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Partial diel vertical migrations in pelagic fish   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1. Field studies on diel vertical migration (DVM) usually report uniform behaviour with population-wide ascents and descents during crepuscular periods. This contrasts partial seasonal migrations of many animal populations, where individuals choose either the resident or the migrant strategy depending on population density, feeding opportunity and predation risk in the resident and migrant habitats. 2. We tested whether DVM of freshwater zooplanktivorous fish (Coregonus spp.) resembles partial migrations. Twenty-eight hydroacoustic surveys were performed in the deep Lake Stechlin (Germany) between 2000 and 2010, with samplings encompassing all months between March and December. Zooplankton samples were simultaneously taken in epilimnetic and hypolimnetic layers. Fish obtained from depth-stratified samplings by a midwater trawl were used to test for individual differences between residents and migrants. 3. We show for the first time that DVMs of freshwater fish resemble patterns of partial migrations often found in seasonal environments. Across all samplings, 7-33% of fish did not ascend at dusk, but exhibited the resident strategy. The proportion or residents increased at low zooplankton feeding rates in the daytime habitat and during months when the temperature difference between daytime and night-time habitats was minor. 4. Slightly larger size and higher caloric density of migrants over residents in one of the coexisting Coregonus species suggested that individual differences contributed to the migration strategy performed. However, these results were based on one sample only, and extrapolation to the entire data set is not possible. 5. Our results are indirect evidence that the balance between migrants and residents may primarily depend on the trade-off between feeding gains and metabolic and predation costs of migration. However, the results also suggest that the global fitness consequences for the resident and migrant strategies may not be identical, rendering the importance of individual traits in the 'decision to migrate' likely.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to (1) document changes in partial, reverse diel vertical migrations (DVM) patterns of cisco Coregonus artedi in Ten Mile Lake, MN, U.S.A., throughout the year and (2) evaluate the mechanisms that may cause shifts in migration behaviour. Results indicated that C. artedi vertical distributions remained deep in the water column during the day and night of the spring and autumn, which was related to a low risk, low reward strategy. During summer, a partial migration occurred where a portion of the population remained deeper according to the low risk, low reward strategy, while the other portion performed a more extensive high risk, high reward reverse DVM. In winter, C. artedi did not migrate because there were only low risk, low reward conditions present at all depths. The extensive partial, reverse DVM during summer probably increased the growth potential of C. artedi, helping individuals survive in a lake with low zooplankton prey resources.  相似文献   

SUMMARY. I. Movement of 33P from hypolimnion to epilimnion in a small, dystrophic lake was investigated using small-diameter experimental tubes enclosing thermally stratified water columns. This approach was made possible by the extremely sharp stratification found in such lakes, in which the euphotic zone closely coincides with the epilimnion.
2. The vertical distribution of inorganic phosphorus in the lake showed a sharp increase across the thermocline so that enhanced concentrations were available to phytoplankton just below the thermocline. Inorganic nitrogen concentrations did not show such a marked relation to thermal stratification.
3. One abundant motile alga ( Cryptomonas marssonii ) showed striking and regular vertical migrations in the lake, moving below the thermocline at night and returning to the surface waters in early morning. These migrations took cells across a 10°C temperature gradient. Non-motile phytoplankton showed constant vertical distributions.
4. In the experimental tubes an upward movement of phosphorus took place from hypolimnion to epilimnion which was only attributable to transport by phytoplankton cells undertaking active vertical migrations. No equivalent movement of phosphorus occurred in control tubes from which algae were absent.
5. The possible significance of such nutrient retrieval is discussed with reference to plankton phosphorus budgets and competition between phytoplankton species.  相似文献   

Marine dinoflagellate diel vertical migrations are often conceptuallyexplained by a species' geotactic and phototactic preferences,but actual simultaneous measurements are rare. Newly collectedsimultaneous measurements on Heterocapsa (Cachonina) illdefina(Herman and Sweeney) and Gymnodinium breve (Davis) are combinedwith similar literature information on Amphidinium carterae(Hulbert), Peridinium faeroense (Paulsen) and Prorocentrum micans(Ehrenberg) to explore several examples of the actual relationshipsbetween diel vertical migration and geotaxis/phototaxis. Amphidiniumcarterae does not migrate, but it exhibits a negative geotaxisthat may counter a small sinking velocity. The four other speciesall exhibit diel vertical migrations that yield surface aggregationsduring daylight, but the associated combinations of geotaxisand phototaxis precision (which is strongest when every cellin a population exhibits the same response to a stimulus andweakest when the response is random) and sign [which is positive(negative) when motion is toward (away from) the stimulus] aredifferent in each case. These different taxis combinations maybe related to species-specific sensor structure and/or placement.Furthermore, variations in the different biochemical pools overa species' cell cycle may contribute to structural/mechanicalchanges that influence how a given sensory array functions ata given time. If so, this coupling may be an important linkin the growth optimization mechanisms and occasional bloom successesof different autotrophic dinoflagellate species under varyingenvironmental conditions.  相似文献   

Graeme C. Hays 《Hydrobiologia》2003,503(1-3):163-170
Diel vertical migration (DVM) by zooplankton is a universal feature in all the World's oceans, as well as being common in freshwater environments. The normal pattern involves movement from shallow depths at night to greater depths during the day. For many herbivorous and omnivorous mesozooplankton that feed predominantly near the surface on phytoplankton and microzooplankton, minimising the risk of predation from fish seems to be the ultimate factor behind DVM. These migrants appear to use deep water as a dark daytime refuge where their probability of being detected and eaten is lower than if they remained near the surface. Associated with these vertical movements of mesozooplankton, predators at higher trophic levels, including invertebrates, fish, marine mammals, birds and reptiles, may modify their behaviour to optimise the exploitation of their vertically migrating prey. Recent advances in biotelemetry promise to allow the interaction between migrating zooplankton and diving air-breathing vertebrates to be explored in far more detail than hitherto.  相似文献   

Day- and night-time vertical distributions and their ontogeneticchanges in Anguilla leptocephali and other common species ofleptocephali were determined and compared during five cruisesin the Sargasso Sea using an opening - closing 2-m ring netto sample discrete depth strata between 0 m and 350 m deep.No difference in vertical distribution was ever found betweenAnguilla rostrata (American eel) and A. anguilla (European eel).Anguilla leptocephali <5 mm long did not exhibit a diel verticalmigration, as they were distributed between 50 m and 300 m bothby day and by night. The vertical distribution of these smalllepto-cephali is probably roughly representative of the depthdistribution of adult spawning. Anguilla  相似文献   

Vertical distributions and diel migrations in the 0–1000m water column at a position in the Northwestern MediterraneanSea are given in detail for the main species of gelatinous macrozoo-plankton:three siphonophores (Abylopsis tetragona, Chelophyes appendiculataand Lensia conoidea), one hydromedusa (Solmissus albescens)and one pyrosomid (Pyrosoma atlanticum). Extensive diel verticalmigration occurred in these five species, particularly in A.tetragona,S.albescens and P.atlanticum for which the bulk of the populationmigrated as a compact unit. Pyrosoma atlanticum underwent thelargest migration, with a mean amplitude of 515 m. The migrationpattern of L.conoidea was more complex. Its day-distributionwas bimodal and at night part of the population ascended towardsthe surface, while the other part appeared to undergo a weakreverse migration of  相似文献   

Vertical distributions and diel migrations of the main speciesof micronekton, four euphausiids, one mysid, one decapod andthree fishes, were described in detail in the 0–1000 mwater column on a fixed station in the Northwestern MediterraneanSea. The euphausiids Euphausia krohni and Thysanopoda aequalis,the decapod Gennadas elegans and, to a lesser extent, the fishArgyropelecus hemigymnus were shown to perform clear diel verticalmigrations. Results of horizontal hauls at a given depth aroundsunrise and sunset showed a marked diurnal symmetry of the migratorycycles, particularly for E.krohni, T.aequalis and G.elegans.The behaviour of the euphausiid Nematoscelis megalops was morecomplex: it presented a repetitive bimodal day distributionand only part of its population migrated. As very weak or non-migratorswe found the euphausiid Stylocheiron longicorne and the bathypelagicmysid Eucopia unguiculata, for which migration concerned onlysome of the older individuals. The fishes Cyclothone braueriand Cyclothone pygmaea appeared to be non-migrants. As depthincreased, C.braueri was replaced by C.pygmaea, with maximumconcentrations at 350–550 and 550–700 m depth, respectively.  相似文献   

The diel periodicity of vertical migrations of herbage-dwelling spiders has been studied in natural habitats of clay semidesert of the northern Caspain (Transvolga) region. Steppe habitats (microdepressions) and desert habitats (microelevations) are shown to have much in common: the abundance and the family composition of spider populations of both biotopes are similar; they slightly differ only during the hot summer season. The amplitude of diel fluctuations in spider abundance is relatively great, which is typical of open cenoses under semiarid conditions. In spring and autumn, the peaks of spider abundance in both types of habitats are at night, when air temperature is minimal. In summer, in addition to the nighttime abundance peaks, there are daytime peaks of similar size, due mostly to the increased activity of “southern” taxa, the Thomisidae in desert associations and the Thomisidae + Salticidae in steppe associations. The diel periodicity of vertical migrations in hortobiontic spiders is a complicated phenomenon determined by a number of factors. It is to some extent conditioned by environmental parameters and by vertical migrations of their potential prey, phytophagous insects. Thus, the ecological niches in spiders of different taxa are separated in time according to their morphological and behavioral adaptation to climatic conditions. This separation probably alleviates competition between populations of different taxa.  相似文献   

Fish predators, food availability and diel vertical migration in Daphnia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Diel vertical migration of zooplankton is a highly variableand complex behaviour which apparently cannot be explained byany single factor. We determined the relative importance offish predation, food availability and water depth in shapingthe migratory behaviour of Daphnia. A modified 2x2x2 factorialexperiment provided two levels of fish density (present/absent),food availability (ambient/high) and depth (4–10 m); shallowtreatments with fish were excluded. Triplicate 1.2 m diameterenclosures for each of the six treatments were held in an 18unit array in Peter Lake, Gogebic Co., MI, USA. Repeated measuresANOVA identified significant trends in daphnid density, migrationand fitness (determined by lipid-ovary-egg index, LOE) as wellas in chlorophyll a content of the water column for part ofa 4-week experiment in July 1988. In deep enclosures with fish,Daphnia performed significantly more intense migrations thanin fishless enclosures, save those in fishless ambient-foodenclosures. Daphnia in deep fishless enclosures without abundantfood at depth performed significantly reduced migrations. DaphnidLOE index was significantly influenced only by food content.Our results were consistent with the predator-avoidance hypothesisas well as with observations of greatest migrations where largevertical differences in food abundance exist. They support ahierarchical view of vertical migration, with presence of fishthe primary factor, and food availability the secondary factor.  相似文献   

Andean Patagonian lakes are ultraoligotrophic, highly transparent water bodies with very low densities of organisms at the different levels of their trophic food webs. Little is known about spatial distribution and habitat use by fish in these lakes. Hydroacoustic and active sampling techniques were used to study the distribution, composition, and displacement of organisms in an Andean lake throughout the diel cycle on two different moon phase days. Sound scattering layers (SSLs) were found both in the near-shore and pelagic habitats at different times of the day. These SSLs, formed by galaxiid larvae and adults, underwent displacement during the time periods of dawn and dusk, giving rise to the redistribution of organisms in the different habitats. The organisms show high sensitivity to light intensity, displaying different behaviors depending on moon phases. Extensive diel vertical migrations show that the deep pelagic habitats provide diurnal refuge for native galaxiids in Andean Patagonian lakes. Due to the high densities of galaxiid larvae and adults, it is likely that diel migrations generate an active flow of energy and matter between habitats, which could have a profound influence on whole lake dynamics.  相似文献   

Synopsis We examined the diel chronology in food consumption and dietary composition, and in the local distribution of yellow perch,Perca flavescens, at 3 h intervals over two 24 h periods during the summer at Baptiste Lake, Alberta. Feeding intensity, as indicated by changes in stomach fullness, increased throughout the day, peaked in late evening, and almost ceased after sunset. Changes in perch densities at the sampling site reflected the pattern of feeding intensity, indicating that movements into the littoral zone are correlated with foraging. Perch diet composition, analyzed as percent occurrence, relative numerical abundance, and percent contribution by weight, differed significantly between times of day, particularly between day and night, and between sampling periods. These differences could be related both to prey behavior and distribution, and to changes in perch foraging behavior in response to light intensity. In terms of biomass, forage fish, amphipods, chironomids, and trichoptera were the most important food items on both sampling dates.  相似文献   

Adaptive divergence among populations can result in local adaptation, whereby genotypes in native environments exhibit greater fitness than genotypes in novel environments. A body of theory has developed that predicts how different species traits, such as rates of gene flow and generation times, influence local adaptation in coevolutionary species interactions. We used a meta-analysis of local-adaptation studies across a broad range of host-parasite interactions to evaluate predictions about the effect of species traits on local adaptation. We also evaluated how experimental design influences the outcome of local adaptation experiments. In reciprocally designed experiments, the relative gene flow rate of hosts versus parasites was the strongest predictor of local adaptation, with significant parasite local adaptation only in the studies in which parasites had greater gene flow rates than their hosts. When nonreciprocal studies were included in analyses, species traits did not explain significant variation in local adaptation, although the overall level of local adaptation observed was lower in the nonreciprocal than in the reciprocal studies. This formal meta-analysis across a diversity of host-parasite systems lends insight into the role of both biology (species traits) and biologists (experimental design) in detecting local adaptation in coevolving species interactions.  相似文献   

The short-term stimulation of the net rate of carbon dioxide exchange of leaves by elevated concentrations of CO2 usually observed in C3 plants sometimes does not persist. Experiments were conducted to test whether the patterns of response to the environment during growth were consistent with the hypotheses that photosynthetic adjustment to elevated CO2 concentration is due to (1) feedback inhibition or (2) nutrient stress. Soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr. cv. Williams] and sugar beet (Best vulgaris L. cv. Mono Hye-4) were grown from seed at 350 and 700 μl? CO2, at 20 and 25°C, at a photon flux density of 0.5 and 1.0 mmol m?2 S?1 and with three nutrient regimes until the third trifoliolate leaf of soybean or the sixth leaf of sugar beet had finished expanding. Net rates of CO2 exchange of the most recently expanded leaves were then measured at both 350 and 700 μl 1?1 CO2. Plants grown at the elevated CO2 concentration had net rates of leaf CO2 exchange which were reduced by 33% in sugar beet and 23% in soybean when measured at 350 μl 1?1 CO2 and when averaged over all treatments. Negative photosynthetic adjustment to elevated CO2 concentration was not greater at 20 than at 25°C, was not greater at a photon flux density of 1.0 than at 0.5 mmol m?2 S?1 and was not greater with limiting nutrients. Furthermore, in soybean, negative photosynthetic adjustment could be induced by a single night at elevated CO2 concentration, with net rates of CO2 exchange the next day equal to those of leaves of plants grown from seed at the elevated concentration of CO2. These patterns do not support either the feedback-inhibition or the nutrient-stress hypothesis of photosynthetic adjustment to elevated concentrations of CO2.  相似文献   

Abstract The phototactic orientation of the marine dinoflagellate Prorocentrum micans was studied at three different ages and at several light intensities. High irradiances caused the cells to show negative phototaxis and low irradiances caused positive phototaxis. The precision of negative phototaxis reached a maximum in the early afternoon, while the precision of positive phototaxis was found to peak in the morning and at night. The cells also showed a pronounced negative gravitactic orientation, which had a maximum in precision in the early afternoon. The degree of gravitaxis was found to be constant over time when the cells were confined to a closed cuvette for up to 9 h. As a consequence of the orientation strategies, populations of Prorocentrum micans showed daily vertical migrations in a 3-m Plexiglas column. They accumulated in the top layers in the afternoon and were almost randomly distributed during the rest of the day.  相似文献   

Asynchronous vertical migrations of calanoid copepods Arctodiaptomus salinus were studied in two stratified lakes in the south of Siberia using the method of two-section enclosures. It was found that the presence of a pronounced thermocline and a depth maximum of phytoplankton (Lake Shira) contributes to the appearance of intensive individual migrations of copepods between areas of the epi- and hypolimnion.  相似文献   

Euclide  Peter T.  Hansson  Sture  Stockwell  Jason D. 《Hydrobiologia》2017,787(1):387-396
Hydrobiologia - Partial migration, whereby only a portion of a population migrates, has just recently received attention in aquatic systems. Partial diel vertical migration (DVM) has received even...  相似文献   

Caridina nilotica (Decapoda: Atyidae) in offshore waters of Lake Victoria were investigated with both day and night sampling over a period of two years. Offshore populations are mainly planktonic rather than benthic, and the animals exhibit diel vertical migrations into near-surface waters at night. These changes in diel abundance as well as the size-frequency distribution of the migrating shrimp suggest that the migratory behavior is in response to visual planktivory, because only the very smallest individuals (2–4 mm) remain in surface waters during the day. During October 1992, abundances were estimated both by vertical net sampling and by underwater video transect methods. Concordance was established between abundances estimated by the two methods. Only about 9% (night) to 14% (day) of the Caridina population appeared to be epibenthic. We suggest that the behavior of the animal is consistent with the hypothesis that it is not a strict detritivore as previously reported; rather it may engage in facultative planktivory, especially at night.  相似文献   

The nocturnal migratory activity of the six most abundant Gastrosaccinaeliving off the European coast, namely Gastrosaccus sanctus,Gastrosaccus spinifrr, Anchialina agilis, Haplostylus lobatus,Haplostylus lobatus var. armata and Haplostylus norrnani. wasstudied. Both Gastrosaccus perform horizontal and vertical migrationsnear sandy beaches. These migrations involve the whole population,which exhibits a superficial or hyponeustonic distribution inthe water column. Anchialina and Haplostylus perform verticalmigrations from inshore to slope waters. The timing of pelagicphases, as well as the distribution in the water column, dependon age. sex, depth and clarity. Male A.agilis and H.lobatusshow intense migratory activity leading to a hyponeustonic distributionin mid-shelf and slope waters a few hours after dusk. Femalesand juveniles show continuous pelagic phases and a uniform distributionfrom dusk to dawn. Haplosiylus lobatus var. armata and H.normanipopulations exhibit the same behaviour, consisting of overnightmigrations and a uniform to deep nocturnal distnbution. In shallowwaters, male Anchialina and Haplostylus no longer exhibit hyponeustonicbehaviour and their nocturnal distribution becomes more andmore deep as clarity increases. Above the slope, animals thatmigrate from the continental shelf during the night sometimesadopt permanent pelagic behaviour above more than 200 or 300m in depth. but upward nocturnal migration persists and leadsto superficial stratification, albeit delayed. Slow morningdescents to the bottom can occur even further from the 500 misobath.  相似文献   

The winter/spring vertical distributions of polar cod, copepods, and ringed seal were monitored at a 230-m station in ice-covered Franklin Bay. In daytime, polar cod of all sizes (7–95 g) formed a dense aggregation in the deep inverse thermocline (160–230 m, −1.0 to 0°C). From December (polar night) to April (18-h daylight), small polar cod <25 g migrated into the isothermal cold intermediate layer (90–150 m, −1.4°C) at night to avoid visual predation by shallow-diving immature seals. By contrast, large polar cod (25–95 g), with large livers, remained below 180 m at all times, presumably to minimize predation by deep-diving mature seals. The diel vertical migration (DVM) of small polar cod was precisely synchronized with the light/dark cycle and its duration tracked the seasonal lengthening of the photoperiod. The DVM stopped in May coincident with the midnight sun and increased schooling and feeding. We propose that foraging interference and a limited prey supply in the deep aggregation drove the upward re-distribution of small polar cod at night. The bioluminescent copepod Metridia longa could have provided the light needed by polar cod to feed on copepods in the deep aphotic layers.  相似文献   

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