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A series of reports - and extracts of reports - from the Freedom of Information Conference, 6-7 July, 2000, New York Academy of Medicine. The conference was sponsored by BioMed Central, to promote debate about the communication and validation of biomedical research published on the internet. Details of the meeting and all presentations are available in full online at http://biomedcentral.com/info/conference.asp


Deciphering the knowledge of HIV protease specificity and developing computational tools for detecting its cleavage sites in protein polypeptide chain are very desirable for designing efficient and specific chemical inhibitors to prevent acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. In this study, we developed a generative model based on a generalization of variable order Markov chains (VOMC) for peptide sequences and adapted the model for prediction of their cleavability by certain proteases. The new method, called variable context Markov chains (VCMC), attempts to identify the context equivalence based on the evolutionary similarities between individual amino acids. It was applied for HIV-1 protease cleavage site prediction problem and shown to outperform existing methods in terms of prediction accuracy on a common dataset. In general, the method is a promising tool for prediction of cleavage sites of all proteases and encouraged to be used for any kind of peptide classification problem as well.  相似文献   

This paper presents a new neural learning algorithm for protease cleavage site prediction. The basic idea is to replace the radial basis function used in radial basis function neural networks by a so-called bio-basis function using amino acid similarity matrices. Mutual information is used to select bio-bases and a corresponding selection algorithm is developed. The algorithm has been applied to the prediction of HIV and Hepatitis C virus protease cleavage sites in proteins with success.  相似文献   

A signal peptidase specifically required for the secretion of the lipoprotein of the Escherichia coli outer membrane cleaves off the signal peptide at the bond between a glycine and a cysteine residue. This cysteine residue was altered to a glycine residue by guided site-specific mutagenesis using a synthetic oligonucleotide and a plasmid carrying an inducible lipoprotein gene. The induction of mutant lipoprotein production was lethal to the cells. A large amount of the prolipoprotein was accumulated in the outer membrane fraction. No protein of the size of the mature lipoprotein was detected. These results indicate that the prolipoprotein signal peptidase requires a glyceride modified cysteine residue at the cleavage site.  相似文献   

The mechanical wounding impact on the Carica papaya latex protein pattern was investigated by analyzing three latexes. A first one commercially available, a second harvested from unripe but fully grown fruits, both obtained from regularly tapped fruits. A third one was collected from similar fruits but wounded for the first time. The results demonstrated both quantitative and qualitative changes in the protein content and in the enzymatic activity. Repeated wounding results in either, accumulation or activation (or both of them) of papain, chymopapain and caricain. Furthermore, new cysteine protease activity was found to transiently accumulate in the latex collected from newly wounded fruits. The possible implication of this enzymatic material in the papaya cysteine endopeptidases pro-forms activation is discussed.  相似文献   

Two new endopeptidases were purified to homogeneity from the latex of Araujia hortorum fruits by a simple purification procedure involving ultracentrifugation and ion exchange chromatography. Molecular weights of araujiain h II and araujiain h III were 23,718 and 23546 (mass spectrometry), respectively. The isoelectric point of araujiain h II was 8.9, whereas araujiain h III had a pI higher than 9.3. Maximum proteolytic activity on caseine was reached at pH 8.0-9.0 for both endopeptidases, which were irreversibly inhibited by iodoacetate and E-64, suggesting they belong to the cysteine protease family. Esterolytic activity was determined on N--CBZ-amino acid-p-nitrophenyl esters, and the highest k cat/K m values for the both enzymes were obtained with the glutamine derivative. The N-terminal sequences of araujiain h II and araujiain h III showed a high degree of homology with other plant cysteine endopeptidases.  相似文献   

Amino Acids - The cysteine- perfluoroarene SNAr reaction allows for the sequence-specific attachment of dyes and affinity tags to peptides and proteins. However, while many methods exist for the...  相似文献   

在抗艾滋病治疗中,HIV-1蛋白酶抑制剂发挥着重要作用。对于HIV-1蛋白酶裂解作用位点的研究有助于找到新的治疗靶点。为了对HIV-1蛋白酶特异位点进行预测,本研究用氨基酸索引数据库(Amino Acid Index,AAIndex)中的531个氨基酸物理化学性质参数直接表征肽样本的结构,通过二层特征筛选,最终将4248个表征参数降为57个表征参数。分别采取四种核函数进行HIV-1蛋白酶特异位点的支持向量机(SVM)建模,并通过10折交叉验证及外部测试集方法来验证建模的准确性。结果表明选取NormalizePolyKernel核函数进行SVM建模效果优于其他核函数(PolyKernel、PUK、RBFKernel),所建立的模型对于训练集的10组交叉验证预测准确率达到93.947%,对于外部测试集的预测正确率达到93.684%。  相似文献   

SUMMARY: Several papers have been published where nonlinear machine learning algorithms, e.g. artificial neural networks, support vector machines and decision trees, have been used to model the specificity of the HIV-1 protease and extract specificity rules. We show that the dataset used in these studies is linearly separable and that it is a misuse of nonlinear classifiers to apply them to this problem. The best solution on this dataset is achieved using a linear classifier like the simple perceptron or the linear support vector machine, and it is straightforward to extract rules from these linear models. We identify key residues in peptides that are efficiently cleaved by the HIV-1 protease and list the most prominent rules, relating them to experimental results for the HIV-1 protease. MOTIVATION: Understanding HIV-1 protease specificity is important when designing HIV inhibitors and several different machine learning algorithms have been applied to the problem. However, little progress has been made in understanding the specificity because nonlinear and overly complex models have been used. RESULTS: We show that the problem is much easier than what has previously been reported and that linear classifiers like the simple perceptron or linear support vector machines are at least as good predictors as nonlinear algorithms. We also show how sets of specificity rules can be generated from the resulting linear classifiers. AVAILABILITY: The datasets used are available at http://www.hh.se/staff/bioinf/  相似文献   

The properties of two cysteine peptidases (macrodontain I and II) isolated from fruits of Pseudananas macrodontes have been compared. The enzymes showed optimum pH ranges near neutrality and were inhibited by E-64 and other cysteine peptidase inhibitors. Molecular masses were 23459 and 23703 kDa, the isoelectric points were 6.1 and 5.9, and the Km values were 13.4 and 8.9 microM (Bz-Phe-Val-Arg-AMC) for macrodontain I and II, respectively. N-alpha-CBZ-L-amino acid p-nitrophenyl esters were tested for both enzymes. The N-terminal sequences of both proteases differed slightly and showed high sequence similarity to other pineapple stem-derived cysteine endopeptidases.  相似文献   

A method has been developed for specific enzymic cleavage of polypeptides at the N-terminal side of modified cysteine residues. Lysine residues are blocked by trifluoroacetylation and cysteine residues subsequently converted to the 2-aminoethyl derivatives. Digestion of the modified polypeptide with the lysine-specific protease from Armillaria mellea (patented by Walton et al., 1972) occurs only at 2-aminoethylcysteine residues. With the beta chain of human haemoglobin, which contains 2 cysteine and 11 lysine residues, cleavage was observed at both modified cysteines but at none of the lysines. In the case of a polypeptide from bee venom which contains 4 half-cystine and 5 lysine residues, cleavage occurred at only 2 of the modified cysteines and also at 2 lysine residues. The pattern of cleavage in the latter case can be interpreted in terms of the amino acid sequence of the polypeptide.  相似文献   

Legumains are a recently discovered family of plant and animal cysteine endopeptidases with a cleavage specificity for Asn in the P1 position of peptide bonds. Asp-flanked peptide bonds also are cleaved, but with a much lower efficiency. Legumains evolved from GPI transamidase-like progenitors. Sequence analysis revealed three major groups of plant legumains corresponding to differences in the developmental and organ-specific gene expression. With the exception of a single cell wall specific representative, all legumains occur in the vacuolar compartment. Legumains are either involved in protein degradation or play a role in the processing of precursor proteins by Asn/Asp-specific limited proteolysis. Which function legumains perform depends on the conformational state of the substrate protein. A legumain acts as a vacuolar processing enzyme when it only has access to the regular processing sites of a precursor polypeptide, but it acts as a degradative enzyme when an altered conformation opens the substrate for unlimited proteolysis. The specificity of these interactions seems to be the result of a co-evolution of enzyme and substrate. The double function of legumains is particularly evident in the events of deposition and mobilisation of storage globulins during seed maturation and germination/seedling growth and in senescing and dying cells.  相似文献   

Cysteine dioxygenase is a non-heme mononuclear iron enzyme with unique structural features, namely an intramolecular thioether cross-link between cysteine 93 and tyrosine 157, and a disulfide bond between substrate l-cysteine and cysteine 164 in the entrance channel to the active site. We investigated how these posttranslational modifications affect catalysis through a kinetic, crystallographic and computational study. The enzyme kinetics of a C164S variant are identical to WT, indicating that disulfide formation at C164 does not significantly impair access to the active site at physiological pH. However, at high pH, the cysteine–tyrosine cross-link formation is enhanced in C164S. This supports the view that disulfide formation at position 164 can limit access to the active site. The C164S variant yielded crystal structures of unusual clarity in both resting state and with cysteine bound. Both show that the iron in the cysteine-bound complex is a mixture of penta- and hexa-coordinate with a water molecule taking up the final site (60 % occupancy), which is where dioxygen is believed to coordinate during turnover. The serine also displays stronger hydrogen bond interactions to a water bound to the amine of the substrate cysteine. However, the interactions between cysteine and iron appear unchanged. DFT calculations support this and show that WT and C164S have similar binding energies for the water molecule in the final site. This variant therefore provides evidence that WT also exists in an equilibrium between penta- and hexa-coordinate forms and the presence of the sixth ligand does not strongly affect dioxygen binding.  相似文献   

AtCCD1 and AtNCED3 are related carotenoid cleavage enzymes from Arabidopsis thaliana that catalyze the oxidative cleavage of, respectively, the 9,10 (9',10') double bonds of carotenoid substrates such as beta-carotene, and the 11,12 double bond of 9-cis epoxycarotenoids. Although the cellular and cleavage functionalities of these enzymes have been reported, their mechanisms and related structural environments mediating these disparate specificities in homologous enzymes have not been well characterized. By relating the differences observed in UV and visible light absorption and Cu(II) electron paramagnetic signals to variations in sequence alignments and 3-D homology models of the two A. thaliana enzymes, we identified a putatively proximal cysteine residue (Cys352) in AtCCD1 that is not conserved in AtNCED3. Spectral analysis of the Cys to Ala mutant confirmed its uniqueness and proximity to the metal binding site, but precluded any role for the residue in the mediation of the observed metal binding affinity or associated steric constraint differences. Further analysis of kinetic substrate cleavage properties indicated a decrease in Vmax and a subtle increase in Km for the C352A mutant compared with those observed for the wild-type, thus confirming catalytic site proximity and suggesting possible roles for the unique cysteine in the modulation of substrate affinity and (or) the reaction rate of AtCCD1.  相似文献   

Genome sequencing projects have ciphered millions of protein sequence, which require knowledge of their structure and function to improve the understanding of their biological role. Although experimental methods can provide detailed information for a small fraction of these proteins, computational modeling is needed for the majority of protein molecules which are experimentally uncharacterized. The I-TASSER server is an on-line workbench for high-resolution modeling of protein structure and function. Given a protein sequence, a typical output from the I-TASSER server includes secondary structure prediction, predicted solvent accessibility of each residue, homologous template proteins detected by threading and structure alignments, up to five full-length tertiary structural models, and structure-based functional annotations for enzyme classification, Gene Ontology terms and protein-ligand binding sites. All the predictions are tagged with a confidence score which tells how accurate the predictions are without knowing the experimental data. To facilitate the special requests of end users, the server provides channels to accept user-specified inter-residue distance and contact maps to interactively change the I-TASSER modeling; it also allows users to specify any proteins as template, or to exclude any template proteins during the structure assembly simulations. The structural information could be collected by the users based on experimental evidences or biological insights with the purpose of improving the quality of I-TASSER predictions. The server was evaluated as the best programs for protein structure and function predictions in the recent community-wide CASP experiments. There are currently >20,000 registered scientists from over 100 countries who are using the on-line I-TASSER server.  相似文献   

The first major step of cysteine catabolism, the oxidation of cysteine to cysteine sulfinic acid, is catalyzed by cysteine dioxygenase (CDO). In the present work, we utilize recombinant rat liver CDO and cysteine derivatives to elucidate structural parameters involved in substrate recognition and x-ray absorption spectroscopy to probe the interaction of the active site iron center with cysteine. Kinetic studies using cysteine structural analogs show that most are inhibitors and that a terminal functional group bearing a negative charge (e.g. a carboxylate) is required for binding. The substrate-binding site has no stringent restrictions with respect to the size of the amino acid. Lack of the amino or carboxyl groups at the alpha-carbon does not prevent the molecules from interacting with the active site. In fact, cysteamine is shown to be a potent activator of the enzyme without being a substrate. CDO was also rendered inactive upon complexation with the metal-binding inhibitors azide and cyanide. Unlike many non-heme iron dioxygenases that employ alpha-keto acids as cofactors, CDO was shown to be the only dioxygenase known to be inhibited by alpha-ketoglutarate.  相似文献   

KDEL-tailed cysteine endopeptidases are a group of papain-type peptidases found in senescing tissue undergoing programmed cell death (PCD). Their genes have so far been cloned and analyzed in 12 angiosperms. They are synthesized as proenzymes with a C-terminal KDEL endoplasmatic reticulum retention signal, which is removed with the prosequence to activate enzyme activity. We previously identified three genes for KDEL-tailed cysteine endopeptidases (AtCEP1, AtCEP2, AtCEP3) in Arabidopsis thaliana. Transgenic plants of A. thaliana expressing β-glucuronidase (GUS) under the control of the promoters for the three genes were produced and analyzed histochemically. GUS activity was promoter- and tissue-specific GUS activity during seedling, flower, and root development, especially in tissues that collapse during final stages of PCD, and in the course of lateral root formation. KDEL-tailed cysteine endopeptidases are unique in being able to digest the extensins that form the basic scaffold for cell wall formation. The broad substrate specificity is due to the structure of the active site cleft of the KDEL-tailed cysteine endopeptidase that accepts a wide variety of amino acids, including proline and glycosylated hydroxyproline of the hydroxyproline rich glycoproteins of the cell wall.  相似文献   

Bacterial peptidoglycan (PG or murein) is a single, large, covalently cross‐linked macromolecule and forms a mesh‐like sacculus that completely encases the cytoplasmic membrane. Hence, growth of a bacterial cell is intimately coupled to expansion of murein sacculus and requires cleavage of pre‐existing cross‐links for incorporation of new murein material. Although, conceptualized nearly five decades ago, the mechanism of such essential murein cleavage activity has not been studied so far. Here, we identify three new murein hydrolytic enzymes in Escherichia coli, two (Spr and YdhO) belonging to the NlpC/P60 peptidase superfamily and the third (YebA) to the lysostaphin family of proteins that cleave peptide cross‐bridges between glycan chains. We show that these hydrolases are redundantly essential for bacterial growth and viability as a conditional mutant lacking all the three enzymes is unable to incorporate new murein and undergoes rapid lysis upon shift to restrictive conditions. Our results indicate the step of cross‐link cleavage as essential for enlargement of the murein sacculus, rendering it a novel target for development of antibacterial therapeutic agents.  相似文献   

Cys is much different from other common amino acids in proteins. Being one of the least abundant residues, Cys is often observed in functional sites in proteins. This residue is reactive, polarizable, and redox-active; has high affinity for metals; and is particularly responsive to the local environment. A better understanding of the basic properties of Cys is essential for interpretation of high-throughput data sets and for prediction and classification of functional Cys residues. We provide an overview of approaches used to study Cys residues, from methods for investigation of their basic properties, such as exposure and pK(a), to algorithms for functional prediction of different types of Cys in proteins.  相似文献   

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