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Europe has led many aspects of gene research and yet it has been unable to translate these discoveries into a globally dominant industrial sector. There are valid societal, political and financial reasons for its reluctance to deploy agricultural biotechnology but this reluctance might have unintended consequences. It will be hard to de-commoditize agriculture and improve farmer's lives. Research in medical biotechnology and the global environment might suffer. Europe could damage its overall economy and its global competitive standing.  相似文献   

Attitudes toward biotechnology in the European Union   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Public attitudes toward biotechnology in the European Union have been characterized as negative using Eurobarometer data, but so far little attention has been paid to building a robust metric appropriate for emerging public opinion issues which combine high salience with very limited knowledge by the public. On the basis of the general literature about the formation and structure of attitudes and about public perceptions of science, this article presents a new metric and analysis: first, for estimating the level of awareness and knowledge of biotechnology in Europe; second, for assessing the stability and depth of these evaluative perceptions; and third, for exploring the roles of canonical socio-demographic variables, the knowledge variable and general attitudinal schemas for understanding the perceptions of both benefits and risks of biotech applications. The results show the importance of general value orientations or "worldviews" in shaping positive attitudes, and more of these general cognitive schemas should be measured in future research. The same multivariate model was unable to account for a significant percentage of the total variance in the perception of risks, suggesting that new measures are needed to tap this critical area in the acceptance of biotech in Europe.  相似文献   

Conclusions European cooperation in biological oceanography is indispensable for geographical, political and financial reasons. Large-scale regional projects, ocean observation and forescasting systems, the study of the deep-sea bed and the development of modern technology for automated observations require multinational cooperation. Other projects might be carried out on a bi- or trilateral basis. European cooperation holds great promise because of the high concentration and great variety of research institutions with a large potential of skilled personnel, instruments and many (too many?) research vessels of all sizes. The opening up of the former Eastern bloc provides new opportunities and obligations for European cooperation. New approaches have been found through the provision of national vessels and installations for international projects. The further integration of European marine science will presumably lead to the establishment of technology centres, and possibly to European research vessels. The new perspectives of European cooperation are encouraging, provided there will be enough solidarity within Europe during periods of great economic disparity, and provided European marine scientists are aware of the interests of their colleagues in all other parts of the world rich and poor.  相似文献   

"Food, Agriculture and Fisheries and Biotechnology" is one of 10 thematic areas in the Cooperation programme of the European Union's 7th Framework Programme for Research, Technological Development and Demonstration Activities (FP7). With a budget of nearly €2 billion for the period 2007-2013, its objective is to foster the development of a European Knowledge-Based Bio-Economy (KBBE) by bringing together science, industry and other stakeholders that produce, manage or otherwise exploit biological resources. Biotechnology plays an important role in addressing social, environmental and economic challenges and it is recognised as a key enabling technology in the transition to a green, low carbon and resource-efficient economy. Biotechnologies for non-health applications have received a considerable attention in FP7 and to date 61 projects on industrial, marine, plant, environmental and emerging biotechnologies have been supported with a contribution of €262.8 million from the European Commission (EC). This article presents an outlook of the research, technological development and demonstration activities in biotechnology currently supported in FP7 within the Cooperation programme, including a brief overview of the policy context.  相似文献   

“Food, Agriculture and Fisheries and Biotechnology” is one of 10 thematic areas in the Cooperation programme of the European Union's 7th Framework Programme for Research, Technological Development and Demonstration Activities (FP7). With a budget of nearly €2 billion for the period 2007–2013, its objective is to foster the development of a European Knowledge-Based Bio-Economy (KBBE) by bringing together science, industry and other stakeholders that produce, manage or otherwise exploit biological resources. Biotechnology plays an important role in addressing social, environmental and economic challenges and it is recognised as a key enabling technology in the transition to a green, low carbon and resource-efficient economy. Biotechnologies for non-health applications have received a considerable attention in FP7 and to date 61 projects on industrial, marine, plant, environmental and emerging biotechnologies have been supported with a contribution of €262.8 million from the European Commission (EC). This article presents an outlook of the research, technological development and demonstration activities in biotechnology currently supported in FP7 within the Cooperation programme, including a brief overview of the policy context.  相似文献   

Undoubtedly, biotechnology has a tremendous impact on our daily lives. As a result of this and in parallel to the advancement of knowledge in this field of applied research, consumer awareness of the potential benefits and risks of this technology has steadily increased, leading to a thorough investigation of the public perception of biotechnology in the past years. Indeed, it has become clear that it is in the general interest of science and especially of applied research to inform the public of its advances. A promising next step is to strengthen biotechnology communication in scholastic institutions. In this paper, we investigate the perception of biotechnology in a specific target group, namely high-school students in the 16–20-year-old age range. We conducted a questionnaire-based survey on a total of 1410 students in six European countries to investigate students’ perception, concern, scientific knowledge, and awareness. Our data revealed some unexpected patterns of acceptance and concern about biotechnology. Knowledge analysis indicated that pupils lack specific knowledge about biotechnological applications and their interest in biotechnology appeared to be linked to knowledge. Analysis of specific questions about teaching practices at schools suggests that a better targeted choice in media as vehicles for information together with selected speakers could be instrumental in increasing students’ interest in science and more specifically in biotechnology.  相似文献   

Modern biotechnology has gradually attracted ever greater interest over the past four decades, from ever-widening communities across the world--from academic scientists, of course, and then from industrialists, journalists, medical specialists, agricultural practitioners, environmental "experts," economists, trading companies--and, so far as it concerns regulation, above all from political interests whose product is indeed legislation. As the interests widened, conflicts developed: between departments, between sectors, between countries and between international agencies. The European Community made choices, bitterly contested; the battles on conducting and regulating the field release of GMOs (genetically modified organisms) were usually won--at least in Europe--by the environment ministries, often in conflict with agriculture and/or the research and science ministries. The result has been the construction over the past 30 y of an ever heavier regulatory burden on those who seek to develop and launch products based on the use of modern biotechnology. The pretense is labeled "the precautionary principle." No lives have been saved, but many jobs have been created in bureaucracies large and small around the world. So far as academia was concerned, their experiments and field trials were repeatedly wrecked by NGOs (non-governmental organizations) claiming thus to have saved mankind and the environment. This is a story of grave political failure in Europe with globally adverse consequences.  相似文献   

Microalgal biotechnology is an innovative sector in the field of biotechnology and has evolved exponentially in the last 100 years. With the aim of finding out the current situation of the sector and its development, patents on microalgal biotechnology were surveyed in Espacenet, the European Patent Office database. The objective of this study was to identify the main trends in microalgae-related patents in the most commercial genera: Chlorella, Spirulina, Dunaliella, Haematococcus and model organism Chlamydomonas.  相似文献   

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