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民勤梭梭人工林天然更新的生态条件   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
针对民勤绿洲梭梭人工林天然更新不良现状,从群落天然更新的必要条件出发,通过对种子萌发、幼苗存活与生长所需生态条件的对比研究,对民勤梭梭人工林天然更新生态条件与限制因子进行了分析,结果表明:民勤多年(1971—2002年)平均降水量为116mm,是适宜梭梭生长的区域,但降雨的季节变化却影响到梭梭天然更新的进行;梭梭的更新与所处的立地类型关系密切,不同立地条件下梭梭人工林植株生长、母株结实状况和土壤水分都存在较大的差异,立地类型是影响梭梭人工林更新的另一影响因素。  相似文献   

通过样地调查,比较了苏门答腊金合欢、新银合欢的林分结实量、种子散布格局、种子密度及幼苗、幼树数量,并对影响天然更新的因素以及树种的适应性进行了分析;同时,使用灰色关联度法对两树种天然更新状况进行了综合评价.结果表明,相同年龄新银合欢树种的单株结实量为1 199粒/株,苏门答腊金合欢为566粒/株,同一树种单株平均结实量为混交林高于纯林;天然更新的新银合欢林单株结实量介于新银合欢和苏门答腊金合欢之间.随着距母树距离的增加,林地苏门答腊金合欢种子密度减少的幅度较新银合欢小,新银合欢种子的传播距离为90 m、苏门答腊金合欢为110 m.苏门答腊金合欢人工林、新银合欢人工林及天然更新的新银合欢林关联系数分别为0.7269、0.6000和0.6000,苏门答腊金合欢天然更新效果稍好.  相似文献   

大砂鼠的生态观察及其防治试验   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
内蒙古西部巴彦淖尔盟的一些沙漠地区分布着大片的梭梭(Haloxylon ammodcndron)林,是该种固沙植物的种源基地。由于鼠类尤其是大砂鼠(Rhombomysopimus Lichtenstein)的活动,促使梭梭林衰退,影响其天然更新及正常结实。我们于1960年5月末至7月初及11月末至12月底,先后对大砂鼠的危害及其防治进行了观察试验。现就所得资料,整理报告如后。 在我们的工作地区,梭梭分布稠密,生长茂盛(图1)。气候干旱,冷热变化剧烈。夏季气温日差很大(在  相似文献   

城市近自然林的群落生态学剖析--以沈阳树木园为例   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13  
中国科学院沈阳树木园位于沈阳市人口密集,商业文化中心地带。于1955年建园,引种东北地区木本植物546种,隶属118属51科。由于林木的天然更新,已形成一个多世代、多层次近自然林群落。本文从植物群落生态学角度研究了森林树种组成与植物区系特征,群落的生活型和层片结构,群落的垂直结构与成层现象。群落的水平结构与镶嵌现象,森林天然更新与发展,野生动植物的种群定居与保护,进而阐明了该园森林群落是我国北方典型城市近自然林类型。  相似文献   

本研究以辽东山区红松人工林为种源的3种不同林带(落叶松林带、针叶混交林带和阔叶混交林带)内天然更新红松幼苗为对象,运用静态生命表和生存分析方法研究天然更新红松幼苗的种群结构与动态特征.结果 表明:3种不同林带内天然更新红松幼苗的年龄结构呈"(n)"型左偏态分布,前期幼苗数量较多且死亡率较高,后期不断减少,属于衰退型种群...  相似文献   

杉木人工林种子雨组成和季节动态   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杉木人工林已成为亚热带森林的重要组成部分,它具有可持续的自然更新能力,是决定杉木林群落演替方向和维持杉木林大面积存在的基础.本文以杉阔混交林和杉木纯林为研究对象,分析其种子雨的物种组成、数量大小和季节动态,以及林分优势物种种子雨数量特征和季节变化,揭示种源条件是否是制约杉木人工林天然更新的主要因素.结果表明:杉阔混交林和杉木纯林分别收集到13科18属21种和12科16属19种的种子.混交林和纯林的所有物种种子雨强度分别为3797和3300粒·m-2.乔木物种种子数量在种子雨中占绝对优势,混交林占89.1%,纯林占86.2%,其中杉木种子数量最多,其完整种子雨强度分别为825和345粒·m-2.两林分种子雨各类型种子所占比例均为完整种子>干瘪或腐烂种子>被取食种子.两林分种子雨均具有明显的季节动态,均在秋季到达高峰,且在落种高峰期种子雨以完整种子为主.无论是杉阔混交林还是杉木纯林都有充足的种源,种源(种子雨)条件不是制约杉木林天然更新的主要因素.  相似文献   

长白山红松阔叶混交林森林天然更新条件的研究   总被引:35,自引:0,他引:35  
研究长白山红松阔叶混交林森林天然更新的变化规律及其条件,红松阔叶混交林是长白山主要的森林类型,保存不多,对于研究以前森林经营有重要意义。研究的目的在于揭示红松天然更新规律及其与森林组成结构的关系。研究结果表明,红松阔叶混交林天然更新与森林群落类型,海拔,森林植物条件及人类活动等干扰极大关系,一般在陡坡或山脊上胡枝子作树红松林中,那里林冠郁闭度达到80%-90%或更大,林分中红松组成也更大,红松天然更新良好。每公顷有红松幼苗和小幼树万株以上,但是在郁闭的红松林冠下,很少能长大。在大部分的阔叶红松混次林中,除了林冠比较郁闭的地方外,针叶树包括红松在内的天然更新通常稀少,每公顷仅有幼苗幼树数千株,其中大部是阔叶树,随着海拔上升到一定范围,在更新中云冷杉的成分增加,老择伐迹地由于林下植被密,常常缺乏更新。74.2%耐荫树种的幼苗幼树是在林冠下观查到,它们70%以上分布于离立木2.5 m以内,这正好等于林木平均冠幅的半径,所以,红松和耐荫树种幼苗的更新最好是在郁闭的林分下。  相似文献   

为了研究当前长白山森林植被分布和演替进程坡向差异形成的机理,重构了800年前长白山火山大喷发后的森林植被演替动态,强调种子传播在火山灰裸地上森林植被演替中的作用。火山喷发后,种源区是没有受到破坏的原始森林生态系统,在不考虑外界干扰的理想情况下,其森林结构和功能长期保持相对稳定状态,并为火山灰裸地上的植被恢复提供种子。本文综合前人研究结果,划分了长白山火山大喷发后的火山灰裸地的范围,并把火山灰裸地外围宽15 km的区域定义为种源区。为了论证种源区是一个稳定的森林生态系统,同时为火山灰裸地上的森林景观重构奠定基础,本文应用空间直观森林景观模型LANDIS PRO 7.0模拟种源区800年的森林地上生物量和树种分布面积的动态变化,用森林调查数据和文献数据对模型结果进行校验和验证。结果表明,种源区的森林地上生物量在阔叶红松林带和云冷杉林带以及整个景观水平上保持稳定波动状态。阔叶红松林带和云冷杉林带主要树种的模型初始化生物量以及景观水平上长期模拟的生物量在野外调查和文献研究的结果范围内。拟合优度检验值珋e(%)、MAE(%)、RMSE(%)和ME均小于10,模型初始化生物量和长期模拟结果与野外调查和文献研究的结果差异较小。合理划分种源区并对其模拟结果进行校验和验证,对种源区的森林生态系统进行有效的稳定性分析,有助于提高火山灰裸地上森林植被演替模拟的准确性,对正确解释当前长白山各坡向森林植被分布规律和演替进程的差异、预测未来长白山森林植被演替动态具有重要意义。  相似文献   

采用随机完全区组设计对5年生麻疯树Jatropha curcas种源林进行结实性调查。结果表明,不同种源麻疯树单株产种量有不同程度的差异,云南元阳种源最高,达218.96 g,四川盐边种源最低,仅为48.42 g。不同种源麻疯树种子平均含油率也有所不同,广西隆林种源最高,达42.80%,贵州望谟种源最低,为37.23%。单株产种量与种源地纬度、年均气温显著相关,而与种源地无霜期极显著相关,其中与纬度为负相关,与年均气温、无霜期为正相关,说明纬度较低、气温较高和无霜期较长的种源在福建平和县的单株产种量高。而种子平均含油率与各地理气象因子之间没有显著相关性。根据单株产种量和种子平均含油率聚类分析,分别将9个种源分成优、良、中、差4个不同的类别,综合来看,云南东南部和广西西北部可能是麻疯树的优良种源区,该区域内的5个种源,单株产种量达147.43 g,种子平均含油率达41.07%。  相似文献   

森林土壤种子库与天然更新   总被引:99,自引:4,他引:99  
论述了森林土壤种子库的特点:(1)森林土壤种子库密度小于耕作土壤和草地,并且受森林类型和年龄的影响,变化幅度很大;(2)森林土壤种库的种类组成在森林的不同演替阶段,受其地上植被影响的程度不同;(3)森林土壤种子库的动态变化是周期化因数和随机性因数的结合,并从土壤种子库的时间动态和空间分布角度,分析了土壤种子库对天然更新的影响,森林土壤种子库是天然更新的物质基础,种子库的结构和功能影响天然更新能力的方向,因此能影响土壤种子库格局变化的各种因子或措施,均能显著地促进或妨碍森林的天然更新,根据森林土训种子库的时空格局特点及影响更新的障碍因子,可以采用人工的辅助措施促进更新,同时,对于森林土壤种子库的研究应着眼于应用干扰生态学的基本理论,以退化生态系统的重建和群落交错区的演替为主要内容,研究方法应以长期定位观测为宜。  相似文献   

Information concerning the fruit production of timber species is important for the assessment of the effects of logging practices and for the improvement of harvesting techniques. We assessed the effects of stem diameter, crown illumination, and liana load on Chrysophyllum lucentifolium subsp. pachycarpum fruiting over a 3-yr period in areas subjected to conventional and reduced impact logging 10–13 yr prior to the study and within a control area, in the eastern Brazilian Amazon. We further used this data set to estimate the proportion of fertile trees harvested following the adoption of 90 percent harvesting intensity and two different minimum diameter cutting limits (MDCL). Liana presence on > 50 percent of the crown was associated with a decrease in the odds of fruiting. Therefore, liana cutting aiming to increase fruiting output should target only trees in such a condition. We found no significant effects of logging treatments and crown illumination on the odds of fruiting. The percentage of reproductive trees, frequency, and intensity of fruiting increased markedly for trees > 40 cm dbh. The proportion of fertile trees harvested following the adoption of 50 cm dbh MDCL is relatively low (13–15%) and therefore, this practice is likely to have a low direct impact on C. lucentifolium fruiting at the population level. However, even for a population with relatively small fertile individuals and low proportion of trees ≥ 50 cm dbh, the MDCL should not be < 50 cm dbh, unless a lower harvest intensity is adopted.  相似文献   

石福臣  王志西 《植物研究》1998,18(4):468-471
中国东北部的落叶松属植物,在分类学上常被视为2个种^[2,3]。然而对其种鳞的形态、正常种鳞的数量及针叶长度的研究统计结果表明,以上性状存在地理处的差异,然而又有明显的连续变异特性,证明长白山及东北东部分布的落叶松,在起源上晚于兴安落叶松(Lix gmelinii),应是兴安落叶松在东北东部的地理变异种。  相似文献   

Simarouba amara (Simaroubaceae) is a vertebrate-dispersed, insect-pollinated Neotropical tree found in lowland moist forest from upper Mesoamerica to the Amazon basin. We assessed the spatial genetic structure of S. amara within the 50-ha Forest Dynamics Plot on Barro Colorado Island in the Republic of Panama. A total of 300 individuals were genotyped using five microsatellite loci, representing 100 individuals with a dbh>or=10 cm, 100 individuals of 1-10 cm dbh, and 100 individuals of <1 cm dbh. The 200 individuals in the two larger size classes were also genotyped with 155 AFLP loci. Spatial autocorrelation analysis using Moran's Index detected significant genotypic association at the smallest distance classes for 1-10 cm dbh (0-20 m) and >10 cm dbh (0-40 m) size categories. Significant spatial autocorrelations were detected over larger scales (0-140 m) in <1 cm dbh individuals. The relatively weak genetic structure of S. amara, in comparison to other recent studies, may be explained by pollen and seed dispersal over the 50 ha plot, overlapping seed shadows, and postrecruitment mortality.  相似文献   

We monitored the reproductive status of all trees with diameters at breast height (dbh) >30 cm in a 40-ha plot at Pasoh, west Malaysia, and investigated the individual fecundity of 15 Shorea acuminata Dyer (Dipterocarpaceae) trees using seed-trapping methods during two consecutive general flowering periods in 2001 (GF2001) and 2002 (GF2002). The proportion of flowering trees was higher, and not dependent on size, in GF2002 (84.2%), than in GF2001 (54.5%), when flowering mainly occurred in trees with a dbh ≤70 cm. Fecundity parameters of individual trees per event varied widely (221,000–35,200,000 flowers, 0–139,000 mature seeds, and 1.04–177 kg total dry matter mass of fruit (TDM) per tree). Monotonic increases with increasing tree size were observed for flower production and TDM amongst trees up to 90 cm in dbh, but not for mature seed production or for any of these parameters amongst larger trees. The pattern of reproductive investment during the two consecutive reproductive events clearly differed between medium-sized and large trees; the former concentrated their reproductive investment in one of the reproductive events whereas the latter allocated their investment more evenly to both reproductive events. Our results suggest size-related differences in the resource allocation pattern for reproduction. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Itoh  Akira  Yamakura  Takuo  Ogino  Kazuhiko  Seng Lee  Hua  Ashton  Peter S. 《Plant Ecology》1997,132(2):121-136
Spatial distribution patterns of two emergent tropical rainforest tree species (Dryobalanops aromatica & D. lanceolata) were examined in where they were dominant (17–20% of total basal area of canopy trees) in Sarawak, East Malaysia. Newly established seedlings (< 2 years old) were restricted to areas < 40 m from mother trees for both species, suggesting a limited seed dispersal. Seedling (< 1 cm in dbh) density was highest around conspecific adults ( 30 cm in dbh). Negative spatial patterns were observed between larger juveniles (1–5 cm in dbh) and conspecific adults for both species; the most dense populations of sapling (1–5 cm in dbh) and poles (5–30 cm in dbh) were found at a distance of 15–20 m from the nearest conspecific adult. Seedlings of both species were distributed randomly with respect to light conditions evaluated by a forest floor diffuse site factor and a canopy closure index. Saplings of both species, and poles of D. lanceolata, were distributed under more open conditions than expected from spatially random distributions, and from average light conditions of all species of the same size classes. Possible mechanisms for the observed distribution patterns and intermediate canopy dominance of Dryobalanops were discussed from the viewpoints of gap-dynamics and distance-dependent mortality.  相似文献   

The total number of vascular plant species was counted and growth form distribution was studied in the Chocó area on the Pacific coast of Colombia, in two transects 400×10m and ten transects 2×50m, for a total sampled area of 0.9ha. The species count of the ten transects (442 species in 0.1ha) appears to be the highest number of species recorded with this methodology. There were 970 species for the total area (0.9ha). Ninety to ninety-five percent of the species were under 10cm dbh and 70–86% under 2.5cm dbh, epiphytes and small trees and treelets 10cm dbh being the most diverse growth forms. The most species-rich families and genera were those represented by herbaceous plants and treelets. Individuals were counted only in the ten 2 × 50 m transects (0.1 ha), where 4459 individuals were found. Palms and ferns were the most abundant growth forms. Arguments are presented against the way diversity is usually measured. Recommendations are made to include other growth forms besides trees when assessing alpha diversity for conservation purposes.  相似文献   

Abstract. Data of fruit-set and fruit production of Fraxinus excelsior (ash) at two sites in the archipelago of Stockholm, Sweden, were recorded over six years (1980-85), with particular emphasis on the fruiting tendency of individual trees. The aim was to determine the grounds for the irregularity of fruiting. There was no support for the assumption that irregular fruiting originates as a consequence of the fruiting tendency being resource limited. The probability of fruiting in a certain year was neither negatively related to previous fruiting years, nor positively related to climatically favourable years. Seeds were infested by the monophagous moth larva Pseudar-gyrotoza conwagana. An increased seed survival was noted in times of large seed crops, indicating seed predator satiation. Date of leafing the preceding year determined whether individual trees fruited or not. This relationship may have significance in synchronizing the fruit production of ash trees.  相似文献   

中国东北落叶松属植物rbcL 基因的序列分析及系统演化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
长白落叶松的分类位置及与兴安落叶松的种间关系, 长期以来未有定论。本研究从大兴安岭、小兴安岭及张广才岭等6 个地点采集实验材料, 对其叶绿体DNA 的rbcL 基因进行PCR-RFLP 分析并测序。结果显示它们的rbcL 基因序列均没有差异, 表明东北地区落叶松属植物有共同起源。在系统演化上, 长白落叶松来自兴安落叶松(Larix gmelinii Rupr.), 应作为兴安落叶松的变种即L.gmelinii Rupr.var.olgensis Ostenfeld et S.Larsen  相似文献   

黄土高原子午岭大披针苔草能量与养分特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
森林地表死可燃物是引起森林火灾的重要原因,掌握森林地表死可燃物载量的分布,对预防火灾和可燃物管理有重要意义.依据1 h、10 h和100 h分类标准,对呼中林区的不同林型内的地表死可燃物载量进行了对比分析.结果表明:樟子松林内死可燃物总载量最高,偃松林内的最低;对不同类型兴安落叶松林群落的地表死可燃物进行比较,发现笃斯越桔-兴安落叶松林内死可燃物总载量最高,而泥炭藓-杜香-兴安落叶松林的最低;此外,相关分析表明,兴安落叶松死可燃物总载量与平均胸径、平均树高、草本盖度、凋落物厚度呈显著的正相关,与坡向、腐殖质厚度等因子呈显著负相关;多元线性回归分析表明,用兴安落叶松林的凋落物厚度、草本盖度、平均树高因子可较好地估算地表死可燃物总载量,进而为森林可燃物的管理和指导森林防火提供科学的依据.  相似文献   

The forests of central Africa are distinct from counterpart forests in Amazonia by having fewer trees ≥ 10 cm dbh ha?1, especially small trees < 20 cm dbh, and in having sapling cohorts with less diversity than canopy trees. We tested four hypotheses to investigate whether herbivory, in particular, browsing by forest elephants, could be a factor in these differences. We found that the density of small saplings and diversity of large saplings were inversely associated with local density of elephants. We then tested the hypothesis that steep slopes might serve as refugia from elephant foraging, but found that elephants routinely forage on slopes with an inclination of less than ca 30 deg. Nevertheless, the diversity of small trees (≥ 10 cm, < 20 cm dbh) was higher on slopes than on paired level‐ground sites. The incidence of break scars on saplings ≥ 2 cm dbh and < 6 cm dbh was greater (107/100 stems) on level ground than on slopes (77/100 stems), although high variability precluded statistical significance. After correcting for background breakage not caused by elephants, an estimated 71% of breaks on level ground and 43% of breaks on slopes were attributable to elephants. Liana loads borne by trees at different sites were highly variable and unrelated to slope. Apparently, disturbances are more critical to liana development than herbivory. Elephants, along with other large mammals such as gorillas, duikers, red river hogs and rodents, appear to act as powerful filters on the tree recruitment process in African forests that still retain intact megafaunal communities.  相似文献   

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