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Complement proteins in blood recognize charged particles. The anionic phospholipid (aPL) cardiolipin binds both complement proteins C1q and factor H. C1q is an activator of the complement classical pathway, while factor H is an inhibitor of the alternative pathway. To examine opposing effects of C1q and factor H on complement activation by aPL, we surveyed C1q and factor H binding, and complement activation by aPL, either coated on microtitre plates or in liposomes. Both C1q and factor H bound to all aPL tested, and competed directly with each other for binding. All the aPL activated the complement classical pathway, but negligibly the alternative pathway, consistent with accepted roles of C1q and factor H. However, in this system, factor H, by competing directly with C1q for binding to aPL, acts as a direct regulator of the complement classical pathway. This regulatory mechanism is distinct from its action on the alternative pathway. Regulation of classical pathway activation by factor H was confirmed by measuring C4 activation by aPL in human sera in which the C1q:factor H molar ratio was adjusted over a wide range. Thus factor H, which is regarded as a down-regulator only of the alternative pathway, has a distinct role in downregulating activation of the classical complement pathway by aPL. A factor H homologue, β2-glycoprotein-1, also strongly inhibits C1q binding to cardiolipin. Recombinant globular domains of C1q A, B and C chains bound aPL similarly to native C1q, confirming that C1q binds aPL via its globular heads.  相似文献   

刘阁逄越  李庆伟刘欣 《遗传》2013,35(9):1072-1080
C1q蛋白家族由众多含C1q结构域的蛋白组成, 从细菌到高等哺乳动物中都有分布。这类蛋白由一条信号肽、胶原样区(Collage-like region, CLR)和C1q球状结构域(Globular C1q domain, gC1q)组成。C1q蛋白家族根据其结构特点, 可分为三大类分子:C1q、C1q-like和ghC1q。C1q是补体经典途径的起始分子, 能够识别免疫复合物, 启动补体系统经典途径; 此外, 作为一种模式识别受体分子(Pattern recognition receptor, PRR), 它可以结合种类繁多的配体。C1q-like蛋白的结构类似于C1q分子, 含有CLR和gC1q结构域, 在水蛭中参与神经系统的修复, 在脊椎动物中实现从凝集素到免疫球蛋白结合分子的功能转变, 参与补体系统的激活。ghC1q蛋白只具有gC1q结构域和一段短的N末端序列, 包括分泌型蛋白(sghC1q)和非分泌型蛋白(cghC1q)。sghC1q在无脊椎动物固有免疫系统中发挥重要作用; 脊椎动物中的sghC1q可作为一类新型跨神经元调节因子, 在大脑的许多区域调节突触发育和突触可塑性。cghC1q基因最早可追溯至芽孢杆菌属的细菌中, 具有典型的gC1q果冻卷结构, 说明gC1q结构域有着非常悠久的进化历程且结构高度保守。文章对C1q蛋白家族的结构、分布、分类以及功能进行综述, 以期为从事该领域研究的科研人员提供有益参考。  相似文献   

Cellular production of prostaglandins (PGs) is controlled by the concerted actions of cyclooxygenases (COX) and terminal PG synthases on arachidonic acid in response to agonist stimulation. Recently, we showed in an ileal epithelial cell line (IEC-18), angiotensin II-induced COX-2-dependent PGI2 production through p38MAPK, and calcium mobilization (J. Biol. Chem. 280: 1582-1593, 2005). Agonist binding to the AT1 receptor results in activation of PKC activity and Ca2+ signaling but it is unclear how each pathway contributes to PG production. IEC-18 cells were stimulated with either phorbol-12,13-dibutyrate (PDB), thapsigargin (TG), or in combination. The PG production and COX-2 and PG synthase expression were measured. Surprisingly, PDB and TG produced PGE2 but not PGI2. This corresponded to induction of COX-2 and mPGES-1 mRNA and protein. PGIS mRNA and protein levels did not change. Activation of PKC by PDB resulted in the activation of ERK1/2, JNK, and CREB whereas activation of Ca2+ signaling by TG resulted in the delayed activation of ERK1/2. The combined effect of PKC and Ca2+ signaling were prolonged COX-2 and mPGES-1 mRNA and protein expression. Inhibition of PKC activity, MEK activity, or Ca2+ signaling blocked agonist induction of COX-2 and mPGES-1. Expression of a dominant negative CREB (S133A) blocked PDB/TG-dependent induction of both COX-2 and mPGES-1 promoters. Decreased CREB expression by siRNA blocked PDB/TG-dependent expression of COX-2 and mPGES-1 mRNA. These findings demonstrate a coordinated induction of COX-2 and mPGES-1 by PDB/TG that proceeds through PKC/ERK and Ca2+ signaling cascades, resulting in increased PGE2 production.  相似文献   

Group IVA cytosolic phospholipase A2 (cPLA2α), which harbors an N-terminal lipid binding C2 domain and a C-terminal lipase domain, produces arachidonic acid from the sn-2 position of zwitterionic lipids such as phosphatidylcholine. The C2 domain has been shown to bind zwitterionic lipids, but more recently, the anionic phosphomonoester sphingolipid metabolite ceramide-1-phosphate (C1P) has emerged as a potent bioactive lipid with high affinity for a cationic patch in the C2 domain β-groove. To systematically analyze the role that C1P plays in promoting the binding of cPLA2α-C2 to biological membranes, we employed biophysical measurements and cellular translocation studies along with mutagenesis. Biophysical and cellular translocation studies demonstrate that C1P specificity is mediated by Arg59, Arg61, and His62 (an RxRH sequence) in the C2 domain. Computational studies using molecular dynamics simulations confirm the origin of C1P specificity, which results in a spatial shift of the C2 domain upon membrane docking to coordinate the small C1P headgroup. Additionally, the hydroxyl group on the sphingosine backbone plays an important role in the interaction with the C2 domain, further demonstrating the selectivity of the C2 domain for C1P over phosphatidic acid. Taken together, this is the first study demonstrating the molecular origin of C1P recognition.  相似文献   

Transient receptor potential (TRP) cation channels, which are conserved across mammals, flies, fish, sea squirts, worms, and fungi, essentially contribute to cellular Ca2+ signaling. The activity of the unique TRP channel in yeast, TRP yeast channel 1 (TRPY1), relies on the vacuolar and cytoplasmic Ca2+ concentration. However, the mechanism(s) of Ca2+-dependent regulation of TRPY1 and possible contribution(s) of Ca2+-binding proteins are yet not well understood. Our results demonstrate a Ca2+-dependent binding of yeast calmodulin (CaM) to TRPY1. TRPY1 activity was increased in the cmd1–6 yeast strain, carrying a non–Ca2+-binding CaM mutant, compared with the parent strain expressing wt CaM (Cmd1). Expression of Cmd1 in cmd1–6 yeast rescued the wt phenotype. In addition, in human embryonic kidney 293 cells, hypertonic shock-induced TRPY1-dependent Ca2+ influx and Ca2+ release were increased by the CaM antagonist ophiobolin A. We found that coexpression of mammalian CaM impeded the activity of TRPY1 by reinforcing effects of endogenous CaM. Finally, inhibition of TRPY1 by Ca2+–CaM required the cytoplasmic amino acid stretch E33–Y92. In summary, our results show that TRPY1 is under inhibitory control of Ca2+–CaM and that mammalian CaM can replace yeast CaM for this inhibition. These findings add TRPY1 to the innumerable cellular proteins, which include a variety of ion channels, that use CaM as a constitutive or dissociable Ca2+-sensing subunit, and contribute to a better understanding of the modulatory mechanisms of Ca2+–CaM.  相似文献   

The plasma membrane is composed of two leaflets that are asymmetric with regard to their phospholipid composition with phosphatidylserine (PS) predominantly located within the inner leaflet whereas other phospholipids such as phosphatidylcholine (PC) are preferentially located in the outer leaflet. An intimate relationship between cellular physiology and the composition of the plasma membrane has been demonstrated, with for example apoptosis requiring PS exposure for macrophage recognition. In skeletal muscle development, differentiation also requires PS exposure in myoblasts to create cell-cell contact areas allowing the formation of multinucleate myotubes. Although it is clearly established that membrane composition/asymmetry plays an important role in cellular physiology, the role of cytokines in regulating this asymmetry is still unclear. When incubated with myoblasts, insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-1) has been shown to promote proliferation versus differentiation in a concentration dependent manner and therefore, may be a potential candidate regulating cell membrane asymmetry. We show, in non-apoptotic C2C12 cells, that relocation of an exogenous PS analogue, from the outer into the inner leaflet, is accelerated by IGF-1 in a concentration-dependent manner and that maintenance of membrane asymmetry triggered by IGF-1 is however independent of the PI3K inhibitor wortmannin.  相似文献   

Myocardial infarction (MI) is an acute coronary syndrome that refers to tissue infarction of the myocardium. This study aimed to investigate the effect of long intergenic non‐protein‐coding RNA (lincRNA) ATPase plasma membrane Ca2+ transporting 1 antisense RNA 1 (ATP2B1‐AS1) against MI by targeting nuclear factor‐kappa‐B inhibitor alpha (NFKBIA) and mediating the nuclear factor‐kappa‐B (NF‐κB) signalling pathway. An MI mouse model was established and idenepsied by cardiac function evaluation. It was determined that ATP2B1‐AS1 was highly expressed, while NFKBIA was poorly expressed and NF‐κB signalling pathway was activated in MI mice. Cardiomyocytes were extracted from mice and introduced with a series of mouse ATP2B1‐AS1 vector, NFKBIA vector, siRNA‐mouse ATP2B1‐AS1 and siRNA‐NFKBIA. The expression of NF‐κBp50, NF‐κBp65 and IKKβ was determined to idenepsy whether ATP2B1‐AS1 and NFKBIA affect the NF‐κB signalling pathway, the results of which suggested that ATP2B1‐AS1 down‐regulated the expression of NFKBIA and activated the NF‐κB signalling pathway in MI mice. Based on the data from assessment of cell viability, cell cycle, apoptosis and levels of inflammatory cytokines, either silencing of mouse ATP2B1‐AS1 or overexpression of NFKBIA was suggested to result in reduced cardiomyocyte apoptosis and expression of inflammatory cytokines, as well as enhanced cardiomyocyte viability. Our study provided evidence that mouse ATP2B1‐AS1 silencing may have the potency to protect against MI in mice through inhibiting cardiomyocyte apoptosis and inflammation, highlighting a great promise as a novel therapeutic target for MI.  相似文献   

Hereditary angioedema is characterized by recurrent skin swelling, abdominal pain attacks, and potentially life-threatening upper airway obstruction. The two classic types are both caused by mutations within the complement C1 inhibitor gene. A recently described new type does not show a deficiency of C1 inhibitor and affects almost exclusively women. We screened twenty unrelated index patients with this new type of hereditary angioedema for mutations in the coagulation factor XII gene. Two different missense mutations were identified in exactly the same position within exon 9 of the F12 gene. 'Mutation 1' (1032C-->A), encountered in five patients, predicts a threonine-to-lysine substitution (Thr309Lys). 'Mutation 2' (1032C-->G), observed in one patient, results in a threonine-to-arginine substitution (Thr309Arg). The predicted structural and functional impact of the mutations, their absence in 145 healthy controls, and their co-segregation with the phenotype in five families provide strong support that they cause disease.  相似文献   

Elevation in intracellular Ca2+ acting via protein kinase C (PKC) is shown to regulate tight junction resistance in T84 cells, a human colon cancer line and a model Cl secretory epithelial cell. The Ca2+ ionophore A23187, which was used to increase the intracellular Ca2+ concentration, caused a decrease in tight junction resistance in a concentration- and time-dependent manner. Dual Na+/mannitol serosal-to-mucosal flux analysis performed across the T84 monolayers treated with 2 μm A23187 revealed that A23187 increased both fluxes and that in the presence of ionophore there was a linear relationship between the Na+ and mannitol fluxes with a slope of 56.4, indicating that the decrease in transepithelial resistance was due to a decrease in tight junction resistance. Whereas there was no effect of 0.1 μm A23187, 1 or 2 μm produced a 55% decrease in baseline resistance in 1 hr and 10 μm decreased resistance more than 80%. The A23187-induced decrease in tight junction resistance was partially reversible by washing 3 times with a Ringer's-HCO3 solution containing 1% BSA. The A23187 effect on resistance was dependent on intracellular Ca2+; loading the T84 cells with the intracellular Ca2+ chelator BAPTA significantly reduced the decrease in tight junction resistance caused by A23187. This intracellular Ca2+ effect was mediated by protein kinase C and not calmodulin. While the protein kinase C antagonist H-7 totally prevented the action of A23187 on tight junction resistance, the Ca2+/calmodulin inhibitor W13 did not have any effect. Sphingosine, another inhibitor of PKC, partially reduced the A23187-induced decline in tight junction resistance. The PKC agonist PMA mimicked the A23187 effect on resistance, although the effect was delayed up to 1 hr after exposure. In addition, however, PMA also caused an earlier increase in resistance, indicating it had an additional effect in addition to mimicking the effect of elevating Ca2+. The effects of a phospholipase inhibitor (mepacrine) and of inhibitors of arachidonic acid metabolism (indomethacin for the cyclooxygenase pathway, NDGA for the lipoxygenase pathway, and SKF 525A for the epoxygenase pathway) on the A23187 action were also examined. None of these agents altered the A23187-induced decrease in resistance. Monolayers exposed to 2 μm A23187 for 1 hr were stained with fluorescein conjugated phalloidin, revealing that neighboring cells did not part one from another and that A23187 did not have a detectable effect on distribution of F-actin in the perijunctional actomyosin ring. The results indicate that elevation in intracellular Ca2+ decreases tight junction resistance in the T84 monolayer, acting through protein kinase C by a mechanism which does not involve visible changes in the perijunctional actomyosin ring. Received: 14 July 1995/Revised: 25 September 1995  相似文献   

Kim Y  Kim J  Park J  Bang S  Jung Y  Choe J  Song K  Lee I 《FEBS letters》2006,580(14):3519-3524
Follicular dendritic cells (FDC) play crucial roles in immune regulation. TNF-alpha has been shown to be essential to the FDC network. However, the molecular regulation of FDC proliferation has not been characterized. Here, we show that TC1(C8orf4), a novel positive regulator of the Wnt/beta-catenin pathway in vertebrates, is upregulated by IL-1beta and TNF-alpha in the human FDC-like line HK. TC1 enhances HK cell proliferation, while TC1-knockdown inhibits the proliferation induced by IL-1beta, suggesting a role of TC1 as a regulator of FDC proliferation. The regulation by pro-inflammatory cytokines suggests that TC1 might be implicated in linking local inflammation to immune response by stimulating FDC.  相似文献   

Complement control protein modules (CCP) typically mediate protein:protein interaction during immune response in vertebrates. Using NMR chemical shift perturbation mapping, we present previously lacking experimental evidence for intermolecular interactions between the CCP1 and CCP2 modules of the human C1r serine protease (SP). The identified interface is clearly distinct from that observed in the covalently linked CCP1-CCP2 pair. Structural models of the CCP1-CCP2-SP segments of two C1r molecules built on the basis of shift perturbation data are fully consistent with an extended interaction interface and suggests the possibility of a structural rearrangement as a switch between functional states of human C1r.

Structured summary

MINT-8045767: CCP1 (uniprotkb:P00736) and CCP2 (uniprotkb:P00736) bind (MI:0407) by nuclear magnetic resonance (MI:0077)  相似文献   

Asymmetric division is an important property of stem cells. In Caenorhabditis elegans, the Wnt/beta-catenin asymmetry pathway determines the polarity of most asymmetric divisions. The Wnt signalling components such as beta-catenin localize asymmetrically to the cortex of mother cells to produce two distinct daughter cells. However, the molecular mechanism to polarize them remains to be elucidated. Here, we demonstrate that intracellular phospholipase A(1) (PLA(1)), a poorly characterized lipid-metabolizing enzyme, controls the subcellular localizations of beta-catenin in the terminal asymmetric divisions of epithelial stem cells (seam cells). In mutants of ipla-1, a single C. elegans PLA(1) gene, cortical beta-catenin is delocalized and the asymmetry of cell-fate specification is disrupted in the asymmetric divisions. ipla-1 mutant phenotypes are rescued by expression of ipla-1 in seam cells in a catalytic activity-dependent manner. Furthermore, our genetic screen utilizing ipla-1 mutants reveals that reduction of endosome-to-Golgi retrograde transport in seam cells restores normal subcellular localization of beta-catenin to ipla-1 mutants. We propose that membrane trafficking regulated by ipla-1 provides a mechanism to control the cortical asymmetry of beta-catenin.  相似文献   

Eukaryotic mRNAs possess a poly(A) tail at their 3′-end, to which poly(A)-binding protein C1 (PABPC1) binds and recruits other proteins that regulate translation. Enhanced poly(A)-dependent translation, which is also PABPC1 dependent, promotes cellular and viral proliferation. PABP-interacting protein 2A (Paip2A) effectively represses poly(A)-dependent translation by causing the dissociation of PABPC1 from the poly(A) tail; however, the underlying mechanism remains unknown. This study was conducted to investigate the functional mechanisms of Paip2A action by characterizing the PABPC1–poly(A) and PABPC1–Paip2A interactions. Isothermal titration calorimetry and NMR analyses indicated that both interactions predominantly occurred at the RNA recognition motif (RRM)2–RRM3 regions of PABPC1, which have comparable affinities for poly(A) and Paip2A (dissociation constant, Kd = 1 nM). However, the Kd values of isolated RRM2 were 200 and 4 μM in their interactions with poly(A) and Paip2A, respectively; Kd values of 5 and 1 μM were observed for the interactions of isolated RRM3 with poly(A) and Paip2A, respectively. NMR analyses also revealed that Paip2A can bind to the poly(A)-binding interfaces of the RRM2 and RRM3 regions of PABPC1. Based on these results, we propose the following functional mechanism for Paip2A: Paip2A initially binds to the RRM2 region of poly(A)-bound PABPC1, and RRM2-anchored Paip2A effectively displaces the RRM3 region from poly(A), resulting in dissociation of the whole PABPC1 molecule. Together, our findings provide insight into the translation repression effect of Paip2A and may aid in the development of novel anticancer and/or antiviral drugs.  相似文献   

The VWC domain of Chordin family proteins consists of subdomains SD1 and SD2. In previous experiments with VWC1 from CV-2 SD-1 was shown to be crucial for BMP interaction. Now the SD1 from VWC1 and VWC3 of Chordin and CHL2 were established to confer BMP affinity and specificity to these proteins also. In addition, these SD1 subdomains are mediating binding to Tsg. Mutational analysis revealed similar binding epitopes of the various SD1 proteins for BMP-2 and Tsg. Inhibitory activity of CHL2 in C2C12 cells is reduced by mutations in SD1 of VWC1 and even more of VWC3. These results together provide strong evidence that the SD1 subdomain module of about 40 residues represents the crucial binding partner for BMPs and Tsg in these Chordin family proteins and likely in other BMP-binding VWC domains also.  相似文献   

Bromodomain-PHD finger protein 1 (BRPF1) is part of the MOZ HAT complex and contains a unique combination of domains typically found in chromatin-associated factors, which include plant homeodomain (PHD) fingers, a bromodomain and a proline-tryptophan-tryptophan-proline (PWWP) domain. Bromodomains are conserved structural motifs generally known to recognize acetylated histones, and the BRPF1 bromodomain preferentially selects for H2AK5ac, H4K12ac and H3K14ac. We solved the X-ray crystal structures of the BRPF1 bromodomain in complex with the H2AK5ac and H4K12ac histone peptides. Site-directed mutagenesis on residues in the BRPF1 bromodomain-binding pocket was carried out to investigate the contribution of specific amino acids on ligand binding. Our results provide critical insights into the molecular mechanism of ligand binding by the BRPF1 bromodomain, and reveal that ordered water molecules are an essential component driving ligand recognition.  相似文献   

The effects on cytosolic Ca2+ concentration of 2-chloroadenosine and [L-Pro9]-substance P, a selective agonist of NK1 receptors, were investigated on astrocytes from embryonic mice in primary culture. Cells responded to [L-Pro9]-substance P with a transitory increase in cytosolic Ca2+ which was of shorter duration when external Ca2+ was removed. A transient response to 2-chloroadenosine alone occurred. When simultaneously applied, [L-Pro9]-substance P and 2-chloroadenosine evoked a prolonged elevation of cytosolic Ca2+ (up to 30 min). This phenomenon was dependent on the presence of extracellular Ca2+, but insensitive to dihydropyridines, La3+, and Co2+, excluding the implication of voltage-operated Ca2+ channels. Arachidonic acid also induced a sustained elevation of cytosolic Ca2+, but did not increase further the response evoked by [L-Pro9]-substance P and 2-chloroadenosine. The activation of protein kinase C by a diacylglycerol analogue mimicked the effect of [L-Pro9]-substance P in potentiating the 2-chloroadenosine-evoked response. Like 2-chloroadenosine, pinacidil, which hyperpolarizes the cells by opening K+ channels, prolonged the elevation of cytosolic Ca2+ concentration induced by [L-Pro9]-substance P. Conversely, depolarization with 50 mM KCl canceled the effects of either pinacidil or 2-chloroadenosine applied with [L-Pro9]-substance P. Pertussis toxin pretreatment suppressed all the effects induced by 2-chloroadenosine.  相似文献   

Mannan-binding lectin (MBL) is the archetypical pathogen recognition molecule of the innate immune defense. Upon binding to microorganisms, reactions leading to the destruction of the offender ensue. MBL is an oligomer of structural subunits each composed of three identical polypeptides. We used atomic force microscopy to reveal tertiary and quaternary structures of MBL. The images in both air and buffer show a quaternary structure best described as “sertiform”, that is, a hub from which the subunits fan out. The dimensions conform to those calculated from primary and secondary structures. The subunits associate with a preferred angle of 40° between them. This angle is stable with respect to the degree of oligomerization for MBL of four subunits or more. Due to an interruption in the collagenous sequence, the arms of the subunits are expected to form a kink. We find that ∼ 30% of the subunits are kinked and the kink angle distributed, quite broadly, around 145°. The conformation and flexibility of the MBL molecule that we observe differ distinctly from the popular view of a “bouquet-like” configuration as that found for related members of the complement system such as C1q. This structural information will further the understanding of the specific functioning of the MBL pathway of complement activation.  相似文献   

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