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The intracellular actions of peptide hormones, growth factors, as well as of extracellular-signaling enzymes and DNA-binding proteins, either within target cells or within their cells of synthesis has been called intracrine action. Although these intracrine moieties are structurally diverse, they share certain characteristics of synthesis and function. This has given rise to the development of a theory of intracrine action which permits testable predictions to be made regarding the functioning of these peptides/proteins. Here the intracrine hypothesis is briefly described and then recent experimental findings which bear on predictions made earlier on the basis of the theory are discussed. These findings provide new support for the intracrine hypothesis.  相似文献   

A severe challenge to the idea that mitochondrial DNA mutations play a major role in the aging process in mammals is that clear loss-of-function mutations accumulate only to very low levels (under 1% of total) in almost any tissue, even by very old age. Their accumulation is punctate: some cells become nearly devoid of wild-type mitochondrial DNA and exhibit no activity for the partly mitochondrially encoded enzyme cytochrome c oxidase. Such cells accumulate in number with aging, suggesting that they survive indefinitely, which is itself paradoxical. The reductive hotspot hypothesis suggests that these cells adjust their metabolism to use plasma membrane electron transport as a substitute for the mitochondrial electron transport chain in the reoxidation of reduced dinucleotides, and that, like mitochondrial electron transport, this process is imperfect and generates superoxide as a side-effect. This superoxide, generated on the outside of the cell, can potentially initiate classical free radical chemistry including lipid peroxidation chain reactions in circulating material such as lipoproteins. These, in turn, can be toxic to mitochondrially nonmutant cells that import them to satisfy their cholesterol requirements. Thus, the relatively few cells that have lost oxidative phosphorylation capacity may be toxic to the rest of the body. In this minireview, recent results relevant to this hypothesis are surveyed and approaches to intervening in the proposed process are discussed.  相似文献   

Increased extracellular generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) as a result of increasing reliance on glycolytic metabolism by old mitochondria-rich tissues has been claimed to contribute to the propagation of oxidative damage during aging (the reductive hotspot hypothesis), but the process has not been examined experimentally in old animals. Superoxide activity in the extracellular fluid of gastrocnemius muscle and markers of oxidation in blood and the liver were examined in adult and old mice at rest and following a period of demanding isometric contractions. The activity of superoxide in muscle microdialysates did not differ between adult and old mice at rest, but during contractile activity, there was a significant increase in the superoxide activity in microdialysates from adult muscle but no increase in microdialysates from old muscle. At rest, the liver of old mice contained an increased malonaldehyde content and a decreased protein thiol content in comparison with adult mice, but following the contraction protocol, only the adult mice showed significant, transient increases in the serum and liver malonaldehyde content and a decrease in liver glutathione and protein thiol content. Further studies revealed that the lack of superoxide release from contracting muscle of old mice was not due to reduced force generation by these muscles. These data provide no evidence for an increased extracellular superoxide in resting or contracting skeletal muscle of old mice, or that release of superoxide from muscle contributes to oxidation of blood components in the liver in old mice as is predicted from the reductive hotspot hypothesis.  相似文献   

Given the relative modality of single-insult models to accurately reflect Alzheimer disease pathogenesis, based on studies on mitogenic and oxidative stress signaling pathways, we proposed a two-hit hypothesis 2 years ago stating that both oxidative stress and mitogenic dysregulation are necessary and sufficient to cause the disease and suggested that it may be a common mechanism for other neurodegenerative diseases as well (X. Zhu, A.K. Raina, G. Perry, M.A. Smith, Alzheimer's disease: the two-hit hypothesis, Lancet Neurol. 3 (2004) 219-226). Recent developments in the field confirm some important predictions of the hypothesis and shed new lights on potential mechanisms regarding how steady state may be achieved in sporadic AD cases and therefore, in our opinion, strengthen the hypothesis, which will be the focus of this review.  相似文献   

The continuous evolution of mycobacterial taxonomy may represent a source of confusion for laboratories and clinicians. Apart from the obvious pathogenic strains of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex, Mycobacterium leprae and Mycobacterium ulcerans, the role of other mycobacteria may be associated with varying conditions ranging from contamination to specific disease processes. Of the more than 120 mycobacterial species recognized currently, very few have not been reported as pathogenic in humans or animals. Although the attempt to keep pace with the steadily increasing number of mycobacterial species seems hopeless, a careful review of the recent literature relevant to the newly described species may be advantageous. The aim of this present update is to provide epidemiological and clinical information along with major phenotypic and genotypic characteristics of the species described in the last 3 years.  相似文献   

The freemartin condition represents the most frequent form of intersexuality found in cattle, and occasionally other species. This review considers the current state of knowledge of freemartin biology, incidence, experimental models, diagnosis, uses for freemartins in cattle herds, occurrence in non-bovine species, effects on the male, and highlights potential new research areas. Freemartins arise when vascular connections form between the placentae of developing heterosexual twin foeti, XX/XY chimerism develops, and ultimately there is masculinisation of the female tubular reproductive tract to varying degrees. With twinning rates in Holstein cows increasing, there will be greater economic importance to establish early diagnosis of the freemartin and the detection of the less common single born freemartin. New diagnostic methods based on the detection of Y-chromosome DNA segments by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) show improved assay sensitivity and efficiency over karyotyping and clinical examination. The implications for the chimeric male animal born co-twin to the freemartin are contentious as to whether fertility is affected; if germ cell chimerism does indeed occur; and, if there are any real effects on the sex ratio of offspring produced. In beef cattle, the freemartin carcass has similar characteristics to normal herdmates. Hormonal treatment of freemartins for use as oestrous detectors has been used to obtain salvage value. The biology of freemartin sheep has recently been studied in detail, and the condition may be increasing in prevalence with the introduction of high fecundity genes into flocks. Potential new research areas are discussed, such as detection of foetal DNA in maternal circulation for prenatal diagnosis and investigation of the anti-tumour properties of Mullerian inhibiting substance (MIS). The freemartin syndrome will always be a limiting factor in cattle and to a lesser extent in sheep production systems that have the goal to produce multiple reproductively normal female offspring from a single dam without using sex predetermination.  相似文献   

The hygiene hypothesis relies on the assumption that humans have adapted to a pathogen-rich environment that no longer exists in industrialized societies. Recent advances in molecular immunology and population genetics allow deeper insight into the evolution and co-evolution of host–pathogen interactions and, therefore, into the foundations of the hygiene hypothesis.  相似文献   

Brain blood vessels, unlike most vessels elsewhere in the body, exhibit a blood-brain barrier (BBB) to certain substances, e.g. trypan blue. Under some circumstances this barrier is no longer effective and the permeability of the vessels increases. Although capillarization is much less in the brain than in many other organs, e.g. heart muscle, total cerebral blood flow per minute is enormous. Consequently, to accommodate a large blood volume with a limited capillary bed, the velocity of blood through brain vessels must be extremely fast. The hypothesis presented in this paper is that this rapid flow results in a low or negative pressure on the endothelium, and plasma and trypan blue are prevented from passing through the wall. The tight junctions of cerebral endothelial cells may be able to withstand only a limited amount of pressure on their luminal surface. If the velocity of blood in brain capillaries decreases, pressure on the endothelium should increase, and brain vessels, like blood vessels elsewhere in the body, become permeable to vital dyes. Other conditions also increase capillary permeability, e.g. acute arterial hypertension or venous congestion. Although brain vessels can adapt to a moderate, gradual change in systemic pressure, when a significant rise in cerebral arterial pressure is abrupt, the compensatory changes in the postcapillary venous bed may be inadequate and consequently intracapillary pressure and vascular permeability are increased. Venous congestion increases intracapillary pressure by restricting capillary outflow as well as by reducing velocity through capillary beds. Under such conditions increased capillary permeability may be indicated by cerebral edema, and even, on occasion, by petechial hemorrhages. In short, if the flow is fast and unimpeded the BBB will be effective; if the velocity decreases, or intracapillary pressure increases for whatever reason, the permeability of the brain endothelium will be abnormally increased.  相似文献   

The peroxisome: an update on mysteries   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Peroxisomes contribute to several crucial metabolic processes such as β-oxidation of fatty acids, biosynthesis of ether phospholipids and metabolism of reactive oxygen species, which render them indispensable to human health and development. Peroxisomes are highly dynamic organelles that rapidly assemble, multiply and degrade in response to metabolic needs. In recent years, the interest in peroxisomes and their physiological functions has significantly increased. This review intends to highlight recent discoveries and trends in peroxisome research, and represents an update as well as a continuation of a former review article. Novel exciting findings on the biological functions, biogenesis, formation and degradation of peroxisomes, on peroxisomal dynamics and division, as well as on the interaction and cross-talk of peroxisomes with other subcellular compartments are addressed. Furthermore, recent findings on the role of peroxisomes in the brain are discussed.  相似文献   

There is an urgent need for new antibacterials to target emerging multidrug-resistant bacteria. The need for such agents is rising while the efforts in antibacterial research have declined dramatically in the past few decades with the result of only four compounds belonging to new chemical classes being approved for clinical use. The main reasons that led to this critical situation are shortly described. A renewed interest in the research of new effective antimicrobials is nonetheless delivering compounds deriving mainly from modification of existing drugs, yet new chemical classes are appearing. Because many of these activities have started relatively recently, we should expect a long period before new antibiotics are added to the medical armamentarium.  相似文献   

As a result of an international collaborative effort, the first draft of the Anopheles gambiae genome sequence and its preliminary annotation were published in October 2002. Since then, the assembly, annotation and means of accession of the An. gambiae genome have been under continuous development. This article reviews progress and considers limitations in the current sequence assembly and gene annotation, as well as approaches to address these problems and outstanding issues that users of the data must bear in mind.  相似文献   

The old saying that ‘love heals'' has some truth to it. The intricate dance between two neuropeptides both regulates our ability to love and influences our health and well-being.Love is deeply biological. It pervades every aspect of our lives and has inspired countless works of art. Love also has a profound effect on our mental and physical state. A ‘broken heart'' or a failed relationship can have disastrous effects; bereavement disrupts human physiology and might even precipitate death. Without loving relationships, humans fail to flourish, even if all of their other basic needs are met.As such, love is clearly not ‘just'' an emotion; it is a biological process that is both dynamic and bidirectional in several dimensions. Social interactions between individuals, for example, trigger cognitive and physiological processes that influence emotional and mental states. In turn, these changes influence future social interactions. Similarly, the maintenance of loving relationships requires constant feedback through sensory and cognitive systems; the body seeks love and responds constantly to interaction with loved ones or to the absence of such interaction.Without loving relationships, humans fail to flourish, even if all of their other basic needs are metAlthough evidence exists for the healing power of love, it is only recently that science has turned its attention to providing a physiological explanation. The study of love, in this context, offers insight into many important topics including the biological basis of interpersonal relationships and why and how disruptions in social bonds have such pervasive consequences for behaviour and physiology. Some of the answers will be found in our growing knowledge of the neurobiological and endocrinological mechanisms of social behaviour and interpersonal engagement.Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution. Theodosius Dobzhansky''s famous dictum also holds true for explaining the evolution of love. Life on Earth is fundamentally social: the ability to interact dynamically with other living organisms to support mutual homeostasis, growth and reproduction evolved early. Social interactions are present in primitive invertebrates and even among prokaryotes: bacteria recognize and approach members of their own species. Bacteria also reproduce more successfully in the presence of their own kind and are able to form communities with physical and chemical characteristics that go far beyond the capabilities of the individual cell [1].As another example, insect species have evolved particularly complex social systems, known as ‘eusociality''. Characterized by a division of labour, eusociality seems to have evolved independently at least 11 times. Research in honey-bees indicates that a complex set of genes and their interactions regulate eusociality, and that these resulted from an “accelerated form of evolution” [2]. In other words, molecular mechanisms favouring high levels of sociality seem to be on an evolutionary fast track.The evolutionary pathways that led from reptiles to mammals allowed the emergence of the unique anatomical systems and biochemical mechanisms that enable social engagement and selectively reciprocal sociality. Reptiles show minimal parental investment in offspring and form non-selective relationships between individuals. Pet owners might become emotionally attached to their turtle or snake, but this relationship is not reciprocal. By contrast, many mammals show intense parental investment in offspring and form lasting bonds with the offspring. Several mammalian species—including humans, wolves and prairie voles—also develop long-lasting, reciprocal and selective relationships between adults, with several features of what humans experience as ‘love''. In turn, these reciprocal interactions trigger dynamic feedback mechanisms that foster growth and health.Of course, human love is more complex than simple feedback mechanisms. Love might create its own reality. The biology of love originates in the primitive parts of the brain—the emotional core of the human nervous system—that evolved long before the cerebral cortex. The brain of a human ‘in love'' is flooded with sensations, often transmitted by the vagus nerve, creating much of what we experience as emotion. The modern cortex struggles to interpret the primal messages of love, and weaves a narrative around incoming visceral experiences, potentially reacting to that narrative rather than reality.

Science & Society Series on Sex and Science

Sex is the greatest invention of all time: not only has sexual reproduction facilitated the evolution of higher life forms, it has had a profound influence on human history, culture and society. This series explores our attempts to understand the influence of sex in the natural world, and the biological, medical and cultural aspects of sexual reproduction, gender and sexual pleasure.It also is helpful to realize that mammalian social behaviour is supported by biological components that were repurposed or co-opted over the course of mammalian evolution, eventually allowing lasting relationships between adults. One element that repeatedly features in the biochemistry of love is the neuropeptide oxytocin. In large mammals, oxytocin adopts a central role in reproduction by helping to expel the big-brained baby from the uterus, ejecting milk and sealing a selective and lasting bond between mother and offspring [3]. Mammalian offspring crucially depend on their mother''s milk for some time after birth. Human mothers also form a strong and lasting bond with their newborns immediately after birth, in a time period that is essential for the nourishment and survival of the baby. However, women who give birth by caesarean section without going through labour, or who opt not to breast-feed, still form a strong emotional bond with their children. Furthermore, fathers, grandparents and adoptive parents also form lifelong attachments to children. Preliminary evidence suggests that simply the presence of an infant releases oxytocin in adults [4,5]. The baby virtually ‘forces'' us to love it (Fig 1).Open in a separate windowFigure 1As a one-year-old Mandrill infant solicits attention, she gains eye contact with her mother. © 2012 Jessie Williams.Emotional bonds can also form during periods of extreme duress, especially when the survival of one individual depends on the presence and support of another. There is also evidence that oxytocin is released in response to acutely stressful experiences, possibly serving as hormonal ‘insurance'' against overwhelming stress. Oxytocin might help to assure that parents and others will engage with and care for infants, to stabilize loving relationships and to ensure that, in times of need, we will seek and receive support from others.The case for a major role for oxytocin in love is strong, but until recently has been based largely on extrapolation from research on parental behaviour [4] or social behaviours in animals [5,6]. However, human experiments have shown that intranasal delivery of oxytocin can facilitate social behaviours, including eye contact and social cognition [7]—behaviours that are at the heart of love.Of course, oxytocin is not the molecular equivalent of love. It is just one important component of a complex neurochemical system that allows the body to adapt to highly emotive situations. The systems necessary for reciprocal social interactions involve extensive neural networks through the brain and autonomic nervous system that are dynamic and constantly changing during the lifespan of an individual. We also know that the properties of oxytocin are not predetermined or fixed. Oxytocin''s cellular receptors are regulated by other hormones and epigenetic factors. These receptors change and adapt on the basis of life experiences. Both oxytocin and the experience of love change over time. In spite of limitations, new knowledge of the properties of oxytocin has proven useful in explaining several enigmatic features of love.To dissect the anatomy and chemistry of love, scientists needed a biological equivalent of the Rosetta stone. Just as the actual stone helped linguists to decipher an archaic language by comparison to a known one, animal models are helping biologists draw parallels between ancient physiology and contemporary behaviours. Studies of socially monogamous mammals that form long-lasting social bonds, such as prairie voles, are helping scientists to understand the biology of human social behaviour.The modern cortex struggles to interpret the primal messages of love, and weaves a narrative around incoming visceral experiences, potentially reacting to that narrative rather than realityResearch in voles indicates that, as in humans, oxytocin has a major role in social interactions and parental behaviour [5,6,8]. Of course, oxytocin does not act alone. Its release and actions depend on many other neurochemicals, including endogenous opioids and dopamine [9]. Particularly important to social bonding are the interactions between oxytocin and a related peptide, vasopressin. The systems regulated by oxytocin and vasopressin are sometimes redundant. Both peptides are implicated in behaviours that require social engagement by either males or females, such as huddling over an infant [5]. It was necessary in voles, for example, to block both oxytocin and vasopressin receptors to induce a significant reduction in social engagement either among adults or between adults and infants. Blocking only one of these two receptors did not eliminate social approach or contact. However, antagonists for either the oxytocin or vasopressin receptor inhibited the selective sociality, which is essential for the expression of a social bond [10,11]. If we accept selective social bonds, parenting and mate protection as proxies for love in humans, research in animals supports the hypothesis that oxytocin and vasopressin interact to allow the dynamic behavioural states and behaviours necessary for love.Oxytocin and vasopressin have shared functions, but they are not identical in their actions. The specific behavioural roles of oxytocin and vasopressin are especially difficult to untangle because they are components of an integrated neural network with many points of intersection. Moreover, the genes that regulate the production of oxytocin and vasopressin are located on the same chromosome, possibly allowing a co-ordinated synthesis or release of these peptides. Both peptides can bind to, and have, antagonist or agonist effects on each other''s receptors. Furthermore, the pathways necessary for reciprocal social behaviour are constantly adapting: these peptides and the systems that they regulate are always in flux.In spite of these difficulties, some of the functions of oxytocin and vasopressin have been identified. Vasopressin is associated with physical and emotional mobilization, and supports vigilance and behaviours needed for guarding a partner or territory [6], as well as other forms of adaptive self-defence [12]. Vasopressin might also protect against ‘shutting down'' physiologically in the face of danger. In many mammalian species, mothers behave agonistically in defence of their young, possibly through the interactive actions of vasopressin and oxytocin [13]. Before mating, prairie voles are generally social, even towards strangers. However, within approximately one day of mating, they begin to show high levels of aggression towards intruders [14], possibly serving to protect or guard a mate, family or territory. This mating-induced aggression is especially obvious in males.By contrast, oxytocin is associated with immobility without fear. This includes relaxed physiological states and postures that allow birth, lactation and consensual sexual behaviour. Although not essential for parenting, the increase of oxytocin associated with birth and lactation might make it easier for a woman to be less anxious around her newborn and to experience and express loving feelings for her child [15]. In highly social species such as prairie voles, and presumably in humans, the intricate molecular dances of oxytocin and vasopressin fine-tune the coexistence of care-taking and protective aggression.The biology of fatherhood is less well studied. However, male care of offspring also seems to rely on both oxytocin and vasopressin [5]; even sexually naive male prairie voles show spontaneous parental behaviour in the presence of an infant [14]. However, the stimuli from infants or the nature of the social interactions that release oxytocin and vasopressin might differ between the sexes [4].Parental care and support in a safe environment are particularly important for mental health in social mammals, including humans and prairie voles. Studies of rodents and lactating women suggest that oxytocin has the capacity to modulate the behavioural and autonomic distress that typically follows separation from a mother, child or partner, reducing defensive behaviours and thereby supporting growth and health [6].During early life in particular, trauma or neglect might produce behaviours and emotional states in humans that are socially pathological. As the processes involved in creating social behaviours and social emotions are delicately balanced, they might be triggered in inappropriate contexts, leading to aggression towards friends or family. Alternatively, bonds might be formed with prospective partners who fail to provide social support or protection.Males seem to be especially vulnerable to the negative effects of early experiences, possibly explaining their increased sensitivity to developmental disorders. Autism spectrum disorders, for example, defined in part by atypical social behaviours, are estimated to be three to ten times more common in males than females. The implication of sex differences in the nervous system, and in response to stressful experiences for social behaviour, is only slowly becoming apparent [8]. Both males and females produce vasopressin and oxytocin and are capable of responding to both hormones. However, in brain regions that are involved in defensive aggression, such as the extended amygdala and lateral septum, the production of vasopressin is androgen-dependent. Thus, in the face of a threat, males might experience higher central levels of vasopressin.In highly social species […] the intricate molecular dances of oxytocin and vasopressin fine-tune the coexistence of care-taking and protective aggressionOxytocin and vasopressin pathways, including the peptides and their receptors, are regulated by coordinated genetic, hormonal and epigenetic factors that influence the adaptive and behavioural functions of these peptides across the animal''s lifespan. As a result, the endocrine and behavioural consequences of stress or a challenge might be different for males and females [16]. When unpaired prairie voles were exposed to an intense but brief stressor, such as a few minutes of swimming or injection of the adrenal hormone corticosterone, the males (but not females) quickly formed new pair bonds. These and other experiments suggest that males and females have different coping strategies, and possibly experience both stressful experiences and even love in ways that are gender-specific.Love is an epigenetic phenomenon: social behaviours, emotional attachment to others and long-lasting reciprocal relationships are plastic and adaptive and so is the biology on which they are based. Because of this and the influence on parental behaviour and physiology, the impact of an early experience can pass to the next generation [17]. Infants of traumatized or highly stressed parents might be chronically exposed to vasopressin, either through their own increased production of the peptide, or through higher levels of vasopressin in maternal milk. Such increased exposure could sensitize the infant to defensive behaviours or create a life-long tendency to overreact to threat. On the basis of research in rats, it seems, that in response to adverse early experiences or chronic isolation, the genes for vasopressin receptors can become upregulated [18], leading to an increased sensitivity to acute stressors or anxiety that might persist throughout life.…oxytocin exposure early in life not only regulates our ability to love and form social bonds, it also has an impact on our health and well-beingEpigenetic programming triggered by early life experiences is adaptive in allowing neuroendocrine systems to project and plan for future behavioural demands. However, epigenetic changes that are long-lasting can also create atypical social or emotional behaviours [17] that might be more likely to surface in later life, and in the face of social or emotional challenges. Exposure to exogenous hormones in early life might also be epigenetic. Prairie voles, for example, treated with vasopressin post-natally were more aggressive later in life, whereas those exposed to a vasopressin antagonist showed less aggression in adulthood. Conversely, the exposure of infants to slightly increased levels of oxytocin during development increased the tendency to show a pair bond in voles. However, these studies also showed that a single exposure to a higher level of oxytocin in early life could disrupt the later capacity to pair bond [8]. There is little doubt that either early social experiences or the effects of developmental exposure to these neuropeptides can potentially have long-lasting effects on behaviour. Both parental care and exposure to oxytocin in early life can permanently modify hormonal systems, altering the capacity to form relationships and influence the expression of love across the lifespan. Our preliminary findings in voles suggest further that early life experience affects the methylation of the oxytocin receptor gene and its expression [19]. Thus, we can plausibly argue that “love is epigenetic.”Given the power of positive social experiences, it is not surprising that a lack of social relationships might also lead to alterations in behaviour and concurrently changes in oxytocin and vasopressin pathways. We have found that social isolation reduced the expression of the gene for the oxytocin receptor, and at the same time increased the expression of genes for the vasopressin peptide (H.P. Nazarloo and C.S. Carter, unpublished data). In female prairie voles, isolation was also accompanied by an increase in blood levels of oxytocin, possibly as a coping mechanism. However, over time, isolated prairie voles of both sexes showed increases in measures of depression, anxiety and physiological arousal, and these changes were seen even when endogenous oxytocin was elevated. Thus, even the hormonal insurance provided by endogenous oxytocin in the face of the chronic stress of isolation was not sufficient to dampen the consequences of living alone. Predictably, when isolated voles were given additional exogenous oxytocin this treatment restored many of these functions to normal [20].On the basis of such encouraging findings, dozens of ongoing clinical trials are attempting to examine the therapeutic potential of oxytocin in disorders ranging from autism to heart disease (Clinicaltrials.gov). Of course, as in voles, the effects are likely to depend on the history of the individual and the context, and to be dose-dependent. With power comes responsibility, and the power of oxytocin needs to be respected.Although research has only begun to examine the physiological effects of these peptides beyond social behaviour, there is a wealth of new evidence indicating that oxytocin influences physiological responses to stress and injury. Thus, oxytocin exposure early in life not only regulates our ability to love and form social bonds, it also has an impact on our health and well-being. Oxytocin modulates the hypothalamic–pituitary adrenal (HPA) axis, especially in response to disruptions in homeostasis [6], and coordinates demands on the immune system and energy balance. Long-term secure relationships provide emotional support and downregulate reactivity of the HPA axis, whereas intense stressors, including birth, trigger activation of the HPA axis and sympathetic nervous system. The ability of oxytocin to regulate these systems probably explains the exceptional capacity of most women to cope with the challenges of child-birth and child-rearing. The same molecules that allow us to give and receive love, also link our need for others with health and well-being.The protective effects of positive sociality seem to rely on the same cocktail of hormones that carry a biological message of ‘love'' throughout the bodyOf course, love is not without danger. The behaviours and strong emotions triggered by love might leave us vulnerable. Failed relationships can have devastating, even deadly, effects. In ‘modern'' societies humans can survive, at least after childhood, with little or no human contact. Communication technology, social media, electronic parenting and many other technological advances of the past century might place both children and adults at risk for social isolation and disorders of the autonomic nervous system, including deficits in their capacity for social engagement and love [21].Social engagement actually helps us to cope with stress. The same hormones and areas of the brain that increase the capacity of the body to survive stress also enable us to better adapt to an ever-changing social and physical environment. Individuals with strong emotional support and relationships are more resilient in the face of stressors than those who feel isolated or lonely. Lesions in bodily tissues, including the brain, heal more quickly in animals that are living socially compared with those in isolation [22]. The protective effects of positive sociality seem to rely on the same cocktail of hormones that carry a biological message of ‘love'' throughout the body.As only one example, the molecules associated with love have restorative properties, including the ability to literally heal a ‘broken heart''. Oxytocin receptors are expressed in the heart, and precursors for oxytocin seem to be crucial for the development of the fetal heart [23]. Oxytocin exerts protective and restorative effects in part through its capacity to convert undifferentiated stem cells into cardiomyocytes. Oxytocin can facilitate adult neurogenesis and tissue repair, especially after a stressful experience. We know that oxytocin has direct anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties in in vitro models of atherosclerosis [24]. The heart seems to rely on oxytocin as part of a normal process of protection and self-healing.A life without love is not a life fully lived. Although research into mechanisms through which love protects us against stress and disease is in its infancy, this knowledge will ultimately increase our understanding of the way that our emotions have an impact on health and disease. We have much to learn about love and much to learn from love.? Open in a separate windowC Sue CarterOpen in a separate windowStephen W Porges  相似文献   

Ivermectin: an update   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Ivermecan was introduced as an antiparasitic agent in 1981. It is now registered for animal-health use in 35 countries and is being evaluated for possible use in man. This review summarises its antiparasitic efficacy and apparent mode of action. Additional information is given in previous review articles.  相似文献   

The 8th International Symposium on Yersinia was held in Turku, Finland, 4–8 September 2002.  相似文献   

Clonorchiasis: an update   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
Clonorchis sinensis, the Chinese or oriental liver fluke, is an important human parasite and is widely distributed in southern Korea, China (including Taiwan), Japan, northern Vietnam and the far eastern part of Russia. Clonorchiasis occurs in all parts of the world where there are Asian immigrants from endemic areas. The human and animal reservoir hosts (dogs, pigs, cats and rats) acquire the infection from the ingestion of raw fish containing infectious metacercariae. The first intermediate snail hosts are mainly species of Parafossarulus and Bithynia. Numerous species of freshwater fish serve as the second intermediate hosts of C. sinensis. Extensive studies of clonorchiasis during several decades in Japan, Korea, China and other countries have shown much progress in proving its morphological features including ultrastructure, biology, pathogenesis, epidemiology, clinical manifestations and chemotherapy. The present review deals with mainly current results obtained on the epidemiological, pathological and clinical aspects, as well as control measures in endemic areas. As for the complications of clonorchiasis, formation of calculi in the intrahepatic biliary passages is one of the most characteristic pathological features. It is sometimes accompanied by suppurative cholangitis, cholecystitis, cholangiohepatitis and ultimately can cause cholangiocarcinoma. Experimental results on the relationship to the occurrence of cholangiocarcinoma are presented. Clinical diagnosis by radiological findings including cholangiography, sonography and computerized tomography as well as magnetic resonance imaging for biliary or pancreatic ducts are outlined. Current studies on immunology and molecular biology of C. sinensis were introduced. Praziquantel is the drug of choice for clonorchiasis. The most effective regimen is 25 mg kg(-1) three times daily (total dose, 75 mg kg(-1)) administered orally at 5- to 6-h intervals over a single day. Prevention and control measures are also discussed.  相似文献   

The scanning model for translation: an update   总被引:452,自引:28,他引:452       下载免费PDF全文
The small (40S) subunit of eukaryotic ribosomes is believed to bind initially at the capped 5'-end of messenger RNA and then migrate, stopping at the first AUG codon in a favorable context for initiating translation. The first-AUG rule is not absolute, but there are rules for breaking the rule. Some anomalous observations that seemed to contradict the scanning mechanism now appear to be artifacts. A few genuine anomalies remain unexplained.  相似文献   

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