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The gonad as well as the reproductive tracts, kidney, and adrenal cortex are derived from the intermediate mesoderm. In addition, the intermediate mesoderm forms the mesonephros. Although the mesonephros is the source of certain testicular cell types, its contribution to gonad formation through expression of growth factors is largely unknown. Here, we examined the expression profiles of FGF9 in the developing mesonephros of chick embryos at sexually indifferent stages, and found that the expression domain is adjacent to the gonadal primordium. Moreover, FGFR3 (FGF receptor 3) showed a strong expression in the gonadal primordium. Next, we examined the functions of FGF signal during gonadal development with misexpressed FGF9. Interestingly, misexpression of FGF9 led to gonadal expansion through stimulation of cell proliferation. In contrast, treatment with a chemical inhibitor for FGFR decreased cell proliferation and resulted in reduction of the gonadal size. Simultaneously, the treatment resulted in reduction of gonadal marker gene expression. Our study demonstrated that FGF expressed in the developing mesonephros is involved in the development of the gonad at the sexually indifferent stages through stimulation of gonadal cell proliferation and gonadal marker gene expression.  相似文献   

Tetrapod limbs, forelimbs and hindlimbs, emerge as limb buds during development from appropriate positions along the rostro-caudal axis of the main body. In this study, tissue interactions by which rostro-caudal level-specific limb initiation is established were analyzed. The limb bud originates from the lateral plate located laterally to the paraxial mesoderm, and we obtained evidence that level-specific tissue interactions between the paraxial mesoderm and the lateral plate mesoderm are important for the determination of the limb-type-specific gene expression and limb outgrowth. When the wing-level paraxial mesoderm was transplanted into the presumptive leg region, the wing-level paraxial mesoderm upregulated the expression of Tbx5, a wing marker gene, and down regulated the expression of Tbx4 and Pitx1, leg marker genes, in the leg-level lateral plate. The wing-level paraxial mesoderm relocated into the leg level also inhibited outgrowth of the hindlimb bud and down regulated Fgf10 and Fgf8 expression, demonstrating that the wing-level paraxial mesoderm cannot substitute for the function of the leg-level paraxial mesoderm in initiation and outgrowth of the hindlimb. The paraxial mesoderm taken from the neck- and flank-level regions also had effects on Tbx5/Tbx4 expression with different efficiencies. These findings suggest that the paraxial mesoderm has level-specific abilities along the rostro-caudal axis in the limb-type-specific mechanism for limb initiation.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that medaka primordial germ cells (PGC) are first distinguishable by olvas expression during late gastrulation, and that they migrate to the gonadal region through the lateral plate mesoderm. Here, we demonstrate that medaka nanos expression marks the germ line at early gastrulation stage. By marking the germ line with green fluorescent protein (GFP) fused to the nanos 3' untranslated region, we were able to visualize the behavior of PGC using time-lapse imaging. We show that there are three distinct modes of PGC migration that function at different stages of development. At early gastrulation stage, PGC actively migrate towards the marginal zone, a process that requires the function of a chemokine receptor, CXCR4. However, at late gastrulation stage, PGC change the mode and direction of their movement, as they are carried towards the midline along with somatic cells undergoing convergent movements. After aligning bilaterally, PGC actively migrate to the posterior end of the lateral plate mesoderm. This posterior movement depends on the activity of both HMGCoAR and a ligand of CXCR4, SDF-1a. These results demonstrate that PGC undergo different modes of migration to reach the prospective gonadal region of the embryo.  相似文献   

The epaxial-hypaxial subdivision of the avian somite   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In all jaw-bearing vertebrates, three-dimensional mobility relies on segregated, separately innervated epaxial and hypaxial skeletal muscles. In amniotes, these muscles form from the morphologically continuous dermomyotome and myotome, whose epaxial-hypaxial subdivision and hence the formation of distinct epaxial-hypaxial muscles is not understood. Here we show that En1 expression labels a central subdomain of the avian dermomyotome, medially abutting the expression domain of the lead-lateral or hypaxial marker Sim1. En1 expression is maintained when cells from the En1-positive dermomyotome enter the myotome and dermatome, thereby superimposing the En1-Sim1 expression boundary onto the developing musculature and dermis. En1 cells originate from the dorsomedial edge of the somite. Their development is under positive control by notochord and floor plate (Shh), dorsal neural tube (Wnt1) and surface ectoderm (Wnt1-like signalling activity) but negatively regulated by the lateral plate mesoderm (BMP4). This dependence on epaxial signals and suppression by hypaxial signals places En1 into the epaxial somitic programme. Consequently, the En1-Sim1 expression boundary marks the epaxial-hypaxial dermomyotomal or myotomal boundary. In cell aggregation assays, En1- and Sim1-expressing cells sort out, suggesting that the En1-Sim1 expression boundary may represent a true compartment boundary, foreshadowing the epaxial-hypaxial segregation of muscle.  相似文献   

Retinoic acid (RA) plays a critical role in neural patterning and organogenesis in the vertebrate embryo. Here we characterize a mutant of the zebrafish named giraffe (gir) in which the gene for the RA-degrading enzyme Cyp26a1 is mutated. The gir mutant displayed patterning defects in multiple organs including the common cardinal vein, pectoral fin, tail, hindbrain, and spinal cord. Analyses of molecular markers suggested that the lateral plate mesoderm is posteriorized in the gir mutant, which is likely to cause the defects of the common cardinal vein and pectoral fin. The cyp26a1 expression in the rostral spinal cord was strongly upregulated in the gir mutant, suggesting a strong feedback control of its expression by RA signaling. We also found that the rostral spinal cord territory was expanded at the expense of the hindbrain territory in the gir mutant. Such a phenotype is the opposite of that of the mutant for Raldh2, an enzyme that synthesizes RA. We propose a model in which Cyp26a1 attenuates RA signaling in the prospective rostral spinal cord to limit the expression of hox genes and to determine the hindbrain-spinal cord boundary.  相似文献   

We identified a novel secreted protein, fibin, in zebrafish, mice and humans. We inhibited its function in zebrafish embryos by injecting antisense fibin morpholino oligonucleotides. A knockdown of fibin function in zebrafish resulted in no pectoral fin bud initiation and abolished the expression of tbx5, which is involved in the specification of pectoral fin identification. The lack of pectoral fins in fibin-knockdown embryos was partially rescued by injection of fibin RNA. fibin was expressed in the lateral plate mesoderm of the presumptive pectoral fin bud regions. Its expression region was adjacent to that of tbx5. fibin expression temporally preceded tbx5 expression in presumptive pectoral fin bud regions, and not abolished in tbx5-knockdown presumptive fin bud regions. In contrast, fibin expression was abolished in retinoic acid signaling-inhibited or wnt2b-knockdown presumptive fin bud regions. These results indicate that fibin is a secreted signal essential for pectoral fin bud initiation in that it potentially acts downstream of retinoic acid and wnt signaling and is essential for tbx5 expression. The present findings have revealed a novel secreted lateral plate mesoderm signal essential for fin initiation in the lateral plate mesoderm.  相似文献   

rx1 and pax6 are necessary for the establishment of the vertebrate eye field and for the maintenance of the retinal stem cells that give rise to multiple retinal cell types. They also are differentially expressed in cellular layers in the retina when cell fates are being specified, and their expression levels differentially affect the production of amacrine cell subtypes. To determine whether rx1 and pax6 expression after the eye field is established simply maintains stem cell-like qualities or affects cell type differentiation, we used hormone-inducible constructs to increase or decrease levels/activity of each protein at two different neural plate stages. Our results indicate that rx1 regulates the size of the retinal stem cell pool because it broadly affected all cell types, whereas pax6 regulates more restricted retinal progenitor cells because it selectively affected different cell types in a time-dependent manner. Analysis of rx1 and pax6 effects on proliferation, and expression of stem cell or differentiation markers demonstrates that rx1 maintains cells in a stem cell state by promoting proliferation and delaying expression of neural identity and differentiation markers. Although pax6 also promotes proliferation, it differentially regulates neural identity and differentiation genes. Thus, these two genes work in parallel to regulate different, but overlapping aspects of retinal cell fate determination.  相似文献   

The chicken Tbx gene, Tbx18, is expressed in lateral plate mesoderm, limb, and developing somites. Here we show that Tbx18 is expressed transiently in axial mesenchyme during somite segmentation. We present evidence from overexpression and transplantation experiments that Tbx18 controls fissure formation in the late stages of somite maturation. In presumptive wing lateral plate mesoderm, ectopic Tbx18 expression leads to anterior extension of the wing bud. These results suggest that Tbx18 is involved in producing mesodermal boundaries, generating in paraxial mesoderm morphological boundaries between somites and in lateral plate mesoderm a wing- or non-wing-forming boundary.  相似文献   

Fgf-8 encodes a secreted signaling molecule mediating key roles in embryonic patterning. This study analyzes the expression pattern, regulation, and function of this growth factor in the paraxial mesoderm of the avian embryo. In the mature somite, expression of Fgf-8 is restricted to a subpopulation of myotome cells, comprising most, but not all, epaxial and hypaxial muscle precursors. Following ablation of the notochord and floor plate, Fgf-8 expression is not activated in the somites, in either the epaxial or the hypaxial domain, while ablation of the dorsal neural tube does not affect Fgf-8 expression in paraxial mesoderm. Contrary to the view that hypaxial muscle precursors are independent of regulatory influences from axial structures, these findings provide the first evidence for a regulatory influence of ventral, but not dorsal axial structures on the hypaxial muscle domain. Sonic hedgehog can substitute for the ventral neural tube and notochord in the initiation of Fgf-8 expression in the myotome. It is also shown that Fgf-8 protein leads to an increase in sclerotomal cell proliferation and enhances rib cartilage development in mature somites, whereas inhibition of Fgf signaling by SU 5402 causes deletions in developing ribs. These observations demonstrate: (1) a regulatory influence of the ventral axial organs on the hypaxial muscle compartment; (2) regulation of epaxial and hypaxial expression of Fgf-8 by Sonic hedgehog; and (3) independent regulation of Fgf-8 and MyoD in the hypaxial myotome by ventral axial organs. It is postulated that the notochord and ventral neural tube influence hypaxial expression of Fgf-8 in the myotome and that, in turn, Fgf-8 has a functional role in rib formation.  相似文献   

The vertebrate heart arises during gastrulation as cardiac precursors converge from the lateral plate mesoderm territories toward the embryonic midline and extend rostrally to form bilateral heart fields. G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) mediate functions of the nervous and immune systems; however, their roles in gastrulation remain largely unexplored. Here, we show that the zebrafish homologs of the Agtrl1b receptor and its ligand, Apelin, implicated in physiology and angiogenesis, control heart field formation. Zebrafish gastrulae express agtrl1b in the lateral plate mesoderm, while apelin expression is confined to the midline. Reduced or excess Agtrl1b or Apelin function caused deficiency of cardiac precursors and, subsequently, the heart. In Apelin-deficient gastrulae, the cardiac precursors converged inefficiently to the heart fields and showed ectopic distribution, whereas cardiac precursors overexpressing Apelin exhibited abnormal morphology and rostral migration. Our results implicate GPCR signaling in movements of discrete cell populations that establish organ rudiments during vertebrate gastrulation.  相似文献   

Possession of paired appendages is regarded as a novelty that defines crown gnathostomes and allows sophisticated behavioral and locomotive patterns. During embryonic development, initiation of limb buds in the lateral plate mesoderm involves several steps. First, the lateral plate mesoderm is regionalized into the cardiac mesoderm (CM) and the posterior lateral plate mesoderm (PLPM). Second, in the PLPM, Hox genes are expressed in a collinear manner to establish positional values along the anterior–posterior axis. The developing PLPM splits into somatic and splanchnic layers. In the presumptive limb field of the somatic layer, expression of limb initiation genes appears. To gain insight into the evolutionary sequence leading to the emergence of paired appendages in ancestral vertebrates, we examined the embryonic development of the ventral mesoderm in the cephalochordate amphioxus Branchiostoma floridae and of the lateral plate mesoderm in the agnathan lamprey Lethenteron japonicum, and studied the expression patterns of cognates of genes known to be expressed in these mesodermal layers during amniote development. We observed that, although the amphioxus ventral mesoderm posterior to the pharynx was not regionalized into CM and posterior ventral mesoderm, the lateral plate mesoderm of lampreys was regionalized into CM and PLPM, as in gnathostomes. We also found nested expression of two Hox genes (LjHox5i and LjHox6w) in the PLPM of lamprey embryos. However, histological examination showed that the PLPM of lampreys was not separated into somatic and splanchnic layers. These findings provide insight into the sequential evolutionary changes that occurred in the ancestral lateral plate mesoderm leading to the emergence of paired appendages.  相似文献   

Studies in amphibian embryos have suggested that retinoic acid (RA) may function as a signal that stimulates posterior differentiation of the nervous system as postulated by the activation-transformation model for anteroposterior patterning of the nervous system. We have tested this hypothesis in retinaldehyde dehydrogenase-2 (Raldh2) null mutant mice lacking RA synthesis in the somitic mesoderm. Raldh2−/− embryos exhibited neural induction (activation) as evidenced by expression of Sox1 and Sox2 along the neural plate, but differentiation of spinal cord neuroectodermal progenitor cells (posterior transformation) did not occur as demonstrated by a loss of Pax6 and Olig2 expression along the posterior neural plate. Spinal cord differentiation in Raldh2−/− embryos was rescued by maternal RA administration, and during the rescue RA was found to act directly in the neuroectoderm but not the somitic mesoderm. RA generated by Raldh2 in the somitic mesoderm was found to normally travel as a signal throughout the mesoderm and neuroectoderm of the trunk and into tailbud neuroectoderm, but not into tailbud mesoderm. Raldh2−/− embryos also exhibited increased Fgf8 expression in the tailbud, and decreased cell proliferation in tailbud neuroectoderm. Our findings demonstrate that RA synthesized in the somitic mesoderm is necessary for posterior neural transformation in the mouse and that Raldh2 provides the only source of RA for posterior development. An important concept to emerge from our studies is that the somitic mesodermal RA signal acts in the neuroectoderm but not mesoderm to generate a spinal cord fate.  相似文献   

Tbx1 has been implicated as a candidate gene responsible for defective pharyngeal arch remodeling in DiGeorge/Velocardiofacial syndrome. Tbx1(+/-) mice mimic aspects of the DiGeorge phenotype with variable penetrance, and null mice display severe pharyngeal hypoplasia. Here, we identify enhancer elements in the Tbx1 gene that are conserved through evolution and mediate tissue-specific expression. We describe the generation of transgenic mice that utilize these enhancer elements to direct Cre recombinase expression in endogenous Tbx1 expression domains. We use these Tbx1-Cre mice to fate map Tbx1-expressing precursors and identify broad regions of mesoderm, including early cardiac mesoderm, which are derived from Tbx1-expressing cells. We test the hypothesis that fibroblast growth factor 8 (Fgf8) functions downstream of Tbx1 by performing tissue-specific inactivation of Fgf8 using Tbx1-Cre mice. Resulting newborn mice display DiGeorge-like congenital cardiovascular defects that involve the outflow tract of the heart. Vascular smooth muscle differentiation in the great vessels is disrupted. This data is consistent with a model in which Tbx1 induces Fgf8 expression in the pharyngeal endoderm, which is subsequently required for normal cardiovascular morphogenesis and smooth muscle differentiation in the aorta and pulmonary artery.  相似文献   

Polychaete annelids and arthropods are both segmented protostome invertebrates. To investigate whether the segmented body plan of these two phyla share a common molecular ground pattern, we report the developmental expression of orthologues of the arthropod segment polarity genes engrailed (en), hedgehog (hh), and wingless (wg/Wnt1) in larval and juvenile stages of the polychaete annelid Capitella sp. I and en in a second polychaete, Hydroides elegans. Temporally, neither Wnt1 nor hh are detected in the segmented region of the larval body until after morphological segmentation is apparent. Expression of CapI-Wnt1 is limited to a ring of ectoderm marking the future anus during larval segmentation. CapI-hh is expressed in a ring of the hindgut internal to that of CapI-Wnt1, as well as in a subset of ventral nerve cord neurons, anterior gut tissue, and mesoderm. In both H. elegans and Capitella sp. I, en is expressed in a spatially and temporally dynamic manner in segmentally iterated structures as well as a population of cells that migrate internally from ectoderm to mesoderm, possibly representing a population of ecto-mesodermal precursors. Significantly, the expression patterns we report for wg, en, and hh orthologues in Capitella sp. I and for en in larval development of H. elegans are not comparable to the highly conserved ectodermal segment polarity pattern observed in arthropods at any life history stage, consistent with distinct origins of segmentation between annelids and arthropods.  相似文献   

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