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Although the social structure in a safari park population of plains zebras is similar to that observed in the wild, a number of behavioural differences between the two situations were found. Unlike in the wild situation, stallions expelled their own offspring, generally directly after the birth of a sibling. Other individuals frequently joined the stallion in expulsion behaviour. Harems remained intact in spite of the absence of the stallion. Stallions did not abduct young females, as in the wild, but they did abduct adult females when these were in estrus. Stallions further expelled adult mares which hindered them. The prominent role of the stallion in regulating group size could mean that the competition experienced in the safari park is harder for stallions than it is for mares. Young females not expelled from their natal harem go through a “wandering phase”, visiting other groups. After that they exert female choice when they eventually join a group or an individual.  相似文献   

Zebras, as prey species, attend to the behavior of nearby conspecifics and heterospecifics when making decisions to flee from predators. Plains zebras (Equus quagga) and Grevy's zebras (E. grevyi) frequently form mixed‐species groups in zones where their ranges overlap in Kenya. Although anecdotal observations suggest that Plains zebras are more flighty around humans than Grevy's zebras are, this has not been empirically confirmed, and relatively little is known about how they may influence each other's flight behavior. We addressed these questions by examining the flight initiation distances (FIDs) of Plains and Grevy's zebras in single‐species and mixed‐species groups from an approaching human. One target individual per group was approached steadily on foot, with start distance, alert distance, and FID recorded from this target. Using start distance and alert distance separately as covariates, 22 Plains zebras in single‐species groups exhibited a significantly longer mean FID than 15 Grevy's zebras in single‐species groups. The FIDs of 7 Plains zebras and 5 Grevy's zebras tested in mixed‐species groups were virtually equivalent and intermediate to those of Plains and Grevy's zebras in single‐species groups, suggesting a bidirectional moderating influence of heterospecifics on risk assessment. This effect was most pronounced for Plains zebras in mixed‐species groups that exhibited an FID that was significantly shorter than that of Plains zebras in single‐species groups. Our findings underscore the importance of recognizing that related equids may be differently impacted by anthropogenic stress.  相似文献   

Understanding why animal societies take on the form that they do has benefited from insights gained by applying social network analysis to patterns of individual associations. Such analyses typically aggregate data over long time periods even though most selective forces that shape sociality have strong temporal elements. By explicitly incorporating the temporal signal in social interaction data we re-examine the network dynamics of the social systems of the evolutionarily closely-related Grevy’s zebras and wild asses that show broadly similar social organizations. By identifying dynamic communities, previously hidden differences emerge: Grevy’s zebras show more modularity than wild asses and in wild asses most communities consist of solitary individuals; and in Grevy’s zebras, lactating females show a greater propensity to switch communities than non-lactating females and males. Both patterns were missed by static network analyses and in general, adding a temporal dimension provides insights into differences associated with the size and persistence of communities as well as the frequency and synchrony of their formation. Dynamic network analysis provides insights into the functional significance of these social differences and highlights the way dynamic community analysis can be applied to other species.  相似文献   

An anthrax outbreak occurred in the Wamba area of southern Samburu, Kenya, between December 2005 and March 2006. The outbreak affected equids including the endangered Grevy's zebras (Equus grevyi), plain zebras (Equis Burchelli) and donkeys (Equus asinus). Most of the deaths were localized in Nkaroni area just west of Wamba town. The diagnosis of anthrax was rapidly confirmed by bacteriological methods. The relevant government departments, including the Kenya Wildlife Service and Veterinary Department, and other stakeholders were promptly informed. Fifty‐three Grevy's zebra and 26 plains zebras died from anthrax. An equal number (eighteen) of adult male and female Grevy's zebras succumbed to the disease. The outbreak affected immature and mature individuals equally. The dead plain zebras included fifteen adult females, two adult males and nine immature individuals. The Veterinary Department responded by vaccinating livestock while Kenya Wildlife Service vaccinated 620 Grevy's zebras within southern Samburu. Examination of sites at which carcasses of animals which succumbed to the disease were burnt, revealed that unsupervised burning did not eliminate anthrax spores in 42% of the cases (n = 14). There is an urgent need to incorporate strategic wildlife disease monitoring in the struggle to save Grevy's zebras and other endangered species.  相似文献   

Vigilance in vertebrates is often inversely related to group size. We present evidence that distance to bushes and location within the herd are also critical factors in vigilance in springbok (Antidorcas marsupialis) in Etosha National Park, Namibia, where they are the preferred prey of cheetahs (Acinonyx jubatus). Most springbok feed in heterospecific herds, both by grazing on grass and browsing on bushes. We studied 1245 animals; variations in vigilance (time alert) were explained by location within the herd, distance to bushes and roads, number of springbok in each herd, and gender and age. Vigilance time decreased with increasing herd size, with increasing distance to bushes and roads, and with density. Springbok on the edge of herds devoted significantly more time to vigilance than did those in other locations, and vigilance in edge animals decreased with group size. Adults were more vigilant than young, and males were more vigilant than females. Position within the herd, and distance from bushes, were the most important variables influencing vigilance. Location in the herd and gender/age affected both browsing and grazing springbok, although other factors accounted for the differences in vigilance between browsing and grazing springbok: 1) group size was not significant for browsers, but it was for grazers, and 2) distances to bushes and road were not significant for browsers, but they were for grazers. These data relate to the risk from predators and the benefits from other group members. Springbok in bushes cannot see all members of the herd, cannot derive early warning from many group members, and are more at risk from predators because the latter can hide in the bushes. Received: 17 May 1999 / Received in revised form: 30 August 1999 / Accepted: 29 November 1999  相似文献   

The century-old idea that stripes make zebras cryptic to large carnivores has never been examined systematically. We evaluated this hypothesis by passing digital images of zebras through species-specific spatial and colour filters to simulate their appearance for the visual systems of zebras’ primary predators and zebras themselves. We also measured stripe widths and luminance contrast to estimate the maximum distances from which lions, spotted hyaenas, and zebras can resolve stripes. We found that beyond ca. 50 m (daylight) and 30 m (twilight) zebra stripes are difficult for the estimated visual systems of large carnivores to resolve, but not humans. On moonless nights, stripes are difficult for all species to resolve beyond ca. 9 m. In open treeless habitats where zebras spend most time, zebras are as clearly identified by the lion visual system as are similar-sized ungulates, suggesting that stripes cannot confer crypsis by disrupting the zebra’s outline. Stripes confer a minor advantage over solid pelage in masking body shape in woodlands, but the effect is stronger for humans than for predators. Zebras appear to be less able than humans to resolve stripes although they are better than their chief predators. In conclusion, compared to the uniform pelage of other sympatric herbivores it appears highly unlikely that stripes are a form of anti-predator camouflage.  相似文献   

The predator–prey space game and the costs associated with risk effects are affected by prey 1) proactive adjustments (when prey modify their behaviour in response to an a priori assessment of the risk level) and 2) reactive adjustments (when prey have detected an immediate threat). Proactive adjustments are generally well‐studied, whereas the frequency, strength and duration of reactive adjustments remain largely unknown. We studied the space use and habitat selection of GPS‐collared zebras Equus quagga from 2 to 48 h after an encounter with lions Panthera leo. Lion–zebra encounters generally occurred close to artificial waterholes (< 1 km). Two hours after an encounter, zebras were more likely to have fled than stay when the encounter occurred in more risky bushy areas. During their flight, zebras selected grasslands more than usual, getting great visibility. Regardless of their initial response, zebras finally fled at the end of the night and reached areas located far from waterholes where encounters with lions are less frequent. The large‐scale flights (~4–5 km) of zebras led to a local zebra depression for lions. Zebras that had fled immediately after the encounter resumed their behaviour of coming close to waterholes on the following day. However, zebras that had initially stayed remained far from waterholes for an extra 24 h, remaining an elusive prey for longer. The delay in the flight decision had different short‐term consequences on the lion–zebra game. We reveal that the spatial context of the encounter shapes the immediate response of prey, and that encountering predators induces strong behavioural responses: prey flee towards distant, safer, areas and have a constrained use of key resource areas which are at the heart of the predator–prey game at larger spatio‐temporal scales. Nighttime encounters were infrequent (once every 35 days on average), zebra responses were short‐lived (< 36 h) but occurred over a large spatial scale (several km).  相似文献   

Milk samples were obtained in early and/or late lactation from Przewalski horses, Hartmann's zebras, Grant's zebras, domestic horses, ponies and a mule mare made pregnant by embryo transfer. Samples were compared for their content of total solids, ash, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, potassium, copper, zinc and iron. Milk from the Przewalski horses, Hartmann's zebra and the domestic horse had similar mineral composition and the content of minerals was higher in early than in late lactation. Milk from the domestic mule contained the lowest concentration of calcium, phosphorus and zinc but the highest concentration of magnesium, sodium and potassium. Milk from the Grant's zebras contained more sodium than potassium, unlike milk from Przewalski horses, Hartmann's zebras or domestic horses in which there was more potassium than sodium.  相似文献   

Prey species must adapt their behavior to avoid predation. Asa key prey item for lions (Panthera leo), plains zebras (Equusburchelli) were expected to respond to immediate threats posedby lions in their area. In addition, zebras were predicted toexhibit behavior tuned to reduce the potential for encounterswith lions, by modifying their movement patterns in the timesof day and habitats of greatest lion danger. We studied a populationof approximately 600 plains zebra living in Ol Pejeta Conservancy,Kenya. We found that zebra abundance on or near a grasslandpatch was lower if lions had also been observed on that patchduring the same day. Predation danger was highest in grasslandhabitat during the night, when lions were more active. Zebrasightings and global positioning system radio collar data indicatedthat zebras also reduced their use of grassland at night, insteadusing more woodland habitat. Zebras moved faster and took sharperturns in grassland at night. It is hypothesized that these moreerratic movements assist zebras in avoiding detection or captureby lions.  相似文献   

Most studies of plains zebra (Equus burchellii) have focused on population ecology and have not included long-term observations of identified individuals. Over a 5-year period, we studied the crepuscular activities of 13 individual zebras within a focal group held within a managed game reserve. We also examined individual residency within the group by recording births, mortalities and longevity of group membership by adults. Residency of individuals living in other groups on the reserve was similarly monitored to examine variability in social structure within this closed population over an extended period of time. Stable, female groups were the mainstay of group sociality with male mean residency at 31.6 months being variable in length or even absent. Social interactions across all categories of zebras were free from aggression. Despite an absence of non-human predators, the proportion of dusk time budget allocated to vigilance was high, at 41% for males during periods when they accompanied stable female groups and 12% for females during these same periods. Female vigilance increased significantly to 19% when males were not resident. Females spent 70% of the time grazing and males just 36%. Due to its long-term nature, we concluded this study established a base line for plains zebra activity that could assist in understanding the factors that influence the successful management and conservation of healthy populations.  相似文献   

Barren ground caribou (Rangifer tarandus granti) are distributed in herds that seasonally use specific geographic regions within an annual range, with varying levels of fidelity during different periods (e.g., calving, insect relief, wintering). As a result, caribou management is generally tailored to individual herds that often range across administrative boundaries. Herd ranges can shift over time, seasonal ranges of adjacent herds often overlap, herds merge, and there is often little genetic differentiation among adjacent herds. If substantial herd interchange occurs, it would have important management implications by influencing estimates of herd size, herd composition, and harvest rates. We compiled satellite telemetry data from 2003–2015 for 4 large arctic caribou herds to quantify herd interchange rates. We calculated a metric of herd interchange based on the relationship of caribou locations to typical weekly herd ranges (all yrs combined) and the distance to other radio-collared caribou from each of the 4 herds (yr specific). Although herd membership cannot always be clearly defined based on location, this metric provides an objective measure of the strength of evidence of herd membership that can be used to make comparisons among herds and time periods. We also calculated herd overlap and quantified how it varied throughout the year. Herd interchange was rare in the 2 larger herds, generally occurring when caribou overwintered with an adjacent herd, whereas herd interchange from the 2 smaller herds was more frequent and could last longer than a year. Although sample sizes were limited, there were no clear patterns in herd interchange with year or annual herd size. The 2 smaller herds had large seasonal overlap with adjacent herds, suggesting that herd interchange may be related to spatiotemporal herd overlap and relative herd size. Our results can help managers understand herd interchange and overlap to make management decisions, interpret research results, and develop more accurate population models. © 2020 The Authors. The Journal of Wildlife Management published by Wiley Periodicals LLC on behalf of The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

African ungulate populations appear to be limited principally by their food resources. Within ungulate communities, plains zebras coexist with grazing bovids of similar body size, but rarely are the dominant species. Given the highly effective nutritional strategy of the equids and the resistance of zebras to drought, this is unexpected and suggests that zebra populations may commonly be limited by other mechanisms. Long-term research in the Serengeti ecosystem and in the Kruger National Park suggests that zebra could be less sensitive to food shortage, and more sensitive to predation, than grazing bovids: if this is a general principle, then, at a larger scale, resource availability should have a weaker effect on the abundance of zebra than on grazing ruminants of similar body size (wildebeest and buffalo), and zebras should be relatively more abundant in ecosystems where predators are rare or absent. We test these expectations using data on 23 near-natural ecosystems in east and southern Africa. The abundance of wildebeest is more closely related to resources than is that of zebra; buffalo are intermediate. We show that hyena densities are closely correlated with those of lions, and use the abundance of lions as an index of predation by large predators. The numerical response of lions to increases in the abundance of their prey was linear for mesoherbivores, and apparently so for the three species alone. Finally, the abundance of zebra relative to grazing bovids is lower in ecosystems with high biomasses of lions. These results indicate that zebras may commonly be more sensitive to top-down processes than grazing bovids: the mechanism(s) have not been demonstrated, but predation could play a role. If it is true, then when numbers of the large mammalian predators decline, zebra populations should increase faster than buffalo and wildebeest.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that selenium (Se) deficiency is associated with nutritional myopathy, known as white muscle disease (WMD), in horses. However, correlations between Se deficiency and clinical findings, such as hematologic biochemical values and pathological features, have not been evaluated in captive plains zebras. The purpose of the present study was to investigate the clinical and pathologic features that may be caused by a Se deficiency in the captive plains zebra. Clinical findings, feed analyses, hematologic biochemical analyses, response to treatment, and pathologic examination were assessed in six affected plains zebras. The dietary concentration of Se in feed was also tested. Sudden death occurred in two cases during the first day of the onset of symptoms. Two zebras died at 4 days and two zebras survived after treatment. The clinical signs in affected animals were characterized by general weakness, astasia, and abnormal postural positions. The Se concentration in hay from the breeding stable was low, based on the reference value. Glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px) activity was lower compared with the equine reference value. Multiple areas of subcutaneous steatitis and pale skeletal muscle and myocardium were revealed at gross necropsy. Degeneration and necrosis of myocardial and skeletal muscles, as well as congestion of the liver, lung, and kidney were found via histopathological examination. No suspected bacterial infections were found. Feed analyses, response to treatment, serum GSH-Px activity, and pathological features suggest that Se deficiency may have caused the disease in the six affected captive plains zebra.  相似文献   

The design of modem housing systems for farm animals calls for cooperation between scientists within different disciplines. This article describes the design of a new production system for weaned and growing pigs, as well as the analyses and working processes behind its development. The aim of the study was to develop an economically competitive system that also provided better welfare for the animals and a healthier environment for the workers. Analyses were carried out with emphasis on behavioral needs and building design and economy. The resulting system, the "safari system," consists of a number of straw flow pens of increasing size. Pigs are moved to larger and larger pens each week until slaughter. The main advantage is that pigs are not mixed during the growth period and that they are given more space, especially toward the end of the growth period when their space demand is high. Furthermore, the provision of straw for comfort and exploration and of wallow basins for cooling in the pens for the larger pigs were considered significant welfare improvements. An analysis revealed that the safari system would be economically competitive in comparison to traditional intensive systems.  相似文献   

Zoos and zoological parks serve as genetic and demographic reserves for strengthening endangered populations and reestablishing extinct populations in the wild. Knowing the genetic ties within captive populations is a very helpful tool for successful reproductive management. In the present study we addressed kinship relationships and behavior among rhinoceroses (Ceratotherium simum simum) raised at the Zoological Center, Tel Aviv/Ramat Gan, Israel, with the hope of identifying reasons for the declining rate of reproduction within the herd. We used the random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) technique to reveal the paternity of the rhinos born at the park. In this way, we identified the paternity of five out of seven young born in the herd, which are currently in Ramat Gan. One male accounted for three (37.5%) births, and two other males accounted for one each. The paternity of the two other animals is unknown and may be of animals that are no longer in the Zoological Center. The genetic determinations were accompanied by behavioral observations, which enabled us to determine the social dynamics in the herd. This study suggests that there are at least three contributing factors to the reproductive decline in the herd: 1) a surplus of males, 2) exclusion of potentially reproductive males from the breeding stock, and 3) specific behavioral and physiological problems in some members of the herd. Zoo Biol 21:561–571, 2002. © 2002 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

传统公园评价的研究大多集中在单个公园使用满意度方面,存在问卷样本量小、采集时间较集中等缺陷。大数据相关研究的快速发展为公园系统评价提供了新的契机。基于对社交媒体数据的文本分析,研究对比广州市 50 个公园的评价结果,同时探究公园评价与人口统计学特征、地理区位、评价时间以及公园属性之间的关系。研究发现, 1)公园正面评价主要集中在免费设施、环境和特色等方面,而负面评价多集中于公园卫生、交通成本、停车等管理服务方面,广州公园的管理服务水平亟待提升。 2)女性较男性更关注公园能否满足其对社交场所的需求,本地游客较外地游客更关注公园本身的服务质量而非公园的外部属性。 3)基干公园应更侧重其可达性和基本的服务功能,承担大众日常活动;特色公园应更注重满足特定人群的需求及特色打造;自然公园应更关注公园生态质量并能够承担需要较大场地的活动。 4) 2010—2018 年,人们越来越关注公园特色的打造,在公园中的活动类型也越来越多样,现代公园建设更应着力于文化服务质量的提升。研究突破传统公园研究方法的局限,将大数据的手段运用到多个公园的整体评价当中,有助于建立更普适、更有针对性的公园评价指标体系,具有较高的实践价值。  相似文献   

The design of modem housing systems for farm animals calls for cooperation between scientists within different disciplines. This article describes the design of a new production system for weaned and growing pigs, as well as the analyses and working processes behind its development. The aim of the study was to develop an economically competitive system that also provided better welfare for the animals and a healthier environment for the workers. Analyses were carried out with emphasis on behavioral needs and building design and economy. The resulting system, the “safari system, ”consists of a number of straw flow pens of increasing size. Pigs are moved to larger and larger pens each week until slaughter. The main advantage is that pigs are not mixed during the growth period and that they are given more space, especially toward the end of the growth period when their space demand is high. Furthermore, the provision of straw for comfort and exploration and of wallow basins for cooling in the pens for the larger pigs were considered significant welfare improvements. An analysis revealed that the safari system would be economically competitive in comparison to traditional intensive systems.  相似文献   

By using isoelectric focusing in thin agarose slab gels 1049 Thoroughbred, 82 Nooitgedachter, 45 Percheron and 244 horses of other breeds were examined. The numbers of other Equidae tested were 107 donkeys, 50 mules, 4 common zebras (Equus burchelli boehmi) and 8 mountain zebras (Equus zebra hartmannae). Phenotypic data are presented for all tested animals and gene frequencies are calculated for the horses.  相似文献   

A 19-mo-old female captive white-tailed deer in a public wild animal park in Richmond (Virginia, USA) was necropsied and evaluated histologically following spontaneous death after a 1 wk period of lethargy in a captive herd of 22 deer. An acute necrotizing pneumonia was associated with intraendothelial protozoal schizonts that were identified immunohistochemically as Sarcocystis spp. This is the first confirmed report of acute sarcocystosis in a wild ruminant.  相似文献   

By using isoelectric focusing in thin agarose slab gels 1049 Thoroughbred, 82 Nooit-gedachter, 45 Percheron and 244 horses of other breeds were examined. The numbers of other Equidae tested were 107 donkeys, 50 mules, 4 common zebras (Equus burchelli boehmi) and 8 mountain zebras (Equus zebra hartmannae). Phenotypic data are presented for all tested animals and gene frequencies are calculated for the horses.  相似文献   

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