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M A Wild  J G Gall 《Cell》1979,16(3):565-573

G Afseth  Y Y Mo    L P Mallavia 《Journal of bacteriology》1995,177(10):2946-2949
Characterization of the rRNA operon from the obligate intracellular bacterium Coxiella burnetii has determined the order of the rRNA genes to be 16S-23S-5S. A 444-bp intervening sequence (IVS) was identified to interrupt the 23S rRNA gene beginning at position 1176. The IVS is predicted to form a stem-loop structure formed by flanking inverted repeats, and the absence of intact 23S rRNA molecules suggests that the loop is removed. An open reading frame in the IVS has been identified that shows 70% similarity at the amino acid level to IVS open reading frames characterized from four species of Leptospira.  相似文献   

F X Sullivan  T R Cech 《Cell》1985,42(2):639-648
The Tetrahymena rRNA intervening sequence (IVS) excises itself from the pre-rRNA and then mediates its own cyclization. We now find that certain di- and trinucleotides with free 3' hydroxyl groups reopen the circular IVS at the cyclization junction, producing a linear molecule with the oligonucleotide covalently attached to its 5' end. This linear molecule recyclizes with release of the added oligonucleotide. Thus the IVS RNA, like an enzyme, lowers the activation energy for both forward and reverse cleavage-ligation reactions. Certain combinations of pyrimidines are required for circle reopening. The most reactive oligonucleotide is UCU. This sequence resembles those preceding the major and minor cyclization sites in the linear IVS RNA (UUU and CCU) and the 5' splice site in the pre-rRNA (UCU). We propose that an oligopyrimidine binding site within the IVS binds the sequences upstream of each of these target sites for cleavage-ligation.  相似文献   

Nuclear 26S rDNA sequences were used to corroborate and test previously published matK-rbcL-based hypotheses of phylogenetic relationships in Cornales. Sequences were generated for 53 taxa including Alangium, Camptotheca, Cornus, Curtisia, Davidia, Diplopanax, Mastixia, Nyssa, and four families: Grubbiaceae, Hydrangeaceae, Hydrostachyaceae, and Loasaceae. Fifteen taxa from asterids were used as outgroups. The 26S rDNA sequences were initially analyzed separately and then combined with matK-rbcL sequences, using both parsimony and maximum likelihood methods. Eight strongly supported major clades were identified within Cornales by all analyses: Cornus, Alangium, nyssoids (Nyssa, Davidia, and Camptotheca), mastixioids (Mastixia and Diplopanax), Hydrangeaceae, Loasaceae, Grubbia-Curtisia, and Hydrostachys. However, relationships among the major lineages are not strongly supported in either 26S rDNA or combined 26S rDNA-matK-rbcL topologies, except for the sister relationships between Cornus and Alangium and between nyssoids and mastixioids in the tree from combined data. Discrepancies in relationships among major lineages, especially the placement of the long-branched Hydrostachys, were found between parsimony and maximum likelihood trees in all analyses. Incongruence between the 26S rDNA and matK-rbcL data sets was suggested, where Hydrangeaceae was found to be largely responsible for the incongruence. The long branch of Hydrostachys revealed in previous analyses was reduced significantly with more sampling. Maximum likelihood analysis of combined 26S rDNA-matK-rbcL sequences suggested that Hydrostachys might be sister to the remainder of Cornales, that Cornus-Alangium are sisters, that nyssoids-mastixioids are sisters, and that Hydrangeaceae-Loasaceae are sisters, consistent with previous analyses of matK-rbcL sequence data.  相似文献   

A study of phylogenetic relationships of the colonial green algal flagellates based on nuclear 18S and 26S rRNA sequence data suggests that the colonial habit has had at least two independent origins. All colonial taxa included in the analysis, except Stephanosphaera, are allied in a clade with Chlamydomonas reinhardtii and other Chlamydomonas taxa ascribed to the Euchlamydomonas group by Ettl. In contrast, Stephanosphaera is allied with other unicellular flagellates including Haematococcus. Comparison of the 18S and 26S data shows that the two sets of data yield different results following cladistic analysis. The 18S data provide the principal signal that supports the more basal divergences, but the data do not unambiguously address relationships among taxa in the clade that includes most colonial flagellates and Chlamydomonas taxa representative of the Euchlamydomonas group (sensu Ettl). In contrast, the 26S data have fewer informative sites that support basal divergences than the 18S data, but provide much of the signal that supports resolution of taxa in the colonial flagellate clade in an analysis of the combined 18S and 26S rRNA sequence data. Additional sequence data from the 26S molecule and additional taxa may reduce the topological ambiguity inferred from the sequence data for the colonial flagellates. Alternatively, an ancient and rapid radiation of taxa in the colonial lineage could account for the topological ambiguity. Despite some unresolved questions of relationships, cladistic analysis of the combined data sets provides some robustly supported concepts of evolution in these flagellates.  相似文献   

The intervening sequence (IVS) excised from the pre-rRNA of Tetrahymena undergoes a self-catalyzed cleavage-ligation reaction to form a covalently closed circular RNA. This cyclization reaction is kinetically inhibited by ethidium bromide (50% inhibition at 22 +/- 14 microM, greater than 99% inhibition at 53 +/- 16 microM for a 20 minute reaction). The dye does not alter the sites of the cyclization reaction, but it does increase the relative amount of reaction at a minor site 19 nucleotides from the 5' end of the IVS. The reversibility of the inhibition and the relative inhibitory strength of acridine orange, ethidium and proflavine suggest that inhibition is due to intercalation of the dye in functionally important secondary or tertiary structures of the IVS. The concentration of dye required to inhibit cyclization is much higher than expected from the known binding constants of such dyes to tRNA. At high Mg2+ to Na+ ratios, conditions which should stabilize RNA structure, a subpopulation of the IVS RNA molecules is resistant to ethidium inhibition, even at 200 microM ethidium. These data are interpreted as reflecting two conformational isomers of the IVS that differ in their reactivity and in their sensitivity to dye binding.  相似文献   

We studied the Tetrahymena thermophila rRNA IVS sequence with the aim of obtaining a model of the structure characterized by the bases proximity of the self-reactions sites. The considered sequence kept up those fragments essential for its catalytic activity as demonstrated by deletion mutants. The first step was the theoretical analysis with a computer method previously proposed, to find optimal free energy secondary structures with the required features, under the suitable constrains. Then we tried folding the obtained secondary structures, in low resolution tertiary models, which kept up the proximity of the catalytic sites also in the space. The proposed tertiary folding seems to provide for a better explanation to the transesterification mechanisms and moreover it is in good agreement with the experimental data (activity of mutants, enzymatic cleavages, phylogenetically conserved regions).  相似文献   

The entire intervening sequence of Tetrahymena thermophila ribosomal DNA has been determined. It is 413 nucleotides long and has the same splice junctions as those in T. pigmentosa. There is 93% homology between the intervening sequences in the two species, and 100% homology between their adjacent 26S RNA coding regions.  相似文献   

Thermodynamics of a stable yeast 5.8S rRNA hairpin helix.   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
The 5. 8S ribosomal RNA of bakers yeast contains one particularly stable hairpin helix which is isolated by partial T1 ribonuclease digestion. Thermal hyperchromism analysis of the hairpin fragment showed that it dissociates cooperatively with 18% hyperchromism, with a Tm of 83 degree C at 2.7 mM sodium ion concentration, and with a hyperchromic difference spectrum indicative of over 90% G + C content. The probable secondary structure for the fragment was used to predict a helix free energy, delta G = -16.2 kcal/mole, which was the same as that determined from the melting equilibrium. The predicted enthalpy however, was 77% of the value, delta H = -114 kcal/mole, determined from the van't Hoff relationship. The effect on these data of a G.U base pair within the 9 base pair helix is discussed.  相似文献   

J E Heckman  U L RajBhandary 《Cell》1979,17(3):583-595
Through analysis of cloned fragments of N. crassa mitochondrial DNA, we have derived a physical map for the region of the mitochondrial genome which encodes the ribosomal RNAs and most of the tRNAs. We have located RNA genes on this map by hybridization of purified 32P end-labeled RNA probes, and our findings are as follows. First, the gene for the large ribosomal RNA contains an intervening sequence of approximately 2000 bp. Second, the genes for the small and large ribosomal RNAs are not adjacent, as previously reported, and the region between them contains a number of tRNA genes, including that for the mitochondrial tRNATyr, which is located close to the small rRNA gene on the same strand of the mitochondrial DNA. Third, there is a second cluster of tRNA genes on the mitochondrial DNA following the large ribosomal RNA gene, but there is no evidence for the presence of tRNA genes in the intervening sequence of the large ribosomal RNA. Fourth, hybridization of labeled ribosomal and transfer RNAs to the separated strands of a cloned 16 kbp DNA fragment covering this region indicates that the two ribosomal RNAs and most, if not all, of the mitochondrial tRNAs are encoded on one strand of the mitochondrial DNA.  相似文献   

The primary and secondary structure of yeast 26S rRNA.   总被引:70,自引:41,他引:29       下载免费PDF全文
We present the sequence of the 26S rRNA of the yeast Saccharomyces carlsbergensis as inferred from the gene sequence. The molecule is 3393 nucleotides long and consists of 48% G+C; 30 of the 43 methyl groups can be located in the sequence. Starting from the recently proposed structure of E. coli 23S rRNA (see ref. 25) we constructed a secondary structure model for yeast 26S rRNA. This structure is composed of 7 domains closed by long-range base pairings as n the bacterial counterpart. Most domains show considerable conservation of the overall structure; unpaired regions show extended sequence homology and the base-paired regions contain many compensating base pair changes. The extra length of the yeast molecule is due to a number of insertions in most of the domains, particularly in domain II. Domain VI, which is extremely conserved, is probably part of the ribosomal A site. alpha-Sarcin, which apparently inhibits the EF-1 dependent binding of aminoacyl-tRNA, causes a cleavage between position 3025 and 3026 in a conserved loop structure, just outside domain VI. Nearly all of the located methyl groups, like in E. coli, are present in domain II, V and VI and clustered to a certain extent mainly in regions with a strongly conserved primary structure. The only three methyl groups of 26S rRNA which are introduced relatively late during the processing are found in single stranded loops in domain VI very close to positions which have been shown in E. coli 23S rRNA to be at the interface of the ribosome.  相似文献   

Lability of 26 S ribosomal RNA in Tetrahymena pyriformis   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

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