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The recently identified nidogen-2 is a matrix protein showing homology to the well-known basement membrane molecule nidogen-1. Nidogen-1 might well serve as a link between laminin-1 and collagen type IV and thus stabilise certain basement membranes in vivo and play a major role in embryogenesis. However, the exact tissue distribution of nidogen-1 and nidogen-2 during human embryogenesis is still unclear. As a first step towards the elucidation of their possible cell biological functions during human development, we compared the distribution of both nidogens during human organogenesis at the light microscope level. Nidogen-2 and nidogen-1 were found to be ubiquitous components of basement membrane zones underneath developing epithelia of most of the major organ systems. However, in the developing intestine and the pancreas anlage, only nidogen-1 was present in the epithelial basement membrane zones of all developmental stages investigated. Our data suggest that nidogen-2 and nidogen-1, as is known for mouse development, could well participate in cell biological functions during human development. These two proteins might well be able to fulfil identical functions during human organogenesis.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that inhibition of nidogen-laminin binding interferes with basement membrane stabilization in various mouse organ cultures while no overt phenotype has been observed following inactivation of the nidogen-1 gene in mice. We have now used recombinant mouse nidogen-1 and nidogen-2 in order to evaluate a possible compensation between the two isoforms in the knock-out mice. Essentially, a comparable in vitro binding of nidogens-1 and -2 to the same laminin gamma1 chain structure and to several other basement membrane proteins has been revealed. Quantitative radioimmuno-assays have demonstrated high concentrations of nidogen-1 exceeding those of laminin gamma1 and nidogen-2 by factors of 5 and 20-50, respectively, in tissue extracts of wild-type mice. A three- to sevenfold increase in nidogen-2 was observed in heart and muscle of mice with nidogen-1 deficiency and confirmed by a similar increase in the intensity of immunogold staining of these tissues. However, a few of the tissues from mice with the gene knock-out still contained some nidogen-1-like immunoreactivity (1% of wild-type). Furthermore, both nidogen isoforms showed a similar distribution in various organs during embryonic development which, however, as shown previously, changed in some adult tissues. The data support the nidogen-2 compensation hypothesis to explain the limited phenotype observed following elimination of the nidogen-1 gene.  相似文献   

Nidogen-1, a key component of basement membranes, is considered to function as a link between laminin and collagen type IV networks. Recently a new member of the nidogen family, nidogen-2, has been characterized. Preliminary immunohistochemical data indicated that nidogen-1 and nidogen-2 show a similar tissue distribution at the light microscopic level. We have now localized nidogen-1 and nidogen-2, as well as their corresponding mRNAs, at the light and electron microscopic levels in adult mouse kidney, by in situ hybridization and immunogold histochemistry, as well as carrying out double labeling with laminin-1. Both nidogen-1 and nidogen-2 mRNAs are found not only in mesenchymal cells of embryonic tissues, but also in all epithelial and endothelial cells in adult mouse kidney. Both nidogens are ubiquitous basement membrane components in the mouse kidney, being found in glomerular, tubular, and capillary compartments and Bowman’s capsule. Furthermore, a substantial fraction of nidogen-1 and nidogen-2 colocalizes with laminin-1. The results indicate that nidogen-1 and nidogen-2 could well substitute for one another in some of their biological activities in kidney, for example, stabilizing basement membrane networks in vivo. Accepted: 8 December 1999  相似文献   

ProSAAS (encoded by mouse gene Pcsk1n) is a recently described neuroendocrine secretory pathway protein that is cleaved into smaller peptides that may function in cell-cell signalling. ProSAAS and its processing intermediates are also potent inhibitors of prohormone convertase 1 (PC1), which is encoded by mouse gene Pcsk1. In order to gain insight into the function of proSAAS, we have examined the distribution of several proSAAS-derived peptides and PC1 by immunohistochemistry throughout mouse development. The distribution patterns of both SAAS and PC1 are broad from E9 to E11, with some enrichment in neural tube-derived tissues. By E15, the expression of SAAS is largely restricted to neuroendocrine tissues known to produce bioactive peptides. In general, the expression pattern of PC1 overlaps with that of SAAS and other proSAAS-derived peptides, consistent with the hypothesis that proSAAS functions as an endogenous PC1 inhibitor.  相似文献   

Induction of hematopoiesis in an embryonic germ (EG) cell line derived from mouse primordial germ cells (PGCs) was examined. When single undifferentiated EG-1 cells were inoculated directly into the methylcellulose medium, both primitive and definitive erythropoiesis were seen in embryoid bodies derived from the EG cells as observed in ES cells, and production of myeloid cell lineages was stimulated by IL-3. These results indicate that EG cells acquired in vitro potency to differentiate toward hematopoietic cells, although they were derived from PGC and are distinct from inner cell mass-derived ES cells with regard to gene expression and patterns of DNA methylation corresponding to genomic imprinting. It turns out that they are useful for study of cell differentiation in the animals whose ES cells are not available.  相似文献   

We studied the time course of appearance of CFUs (7-8 days old) in embryos of (C57B1/6 x CBA)F1 mice from the 8th day of embryonic development. Significant amounts of CFUs could be detected from the 10th day of development, initially in the body of the embryo from the stage of 30-33 pairs of somites, then in the yolk sac and still later, from the stage of about 40 pairs of somites, in liver anlage. CFUs could not be reliably detected until the 9th day of development either in the embryo itself or in the yolk sac. However, after incubation of nine day old embryos for four days in organ culture, such cultures contained CFUs. CFUs could be found in significant levels in embryos explanted from the embryos at the stage no earlier than 24 pairs of somites. When the yolk sac and the embryo were cultivated separately, CFUs could also be detected, however, the removal of liver primordium from the embryo did not influence the amount of CFUs in its body. CFUs were not found in cultures of liver primordium from nine day old embryos. Thus, we can detect pre-CFUs in 9 day old embryos at the stage 25-28 pairs of somites using the system of organ culture; at the same time CFUs cannot be found in intact embryos of the same age. These data provide evidence that before the establishment of liver hemopoiesis precursors of CFUs are located both in the yolk sac and in the embryo outside rudimentary liver. However, our results do not provide any data for the conclusion about the primary source of pre-CFUs in the mouse embryo.  相似文献   

Liver tubulin was analyzed and characterized during the development of the mouse, from embryonic stages to adult. Separation and identification of isotubulins were achieved by isoelectric focusing, two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and peptide mapping. Liver tubulin is a heterogeneous population composed of 7 isoforms, 4 α and 3 β. By comparison with the events occurring at the tubulin level during brain development, we observed that 1) tubulin heterogeneity is less important in liver than in brain 2) no appearance of new isotubulins takes place during development 3) the only developmental change detectable in our gels is an accumulation of an α tubulin subunit which is absent from brain isotubulin population. The relationship between this α isotubulin accumulation and liver secretion during development is discussed.  相似文献   

Nidogens are two ubiquitous basement membrane proteins produced mainly by mesenchymal cells. Nidogen-mediated interactions, in particular with laminin, collagen IV, and perlecan have been considered important in the formation and maintenance of the basement membrane. However, whereas mice lacking both nidogen isoforms or carrying mutations in the high affinity nidogen-binding site upon the laminin gamma1 chain have specific basement membrane defects in certain organs, particularly in the lung, characterization of these mice has also shown that basement membrane formation per se does not need nidogens or the laminin-nidogen interaction. Limb development requires the complex interplay of numerous growth factors whose expression is dependent upon the apical ectodermal ridge. Here, we show that lack of nidogen-1 and -2 results in a specific and time-limited failure in the ectodermal basement membrane of the limb bud. The absence of this basement membrane leads to aberrant apical ectodermal ridge formation. It also causes altered distribution of growth factors, such as fibroblast growth factors and leads to a fully penetrant soft tissue syndactyly caused by the dysregulation of interdigital apoptosis. Further, in certain animals more severe changes in bone formation occur, providing evidence for the interplay between growth factors and the extracellular matrix.  相似文献   

Haemopoiesis in mammals takes place in yolk-sac and in mouse it can be detected on the 7th day of gestation. Erythropoietin (EPO) responsive cells can be detected from 7th day onwards. However, the cells committed to the myeloid lineage which can respond to the haemopoietic growth factor (viz. granulocyte macrophage colony stimulating factor; GM-CSF) can be demonstrated only on 10th day of gestation. At the same time, the 12-day spleen colony forming cells i.e. the late colony forming unit spleen (CFU-s) which are multipotent stem cells can also be detected. Data suggest that the stem cells seen in the embryo from 7-10 days of gestation may be a primitive population confined only to the yolk-sac. Liver haemopoiesis which begins in the liver of 13-day embryos is due to primitive haemopoietic pluripotent stem cells, arising de novo in the embryo and not in the yolk-sac, since no primitive pluripotent stem cells capable of repopulating lethally irradiated bone-marrow can be detected in the yolk-sac.  相似文献   

The basement membrane protein, nidogen-1, was previously shown to consist of three globular domains, G1 to G3, and two connecting segments. Nidogen-1 is a major mediator in the formation of ternary complexes with laminins, collagen IV, perlecan and fibulins. In the present study, we have produced recombinant proteins of these predicted domains in mammalian cells and used these proteins for crystallographic and binding epitope analyses. These fragments included G1, G2, the rod domain and a slightly larger G3 structure; all were obtained in good yields and were shown to be properly folded using electron microscopy. Surface plasmon resonance assays demonstrated high affinity binding (Kd = 3-9 nM) of domain G2 for collagen IV, perlecan domain IV-1 and fibulin-2, and a more moderate Kd for fibulin-1C. Domain G3 contained high affinity binding sites for the laminin gamma1 chain and collagen IV (Kd = 1 nM) and weaker binding sites for fibulin-1C and fibulin-2. A moderate binding affinity was also observed between domain G1 and fibulin-2, while no activity could be detected for the nidogen rod domain. Together, these data indicate the potential of nidogen-1 for multiple interactions within basement membranes. A similar binding repertoire was also identified for seven rat monoclonal antibodies that bound with Kd = 2-30 nM to either G1, G1-G2, G2, the rod domain or G3. Three of the antibodies showed strongly reduced binding to G2 and G3 after complex formation with either a perlecan domain or laminin-1.  相似文献   

Nidogens are highly conserved proteins in vertebrates and invertebrates and are found in almost all basement membranes. According to the classical hypothesis of basement membrane organization, nidogens connect the laminin and collagen IV networks, so stabilizing the basement membrane, and integrate other proteins. In mammals two nidogen proteins, nidogen-1 and nidogen-2, have been discovered. Nidogen-2 is typically enriched in endothelial basement membranes, whereas nidogen-1 shows broader localization in most basement membranes. Surprisingly, analysis of nidogen-1 gene knockout mice presented evidence that nidogen-1 is not essential for basement membrane formation and may be compensated for by nidogen-2. In order to assess the structure and in vivo function of the nidogen-2 gene in mice, we cloned the gene and determined its structure and chromosomal location. Next we analyzed mice carrying an insertional mutation in the nidogen-2 gene that was generated by the secretory gene trap approach. Our molecular and biochemical characterization identified the mutation as a phenotypic null allele. Nidogen-2-deficient mice show no overt abnormalities and are fertile, and basement membranes appear normal by ultrastructural analysis and immunostaining. Nidogen-2 deficiency does not lead to hemorrhages in mice as one may have expected. Our results show that nidogen-2 is not essential for basement membrane formation or maintenance.  相似文献   

Tankyrases are proteins with poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase activity. Human tankyrases post-translationally modify multiple proteins involved in processes including maintenance of telomere length, sister telomere association, and trafficking of glut4-containing vesicles. To date, however, little is known about in vivo functions for tankyrases. We recently reported that body size was significantly reduced in mice deficient for tankyrase 2, but that these mice otherwise appeared developmentally normal. In the present study, we report generation of tankyrase 1-deficient and tankyrase 1 and 2 double-deficient mice, and use of these mutant strains to systematically assess candidate functions of tankyrase 1 and tankyrase 2 in vivo. No defects were observed in development, telomere length maintenance, or cell cycle regulation in tankyrase 1 or tankyrase 2 knockout mice. In contrast to viability and normal development of mice singly deficient in either tankyrase, deficiency in both tankyrase 1 and tankyrase 2 results in embryonic lethality by day 10, indicating that there is substantial redundancy between tankyrase 1 and tankyrase 2, but that tankyrase function is essential for embryonic development.  相似文献   

Pattern of expression of HtrA1 during mouse development.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The human HtrA family of proteases consists of four members: HtrA1, HtrA2, HtrA3, and HtrA4. In humans the four HtrA homologues appear to be involved in several important functions such as cell growth, apoptosis, and inflammatory reactions, and they control cell fate via regulated protein metabolism. In previous studies it was shown that the expression of HtrA1 was ubiquitous in normal adult human tissues. Here we examined the expression of HtrA1 protein and its corresponding mRNA during mouse embryogenesis using Northern blotting hybridization, RT-PCR, and immunohistochemical staining analyses. Our results indicate that HtrA1 is expressed in a variety of tissues in mouse embryos. Furthermore, this expression is regulated in a spatial and temporal manner. Relatively low levels of HtrA1 mRNA are detected in embryos at the beginning of organogenesis (E8), and the levels of expression increase during late organogenesis (E14-E19). Our results show that HtrA1 was expressed during embryonic development in specific areas where signaling by TGFbeta family proteins plays important regulatory roles. The expression of HtrA1, documented both at mRNA and protein levels by RT-PCR and immunohistochemistry in the developing nervous system, is consistent with a possible role of this protein both in dividing and postmitotic neurons, possibly via its documented inhibitory effects on TGFbeta proteins. An exhaustive knowledge of the different cell- and tissue-specific patterns of expression of HtrA1 in normal mouse embryos is essential for a critical evaluation of the exact role played by this protein during development.  相似文献   

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