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Saturation-transfer difference NMR spectroscopy (STD-NMR) experiments have been performed to analyze the topography or epitope of the octapeptide MDWNMHAA recognized by the anti-carbohydrate antibody SYA/J6 in solution; the antibody is directed against the Shigella flexneri Y O-antigen polysaccharide. The results permit a valuable comparison of solution versus crystal-structure data, and provide insight for the design of the next-generation binding ligands.  相似文献   

Johnson MA  Rotondo A  Pinto BM 《Biochemistry》2002,41(7):2149-2157
Transferred nuclear Overhauser enhancement (TRNOE) experiments have been performed at 800 MHz to investigate the bound conformation of the hexapeptide DRPVPY, a functional molecular mimic of the group A Streptococcus cell-wall polysaccharide. The hexapeptide binds to the monoclonal antibody SA-3, mimicking the branched trisaccharide repeating unit, L-Rha-alpha-(1 --> 2)-(D-GlcNAc-beta-(1 --> 3))-alpha-L-Rha (Rha, rhamnose; GlcNAc, N-acetylglucosamine). The peptide adopts a tight turn conformation with close contacts between the side chains of valine and tyrosine. Relaxation network editing experiments (QUIET-NOESY) were used to confirm the validity of the observed contacts and to evaluate the presence of spin diffusion pathways. Saturation transfer difference (STD-NMR) experiments with selective saturation of protein resonances revealed enhancements of many of the peptide resonances due to close contacts between the peptide and the protein within the antibody combining site.  相似文献   

B Brodsky  M H Li  C G Long  J Apigo  J Baum 《Biopolymers》1992,32(4):447-451
Triple-helix formation of the peptide (Pro-Hyp-Gly)10 was monitored by nmr and CD spectroscopy. The two-dimensional nmr spectra indicated that the Gly C alpha H and Pro C delta H proton resonances shift upfield in going from the nonhelical to helical form, while hydroxy-proline resonances are unchanged. The integrated areas of the helical and nonhelical resonances could be monitored in the one-dimensional nmr spectrum, and indicate that in the (Pro-Hyp-Gly)10 about 90% of the residues are in a defined triple-helical conformation. The introduction of a glycine to alanine substitution or the deletion of a single hydroxyproline residue in the stable triple-helical peptide (Pro-Hyp-Gly)10 still allows trimers to be formed, but the trimers show a substantial loss of triple helix and decreased thermal stability compared with (Pro-Hyp-Gly)10. Two computer models were generated for the Gly----Ala peptide, one with the Ala side chains packed inside the helix and the other with the region containing the alanines forming a beta-bend that loops out from the helix. The nmr data is more consistent with the latter model.  相似文献   

We screened a phage display peptide library for peptidyl mimotopes of gibberellin against anti-bioactive gibberellin antibody. The peptides obtained were grouped into two homologous sequences and their binding to the antibody was put in competition with free GA(4) but not with GA(4) methylester, suggesting that the peptides behave as mimics of GA(4). As an application, the phage display peptide was shown to work as a tracer for enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) analysis of GA(4).  相似文献   

We suggest a simple approach to localization of antigenic determinants for the monoclonal antibody 13B1 raised against recombinant human interleukin-2. The approach is based on the limited trypsin proteolysis, peptide separation by the O'Farrell method and identification of the peptides, interacting with monoclonal antibodies, and comparison of the charge and length of these peptides with the corresponding values of theoretically possible peptides.  相似文献   

The interaction of the P-beta-Cat(19-44) peptide, a 26 amino acid peptide (K(19)AAVSHWQQQSYLDpSGIHpSGATTTAP(44)) that mimics the phosphorylated beta-Catenin antigen, has been studied with its monoclonal antibody BC-22, by transferred nuclear Overhauser effect NMR spectroscopy (TRNOESY) and saturation transfer difference NMR (STD NMR) spectroscopy. This antibody is specific to diphosphorylated beta-Catenin and does not react with the non-phosphorylated protein. Phosphorylation of beta-Catenin at sites Ser33 and Ser37 on the DSGXXS motif is required for the interaction of beta-Catenin with the ubiquitin ligase SCF(beta-TrCP). beta-TrCP is involved in the ubiquitination and proteasome targeting of the oncogenic protein beta-Catenin, the accumulation of which has been implicated in various human cancers. The three-dimensional structure of the P-beta-Cat(19-44) in the bound conformation was determined by TRNOESY NMR experiments; the peptide adopts a compact structure in the presence of mAb with formation of turns around Trp25 and Gln26, with a tight bend created by the DpS(33)GIHpS(37) motif; the peptide residues (D32-pS37) forming this bend are recognized by the antibody as demonstrated by STD NMR experiments. STD NMR studies provide evidence for the existence of a conformational epitope containing tandem repeats of phosphoserine motifs. The peptide's epitope is predominantly located in the large bend and in the N-terminal segment, implicating bidentate association. These findings are in excellent agreement with a recently published NMR structure required for the interaction of beta-Catenin with the SCF(beta-TrCP) protein.  相似文献   

Summary Adhesive pili in uropathogenicE. coli are composed of a few different types of proteins which are assembled into the pilus by the chaperone PapD. Peptides from the C-terminus of these pilus proteins have been prepared by Fmoc solid-phase synthesis. Use of a polyethyleneglycol polystyrene resin was found to be essential for successful synthesis. The conformational propensities of the peptides were analyzed by CD and1H NMR spectroscopy, with special focus on PapG296-314 from the pilus adhesin which has previously showed the tightest binding to PapD. PapG296-314 was found to be flexible in different solutions, but with a significant propensity to adopt a -conformation. Interestingly the peptide is bound as a -strand in a crystalline complex with PapD. The peptides from three other pilus proteins could only be investigated in trifluoroethanol wher they displayed considerable -helicity in contrast to PapG296-314. These results suggest that conformational factors provide part of the explanation for the differential binding of pilus-related peptides to PapD.Abbreviations CD circular dichroism - CHAPS 3-[(3-cholamidopropyl)-dimethylammonio]-1-propane-sulfonate - COSY two-dimensional correlated spectroscopy - DMF dimethylformamide - DMSO dimethylsulfoxide - FAB-MS fast-atom-bombardment mass spectroscopy - Fmoc 9-fluorenylmethoxycarbonyl - Gal galactose - HOBt 1-hydroxybenzotriazole - MeCN acetonitrile - MSNT 1-(2-mesitylenesulfonyl)-3-nitro-1,2,4-triazole - NOE nuclear Overhauser enhancement - NOESY two-dimensional nuclear Overhauser enhancement spectroscopy - PEG-PS resin polyethyleneglycol polystyrene resin - ROESY two-dimensional rotating frame nuclear Overhauser enhancement spectroscopy - SDS sodium dodecylsulfate - TFA trifluoroacetic acid - TFE 2,2,2-trifluoroethanol - TOCSY two-dimensional total correlation spectroscopy These authors have made equal contributions to the work presented.correspondence should be addressed.  相似文献   

Pulsed NMR spectroscopy has been used to study Na+ binding to several simple carbohydrates in aqueous solution. Changes in the 23Na spin-lattice relaxation time (T1) were monitored to indicate complex formation between sodium ions and a ligand. It was found that Na+ interacts with these hydroxy-compounds in a manner similar to other metal cations, but very weakly. Among the sugars investigated, c i s-inositol forms the strongest complexes with the stability constant about 1.2 M?1 (if 1:1 complexes are assumed). A qualitative study of competition between Na+ and Ca2+ was done, indicating that both cations have the same binding sites.  相似文献   

A 10-mer random peptide library displayed on filamentous bacteriophage was used to determine the molecular basis of the interaction between the monoclonal anti-colicin A antibody 1C11 and its cognate epitope. Previous studies established that the putative epitope recognized by 1C11 antibody is composed of amino acid residues 19-25 (RGSGPEP) of colicin A. Using the phage display technique it was confirmed that the epitope of 1C11 antibody was indeed restricted to residues 19-25 and the consensus motif RXXXPEP was identified. Shorter consensus sequences (RXXPEP, RXXEP, KXXEP) were also selected. It was also demonstrated that the disulfide bond found in one group of the selected peptides was crucial for 1C11 antibody recognition. It was shown that cyclization of the peptides by disulfide bond formation could result in a structure that mimics the natural epitope of colicin A.  相似文献   

A conserved mouse sperm antigen (MSA-63) recognized by a monoclonal antibody (HS-63) was isolated from mouse testes by single-step immunoaffinity chromatography. Isolated MSA-63 preparation was shown to be a group of proteins ranging from 24-84 kDa and with isoelectric points (pIs) ranging from 4.0-6.0 when analyzed by two-dimensional (2-D) gel electrophoresis. Microsequencing techniques were employed to determine the relationships of various protein spots on 2-D gels. Partial amino acid sequences of some protein spots in isolated MSA-63 preparation were shown to be homologous to mouse actins, while others revealed homology only to the SP-10 protein. Rabbit antisera raised against isolated MSA-63 antigen preparation were used to immunoscreen a mouse testis cDNA library. Isolated cDNA clones carrying a 1.2-kb insert were used to obtain nucleotide sequences containing open-reading frames and to deduce the corresponding amino acid sequence of MSA-63. A high degree of homology was observed between MSA-63 and a known human sperm antigen, SP-10, at DNA/protein levels. Amino acid sequences of tryptic peptides derived from protein spots of 24-47 kDa and pIs of 4.2-4.4 were found to be identical to those deduced from isolated cDNA clones. The gene expression of MSA-63 during spermatogenesis in mice was studied using a specific cDNA probe as well as HS-63. It was observed that MSA-63 was not expressed until the postmeiotic stages of spermatogenesis.  相似文献   

The peptides DRPVPY and MDWNMHAA, which were identified as mimics of the cell-surface polysaccharides of Streptococcus Group A and Shigella flexneri Y, respectively, were used in this study to develop experimental vaccines directed against these two bacteria. Both oligopeptides were synthesized employing the Fmoc solid-phase strategy and linked via the amino end to a bifunctional linker, diethylsquarate. These adducts were then conjugated to the two carrier proteins, bovine serum albumin (BSA) and tetanus toxoid (TT) to yield the peptide conjugate vaccines. The average level of incorporation of DRPVPY and MDWNMHAA on TT was 65% and 75%, respectively, whereas that of both peptide haptens on BSA was 100%. A polysaccharide conjugate against S. flexneri Y, which comprises about 10 tetrasaccharide repeating units, was also prepared based on reductive amination at the reducing end with 1,3-diaminopropane, followed by coupling of the aminated polysaccharide to diethylsquarate, and subsequent coupling of the adduct to TT. An average incorporation of 73% of polysaccharide haptens was achieved. The glycoconjugate and the oligopeptide conjugates were shown to bind effectively to the respective monoclonal antibodies directed against the cell-surface polysaccharides.  相似文献   

P3 is a mouse monoclonal antibody (mAb) that binds to several NeuGc- containing gangliosides. It also reacts with antigens expressed in human breast tumors (Vazquez et al. (1995) Hybridoma , 14, 551-556). In this work, the binding specificity of P3 has been characterized in more detail using a panel of glycolipids that included several disialylated gangliosides and several chemical derivatives of NeuGc-GM3. The carboxyl group and the nitrogen function of sialic acid were found to play important roles in the antibody binding, whereas the glycerol tail appears to be nonrelevant. Molecular modeling was used to analyze the binding data, including the finding that P3 selectively recognizes the internal NeuGc in GD3. For this purpose, conformational studies of GD3 were performed using molecular dynamics. It was concluded that sialic acid binds the P3 antibody through its upper face (the one on which the carboxyl group is exposed) and the C4-C5 side of the sugar ring, whereas none or very little contact between the galactose residue and the protein is evident. Conformational analysis of GD3 revealed that, despite the large flexibility of the NeuGcalpha8NeuGc linkage, the P3 binding epitope on the external sialic acid is not well exposed for any of the possible conformations this linkage can adopt, whereas the internal sialic acid presents the epitope in a proper way for several of these conformations. As a final result, a coherent picture of the epitope that fits the wide binding data was obtained.   相似文献   

Mouse monoclonal IgG2b antibodies to leukotriene B4 bind [3H]leukotriene B4 with an affinity one-thirtieth to one-third that of different rabbit antibodies to leukotriene B4. The concentrations of related ligands required to inhibit by 50% the binding of [3H]leukotriene B4 define cross-reactivities of approximately 100% for carboxyl-derivatives of leukotriene B4, 10% for 12(S)-leukotriene B4 and 8 cis-leukotriene B4, which were not distinguished from leukotriene B4 by polyclonal antibodies, 3-5% for the two isomers of 6 trans-leukotriene B4, 5% for 20-OH-leukotriene B4 and 20-COOH-leukotriene B4, and less than 1% for other leukotrienes, mono-hydroxy-eicosatetraenoic acids, and the two leukotriene B4-like isomers of 8, 15-di-hydroxy-eicosatetraenoic acid. Thus the monoclonal combining site is highly specific for the di-hydroxy-triene portion of leukotriene B4.  相似文献   

Antibodies raised against the synthetic peptide corresponding to the carboxy-terminal 24 amino acids (305-328) of the heavy chain of the hemagglutinin molecule of influenza virus A/X-31 (H3) bind this peptide at three antigenic sites. These sites were identified by assaying binding of polyclonal BALB/c mouse antipeptide sera to the complete set of all possible di-, tri, tetra-, penta-, hexa-, hepta-, and octapeptides homologous with the 24-residue sequence. Individual epitopes were defined and essential residues identified by testing the binding of monoclonal antibodies to sets of peptide analogues in which every one of the homologous residues was replaced in turn by each of the 19 alternative genetically coded amino acids. The immunodominant epitope was shown to be a linear sequence of five amino acids, 314LKLAT318. Replacement of any one of these residues with any other amino acid resulted in loss of antibody binding, indicating that all five are essential to the interaction and that they are probably contact residues. Another antigenic site contains at least two overlapping epitopes: polyclonal sera recognize predominantly an epitope or epitopes encompassed by the linear sequence 320MRNVPEKQT328, whereas the epitope defined by a particular monoclonal antibody comprises the seven amino acids 322NVPEKQT328, of which N322, E325, and Q327 were implicated as contact residues.  相似文献   

VP2 is a structural protein of the foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV). In this study, a FMDV serotype-in-dependent monoclonal antibody (MAb), 4B2, was generated. By screening a phage-displayed random 12-peptide library, we found positive phages displaying the consensus motif ETTXLE (X is any amino acid (aa)), which is highly homologous to 6ETTLLE11 at the N-terminus of the VP2 protein. Subsequently, a series of GST-fusion proteins expressing a truncated N-terminus of VP2 were examined by western blot analysis using the MAb 4B2. The results indicated that the motif 6ETTLLE11 of VP2 may be the minimal requirement of the epitope recognized by 4B2. Moreover, a 12-aa peptide 2KKTEETTLLEDR13 was shown to be the minimal unit of the epitope with maximal binding activity to 4B2. Alanine-scanning analysis demonstrated thatThr7, Thr8, and Leu10 are the functional residues of the 4B2 epitope Glu6 and Leu9 are required residues, and Glu11 plays a crucial role in the binding of MAb 4B2. The fine mapping of the epitope indicated that MAb 4B2 has the potential to be used in FMDV diagnosis.  相似文献   

The structure of an extracellular polysaccharide (EPS) from Streptococcus thermophilus THS has been determined. A combination of component analysis, methylation analysis and NMR spectroscopy shows that the polysaccharide is composed of pentasaccharide repeating units. Sequential information was obtained by two-dimensional (1)H,(1)H-NOESY and (1)H,(13)C-HMBC NMR experiments. NMR data indicate different mobility within the EPS with a stiffer backbone and a more flexible side-chain.  相似文献   

Park TJ  Kim JS  Ahn HC  Kim Y 《Biophysical journal》2011,(5):1193-1201
Lactophoricin (LPcin-I) is an antimicrobial, amphiphatic, cationic peptide with 23-amino acid residues isolated from bovine milk. Its analogous peptide, LPcin-II, lacks six N-terminal amino acids compared to LPcin-I. Interestingly, LPcin-II does not display any antimicrobial activity, whereas LPcin-I inhibits the growth of both Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria without exhibiting any hemolytic activity. Uniformly 15N-labeled LPcin peptides were prepared by the recombinant expression of fusion proteins in Escherichia coli, and their properties were characterized by electrospray ionization mass spectrometry, circular dichroism spectroscopy, and antimicrobial activity tests. To understand the structure-activity relationship of these two peptides, they were studied in model membrane environments by a combination of solution and solid-state NMR spectroscopy. We determined the tertiary structure of LPcin-I and LPcin-II in the presence of dodecylphosphorylcholine micelles by solution NMR spectroscopy. Magnetically aligned unflipped bicelle samples were used to investigate the structure and topology of LPcin-I and LPcin-II by solid-state NMR spectroscopy.  相似文献   

Grinstead JS  Schuman JT  Campbell AP 《Biochemistry》2003,42(48):14293-14305
MUC1 mucin is a breast cancer-associated transmembrane glycoprotein, of which the extracellular domain is formed by the repeating 20-amino acid sequence GVTSAPDTRPAPGSTAPPAH. In neoplastic breast tissue, the highly immunogenic sequence PDTRPAP (in bold above) is exposed. Antibodies raised directly against MUC1-expressing tumors offer unique access to this neoplastic state, as they represent immunologically relevant "reverse templates" of the tumor-associated mucin. In a previous study [Grinstead, J. S., et al. (2002) Biochemistry 41, 9946-9961], (1)H NMR methods were used to correlate the effects of cryptic glycosylation outside of the PDTRPAP core epitope sequence on the recognition and binding of Mab B27.29, a monoclonal antibody raised against breast tumor cells. In the study presented here, isotope-edited NMR methods, including (15)N and (13)C relaxation measurements, were used to probe the recognition and binding of the PDTRPAP epitope sequence to Fab B27.29. Two peptides were studied: a one-repeat MUC1 16mer peptide of the sequence GVTSAPDTRPAPGSTA and a two-repeat MUC1 40mer peptide of the sequence (VTSAPDTRPAPGSTAPPAHG)(2). (15)N and (13)C NMR relaxation parameters were measured for both peptides free in solution and bound to Fab B27.29. The (13)C(alpha) T(1) values best represent changes in the local correlation time of the peptide epitope upon binding antibody, and demonstrate that the PDTRPAP sequence is immobilized in the antibody-combining site. This result is also reflected in the appearance of the (15)N- and (13)C-edited HSQC spectra, where line broadening of the same peptide epitope resonances is observed. The PDTRPAP peptide epitope expands upon the peptide epitope identified previously in our group as PDTRP by homonuclear NMR experiments [Grinstead, J. S., et al. (2002) Biochemistry 41, 9946-9961], and illustrates the usefulness of the heteronuclear NMR experiments. The implications of these results are discussed within the context of MUC1 breast cancer vaccine design.  相似文献   

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