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The viscometric constants a and Km in the Mark-Houwink equation have been determined for chitosan in 0.1 m acetic acid 0.2 m sodium chloride solution, using the approach of Sharples and Major. The number-average molecular weights were determined by absorbance measurements on solutions of the phenylosazone derivatives. The values obtained a = 0.93, Km = 1.81 × 10?3 cm3 g1 differ considerably from those reported previously by Lee but are in agreement with values found for other ionic polysaccharides having related β-(1 → 4)-linked structures.  相似文献   

Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and the periplasmic protein, LptA, are two essential components of Gram‐negative bacteria. LPS, also known as endotoxin, is found asymmetrically distributed in the outer leaflet of the outer membrane of Gram‐negative bacteria such as Escherichia coli and plays a role in the organism's natural defense in adverse environmental conditions. LptA is a member of the lipopolysaccharide transport protein (Lpt) family, which also includes LptC, LptDE, and LptBFG2, that functions to transport LPS through the periplasm to the outer leaflet of the outer membrane after MsbA flips LPS across the inner membrane. It is hypothesized that LPS binds to LptA to cross the periplasm and that the acyl chains of LPS bind to the central pocket of LptA. The studies described here are the first to comprehensively characterize and quantitate the binding of LPS by LptA. Using site‐directed spin‐labeling electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy, data were collected for 15 spin‐labeled residues in and around the proposed LPS binding pocket on LptA to observe the mobility changes caused by the presence of exogenous LPS and identify the binding location of LPS to LptA. The EPR data obtained suggest a 1:1 ratio for the LPS:LptA complex and allow the first calculation of dissociation constants for the LptA–LPS interaction. The results indicate that the entire protein is affected by LPS binding, the N‐terminus unfolds in the presence of LPS, and a mutant LptA protein unable to form oligomers has an altered affinity for LPS.  相似文献   

Kahle C  Holzgrabe U 《Chirality》2004,16(8):509-515
Cyclodextrins are well known for their ability to separate enantiomers of drugs, natural products, and other chiral substances using HPLC, GC, or CE. The resolution of the enantiomers is due to the formation of diastereomeric complexes between the cyclodextrin and the pairs of enantiomers. The aim of this study was to determine the binding constants of the complexes between alpha- and beta-cyclodextrin and the enantiomers of a series of aliphatic and aromatic amino acids, and dipeptides, using a potentiometric titration method. The results of this method are compared to other methods, and correlated to findings in cyclodextrin-modified capillary electrophoresis and possible complex structures. Potentiometric titration was found to be an appropriate tool to determine the binding constants of cyclodextrin inclusion complexes.  相似文献   

Several serological methods have been used for the characterization and identification of soybean bradyrhizobia. However, some problem were non-reactivity of certain strains and cross-reactivity among others. Since lipopolysaccharide (LPS) can often be used in strain identification, the objective was to investigate the antigenic properties and polyacrylamide gel electrophoretic pattern of 12 Brazilian strains of Bradyrhizobium japonicum that nodulate soybean and to compare them to standard strains. The close correlation between the LPS patterns obtained by SDS-PAGE and the serological analysis permitted us to assign the strains to nine groups different or the same as the standard strains.  相似文献   

The CBP (CREB (cAMP responsive element binding protein) binding protein) bromodomain (BRD) could recognize and bind with acetyl K382 of human tumor suppressor protein p53 which the mutation of encoding gene might cause human cancers. CBP-BRD serves as a promising drug target for several disease pathways and a series of effective drug have been discovered. In this study, molecular dynamics (MD) simulations and molecular mechanics generalized born surface area (MM-GB/SA) approaches were performed to investigate the different binding modes between five inhibitors with CBP-BRD. Based on the energy and conformation analyses, a potent core fragment is chosen to act as the starting point for new inhibitor design by means of LUDI and rational drug design approaches. Then, T.E.S.T and molinspirition were applied to evaluate oral bioavailability and drug promiscuity of the new molecules. These results shed light on the idea for further inhibitor design.  相似文献   

Lipopolysaccharide (LPS, endotoxin) is the major component of the outer leaflet of the outer membrane of Gram‐negative bacteria such as Escherichia coli and Salmonella typhimurium. LPS is a large lipid containing several acyl chains as its hydrophobic base and numerous sugars as its hydrophilic core and O‐antigen domains, and is an essential element of the organisms' natural defenses in adverse environmental conditions. LptC is one of seven members of the lipopolysaccharide transport (Lpt) protein family that functions to transport LPS from the inner membrane (IM) to the outer leaflet of the outer membrane of the bacterium. LptC is anchored to the IM and associated with the IM LptFGB2 complex. It is hypothesized that LPS binds to LptC at the IM, transfers to LptA to cross the periplasm, and is inserted by LptDE into the outer leaflet of the outer membrane. The studies described here comprehensively characterize and quantitate the binding of LPS to LptC. Site‐directed spin labeling electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy was utilized to characterize the LptC dimer in solution and monitor spin label mobility changes at 10 sites across the protein upon addition of exogenous LPS. The results indicate that soluble LptC forms concentration‐independent N‐terminal dimers in solution, LptA binding does not change the conformation of the LptC dimer nor appreciably disrupt the LptC dimer in vitro, and LPS binding affects the entire LptC protein, with the center and C‐terminal regions showing a greater affinity for LPS than the N‐terminal domain, which has similar dissociation constants to LptA.  相似文献   

The interactions of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) with the natural polycation chitosan and its derivatives--high molecular weight chitosans (80 kD) with different degree of acetylation, low molecular weight chitosan (15 kD), acylated oligochitosan (5.5 kD) and chitooligosaccharides (biose, triose, and tetraose)--were studied using ligand-enzyme solid-phase assay. The LPS-binding activity of chitosans (80 kD) decreased with increase in acetylation degree. Affinity of LPS interaction with chitosans increased after introduction of a fatty acid residue at the reducing end of chitosan. Activity of N-monoacylated chitooligosaccharides decreased in the order: oligochitosan --> tetra- > tri- --> disaccharides. The three-dimensional structures of complexes of R-LPS and chitosans with different degree of acetylation, chitooligosaccharides, and their N-monoacylated derivatives were generated by molecular modeling. The number of bonds stabilizing the complexes and the energy of LPS binding with chitosans decreased with increase in acetate group content in chitosans and resulted in changing of binding sites. It was shown that binding sites of chitooligosaccharides on R-LPS overlapped and chitooligosaccharide binding energies increased with increase in number of monosaccharide residues in chitosan molecules. The input of the hydrophobic fragment in complex formation energy is most prominent for complexes in water phase and is due to the hydrophobic interaction of chitooligosaccharide acyl fragment with fatty acid residues of LPS.  相似文献   

The complex biology of Gram-negative bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS) is central to the acute inflammatory response in sepsis and related diseases. Repeated treatment with LPS can lead to desensitization or enhancement of subsequent responses both in vitro and in vivo (a phenomenon known as preconditioning). Previous computational studies have demonstrated a role for anti-inflammatory influences in this process (J. Day, J. Rubin, Y. Vodovotz, C.C. Chow, A. Reynolds, G. Clermont, A reduced mathematical model of the acute inflammatory response: II. Capturing scenarios of repeated endotoxin administration. J. Theor. Biol. 242 (2006) 237). Since LPS signals via Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4), we created a simple mathematical model in order to address the role of this receptor in both the normal and preconditioned response to LPS. We created a non-linear system of ordinary differential equations, consisting of free LPS, free TLR4, bound complex LPS-TLR4, and an intracellular signaling cascade (lumped into a single variable). We simulate the effects of preconditioning by small and large repeated doses of LPS on the system, varying the timing of the doses as well as the rate of expression of TLR4. Our simulations suggest that a simplified model of LPS/TLR4 signaling can account for complex preconditioning phenomena without invoking a specific signaling inhibition mechanism, but rather based on the dynamics of the signaling response itself, as well as the timing and magnitude of the LPS stimuli.  相似文献   

 Dicyanoaurate(I), Au(CN)2 , an important metabolite of chrysotherapy agents (anti-arthritic gold drugs), contains two tightly bound cyanide ligands which render it relatively unreactive toward ligand exchange reactions with potential gold-binding ligands. The extent and nature of its binding to bovine serum albumin (BSA), which may modulare the in vivo activity of Au(CN)2 , were investigated to determine whether Au(CN)2 might be more bioavailable than other gold complexes. 13C NMR spectroscopy, radioisotope tracers, chromatography, ultrafiltration, and atomic spectroscopy, employing Au(13CN)2 or Au(14CN)2 as appropriate, revealed two distinct binding mechanisms. The dominant reaction is reversible association (non-specific binding) of intact Au(CN)2 ions to form BSA·[Au(CN)2 ] n adducts. Approximately one equivalent binds with an equilibrium binding constant (pH 7.4, 25  °C) of K 1=5.5 (±1.1)×104, and three additional equivalents bind with a constant of 7.0 (±0.1)×103. Au(13CN)2 associated with albumin is characterized by a broad 13C NMR resonance at δC=154.7 ppm compared to the sharp resonance of the free complex at 156.4 ppm. The BSA·[Au(CN)2 ] n adducts readily dissociate during gel exclusion chromatography and are therefore underestimated, but are retained and accurately quantitated by ultrafiltration methods. The second binding mechanism is a ligand exchange reaction at Cys-34, to form AlbSAuCN, which accounts for only a small fraction (≤11%) of the bound gold. The small extent of the latter interaction differentiates Au(CN)2 from the gold drugs such as auranofin, aurothiomalate (Myochrysin) and aurothioglucose (Solganol), which undergo ligand exchange at Cys-34 of albumin to form tightly bound gold-protein complexes. The weak interaction at Cys-34 and the facile dissociation of bound, intact Au(CN)2 are consistent with its putative role as a gold metabolite that can be accumulated intracellularly. Received: 2 July 1997 / Accepted: 24 September 1997  相似文献   

Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) is an essential element of nearly all Gram‐negative bacterial outer membranes and serves to protect the cell from adverse environmental stresses. Seven members of the lipopolysaccharide transport (Lpt) protein family function together to transport LPS from the inner membrane (IM) to the outer leaflet of the outer membrane of bacteria such as Escherichia coli. Each of these proteins has a solved crystal structure, including LptC, which is a largely periplasmic protein that is associated with the IM LptB2FG complex and anchored to the membrane by an N‐terminal helix. LptC directly binds LPS and is hypothesized to be involved in the transfer of LPS to another periplasmic protein, LptA. Purified and in solution, LptC forms a dimer. Here, point mutations designed to disrupt formation of the dimer are characterized using site‐directed spin labeling double electron electron resonance (DEER) spectroscopy, light scattering, circular dichroism, and computational modeling. The computational studies reveal the molecular interactions that drive dimerization of LptC and elucidate how the disruptive mutations change this interaction, while the DEER and light scattering studies identify which mutants disrupt the dimer. And, using electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy and comparing the results to the previous quantitative characterization of the interactions between dimeric LptC and LPS and LptA, the functional consequences of monomeric LptC were also determined. These results indicate that disruption of the dimer does not affect LPS or LptA binding and that monomeric LptC binds LPS and LptA at levels similar to dimeric LptC.  相似文献   

The complexation of the sodium salt of sulfonated morin (H5SM) with Fe2+ was studied by potentiometric titration as was its deprotonation. Only four of the five hydroxy groups were deprotonated under the conditions employed. The associated pKa values are 3.80, 7.47, 9.24 and 11.48. Analysis of the titration data suggests formation of (H3SM)Fe, (H2SM)Fe2−, (HSM)Fe3− and (HSM)2Fe8−. Log β values (based on HSM5− as the ligand species) are 24.8, 16.1, 7.1 and 11.6, respectively. Theoretical calculations predict that the 7-hydroxy group is deprotonated first followed closely by the 3-hydroxy position. Deprotonation of the 2′-hydroxy group results in proton migration from the 3-hydroxy oxygen atom. These calculations along with previous results suggest that chelation of the metal ion likely occurs at the 3-hydroxy-4-keto site.  相似文献   

Hanna RA  Garcia-Diaz BE  Davies PL 《FEBS letters》2007,581(16):2894-2898
Calpastatin is the endogenous, specific protein inhibitor of the calcium-dependent protease, calpain. Using an active site knock-out m-calpain mutant we have studied the enzyme's calcium-dependent binding to calpastatin by surface plasmon resonance without the complication of proteolysis. Calpastatin was capable of simultaneously binding four molecules of calpain. Its four inhibitory domains (CAST1, 2, 3, and 4) were individually expressed in Escherichia coli and the kinetics of their interaction with calpain was separately compared. Their K(d) values ranged from picomolar to nanomolar in the order CAST1>4>3>2. They have similar k(on) values but the k(off) values ranged over three orders of magnitude and can account for the differences in affinity.  相似文献   

An analysis of binding data is presented which yields the best binding site model consistent with the experimental data. The analysis is applicable to homotropic binding and yields the number of independent sites, number of interacting sites (dimers and tetramers of sites), intrinsic association constants, and degree of interaction. The information is derived from the roots of a binding polynomial constructed by the fitted Adair constants.  相似文献   

Unpurified rat liver glucocorticoid-receptor complexes within cytosol show a distinct binding preference for double-stranded DNA over single-stranded DNA; the binding to Escherichia coli rRNA is negligible. Extensive purification of the receptor abolishes its ability to distinguish among DNAs of different secondary structure and the affinity of the purified receptor toward RNA is greatly enhanced, reaching 30–50% of that of DNA. The purification effect is reversible: after cytosol addition to purified receptor preparation the binding preference restores. NaCl does not mimic the effect of cytosol. The flow-through fraction of a phosphocellulose column retains the ability of crude cytosol to produce selective decrease in the receptor binding to single-stranded DNA. This effect may also be observed by using two types of DNA-cellulose bearing double-stranded or denatured DNA, pretreated with crude cytosol. Additionally, pretreatment of immobilized DNA with even low cytosol concentrations has been shown to markedly enhance receptor binding, although this enhancement was lacking specificity with respect to DNA secondary structure. The nature of cytosolic active principle and some possible regulatory implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary A simple heteronuclear relayed E.COSY pulse sequence with a minimum number of pulses is proposed for the quantitative determination of heteronuclear three-bond J-coupling constants in uniformly 13C-enriched polypeptide samples. Numerous heteronuclear three-bond coupling constants, including , , , and , can be determined for each residue from a single heteronuclear relayed E.COSY spectrum. Couplings relevant for stereospecific assignments as well as for the determination of dihedral angles in the amino acid backbone and in side chains are obtained. The method is demonstrated on the uniformly 13C-enriched decapeptide antamanide (-Val1-Pro2-Pro3-Ala4-Phe5-Phe6-Pro7-Pro8-Phe9-Phe10-).  相似文献   

The following structure of the Ralstonia pickettii have been determined using NMR and chemical methods: -->4)-alpha-D-Rha-(1-->4)-alpha-L-GalNAcA-(1-->3)-beta-D-BacNAc-(1-->.  相似文献   

Intrinsically disordered proteins (IDPs) are often involved in signaling and regulatory functions, through binding to cellular targets. Many IDPs undergo disorder‐to‐order transitions upon binding. Both the binding mechanisms and the magnitudes of the binding rate constants can have functional importance. Previously we have found that the coupled binding and folding of any IDP generally follows a sequential mechanism that we term dock‐and‐coalesce, whereby one segment of the IDP first docks to its subsite on the target surface and the remaining segments subsequently coalesce around their respective subsites. Here we applied our TransComp method within the framework of the dock‐and‐coalesce mechanism to dissect the binding kinetics of two Rho‐family GTPases, Cdc42 and TC10, with two intrinsically disordered effectors, WASP and Pak1. TransComp calculations identified the basic regions preceding the GTPase binding domains (GBDs) of the effectors as the docking segment. For Cdc42 binding with both WASP and Pak1, the calculated docking rate constants are close to the observed overall binding rate constants, suggesting that basic‐region docking is the rate‐limiting step and subsequent conformational coalescence of the GBDs on the Cdc42 surface is fast. The possibility that conformational coalescence of the WASP GBD on the TC10 surface is slow warrants further experimental investigation. The account for the differences in binding rate constants among the three GTPase‐effector systems and mutational effects therein yields deep physical and mechanistic insight into the binding processes. Our approach may guide the selection of mutations that lead to redesigned binding pathways. Proteins 2016; 84:674–685. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

A mass spectrometric protocol for identifying ligands with a wide range of affinities (3-101 microM) and quantitative spectral analysis for non-covalent interactions have been developed using Src SH2 as a target. Dissociation constants of five compounds, three with a phospho moiety, one with a sulphonic acid group and one with carboxylic acid groups only, were determined using one-ligand one-binding-site, two-ligands one-binding site and one-ligand two-binding-sites models. The Kd values determined by ESI-MS of the three compounds containing the phospho moiety (3.2-7.9 microM) were comparable to those obtained from a solution equilibrium fluorescence polarization assay. The compound with a sulphonate group is a much weaker binding ligand (Kd=101 microM by ESI, >300 microM by FP) towards the Src SH2 protein. Two complexes with different stoichiometric ratios 1:1 and 2:1 (ligand-protein) were observed by ESI-MS for the ligand GIXXX630X. Analysis of binding isotherms indicated the presence of two binding sites for the ligand with Kd values of 9.3 and 193 microM. These data confirmed that, for these polar compounds, non-covalent ESI-MS can measure affinity which very closely reflects the affinity measured under true solution equilibrium conditions. ESI-MS has several key advantages over many solution methods: it can identify the existence of and measure the affinity of complexes other than simple 1:1 ligand-enzyme complexes. Moreover, ESI-MS competition experiments can be readily performed to yield data on whether two ligands bind simultaneously or competitively at the same time as measuring the affinity of the ligand.  相似文献   

C-protein is a major component of skeletal and cardiac muscle thick filaments. Mutations in the gene encoding cardiac C-protein [cardiac myosin binding protein-C (cMyBP-C)] are one of the principal causes of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. cMyBP-C is a string of globular domains including eight immunoglobulin-like and three fibronectin-like domains termed C0-C10. It binds to myosin and titin, and probably to actin, and may have both a structural and a regulatory role in muscle function. To help to understand the pathology of the known mutations, we have solved the structure of the immunoglobulin-like C1 domain of MyBP-C by X-ray crystallography to a resolution of 1.55 Å. Mutations associated with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy are clustered at one end towards the C-terminus, close to the important C1C2 linker, where they alter the structural integrity of this region and its interactions.  相似文献   

The composition, structure, and certain biological properties of lipopolysaccharides (LPS) isolated from six strains of bacteria Pseudomonas syringae pv. atrofaciens pathogenic for grain-crops (wheat, rye) are presented. The LPS-protein complexes were isolated by a sparing procedure (extraction from microbial cells with a weak salt solution). They reacted with the homologous O sera and contained one to three antigenic determinants. Against the cells of warm-blooded animals (mice, humans) they exhibited the biological activity typical of endotoxins (stimulation of cytokine production, mitogenetic activity, etc.). The LCD of the biovar type strain was highly toxic to mice sensitized with D-galactosamine. The structural components of LPS macromolecules obtained by mild acidic degradation were characterized: lipid A, core oligosaccharide, and O-specific polysaccharide (OPS). Fatty acids 3-HO-C10:0, C12:0, 2-HO-C12:0, 3-HO-C12:0, C16:0, C16:1, C18:0, and C18:1 were identified in lipid A of all the strains, as well as the components of the hydrophilic part: glucosamine (GlcN), ethanolamine (EtN), phosphate, and phosphoethanolamine (EtN-P). In the core LPS, glucose (Glc), rhamnose (Rha), L-glycero-D-manno-heptose (Hep), GlcN, galactosamine (GalN), 2-keto-3-deoxy-D-mannooctonoic acid (KDO), alanine (Ala), and phosphate were present. The O chain of all the strains consisted of repeated elements containing a linear chain of three to four L-(two strains) or D-Rha (four strains) residues supplemented with a single residue of 3-acetamido-3,6-dideoxy-D-galactose (D-Fucp3Nac), N-acetyl-D-glucosamine (D-GlcpNAc), D-fucose (D-Fucf), or D-Rhap (strain-dependent) as a side substituent. In different strains the substitution position for Rha residues in the repeated components of the major rhamnan chain was also different. One strain exhibited a unique type of O-chain heterogeneity. Immunochemical investigation of the LPS antigenic properties revealed the absence of close serological relations between the strains of one pathovar; this finding correlates with the differences in their OPS structure. Resemblance between the investigated strains and other P. syringae strains with similar LPS structures was revealed. The results of LPS analysis indicate the absence of correlation between the OPS structure and the pathovar affiliation of the strains.  相似文献   

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