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A new anthine fish, Pseudanthias calloura, is described on the basis of three specimens from Palau. The new species differs from other congeners in having a complicated color pattern of the caudal fin and the following characters: moderately forked caudal fin; dorsal fin with 10 spines, the anterior ones being shorter than the rest, and with 16 soft rays; second anal spine shorter than the third; 19 pectoral rays; scales on lateral line 51 (holotype) to 53 (paratypes) in number; tongue without teeth; circumorbital rim with several fleshy projection on posterior part; a row of fine scales occurring asymmetrically behind alternate dorsal spines on both left and right sides; preopercle margin finely serrated; interopercle and subopercle margins smooth. Received: June 9, 1999 / Revised: September 23, 2000 / Accepted: February 23, 2001  相似文献   

Gazza squamiventralis sp. nov. is described as the fifth species of the genus, based on the holotype and eight paratypes, 42–96 mm in standard length, collected along the east coast of Africa, from Kenya to Mozambique. The species is similar to other congeners in general appearance, differing clearly from them in having the ventrolateral surface of the body scaled anterior to a line from the pectoral fin base to the pelvic fin origin (vs naked) and a smooth supraorbital ridge (vs finely serrated). Additionally, the species differs from G. dentex, G. rhombea, and G. achlamys in having the dorsolateral surface of the body scaled anterior to a vertical through the tip of the posterior branch of the supratemporal canal (vs corresponding region naked), and from G. minuta in having the first dorsal fin pterygiophore narrowly expanded anteriorly, with a concave margin (vs broadly expanded, with a convex or linear margin), and a short antrorse extension of the first anal fin pterygiophore (vs long). A key to the five species of the genus Gazza is provided. Received: May 30, 2000 / Revised: September 16, 2000 / Accepted: January 16, 2001  相似文献   

Summary Two new monogenean species have been studied: Pseudodiplectanum megacirrus n.sp. and P. spinosum n.sp., branchial parasites of Galeoides decadactylus (Bloch, 1795) (Teleostei, Polynemidae) from the coasts of Gabon. P. megacirrus is characterized by the large size of its cirrus and P. spinosum has an haptoral peduncle armed with strong spines.Comparison of these species with those already described allows a more precise definition of the genus.  相似文献   

A new zoarcid fish, Lycodes mcallisteri, is described on the basis of nine specimens (230–375 mm SL) from eastern Arctic Canada, Nunavut (Hudson Strait, 298 m; Cumberland Sound and Baffin Bay, 579 m). It resembles about 15 other Lycodes spp. in having a long tail and a "ventromediolateral" type of lateral line. It is distinguished from Arctic members of this group (Lycodes marisalbi, L. palearis, and L. sagittarius) by the high number of pectoral fin rays (22–23), short pelvic fins, low submental crests, and coloration (6–10 light patches dorsally). It resembles two Pacific species (L. macrochir and L. soldatovi) by the high number of pectoral fin rays, but differs by coloration, meristics, and shape of the pectoral fin. Received: April 13, 2000 / Revised: September 7, 2000 / Accepted: January 11, 2001  相似文献   

A new mullid fish, Parupeneus procerigena, is described on the basis of 13 specimens (118.9–198.4 mm SL) from depths of 92–148 m off the Saya de Malha Bank in the western Indian Ocean. This species resembles P. chrysopleuron and P. heptacanthus in color pattern without black stripes or spots, but it differs from them in having more gill rakers, two scales in lachrymal region, deeper body, deeper cheek, and longer distance between nostrils. Received: April 4, 2000 / Revised: July 27, 2000 / Accepted: August 27, 2000  相似文献   

Specimens including the holotype of Pluteus atrofuscens, a morphologically poorly known species reported from Japan, are examined, and it is newly defined as the third species belonging to the section Villosi. This species is described with the aid of line drawings showing the microscopic characteristics.  相似文献   

Symphurus hondoensis Hubbs, 1915, originally described only from the holotype taken in 390–542 m in Suruga Bay Japan, has long been considered a junior synonym ofS. strictus Gilbert, 1905, known from waters off Hawaii, Japan, the Philippine Islands, and South Africa. Based on new information from the holotype and a specimen recently captured from deep waters (789–815 m) off Amami-Oshima Island, southern Japan,S. hondoensis is now established as a valid species.Symphurus hondoensis is unique among congeners in having the combination of a 1–2–3 pattern of interdigitation of proximal dorsal pterygiophores and neural spines, 10 abdominal vertebrae, 14 caudalfin rays, 111–113 dorsal-fin rays, 95 anal-fin rays, 59 total vertebrae, 105–106 scales in longitudinal series, blind side nearly as darkly pigmented as the ocular surface, and a black peritoneum. Recognition ofS. hondoensis increases the number of described species ofSymphurus in waters off Japan to three (S. orientalis Bleeker,S. strictus, andS. hondoensis), with at least one more underscribed species occurring in deepwater hydrothermal vent areas off southern Japan.  相似文献   

A new miniature species of the endemic Neotropical genus Hyphydrophilus (Chilopoda: Geophilomorpha, Geophilidae) is described and illustrated, after the holotype female and paratype female, from the Yungas rainforest of Salta province, northwestern Argentina. H. minellii sp. nov. is compared in detail with the other two species currently assigned to the taxon, i.e. H. adisi Pereira, Minelli & Barbieri, 1994 and H. projectus Pereira, Foddai & Minelli, 2000, both from Brazil, from which it differs by the presence of a small slightly sclerotized and inwards directed process of internal limbs of tentorium. Other unique traits of the new taxon are the relatively high number of leg-bearing segments (59), antennal articles I–IV with numerous large setae on the latero-external side, apical medial edge of forcipular trochanteroprefemur with a well-developed slightly pigmented tooth, dorsal and ventral medial edges of the forcipular tarsungulum slightly serrate, sternal pore-fields present on anterior region of the trunk only. This is the first report of the genus Hyphydrophilus from Argentina and the Yungas forests; previously it was only known to occur in Central Brazilian Amazonia, thus the present record represents a remarkable extension of the known range of this taxon.  相似文献   

A new species of notothenioid fish, Pogonophryne bellingshausenensis n. sp., is described from the Bellingshausen Sea, Antarctica. The new species belongs to the dorsally-spotted “mentella” group of the genus and is characterized by having a short (about 13% SL) mental barbel with a short (about 16% of barbel length), narrow (barely wider than the stalk), and relatively inconspicuous terminal expansion composed of short, irregular, fingerlike processes. Compared to most other dorsally-spotted species of Pogonophryne (“barsukovi”, “marmorata”, and “mentella” groups), P. bellingshausenensis has a relatively wide (about 7% SL) interorbital region. An unspotted patch on the median dorsal surface of the head, posterior to the posttemporal ridges and anterior to the first dorsal fin, has not been observed previously in any dorsally-spotted species. The holotype was collected at 1,947 m, one of the deepest records for any species of Pogonophryne. A revised key to the ten species of the “mentella” group of Pogonophryne is also provided.  相似文献   

The Australian marine atherinid fish, Atherinomorus vaigiensis (Quoy and Gaimard, 1825), having long been synonymized under A. lacunosus (Forster in Bloch and Schneider, 1801), is redescribed as a valid species based on the holotype and non-type specimens. Atherinomorus vaigiensis, known only from eastern and western Australia, differs from other congeners in lacking a distinct tubercle on the posterior end of the dentary and having the posterior tip of the upper jaw not extending beyond a vertical through the anterior margin of the pupil, 12–15 anal fin soft rays, 24–28 lower gill rakers, 39–42 midlateral scales, and a narrow midlateral band (width about 2/3 to 5/6 that of midlateral scale at level of anal fin origin). Atherina cylindrica Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1835 and Pranesus ogilbyi Whitely, 1930 are regarded as junior synonyms of Atherinomorus vaigiensis. Received: April 26, 2001 / Revised: July 11, 2001 / Accepted: July 16, 2001  相似文献   


A new chigger mite species, Schoutedenichia microcebi n. sp. is described from the grey mouse lemur Microcebus murinus (J.F. Miller) from Madagascar. The new species is closely related to S. dutoiti (Radford, 1948), a species described from a single specimen collected on a rodent in South Africa. Examination of the holotype and new material on S. dutoiti from South Africa enabled us to re-describe this species and provide new data on its hosts and geographical distribution.


A new genus, Leptomelanosoma, is proposed for the polynemid fish, Polydactylus indicus (Shaw, 1804). The genus differs from all other genera in the family Polynemidae by the following combination of characters: anterior one-third of lower jaw with small teeth extending onto lateral surface, adjacent portion of lip poorly developed; ethmoid not covered dorsally by frontals; sphenotics visible dorsally between anterior margins of parietal and pterotic; upper and lower caudal fin lobes very long, filamentous; swimbladder with many appendages inserted into lateral walls of abdominal cavity; grayish-black body. The type species, Polydactylus indicus, is redescribed as Leptomelanosoma indicum. Received: September 19, 1999 / Revised: June 9, 2000 / Accepted: July 10, 2000  相似文献   

Neoscombrops annectens Gilchrist, 1922, described from off Natal, South Africa, has long been regarded as a valid species. Although Acropoma cynodon Regan, 1921, also described from off Natal, was found to be Neoscombrops, they were regarded as distinct species, distinguishable by body depth and body color. Examination of many specimens, including the holotype of A. cynodon and neotype of N. annectens, revealed that the differences are within the range of intraspecific variation. N. cynodon is redescribed as a senior synonym of N. annectens.  相似文献   

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