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The cortical origin of the pattern onset EP has been investigated over a time window which covers the entire positive-negative-positive complex of the pattern onset EP. On the basis of a dipole source localization approach, the position, orientation and strength of the underlying sources of the pattern onset EP were estimated. For large check stimuli, chosen to have a weak edge specific component in the response, still two components are needed to account for the variance of the responses. Each component corresponds to a single dipole source, and both originate in the extrastriate cortex. These components dominate, respectively, the initial and the late positive peaks of the pattern onset EP.The equivalent dipole sources of the two components show different behaviors with respect to the position of the stimulus in the visual field. The topography and behavior of the equivalent dipole source underlying the early positive component suggest an origin in area 18. The invariance with stimulus location of the dipole source underlying the late positive component suggests an origin beyond area 18. The different topographies of the components also account for the differences in surface distribution of the pattern onset EP to large check stimulation of the upper and lower sectors of the visual field.  相似文献   

In rats aged 2-8 weeks cortical EP to CS (20 flash - tone combinations, 0,9/sec, reinforced since the 10th application by electric shocks to the hind leg) were studied within different kinds of behavioral responses during avoidance learning and extinguishing. In contrast to our results in freely moving rats no developmental trend was found in this kind of avoidance (lifting of the hind leg). Average EP within reinforced trials (with escape or no reactions) differed in isolated application of CS from those when both CS and US were acting together. In younger animals the EP to CS combined with US were characterized by an evident late negative wave which shifted later (5-6 weeks toward the early negative complex. The EP changes in the auditory cortex were more pronounced, whereas visual EP with CS-US combination were rather decreased. In the youngest animals (2 weeks) the auditory EP within trials with avoidance were characterized by a distinct short latency deflection of the first positive wave, whereas in EP to extinguished CS the second deflection of the first positive wave prevailed. Also in these phenomena, the typical changes were clearly revealed in the auditory cortex. At later developmental stages (starting the 3rd, more prominently the 4th and 5th week) the wave following primary positive - negative complex was shifted toward the negativity if the animal responded by an avoidance; on the contrary an ample positive, often a double-peak wave arose if the response was extinguished. The stimulus and reaction dependence in the cortical EP showed the role of not yet fully mature cerebral cortex in avoidance learning. Both, fast as well as with some delay running processes participated in the observed phenomena during the ontogenetical development.  相似文献   

The synchronization of the rhythmical components of evoked potentials (EP) was studied during verbal-task solving. A novel method of the calculation of Wavelet curve correlation was used to reveal synchronization between the evoked rhythmical components in short time intervals. This method was applied to earlier EP records, which were conducted during the search for verbal associations and revealed the successive activation of the frontal and left parietal cortical areas. Two stages of task solving were identified. Independently of the task type, the first stage was characterized by a diffuse synchronization in a broad frequency band below 22 Hz immediately after the stimulus presentation. This stage results in a realization of the verbal stimulus. The second stage was manifested in a localized synchronization between the frontal and left temporal (Wernicke's) areas in the narrow frequency band about 17 Hz only during search for associations. This specific and local synchronization took place earlier than the diffuse activation of the left temporal cortex. This stage appears to reflect the information transmission from the frontal cortex to the left parietotemporal area.  相似文献   

In acute experiments with 9 anesthetized and immobilized cats, the relative tangential square of the activated cortical columns in area 17 was mapped by the intrinsic optical signal under stimulation with grids of different orientation. We examined the "oblique effect", i.e. the greater representation of neurons tuned to the vertical and horizontal orientations vs. oblique orientations in the primary visual cortex. The square of the activated parts of the cortex was estimated under different threshold criteria (80, 60 and 40% of the maximum). The "oblique effect" was not observed in our study: the areas of activation of the cortical columns did not differ statistically for two basic vs. oblique orientations. Reasons for the difference between the results of electrophysiological and optical mapping are suggested and possible contributions of the experimental protocol (anesthesia) and individual visual experience in different animals' samples to the origin of these differences are discussed.  相似文献   

Healthy subjects (n = 88) were asked to passively visualize positive and passive emotiogenic visual stimuli and also stimuli with a neutral emotional content. Images of the International Affective Picture System (IAPS) were used. Amplitude/time characteristics of the components of evoked EEG potentials (EPs), P1, N1, P2, N2, and P3 and topographic distribution of the latter components were analyzed. The latencies, amplitudes, and topography of the EP waves induced by presentation of positive and negative stimuli were found to be different from the respective values for the EPs induced by neutral stimuli. The level and pattern of these differences typical of different EP components were dissimilar and depended on the sign of the emotions. Specificities related to the valency of an identified stimulus were observed within nearly all stages of processing of visual signals, for the negative stimuli, beginning from an early stage of sensory analysis corresponding to the development of wave Р1. The latencies of components Р1 in the case of presentation of emotiogenic negative stimuli and those of components N1, N2, and Р3 in the case of presentation of the stimuli of both valencies were shorter than the latencies observed at neutral stimuli. The amplitude of component N2 at perception of positive stimuli was, on average, lower, while the Р3 amplitude at perception of all emotiogenic stimuli was higher than in the case of presentation of neutral stimuli. The time dynamics of topographic peculiarities of processing of emotiogenic information were complicated. Activation of the left hemisphere was observed during the earliest stages of perception, while the right hemisphere was activated within the intermediate stages. Generalized activation of the cortex after the action of negative signals and dominance of the left hemisphere under conditions of presentation of positive stimuli were observed only within the final stages. As is supposed, emotiogenic stimuli possess a greater biological significance than neutral ones, and this is why the former attract visual attention first; they more intensely activate the respective cortical zones, and the corresponding visual information is processed more rapidly. The observed effects were more clearly expressed in the case of action of negative stimuli; these effects involved more extensive cortical zones. These facts are indicative of the higher intensity of activating influences of negative emotiogenic stimuli on neutral systems of the higher CNS structures.  相似文献   

The influence of long-term (3 months) locomotor deprivation of rats in a month age, on the evoked potentials (EP) of the sensorimotor and the visual cortex was studied in conditions of presentation of single and paired stimuli. Changes were revealed in both cortical zones. An increase of peak latency of the initial positive EP phase in the sensorimotor cortex, and prolongation of the process of changes in excitability of neural elements, elicited by conditioning stimulus, was revealed both in the sensorimotor and the visual areas. The effect of deprivation on the dynamics of changes in neuronal systems excitability was greater in the visual evoked responses.  相似文献   

Photically evoked potentials were recorded from the visual cortex (VC) as well as CA 1/2- and CA 4/Fascia dentata-region of the dorsal hippocampus in alert resting rabbits. Analysing the whole time-course of the individual hippocampal EP attention was focused on components corresponding in time to the late negative complex of the cortical EP. Enhancement of such components was seen following habituation to repeated flashes. These changes occurred concerning components in the CA 4/FD-record with shorter latency. The duration and peak latency, however, was longer in CA 4/FD than in the other records. During stimulation of the medial septal nucleus a diminution of late EP-components was seen in the visual cortex and less pronounced in the hippocampus. The time-course of the changes was almost the same in VC and CA 4/FD, whereas in CA 1/2 later components were affected. RF-stimulation caused very similar changes, while those in hippocampal EP's were extended up to later components. Whereas the time range of changes in the hippocampal EP's to all influences under investigation was almost the same, in the VC by RF-stimulation in contrast to habituation components with shorter latencies were affected. In this way it is supposed that for the VC different processes are affected by the three influences, while this could not be established for the hippocampus.  相似文献   

Visual perceptual learning (VPL) is defined as visual performance improvement after visual experiences. VPL is often highly specific for a visual feature presented during training. Such specificity is observed in behavioral tuning function changes with the highest improvement centered on the trained feature and was originally thought to be evidence for changes in the early visual system associated with VPL. However, results of neurophysiological studies have been highly controversial concerning whether the plasticity underlying VPL occurs within the visual cortex. The controversy may be partially due to the lack of observation of neural tuning function changes in multiple visual areas in association with VPL. Here using human subjects we systematically compared behavioral tuning function changes after global motion detection training with decoded tuning function changes for 8 visual areas using pattern classification analysis on functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) signals. We found that the behavioral tuning function changes were extremely highly correlated to decoded tuning function changes only in V3A, which is known to be highly responsive to global motion with human subjects. We conclude that VPL of a global motion detection task involves plasticity in a specific visual cortical area.  相似文献   

The effect of local cooling of the surface of the somatosensory cortex was studied while recording primary response (PR) in the center of a cooled area and evoked potentials (EP) in the striatum to the forepaw stimulation. The cooling which served to arise the amplitude of the PR, served also to arise the amplitude of the EP in the striatum. EP to the stimulus, the sensory representation of which in the cortex was cooled, were facilitated only. Facilitation of the striatal EP was more intense than facilitation of the cortical PR in the cooled area. The level of facilitation of the EP was the same in the region of the striatum which receives corticofugal fibers from the cooled area of the cortex and in other regions of the striatum, receiving the corticofugal fibers from other parts of the cortex. The data show a possibility for the interactions in the striatum of the corticofugal signals from different cortical areas with each other and with the ascending afferent signals.  相似文献   

In children of 7-8 and 9-10 years old, the ERP components were studied by comparing two non-verbalized visuo-spatial stimuli shown in succession with 1.5-1.8 s interstimulus interval. We found the age-related differences in the specific way (and the extent to which) the cortical areas were involved into the processes of the reference stimulus (the first stimulus in the pair) encoding and into the process of comparing the memory trace against the test stimulus. In both age groups, the sensory-specific N1 ERP component in the visual cortices had larger amplitude during working memory than during free observation. Age-related differences in the processing of the sensory-specific parameters of a stimulus are most pronounced in ERP to the test stimulus: in children of 9-10, the amplitude of N1 component increased significantly in all caudal leads following the earlier increase in P1 component in the inferior temporal and occipital areas. In the children of that age, unlike children of 7-8, the early involvement of ventro-lateral prefrontal cortex becomes apparent. In that area an increase of positivity confined to 100-200 ms post-stimulus is observed. Substantial inter-group differences are observed in the late ERP components that are related to cognitive operations. In children of 7-8, presenting both reference and test stimuli causes a significant increase in the amplitude of late positive complex (LPC) in caudal leads with maximal increase being observed in parietal areas at 300-800 ms post-stimulus. In children of 9-10, one can see some adult-like features of the late ERP components during different stages of the working memory process: in fronto-central areas N400 component increases in response to the reference stimulus, whereas LPC increases in response to the test stimulus. The data reported in this work show that the almost mature functional organization of working memory is already in place at the age of 9-10. However, the extent of the prefrontal cortex (especially its dorsal areas) involvement does not yet match the level of maturity.  相似文献   

A study has been made of the posttetanic potentiation of evoked potentials (PTP EP) in the sensorimotor cortex, appearing in response to VPL stimulation. A distinct PTP EP of the cortical surface has been found as well as considerable differences in its intensity recorded at different portions of deep cortical layers (700 to 1600 mu). Suggestions were made regarding the origin of the phenomena observed.  相似文献   

The cortices of a number of mammalian eggs are not structurally homogeneous but are polarized. In mouse ova the plasma membrane is a mosaic; the cytoplasm overlying the meiotic spindle is devoid of cortical granules and consists of a filamentous layer containing actin. Functionally, this cortical polarity may be related to the restriction of sperm-egg interaction and fusion to a specific region of the ovum cortex and to dynamic changes of the egg cortex during fertilization, including cortical granule exocytosis, polar body formation, and fertilization cone development. The origin of cortical polarity in mammalian oocytes and its possible relation to components of the cytoskeletal system and meiotic apparatus are discussed and compared with cortical features of eggs of other vertebrates and invertebrates.  相似文献   

Against the background of the action of piracetam--a cyclic derivative of GABA--in a dose of 200-400 mg/kg, no significant changes were observed of probabilities of motor reactions to inhibitory and reinforced light flashes. Piracetam in that dose did not affect inhibitory pauses in responses of neurones in the visual area and corresponding late components of the evoked potential to nonreinforced light flashes, i.e. it did not intensify inhibitory hyperpolarization processes in the cerebral cortex. Piracetam administration improved differentiation of inhibitory and reinforced light flashes judging by bioelectric parameters of the brain activity as a result of intensification of pain reinforcement action on cortical neurones. The carried-out experiments revealed significant differences in neurophysiological mechanisms of action of piracetam and fenibut--GABA linear derivate related to nootropic class.  相似文献   

A goal of the study was to investigate cortical reorganization corresponding to inhibition of innate motor patterns during motor learning. Functional changes in the sensorimotor cortex during learned rearrangement of the natural diagonal pattern of postural adjustment (PA) accompanying a hindlimb movement into a new one, the so-called unilateral pattern, were studied in dogs by testing somatosensory evoked potentials (SEP) in response to stimulation of a forelimb during PA immediately before the limb movement onset. During PA the latency and the amplitude of several SEP components decreased. In general, changes in SEP were less pronounced in the learned unilateral pattern of postural adjustment in comparison with the innate diagonal pattern, but the difference was significant only for some SEP components. The SEP late positivity in the learned postural pattern was replaced by a negativity. The SEP changes were similar independently of whether the test stimulus was applied on the forelimb loaded or unloaded during postural adjustment. The data suggest that changes in interrelations between different neuronal populations in the sensorimotor cortex during formation and realization of a learned motor program can be reflected in SEP changes.  相似文献   

EEG and EPs in the visual and parietal neocortical areas and the hippocampus were studied in freely behaving rats at the age of two-three months after antenatal hypoxia. Increase of spectral power in delta and theta bands and its decrease in alpha and beta bands in the background EEG and in responses to a protracted light stimulation were observed in experimental animals in comparison to control ones. The most pronounced changes were observed in the parietal cortex and hippocampus. The character of changes in latencies and the share of individual EP components recorded point to an accelerated excitation reverberation in neuronal networks in response to afferent stimuli and to a prolongation of after-discharges in the parietal cortex and hippocampus testifying to peculiarity of information processing in these brain structures. On the basis of other authors' data, certain parallelism is supposed to exist between the electrophysiological parameters in experimental animals and some groups of children with mental retardation.  相似文献   

Dynamic study of 3D localization of the equivalent current dipole (ECD) sources of visual evoked potentials (EP) in the human brain was performed in 18 healthy subjects using a two-dipole model. Dipole tracing was performed for relatively early EP components (N1, P1, and N2) with 1-ms step. The analysis confirmed localization of these ECDs mainly in the right occipital cortex and revealed their successive shift over this area in the anterior-medial direction and then backwards in all subjects during generation of the EP components. Typically, some successive arch-like trajectories of the shift were revealed (75.8%); their duration was relatively standard (about 25 ms) and did not depend on the stimulus shape and EP phase. Between the 1st and the 2nd trajectories (110-120 ms after the stimulus onset) a jump in ECD coordinates in the medial direction was found in 85% of cases. Possible significance of the findings for the insight into dynamic topography of the visual feature processing in the human brain is discussed.  相似文献   

The input/output relationship in primary visual cortex neurons is influenced by the history of the preceding activity. To understand the impact that membrane potential trajectory and firing pattern has on the activation of slow conductances in cortical neurons we compared the afterpotentials that followed responses to different stimuli evoking similar numbers of action potentials. In particular, we compared afterpotentials following the intracellular injection of either square or sinusoidal currents lasting 20 seconds. Both stimuli were intracellular surrogates of different neuronal responses to prolonged visual stimulation. Recordings from 99 neurons in slices of visual cortex revealed that for stimuli evoking an equivalent number of spikes, sinusoidal current injection activated a slow afterhyperpolarization of significantly larger amplitude (8.5±3.3 mV) and duration (33±17 s) than that evoked by a square pulse (6.4±3.7 mV, 28±17 s; p<0.05). Spike frequency adaptation had a faster time course and was larger during plateau (square pulse) than during intermittent (sinusoidal) depolarizations. Similar results were obtained in 17 neurons intracellularly recorded from the visual cortex in vivo. The differences in the afterpotentials evoked with both protocols were abolished by removing calcium from the extracellular medium or by application of the L-type calcium channel blocker nifedipine, suggesting that the activation of a calcium-dependent current is at the base of this afterpotential difference. These findings suggest that not only the spikes, but the membrane potential values and firing patterns evoked by a particular stimulation protocol determine the responses to any subsequent incoming input in a time window that spans for tens of seconds to even minutes.  相似文献   

Amplitude-temporal analysis was carried out of the EP components of the visual and motor areas elicited by neutral (diffuse light) and structural (checker board pattern) stimuli in different situations, defined by instruction. Interserial comparisons showed that at any instruction, the latency of the first EP component of the motor areas is reduced; as a result it can appear here simultaneously with the EP of the visual areas. At the instruction involving the subject in the process of active change of perception, activation of the right hemisphere, including the motor area, is manifest by EP parameters, while the right occipital area is activated in response to the structural stimulus, and the left one--in response to the neutral stimulus. At complication of the stimulus or instruction, the period is prolonged when the latency of EP components of the motor area is shorter than the latency of the isopolar components of the visual area--from 120 to 150 ms in response to the neutral stimuli and the neutral with their counting; from 90 to 150 ms in response to the structural stimuli; from 80 to 210 ms in response to the neutral stimuli with mental representation of the structural one.  相似文献   

The human visual system has a remarkable ability to successfully operate under a variety of challenging viewing conditions. For example, our object-recognition capabilities are largely unaffected by low-contrast (e.g., foggy) environments. The basis for this ability appears to be reflected in the neural responses in higher cortical visual areas that have been characterized as being invariant to changes in luminance contrast: neurons in these areas respond nearly equally to low-contrast as compared to high-contrast stimuli. This response pattern is fundamentally different than that observed in earlier visual areas such as primary visual cortex (V1), which is highly dependent on contrast. How this invariance is achieved in higher visual areas is largely unknown. We hypothesized that directed spatial attention is an important prerequisite of the contrast-invariant responses in higher visual areas and tested this with functional MRI (fMRI) while subjects directed their attention either toward or away from contrast-varying shape stimuli. We found that in the lateral occipital complex (LOC), a visual area important for processing shape information, attention changes the form of the contrast response function (CRF). By directing attention away from the shape stimuli, the CRF in the LOC was similar to that measured in V1. We describe a number of mechanisms that could account for this important function of attention.  相似文献   

Unit and network activity of neurons in the visual, sensorimotor, and frontal cortical areas and dorsal striatum was investigated in cats under conditions of choice of the reinforcement value depending on its delay. The animals did not differ from each other in behavior. After immediate or delayed responses cats got low- or highly-valuable reinforcement, respectively. Single-unit activity in the visual and sensorimotor cortical areas and dorsal striatum was similar during performance of immediate and delayed responses. However, significant inhibition was observed in the frontal neurons during the delay period. The network activity of visual and frontal cortex displayed smaller number of interneuronal interactions during delayed responses as compared to immediate reactions. The network activity of neurons in the brain structures under study pointed to the interstructural interaction, but only during delayed reactions, steady interneuronal communication was observed between the frontal cortex and dorsal striatum. Thus, both types of estimation of cellular activity revealed differences in the ensemble organization during different types of behavior and showed specific reactions of neuronal ensembles.  相似文献   

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