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曹东风  轩静渊 《昆虫知识》1997,34(6):335-336
黄斑露尾甲Carpophilushemipterus(L.)隶属于鞘翅目露尾甲科,是一世界性仓虫,其食性很杂,嗜食发酵腐败物及霉菌、酵母菌,在美国严重为害无花果和甜玉米[1],近年来在我国酿造业中日见严重[2~4]。为了配合对此虫的研究,在Patrick[5]饲养方法的基础上,改用玉米快餐粉复配人工饲料成功地进行了室内饲养。1饲料、虫源及饲养方法1.1饲料成分和配制方法人工复配饲料成分:玉米快餐粉(成分为甜玉米、大豆、糯米、精面粉、植物油,四川德阳市粮油食品厂生产,市售)60g、麦芽粉20g、酵母粉20g、复合VB4.0g、VC1.4g、山梨酸0.5g、琼…  相似文献   

仵均祥  翟锁奎 《昆虫知识》1994,31(3):161-163
黄斑鹿尾甲Carpophilushemipterus(Linne)俗称酱曲虫、酱曲露尾虫、大曲虫,是酿酒大曲发酵初期最严重的害虫,各地大曲酒厂普遍发生。据1989年在陕西省西凤酒厂调查,该虫发生高峰期曲房内曲糠中幼虫平均密度达18头/g,虫量之多,实属罕见,成为大曲酒厂制曲生产中急待解决的问题。1988~1989年作者在陕西省西凤酒厂对其发生规律和防治对策进行了较系统的研究,结果如下。1分布与为害黄斑露尾甲是一种世界性害虫,但主要以热带和温带地区发生严重;我国各省(区)均有分布。在大曲酒厂,主要发生于曲房,制酒车间地面缝隙和酒糟场偶而…  相似文献   

通过室内饲养观察及实地调查,明确了脊胸露尾甲年发生规律等基本生物学特性。该虫世代重叠现象明显,每代历期约33~38d,其中产卵前期平均68d,卵历期平均32d,幼虫期平均179d,蛹期平均75d。成虫产卵明显受性比的影响,雌雄性比小时,雌虫产卵量增多。  相似文献   

蜂巢奇露尾甲Aethina tumida Murray作为蜜蜂六大重要病原体之一,可对蜜蜂产业造成严重的经济损失。本研究明确蜂巢奇露尾甲在全国的适生区范围及主要环境影响因子,对其早期预警和检疫防治意义重大。根据蜂巢奇露尾甲现有的分布数据,筛选出主要的环境变量,通过MaxEnt模型、R语言软件、ENM Tools软件与ArcGIS软件预测蜂巢奇露尾甲在全国的适生区范围。结果表明:蜂巢奇露尾甲在我国的适生区范围主要在华南大部、华东大部、华中大部、西南大部、西北少部以及华北少部地区,高度适生区主要位于华南大部、华东大部、华中局部及西南局部地区。且最冷季度的平均温度和年降水量是限制蜂巢奇露尾甲潜在地理分布的重要环境变量。此预测结果可为今后对蜂巢奇露尾甲的预防与检疫提供理论依据。  相似文献   

露尾甲科昆虫世界性分布 ,种类繁多 ,食性复杂 ,为害范围极广。本文从生物学、生态学及防治等方面对国内外研究现状进行了综述 ,初步明确此类昆虫的经济重要性 ,并提出了进一步研究的方向  相似文献   

【目的】棉露尾甲Haptoncus luteolus Erichson是棉花和番荔枝科等植物上重要的传粉昆虫,研究其室内人工饲养技术对于开发其传粉价值和以其为对象进行转基因棉花安全性评价等方面具有重要意义。【方法】利用筛选的人工饲料和油菜花粉2种潜在的人工饲料,同时以天然饲料丝瓜花为对照,观察比较棉露尾甲初孵幼虫在3种饲料上的生长发育及羽化为成虫后的繁殖力差异。【结果】棉露尾甲初孵幼虫在3种饲料上发育至成虫的生存曲线无显著差异;与丝瓜花和油菜花粉相比,人工饲料饲养棉露尾甲的幼虫期缩短,蛹期延长;人工饲料饲养的雌成虫羽化后20d内累计产卵量显著高于丝瓜花和油菜花粉处理,且可以维持较长时间的单日高产卵量,从而显著提高繁殖力。【结论】人工饲料饲养的棉露尾甲生物学特征与丝瓜花饲养的相似,但繁殖力显著提高,可以利用人工饲料结合配套的饲养技术进行棉露尾甲的室内长期大量饲养。  相似文献   

棉露尾甲发育起点温度和有效积温的研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
罗峰  雷朝亮 《昆虫知识》2004,41(3):252-254
在 1 5 ,2 0 ,2 5 ,3 0和 3 5℃下 ,测定了棉露尾甲Haptoncusluteolus(Erichson)各虫态的发育历期。结果表明 ,卵到蛹各虫态历期随温度升高而呈抛物线变化 ,3 0℃时发育历期最短 ;成虫寿命及世代历期随温度升高呈负线性变化。对试验结果采用了 2种方法计算发育起点温度和有效积温 ,并用变异系数进行检验。结果表明 ,除预蛹期外 ,其它各虫态用最优化法计算结果优于直线回归法 ,卵、幼虫、预蛹、蛹、雌雄成虫产卵前期的发育起点温度分别为 :9 9,7 9,8 6,9 5 ,1 3 0 ,1 3 3和 5 7℃ ,有效积温分别为 :2 6 4,5 3 9,5 4 91 5 1 6,1 3 4 1 ,5 2 4和 3 2 2 0日·度 ;预蛹期的发育起点温度和有效积温分别为 4 8℃和 94 1日·度。  相似文献   

仵均祥  魏建华 《昆虫知识》1991,28(3):166-168
黄斑露尾甲适宜高湿的生境。室内试验结果表明,食料含水量15%时,卵完全不能孵化。在食料含水量20~45%范围内,卵孵化率、幼虫发育速率及成虫日均产卵量均与食料含水量之间呈“S”形曲线关系,拟合关系式分别为和;幼虫期死亡率与食料含水量之间呈二次曲线关系,拟合关系式为D=0.2926W~2-20.8121W+379.3,并求得幼虫期死亡率最低的食料含水量为35.6%;预蛹和蛹则不甚敏感,其发育速率和死亡率均随食料含水量变化而定。  相似文献   

棉露尾甲——一种有利用前景的传粉昆虫   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
罗峰  雷朝亮 《昆虫知识》2002,39(4):305-306
传粉昆虫(pollinatiors)的种类很多,国内外研究较多的主要集中在膜翅目和双翅目,如传统的传粉昆虫蜜蜂、壁蜂、熊蜂、切叶蜂、大头金蝇和食蚜蝇等[1],而关于鞘翅目昆虫作为传粉昆虫的报道很少.棉露尾甲Haptoncus luteolus(Erichson)属鞘翅目露尾甲科,国内将其记载为仓储害虫[2]和棉花害虫[3],未见其作为传粉昆虫的报道.传粉昆虫来到花上是要获取食物,同时也起到了传授花粉的作用[4].作者还观察到棉露尾甲有较特殊的携带花粉的构造和携带花粉的能力(另文发表).本文通过对棉露尾甲在棉花不同类型花上的分布、扩散以及寄主范围等的调查以证明其传粉作用和利用前景.  相似文献   

肚倍蚜干母空间分布型与抽样技术   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
李建军  张雅林 《昆虫知识》1999,36(4):212-214
本文分析了肚倍蚜干母的空间分布型。结果表明肚倍蚜干母种群星聚集分布,同时符合奈曼分布和负二项分布。并分析了引起聚集分布的原因和提出了理论抽样方程。  相似文献   

物种多样性的空间分布格局和维持机制是群落生态学的基本问题。为了探讨海南尖峰岭地区物种多样性空间分布格局的尺度效应, 以海南尖峰岭热带山地雨林60 hm2样地为研究对象, 分析了物种丰富度、物种多度、Shannon-Wiener指数、Simpson指数以及Pielou均匀度指数随6个空间取样尺度(5 m × 5 m、10 m × 10 m、20 m × 20 m、40 m × 40 m、100 m ×100 m、200 m × 200 m)的变化。结果表明: 相比Simpson指数和Pielou均匀度指数, 物种丰富度、多度以及Shannon-Wiener指数具有更为明显的空间尺度效应; 物种丰富度的方差随取样尺度增加呈现单峰分布特征, 并且在20 m × 20 m尺度上达到最大值, 而物种多度的方差随取样尺度的增加而增大; 物种丰富度和多度的正相关性随着取样尺度的增加逐渐减小甚至消失, 这可能与随取样尺度增加生境异质性增加有关; 取样尺度对3个物种多样性指数空间分布的影响可能与研究区域内稀有种的组成有关。  相似文献   

Aims Spatial distribution patterns and formation mechanisms of species diversity are fundamental issues in community ecology. The objectives of this study are to assess the species diversity patterns at the different spatial scales in Jianfengling, Hainan Island, China.
Methods Based on the dataset from the 60 hm2 plot in the tropical montane rain forest in Jianfengling, Hainan Island, the spatial distribution patterns of species richness, species abundance, Shannon-Wiener, Simpson and Pielou’s evenness indices were analyzed at six spatial scales, including 5 m × 5 m, 10 m × 10 m, 20 m × 20 m, 40 m × 40 m, 100 m × 100 m, and 200 m × 200 m, respectively.Important findings
Results showed that spatial distribution patterns of species richness, species abundance and Shannon-Wiener index were much more obviously changed with the spatial scales than Simpson and Pielou’s evenness indices. Change of variance of the species richness with the increase of spatial scales was unimodal, which had the maximum value at the 20 m × 20 m scale. Variance of the species abundance showed a linear relationship with the increase of spatial scales. The positive relationship between species richness and abundance gradually decreased and even disappeared with the increase of sampling scales, which may be correlated with the increase of habitat heterogeneity. The effects of spatial scales on Shannon-Wiener, Simpson, and Pielou’s evenness indices may be also correlated with the composition of rare species in the plot.  相似文献   

The settling behaviour of Aphis craccivora Koch, the vector of cowpea aphid-borne mosaic virus (CAMV) in cowpea, Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp., on aphid-resistant, aphid-tolerant and aphid-susceptible cowpea lines was investigated. It was found that although apterae counts on the aphid-susceptible and aphid-tolerant lines were higher than on the aphid-resistant ones, apterae were more widely dispersed among the latter. Whereas there was a positive significant correlation between alatae numbers and incidence of CAMV in the aphid-susceptible and aphid-tolerant lines, this correlation was negative in the aphid-resistant ones. However, the incidence of CAMV was not significantly different from each other in all the lines. This indicated that aphid activity (e.g. wide dispersal) was more important in the spread of CAMV than the absolute number of viruliferous alatae, an effect which was manifested on the aphid-resistant lines.Aphids acquire CAMV more readily from aphid-susceptible and aphid-tolerant source plants than from aphid-resistant ones. The significance of this in relation to secondary spread of CAMV and the effect of noncolonising aphids are discussed.
Le comportement d'atterissage d'Aphis craccivora et l'acquisition du virus de la mosaïque transmis par puceron chez les variétés de niébe résistantes au puceron
Résumé Le comportement d'atterissage d'Aphis craccivora, vecteur du virus de la mosaique transmis par puceron (CAMV) sur Vigna unguiculata, a été examiné sur des variétés résistantes, sensibles ou tolérantes aux pucerons. On a observé que bien que les dénombrements d'aptères sur variétés sensibles ou tolérantes aient été plus élevés que sur variétés résistantes, les aptères étaient plus largement dispersés sur ces dernières. Tandis qu'il y avait une corrélation positive significative entre les nombres d'ailés et la présence de CAMV sur les variétés sensibles et tolérantes aux pucerons, cette corrélation était négative sur les variétés résistantes. Cependant, la fréquence de CAMV n'était pas significativement différente parmi toutes ces variétés. Ceci a montré l'activité des pucerons (c'est à dire leur dispersion) étail plus importante dans la diffusion du CAMV que le nombre absolu d'ailés virosés, effet qui était manifeste sur les variétés résistantes aux pucerons.Les pucerons contaminés au CAMV le sont plus par des plantes sensibles ou tolérantes aux pucerons que par des plantes résistantes. La discussion porte sur la signification de ceci en relation avec la diffusion secondaire de CAMV, et de l'effet des pucerons non colonisateurs.

Horizontal and temporal patterns in crustacean zooplankton communities were analyzed in two small, oligotrophic lakes which were morphologically and chemically similar, but had contrasting fish communities. Ranger Lake was dominated by two bass species and the planktivores numbered < 25 ind. ha–1. Mouse Lake had no large piscivores and planktivores numbered > 1200 ind. ha–1. There were significant differences in the distribution of zooplankton taxa and size classes between sampling stations. In Ranger Lake, the smallest size classes were more abundant at the deeper stations and the larger individuals were more abundant at the shallower stations. In Mouse Lake, the smaller individuals were more common at the shallow stations and the larger individuals were more common at the deeper stations. These differences suggest medium scale patterns induced by vectorial forces, but modified by species specific migration patterns. We tested the hypothesis that horizontal heterogeneity should be influenced by planktivore density and found that none of the taxa showed significant between-lake differences in the variance-mean regressions. We also tested the hypothesis that larger taxa should be more heterogeneous and we found that cladocerans were more heterogeneous than copepods and nauplii. In terms of sampling methodology our data suggest that the between-station variability was so high that a single mid-lake sample would certainly lead to completely unacceptable errors in the estimation of population densities and biomasses.  相似文献   

豇豆田生态系统中主要害虫及天敌的生态位研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
潘亚飞  罗峰  雷朝亮 《昆虫知识》2005,42(4):404-408
对武汉地区春播和夏播豇豆田生态系统中主要害虫、天敌的种类及空间、时间生态位进行了调查研究。结果表明,春播和夏播豇豆中,瓢虫、蜘蛛和捕食蝽同主要害虫的生态位重叠较大,跟随作用强,具保护利用价值;害虫生态位宽度以蚜虫LipaahiserysimiKaltenbach、蓟马ThripspalmiKarny、豆野螟MarucatestulalisGeyer较宽,天敌生态位春播田中瓢虫较宽,夏播田中蜘蛛较宽。  相似文献   

三叶斑潜蝇Liriomyza trifolii是我国重要的园艺及蔬菜害虫,研究三叶斑潜蝇种群的空间格局和抽样技术,可为该虫的危害调查与防治提供理论依据。应用Iwao m*-m回归分析法、Taylor的幂法则及6个聚集指标,对三叶斑潜蝇幼虫在番茄和豇豆上的空间分布型和抽样技术进行了研究,并做了影响因素分析。结果表明:三叶斑潜蝇幼虫在番茄和豇豆上均呈聚集分布,分布的基本成分是以个体群形式存在,通过分布型参数,采用Kc法、Iwao法及Taylor幂法计算出了在不同精度下三叶斑潜蝇田间的理论抽样数。  相似文献   

Douglas  L. A.  Weaver  R. W. 《Plant and Soil》1993,(1):353-354
If the quality and quantity of yields from cowpea (Vigna unguiculata [L.] Walp.) are to be maximised, a complete understanding of the N nutrition of the plant must be achieved. The N requirement for developing pods of this species may come from mobilization of N in vegetative tissue, biological N fixation and uptake of N from soil. In this study, the fate of a pulse of fixed 15N2 or of 15NO3-given to different cowpea plants during pod development was determined. The plants were grown in vermiculite in plastic pots that were able to be sealed with silicone adhesive and equipped with a rubber septum so that 15N2 gas could be injected into the air space above the vermiculite, and gas losses would be eliminated. Nineteen days after injection of 15N2 the pods, leaves, nodules and roots contained 65%, 15%, 9%, and 4%, respectively of the quantity of 15N2 fixed. When 15NO3-15N was taken up by other plants during this period, these plant parts contained 40%, 26%, 3% and 19%, respectively, of the total plant 15N. The percentage 15N in roots was greater, and that of 15N in nodules was lower, when 15NO3-15N was applied than when 15N2 was utilised by plants. These results indicate that, while a high percentage of fixed-N or NO3-N given to cowpea plants moved to the developing pods, other sinks were competing for this newly-aquired N.  相似文献   

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