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As heart-rate variability (HRV) is under evaluation in clinical applications, the authors sought to better define the interdependent impact of age, maximal exercise, and diurnal variation under physiologic conditions. The authors evaluated the diurnal changes in HRV 24-h pre- and post-maximal aerobic exercise testing to exhaustion in young (19-25 yrs, n?=?12) and middle-aged (40-55 yrs, n?=?12) adults. Subjects wore a portable 5-lead electrocardiogram holter for 48?h (24?h prior to and following a maximal aerobic capacity test). Time-, frequency-, time-frequency-, and scale-invariant-domain measures of HRV were computed from RR-interval data analyzed using a 5-min window size and a 2.5-min step size, resulting in a different set of outputs every 2.5?min. Results were averaged (mean?±?SE) over four prespecified time periods during the morning, afternoon, evening, and night on Day 1 and Day 2. Diurnal changes in HRV in young and middle-aged adults were compared using a two-way, repeated-measures analysis of variance (ANOVA). Young adults demonstrated higher HRV compared to middle-aged adults during periods of wakefulness and sleep prior to maximal exercise stress testing (i.e., high-frequency power during Day 1: young adults: morning 1862?±?496?ms(2), afternoon 1797?±?384?ms(2), evening 1908?±?431?ms(2), and night 3202?±?728?ms(2); middle-aged adults: morning 341?±?53?ms(2), afternoon 405?±?68?ms(2), evening 469?±?80?ms(2), and night 836?±?136?ms(2)) (p < .05). Exercise resulted in reductions in HRV such that multiple measures of HRV were not significantly different between age groups during the afternoon and evening periods. All measures of HRV demonstrated between-group differences overnight on Day 2 (p < .05). Young adults are associated with higher baseline HRV during the daytime. Sleep increases variability equally and proportionally to daytime variability. Given the higher baseline awake HRV and equal rise in HRV during sleep, the change in HRV from sleep to morning with exercise is greater in younger subjects. These physiologic results have clinical significance in understanding the pathophysiology of altered variability in ill patients.  相似文献   

Heart failure is associated with autonomic imbalance, and this can be evaluated by a spectral analysis of heart rate variability. However, the time course of low-frequency (LF) and high-frequency (HF) heart rate variability changes, and their functional correlates during progression of the disease are not exactly known. Progressive heart failure was induced in 16 beagle dogs over a 7-wk period by rapid ventricular pacing. Spectral analysis of heart rate variability and respiration, echocardiography, hemodynamic measurements, plasma atrial natriuretic factor, and norepinephrine was obtained at baseline and every week, 30 min after pacing interruption. Progressive heart failure increased heart rate (from 91 +/- 4 to 136 +/- 5 beats/min; P < 0.001) and decreased absolute and normalized (percentage of total power) HF variability from week 1 and 2, respectively (P < 0.01). Absolute LF variability did not change during the study until it disappeared in two dogs at week 7 (P < 0.05). Normalized LF variability increased in moderate heart failure (P < 0.01), leading to an increased LF-to-HF ratio (P < 0.05), but decreased in severe heart failure (P < 0.044; week 7 vs. week 5). Stepwise regression analysis revealed that among heart rate variables, absolute HF variability was closely associated with wedge pressure, right atrial and pulmonary arterial pressure, left ventricular ejection fraction and volume, ratio of maximal velocity of early (E) and atrial (A) mitral flow waves, left atrial diameter, plasma norepinephrine, and atrial natriuretic peptide (0.45 < r < 0.65, all P < 0.001). In tachycardia-induced heart failure, absolute HF heart rate variability is a more reliable indicator of cardiac dysfunction and neurohumoral activation than LF heart rate variability.  相似文献   

Seasonal variation of denitrification rate in Lake Suwa sediment   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The seasonal variation of denitrification rate in sediments in the central station of Lake Suwa, Japan, was estimated by the acetylene-inhibition technique from March 20 to December 10, 1994. The denitrification rate ranged from 0 to 1800µmolNm–2day–1 and showed a distinct seasonal trend, i.e., relatively high rates in spring and winter, and low or negligible rates in summer. The denitrification rate was well correlated with NO3 concentration in overlying water, suggesting that NO3 in overlying water was the primary controlling factor for denitrification. The annual rate of denitrification was 0.15molNm–2year–1. Denitrification removed 5% of the annual nitrogen load from the lake, and this fraction was relatively small compared to the values reported for a variety of aquatic environments. In Lake Suwa, NO3 in the water column was depleted during summer, and this suppressed effective removal of nitrogen from the lake by denitrification.  相似文献   



Heart rate and heart rate variability, markers of cardiac autonomic function, have been linked with cardiovascular disease. We investigated whether heart rate and heart rate variability are associated with functional status in older adults, independent of cardiovascular disease.


We obtained data from the Prospective Study of Pravastatin in the Elderly at Risk (PROSPER). A total of 5042 participants were included in the present study, and mean follow-up was 3.2 years. Heart rate and heart rate variability were derived from baseline 10-second electrocardiograms. Heart rate variability was defined as the standard deviation of normal-to-normal RR intervals (SDNN). Functional status in basic (ADL) and instrumental (IADL) activities of daily living was measured using Barthel and Lawton scales, at baseline and during follow-up.


The mean age of the study population was 75.3 years. At baseline, higher heart rate was associated with worse ADL and IADL, and lower SDNN was related to worse IADL (all p values < 0.05). Participants in the highest tertile of heart rate (range 71–117 beats/min) had a 1.79-fold (95% confidence interval [CI] 1.45–2.22) and 1.35-fold (95% CI 1.12–1.63) higher risk of decline in ADL and IADL, respectively (p for trend < 0.001 and 0.001, respectively). Participants in the lowest tertile of SDNN (range 1.70–13.30 ms) had 1.21-fold (95% CI 1.00–1.46) and 1.25-fold (95% CI 1.05–1.48) higher risk of decline in ADL and IADL, respectively (both p for trends < 0.05). All associations were independent of sex, medications, cardiovascular risk factors and comorbidities.


Higher resting heart rate and lower heart rate variability were associated with worse functional status and with higher risk of future functional decline in older adults, independent of cardiovascular disease. This study provides insight into the role of cardiac autonomic function in the development of functional decline.Elevated heart rate and reduced heart rate variability — the beat-to-beat variation in heart rate intervals — both reflect an altered balance of the autonomic nervous system tone characterized by increased sympathetic and/or decreased parasympathetic activity.13 Sympathetic overactivity has been linked to a procoagulant state and also to risk factors for atherosclerosis, including metabolic syndrome, obesity and subclinical inflammation.24 Moreover, increased heart rate is related to atherosclerosis, not only as an epiphenomenon of sympathetic overactivity, but also through hemodynamic mechanisms, such as high pulsatile shear stress, which leads to endothelial dysfunction.5Atherosclerosis has been linked to increased risk of functional decline in older people via cardiovascular events.6 As the world population is aging, the burden of functional disability is expected to increase.6 It has been hypothesized that heart rate and heart rate variability are markers of frailty, an increased vulnerability to stressors and functional decline.7 However, the direct link between these 2 parameters and risk of functional decline has not been fully established, and it is uncertain whether this association is independent of cardiovascular comorbidities.In this study, we examined whether heart rate and heart rate variability were cross-sectionally and longitudinally associated with functional status in older adults at high risk of cardiovascular disease, independent of cardiovascular risk factors and comorbidities.  相似文献   

Recent studies have suggested a genetic component to heart rate (HR) and HR variability (HRV). However, a systematic examination of the genetic contribution to the variation in HR and HRV has not been performed. This study investigated the genetic contribution to HR and HRV using a wide range of inbred and recombinant inbred (RI) mouse strains. Electrocardiogram data were recorded from 30 strains of inbred mice and 29 RI strains. Significant differences in mean HR and total power (TP) HRV were identified between inbred strains and RI strains. Multiple significant differences within the strain sets in mean low-frequency (LF) and high-frequency (HF) power were also found. No statistically significant concordance was found between strain distribution patterns for HR and HRV phenotypes. Genomewide interval mapping identified a significant quantitative trait locus (QTL) for HR [LOD (likelihood of the odds) score = 3.763] on chromosome 6 [peak at 53.69 megabases (Mb); designated HR 1 (Hr1)]. Suggestive QTLs for TP were found on chromosomes 2, 4, 5, 6, and 14. A suggestive QTL for LF was found on chromosome 16; for HF, we found one significant QTL on chromosome 5 (LOD score = 3.107) [peak at 53.56 Mb; designated HRV-high-frequency 1 (Hrvhf1)] and three suggestive QTLs on chromosomes 2, 11 and 15. In conclusion, the results demonstrate a strong genetic component in the regulation of resting HR and HRV evidenced by the significant differences between strains. A lack of correlation between HR and HRV phenotypes in some inbred strains suggests that different sets of genes control the phenotypes. Furthermore, QTLs were found that will provide important insight to the genetic regulation of HR and HRV at rest.  相似文献   

The study presents a mathematical model of non-linear dynamics of the heart rate variability (HRV). The model is based on quantitative characteristics of pulse conduction in the heart conducting system: the delays of sinoatrial (SA) and atrioventricular (AV) pulse conduction and refractors periods of the SA and AV nodes. The model predicts heart rate disturbances in fast electric activity of the atria, increase in the delay of the AV conduction, the critical value of atrial period where transition to non-linear dynamics of the heart rate variability starts. The correlation between indexes of HRV and period of stimulation of atria for 1-contour cardiac control model has been demonstrated.  相似文献   

Periodicities in the heart rate have been known for some time. We discuss these periodicities in normal and transplanted hearts. We then consider the possibility of dimensional analysis of these periodicities in transplanted hearts and problems associated with the record.  相似文献   

The goal of the work was to investigate the rabbits' radiosensitivity dependence on the initial functional state of the autonomous nervous system (ANS), as assessed by time-frequency parameters of the heart rate variability (HRV). Survival rate and rhythm-cardiologic correlates of the pathological processes following total X-irradiation, at doses of 2 and 12 Gy, were studied with an aid of modern computer technologies of measurement and data analysis. It has been found that the animals with initial prevailing of adrenergic influences on the HRV ("sympathicotonics") are significantly more sensitive to irradiation than those in which the parasympathetic prevalence was evident ("vagotonics"). The most characteristic and determining difference between these two groups of animals is initial level of the sum regulatory influences on the heart rhythm, which is manifested in value of total power of spectral density (TP) of HRV. In the sympathicotonics the TP is significantly lower than in the vagotonics. The primary HRV response to irradiation practically does not differ according to the dose and manifests in sharp suppression of the TP in both groups of the animals. At 12 Gy this process is irreversible. In the sympathicotonics it develops earlier and terminates with death much sooner than in the vagotonics. An average life-span of the rabbits, at this dose, is 18.8 +/- 2.6 days in vagotonics, and 10.3 +/- 1.3 days in sympathicotonics (p < 0.02). At 2 Gy initial sharp decrease of the TP in the vagotonics lasts one week only. Then the sum regulatory influence of the ANS on the heart rate increases (rebound) and this condition, which probably points at general resistance of the organism, could be seen within two months; at the end of third month it stabilizes at the initial level. In the sympathycotonics initial sharp decrease of the TP also occurred, however no rebound was observed. The results obtained show that low initial level of the TP of HRV is sufficiently correct marker for higher radiosensitivity in the sympathotonic rabbits against the vagotonic ones.  相似文献   

Purpose: In recent years, the measurement of heart rate variability (HRV) has gained ground even outside research settings in everyday clinical and outpatient practice and in health promotion. Methods: Using the search terms “heart rate variability”, “hrv” and “circadian”, a systematic review was carried out in the PubMed database to find original work that analysed the course of HRV parameters over a 24-h period. Results: A total of 26 original studies were found. Almost all the studies detected a circadian rhythm for the HRV parameters analysed. HRV increased during the night in particular and a nighttime peak during the second half of the night was identified. Conclusions: HRV follows a circadian rhythm. But until today, there isn′t any possibility to make quantitative statements about changes over the course of the day for planning short-term measurements. More qualitative studies must be carried in order to close this knowledge gaps.  相似文献   

Heart rate variability (HRV) is an important measure of sympathetic and parasympathetic functions of the autonomic nervous system and a key indicator of cardiovascular condition. This paper proposes a novel method to investigate HRV, namely by modelling it as a linear combination of Gaussians. Results show that three Gaussians are enough to describe the stationary statistics of heart variability and to provide a straightforward interpretation of the HRV power spectrum. Comparisons have been made also with synthetic data generated from different physiologically based models showing the plausibility of the Gaussian mixture parameters.  相似文献   

In this study respiratory rates of 3, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, and 14 breaths per minute were employed to investigate the effects of these rates on heart rate variability (HRV). Data were collected 16 times at each respiratory rate on 3 female volunteers, and 12 times on 2 female volunteers. Although mean heart rates did not differ among these respiratory rates, respiratory-induced trough heart rates at 4 and 6 breaths per minute were significantly lower than those at 14 breaths per minute. Slower respiratory rates usually produced higher amplitudes of HRV than did faster respiratory rates. However, the highest amplitudes were at 4 breaths per minute. HRV amplitude decreased at 3 breaths per minute. The results are interpreted as reflecting the possible effects of the slow rate of acetylcholine metabolism and the effect of negative resonance at 3 cycles per minute.  相似文献   

A near maximal bicycle exercise test in 1,835 presumably healthy Norwegian men indicated a seasonal variation in physical fitness. Thus, the total amount of work performed was significantly higher, and the work pulse on equivalent loads significantly lower during the summer than during the autumn. Although the differences were small, they may invalidate comparisons made between exercise tests in populations tested at different seasons of the year. In particular, there was a considerable and sudden change in the above mentioned parameters from June--August to September--October.  相似文献   

C. Nagel  J. Aurich 《Theriogenology》2010,73(7):973-595
Heart rate is an important parameter of fetal well-being. We have analyzed fetal heart rate (HR) and heart rate variability (HRV) by fetomaternal electrocardiography (ECG) in the horse (Equus caballus) from midpregnancy to foaling. It was the aim of the study to detect changes in the regulation of fetal cardiac activity over time and to establish normal values in undisturbed pregnancies. A total of 22 mares were available for the study. Fetomaternal electrocardiography was a reliable technique to detect cardiac signals in fetuses between Day 173 of gestation and foaling. Fetal HR decreased from 115 ± 4 beats/min (Days 170 to 240 of gestation) to 83 ± 3 beats/min (Day 320) to 79 ± 1 beats/min (1 d before foaling; P < 0.001). Mean beat to beat (RR) interval and standard deviation of the RR interval (SDRR) increased (P < 0.001). Gestational age thus affects RR interval and HR in the equine fetus. From Days 270 to 340 of gestation, SDRR increased from 11.4 ± 1.3 msec on Day 270 to 27.8 ± 3.6 msec on Day 340 (P < 0.05), and the root mean square of successive RR differences (RMSSD) tended to increase (P = 0.07), indicating maturation of the fetal autonomous nervous system. For the last 10 d before foaling, fetal HR and HRV remained constant and did not allow predicting the onset of parturition in the horse. Only during the last 30 min before the foal was born, in 4 of 5 fetuses, HR decreased and RR interval increased. Accelerations and decelerations in HR were detectable at all times, but neither their number nor duration changed over time.  相似文献   

目的:观察不同频率迷走神经刺激对蟾蜍离体心脏的心率及心率变异的影响。方法:将蟾蜍心脏和右侧迷走交感干离体后,以不同频率电刺激神经,记录心电图曲线并作心率变异性(HRV)分析。结果:交感神经阻断后,电刺激迷走交感干,心率(HR)显著下降(P0.01),全部正常心动周期的标准差(SDNN)和相邻正常心动周期差值的均方根(RMSSD)显著升高(P0.01),不同频率刺激组之间没有明显差异;与对照组相比,各指标变化较大;给药组0.2Hz时高频(HF)显著升高(P0.01),低频/高频比值(LF/HF)明显降低(P0.05),0.8Hz时HF和LF/HF接近刺激前水平。结论:一定范围内增加刺激频率,迷走神经降低心率的作用增强;没有交感神经调节条件下的迷走神经对心率和心率变异的调节可能存在不同的机制。  相似文献   

Heart rate in pre-pupae of Drosophila melanogaster is shown to vary over a wide range from 2.5 to 3.7 beats per second. Quantitative genetic analysis of a sample of 11 highly inbred lines indicates that approaching one-quarter of the total variance in natural populations can be attributed to genetic differences between flies. A hypomorphic allele of the potassium channel gene ether-a-gogo, which is homologous to a human long-QT syndrome susceptibility gene (HERG), has a heart rate at the low end of the wild-type range, but this effect can be suppressed in certain wild-type genetic backgrounds. This study provides a baseline for investigation of pharmacological and other physiological influences on heart rate in the model organism, and implies that quantitative genetic dissection will provide insight into the molecular basis for variation in normal and arrhythmic heart function.  相似文献   

We developed a technology for heart rate (HR) variability (HRV) analysis in the mouse for characterization of HR dynamics, modulated by vagal and sympathetic activity. The mouse is the principal animal model for studying biological processes. Mouse strains are now available harboring gene mutations providing fundamental insights into molecular mechanisms underlying cardiac electrical diseases. Future progress depends on enhanced understanding of these fundamental mechanisms and the implementation of methods for the functional analysis of mouse cardiovascular physiology. By telemetric techniques, standard time and frequency-domain measures of HRV were computed with and without autonomic blockade, and baroreflex sensitivity testing was performed. HR modulation in the high-frequency component is predominantly mediated by the parasympathetic nervous system, whereas the low-frequency component is under the influence of both the parasympathetic and sympathetic systems. The presented technology and protocol allow for assessment of autonomic regulation of the murine HR. Phenotypic screening for HR regulation in mice will further enhance the value of the mouse as a model of heritable electrophysiological human disease.  相似文献   

Spectral analysis of heart rate variability (HRV) during overnight polygraphic recording was performed in 11 healthy subjects. The total spectrum power, power of the VLF, LF and HF spectral bands and the mean R-R were evaluated. Compared to Stage 2 and Stage 4 non-REM sleep, the total spectrum power was significantly higher in REM sleep and its value gradually increased in the course of each REM cycle. The value of the VLF component (reflects slow regulatory mechanisms, e.g. the renin-angiotensin system, thermoregulation) was significantly higher in REM sleep than in Stage 2 and Stage 4 of non-REM sleep. The LF spectral component (linked to the sympathetic modulation) was significantly higher in REM sleep than in Stage 2 and Stage 4 non-REM sleep. On the contrary, a power of the HF spectral band (related to parasympathetic activity) was significantly higher in Stage 2 and Stage 4 non-REM than in REM sleep. The LF/HF ratio, which reflects the sympathovagal balance, had its maximal value during REM sleep and a minimal value in synchronous sleep. The LF/HF ratio significantly increased during 5-min segments of Stage 2 non-REM sleep immediately preceding REM sleep compared to 5-min segments of Stage 2 non-REM sleep preceding the slow-wave sleep. This expresses the sympathovagal shift to sympathetic predominance occurring before the onset of REM sleep. A significant lengthening of the R-R interval during subsequent cycles of Stage 2 non-REM sleep was documented, which is probably related to the shift of sympathovagal balance to a prevailing parasympathetic influence in the course of sleep. This finding corresponds to a trend of a gradual decrease of the LF/HF ratio in subsequent cycles of Stage 2 non-REM sleep.  相似文献   

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