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Heritability estimates and genetic correlations were obtained for body weight and scrotal circumference, adjusted, respectively, to 12 (BW12 and SC12) and 18 (BW18 and SC18) months of age, for 10 742 male Nellore cattle. The adjustments to SC12 and SC18 were made using a nonlinear logistic function, while BW12 and BW18 were obtained by linear adjustment. The contemporary groups (CGs) were defined from animals born on the same farm, in the same year and birth season. The mean heritability estimates obtained using the restricted maximum likelihood method in bi-trait analysis were 0.25, 0.25, 0.29 and 0.42 for BW12, BW18, SC12 and SC18, respectively. The genetic correlations were 0.30 ± 0.11, 0.21 ± 0.13, 0.21 ± 0.11, -0.08 ± 0.15, 0.16 ± 0.12 and 0.89 ± 0.04 between the traits BW12 and BW18; BW12 and SC12; BW12 and SC18; BW18 and SC12; BW18 and SC18; and SC12 and SC18. The heritability for SC18 was considerably greater than for SC12, suggesting that this should be included as a selection criterion. The genetic correlation between BW18 and SC12 was close to zero, indicating that these traits did not influence each other. The contrary occurred between SC12 and SC18, indicating that selection using one of these could alter the other. Because of the mean magnitudes of heritabilities in the various measurements of weight and scrotal perimeter, it is suggested that the practice of individual selection for these traits is possible.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine if frame size (height) is related to scrotal circumference. A total of 695 bulls (425 Angus, 65 Hereford, 70 Charolais, 135 Simmentals) were tested for postweaning gain in five stations over a period of 1 to 3 years. Variables examined included hip height, weight and scrotal circumference at beginning and completion of a 140-d feeding period. Correlations among these traits, adjusted for age (7 to 10 months at entry), year, station and management were estimated for each breed. Both height and weight were correlated positively with scrotal circumference at the start and the end of the test period in all four breeds. When height and scrotal circumference were adjusted for weight, correlations were negligible, with the exception of end-of-test values for Charolais bulls (-0.26). Negative correlations were obtained between the scrotal circumference at the start of the test and the change in height during the test after adjustment for weight in Angus bulls (-0.18) and in Charolais bulls (-0.15). These small negative phenotypic relationships indicate that a bull's fertility is not seriously reduced by large frame size at the completion of a feedlot performance test. For maximum fertility in bulls, scrotal circumference needs to be evaluated independently of frame size.  相似文献   

Four functions to characterize scrotal circumference (SC) growth in Nellore bulls were compared to identify which was the most suitable for biological interpretation. Nellore bulls (n = 532), born between September and December of 1992 to 1994 were used in the study. Measurements were made on fixed dates in January, April, July and October of each year. At the time of SC measurements, the ages of the bulls ranged from 200 to 1300 d. The functions used to describe the data were: Brody, SC = A (1 - B exp -kt); Logistic, SC = A/(1 + B exp -kt); Gompertz, SC = A exp(-B exp -kt) and Richards SC = A (1 + B exp -kt)m, where SC is the scrotal circumference at t days of age, A is the estimated SC at maturity, B is the integration constant established by the initial values of SC and t, k is the maturity constant, which equals the ratio between the maximum rate of growth and SC at maturity; m is the inflection point parameter for Richards function, which did not converge. The Brody, Gompertz and Logistic functions fitted the data in a similar fashion, with similar values for the statistics EMS and R2, and they reached convergence with similar computational costs. The Logistic function presented the best pattern of average prediction error, and therefore, it was selected for biological interpretation. For the Logistic function, estimated SC at maturity (A) was 37.95 cm at 72 mo of age. The maturity index (k) was .11 cm, and the inflection point (time of maximum growth) was reached at 13.09 mo of age at an average SC of 18.97 cm.  相似文献   

Scrotal circumference (SC) measurements were taken of 921 American Brahman bulls located on two ranches in southcentral Texas. Measurements were taken at various seasons of the year over an 11-yr time span. Body condition scores, as reflected by fat cover, and a subjective estimate of overall nutritional status were 4 or better, based upon a 1 to 9 scoring system, with 5 representing an animal with an average amount of body fat. Associated body weights were not measured and semen evaluations were not performed. Ages were calculated from exact birthdates and rounded to the nearest whole month. Ages from 8 mo to more than 36 mo were reported. SC measurements ranged from 16.0 cm to 42.5 cm. The relationship of SC and age was positively correlated (r=0.74) (P<0.0001) and could be predicted using the equation y=0.525x + 18.702 where y=SC in centimeters and x=age in months. These data provide evidence that the relationship of scrotal circumference and age of American Brahman bulls is similar to that of other cattle breeds.  相似文献   

Scrotal circumference (SC) and body weight (BW) measurements were obtained from 122 crossbred (Saanen x Loca; Jumnapari x Local) bucks, ranging in age from 3 to 28 months. Spermatogenesis and semeniferous tubule diameters were studied from testicular biopsies in 24 bucks. The results showed that SC increased curvilinearly and was significantly correlated with age (P < 0.05). Scrotal circumference correlated more significantly with BW (P < 0.001). Spermatogenesis was completed at 6-7 months with a sudden increase in tubular diameter at the same time. Since SC is an indirect measurement of testicular size, a marked increase in testicular size indicated the onset of active spermatogenesis and, hence, the possibility of using bucks for breeding at an earlier age than normally recommended. Further, SC norms obtained in this study may become useful in the evaluation of bucks for breeding soundness.  相似文献   

One hundred fifty-nine purebred Guzerat (8 to 110 months of age) and sixty Nellore bulls (8-30 months of age) were used in two trials to examine testicular development and consistency, body weight changes, puberty and semen traits. Scrotal circumference measurements and semen collections by electroejaculation were made every 28 d. At both trial locations, bulls were maintained under grazing conditions and fed commercial protein supplements (2 kg/head/day) during the dry season. Age and body weight affected (P<0.01) scrotal circumference in both breeds. Scrotal circumference increased (P<0.01) linearly with age and body weight. However, scrotal circumference tended to reach mature size more rapidly than did body weight in both Guzerat and Nellore bulls. Correlation coefficients between scrotal circumference and semen traits were positive (P<0.01) ranging from 0.49 to 0.73 in the two breeds, but were not significant for testicular consistency in either breed. Scrotal circumference and age at puberty of Guzerat and Nellore bulls averaged 25.6 +/- 2.2 cm at 18.0 +/- 2.0 mo and 23.6 +/- 0.2 cm at 18.5 +/- 2.7 mo, respectively. Nellore bulls were 42 kg lighter than Guzerat at puberty. Testicular consistency was not affected by either age of body weight (P>0.10) in these young bulls. The percentages of abnormal spermatozoa were higher (P<0.01) at 13 to 15 mo of age in Guzerat (11.1%) and Nellore (14.4%) bulls than at 22 to 24 mo (6.7 and 8.0%, respectively). These data indicate that scrotal circumference measurements can be a useful tool for selecting and improving semen traits of young Guzerat and Nellore bulls under tropical grazing conditions.  相似文献   

Scrotal circumferences of 119 young bulls of four distinct breeding groups were measured at the end of a feedlot performance test and at the beginning of the breeding season when the bulls were approximately 14 months old, to study the relationships of weight and growth parameters with testes size. Scrotal circumference was positively correlated with body weight at the end of feedlot test in the four breeding groups. The association between scrotal circumference and body weight was much stronger in the breeding group which had been selected for low yeariing weight than in the other three breeding groups which had been selected for high growth rate. The relationships between scrotal circumference and preweaning and postweaning gain differed among the four breeding groups. Preweaning gain was the most important factor in the association between body weight and scrotal circumference among the three beef breeding groups. The results indicated that the preweaning stage was a critical period for testicular development and that the probability of finding beef bulls with smaller than average testes among the bulls selected for weaning weight would be relatively small. Scrotal circumference was reduced (2.5–11%) from the end of feedlot test until the beginning of the breeding season.  相似文献   

A retrospective analysis was conducted on data collected from 1983 through 1991, where weight and hip height were measured at start of test and every 28 d on 604 bulls completing a 224-d forage-based gain test. Scrotal circumference (SC) was measured at start of test, and at either end of test or end of the weigh period after individual bulls reached 365 d of age. Over 3 yr of this study, SC was additionally measured every 28 d. Bulls were representatives of 5 breed groups: Angus, Santa Gertrudis, Simmental, Continental (predominantly Charolais), and Zebu (predominantly Simbrah). Adjusted 365-d SC and adjusted 452-d SC were calculated by regression analysis and from formulas based on SC growth of individuals to 140 and 224 d on test, respectively. Breed group differences were observed for age of dam, birth weight, hip height, weight per day of age, average daily gain and SC at start of test, 140 d, and end of test (224 d). Scrotal circumference was positively correlated with all growth traits. Scrotal circumference was related to breed group, age, weight, hip height, average daily gain, weight per day of age, age by year, and age-by-breed group (P<0.05), as determined by regression analysis. However, omitting weight, hip height, average daily gain, and weight per day of age from the regression model did not significantly affect R2 value. Scrotal circumference growth was linear to 140 d on test; however, SC growth to 224 d on test was curvilinear. The 365-d SC predicted from the formula and from regression analysis differed for Simmental and Zebu by 0.3 and 0.4 cm, respectively (P<0.05). The 452-d SC differed for Santa Gertrudis and Zebu by 0.5 and 0.6 cm, respectively (P<0.05). Formulas based on SC growth of individuals are reasonably accurate predictors of SC at 365 and 452 d of age, when compared with more complex regression analysis. Basing SC adjustments on individual growth appears to account for variables known to affect yearling SC.  相似文献   

Associations of percent live sperm, sperm number, sperm concentration, sperm motility, and potential breeding efficiency score with scrotal circumference were studied using data from the records of 465 Polled Hereford and 264 Simmental bulls. Data were subdivided by breed and within breed into three groups according to scrotal circumference (SC) size. Group I bulls had SC measurements <32 cm. Group II included bulls with SC measurements between 32 cm and the mean measurement of the breed (i.e., 35 cm for Polled Hereford and 38 cm for Simmentals). Group III was comprised of bulls with SC values above their respective breed averages. Age and body weight differences were also evaluated in the three groups. Average age differences among bulls in the three groups differed by not more than nine days in the two breeds. Average body weight differences among the three groups were statistically significant (P<0.05) with the maximum difference between any two groups within breed being 80 pounds. Average differences in percent live sperm and sperm number were greater (P<0.05) in Groups II and III than in Group I. For sperm concentration ratings, sperm motility ratings and potential breeding efficiency score, and for both breeds, Group I had a significantly lower (P<0.05) number of bulls classified satisfactory and a significantly greater (P<0.05) number of bulls classified unsatisfactory than did groups II and III.  相似文献   

Forty Santa Gertrudis bulls were used to examine relationships among scrotal circumference, seminal quality, libido, and fertility [assessed as the percent pregnant of estrous females (PE rate) and the percent pregnant of females mated (PM rate)]. These bulls were selected from 220 two year old bulls to represent variations in scrotal circumference and seminal quality. Each of the 40 bulls were exposed to 100 cyclic Santa Gertrudis heifers for a 4-day (96 hr) breeding period. The number of estrous females available to each bull varied from 12 to 27. A breeding soundness examination (BSE) was conducted on each bull approximately 45 days prior to the 4-day breeding period and immediately after the 4-day breeding period. The three components of the BSE scroe (scrotal circumference, spermatozoal abnormalities and spermatozoal motility) were not significantly correlated with PE rate or PM rate at either evaluation. There was no significant correlation between PM rate and scrotal circumference; however, each of the 4 bulls having a scrotal circumference less than 30 cm had a PM rate below 31%. Relationships between seminal quality and PM rate were unclear and differed between the two evaluations. There was a trend for bulls having poor seminal quality at the first evaluation to improve by the second evaluation. Consequently, fluctuations in seminal quality between evaluations is one possible explanation for low correlations between seminal parameters and PM rate. Libido (number mated/number in estrus x 100) was positively correlated (r = 0.44) with PE rate. Using a stepwise regression procedure, the independent variables accounting for the most variation in PE rate (dependent variable) included libido, secondary spermatozoal abnormalities, and BSE score (r(2) = 0.44). Results of this study indicate that current methods of fertility evaluation did not accurately predict the fertility of individual Santa Gertrudis bulls as measured by PE rate and PM rate during a 4 day breeding period.  相似文献   

Scrotal circumference (SC) was measured both before and after 2- to 3-yr-old beef bulls were trucked either medium (138 km) or long (565 km) distances. Two SC measurement techniques were used, one recommended by the Society for Theriogenology and the “slip-off” technique. No differences (P > 0.05) were observed between pre-and post- trucking SC measurements using the Theriogenology technique when bulls were trucked either medium (n = 12; 35.9 ± 0.8 vs 35.8 ± 0.7 cm) or long (n = 16; 36.5 ± 0.5 vs 36.6 ± 0.4 cm) distances. However, when the SC of the same bulls was measured using the “slip-off” technique, there was a small, but significant (P < 0.05), reduction in SC for bulls trucked medium (38.0 ± 0.7 vs 37.5 ± 0.7 cm) and long (38.9 ± 0.4 vs 38.6 ± 0.4 cm) distances. Bulls having SC at or below the recommended minimum standard reacted no differently to the stress of trucking than did bulls having a SC well above the standard. Errors in measurement technique, severe weather conditions and testicular degeneration over an extended interval are discussed in terms of their potential contribution to the reduction in SC observed by some cattlemen. These data support the use of the SC measurement technique recommended by the Society for Theriogenology because its accuracy is not affected by trucking of bulls. The suggested implementation of an adjustment period between the trucking of beef bulls and measurement of their SC using the Theriogenology technique is not supported.  相似文献   

Estimated in this study were heritabilities and genetic and phenotypic correlations involving scrotal circumference (SC), percent live sperm, sperm number, sperm concentration, sperm motility, and an overall measure of a bull's potential breeding efficiency. Potential breeding efficiency is a composite trait based on a consideration of sperm concentration, sperm motility, sperm morphology and scrotal circumference. Data used were from three sources. Records on 863 Angus, 753 Polled Hereford, and 302 Simmental bulls were made available through the Missouri Performance-Tested Bull Sale and records on 1169 Polled Hereford bulls came from the American Polled Hereford Association. Information from these first two data sets were used to estimate heritability of scrotal circumference. The third data set was provided by Nichols Farms of Bridgewater, Iowa, and included information from the records of 465 yearling Polled Hereford and 264 yearling Simmental bulls. This latter data set was used to estimate all of the above mentioned parameters. Each data set was kept separately for the purpose of statistical analysis. Parameters were estimated using components from paternal half-sib analysis of variance and covariance. Pooled estimates of heritability for SC, sperm concentration, sperm motility, percent live sperm, sperm number and potential breeding efficiency were 0.51 +/- 0.09, 0.20 +/- 0.13, 0.11 +/- 0.12, 0.00, 0.19 +/- 0.14 and 0.13 +/- 0.12, respectively. Phenotypic correlations involving the six traits were very consistent for the two breeds. Combined across breeds their values ranged from 0.47 for SC and percent live sperm to 0.96 for sperm concentration and potential breeding efficiency. Corresponding genetic correlations were generally positive and high and ranged from 0.65 for SC and sperm motility to 1.14 for sperm number and potential breeding efficiency.  相似文献   

A study was designed to investigate relationships between testicle size and histological, sperm production and endocrinological traits in yearling beef bulls at the end of performance test. Twenty-five beef bulls, (Hereford, n=16; Angus, n=4; and Charolais, n=5), with scrotal circumference (SC) measurements ranging from 28.5 to 36.0 cm, were used. Just prior to slaughter at 15 mo of age, SC measurements were taken, semen was collected, and a GnRH response test was conducted. Testicles were processed for daily sperm production (DSP), epididymal sperm reserves (ESR), seminiferous epithelial area (SEA), and degree of germinal epithelial loss (DGEL). There were significant positive correlations between SC and testicular weight (P<0.05), DSP/g (P<0.02), and DSP/bull (P<0.01) and ESR (P<0.01); however, the correlation between SC and SEA was not significant (P=0.4). Scrotal circumference was negatively correlated with DGEL (P<0.05). Degree of germinal epithelial loss was also negatively correlated with DSP/g, DSP/bull and ESR (P<0.01). Morphological characteristics of spermatozoa were diversely related to sperm production traits, and the percentage of normal spermatozoa was positively related to SC (P<0.02) and negatively related to DGEL (P<0.001). Gonadotropin releasing hormone stimulation did not reveal evidence of gonadotropin deficiency in any of the bulls. However, peak testosterone levels were lower in bulls with SC below 31 cm (P<0.05) than those with SC measurements above 31 cm.  相似文献   

When two binary responses are measured for each study subject across time, it may be of interest to model how the bivariate associations and marginal univariate risks involving the two responses change across time. To achieve such a goal, marginal models with bivariate log odds ratio and univariate logit components are extended to include random effects for all components. Specifically, separate normal random effects are specified on the log odds ratio scale for bivariate responses and on the logit scale for univariate responses. Assuming conditional independence given the random effects facilitates the modeling of bivariate associations across time with missing at random incomplete data. We fit the model to a dataset for which such structures are feasible: a longitudinal randomized trial of a cardiovascular educational program where the responses of interest are change in hypertension and hypercholestemia status. The proposed model is compared to a naive bivariate model that assumes independence between time points and univariate mixed effects logit models.  相似文献   

With the integration of genomic selection in the cattle artificial insemination (AI) industry, bulls are selected for their semen production capacity and fertility at a younger age than previously. Norwegian Red bull calves selected as candidates to become future AI bulls based on their genomic breeding value are kept in a performance testing station from around the age of 3–12 months, allowing for sample collection and analysis of different parameters during their pre- and peripubertal period. Insulin-like factor 3 (INSL3) is a small peptide hormone specifically secreted by the mature Leydig cells of the testes. In the foetus, it induces the first phase of testicular descent and is considered to reflect Leydig cell development during puberty; it could therefore be an interesting early indicator of future semen production capacity. The main objective of our study was to evaluate the relationship between INSL3, scrotal circumference (SC), and semen characteristics. This is the first time INSL3 was measured in the Norwegian Red population. We collected blood samples for analysis of INSL3 from 142 Norwegian Red bulls at the performance testing station and measured their SC on the same day. Altogether, measurements were made at four time points: upon arrival at the performance testing station (quarantine (Q): 2–5 months) and later at approximately 6, 9 and 12 months of age. Information on season and place of birth were made available from the database of the breeding company Geno, together with data on semen characteristics from the test station and the AI station. The median SCs for age groups Q, 6, 9, and 12 were 15, 21.5, 29, and 34 cm, respectively. INSL3 was shown to be positively correlated with SC (R = 0.4) but not with any of the semen characteristics. Similarly, we found no correlation between SC and sperm characteristics from data on ejaculates analysed at the performance testing station and AI station. The mean sperm volume for the 31 selected bulls with at least 10 ejaculates produced in the AI station increased from 2.3 ml at the performance testing station to 6.4 ml at the AI station. The corresponding increase in mean sperm concentration was from 497 million/ml to 1 049 million/ml. We conclude that INSL3 exhibits high inter-individual variability in the Norwegian Red bull population, which cannot be explained by the parameters measured in this study. At present, INSL3 cannot be used as a biomarker of sperm production in this breed.  相似文献   



The association between waist circumference (WC) and mortality is particularly strong and direct when adjusted for body mass index (BMI). One conceivable explanation for this association is that WC adjusted for BMI is a better predictor of the presumably most harmful intra-abdominal fat mass (IAFM) than WC alone. We studied the prediction of abdominal subcutaneous fat mass (ASFM) and IAFM by WC alone and by addition of BMI as an explanatory factor.

Methodology/Principal Findings

WC, BMI and magnetic resonance imaging data from 742 men and women who participated in clinical studies in Canada and Finland were pooled. Total adjusted squared multiple correlation coefficients (R2) of ASFM and IAFM were calculated from multiple linear regression models with WC and BMI as explanatory variables. Mean BMI and WC of the participants in the pooled sample were 30 kg/m2 and 102 cm, respectively. WC explained 29% of the variance in ASFM and 51% of the variance in IAFM. Addition of BMI to WC added 28% to the variance explained in ASFM, but only 1% to the variance explained in IAFM. Results in subgroups stratified by study center, sex, age, obesity level and type 2 diabetes status were not systematically different.


The prediction of IAFM by WC is not improved by addition of BMI.  相似文献   

Records from 106,212 Nellore animals, born between 1998 and 2006, were used to estimate (co)variance components and genetic parameters for birth weight (BW), average weight gains from birth to weaning (GBW), average weight gains from weaning to after yearling (GWAY), weaning hip height (WHH), postweaning hip height (PHH) and scrotal circumferences at 9 (SC9), 12 (SC12) and 15 (SC15) months of age. (Co)variance components were estimated by an animal model using multi-trait analysis. Heritability estimates for BW, GBW, GWAY, WHH, PHH, SC9, SC12 and SC15 were 0.31 ± 0.01; 0.25 ± 0.02; 0.30 ± 0.04; 0.51 ± 0.04; 0.54 ± 0.04; 0.39 ± 0.01; 0.41 ± 0.01 and 0.44 ± 0.02, respectively. Genetic correlations between growth traits ranged from 0.09 ± 0.01 to 0.88 ± 0.01, thereby implying that, at any age, selection to increase average weight gains will also increase stature. Genetic correlations between BW and average weight gains with scrotal circumferences were all positive and moderate (0.15 ± 0.03 to 0.38 ± 0.01). On the other hand, positive and low genetic associations were estimated between hip height and scrotal circumference at different ages (0.09 ± 0.01 to 0.17 ± 0.02). The results of this study pointed out that selection to larger scrotal circumferences in males will promote changes in average weight gains. In order to obtain Nellore cattle with the stature and size suitable for the production system, both weight gain and hip height should be included in a selection index.  相似文献   

The scrotal circumference (SC) of 374 Santa Gertrudis bulls was measured prior to and following a period of low energy feed intake. A step by step regression was performed to formulate prediction equations in which the future SC of young bulls could be determined. These equations accounted for only 30 to 50% of the variation. Analysis of variance was used to determine the minimum SC at 7, 8 and 10 mo of age needed to obtain a 30-cm SC by 1 yr of age. At 7 mo, the bulls with the largest final SC, were those with an SC larger than 18 cm (P < 0.01). As the 8-mo SC increased so did the 13-mo SC (P < 0.01). As the 10-mo SC increased, the 15-mo SC also increased but bulls with less than a 21-cm SC were smaller (P < 0.01). Differences were also found between the 7 and 8-mo old weights of bulls and the initial SC (P < 0.01). As the initial testicle size increased, the 7, 8 and 10-mo ages and the 10-mo weight tended to increase. Few differences were found in initial SC measurements between the bulls that reached a 30-cm SC and those that did not at the end of one year regarding weight and age within each SC. These findings indicate that the SC at the beginning of a low energy feed period can be useful in determining the minimum SC outcome by the end of the test period.  相似文献   

Data of pregnancy diagnosis from 24,945 Nellore heifers, raised under tropical conditions in Brazil and exposed to breeding at about 14 months of age, were analyzed simultaneously with 13,742 (analysis 1), 36,091 (analysis 2), 8,405 (analysis 3), and 8,405 (analysis 4) scrotal circumference (SC) records of contemporary young bulls in order to estimate heritability (h(2)) for yearling heifer pregnancy (HP) and for SC measured at around 15 (SC15) and 18 (SC18) months of age and to estimate genetic correlation between HP and SC15 (SC18). Heifer pregnancy was considered as a categorical trait, with the value 1 (success) assigned to heifers that were detected as pregnant by rectal palpation approximately 60 days after the end of a 90-day breeding season and the value 0 (failure) otherwise. In analyses 1 and 3, SC was measured at around 15 months of age and in analysis 2 and 4 it was measured at around 18 months of age. Only 8,848 animals from datasets 1 and 2 were common in both files, which means the same animals measured at different ages. Datasets used in analyses 3 and 4 included the same animals, measured at 15 and at 18 months of age, respectively. Heritability estimates for HP were similar in all analyses, with values ranging from 0.66 +/- 0.08 to 0.67 +/- 0.008. For SC15, the estimates were 0.57 +/- 0.05 in analysis 1 and 0.60 +/- 0.07 in analysis 3. For SC18, the estimates were 0.53 +/- 0.03 in analysis 2 and 0.64 +/- 0.06 in analysis 4. The estimates of genetic correlation between HP and SC15 were 0.15 +/- 0.10 in analysis 1 and 0.11 +/- 0.11 in analysis 3. For the correlation between HP and SC18, the values were 0.27 +/- 0.10 in analysis 2 and 0.16 +/- 0.11 in analysis 4. Based on standard errors and confidence intervals, the best heritability and genetic correlation estimates were obtained from analysis 2, which included more data and a better pedigree structure. Pearson correlation between HP and SC breeding values was similar to the genetic correlation estimates obtained from two-trait models, when all animals in the pedigree file were considered for its calculation. If only sires were considered for the calculation, Pearson correlation was higher but the pattern was the same as from two-trait analyses. The high heritability estimates obtained in the present study confirm that expected progeny difference (EPD) for HP can be used to select bulls for the production of precocious daughters and that the low genetic correlation between SC and HP indicates a greater efficacy of selection based on heifer pregnancy EPD than of selection based on scrotal circumference EPD. The results of the present study, although not conclusive, indicate that SC measured at around SC18 would have a higher genetic correlation with HP than would SC measured at around SC15.  相似文献   

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