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Neuronal cannabinoid receptors (CB(1)) are coupled to inhibition of voltage-sensitive Ca(2+) channels (VSCCs) in several cell types. The purpose of these studies was to characterize the interaction between endogenous CB(1) receptors and VSCCs in cerebellar granule neurons (CGN). Ca(2+) transients were evoked by KCl-induced depolarization and imaged using fura-2. The CB(1) receptor agonists CP55940, Win 55212-2 and N-arachidonylethanolamine (anandamide) produced concentration-related decreases in peak amplitude of the Ca(2+) response and total Ca(2+) influx. Pre-treatment of CGN with pertussis toxin abolished agonist-mediated inhibition. The inhibitory effect of Win 55212-2 on Ca(2+) influx was additive with inhibition produced by omega-agatoxin IVA and nifedipine but not with omega-conotoxin GVIA, indicating that N-type VSCCs are the primary effector. Paradoxically, the CB(1) receptor antagonist, SR141716, also inhibited KCl-induced Ca(2+) influx into CGN in a concentration-related manner. SR141716 inhibition was pertussis toxin-insensitive and was not additive with the inhibition produced by Win 55212-2. Confocal imaging of CGN in primary culture demonstrate a high density of CB(1) receptor expression on CGN plasma membranes, including the neuritic processes. These data demonstrate that the CB(1) receptor is highly expressed by CGN and agonists serve as potent and efficacious inhibitory modulators of Ca(2+) influx through N-type VSCC.  相似文献   

Multiple types of voltage‐activated calcium (Ca2+) channels are present in all nerve cells examined so far; however, the underlying functional consequences of their presence is often unclear. We have examined the contribution of Ca2+ influx through N‐ and L‐ type voltage‐activated Ca2+ channels in sympathetic neurons to the depolarization‐induced activation of tyrosine hydroxylase (TH), the rate‐limiting enzyme in norepinephrine (NE) synthesis, and the depolarization‐induced release of NE. Superior cervical ganglia (SCG) were decentralized 4 days prior to their use to eliminate the possibility of indirect effects of depolarization via preganglionic nerve terminals. The presence of both ω‐conotoxin GVIA (1 μM), a specific blocker of N‐type channels, and nimodipine (1 μM), a specific blocker of L‐type Ca2+ channels, was necessary to inhibit completely the stimulation of TH activity by 55 mM K+, indicating that Ca2+ influx through both types of channels contributes to enzyme activation. In contrast, K+ stimulation of TH activity in nerve fibers and terminals in the iris could be inhibited completely by ω‐conotoxin GVIA alone and was unaffected by nimodipine as previously shown. K+ stimulation of NE release from both ganglia and irises was also blocked completely when ω‐conotoxin GVIA was included in the medium, while nimodipine had no significant effect in either tissue. These results indicate that particular cellular processes in specific areas of a neuron are differentially dependent on Ca2+ influx through N‐ and L‐type Ca2+ channels. © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Neurobiol 40: 137–148, 1999  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to compare the degree of occupancy of central nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChR) in isoflurane anaesthetized baboon brain following inhalation of tobacco smoke (one cigarette containing 0.9 mg nicotine) or i.v. nicotine (0.6 mg i.v.). [18F]Fluoro-A-85380 and positron emission tomography (PET) were used to assess the distribution volumes (DV) of the radiotracer in selected brain areas using a one-compartment model. Eighty minutes after nicotine i.v., DV was reduced by 50 and 66% in the thalamus and putamen, respectively. Six hours after nicotine, a reduction in DV (27% in the thalamus) was still observed. Eighty minutes after inhalation of tobacco smoke, DV was decreased by 52 and 65% in the thalamus and putamen, respectively. Previous PET experiments have demonstrated a short-lasting interaction of [11C]nicotine with nAChRs. Thus, we hypothesized that a metabolite of nicotine with high affinity and long half-live (several hours) could bind at nAChRs. Eighty minutes after a high dose of nornicotine (0.5 mg i.v.), DV was reduced by 53 and 31% in thalamus and putamen, respectively. No significant effect was observed following 0.15 mg nornicotine. Therefore, nornicotine could contribute to the long-lasting occupancy of central nAChRs after smoking.  相似文献   

The human neuronal Cys‐loop ligand‐gated ion channel superfamily of ion channels are important determinants of human behavior and the target of many drugs. It is essential for their structural characterization to achieve high‐level expression in a functional state. The aim of this work was to establish stable mammalian cell lines that enable high‐level heterologous production of pure receptors in a state that supports agonist‐induced allosteric conformational changes. In a tetracycline‐inducible stable human embryonic kidney cells (HEK293S) cell line, GABAA receptors containing α1 and β3 subunits could be expressed with specific activities of 29–34 pmol/mg corresponding to 140–170 pmol/plate, the highest expression level reported so far. Comparable figures for serotonin (5‐HT3A) receptors were 49–63 pmol/mg and 245–315 pmol/plate. The expression of 10 nmol of either receptor in suspension in a bioreactor required 0.3–3.0 L. Both receptor constructs had a FLAG epitope inserted at the N‐terminus and could be purified in one step after solubilization using ANTI‐FLAG affinity chromatography with yields of 30–40%. Purified receptors were functional. Binding of the agonist [3H]muscimol to the purified GABAAR was enhanced allosterically by the general anesthetic etomidate, and purified 5‐hydroxytryptamine‐3A receptor supported serotonin‐stimulated cation flux when reconstituted into lipid vesicles.  相似文献   

We have earlier shown that microglia, the immune cells of the CNS, release microparticles from cell plasma membrane after ATP stimulation. These vesicles contain and release IL-1β, a crucial cytokine in CNS inflammatory events. In this study, we show that microparticles are also released by astrocytes and we get insights into the mechanism of their shedding. We show that, on activation of the ATP receptor P2X7, microparticle shedding is associated with rapid activation of acid sphingomyelinase, which moves to plasma membrane outer leaflet. ATP-induced shedding and IL-1β release are markedly reduced by the inhibition of acid sphingomyelinase, and completely blocked in glial cultures from acid sphingomyelinase knockout mice. We also show that p38 MAPK cascade is relevant for the whole process, as specific kinase inhibitors strongly reduce acid sphingomyelinase activation, microparticle shedding and IL-1β release. Our results represent the first demonstration that activation of acid sphingomyelinase is necessary and sufficient for microparticle release from glial cells and define key molecular effectors of microparticle formation and IL-1β release, thus, opening new strategies for the treatment of neuroinflammatory diseases.  相似文献   

Knock out mice deficient for the splice-isoform alphaalpha of neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOSalphaalpha) display residual nitric oxide synthase activity and immunosignal. To attribute this signal to the two minor neuronal nitric oxide synthase splice variants, betabeta and gammagamma, we generated isoform-specific anti-peptide antibodies against the nNOSalphaalpha specific betabeta-finger motif involved in PDZ domain scaffolding and the nNOSbetabeta specific N-terminus. The nNOSalphaalpha betabeta-finger-specific antibody clearly recognized the 160-kDa band of recombinant nNOSalphaalpha on Western blots. Using immunocytochemistry, this antibody displayed, in rats and wild-type mice, a labeling pattern similar to but not identical with that obtained using a commercial pan-nNOS antibody. This similarity indicates that the majority of immunocytochemically detectable nNOS is not likely to be complexed with PDZ-domain proteins via the betabeta-finger motif. This conclusion was confirmed by the inhibition of PSD-95/nNOS interaction by the nNOSalphaalpha betabeta-finger antibody in pull-down assays. By contrast, nNOSalphaalpha betabeta-finger labeling was clearly reduced in hippocampal and cortical neuropil areas enriched in NMDA receptor complex containing spine synapses. In nNOSalphaalpha knock out mice, nNOSalphaalpha was not detectable, whereas the pan-nNOS antibody showed a distinct labeling of cell bodies throughout the brain, most likely reflecting betabeta/gammagamma-isoforms in these cells. The nNOSbetabeta antibody clearly detected bacterial expressed nNOSbetabeta fusion protein and nNOSbetabeta in overexpressing HEK cells by Western blotting. Immunocytochemically, individual cell bodies in striatum, cerebral cortex, and in some brain stem nuclei were labeled in knock out but not in wild-type mice, indicating an upregulation of nNOSbetabeta in nNOSalphaalpha deficient animals.  相似文献   

Ultraviolet light is the major cause of skin cancers in human, and several effects of ultraviolet light B (UVB) are thought to contribute to skin photocarcinogenesis. 3Beta-methoxy-13alpha,14alpha-epoxyserratan-21beta-ol (PJJ-34; 1) isolated from Picea jezoensis Carr. var. jezoensis showed the strongest antitumor-promoting activity among naturally occurring triterpenoids in the in vivo two-stage mouse skin-carcinogenesis test. To investigate the anti-initiating activity, we further studied mouse models initiated with ultraviolet-B (UVB) and promoted with 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA). Oral administration of the PJJ-34 (1) during a period before and after the three times of UVB irradiation led to a remarkable effect: oral administration of a 0.0025% solution of 1 only to the test group, which started one week before and ended one week after the irradiation, showed less than half papillomas, and inhibition of tumor incidence and tumor multiplicity in comparison to the control group. Therefore, it was recognized that PJJ-34 (1) showed strong anti-initiating activity as well as anti-promoting activity. After all, 1 seems to be useful as cancer-chemopreventive agent.  相似文献   

N-Acetyl-(E)-dehydrophenylalanine N'-methylamide [Ac-(E)-DeltaPhe-NHMe], one of a few representative (E)-alpha,beta-dehydroamino acids, was studied by FTIR in dichloromethane and acetonitrile. To support spectroscopic interpretations and to gain some deeper insight into the Ac-(E)-DeltaPhe-NHMe molecule, the Ramachandran potential energy surface was calculated by the B3LYP/6-31G*//HF/3-21G method and the conformers localized were fully optimized at the B3LYP/6-31 + G** level. The spectra and calculations were compared with those of the related molecules Ac-DeltaAla-NHMe and Ac-(Z)-DeltaPhe-NHMe. The title compound assumes two conformational states in equilibrium in dichloromethane solution with a predominance of the extended conformer E. The Ac-(E)-DeltaPhe-NHMe spectrum is like that of Ac-DeltaAla-NHMe, particularly in the region of bands AI and AII, and unlike that of Ac-(Z)-DeltaPhe-NHMe. The positions of bands AI and II together with the nu(s)(N1--H1) band proves that the conformers E of both DeltaAla and (E)-DeltaPhe compounds are stabilized by the quite strong C5 hydrogen bonds N1--H1...O2. The same conclusion is drawn from the Ramachandran diagrams. The conformers E of both compounds are placed in the global minima and the gaps in energy order between them and the second conformer are large. The conformers E of DeltaAla and (E)-DeltaPhe, apart from the N1--H1...O2 hydrogen bond, show the Cbeta--H...O1 interaction, and Ac-(E)-DeltaPhe-NHMe displays the NH/pi interaction with the N2--H2 projecting in the first carbon atom of the phenyl ring. The C5 hydrogen bond is stronger in (E)-DeltaPhe than that in the DeltaAla compound. This is in agreement with interactions found in the calculated structures and can be explained by the influence of the phenyl ring in position (E). In acetonitrile, the molecule of Ac-(E)-DeltaPhe-NHMe loses its C5 hydrogen bond and becomes unfolded, whereas that of Ac-DeltaAla-NHMe does not vary practically. Adopting conformation E in a non-polar solvent seems to be a general feature of the (E)-DeltaXaa residues.  相似文献   

alpha-Amylases, in particular, microbial alpha-amylases, are widely used in industrial processes such as starch liquefaction and pulp processes, and more recently in detergency. Due to the need for alpha-amylases with high specific activity and activity at alkaline pH, which are critical parameters, for example, for the use in detergents, we have enhanced the alpha-amylase from Bacillus amyloliquefaciens (BAA). The genes coding for the wild-type BAA and the mutants BAA S201N and BAA N297D were subjected to error-prone PCR and gene shuffling. For the screening of mutants we developed a novel, reliable assay suitable for high throughput screening based on the Phadebas assay. One mutant (BAA 42) has an optimal activity at pH 7, corresponding to a shift of one pH unit compared to the wild type. BAA 42 is active over a broader pH range than the wild type, resulting in a 5-fold higher activity at pH 10. In addition, the activity in periplasmic extracts and the specific activity increased 4- and 1.5-fold, respectively. Another mutant (BAA 29) possesses a wild-type-like pH profile but possesses a 40-fold higher activity in periplasmic extracts and a 9-fold higher specific activity. The comparison of the amino acid sequences of these two mutants with other homologous microbial alpha-amylases revealed the mutation of the highly conserved residues W194R, S197P, and A230V. In addition, three further mutations were found K406R, N414S, and E356D, the latter being present in other bacterial alpha-amylases.  相似文献   

The structure and dynamics of an inhibitor-bound complex of the metallo-beta-lactamase from Bacteroides fragilis are studied by using molecular dynamics. A search of the conformational space was performed to obtain three distinct models of the complex, which were then subjected to solvated molecular dynamics. A solvated molecular dynamics study of the apo protein was performed to serve as a baseline for comparison with the bound simulations. We find loop conformation changes due to binding as well as a decrease in flexibility of the protein as a whole and especially in the major loop of the beta-lactamase. We report the structural and dynamical features of the inhibitor-bound and apo models, as well as experimentally measurable quantities, which should be capable of distinguishing the two binding modes we have determined.  相似文献   

Background information. The activation of fibroblasts into myofibroblasts is a crucial event in healing that is linked to remodelling and scar formation, therefore we determined whether regulation of myofibroblast differentiation via integrins might affect wound healing responses in populations of patient‐matched HOFs (human oral fibroblasts) compared with HDFs (human dermal fibroblasts). Results. Both the HOF and HDF cell types underwent TGF‐β1 (transforming growth factor‐β1)‐induced myofibroblastic differentiation [upregulation of the expression of α‐sma (α‐smooth muscle actin)], although analysis of unstimulated cells indicated that HOFs contained higher basal levels of α‐sma than HDFs (P<0.05). Functional blocking antibodies against the integrin subunits α5 (fibronectin) or αv (vitronectin) were used to determine whether the effects of TGF‐β1 were regulated via integrin signalling pathways. α‐sma expression in both HOFs and HDFs was down‐regulated by antibodies against both α5 and αv. Functionally, TGF‐β1 inhibited cell migration in an in vitro wound model and increased the contraction of collagen gels. Greater contraction was evident for HOFs compared with HDFs, both with and without stimulation by TGF‐β1 (P<0.05). When TGF‐β1‐stimulated cells were incubated with blocking antibodies against α5 and αv, gel contraction was decreased to that of non‐stimulated cells; however, blocking αv or α5 could not restore cellular migration in both HOFs and HDFs. Conclusions. Despite intrinsic differences in their basal state, the cellular events associated with TGF‐β1‐induced myofibroblastic differentiation are common to both HOFs and HDFs, and appear to require differential integrin usage; up‐regulation of α‐sma expression and increases in collagen gel contraction are vitronectin‐ and fibronectin‐receptor‐dependent processes, whereas wound re‐population is not.  相似文献   

Hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) is a pleiotropic growth factor that acts on various epithelial cells. The objectives of this study were to determine whether HGF altered the proliferation and prostaglandin (PG) secretion of bovine endometrial stromal and epithelial cells in vitro. We also observed HGF and HGF receptor (c-met) mRNA expression in cultured bovine endometrial stromal and epithelial cells by RT-PCR. Stromal and epithelial cells obtained from cows in early stage of the estrous cycle (days 2-5) were cultured in DMEM/Ham's F-12 supplemented with 10% calf serum. The cells were exposed to HGF (0-10 ng/ml) for 2, 4, or 6 days. HGF significantly increased the total DNA in epithelial (P < 0.05), but not stromal cells. In another experiment, when the cells reached confluence, the culture medium was replaced with fresh medium with 0.1% BSA containing HGF 0-100 ng/ml and the cells were cultured for 24 hr. The HGF stimulated PGF2alpha secretion in epithelial, but not stromal cells. RT-PCR revealed that mRNA of HGF is expressed only in stromal cells, and that c-met mRNA is expressed in both stromal and epithelial cells. These results suggest that HGF plays roles in the proliferation and the regulation of secretory function of bovine endometrial epithelial cells in a paracrine fashion.  相似文献   

Studies were conducted to characterize a HeLa cell model by which the roles of the 85-kDa phospholipase A2 (cPLA2) in interleukin-1 beta (IL-1 beta) and interleukin-6 (IL-6) release could be evaluated. At first, untreated HeLa cells were compared with lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-treated HeLa cells. The latter resulted in cPLA2 overexpression and an increased trend of IL-1 beta and IL-6 release. The indicated doses of 85-kDa cPLA2 antisense oligonucleotide directed against the initiation site were then used to block cPLA2 in LPS-induced HeLa cells. The process led to a dose-dependent decrease in cPLA2 protein with no noticeable change of cPLA2 mRNA. Compared with that of LPS added only, a reduction of IL-1 beta and IL-6 levels in the supernatants of transfected cells following the repression of cPLA2 was observed. These results suggested that 85-kDa cPLA2 may mediate the signalling cascades by which IL-1 beta and IL-6 were released in LPS-induced HeLa cells.  相似文献   

Two new compounds, 14-methyl stigmast-9(11)-en-3alpha-ol-3beta-D-glucopyranoside (1) and cholest-11-en-3beta, 6beta, 7alpha, 22beta-tetraol-24-one-3beta-palmitoleate (2), along with the known compound beta-sitosteryl-3beta-D-glucopyranosyl-6'-linoleiate (3), were isolated from the methanolic extract of rice (Oryza sativa) hulls. The structures of the two new compounds were elucidated using one- and two-dimensional NMR in combination with IR, EI/MS, FAB/MS, HR-EI/MS and HR-FAB/MS. In bioassays with blue-green algae, Microcystis aeruginosa UTEX 2388 and duckweed, Lemna paucicostata Hegelm 381, the efficacy of bioactivity of the two new compounds linearly increased as the concentration increased from 0.3 to 300 IgM. Compared with momilactone A, compounds 1 and 2 showed similar and higher inhibitory activities against the growth of M. aeruginosa at a concentration of 300 microM. However, compound 2 was similar to momilactone A in inhibiting L. paucicostata growth at a concentration of 300 microM. As a result, compound 2 appears to have a strong potential for the environmentally friendly control of weed and algae that are harmful to water-logged rice.  相似文献   

The conformationally constrained f-L-Met-Ac(n)c-L-Phe-OMe (n = 4,9-12) tripeptides, analogues of the chemoattractant f-L-Met-L-Leu-L-Phe-OH, were synthesized in solution by classical methods and fully characterized. These compounds and the published f-L-Met-Xxx-L-Phe-OMe (Xxx = Aib and Ac(n)c where n = 3, 5-8) analogues were compared to determine the combined effect of backbone preferred conformation and side-chain bulkiness at position 2 on the relation of 3D-structure to biological activity. A conformational study of all the analogues was performed in solution by FT-IR absorption and 1H-NMR techniques. In parallel, each peptide was tested for its ability to induce chemotaxis, superoxide anion production and lysozyme secretion from human neutrophils. The biological and conformational data are discussed in relation to the proposed model of the chemotactic receptor on neutrophils, in particular of the hydrophobic pocket accommodating residue 2 of the tripeptide.  相似文献   

Two tris-alkoxycarbonyl homoarginine derivatives, Boc-Har{omega,omega'-[Z(2Br)]2}-OH and Boc-Har{omega,omega'-[Z(2Cl)]2}-OH, were prepared by guanidinylation of Boc-Lys-OH, and used for the synthesis of neo-endorphins and dynorphins. The results were compared with that obtained in the synthesis in which Boc-Lys(Fmoc)-OH was incorporated into the peptide chain, and after removing Fmoc protection, the resulting peptide-resin was guanidinylated with N,N'-[Z(2Br)]2- or N,N'-[Z(2Cl)]2-S-methylisourea. The peptides were tested in the guinea-pig ileum (GPI) and mouse vas deferens (MVD) assays. The results indicated that replacement of Arg by Har may be a good avenue for the design of biologically active peptides with increased resistance to degradation by trypsin-like enzymes.  相似文献   

For the simultaneous synthesis of enatiomerically pure (S)-amino acids and (R)-amines from corresponding alpha-keto acids and racemic amines, an alpha/omega-transaminase coupled reaction system was designed using favorable reaction equilibrium shift led by omega-transaminase reaction. Cloned tyrB, aspC and avtA, and omegataA were co-expressed in E. coli BL21(DE3) using pET23b(+) and pET24ma, respectively. The coupled reaction produced the (S)-amino acids with 73-90% (> 99% ee(S)) of conversion yield and resolved the racemic amines with 83-99% ee(R) for 5 to 10 hours. In designing the coupled reactions in the cell, alanine and pyruvate were efficiently used in the cell as an amine donor for the alanine transaminase and an amino acceptor for the omega-transaminase, respectively, resulting in an alanine-pyruvate shuttling system. The common problem of the low equilibrium constant of the alpha-transaminase can be efficiently overcome by the coupling with the omega-transaminase. However, overcoming the product inhibition of omega-transaminase by the ketone by-product and increasing the decarboxylation rate of the oxaloacetate produced during the transaminase reaction become barriers to further improving the overall reaction rate and the yield of the coupled reactions.  相似文献   

The protein ER-alpha has been exhaustively characterized in estrogen-sensitive tissues and cell lines. However, little is known regarding the expression and cellular distribution of the newly identified ER-beta protein. We first quantified the specific estradiol binding site content in the estrogen-responsive cell lines MCF-7 (mammary) and SHM (myometrial). In the two cell types, these sites were associated to the expression of both ER-alpha and -beta isoforms. Native ER-beta was visualized to reside inside the nucleus by means of conventional indirect immunofluorescence. The cells expressed ER-beta as a tight approximately 50 kDa triplet when resolved by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gels (SDS-PAGE) and blotted using antibodies mapping different domains of the cloned ER-beta version. When the cells were subjected to homogenization and differential centrifugation, a substantial proportion of ER-beta immunolabeling was localized at membrane subfractions. ER-beta expression and partitioning was confirmed by Ligand blotting assays using estrogen derivatives coupled to different macromolecular tags. However, ER-alpha was expressed as the major estrogen binding protein in both cell lines. Similar localization experiments were performed on HeLa cells (cervix). Though usually considered ER-negative, this cell line displayed basal significant estrogen binding capacity and co-expression of both ER isoforms. Taken as a whole, the results indicate that ER-beta could be expressed as functional estrogen binding proteins among a dominant population of ER-alpha sites in the cell lines under study.  相似文献   

Retinoid acid receptors (RXR-alpha, -beta, -gamma) and Farnesoid X-activated receptor (FXR) expression in the testis of the marbled newt were investigated with special attention to the changes during the annual testicular cycle, using light microscopy immunohistochemistry and Western blot analysis. The annual testicular cycle of the marbled newt (Triturus marmoratus marmoratus) comprises three periods: (a) proliferative period (germ cell proliferation from primordial germ cells to round spermatids, April-June); (b) spermiogenesis period (July-September); and (c) quiescence period (interstitial and follicular cells form the glandular tissue, October-April). In the proliferative period, primordial germ cells and primary spermatogonia immunostained intensely to the three types of RXRs and also to FXR. In the other periods, immunostaining to these antibodies was weak or absent. Secondary spermatogonia stained weakly to the four antibodies in the proliferative period, and only to FXR, also weakly, in the spermiogenesis period. Immunoreactive primary spermatocytes were weakly labeled with the RXR antibodies in the proliferative period. Spermatids and spermatozoa did not stain to any antibody in any period. Follicular cells only immunostained to RXR-gamma and only in the quiescence period when they are forming the glandular tissue, together with the interstitial cells. As follicular cells, interstitial cells only immunostained in the quiescence period; however, they immunoreacted to the three types of RXRs. These findings suggest that in the newt, RXRs and FXR are involved in spermatogenesis control by regulating the proliferation of primordial germ cells and spermatogonia. In addition, RXR-gamma seems to be also involved in the development of the glandular (steroidogenic) tissue.  相似文献   

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