamus and thence to the striate cortex, the geniculo-striate pathway. When this route is damaged in man, apparent blindness in a corresponding part of the visual field occurs, despite the integrity of the other parallel pathways. In animals, it has been demonstrated by conventional behavioural forced-choice techniques that extrastriate routes can sustain a variety of visual discriminations. Comparable discriminations are also possible in some human subjects with geniculo-striate damage when forced-choice 'guessing' techniques are used. 'Blind-sight' refers to those subjects who state that they are unaware of the visual stimuli, even when performing discriminations at high levels of proficiency. Extensions of this approach are reviewed, especially to spectral sensitivity and movement discrimination. But residual capacities can also be assessed without requiring guessing responses, thereby avoiding issues of differential response criteria and other practical difficulties. Effects of 'unseen' stimuli in the cortically blind field on the visible perception of concurrent stimuli in the intact field can be measured. Also, positive reactions of the autonomic nervous system, such as the galvanic skin response, can be recorded to visual stimuli presented in the blind field. Recent evidence demonstrates that the pupil in normal adult subjects is systematically sensitive to structural and chromatic features of visual stimuli. Pupillometry reveals specific changes and residual capacities in visual-field defects of adult patients with striate cortical damage. Thus non-verbal and sensitive methods are available that permit the comparative study of normal and residual visual capacity in human infants, adults and infra-human animals.  相似文献   

Much current vision research is predicated on the idea--and a rapidly growing body of evidence--that visual percepts are generated according to the empirical significance of light stimuli rather than their physical characteristics. As a result, an increasing number of investigators have asked how visual perception can be rationalized in these terms. Here, we compare two different theoretical frameworks for predicting what observers actually see in response to visual stimuli: Bayesian decision theory and empirical ranking theory. Deciding which of these approaches has greater merit is likely to determine how the statistical operations that apparently underlie visual perception are eventually understood.  相似文献   

Although the behavioral repertoire of crustaceans is largely guided by visual information their visual nervous system has been little explored. In search for central mechanisms of visual integration, this study was aimed at identifying and characterizing brain neurons in the crab involved in binocular visual processing. The study was performed in the intact animal, by recording intracellularly the response to visual stimuli of neurons from one of the two optic lobes. Identified neurons recorded from the medulla (second optic neuropil), which include sustaining neurons, dimming neurons, depolarizing and hyperpolarizing tonic neurons and on-off neurons, all presented exclusively monocular (ipsilateral) responses. In contrast, all wide field movement detector neurons recorded from the lobula (third optic neuropil) responded to moving stimuli presented to the ipsilateral and to the contralateral eye. In these cells, the responses evoked by ipsilateral or contralateral stimulation were almost identical, as revealed by analysing the number and amplitude of the elicited postsynaptic potentials and spikes, and the ability to habituate upon repeated visual stimulation. The results demonstrate that in crustaceans important binocular processing takes place at the level of the lobula.  相似文献   

Cuttlefish are cephalopods capable of rapid camouflage responses to visual stimuli. However, it is not always clear to what these animals are responding. Previous studies have found cuttlefish to be more responsive to lateral stimuli rather than substrate. However, in previous works, the cuttlefish were allowed to settle next to the lateral stimuli. In this study, we examine whether juvenile cuttlefish (Sepia officinalis) respond more strongly to visual stimuli seen on the sides versus the bottom of an experimental aquarium, specifically when the animals are not allowed to be adjacent to the tank walls. We used the Sub Sea Holodeck, a novel aquarium that employs plasma display screens to create a variety of artificial visual environments without disturbing the animals. Once the cuttlefish were acclimated, we compared the variability of camouflage patterns that were elicited from displaying various stimuli on the bottom versus the sides of the Holodeck. To characterize the camouflage patterns, we classified them in terms of uniform, disruptive, and mottled patterning. The elicited camouflage patterns from different bottom stimuli were more variable than those elicited by different side stimuli, suggesting that S. officinalis responds more strongly to the patterns displayed on the bottom than the sides of the tank. We argue that the cuttlefish pay more attention to the bottom of the Holodeck because it is closer and thus more relevant for camouflage.  相似文献   

The human visual system has a remarkable ability to successfully operate under a variety of challenging viewing conditions. For example, our object-recognition capabilities are largely unaffected by low-contrast (e.g., foggy) environments. The basis for this ability appears to be reflected in the neural responses in higher cortical visual areas that have been characterized as being invariant to changes in luminance contrast: neurons in these areas respond nearly equally to low-contrast as compared to high-contrast stimuli. This response pattern is fundamentally different than that observed in earlier visual areas such as primary visual cortex (V1), which is highly dependent on contrast. How this invariance is achieved in higher visual areas is largely unknown. We hypothesized that directed spatial attention is an important prerequisite of the contrast-invariant responses in higher visual areas and tested this with functional MRI (fMRI) while subjects directed their attention either toward or away from contrast-varying shape stimuli. We found that in the lateral occipital complex (LOC), a visual area important for processing shape information, attention changes the form of the contrast response function (CRF). By directing attention away from the shape stimuli, the CRF in the LOC was similar to that measured in V1. We describe a number of mechanisms that could account for this important function of attention.  相似文献   

Multisensory integration may occur independently of visual attention as previously shown with compound face-voice stimuli. We investigated in two experiments whether the perception of whole body expressions and the perception of voices influence each other when observers are not aware of seeing the bodily expression. In the first experiment participants categorized masked happy and angry bodily expressions while ignoring congruent or incongruent emotional voices. The onset between target and mask varied from -50 to +133 ms. Results show that the congruency between the emotion in the voice and the bodily expressions influences audiovisual perception independently of the visibility of the stimuli. In the second experiment participants categorized the emotional voices combined with masked bodily expressions as fearful or happy. This experiment showed that bodily expressions presented outside visual awareness still influence prosody perception. Our experiments show that audiovisual integration between bodily expressions and affective prosody can take place outside and independent of visual awareness.  相似文献   

In the past few years, important contributions have been made to the study of emotional visual perception. Researchers have reported responses to emotional stimuli in the human amygdala under some unattended conditions (i.e. conditions in which the focus of attention was diverted away from the stimuli due to task instructions), during visual masking and during binocular suppression. Taken together, these results reveal the relative degree of autonomy of emotional processing. At the same time, however, important limitations to the notion of complete automaticity have been revealed. Effects of task context and attention have been shown, as well as large inter-subject differences in sensitivity to the detection of masked fearful faces (whereby briefly presented, target fearful faces are immediately followed by a neutral face that 'masks' the initial face). A better understanding of the neural basis of emotional perception and how it relates to visual attention and awareness is likely to require further refinement of the concepts of automaticity and awareness.  相似文献   

The ability to predict regular events can be adaptive for nonhuman animals living in an otherwise unpredictable environment. Animals may exhibit behavioral changes preceding a predictable event; such changes reflect anticipatory behavior. Anticipatory behavior is broadly defined as a goal-directed increase in activity preceding a predictable event and can be useful for assessing well being in animals in captivity. Anticipation may look different in different animals, however, necessitating methods to generate and study anticipatory behaviors across species. This article includes a proposed method for generating and describing anticipatory behavior in zoos using behavioral conditioning. The article also includes discussion of case studies of the proposed method with 2 animals at the San Francisco Zoo: a silverback gorilla (Gorilla gorilla gorilla) and a red panda (Ailurus fulgens). The study evidence supports anticipation in both animals. As behavioral conditioning can be used with many animals, the proposed method provides a practical approach for using anticipatory behavior to assess animal well being in zoos.  相似文献   

The authors present a novel paradigm for studying visual responses in Drosophila. An eight-level choice maze was found to reliably segregate fly populations according to their responses to moving stripes displayed on a computer screen. Visual responsiveness was robust in wild-type flies, and performance depended on salience effects such as stimulus color and speed. Analysis of individual fly choices in the maze revealed that stereotypy, or choice persistence, contributed significantly to a strain's performance. On the basis of these observations, the authors bred wild-type flies for divergent visual phenotypes by selecting individual flies displaying extreme stereotypy. Selected flies alternated less often in the sequential choice maze than unselected flies, showing that stereotypy could evolve across generations. The authors found that selection for increased stereotypy impaired flies' responsiveness to competing stimuli in tests for attention-like behavior in the maze. Visual selective attention was further investigated by electrophysiology, and it was found that increased stereotypy also impaired responsiveness to competing stimuli at the level of brain activity. Combined results present a comprehensive approach to studying visual responses in Drosophila, and show that behavioral performance involves attention-like processes that are variable among individuals and thus sensitive to artificial selection.  相似文献   

Kamitani Y  Tong F 《Current biology : CB》2006,16(11):1096-1102
Functional neuroimaging has successfully identified brain areas that show greater responses to visual motion and adapted responses to repeated motion directions. However, such methods have been thought to lack the sensitivity and spatial resolution to isolate direction-selective responses to individual motion stimuli. Here, we used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and pattern classification methods to show that ensemble activity patterns in human visual cortex contain robust direction-selective information, from which it is possible to decode seen and attended motion directions. Ensemble activity in areas V1-V4 and MT+/V5 allowed us to decode which of eight possible motion directions the subject was viewing on individual stimulus blocks. Moreover, ensemble activity evoked by single motion directions could effectively predict which of two overlapping motion directions was the focus of the subject's attention and presumably dominant in perception. Our results indicate that feature-based attention can bias direction-selective population activity in multiple visual areas, including MT+/V5 and early visual areas (V1-V4), consistent with gain-modulation models of feature-based attention and theories of early attentional selection. Our approach for measuring ensemble direction selectivity may provide new opportunities to investigate relationships between attentional selection, conscious perception, and direction-selective responses in the human brain.  相似文献   

The use of photographs, slides, computerized images, and video to study behavior is increasingly being employed in nonhuman primates. However, since these mediums have been designed to simulate natural coloration for normal trichromatic human vision, they can fail to reproduce color in meaningful and accurate ways for viewers with different visual systems. Given the range of color perception that exists both across and within different species, it is necessary to consider this variation in order to discern the suitability of these mediums for experimental use. Because of the high degree of visual similarity among humans, Old World monkeys, and apes, the use of photographic and video stimuli should be acceptable in terms of replicating naturalistic coloration and making noticeable color manipulations. However, among New World primates and prosimians, there exists a considerable degree of variation in color perceptual abilities depending on the species, sex, and allelic combination of the animals involved. Therefore, the use of these mediums to study behavior is problematic for these species, and should be done with caution.  相似文献   

The social behavior of both human and nonhuman primates relies on specializations for the recognition of individuals, their facial expressions, and their direction of gaze. A broad network of cortical and subcortical structures has been implicated in face processing, yet it is unclear whether co-occurring dimensions of face stimuli, such as expression and direction of gaze, are processed jointly or independently by anatomically and functionally segregated neural structures. Awake macaques were presented with a set of monkey faces displaying aggressive, neutral, and appeasing expressions with head and eyes either averted or directed. BOLD responses to these faces as compared to Fourier-phase-scrambled images revealed widespread activation of the superior temporal sulcus and inferotemporal cortex and included activity in the amygdala. The different dimensions of the face stimuli elicited distinct activation patterns among the amygdaloid nuclei. The basolateral amygdala, including the lateral, basal, and accessory basal nuclei, produced a stronger response for threatening than appeasing expressions. The central nucleus and bed nucleus of the stria terminalis responded more to averted than directed-gaze faces. Independent behavioral measures confirmed that faces with averted gaze were more arousing, suggesting the activity in the central nucleus may be related to attention and arousal.  相似文献   

Previous reports of faster responses to threatening compared to benign stimuli in visual search tasks have argued that threatening targets are faster to engage and slower to disengage attention than benign targets. This study reinterprets previous findings and resolves inconsistencies in the literature by replacing the theory of differential disengagement of attention with one of differential caution. It also examines whether visual attentional mechanisms are sensitive to more than just the threatening versus benign categorical status of the targets and introduces a novel measure (a caution score) that appears to be sensitive to the level of threat implied by the target image, but immune to other stimulus features (target-distracter similarity and threat status of distracters) known to affect reaction time. As well as locating threatening targets faster than benign targets, participants were also faster, more accurate, and more cautious to detect lethal spiders compared to nonlethal spiders and even more cautious again if the spiders were presented on a person's hand. These results suggest that mechanisms of attention and threat evaluation interact during visual search tasks, producing behaviour that is sensitive to the target's implied threat level and the context in which that target is presented.  相似文献   

Although it is well known that attention to a visual or auditory stimulus can enhance its perception, less is known concerning the effects of attention on the perception of natural tactile stimuli. The present study was conducted to examine the magnitude of the effect of cross-modal manipulations of attention in human subjects on the detection of weak, low-frequency vibrotactile stimuli delivered to the glabrous skin of the finger pad of the right index finger via an Optacon. Three suprathreshold vibrotactile arrays (40 Hz), varying in the number of activated pegs and hence the area of skin stimulated, were used. Subjects were trained to detect the occurrence of vibrotactile or visual stimuli and to respond by pressing a foot pedal as quickly as possible thereafter. Two instructional lights were used to cue the subjects as to which stimulus modality they should attend, in three experimental conditions. In the first cue condition, the forthcoming stimulus modality was indicated by the illumination of its associated light. In the second cue condition, both instructional lights were illuminated, and the subjects were asked to divide their attention equally between the two modalities. In the third cue condition, the stimulus modality was falsely indicated by the illumination of the cue not associated with the stimulus to be presented. Reaction times (RTs) were calculated for each trial. For each modality, tactile and visual, the RTs varied significantly with the cue condition, with the mean RT changing in a graded manner across the experimental conditions (being shortest for the correctly cued condition, intermediate for the neutrally cued condition, and longest for the incorrectly cued condition.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Figures that can be seen in more than one way are invaluable tools for the study of the neural basis of visual awareness, because such stimuli permit the dissociation of the neural responses that underlie what we perceive at any given time from those forming the sensory representation of a visual pattern. To study the former type of responses, monkeys were subjected to binocular rivalry, and the response of neurons in a number of different visual areas was studied while the animals reported their alternating percepts by pulling levers. Perception-related modulations of neural activity were found to occur to different extents in different cortical visual areas. The cells that were affected by suppression were almost exclusively binocular, and their proportion was found to increase in the higher processing stages of the visual system. The strongest correlations between neural activity and perception were observed in the visual areas of the temporal lobe. A strikingly large number of neurons in the early visual areas remained active during the perceptual suppression of the stimulus, a finding suggesting that conscious visual perception might be mediated by only a subset of the cells exhibiting stimulus selective responses. These physiological findings, together with a number of recent psychophysical studies, offer a new explanation of the phenomenon of binocular rivalry. Indeed, rivalry has long been considered to be closely linked with binocular fusion and stereopsis, and the sequences of dominance and suppression have been viewed as the result of competition between the two monocular channels. The physiological data presented here are incompatible with this interpretation. Rather than reflecting interocular competition, the rivalry is most probably between the two different central neural representations generated by the dichoptically presented stimuli. The mechanisms of rivalry are probably the same as, or very similar to, those underlying multistable perception in general, and further physiological studies might reveal much about the neural mechanisms of our perceptual organization.  相似文献   

大量收敛一致的实验证据表明,图形的大范围性质可以由拓扑性质来描述,并且其检测发生在视觉过程的最早期,这些证据几乎全部来自对意识上知觉的研究,而拓扑性质的意识下加工机制尚有待发掘.意识下知觉是人的感官系统客观上接受刺激呈现但主观上没有察觉的知觉,其机制和应用长期以来一直是知觉研究的热点.本文采用了一种双眼竞争的变式——连续闪现抑制,将待检测的刺激图形掩蔽,使之处于意识下状态,考察意识下知觉中拓扑性质的加工."洞的个数"作为一种拓扑性质是本文的研究对象.通过量度被抑制图形从发生变化到被知觉的被抑制时间,或者被试对被抑制的变化图形的正确检测率,我们发现,相比于不变或者各种非拓扑性质变化,意识下知觉中的拓扑性质(洞的个数)的变化会使图形更快、更容易被检测到.本研究揭示了拓扑性质(洞的个数)在意识下知觉中的优先性,将拓扑知觉理论从意识上知觉领域拓展到了意识下知觉领域,为拓扑性质加工的早期性提供了有力的证据;另一方面,本研究也提示了拓扑性质经由皮层下视通路加工处理的可能性.  相似文献   

The criteria for the application of subspecific units in living primate populations have received little attention relative to other vertebrate taxa, even though they have important implications for conservation strategies for many nonhuman primate populations. One of the most critically endangered primates is the mountain gorilla,Gorilla gorilla beringei, of which 600 animals exist in east-central Africa. FollowingSarmiento et al. (1996), taxonomists have proposed splitting these populations into two subspecies as part of a revised taxonomy of the genusGorilla. In this paper I review the application of the subspecies concept in primatology, using the gorillas of Bwindi Impenetrable National Park and the Virungas as case studies. An examination of genetic, morphological, biogeographic, ecological, and behavioral evidence indicates that reclassifying Bwindi gorillas as taxonomically distinct from those in the Virungas is not well supported and needs further study. Because taxonomy provides the basis of conservation management policies, a cautious and conservative approach to the subspecies question is warranted in the case of endangered primate populations.  相似文献   

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