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Uptake of extracellular adenosine was studied in primary cultures of astrocytes or neurons. Both cell types showed a high affinity uptake. TheK m values were not significantly different (6.5±3.75 M in astrocytes and 6.1±1.86 M in neurons), but the intensity of the uptake was higher in astrocytes than in neurons (V max values of 0.16±0.030 and 0.105±0.010 nmol×min–1×mg–1 protein, respectively). The temperature sensitivity was similar in the two cell types. Adenosine uptake inhibitors and benzodiazepines inhibited the adenosine uptake systems in both astrocytes and neurons with IC50 values in the high nanomolar or the micromolar range and the rank order of potency was similar in the two cell types. In both cell types the (–) isomers of two sets of benzodiazepine stereoisomers were more potent than the (+) isomers. Dixon analysis showed that dipyridamole, papaverine, hexobendine and chlordiazepoxide inhibited the adenosine uptake competitively and clonazepam noncompetitively in both cell types.  相似文献   

Nutrition utilization and by-product formation in cultured insect cells has been investigated in several insect cells and has been of great interest to cell culturists and physiologists. In this research the biochemical changes in embryonic and fat body primary cultures of silkworm, Bombyx mori, have been compared. TC-100 medium supplemented with 10% and 20% FBS was used in embryonic and fat body primary cultures, respectively. Medium was renewed every week and the amount of glucose, uric acid, urea, total protein and alkaline phosphatase were measured in the samples from medium of primary cultures using spectrophotometeric methods. All biochemical macromolecules except uric acid showed significant changes. Glucose decreased in embryonic tissues, while in fat body culture its amount increased. Urea accumulation in embryonic culture was higher than in the fat body cultures. Since urea is a by-product, this accumulation could be due to higher utilization of amino acids. Total protein showed considerable changes and was consumed by embryonic culture more than the fat body' s. Alkaline phosphatase showed stronger activity in embryonic cells.  相似文献   

Wax esters are produced in certain bacteria as a potential carbon and energy storage compound. The final enzyme in the biosynthetic pathway responsible for wax ester production is the bifunctional wax ester synthase/acyl-coenzyme A (acyl-CoA):diacylglycerol acyltransferase (WS/DGAT), which utilizes a range of fatty alcohols and fatty acyl-CoAs to synthesize the corresponding wax ester. We report here the isolation and substrate range characterization for five WS/DGAT enzymes from four different bacteria: Marinobacter aquaeolei VT8, Acinetobacter baylyi, Rhodococcus jostii RHA1, and Psychrobacter cryohalolentis K5. The results from kinetic studies of isolated enzymes reveal a differential activity based on the order of substrate addition and reveal subtle differences between the substrate selectivity of the different enzymes. These in vitro results are compared to the wax ester and triacylglyceride product profiles obtained from each organism grown under neutral lipid accumulating conditions, providing potential insights into the role that the WS/DGAT enzyme plays in determining the final wax ester products that are produced under conditions of nutrient stress in each of these bacteria. Further, the analysis revealed that one enzyme in particular from M. aquaeolei VT8 showed the greatest potential for future study based on rapid purification and significantly higher activity than was found for the other isolated WS/DGAT enzymes. The results provide a framework to test prospective differences between these enzymes for potential biotechnological applications such as high-value petrochemicals and biofuel production.  相似文献   

Spontaneous cell transformation is a common feature of all murine cell cultures grown in vitro for extended periods of time. During early passages, these cultures show either progressively reduced growth or complete cessation of growth; after such a 'crisis' they display increasing growth rates and unlimited lifespan. Here we use a novel bromodeoxyuridine/Hoechst flow-cytometric technique to examine the growth response of diploid and transformed cells of the murine species Micromys minutus under a variety of growth conditions. After spontaneous transformation, growth factor exposure results in increased G0/G1 cell recruitment and higher growth rates than shown by the nontransformed diploid cell fraction. Despite clonal heterogeneity, this difference is seen at all fetal calf serum (FCS) concentrations, although it is most pronounced with low serum. Epidermal growth factor and insulin are shown to act synergistically and promote growth equal to exposures of transformed cultures to 10% FCS. The observed differences in growth factor response between diploid and aneuploid cells could explain the reported lack of a classical growth crisis in growth factor-supplemented media during the spontaneous in vitro transformation of primary cell cultures.  相似文献   

Biosynthesis, release, and uptake of carnosine in primary cultures   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Biosynthesis, release, and uptake of carnosine (beta-alanyl-L-histidine) in highly enriched primary cell cultures of skeletal muscle and CNS tissue have been investigated. The synthesis is restricted to muscle cells, oligodendrocytes, and ensheathing cells of olfactory bulb and increases during differentiation of these cells. Astrocytes, in contrast, do not synthesize carnosine but are equipped with a dipeptide transporter by which carnosine is taken up very efficiently.  相似文献   

The influence of hyperthermia on the cellular growth and protein synthesis pattern from primary human brain tumour cells and skin fibroblasts was compared with established and experimentally transformed tumour cell lines. Primary cell cultures did not show any visible morphological changes after 42 degrees C treatment, whereas in immortalized cell lines usually 90% of the cells were found in suspension. Enhanced expression of the major heat shock protein (hsp 70) was found in all heat-treated cells. In contrast to the primary cell cultures, established and transformed cell lines synthesized a protein with an apparent molecular mass of 70 kDa and an isoelectric pH of 7.0 as early as 3 h after the initial hyperthermal treatment.  相似文献   

The uptake of the neuroactive sulphur amino acids -cysteine sulphinate, -cysteate, -homocysteine sulphinate and -homocysteate was investigated in astrocytes cultured from the prefrontal cortex; in neurons, cultured from cerebral cortex; and, in granule cells, cultured from cerebellum. It was shown that each amino acid acted as a substrate for a plasma membrane transporter in both neurons and astrocytes. Astrocytes and neurons exhibited a high-affinity uptake for -cysteine sulphinate and -cysteate with Km values ranging from 14–100 μM, and a low-affinity uptake for -homocysteine sulphinate and -homocysteate, with Km values ranging from 225–1210 μM. The uptake of all transmitter candidates studied was partially sodium-dependent. This sodium-dependency was most evident at low (< 100 μM) concentrations of each substrate. The apparent uptake measured in the absence of sodium was included as a component in corrections made for non-saturable influx. With the exception of -cysteine sulphinate, uptake of each sulphur amino acid was greatest in astrocytes, with Vmax values ranging between 15–32 nmol min−1 mg−1 cell protein. Moreover, the uptake of each sulphur amino acid in cerebellar granule cells (Vmax values ranging between 10–25 nmol min−1 mg−1 cell protein) was consistently greater than that in cerebral cortex neurons (Vmax values ranging between 1.5–6 nmol min−1 mg−1 cell protein).  相似文献   

The uptake of labeled inorganic phosphate into primary rabbit kidney proximal tubule cells has been examined. Phosphate was accumulated into the primary proximal tubule cells against a concentration gradient. This accumulation was sensitive to inhibition by metabolic inhibitors. The dependence of phosphate uptake on the extracellular phosphate concentration was examined. Similarities were observed between primary proximal tubule cells and the LLC-PK1 cell line in these regards. These phosphate uptake data were then plotted on a Lineweaver-Burke plot. A nonlinear plot was obtained, which suggested that phosphate uptake occurs by means of a Na+ dependent, carrier mediated process, as well as by another Na+ independent mechanism. The pH dependence of phosphate uptake was also examined. Unlike previous observations with LLC-PK1 cells, optimal phosphate uptake occurred at pH 6.5. However, this difference between the two cell culture systems may possibly be explained by differences in uptake conditions. The dependence of phosphate uptake on the extracellular NaCl concentration was examined at three different pH values. The rate of phosphate uptake at pH 7.0 was observed to saturate at a lower NaCl concentration than at either pH 6.0 or pH 6.5. Furthermore, the optimal rate of phosphate uptake at pH 7.0 was observed to be higher than at the other two pH values studied when the NaCl concentration was below 120 mM. However, when the NaCl concentration was raised to 150 mM, optimal phosphate was observed to occur at pH 6.5 rather than at pH 7.0. These observations may be explained if the pH affects not only the rate of phosphate uptake but also the affinity of the phosphate uptake system for sodium. Phosphate uptake was also observed to be sensitive to several agents, Na2 X SO4 and NaSCN, which affect the membrane potential. As observed with phosphate uptake by LLC-PK1 (and renal brush border membrane vesicles), phosphate uptake was highly sensitive to inhibition by the phosphate analogue arsenate. Novel observations were that the phosphate analogue vanadate and its cellular metabolite vanadyl stimulated the initial rate of phosphate uptake.  相似文献   

Several aspects of energy metabolism (glucose utilization, lactate production,14CO2 production from labeled glucose, glutamate or pyruvate, oxygen consumption and contents of ATP and phosphocreatine) were measured in cerebellar granule cells (glutamatergic) in primary cultures and compared with corresponding data for cerebral cortical neurons (mainly GABA-ergic) and astrocytes. Cerebellar granule cells and astrocytes were metabolically more active than cerebral cortical neurons. Glutamate which is utilized as a major metabolic fuel as astrocytes and, to a lesser extent, in cerebral cortical neurons, was virtually not oxidized in cerebellar granule cells.Special Issue dedicated to Prof. Holger Hydén.  相似文献   

Summary The uptake of carbohydrates and oxygen by cell suspension cultures of the plant Eschscholtzia californica (California poppy) was studied in relation to biomass production in shake flasks, a 1-1 stirred-tank bioreactor and a 1-1 pneumatically agitated bioreactor. The sequence of carbohydrate uptake was similar in all cases, with sucrose hydrolysis occurring followed by the preferential uptake of glucose. The uptake of fructose was found to be affected by the oxygen supply rate. Carbohydrate utilization occurred at a slower rate in the bioreactors. Apparent biomass yields, Y X/S, ranged from 0.42 to 0.50 g biomass/g carbohydrate, while true biomass yields, Y X/S, were about 0.69 g/g. The maintenance coefficient for carbohydrate, m S, ranged between 0.002 and 0.008 g/dry weight (DW) per hour. The maximum measured specific oxygen uptake rate was 0.56 mmol O2/g DW per hour and occurred early in the growth stage. The decline in specific uptake rate coincided with a decline in cell viability. The oxygen uptake rate was faster in shake flasks, corresponding to the higher growth rate obtained. The true growth yield on oxygen, YX/O2, was calculated to range from 0.83 to 1.23 g biomass/g O2, while the maintenance coefficient, mO2, ranged from 0.15 to 0.25 mmol O2/g DW per hour. The growth yields for oxygen determined from the stoichiometry of an elemental balance were within 10% of those calculated from experimental data. Offprint requests to: Raymond L. Legge  相似文献   

Organelle translocation in a number of cell types in tissue culture as seen by high-resolution Zeiss-Nomarski differential interference contrast optics was filmed and analyzed by computer. Principal cell types studied included primary chick spinal cord, chick dorsal root ganglion, ratbrain, and various clones of continuous cell lines. Organelle translocations in all cell types studied exhibited frequent, large changes in velocity during any one translocation. The appearance of particles as seen with Nomarski optics was correlated with their fine structures in one dorsal root ganglion neurite by fixing the cell as it was being filmed and obtaining electron micrographs of the region filmed. This revealed the identity of several organelles as well as the presence of abundant neurotubules but no neurofilaments. Primary cell cultures exhibited more high-velocity organelle movements than continuous cell lines. The net progress of an organelle in a given direction was greater in primary neuronal cells than in fibroblasts or continuous cell lines. These findings are correlated with the literature on organelle translocation and axoplasmic transport.  相似文献   

M Chessebeuf  P Padieu 《In vitro》1984,20(10):780-795
Rat liver epithelial cells explanted in a serum-free medium (SFM) composed of Ham's F10 basal medium plus free fatty acids adsorbed on bovine albumin gave successful rise to primary cultures and then to long-term cell lines that expressed liver functions; induction of L-tyrosine aminotransferase by glucocorticoids, hepatic pattern of progesterone metabolism, and biosynthesis of murine primary bile acids; chenodeoxycholic and cholic acid common to higher vertebrates and alpha-muricholic acid specific of the rat bile.  相似文献   

Thorotrast (colloidal ThO2) is incorporated into coated vesicles, various agranular vesicles and sacs, and a surface-associated system of membranous channels in times as short as 1 min by single cultured glial and heart cells. Thorotrast appears in ‘C’-shaped bodies and in small, dense bodies of the lysosomal series within ca. 25 min. With longer chase periods, thorotrast ‘clears’ from all cytoplasmic organelles except the lysosomal series. The technique of applying thorotrast and using varying chase periods fails to distinguish a class of membranous organelles, located close to the cell periphery, that might serve as a source of new cell surface during locomotory activity. Similarly, thorotrast (colloidal ThO2) is incorporated into almost all classes of membrane-bounded organelles of growth cones and axons of single nerve cells in vitro in times as short as 1 min. This includes elements of the smooth endoplasmic reticulum. No thorotrast enters the lysosomal granules in this short time. During various chase periods, the tracer disappears from the initial sites of incorporation and accumulates in dense bodies of the lysosome series within growth cones and axons. ‘C’-shaped bodies may be an intermediate in that process. No unique sites of endocytotic activity or of a complete absence of endocytosis were observed that could be correlated with growth cone function and axonal elongation, though the presence of the tracer in agranular sacs of the smooth endoplasmic reticulum in growth cones could reflect hypothesized cycling of cell surface (Bray, 1973).  相似文献   

Astrocytes have been proposed to regulate the extracellular space in the brain, even if rather little is known about their specific functions. One possibility for obtaining more knowledge on the functions of astroglial cells is to examine how they respond on exposure to pharmacological agents. Na+-valproate is an anticonvulsive drug which is used in the treatment of several types of epilepsy. The mechanisms of action of the drug are not fully understood, but the GABA-ergic system, both in neurons and astrocytes, has been shown to be affected. In the present study, the effects of valproate were investigated on astroglial cells in primary cultures from newborn rat cerebral cortex. The transport of the drug itself and its effects on the transport of the amino acid transmitters glutamate, aspartate and -aminobutyric acid (GABA) into astrocytes were examined. The [3H]valproate transport into the astrocytes was increased after exposure tol-glutamate but notl-aspartate. On the other hand, after acute exposure for the drug, the transport of [3H]l-glutamate and [3H]l-aspartate decreased, as also did the affinity but not the transport capacity for the [3H]GABA uptake. However, after 5 days chronic valproate exposure, no effects could be seen on the uptake kinetics ofl-glutamate orl-aspartate. For GABA, the affinity decreased, while the transport capacity remained unchanged compared with controls. The results showed that valproate, glutamate, aspartate and GABA were capable of interacting significantly with each others transport into the astrocytes.  相似文献   

Renal cell carcinoma (RCC) is one of the most lethal urogenital cancers and effective treatment of metastatic RCC remains an elusive target. Cell lines enable the in vitro investigation of molecular and genetic changes leading to renal carcinogenesis and are important for evaluating cellular drug response or toxicity. This study details a fast and easy protocol of establishing epithelial and fibroblast cell cultures or cell lines concurrently from renal cancer nephrectomy tissue. The protocol involves mechanical disaggregation, collagenase digestion and cell sieving for establishing epithelial cells while fibroblast cells were grown from explants. This protocol has been modified from previous published reports with additional antibiotics and washing steps added to eliminate microbial contamination from the surgical source. Cell characterisation was carried out using immunofluorescence and quantitative polymerase chain reaction. Eleven stable epithelial renal tumour cell lines of various subtypes, including rare subtypes, were established with a spontaneous immortalisation rate of 21.6% using this protocol. Eight fibroblast cell cultures grew successfully but did not achieve spontaneous immortalisation. Cells of epithelial origin expressed higher expressions of epithelial markers such as pan‐cytokeratin, cytokeratin 8 and E‐cadherin whereas fibroblast cells expressed high α‐smooth muscle actin. Further mutational analysis is needed to evaluate the genetic or molecular characteristics of the cell lines.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to compare the excitability and contractility of three-dimensional skeletal muscle constructs, termed myooids, engineered from C2C12 myoblast and 10T1/2 fibroblast cell lines, primary muscle cultures from adult C3H mice, and neonatal and adult Sprague-Dawley rats. Myooids were 12 mm long, with diameters of 0.1-1 mm, were excitable by transverse electrical stimulation, and contracted to produce force. After approximately 30 days in culture, myooid cross-sectional area, rheobase, chronaxie, resting baseline force, twitch force, time to peak tension, one-half relaxation time, and peak isometric force were measured. Specific force was calculated by dividing peak isometric force by cross-sectional area. The specific force generated by the myooids was 2-8% of that generated by skeletal muscles of control adult rodents. Myooids engineered from C2C12-10T1/2 cells exhibited greater rheobase, time to peak tension, and one-half relaxation time than myooids engineered from adult rodent cultures, and myooids from C2C12-10T1/2 and neonatal rat cells had greater resting baseline forces than myooids from adult rodent cultures.  相似文献   

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