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 A synoptic climatological approach is used to investigate linkages between air mass types (weather situations), the daily mean particulate matter with a size of 10 μm or less (PM10) concentrations and all respiratory hospital admissions for the Birmingham area, UK. Study results show distinct differential responses of respiratory admission rates to the six winter air mass types identified. Two of the three air masses associated with above average admission rates (continental anticyclonic gloom and continental anticyclonic fine and cold) also favour high PM10 levels. This association is suggestive of a possible linkage between weather, air quality and health. The remaining admissions-sensitive air mass type (cool moist maritime) does not favour high PM10 levels. This is considered to be indicative of a direct weather-health relationship. A sensitising mechanism is proposed to account for the linkages between air mass type, PM10 concentrations and respiratory response. Received: 4 August 1997 / Received after revision: 8 January 1999 / Accepted: 20 January 1999  相似文献   

We assessed the influence of control for air pollution and respiratory epidemics on associations between apparent temperature (AT) and daily mortality in Mexico City and Monterrey. Poisson regressions were fit to mortality among all ages, children (ages 0–14 years) and the elderly (ages 65 years). Predictors included mean daily AT, season, day of week and public holidays for the base model. Respiratory epidemics and air pollution (particulate matter <10 m in aerodynamic diameter and O3) were added singly and then jointly for a fully adjusted model. Percent changes in mortality were calculated for days of relatively extreme temperatures [cold (10–11°C) for both cities and heat (35–36°C) for Monterrey], compared to days at the overall mean temperature in each city (15°C in Mexico City, 25°C in Monterrey). In Mexico City, total mortality increased 12.4% [95% confidence interval (CI) 10.5%, 14.5%] on cold days (fully adjusted). Among children, the adjusted association was similar [10.9% (95% CI: 5.4%, 16.7%)], but without control for pollution and epidemics, was nearly twice as large [19.7% (95% CI: 13.9%, 25.9)]. In Monterrey, the fully adjusted heat effect for all deaths was 18.7% (95% CI: 11.7%, 26.1%), a third lower than the unadjusted estimate; the heat effect was lower among children [5.5% (95% CI: –10.1%, 23.8%)]. Cold had a similar effect on all-age mortality as in Mexico City [11.7% (95% CI: 3.7%, 20.3%)]. Responses of the elderly differed little from all-ages responses in both cities. Associations between weather and health persisted even with control for air pollution and respiratory epidemics in two Mexican cities, but risk assessments and climate change adaptation programs are best informed by analyses that account for these potential confounders.  相似文献   

Airborne fungi were studied in the city of Athens using two complementary methods in which 136 concurrent samplings were carried out during the 12-month period from January until December 1998. A portable Burkard air sampler for agar plates was used for trapping the culturable portion of the mycobiota. Nineteen genera of fungi were identified and assessed in terms of total numbers and fluctuations in concentration (Alternaria, Arthrinium, Aspergillus, Aureobasidium, Botrytis, Chrysonilia, Cladosporium, Drechslera, Epicoccum, Fusarium, Mucor, Nigrospora, Paecilomyces, Penicillium, Rhizopus, Sclerotinia, Scopulariopsis, Trichoderma and Ulocladium), with the exception of those included in the Sphaeropsidales, the yeasts, and the non-sporulating fungi, which were counted as groups. A volumetric Burkard air sampler for glass slides was operating simultaneously for detecting the total mycobiota, including the non-culturable and the non-viable portion. Ascospores, basidiospores, spores of Myxomycetes, Ustilaginales, Uredinales and Erysiphales, teliospores of Puccinia, as well as conidia of the genera Curvularia, Helminthosporium, Periconia, Pestalotiopsis, Pithomyces, Polythrincium, Stachybotrys, Stemphylium and Torula were also recorded. Only seven of the genera were recovered by both samplers. The total numbers of fungal spores, which had a maximum concentration of 3,175 spores/m3, as well as the spore concentrations of the genera Cladosporium (2,565 spores/m3) and Alternaria (280 spores/m3) were underestimated by the viable method (2,435 CFU/m3 for the total, 2,169 CFU/m3 for Cladosporium and 180 CFU/m3 for Alternaria). The non-viable method fails to resolve the identification of the genera Penicillium and Aspergillus, which are major components of the airborne mycobiota (1,068 CFU/m3 and 204 CFU/m3, respectively) based on recovery by the viable method.  相似文献   

The health impact of climate change depends on various conditions at any given time and place, as well as on the person. Temporal variations in the relationship between high temperature and mortality need to be explored in depth to explain how changes in the level of exposure and public health interventions modify the temperature–mortality relationship. We examined changes in the relationship between human mortality and temperature in Seoul, which has the highest population in South Korea, considering the change in population structure from 1993–2009. Poisson regression models were used to estimate short-term temperature-related mortality impacts. Temperature-related risks were divided into two “time periods” of approximately equal length (1993 and 1995–2000, and 2001–2009), and were also examined according to early summer and late summer. Temperature-related mortality in summer over the past 17 years has declined. These decreasing patterns were stronger for cardiovascular disease-related mortality than for all non-accidental deaths. The novel finding is that declines in temperature-related mortality were particularly noteworthy in late summer. Our results indicate that temperature-related mortality is decreasing in Seoul, particularly during late summer and, to a lesser extent, during early summer. This information would be useful for detailed public health preparedness for hot weather.  相似文献   

Several studies have considered the direct and indirect effects of demersal trawling on discarded species in terms of sublethal damages, survival, and stress due to the fishing processes. Nevertheless the effects of air temperature on the physiological stress and the survival of species during sorting operations were only marginally explored. This factor could be particularly important in the context of sustainable fisheries at temperate latitudes where the seasonal variation of air temperature can be particularly pronounced. In this study the seasonal effects of rapido trawling on the non-target species Liocarcinus depurator (Portunidae) in the Northern Adriatic Sea (Mediterranean Sea) have been compared by applying survival tests and considering the unbalance in metabolites’ concentration as indicators of physiological stress. Results showed consistently higher mortalities during exposure to air in summer (temperature: 28°C), which reached about 96% in 20 min, compared to winter (temperature: 9°C) when only 2% of individuals died. Furthermore trawled and emersed crabs showed significant increase of hemolymph ammonia, lactate, and glucose concentrations as effects of extreme exercise and suffocation, which was more prominent during summer, suggesting that air temperature can play an important role in determining non-target species survival. Guest editors: J. Davenport, G. Burnell, T. Cross, M. Emmerson, R. McAllen, R. Ramsay & E. Rogan Challenges to Marine Ecosystems  相似文献   

Using a combination of laboratory and field investigations, this study examined embryo mortality in the southern calamary Sepioteuthis australis as a function of egg mass size, the substrate upon which the mass is attached, the position of the embryo within the mass, and the degree of biofouling. Egg mass size ranged from 2 to 1,241 egg strands, however most masses consisted of 200–299 strands. Small egg masses (<300 strands) were generally attached to soft-sediment vegetation (Amphibolis antarctica, Heterozostera tasmanica, Caulerpa sp.), whereas larger masses (>300 strands) were either securely attached to robust macroalgae holdfasts (Ecklonia sp., Marcocystis pyrifera, Sargassum sp.) or unattached. Rates of embryo mortality were highly variable ranging from 2 to 25%. Both laboratory and field results indicated a positive relationship between egg mass size and embryo mortality. Larger, unattached egg masses contained twice as many dead embryos than those securely attached to a substrate. Mortality rates were significantly affected by the embryos’ relative position within the mass and were highest in embryos located near the attachment point of the egg strand, within the interior of the mass, and in close contact with the substrate. This was attributed to the inability of the embryos to respire adequately and eliminate metabolic wastes. Biofouling did not strongly influence embryo mortality, but colonisation occurred in areas conducive to growth, photosynthesis, and respiration indicating ‘healthy’ regions within the mass.  相似文献   


1. 1. Reducing the carbon dioxide generated by human activity is necessary for the protection of the global environment.

2. 2. Traditional methods of environmental control, e.g. watering, called uchimizu in Japan, is interesting from this point of view. Traditional methods, other than watering, still continue to be practised in Japan.

3. 3. More than 300 residents of detached houses in Kyoto city were investigated for the methods of environmental control used in summer. Investigated areas were Kitashirakawa, Nishijin and Rakusai N.T.

4. 4. Residents' who conduct traditional methods of environmental control use air conditioner (ACs) less than those who don't. Residents' attitude toward ACs have a greater effect on total time of use rather than on frequency.

5. 5. In the centre of the city, there is a tendency for residents to use ACs against their will or only as a necessity, which leads to anxiety regarding their health.

6. 6. The use of traditional methods of protection from heat have been decreasing with social change.

Author Keywords: Environmental control; behaviour; consciousness; air conditioner; Kyoto  相似文献   

A method of tissue maceration (dissociation) of planarian tissues into single cells was used to characterize the basic cell types in the planarians Dugesia mediterranea and Dugesia tigrina, and to determine the total cell number and distribution of cell types during growth, degrowth and regeneration.Using this method, 13 basic cell types have been determined for both species. The total number of cells increases with body length and volume whereas the distribution of cell types is only slightly affected. Growth and degrowth occur mainly through changes in total cell number leaving cell distribution only moderately affected. During regeneration, an increase in neoblast density in the blastema followed later on by increases in nerve cells are the more significant changes detected.These results are discussed in relation to mechanisms of cell renewal, blastema formation and maintenance of tissue polarity.Abbreviations nb neoblasts - nv nerve cells - ep epidermal cells - fp fixed parenchyma cells - g gastrodermal cells  相似文献   

The difference in air temperature between the forest edge and interior was simultaneously compared at ten sites at 2‐h intervals over a 229‐day period in the East and West Usambara Mountains in Tanzania. Measurements were recorded with data loggers placed 1.5 m above the ground on the shaded side of trees and positioned 1–2 and 100 m from the forest edge. The difference in air temperature between the forest edge and interior varied regularly over a 24‐h period with mean maximum difference in air temperatures of 0.85°C occurring at 15:00 h and mean minimum diel difference in air temperature of 0.02°C occurring at 21:00 h. Diel variation in the difference in air temperature between the forest edge and interior varied little by season and was unrelated to elevation.  相似文献   

The two-harvest-per-year farming system allow table grape to be harvested a year both in summer and winter in southern China. Herein, we used high-throughput sequencing to investigate the diversity of fungi on grape fruits surface during the ripening process in summer and winter at subtropical Nanning region, Guangxi, China. The results showed that 23 fungal species existed in all samples. Among them, the five most dominant species were Cladosporium ramotenellum, Pseudozyma aphidis, Gyrothrix spp., Gibberella intricans and Acremonium alternatum, with abundance from 61.62 % to 91.26 %. Analysis using the student's t-test for Shannon index indicated that components of fungal community varied significantly between the two ripening seasons. The dominant genera of core fungal community were Cladosporium, Gyrothrix, Paramycosphaerella, Acremonium, Penicillium and Tilletiopsis in the summer and Cladosporium, Pseudozyma, Gibberella, Colletotrichum, Sporobolomyces, Rhodosporidium, Alternaria and Aspergillus in the winter. Overall, fungi diversity on grape fruits surface at Nanning showed significantly differences between different ripening seasons. Our results ennrich the understanding of epiphytic communities of grape fruits in subtropics.  相似文献   

生态限制模型(Ecological constraints model)认为随种群规模增加,灵长类种群会增加日移动距离、移动时间和取食时间,减少休息时间.果食性灵长类为取食斑块分布的高质量食物资源(如果实)而存在群内分摊竞争(Within-group scramble competition),很好地验证了生态限制模型...  相似文献   

Seasonal changes in fur colour in some mammalian species have long attracted the attention of biologists, especially in species showing population variation in these seasonal changes. Genetic differences among populations that show differences in seasonal changes in coat colour have been poorly studied. Because the Japanese hare (Lepus brachyurus) has two allopatric morphotypes that show remarkably different coat colours in winter, we examined the population genetic structure of the species using partial sequences of the SRY gene and six autosomal genes: three coat colour‐related genes (ASIP, TYR, and MC1R) and three putatively neutral genes (TSHB, APOB, and SPTBN1). The phylogenetic tree of SRY sequences exhibited two distinct lineages that diverged approsimately 1 Mya. Although the two lineages exhibited a clear allopatric distribution, it was not consistent with the distribution of morphotypes. In addition, six nuclear gene sequences failed to reveal genetic differences between morphotypes. Population network trees for 11 expedient populations divided the populations into four groups. Genetic structure analysis revealed an admixture of four genetic clusters in L. brachyurus, two of which showed large genetic differences. Our results suggest ancient vicariance in L. brachyurus, and we detected no genetic differences between the two morphotypes. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2014, 111 , 761–776.  相似文献   

摘要 目的:探讨妊娠期贫血患者血常规、网织红细胞多参数、贫血类型与孕期的关系。方法:纳入我院2018年9月~2019年9月收治的妊娠期贫血患者110例,按孕期分成孕早期组(n=32)、孕中期组(n=35)、孕晚期组(n=43),均检测血常规[血红蛋白(Hb)、红细胞平均体积(MCV)、外周血红细胞计数(RBC)、红细胞比容(HCT)、平均红细胞血红蛋白浓度(MCHC)]、网织红细胞参数[网织红细胞绝对值(RET#)、低荧光强度网织红细胞百分率(LFR%)、网织红细胞百分率(RET%)、中荧光强度网织红细胞百分率(MFR%)、高荧光强度网织红细胞百分率(HFR%)]。分析各参数与孕期相关性,比较三组贫血类型。结果:孕早期组Hb、RBC、HCT、MCHC、LFR%较孕中期组、孕晚期组增高,其中孕中期组较孕晚期组增高(P<0.05),孕早期组RET#、RET%、MFR%、HFR%较孕中期组、孕晚期组降低,且孕中期组较孕晚期组降低(P<0.05),孕晚期组MCV高于孕早期组、孕中期组(P<0.05)。Pearson线性相关分析提示,Hb、RBC、HCT、MCHC、LFR%与孕期呈负相关(P<0.05),RET#、RET%、MFR%、HFR%与孕期呈正相关(P<0.05)。孕早期组、孕中期组小细胞贫血占比高于孕晚期组,大细胞贫血占比低于孕晚期组(P<0.05)。结论:妊娠期贫血患者随着孕周的延长,Hb、RBC、HCT、MCHC、LFR%下降,而RET#、RET%、MFR%、HFR%增高,孕晚期以大细胞贫血为主,早、中期以小细胞贫血为主,加强上述指标的检测对妊娠期贫血患者诊断和治疗具有一定的临床意义。  相似文献   

The present study was conducted to ascertain the adaptive capability of pigs to different seasons based on changes in serum cortisol and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) levels, and peripheral blood mononuclear cell (PBMC) heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) mRNA expression. Based on average THI, the seasons were classified as winter (November–February), spring (March–June), and summer (July–October). Hormone cortisol was found to be influenced by season (p < 0.01), age (p < 0.05), and genetics of the animal (p < 0.05). However, level of LDH was not influenced by either of these factors. HSP70 mRNA expression was higher in almost all age groups in crossbred and exotic pigs during summer in comparison to other seasons. Lower HSP70 gene expression was observed in almost all age groups of native pigs in comparison to crossbred and exotic during summer. In conclusion, native pigs were acclimatized for thermal stress in comparison to crossbred and exotic breeds of pigs. Also, the expression pattern of HSP70 gene is breed-specific, most likely due to variations in thermal tolerance and adaptation to different environmental conditions. Both serum cortisol and HSP70 gene may act as reliable biological markers for assessing the adaptive capabilities of pigs to different seasons.  相似文献   

Following a disease outbreak that caused mass mortality of green sea urchins, Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis, along the Atlantic coast of Nova Scotia in September 1999, changes in growth and reproduction were monitored over 3.75 years as surviving individuals migrated from deep water to repopulate the shallow subtidal zone at a wave-exposed site. Urchins were sampled at 4 depth strata: at 24 m on a boulder field where the population was unaffected by the disease, at 12 and 16 m on a steeply sloping bedrock ramp, and at 8-10 m along the lower margin of a kelp bed (Laminaria digitata) where urchins formed a grazing front by January 2002. Urchins migrating shoreward from the deep-water refuge responded rapidly to increased algal productivity in the shallows through increased growth and reproduction. Measures of annual increments of skeletal elements (rotules) from urchins across the depth gradient indicated that the fastest growing individuals from the source population formed the grazing front. Urchins in the front reached a larger asymptotic size and produced larger gonads than urchins lower on the ramp. The annual cycle in gonad index showed a pronounced spring spawning period across all depths; a secondary fall spawning was evident at the front and 12 m. The presence of mature, fertilizable ova and short response time to spawning induction in both spring and fall supported the occurrence of two spawning periods.  相似文献   

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