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对降水量下限引种区沙地樟子松自然稀疏前人工林种群树高分布偏斜度和不整齐性的研究表明,种群高生长的不整齐性和分布的不对称性在林分自疏前随着林分发育而下降,造成高生长事整齐性变化的因素主要有年龄,初始生长状况,种群密度,对土壤水分的竞争和沙丘部位的差异;沙丘部位对林分不整齐性的影响作用要大于密度。  相似文献   

Distance and velocity curves for height and weight were analyzed in a mixed longitudinal sample of American White, American Negro and Mexican-American deaf children 6 through 17 years of age. The heights of deaf boys and girls are, on the average, consistently below an accepted pediatric standard from six through ten years of age. Between 11 and 17 years, deaf White and Negro boys approximate the standard, while White and Negro girls are at or slightly below the standard. Deaf Mexican-American children are consistently below the height standard. For body weight, deaf boys are at or slightly below the standard from 6 to 11 years, and are at or slightly above the weight standard from 12 to 17 years of age. White and Negro deaf girls generally approximate the weight standard from eight years of age on. Mexican-American deaf girls are consistently below the standard until 13 years of age, while between 14 and 17 years they are at or above the standard. Height and weight velocity curves for deaf children parallel closely the incremental standards of Falkner ('62). The height velocity curve, however, appears to peak, on the average, about one year earlier in deaf children.  相似文献   

Abstract. We examined whether the growth dynamics of two species can explain their coexistence. In particular, we examined New Zealand forests dominated by Nothofagus fusca and N. menziesii to determine whether both species can reach the canopy in tree-fall gaps. Stems in a gap and other stems (in pairs: one of each species, close together) were destructively sampled and aged at their bases and at heights of 1.4 m and 3 m, and at 2 m intervals thereafter as high as possible. For additional pairs of adjacent, similarly sized stems, one of each species, ring widths were analyzed for responsiveness to environmental changes. In general the faster growth rates of N. fusca were sufficient to balance the greater abundance of N. menziesii in the understory, such that both species were able to reach the canopy. Stems of both species grew at similar rates for decades. Both species were able to tolerate some periods of suppression and to respond to opportunities (climatic or due to mild disturbances).  相似文献   

Three hundred and sixteen (35%) of the American-born Japanese children whose height, weight, and skeletal age were recorded in 1956–57 were reexamined as young adults between 1968 and 1974, when they were found to be taller, heavier, and shorter legged than men and women in Japan who were born in the same years as they. These differences between the American-born and the native Japanese adults were relatively smaller than they had been during childhood, due to both an acceleration in the growth rate of the native Japanese and a concomitant decline in that of the American-born Japanese during the intervening years. A comparison of our 1956–57 data with Kondo and Eto's findings in Los Angeles in 1971 shows that there has been very little increase in the size of California-Japanese children since 1956. The curves of average heights of native Japanese children 6 to 20 years of age, at 10-year intervals from 1900 to 1970, disclosed the changing rate at which they grew during different decades of that period. Those curves and other data discussed in this paper provide additional evidence of the biological superiority of the human female as compared with the male.  相似文献   

Wang YG 《Biometrics》2004,60(3):670-675
This article develops a method for analysis of growth data with multiple recaptures when the initial ages for all individuals are unknown. The existing approaches either impute the initial ages or model them as random effects. Assumptions about the initial age are not verifiable because all the initial ages are unknown. We present an alternative approach that treats all the lengths including the length at first capture as correlated repeated measures for each individual. Optimal estimating equations are developed using the generalized estimating equations approach that only requires the first two moment assumptions. Explicit expressions for estimation of both mean growth parameters and variance components are given to minimize the computational complexity. Simulation studies indicate that the proposed method works well. Two real data sets are analyzed for illustration, one from whelks (Dicathais aegaota) and the other from southern rock lobster (Jasus edwardsii) in South Australia.  相似文献   

Body height often serves as a proxy for economic progress. In this paper, we investigate the evolution of average height and height dispersion in Poland based on full administrative data on body height (n = 36,393,246). Especially for the cohorts between 1920 and 1950, we discuss the caveat of shrinking. In the cohorts born between 1920 and 1996, the average height of men increased by 10.15 cm, while the average height of women rose by 8.18 cm. Height increase was fastest in the years 1940 – 1980. After the economic transition, body height stagnated. Post-transition unemployment had negative effects on body height. Height declined in municipalities where there were State Agricultural Farms. Height dispersion decreased in the first decades under investigation and increased after the economic transition.  相似文献   

This paper presents new evidence on the evolution of adult height in 10 European countries for cohorts born between 1950 and 1980 using the European Community Household Panel (ECHP), which collects height data from Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Portugal, Spain, and Sweden. Our findings show a gradual increase in adult height across all countries. However, countries from Southern Europe (Greece, Italy, Portugal, and Spain) experienced greater gains in stature than those located in Northern Europe (Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, Ireland, and Sweden).  相似文献   

Phenological records of 50 plant species were made during 1988–89 in an alpine meadow (30° 10-30° 13 N lat. and 79° 39-79°-41 E long.) of Central Himalaya located between 3100–3750 m elevation. The growth initiation occurred when temperature began to rise continuously and the resulting in snowmelt. The peaks of the various phenophases succeeded one after another in time, within a period of about four months (from May to September) which is longer than the period reported for the alpine sites of higher latitudes. The period of growth initiation appeared to be related to growth form, the species showing earlier growth initiation (when temperatures were lower) deployed leaves to lower heights, close to the ground. A majority of forbs completed growth cycle earlier than the grasses. For example, one group represented by Trachydium roylei reached peak growth a few weeks before did another group of species, represented by Danthonia cachemyriana, which is indicative of niche separation of the respective group of species. Activities of accumulation of live and dead shoot biomass were clearly separated in time in most communities, the former occurring from May to August, and the latter mainly in September. Nomenclature: Osmaston (1926).  相似文献   

Gonadal androgens are known to regulate the rate of growth in height during adolescence, particularly in males, but little is known of the role of adrenal androgens in this process. In a prospective multiple regression model we show that both adrenal and gonadal androgens contribute to the increasing rate of growth in height prior to peak height velocity and the decreasing rate of height growth in later adolescence. Since adrenal androgen secretion begins in mid-childhood, long before gonadal maturation and the secretion of testicular androgens, these findings may prove helpful in explaining population variation in adolescent growth.  相似文献   

Using military and prisoner measurements, a number of scholars have concluded that there was a decline of the mean height of Australian-born men in the late nineteenth century. This paper offers an evaluation of these studies and suggests that further research is needed to determine the Australian height trend in the late nineteenth century.  相似文献   

Generalising the ANOVA method of estimating variance components in mixed linear models a simple procedure is presented to estimate skewness and kurtosis of the distributions of the random effects of the model. For the model II of a one-way classification this procedure is demonstrated explicitly.  相似文献   

Objective: The goal was to describe the lipid profile and insulin changes seen in obese children and adolescents at different stages of puberty. Research Methods and Procedures: A cross‐sectional study was conducted by chart review of 181 obese (BMI > 95th) children and adolescents 5 to 17 years of age, who were referred to the Center for Atherosclerosis Prevention for cardiovascular risk reduction from January 2003 through December 2003. Results: Eighty (44.2%) subjects were <12 years of age, and 101 (55.8%) were ≥12 years. Severity of obesity as expressed by BMI standard deviation score did not differ between these age groups. A significant difference with lower serum levels of total cholesterol, non‐high‐density lipoprotein cholesterol, low‐density lipoprotein cholesterol, and high‐density lipoprotein cholesterol was seen with older age and with advancing sexual maturity rating. Triglycerides, very‐low‐density lipoprotein cholesterol, and lipoprotein(a) levels remained elevated across age and pubertal stages. Insulin levels and insulin resistance as expressed by homeostasis model assessment were significantly higher with older age. Similar trends were observed both in obese boys and obese girls during puberty. Discussion: The most striking findings of this study are that in the 5‐ to 17‐year‐old obese population, the combination of elevated triglycerides and very‐low‐density lipoprotein cholesterol and low high‐density lipoprotein cholesterol levels place them at greater cardiovascular risk than their non‐obese peers, even when the changing patterns of lipids and lipoproteins seen during pubertal maturation are accounted for.  相似文献   

Summary The development of calcitonin cells (C-cells) was investigated in rat thyroid glands from birth to 120 days, using an immunoperoxidase technique and a point-counting method. The proportion of C-cells to follicular cells was 4.5% on the day of birth and increased progressively to 10.4% by 120 days. The highest density of C-cells was noted in the mid-region of the lobes along a longitudinal axis. The caudal and cephalic regions of the lobes contained smaller numbers of C-cells. The C-cells tended to be more numerous in the posterior aspects of the lobes. Although the numbers of C-cells in 120-day-old animals were markedly increased as compared to animals at the time of birth, the cell distributions within the glands were similar at all ages.  相似文献   

Sexual dimorphism in the emergence of the deciduous dentition of French-Canadian children may be explained by differences in recumbent length. Relative to the chronological age scale, boys are longer and their teeth emerge earlier than girls. Recumbent lengths attained at the exact age of emergence, as estimated by fifth-order polynomials fitted to each subject's serial data, are comparable between the sexes. Multi- and univariate analyses of variance show no significant sex differences in the lengths attained at the age of emergence of the deciduous teeth. These findings suggest that clinical standards for emergence of deciduous teeth scaled relative to length rather than chronological age are more accurate and efficient.  相似文献   

This paper explores how the role of men and women’s height in the marriage market has changed across generations. Using individual-level data from Japan, we compared the effect of height on marriages between men and women, and investigated how the effect of height on marriage has changed across generations. Our key findings are: (1) for men born before 1965, a 1% increase in height led to an approximately 0.56% increase in the probability of being married. Conversely, for women born before 1965, a 1% increase in height led to an approximately 0.56% decrease in the probability of being married. (2) For men born in or after 1965, a 1% increase in height led to an approximately 1.05% (0.18%) increase (decrease) in the probability of being married (divorced). However, the height effect was not present for women. Japan experienced astounding economic development after World War II, which resulted in changes in its economic and social structure. These changes may have also altered the role of height for Japanese men and women in the marriage market.  相似文献   

Skull base height increases significantly with better nutrition and health conditions, as seen in comparing 163 nineteenth to twentieth century dissecting-room skeletons (Terry Collection) with 237 modern American middle-class adults (forensic and willed skeletons). The increase parallels the change in pelvic inlet depth index, known to respond sensitively to nutrition, and in stature, and is over six times greater than the general skull size change. Skull base height (porion-basion) is easy to measure with depth gauge and sliding caliper, or by subtraction, and is in adults a sensitive indicator of childhood growth stress.  相似文献   

We prove that the generalized Poisson distribution GP(theta, eta) (eta > or = 0) is a mixture of Poisson distributions; this is a new property for a distribution which is the topic of the book by Consul (1989). Because we find that the fits to count data of the generalized Poisson and negative binomial distributions are often similar, to understand their differences, we compare the probability mass functions and skewnesses of the generalized Poisson and negative binomial distributions with the first two moments fixed. They have slight differences in many situations, but their zero-inflated distributions, with masses at zero, means and variances fixed, can differ more. These probabilistic comparisons are helpful in selecting a better fitting distribution for modelling count data with long right tails. Through a real example of count data with large zero fraction, we illustrate how the generalized Poisson and negative binomial distributions as well as their zero-inflated distributions can be discriminated.  相似文献   

Random Amplified Polymorphic DNAs (RAPDs) were used to investigate quantitative trait loci (QTL) for traits related to height growth on 126 F2 seedlings of maritime pine (Pinuspinaster Ait). The haploid megagametophyte was used to determine the maternal genotype of each F2 individual. The seedlings were raised for 2 years in a greenhouse under accelerated growth conditions consisting of intense fertilization combined with continuous light treatments. Total height was measured at different developmental stages, and height growth components were measured after the second growth period. QTLs were identified for each trait. For total height, QTLs of different developmental stages were located on distinct linkage groups. However, rather than a complete temporal change in QTL expression, our results showed that maturation may induce a progressive shift of the genetic control of height growth. This may provide an explanation for a low juvenile-mature phenotypic correlation previously reported for height. Height growth components related to the initiation (controlled by the apical meristem) and elongation of shoot cycles (controlled by the subapical meristem) were mapped to different chromosomes, suggesting that the activity of these meristems is controlled by separate genetic mechanisms.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: Taller stature is associated with greater health potential reflected by reduced risks for coronary heart disease (CHD) and depression. Previous studies demonstrated that the reduced CHD and depression risks associated with tall stature were eliminated by financial disadvantage in adult life. HYPOTHESIS: The reduced risk of depression, defined as low mood, associated with taller stature is eliminated by adult financial adversity. This study also attempts to replicate earlier findings, that the reduced risk of CHD associated with taller stature is eliminated by adult financial adversity. METHODS: The Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System is an ongoing survey of the adult population of the US conducted by state health departments and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, providing a representative sample of 45,210 adults resident in USA in 2004 with data on low mood and CHD. Low mood was defined by self-reported low mood for more than 15 days in the previous month and CHD by a diagnosis of angina or coronary heart disease. Short stature was defined as the lower 20% of sex-standardised heights and economic disadvantage as household income below $15,000 per annum. RESULTS: Tall stature was associated with a statistically significant reduced risk for low mood in the entire population. After stratification by economic disadvantage, taller individuals in the higher income stratum maintained a statistically significant reduced risk of low mood, with an odds ratio (and 95% confidence interval) of 0.90 (0.90, 0.91) after adjustment for potential confounding factors and application of the survey weighting. In contrast, taller stature represented a raised risk for low mood in the lower income stratum, with a statistically significant odds ratio of 1.27 (1.26, 1.28) with weighting. This effect modification was confirmed by interaction testing, producing an odds ratio for interaction of 1.39 (1.37, 1.39; p<0.001). This phenomenon was most profound among white males, with an odds ratio for interaction of 2.20 (2.16, 2.25). Effect modification by economic disadvantage was also observed for the association of height with CHD, producing an odds ratio for interaction of 1.57 (1.56, 1.59; p<0.001). CONCLUSIONS: Although taller stature indicates better heath potential in terms of low mood and CHD, this potential is eliminated by economic disadvantage in later life. Indeed, taller stature is associated with an increased risk among those who experience economic disadvantage. Possible explanations are that childhood adversity reducing height may confer resilience against some forms of adult adversity. Alternatively, as taller stature signals greater childhood advantage, then financial adversity may represent a form of disappointment among this group: the disappointment paradox.  相似文献   

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