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Summary This paper presents an analysis of zooplankton net sampling surveys carried out during four expeditions to the Antarctic Peninsula region. Cluster analysis documented two to three site groupings for the epipelagic zone and one mesopelagic site cluster below 200 to 300 m depth. Analysis of species dominance, constancy, diversity and evenness indices did not allow clear designation and separation of communities in terms of these parameters.Computation of a rank correlation matrix for each season allowed the characterization of species groups. There were no perfect indicator species in the very strict sense. The main differences in the composition of the zooplankton between the site clusters were due mainly to changes in abundance rather than to presence or absence of particular species. However, the interpretation of the complex species and site groupings led to the conclusion that we can define three distinct communities: an oceanic, a neritic, and a mesopelagic community beneath 200 to 300 m. A so-called transitional cluster represents a mixing zone created by frequent occurrence of species from both the oceanic and neritic community. The location of the described oceanic and neritic community sites seem to be relatively stable with minor latitudinal changes during the seasons, while occurrence and abundance of most species changes with the time of the year. The usefulness of particular species (e.g. Euphausia superba) as indicator species also change during the year  相似文献   

The Zooplankton community of Croker Passage,Antarctic Peninsula   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
Summary Zooplankton species composition, abundance and vertical distribution were investigated in the upper 1000 m of Croker Passage, Antarctic Peninsula during the austral fall (March–April, 1983). 106 species were identified, many being mesopelagic and reported previously from the Southern Ocean. The most numerous species (>1000/100 m3) were the copepodsMetridia gerlachei, Microcalanus pygmaeus, Oncaea antarctica andOncaea curvata. Oncaea curvata alone constituted half the zooplakton population. Zooplankton biomass was dominated by three copepod species,Metridia gerlachei, Calanoides aculus andEuchaeta antarctica,which comprised 74% of the biomass. Size analysis revealed most of the zooplankton numbers were in the >1 mm fraction. The biomass distribution was polymodal with major maxima in the >1 mm and the 4–4.9 mm size classe. The >1 mm peak, exclusive of protozoans, was primarily copepod nauplii and copepodites ofOncaea, Metridia andMicrocalanus. The 4–4.9 mm peak was mostlyCalanoides acutus andMetridia gerlachei.All of the principal species had broad vertical distributions both day and night. There was some suggestion of diel vertial migration byMetridia gerlachei andEuchaeta antarctica, with segments of their populations migrating into the upper 100 m and 200 m, respectively, at night. Most of the dominant and subdominant species were concentrated below 200 m,with only the subdominantOithona similis having its maximum in the epipelagic zone. The occurrence of zooplankton at winter depths appears to have been earlier in Croker Passage in 1983 than has been generally reported for waters south of the Polar Front.Total standing stock of net-caught zooplankton (>15 mm) in the upper 1000 m was estimated at 3.1 gDW/m2, which is somewhat higher than values reported for the West Wind Drift and for open ocean areas of temperate to tropical latitudes.Euphausia superba (17–52 mm) dominated the pelagic biomass, exceeding zooplankton standing stock under a square meter of ocean by a factor of 15. This is in contrast to lower latitudes where zooplankton biomass is usually greater than macrozooplankton-micronekton.  相似文献   

The spatial distribution, species composition and abundance of ichthyoplankton in the Bransfield Strait and adjacent waters were studied during two cruises in the Antarctic spring 1991/92 and summer 1992/93 seasons. A multiple plankton net (Bioness) and a Bongo net were used to collect samples at 35 stations in 1991/92 and 75 stations in 1992/93. Early larval stages (14 species) and juveniles (13 species) representing the known Bransfield Strait ichthyofauna were present in the water column. The nototheniids predominated in the entire study area. The greatest species diversity was found in the uppermost 200 m of the water column in the Bransfield Strait. Notothenia gibberifrons and Nototheniops larseni dominated in spring, whilst in summer Pleuragramma antarcticum dominated in association with N. larseni. The dominant species in the Gerlache Strait were P. antarcticum and Notothenia kempi, while P. antarcticum and Trematomus scotti were predominant in the Bellingshausen Sea area.  相似文献   

长江口及其邻近水域鱼类浮游生物群落的时空格局   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
根据2007年长江口及其邻近水域4个航次调查资料, 探讨了该水域的鱼类浮游生物群落物种组成和多样性的季节变化特征。结果表明, 2007年共捕获鱼类浮游生物6,463个, 隶属12目28科45种, 以鳀科丰度最高, 占总丰度的76.5%。长江口鱼类浮游生物包括4种生态类型: 淡水型(2种), 半咸水型(14种), 沿岸型(10种)和近海型(16种)。 其中, 近海型物种个体数量最多, 占2007年长江口鱼类浮游生物总丰度的74.55%。鳀(Engraulis japonicus)在4个季节均有出现, 对长江口鱼类浮游生物丰度贡献最大。鱼类浮游生物在物种组成上存在明显的季节变化: 白氏银汉鱼(Allanetta bleekeri)在春季占绝对优势, 鳀是夏季优势度最高的种类, 秋季除鳀外, 前颌间银鱼(Hemisalanx prognathus)成为优势种; 鱼类浮游生物丰度高度集中在优势种上, 各季节优势种对总丰度贡献超过89%。群落物种数量、丰度、丰富度指数、均匀度指数和多样性指数, 在夏季最高, 春季和秋季次之, 冬季最低。长江口鱼类浮游生物群落物种组成和多样性的季节变化特征体现了鱼类繁殖迁移策略和鱼类对环境变异的响应。  相似文献   

During the BENTART 95 survey, epifauna was sampled with an Agassiz trawl at 24 stations ranging from north of Livingston Island (South Shetland Islands) to the Antarctic Peninsula at depths from 40 to 850 m. Four assemblages of ophiuroids were identified and correspond to Deception Island, Trinity Island, and the southern and northern zones of Livingston Island. In addition to these regions, gradients related to depth and filter-feeder biomass were found. The brittle-star assemblages were dominated by Ophionotus victoriae Bell, 1902, which to a large extent determine the biogeographic structure in the South Shetland Islands.  相似文献   

A new species Ammothea bigibbosa, collected with the Agassiz trawl in Margarita Bay at 517 m, is described, illustrated and compared with the similar species A. gordonae and A. adunca.  相似文献   

A metaproteomic survey of surface coastal waters near Palmer Station on the Antarctic Peninsula, West Antarctica, was performed, revealing marked differences in the functional capacity of summer and winter communities of bacterioplankton. Proteins from Flavobacteria were more abundant in the summer metaproteome, whereas winter was characterized by proteins from ammonia-oxidizing Marine Group I Crenarchaeota. Proteins prevalent in both seasons were from SAR11 and Rhodobacterales clades of Alphaproteobacteria, as well as many lineages of Gammaproteobacteria. The metaproteome data were used to elucidate the main metabolic and energy generation pathways and transport processes occurring at the microbial level in each season. In summer, autotrophic carbon assimilation appears to be driven by oxygenic photoautotrophy, consistent with high light availability and intensity. In contrast, during the dark polar winter, the metaproteome supported the occurrence of chemolithoautotrophy via the 3-hydroxypropionate/4-hydroxybutyrate cycle and the reverse tricarboxylic acid cycle of ammonia-oxidizing archaea and nitrite-oxidizing bacteria, respectively. Proteins involved in nitrification were also detected in the metaproteome. Taurine appears to be an important source of carbon and nitrogen for heterotrophs (especially SAR11), with transporters and enzymes for taurine uptake and degradation abundant in the metaproteome. Divergent heterotrophic strategies for Alphaproteobacteria and Flavobacteria were indicated by the metaproteome data, with Alphaproteobacteria capturing (by high-affinity transport) and processing labile solutes, and Flavobacteria expressing outer membrane receptors for particle adhesion to facilitate the exploitation of non-labile substrates. TonB-dependent receptors from Gammaproteobacteria and Flavobacteria (particularly in summer) were abundant, indicating that scavenging of substrates was likely an important strategy for these clades of Southern Ocean bacteria. This study provides the first insight into differences in functional processes occurring between summer and winter microbial communities in coastal Antarctic waters, and particularly highlights the important role that ‘dark'' carbon fixation has in winter.  相似文献   

杨晓明  李逸欣  朱国平 《生态学杂志》2016,27(12):4052-4058
南极磷虾作为南极生态系统中的关键物种,在空间分布上常表现出集群特征.这也反映到磷虾渔业生产的空间格局特征上.为了探讨捕捞能力有明显差异的船队在高/低单位捕捞努力量渔获量(CPUE)的情况下空间点分布格局特征及其生态学效应,基于南极半岛北部海域的两艘中国南极磷虾渔船(船A为专业南极磷虾渔船,船B为在智利竹筴鱼渔场与南极磷虾渔场转换的兼作渔船)的磷虾渔业数据,从空间点格局的角度出发,分别从两船的高、低CPUE的空间点格局在不同尺度上聚集特征,高、低CPUE在不同尺度上的二元点格局相关关系,以及CPUE点标记格局下的相关性关系等3个方面进行了分析.Ripley的L函数和标记相关函数分析结果表明: 研究对象在空间窗口所有尺度上的空间格局均表现为聚集性,高、低CPUE下均有聚集发生;在15 km尺度上,聚集强度近最大,在15~50 km尺度下,聚集程度稳定;总体上点格局分布的聚集强度依次为:船A高CPUE>船B低CPUE>船B高CPUE>船A低CPUE.船A高、低CPUE在0~75 km尺度上为正相关关系,在大于75 km尺度上为随机关系;船B在所有尺度上的高、低CPUE均为正相关,说明了低CPUE点事件伴随高CPUE的点事件同步发生,两者在大部分尺度下均显著相关.这是磷虾集群模式的动态性和复杂性造成.船A各点的CPUE值在0~44 km尺度上呈正相关,在44~80 km尺度上呈负相关;船B各点的CPUE值在50~70 km尺度上呈负相关,在其他尺度上无显著相关性;正相关反映了磷虾密集集群的种群分布特性,而负相关表明了磷虾群间由于食物和空间原因存在一定的竞争关系.捕捞能力强的船A和捕捞能力较弱的船B在点格局分布上存在较大差异.专业南极磷虾渔船更适于开展磷虾作业空间点格局分析及相关科学调查工作.  相似文献   

Data on the species composition and abundance of the ichthyoplankton obtained in 2012, 2014, and 2015 in the waters of northeast Sakhalin are presented; these data were collected during the standard accounting surveys to estimate the egg concentration and breeders of Alaska pollock Theragra chalcogramma. The areas of the main concentrations of eggs and larvae of a number of commercial fish species have been determined, interannual variations in their abundance have been analyzed, and the distribution of ichthyoplankton with some parameters of the environment, such as depth, temperature, and main currents, has been linked. During the study period, 30 species representing 11 families were recorded in the ichthyoplankton. The average concentration of ichthyoplankton varies within the range of 113–201 ind./m2. The pollock eggs absolutely dominated by 78–89%; followed by the eggs of the Bering flounder Hippoglossoides robustus (5–8%). It was found that the number of eggs and larvae of flounders and of a number of the other fish species in the northern part of the study area increases during the years characterized by a large volume of runoff of Amur River.  相似文献   

Diel vertical migration and feeding cycles of adult female Metridia gerlachei in the upper 290 m of a 335-m water column were measured during a total of 65 h in two periods of early summer (Dec 20–21 and Dec 25–26, 1991). Samples collected in eight depth strata by 35 MOCNESS tows (333-m mesh) were analyzed for abundance and mean individual gut pigment content. Most of the copepod population was concentrated in a 50-m depth interval at all times. Feeding began simultaneously with nocturnal ascent from a depth of 200–250 m at 18:00 h (local time), when the relative change in ambient light intensity was greatest. Ingestion rate increased exponentially (ki = 0.988 h–1) at double the gut evacuation rate (ke = 0.488 h–1) as the population moved upward at 22.3–26.5 m h–1 through increasing concentrations of particulate chlorophyll-a. Although the bulk of the population did not move to depths shallower than 50 m, and began its downward migration at a rate of 20.8–31.7 mh–1 in complete darkness, individual females continued to make brief excursions into chlorophyll-rich surface waters (4–8 g l–1) during the first few hours of population descent. Ingestion rate diminished abruptly by one order of magnitude (ki = 0.068 h–1) at dawn ( 0330 h). Within four more hours, the population had reached its daytime depth and gut pigment content remained constant at a minimum value until the next migration cycle. No feeding appeared to take place at depth during the day. Ingestion by M. gerlachei females removed < 4% of daily primary production, with only 20% of this amount being removed from surface waters by active vertical transport.  相似文献   

Populations of both native higher Antarctic plants, Deschampsia antarctica and Colobanthus quitensis, increased during the last decades. However, for D. antarctica, previous population studies on the South Shetland Islands and the Antarctic Peninsula have been too sporadic, patchy, and methodologically different to allow general conclusions. Our aim was to compare sites with D. antarctica along a north–south latitudinal transect with an integral census method to assess the possible impact of climatic change on grass population dynamics. During two summer seasons (2009–2010), plant populations were censed on Fildes and Coppermine Peninsula and several localities on the west coast of the Antarctic Peninsula. Largest plant populations were found on Fildes Peninsula with vegetation cover (VC) of 44–46%. Six out of eleven stands of D. antarctica on Coppermine Peninsula were new records, with increasing plant number and VC (0.1–22%). In the Antarctic Peninsula, contrarily to our expectation, only at Forbes Point, D. antarctica VC was relatively high (ca. 2%) and a new stand of C. quitensis was found. At three previously reported sites, plants had disappeared. Our monitoring confirms that northern D. antarctica populations are expanding, but that this expansion is not continuous along the Antarctic Peninsula and inconsistent with the gradient of relative temperature increase in north–south direction. We suggest that other abiotic and biotic factors are influencing the colonization and expansion of vascular plants in this particular ecosystem.  相似文献   

Benthic ecological surveys using standardized methods are crucial for assessing changes associated with several threats in the Southern Ocean. The acquisition of data on assemblage structure over a variety of spatial scales is important to understand the variation of biodiversity patterns. During the ANT XXIX/3 (PS81) expedition of RV Polarstern, three different regions at the tip of the Antarctic Peninsula were sampled: the northwestern Weddell Sea, the Bransfield Strait, and the northern boundary of the South Shetland Archipelago in the Drake Passage. The aim of this study was to characterize the distribution and biodiversity patterns of ophiuroid assemblages in these regions and depths. We quantified different community parameters in terms of the number of species, abundance, and biomass. Additionally, we calculated various components of species diversity (alpha, beta, and gamma diversity) over the three regions. Based on the benthic surveys, we collected 3331 individuals that were identified to species level (17 species). Overall, species diversity, as measured based on rarefaction, species richness and evenness estimators, was higher in the Bransfield Strait compared to the Weddell Sea and Drake Passage. Two deep stations in the Weddell Sea showed high dominance only of Ophionotus victoriae. Significant differences in the patterns of alpha diversity were found among the regions but not between depth zones, whereas beta diversity showed no differences. Regarding the resemblance among the ophiuroid assemblages of each region, there was a significant gradient from east to west with a maximum distance between the stations in the Drake Passage and the Weddell Sea. This study provides a baseline for detecting potential effects related to climate change, and it furnishes a basis for the implementation of monitoring schemes of Antarctic assemblages.  相似文献   

Summary Pack ice surrounding Antarctica supports rich and varied populations of microbial organisms. As part of the Antarctic Marine Ecosystem Research in the Ice Edge Zone (AMERIEZ) studies, we have examined this community during the late spring, autumn, and winter. Although organisms are found throughout the ice, the richest concentrations often occur in the surface layer. The ice flora consists of diatoms and flagellates. Chrysophyte cysts (archaeomonads) of unknown affinity and dinoflagellate cysts are abundant and may serve as overwintering stages in ice. The ice fauna includes a variety of heterotrophic flagellates, ciliates, and micrometazoa. The abundance of heterotrophs indicates an active food web within the ice community. Ice may serve as a temporary habitat or refuge for many of the microbial forms and some of these appear to provide an inoculum for planktonic populations when ice melts. Larger consumers, such as copepods and the Antarctic krill, Euphausia superba are often found on the underside of ice floes and within weathered floes. The importance of the ice biota as a food resource for these pelagic consumers is unknown.  相似文献   

We examined palatability of 37 species of nonencrusting macroalgae from the Antarctic Peninsula. This represents approximately 30% of the entire antarctic macroalgal flora and 75% of the 49 nonencrusting species we collected. Organic extracts from most species were also prepared and mixed into artificial foods. We examined palatability using feeding bioassays with three common, macroalga‐consuming animals (an omnivorous antarctic rockfish, Notothenia coriiceps; an omnivorous sea star, Odontaster validus; and a herbivorous amphipod, Gondogenia antarctica). Thallus pieces from 23 of 34 macroalgal species tested with the fish (68%) were rejected. Of the 23 species rejected as thallus, organic extracts of 16 were bioassayed using the fish with 9 (56%) unpalatable. Thallus pieces from 21 of 36 macroalgal species tested with the sea star (58%) were rejected. Of the 21 species rejected as thallus, organic extracts of 20 were bioassayed using the sea stars and 14 (70%) were unpalatable. Overall, 28 of the 37 species assayed as thallus (76%) were rejected by either or both the fish and sea stars. The amphipod assay was not suitable for use with thallus but was utilized with organic extracts of 23 macroalgal species that were rejected as thallus by either or both the fish and sea stars. Of these, 14 (61%) of the species' extracts were rejected by the amphipods. Unpalatability was highest among the brown algae examined with only an ephemeral, ectocarpoid species not rejected as thallus out of 10 species tested. Of the remaining nine brown algal species, six of seven tested were also unpalatable as extracts, including all the ecologically dominant, perennial species in the area. We conclude that unpalatability to herbivores is common in antarctic macroalgae and that chemical defenses may play an important role in the unpalatability of many algal species (NSF OPP9814538, OPP9901076).  相似文献   

Marine pelagic ecosystems: the west Antarctic Peninsula   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The marine ecosystem of the West Antarctic Peninsula (WAP) extends from the Bellingshausen Sea to the northern tip of the peninsula and from the mostly glaciated coast across the continental shelf to the shelf break in the west. The glacially sculpted coastline along the peninsula is highly convoluted and characterized by deep embayments that are often interconnected by channels that facilitate transport of heat and nutrients into the shelf domain. The ecosystem is divided into three subregions, the continental slope, shelf and coastal regions, each with unique ocean dynamics, water mass and biological distributions. The WAP shelf lies within the Antarctic Sea Ice Zone (SIZ) and like other SIZs, the WAP system is very productive, supporting large stocks of marine mammals, birds and the Antarctic krill, Euphausia superba. Ecosystem dynamics is dominated by the seasonal and interannual variation in sea ice extent and retreat. The Antarctic Peninsula is one among the most rapidly warming regions on Earth, having experienced a 2 degrees C increase in the annual mean temperature and a 6 degrees C rise in the mean winter temperature since 1950. Delivery of heat from the Antarctic Circumpolar Current has increased significantly in the past decade, sufficient to drive to a 0.6 degrees C warming of the upper 300 m of shelf water. In the past 50 years and continuing in the twenty-first century, the warm, moist maritime climate of the northern WAP has been migrating south, displacing the once dominant cold, dry continental Antarctic climate and causing multi-level responses in the marine ecosystem. Ecosystem responses to the regional warming include increased heat transport, decreased sea ice extent and duration, local declines in icedependent Adélie penguins, increase in ice-tolerant gentoo and chinstrap penguins, alterations in phytoplankton and zooplankton community composition and changes in krill recruitment, abundance and availability to predators. The climate/ecological gradients extending along the WAP and the presence of monitoring systems, field stations and long-term research programmes make the region an invaluable observatory of climate change and marine ecosystem response.  相似文献   

Antarctic shallow‐water invertebrates are exceptional candidates to study population genetics and evolution, because of their peculiar evolutionary history and adaptation to extreme habitats that expand and retreat with the ice sheets. Among them, sponges are one of the major components, yet population connectivity of none of their many Antarctic species has been studied. To investigate gene flow, local adaptation and resilience to near‐future changes caused by global warming, we sequenced 62 individuals of the sponge Dendrilla antarctica along the Western Antarctic Peninsula (WAP) and the South Shetlands (spanning ~900 km). We obtained information from 577 double digest restriction site‐associated DNA sequencing (ddRADseq)‐derived single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP), using RADseq techniques for the first time with shallow‐water sponges. In contrast to other studies in sponges, our 389 neutral SNPs data set showed high levels of gene flow, with a subtle substructure driven by the circulation system of the studied area. However, the 140 outlier SNPs under positive selection showed signals of population differentiation, separating the central–southern WAP from the Bransfield Strait area, indicating a divergent selection process in the study area despite panmixia. Fourteen of these outliers were annotated, being mostly involved in immune and stress responses. We suggest that the main selective pressure on D. antarctica might be the difference in the planktonic communities present in the central–southern WAP compared to the Bransfield Strait area, ultimately depending on sea‐ice control of phytoplankton blooms. Our study unveils an unexpectedly long‐distance larval dispersal exceptional in Porifera, broadening the use of genome‐wide markers within nonmodel Antarctic organisms.  相似文献   

春季长江口及其邻近海域鱼类浮游生物群落特征   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
刘淑德  线薇微  刘栋 《应用生态学报》2008,19(10):2284-2292
根据1999年5月和2001年5月长江口及其邻近海域的鱼类浮游生物和环境调查资料,应用双向指示种分析(TWINSPAN)和典范对应分析(CCA)方法探讨了长江口及其邻近海 域鱼类浮游生物的群落特征.结果表明:采获的11 540 个鱼类浮游生物隶属11目18科32种,其中凤鲚、鳀、六丝矛尾鰕虎鱼、白氏银汉鱼、松江鲈为优势种,占总丰度的92.49%. TWINSPAN分类将鱼类浮游生物群落划分为3个类群:1)以凤鲚为优势种的河口群组;2)以 松江鲈和白氏银汉鱼为优势种的沿岸群组;3)以鳀和六丝矛尾鰕虎鱼为优势种的近海群组.CCA排序给出了各群组与环境因子的相互关系,表明影响这一海域鱼类浮游生物分布的主 要环境因子为盐度、深度、溶解氧和悬浮物.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to contribute to a general understanding of the response of the Antarctic macrobenthos to environmental variability and climate-induced changes. The change in population size of selected macrobenthic organisms was investigated in the Larsen A area east of the Antarctic Peninsula in 2007 and 2011 using ROV-based imaging methods. The results were complemented by data from the Larsen B collected in 2007 to allow a conceptual reconstruction of the environment-driven changes before the period of investigation. Both Larsen areas are characterised by ice-shelf disintegration in 1995 and 2002, respectively, as well as high inter-annual variability in sea-ice cover and oceanographic conditions. In 2007 one ascidian species, Molgula pedunculata, was abundant north and south of the stripe of remaining ice shelf between Larsen A and B. Population densities decreased drastically in the Larsen A between 2007 and 2011, coincident with the decrease in Corella eumyota, another ascidian. Among the ophiuroids, the population of deposit feeders increased, while suspension feeders halved their abundance. Current measurements indicated a northward flow between the Larsen B and Larsen A, suggesting that a major physical forcing on benthic population development comes from the South. The results demonstrate that Antarctic macrobenthic populations can exhibit dramatic population dynamics. Analyses of sea-ice dynamics, salinity, temperature and surprisingly ice-shelf disintegration history, however, did not provide any clear evidence for environmental drivers underlying the apparent changes.  相似文献   

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